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Electrical and Wind Energy Coordination System for Vehicles Rajeev Kumar Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1324, 140 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3526177 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing LLC.
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Electrical and Wind Energy Coordination System for Vehicles Rajeev Kumar Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India Abstract—Nowadays, policies are being developed in many countries in order to decrease their greenhouse gases emissions. While in this area some technologies are widely installed (hydro and solar energy), other ones, like the Wind energy could get an important role in the medium and long term. Coal, gas, diesel, atomic etc. are the basic Natural source of energy. The uses of these sources are also harmful to the nature because they produce the different types of pollution. On the other hand hydro and wind energy are Clean, Green, renewable energy and pollution free sources. Now a day’s most of the Company manufactures the hybrid vehicles with the coordination. But they are suffering lot of limitation like the speed of the vehicle and travel distance by the vehicle. So here we have proposed the Electrical and wind energy coordination (EWEC) system. This system is highly useful to improve the overall performance of hybrid vehicle. This system is also 100% pollution free.
the long term effects of global warming and what the I. INTRODUCTION best course of action to counter those effects would be. The wind energy is a by product of solar energy. Three large sites where this happens, for example, Approximately 2% of the sun’s energy reaching the are: the Altamont Pass in Northern California between earth is converted into wind energy. The surface of the the San Francisco East Bay Area and the Central Valley; earth heats and cools unevenly, creating atmospheric the Tehachapi Pass between the Central Valley at pressure zones that make air flow from high to low Bakersfield and the Mohave Desert; and the Whitewater pressure areas. Pass in Southern California near Palms Springs [2] The first known used of wind dates back 5,000 years According the Newton force low, when the vehicle to Egypt, where boats used sails to travel from shore to move in any one direction then there is a force applied shore. The first true wind mill, a machine with vanes on the vehicle in the opposition direction or we produce attached to an axis to produce circular motion, may have the wind and the wind velocity is depend upon our been built as early as 2000B.C. moving speed. This wind energy is used to rotate the three blades of the turbine. This turbine is connected to In ancient Babylon by the 10 century A.D., windmills the drive electrical generator by horizontal axis. The of with wind-catching surfaces having 16 feet length and blade rotations is parallel to the wind flow because the 30 feet height were grinding grain in the areas in eastern shaft is vertical, the transmission and generator can be Iran and Afghanistan. mounted at ground level allowing easier servicing and a Energy, clean, green, and renewable is top priorities. lighter weight, lower cost. This generator provides the The electricity production using wind power is a perfect electricity to charge storage batteries, operate radio fit. Wind is air set in motion naturally. According to receivers, cell phone, and Vehicle interior light and Air Evangelista Torricelli, who first gave the correct conditioning system. scientific explanation in the mid 1600s, “…winds are produced by differences of air Temperature, and hence II. TURBINE TECHNOLOGY density, between two regions of the earth.” The sun Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into heats the earth unevenly because of differences in earth electricity. This is achieved using wind turbines, which surfaces. The earth’s rotation is also a key factor in wind convert the wind kinetic energy into electrical energy as production. [1] follows: The energy crisis of the mid 1970’s gave rise to a 1. Wind turns propeller-like blades around a rotor. sudden and intense interest in the development of wind power. The cry then, as now, was to decrease our 2. The rotor, which is made up of the blades and hub, dependence on foreign oil. During the 1980’s people causes a low-speed shaft to turn at approximately 30-60 began to realize that the increased use of fossil fuels was rotations per minute (rpm). affecting world wide climate. There was a debate 3. The low-speed shaft connects to a 2- or 3- stage between scientists as to whether the effect of an speed-increasing gearbox that connects it to a highincreased presence of carbon compounds in the speed shaft and increases the rpm to approximately atmosphere would lead to ‘nuclear winter’ or global 1000-1800 rpm. This is the rotational speed most warming. By the 1990’s the preponderance of evidence generators require to produce electricity. showed that global warming was the likely result of 4. FIRST The high-speed shaftPAPER drives a generator. CREDIT LINE (BELOW) TO BE INSERTED ON THE PAGE OF EACH current energy usage. The debate changed to calculating CP1324, International Conference on Methods and Models in Science and Technology (ICM2ST-10) edited by R. B. Patel and B. P. Singh © 2010 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0879-1/10/$30.00
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5. The generator produces electricity. The process of converting wind power to electricity is clean, environmentally sound and, as long as the sun keeps shining and winds are created, completely renewable. There are three proposed wind energy conversion systems considered nowadays:
horizontal axis-turbine (20%). Besides, the Gorlov turbine always turns in the same direction, regardless what the stream direction is, with higher versatility in energy conversion [5] [6].
A. Venturi effect tidal device It is based on the Rochester Venturi device, developed by Hydro Venturi and installed in the north of England. This system consists of an open venturi tube, which uses the venturi effect to accelerate the water flow. While the water is accelerated, a pressure reduction is generated in the most constricted point, under atmospheric pressure. Subsequently, the pressure gradient force (from high to low pressure) is used to move a conventional turbine inside the tube which is connected with the constricted point [3]. B. Horizontal axis turbine They look to wind turbines, and can be installed either vehicle-mounted .The extractable energy depends on the rotor diameter and current speed (figure 1)
Figure 2. Inside a Wind Turbine [1]
WIND ENERGY RECOVERY AND VELOCITY ENHANCEMENT SYSTEM The Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system is a horizontal shaft wind turbine housed inside a solar chimney. The chimney is open all around the front end, flared out, and raised up such that the cross sectional area of the opening, from any direction, is some multiple of the cross sectional area at the throat of the chimney. At the front end a wind deflector turns ground level wind up into the chimney. The tapered walls act to collimate and integrate the air flow through the blades. The blades are mounted horizontal in the throat of the chimney. In the throat, the air pressure and velocity increase due to the restriction of the throat itself and the backpressure of the blades. Above the blades is an expansion chamber where the air stream passing through the blades suddenly expands, lowering the air pressure above the blades. Ring deflectors around the top of the chimney turn any wind blowing over the top of the chimney, up. The deflectors also catch the air rising up the outside of the chimney and send it up and over the top opening. The action of the air rising up away from the top opening drops the pressure above the blades further due to the venturi effect. The Front Exterior view of Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system is shown in figure.3. [7]
Figure 1. Extractable power with a 30% average performance (CEC, 1996) [4]
They may have pitch-controlled blades depending on the stream flow. 10-15 m diameter and 200-700 kW rated power turbines, are probably the most economic overall solution for first generation devices [4] C. Vertical axis turbine In these turbines, the stream flow is perpendicular to the rotational axis and they are also similar to their wind homologues (Darrieus). However, in Darrieus turbines the rectilinear blade design produced efficiency but instability at the same time, with high tendency to rupture due to vibrations. After some laboratory tests, it was concluded that using helicoids blades (Gorlov turbine) the vibrations problem is solved and therefore the rupture risk problem. Another important advantage of Gorlov turbine is the amount of energy extracted from the tidal stream (35%), compared with rectilinear blade Darrieus turbine (23%) and with the conventional
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The Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system combines four different physical principles to produce and amplify its own wind. The first and most obvious effect is of the wind-scoops at the bottom of the structure which capture and redirect the natural wind up into the chimney. Because the capture area is some multiple larger than the narrow upper portion of the chimney the wind velocity is increased proportionately through the throat. This is known as the wind tunnel effect. For example, if the wind-scoop captures a volume four times the volume of the upper portion of the chimney then the wind velocity will be increased by a factor of four through the blades; but in this case it is not the wind velocity that is being amplified, rather it is the wind pressure that is created inside the chimney. The second principle at work in the windmill is known as the chimney effect. A properly erected chimney creates its own draft, i.e. wind. By coating the outside of the chimney with an IR absorbing paint this natural draft can be increased. The windmill in fact becomes a solar collector that works even on a cloudy day. The warmer the day gets the more draft will be created. Because of the wind tunnel design, the draft velocity will be amplified past the blades as with a natural wind. The third principle is the venturi effect. There is a second draft created that rises up the outside of the chimney. As the air immediately surrounding the skin of the chimney is heated, it rises. Around the top of the chimney the exterior ring deflector has a gap opening out over the top of the chimney opening. This acts like a venturi jet. The lower ring funnels the rising air into the capture area of the upper ring and deflects any natural wind up into the upper ring. As the air travels up past and over the opening at the top it creates a low pressure condition inside the expansion chamber. Any exterior natural wind adds to the venturi effect at the top of the chimney. The difference in pressure between the top and the bottom of the windmill amplifies the draft inside the chimney; this is third effect at work in the Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system. The forth principle at work in the windmill is wind integration, or smoothing. Because of the relatively large capture area at the bottom verses the throat area and the backpressure of the blades themselves, short term wind gusts and eddies are normalized out. The inertial properties of the blades and rotor are still in play as in a conventional windmill but the blades are not being buffeted from the wrong directions by wind shifts. The wind only comes from one direction, straight up, improving energy capture efficiencies. It is important to note that these four principles work together to create a pressure differential between the top and the bottom of the throat of the chimney. The blades themselves help to increase this difference. The presence of natural wind is only important in the sense that it can be used to increase the pressure differential.[7]
Figure 3. Exterior View of Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system [7]
This system is purposed for maximum wind collection after the consideration of all the aerodynamic limitations. Which is followed by all the vehicle manufactures that the front of the vehicles must be as small as possible and in the aerodynamic shape. So we have attached a hollow pipe at the front of the vehicle and in the same shape of the engine. One end of this pipe is in the shape of the vehicle front and another end in the circular shape. As shown in figure 4. Front End (entrance section) of the hollow chimney is the air collection end and Back End (throat) is the turbine end. At this section the velocity is maximum and the pressure is minimum.
Figure 4. Front View of Wind collection system
The front end cross section area A1 is highly greater than the turbine end A2 of the pipe. IV. CALCULATIONS Draft is a function of air pressure differential between the opening at the Front and the opening at the End of a
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chimney. In a traditional chimney, the difference in air pressure is strictly a function of temperature change and height. The formula for computing traditional chimney draft is given by: [7]
vi) The density
p1 p2 V12 − V22 − = ---------------- (1) w1 w2 2g
Draft = 0.52 P L ∆T
The continuity relation for the flow situation is
Where: P = atmospheric pressure in PSI absolute (external, ground level) H = Length of the chimney ∆T = internal verses external air temperature difference When the fluid or gas flows through the closed conduits (i.e., Pipes) the fluid accelerates and a reduction in the pressure occurs. Wind flow rate = Product of velocity and area, i.e. Wind flow rate (Q) = AV Here the Velocity is also depends on the vehicle speed. The energy at any section comprises the internal energy (u), flow work ( pv or p ), kinetic energy
⎛V ⎜⎜ ⎝ 2
⎞ and gravitational potential energy ⎟⎟ ⎠
(gh ) .
ρ is replaced by specific weight, i.e, w = ρg , we get
m = ρ1 A1V1 = ρ 2 A2V2 , Where ρ1 = ρ 2 = ρ
A V1 = ⎛⎜ 2 ⎞⎟V2 , and ⎝ A1 ⎠
V2 =
1 1 − ⎛⎜ A2 ⎞⎟ ⎝ A1 ⎠
( p1 − p2 ) ρ
Kinetic Energy = ½ mV22 Work done = product of force and displacement V.
BLOCK DIAGRAM OF WIND ENERGY UTILIZATION SYSTEM Block Diagram of wind energy Utilization system shown in the figure 5. It gives the detail operational information of the Electrical and wind energy coordination system for vehicles. In this system air is entering as an Input in the Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system. The velocity of the entering air is depends upon the running speed of the vehicle. There is a turbine in Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system. This turbine is connected to the Generator and it work as a primary mover of the generator. Generator may supply vehicle driver motor, Radio receivers, Cell phone charger, interior light, air conditioning system, and Storage Battery of the vehicle.
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, in symbolic form we can write: ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ p V2 p V2 m1 ⎢u1 + 1 + 1 + gh1 + q⎥ = m2 ⎢u2 + 2 + 2 + gh2 + ws ⎥ ρ 2 ρ 2 2 1 ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ Each term in the brackets is expressed per unit mass. The symbols used in above equation have the following meanings and units: m = fluid mass flow in certain time, u = internal energy, p = static pressure, v =specific volume, V = average flow velocity, h = elevation of centre of fluid above datum, g = local acceleration due to a gravity, q= heat entering the system, and
ws =work output from the system We have made the following assumption for ease of analysis and for getting simplified results: [11] i) The fluid flow process is adiabatic, i.e., there is no transfer of heat across the system boundaries (q = 0) ii) No mechanical work is done on or by the fluid (ws = 0)
Figure 5. Block Diagram for wind energy utilization system
iii) The process is frictionless, i.e. u1 = u2
VI. DISCUSSION The most of the wind energy system are suffered by the following designs:
iv) Take h1 = h2 that’s why gravity forces can be neglected. v) There is steady flow of fluid, i.e. m1 = m2
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Current windmills operate in a narrow wind velocity band, usually 8 to 12 miles per hour. ¾ Unstable energy generation due to variations in wind speed and direction. ¾ Raptors and other birds killed by flying into the spinning blades. ¾ Wind farms and their associated issues. First this system is mounted on the vehicles and most of the vehicles are travel on the 40-50 miles per hour so this system is not bond for narrow wind velocity band. Secondly most of the vehicles travel at the high speed so this system is wind speed and direction free. Thirdly due to the high travel speed of the vehicle the turbine of this may be small which can be covered by the wires cover easily. It means this system is safe for the Raptors and other birds killed by flying into the spinning blades. Fourthly this system is mounted on the vehicles so there is no need of the wind farm and their associated issues. Now a day’s most of the hybrid Vehicle manufacturers like Hyundai, Hero Honda are suffering from lot of limitation like speed of the vehicle and travel distance by the vehicle. This is depending on the battery capacity. On the other hand the tapping current affect back-up period and the age of the battery. This system is helpful to supply driver motor directly as well as via battery so to produce the more torque up to a limit. i.e., this system is helpful to increase the speed of the vehicle. As we have discussed above this system supply to the Radio receivers, Cell phone charger, interior light, air conditioning system and recharge the battery continuously so that this system also increase the battery back-up i.e. the vehicle can travel for the more distance. This system is highly useful for that type of hybrid vehicle. VII.
This paper also analyzes a brief description of the general characteristics of Wind Energy Recovery and Velocity Enhancement system for hybrid vehicles. Finally, a comparative analysis is done to get an idea about the state-of-the-art of the wind energy conversion systems. This system is compact from the other wind mills and may be free from most of the design problems of the other wind mills. This system is highly useful to improve the overall performance of hybrid vehicles. REFERENCES [1] [2]
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