set by Saul Dushman's work, Scientific. Foundations of Vacuum Technique, published in 1949 and revised in 1962. This textbook would be a valuable re-.
new polymer, or polymers blended with non-polymeric fillers, such as glass or carbon fiber. The reasons for blending polymers include higher performance through synergism, to achieve desired properties, to aid the recycling process, to adjust a composition to customer specifications, and to dilute for reduced cost. This book is broken down into three sections dealing with multicomponent polymers. The first section, “Basic Concepts in Multicomponent Polymer Materials,” describes the science of both polymer blends and composites, where polymers are combined with other polymers as well as non-polymeric materials. The physical characteristics of multicomponent systems are detailed, some of which include: blending and grafting, determining domain size and structure, phase transitions, Takayanagi models, miscibility, methods of causing phase separation, and fracture behavior. Section I1 describes classes of polymer surfaces and interfaces and methods for characterizing the interface and means for strengthening the interface. Also detailed are the surfaces of advanced and composite systems that include filler treatments, carbon fiber, plasma treatment, and carbon black fillers. The third section covers rubber toughening of engineering plastics, such as HIPS, ABS, PVC, PC, HDPE, and epoxies, to name a few. An appendix of polymer abbreviations is also included. The book is well written and is easy to read and contains very useful information in the area of developing engineering polymer blends from either multicomponent polymers and or non-polymeric fillers.
tems, including vacuum, gas, liquid, solid, and composite materials. After a brief introduction to the dielectric properties of materials, there are chapters related to specific types of insulation materials, such as gas dielectrics, air, SF6, liquid dielectrics, solid dielectrics, vacuum dielectrics, and composite dielectrics. Particular issues related to high voltage cable are discussed in a separate chapter. Testing methods are discussed in the final three chapters on generation and measurement of testing voltages, new diagnostic techniques, such as automated testing, optical probes, and space charge measurement, and insulation test procedures. This book is a good collection in one place of the basic information in this area and should be useful to practicing engineers as well as to students learning about the field. -K. E Schoch,]K
Edited by J.M. Lafferty John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Ave. NewYork, NY 10158-0012 728 pages - $150 (hardback) Numerous analytical material characterization techniques rely on vacuum systems as well as plasma process techniques, laboratory experiments, high energy accelerators, freeze drying of food and drugs, x-ray tubes, and even commercial products, such as vacuum interrupters. Basic knowledge of vacuum techniques is thus a prerequisite to working in the field. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the entire vacuum field, from the fundamental theory of kinetic gas flow to ultra high vacuum and numerous kinds of vacuum ELECTRICAL [NSULATION pumps, including “dry” pumps that IN POWER SYSTEMS produce a “clean vacuum” free of hydrocarbons. While all this material is by N. H. Malik, A. A. Al-Arainy, and new, the book follows in the tradition M. I. Qureshi set by Saul Dushman’s work, Scientific Marcel Dekker, Inc. Foundations of Vacuum Technique, 270 Madison Ave. published in 1949 and revised in 1962. New York, NY 10016-0602 This textbook would be a valuable re400 pages - $145 This book is one of the few recent source to anyone involved in vacuum texts dealing with the broad range of in- technology at any level. Appendices sulation materials used in power sys- contain useful information on the vapor
July/AugUSt 1998-Vv0l. 14,NO. 4
pressure of various solid and liquid elements. Sections on calibrating pressure gauges, outgassing rates, and designing high vacuum systems were of particular interest. The table of pressure conversion factors to other units is very useful when dealing with the numerous pressure units. This advanced text could useful to scientists and engineers working in the area of vacuum technology.
ELECTRONICS FUNDAMENTALS ( 4 T H EDITION) by Thomas L. Floyd Prentice-Hall One Lake Street Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 940 pages - $75 This revised edition offers practical coverage of basic electronic concepts and circuits, including significant coverage of applications and troubleshooting. Divided into three sections, the first section on dc circuits covers components and units, voltage- current-resistance, Ohm’s law- energy- power, series circuits, parallel circuits, series-parallel circuits, and magnetism and electromagnetism. The second section on ac circuits covers an introduction to ac and voltage, capacitors, inductors, transformers, RC circuits, RL circuits, RLC circuits and resonance, and pulse response of reactive circuits. The third section on devices covers an introduction to semiconductors, diodes, transistors and thyristors, amplifiers and oscillators, operational amplifiers, and the basic operations of operational amplifiers. Several useful appendices are included on standard resistor values, circuit breadboarding and measurements, capacitor color coding, and a glossary. -C. Harper
RHEOLOGY OF POLYMERIC SYSTEMS by Pierre J. Carreau, Daniel C. R. DeKee, and Raj l? Chhabra Hanser-Gardner Publications 6915 Valley Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45244-9972 520 pages - $197.50 The rheological properties of polymers, particularly viscosity and flow characteristics, are important in the 42