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Electrification of Stratiform Regions in Mesoscale Convective Systems. Part II: Two-Dimensional Numerical Model Simulations of a Symmetric MCS TERRY J. SCHUUR*
Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (Manuscript received 14 December 1998, in final form 30 July 1999) ABSTRACT Model simulations of a symmetric mesoscale convective system (MCS; observations discussed in Part I) were conducted using a 2D, time-dependent numerical model with bulk microphysics. A number of charging mechanisms were considered based on various laboratory studies. The simulations suggest that noninductive ice–ice charge transfer in the low liquid water content regime, characteristic of MCS stratiform regions, is sufficient to account for observed charge density magnitudes, and as much as 70% of the total charge in the stratiform region. The remaining 30% is contributed by charge advection from the convective region. The strong role of in situ charging is consistent with previous water budget studies, which indicate that roughly 70% of the stratiform precipitation results from condensation in the mesoscale updraft. Thus both in situ charging and charge advection (the two previously identified hypotheses) appear to be important contributors to the electrical budget of the stratiform region. The simulations also indicate that once these charge densities are achieved, the sink of charge resulting from particle fallout becomes approximately equal to the rate of charge generation. This result is consistent with the quasi-steady layered structure that is commonly observed in these systems. Two noninductive charging parameterizations are tested and both are found to reproduce some of the observed stratiform charge structures. The evaporation–condensation charging and melting charging mechanisms are also investigated, but found to be insignificant.
1. Introduction Several observational studies have investigated the charge structure of mesoscale convective system (MCS) stratiform regions (e.g., Rutledge and MacGorman 1988; Rutledge et al. 1990; Engholm et al. 1990; Schuur et al. 1991; Hunter et al. 1992; Marshall and Rust 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994; Schuur and Rutledge 2000, hereafter SR). From these studies, two specific hypotheses to explain stratiform charge structure have emerged: 1) advection of charge from the convective line and 2) local charge generation within the stratiform region. In Part I (SR) we examined and compared the kinematic, microphysical, and electrical data of two MCSs: one symmetric system and one asymmetric system. Schuur and Rutledge concluded that the MCS’s kinematic and microphysical differences played an important role in producing the observed electrical dif-
* Current affiliation: NOAA/ERL/National Severe Storms Laboratory, and Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, Norman, Oklahoma. Corresponding author address: Dr. Terry J. Schuur, National Severe Storms Laboratory, 1313 Halley Circle, Norman, OK 73069. E-mail:
[email protected]
q 2000 American Meteorological Society
ferences. However, the available data did not allow SR to quantitatively address the two specific electrification mechanisms in detail. To further address these mechanisms, a numerical modeling study was undertaken. While several modeling studies (e.g., Helsdon and Farley 1987; Ziegler et al. 1986, 1991; Norville et al. 1991; Randell et al. 1994; Solomon and Baker 1994; Ziegler and MacGorman 1994) have examined the effectiveness of noninductive charge transfer in convection, only one so far has addressed noninductive charge transfer in low liquid water content (LWC) clouds (Rutledge et al. 1990). In this study we refer to charge transfer during ice–ice collisions, as described by Takahashi (1978) and Saunders et al. (1991), as noninductive charging mechanisms. Other microphysical charging mechanisms are also noninductive in that they do not require the presence of a preexisting electric field for significant charging to occur. In order to avoid confusion, however, the two other charging mechanisms investigated by this study will be referred to as evaporation–condensation charging (Dong and Hallett 1992) and melting charging (Drake 1968). In this study we first describe the dynamical, microphysical, and electrical components of the numerical model. We then present microphysical and electrical ‘‘control’’ runs, based on the most realistic model initialization fields available. These results are then com-
FIG. 1. Schematic of the model domain. Convective line hydrometeor, heating, and electrical profiles are specified within the buffer zone region. (Adapted from Gallus 1993.)
pared to observations presented by SR for the symmetric MCS. A budget analysis that examines the relative contributions of charge advection and microphysical interactions occurring within the stratiform precipitation region is then presented. Finally, we discuss a series of model sensitivity studies. 2. Model description a. Model dynamics The dynamical framework of the numerical model used in this study is described in detail by Gallus and Johnson (1995). The model is two dimensional (aligned normal to the squall line in the x–z plane) and is therefore designed for specific application to the stratiform region of the more two-dimensional symmetric MCS structure. The convective line is parameterized at the model’s right boundary. We use horizontal and vertical grid spacings of 5 km and 400 m, respectively, and a time step of 15 s. This is depicted in Fig. 1, where the ‘‘buffer zone’’ (consisting of five grid points on the right side of the grid) represents the region where the convective line’s heating, microphysical, and charge profiles are specified. Gallus and Johnson (1995) found that including convective heating in the model simulations was necessary to develop mesoscale motions similar to those typically observed in symmetric MCSs. After a comparison with previous works (e.g., Braun and Houze 1996) and many model sensitivity runs, we elected to use a convective heating profile that had a slightly larger peak value (20 K h21 ) that was situated slightly lower in altitude [;5 km above mean sea level (MSL)] com-
pared to that used by Gallus and Johnson (1995). The convective heating profile used for these simulations is discussed further in appendix A (see Fig. A1). In general, the equations governing the model dynamics consist of a vorticity equation and a density weighted streamfunction that are solved at every time step, in the x–z plane, to obtain the two-dimensional (u and w) wind fields. Variations in the line-parallel direction are ignored. In addition, a thermodynamic energy equation for potential temperature is considered, which includes a source/sink term for diabatic heating resulting from phase changes. The simulations are run on a 65 3 41 (320 km by 16 km, Dx 5 5000 m and Dy 5 400 m) grid with the lowest grid level assumed to be at a height of 400 m MSL, which is typical of central Oklahoma. While this grid size has proved sufficient to simulate most aspects of MCS kinematic and microphysical evolution (e.g., Gallus and Johnson 1995), it is too small to contain the entire stratiform cloud region, especially at the latter stages of the simulation. Therefore, open radiative boundary conditions, following Orlanski (1976), are used at the vertical boundaries. In addition, Newtonian damping (i.e., a sponge layer) is applied to the upper three levels of the model to absorb vertically propagating gravity waves (e.g., Kreitzburg and Perkey 1977). Additional aspects of the model dynamics are discussed in detail by Gallus and Johnson (1995). It is not a goal of this study to model a specific MCS. Rather, we attempt to model the basic precipitation and kinematic features exhibited by typical symmetric MCSs and then, after ensuring its concomitant kinematic and microphysical structures are as realistic as possible, examining its electrical evolution. In general, the temperature and moisture initialization fields used in Gallus and Johnson (1995) have been adjusted slightly to represent somewhat cooler environmental conditions while maintaining the same lapse rate used in their simulations. The model winds were initialized with a horizontally homogeneous front-to-rear directed flow at all levels, with one speed maximum near the surface and a second, stronger maximum aloft. Once model integration begins, this results in hydrometeors being advected rearward and eventually, through dynamical feedbacks, the evolution of a two-dimensional mesoscale circulation that is quite similar to that exhibited by typical symmetric MCSs. b. Model microphysics Laboratory studies of microphysical charging indicate that the polarity and magnitude of charge transfer is sensitive to a variety of environmental and microphysical factors. Thus, particular care was taken to ensure that the model microphysics were realistic. In particular, an examination of the model results from Gallus and Johnson (1995) revealed that, while the model simulations were excellent in reproducing higher-moment
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microphysical characteristics such as rainfall and reflectivity (both of which are dominated by the largest hydrometeors in a distribution), they were relatively poor at reproducing microphysical characteristics that are important for charging (i.e., cloud liquid water content and ice concentrations). As a result, several changes were made to the model microphysics. Most notable was the addition of a prognostic equation for the number concentration of cloud ice. Additionally, several modifications were made to improve upon the prediction of cloud water. The model microphysics are described in appendix A. Electrical continuity equations and charging parameterizations are discussed in appendix B. 3. Numerical simulations We now discuss a series of model simulations that focus on understanding the relative contributions of 1) charge advection from the convective line and 2) noninductive charging. Evaporation–condensation and melting charging are also discussed. Though our goal is to model symmetric MCSs in general and not a specific MCS, the results of these simulations are compared against the symmetric MCS observations of SR. For the sake of brevity, we present only model output (both instantaneous and hourly averaged) from hour 3 of all simulations. A complete documentation of the model MCS charge structure at other analysis times can be found in Schuur (1997). a. Kinematic and microphysical structures of the control run The control run presented here (hereafter referred to as CTL) was determined to represent the most realistic kinematic and microphysical simulation attainable with the model. Hourly averaged reflectivity, horizontal wind, and vertical motion structures from CTL are depicted in Fig. 2. Qualitatively, the reflectivity (computed using only the snow/aggregate field) and kinematic structures exhibit many similarities to the observations discussed by SR (see their Fig. 19). The radar reflectivity data show a 60-km-wide bright band and peak values of ;45 dBZ; horizontal winds depict a system-relative, rear-to-front airflow situated below strong front-to-rear flow aloft (with peak velocity magnitudes of the two airflow regimes exceeding 5 and 20 m s21 , respectively). The corresponding vertical velocity structure consists of a broad region of mesoscale ascent located over a deep mesoscale downdraft, with the interface between the two situated in the 258 to 2108C temperature region. It is also interesting to note the deep descent located approximately 10–15 km behind the convective line, consistent with the observational data. The corresponding CTL snow/aggregate mixing ratio (g kg21 ), cloud liquid water content (g m23 ), and cloud ice concentration (L21 ) at hour 3 are depicted in Fig. 3. As snow advects rearward, the individual pulses in-
crease in mass by depositional growth and the collection of cloud water. In addition, a small amount of ice is converted to snow due to both collection and autoconversion. Given the smaller collection efficiencies used in this study (see section 2), and also because autoconversion has been modified to be dependent on predicted ice size rather than on a specific set mixing ratio threshold, these processes all occur at a much slower rate than in Gallus and Johnson (1995). Nevertheless, these processes combine to increase peak snow/aggregate mixing ratios by approximately 0.25 g kg21 . At upper levels, cloud ice quickly advects rearward with concentrations of between 500 and 5000 L21 . At lower levels, ice with an initial concentration of 300 L21 is slowly depleted by snow collection and replenished by fragmentation, eventually resulting in mixed-phase region concentrations of between 100 and 200 L21 . Given the small sizes and fallspeeds of the upper-level ice crystals, they typically do not fall into the mixed-phase region and are therefore unimportant to the charging process. The lower-level ice crystals, on the other hand, grow dramatically as they enter the mesoscale updraft, eventually reaching a maximum ice size of 400 mm (corresponding to the ice-to-snow autoconversion threshold). Even with the lower collection efficiencies used in the model, advected cloud water (with peak cloud water contents of .0.5 g m23 ) is quickly depleted in the stratiform region. Nevertheless, cloud water contents at locations 15–25 km behind the convective line and at T ø 2108C are between 0.15 and 0.25 g m23 , which is comparable to the ;0.2 g m23 measured at similar locations by SR P-3 aircraft penetrations. Since we do not have any aircraft measurements farther rearward in the stratiform cloud, however, we do not know whether the small LWCs predicted for those regions are realistic. b. Charge advection The first electrification process that we investigate is charge advection. For this simulation, we use the convective line charge initialization profile presented in Fig. B1, which (except for the absence of an upper-level negative screening layer) also is somewhat similar to the composite MCS convective line profile produced by Stolzenburg et al. (1998a). In this simulation, charge is allowed to advect rearward with all possible in situ charging mechanisms disabled. Thus, the only modifications that occur to the advected charge structure are via sedimentation, turbulent diffusion, and charge exchange between hydrometeor categories by collection, autoconversion, fragmentation, sublimation, evaporation, and melting. Rutledge et al. (1993) showed that dispersion by electrostatic forces is negligible when compared to turbulent mixing, at least for a Lagrangian parcel. Therefore, electrostatic forces are ignored. The results from this simulation are depicted in Fig. 4. In general, the advection profile maintains its dipole structure, to locations approximately 60 km behind the
FIG. 2. Control run (a) radar reflectivity (dBZ ), (b) horizontal winds (m s21 ), and (c) vertical velocities (cm s21 ). Model output is averaged over the two convective pulses contituting hour 3 of the model simulation to depict the mean MCS precipitation and kinematic structure.
convective line. The weak lower positive charge center associated with the positively charged ice, however, is quickly overwhelmed by the faster falling, negatively charged snow. Since the fallout of snow is parameterized with a bulk fallspeed, a significant lowering of the negative charge center occurs immediately behind the convective line. In fact, calculations using a mean fallspeed of 1.2 m s21 and horizontal wind of 15 m s21 suggest that charge on the snow category is lowered by approximately 2.5 km as it crosses a 30-km transition zone region. The effect of turbulent diffusion on advected charge
structure (e.g., Rutledge et al. 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994) was also investigated. Though the turbulence parameterization used in this model differs slightly from that used by Stolzenburg et al. (1994), our results are quite similar. Using typical eddy exchange coefficients, Stolzenburg et al. (1994) concluded that turbulent diffusion resulted in a 10 nC m23 charge core being reduced to 6.7–9.0 nC m23 at distances 60 km from the convective line. Since our model is more complicated in that it includes interactions between multiple hydrometeor categories, we do not similarly quantify the effect of turbulent diffusion. Nevertheless, from sensitiv-
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FIG. 3. Control run (a) snow mixing ratio (g kg21 ), (b) cloud water liquid water content (g m23 ), and (c) cloud ice concentration (L21 ) at t 5 3 h.
ity runs we find that the addition of turbulent diffusion results in only minor changes to the advected charge distribution. c. Noninductive charging We now investigate in situ charging by noninductive processes. In particular, laboratory charging data from Takahashi (1978) and Saunders et al. (1991) are used. Both charging datasets are investigated with and without charge advection.
1) TAKAHASHI (1978) (i) Without charge advection Figure 5 depicts the total, snow, and cloud ice charge densities, respectively, for the model run that uses the charging data of Takahashi (1978). Hydrometeors are advected into the model domain from the convective region but they are assumed to carry no charge. When compared to the SR observations, the most realistic feature in the modeled charge structure is a sharp charge transition (negative above positive) that occurs near the melting level. This is similar to the inverted dipole mod-
FIG. 4. Total charge density magnitude (nC m23 ) for charge advection model run at t 5 3 h using the charge advection profile depicted in Fig. B1. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
eled by Rutledge et al. (1990). An analysis of the snow and ice charge categories reveals that, although the total charge density above the melting level is negative, the charge polarity of the snow (resulting from collisions with the slower falling ice crystals) is positive. Thus, the negative total charge density is primarily the result of the large amount of negative charge on the ice crystals. Below the melting level, the cloud ice is quickly removed by sublimation and melting and subsequent evaporation, thereby ‘‘exposing’’ the positive charge on the larger hydrometeors and creating a sharp charge transition. The reduction in positive charge density below this level is primarily due to fallspeed divergence (]y /]z; y increases with decreasing height) and evaporation, both of which occur as the positively charged aggregates melt. Unfortunately, due to computational constraints, our model does not include continuity equations for ions. Therefore, we cannot track the effect of charge released during evaporation and sublimation or ions released near the ground via point discharge. The maximum charge densities from in situ processes exceed 5 nC m23 , which compares well with the SR observations. Peak electric field magnitudes, however, were larger (;300 kV m21 ) than typically observed in MCS stratiform regions (;150 kV m21 ). Nevertheless, even with the absence of a discharge parameterization, the noninductive mechanism produced a quasi-steady charge structure by approximately 3 h. That is, once the observed charge densities were achieved, the sink of charge resulting from particle fallout became approximately equal to the rate of charge generation due to noninductive processes. It is possible that this process might be at least partially responsible for the quasisteady layered structure commonly seen in MCS stratiform regions.
(ii) With charge advection The Takahashi (1978) data are now presented along with charge advection using the charge profile presented in Fig. B1. The total, snow, and cloud ice charge densities from this simulation are depicted in Fig. 6. When comparing the model results with observed charge structures, the most striking similarity is near the melting level where a sharp charge transition of negative above positive charge occurs. While the model output exhibit marked agreement with the SR observations near the melting level, they show much less agreement aloft. Most notably, since aircraft observations by SR indicated water-saturated conditions to temperatures of only 2258C, it appears likely that most charges found above the 2258C level must be the result of the charge advection from the convective line. Furthermore, the SR observations indicate that charge in this region is of the negative polarity, which disagrees with the composite MCS convective charge profile (e.g., Stolzenburg et al. 1998a). Figure 7 depicts a vertical profile of charge density at a location ;35 km behind the convective line [i.e., a location approximately analogous to where the balloon-borne electric field meters (EFMs) ascended] overlaid on the charge profile derived from the 0549 UTC EFM sounding of SR. Although there is little agreement with the observational profile at lower temperatures, it is interesting to note that a sharp charge transition occurs in both the observational and modeled charge profiles (though of opposite polarities) at a temperature of approximately 218C. In agreement with the observations of Willis and Heymsfield (1989), model ice concentrations typically peak at 228C and decrease below that level. Given this rapid decrease in cloud ice concentrations near the melting level, it is reasonable to expect that this sharp transition may, in some cases, occur at temperatures slightly colder than 08C. There is
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FIG. 5. (a) Total, (b) snow, and (c) cloud ice charge density magnitudes (nC m 23 ) for the Takahashi (1978) noninductive charging model run at t 5 3 h. Light shading denotes negative charge while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
also good agreement between the observed and modeled charge densities. 2) SAUNDERS
(i) Without charge advection Figure 8 depicts the total, snow, and cloud ice charge densities, respectively, for a simulation using charging data from Saunders et al. (1991). When compared in detail to the charge structures generated with the Takahashi data (cf. Fig. 5), several differences are evident. Foremost, this simulation does not develop a sharp charge transition near the melting level, which is most likely due to the Saunders et al. parameterization’s dependence on ice size. Since the predicted ice crystal sizes at locations above the melting level are typically quite small due to sublimation within the mesoscale
downdraft, the amount of charge transfer per collision is quite small. Thus, in contrast to the simulation that uses the Takahashi data, which is independent of crystal size, a large amount of charge does not build up on the cloud ice category at locations immediately above the melting level. Subsequently, a sharp charge transition at the melting level does not occur. While this simulation does not reproduce observed charge structures near the melting level, it does exhibit much better agreement with observations at higher levels. Most notably, a positive layer of charge develops at locations immediately behind the convective line and at a temperature level quite similar to that indicated by EFM observations. Charge densities associated with this positive charge layer are as high as 2 nC m23 . When charge on the snow and ice categories are analyzed individually, we find that the bulk of this positive charge resides on the ice
FIG. 6. Total charge density magnitude (nC m23 ) for charge advection model run at t 5 3 h using the charge advection profile depicted in Fig. B1 and Takahashi (1978) noninductive charging. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
and the negative charge below it is predominantly on snow. Initially, the top of the positive layer is at a temperature of approximately 2208C, but it gradually descends to about 2158C at a location 30 km behind the convective line, which is quite similar to a charge transition at 2128C in the SR symmetric MCS electric field profiles. Overall, maximum charge densities in this simulation are somewhat smaller (,3 nC m23 ) than in the Takahashi simulation and electric fields remain below 150 kV m21 . Both of these values, however, agree well with observations.
FIG. 7. Charge density profile (nC m23 ) constructed through the model grid depicted in Fig. 6 at a location 35 km behind the convective line. This is a location similar to where the balloon-borne EFMs ascended through the symmetric MCS case described in Part I. Observed charge densities are shown by the dashed line.
(ii) With charge advection The Saunders et al. data are now presented along with charge advection using the charge profile presented in Fig. B1. The total, snow, and cloud ice charge densities from this simulation are depicted by Fig. 9. As with the Takahashi simulation, the largest disagreement with the observations is in the upper levels, where observations indicate the presence of a deep layer of negative charge. Figure 10 depicts a model-generated profile of charge density for a location 35 km behind the convective line (a location analogous to where the SR balloon-borne EFMs ascended) overlaid on the charge profile derived from the 0549 UTC EFM sounding of SR. On average, a charge transition of positive above negative occurs at a temperature of approximately 218C. In comparing this average to the model output, however, it can be seen that this charge transition does not typically occur until a location ;40 km behind the convective line. In advance of this location, the predominant charge polarity above the melting level is negative. When compared to the SR observational profile at lower levels (i.e., T . 2158C), remarkable agreement is found in both 1) the number of charge layers and 2) levels at which some of the more distinct charge transitions occurred. Charge density magnitudes, however, were substantially underestimated. At higher levels, however, a thin region of negative charge (small charge densities) overlies the lower positive charge region, creating a quasi-layered structure that is similar to that indicated by the observations. Given the positive charge aloft, this mean charge structure is probably more similar to the profile presented by Schuur et al. (1991) for another symmetric MCS than to the two electric field profiles shown in SR. d. Evaporation–condensation charging Stolzenburg et al. (1994) and Rutledge and Petersen (1994) both suggested that the evaporation–condensa-
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FIG. 8. (a) Total, (b) snow, and (c) cloud ice charge density magnitudes (nC m 23 ) for the Saunders et al. (1991) noninductive charging model run at t 5 3 h. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
tion mechanism (proposed by Dong and Hallett 1992) may play a role in generating the charge observed in MCS stratiform precipitation regions. Here, we test this mechanism using the parameterization presented in appendix B. In this simulation, in accord with Dong and Hallett (1992), the snow and cloud ice categories acquire a positive (negative) charge when in a state of deposition (sublimation) at temperatures between 248 and 2208C. At temperatures higher than 248C, negative (positive) charge is acquired during deposition (sublimation). The results from this simulation are presented in Fig. 11. Since the process by which hydrometeors obtain charge with this mechanism is not well understood, and also because we have no continuity equations for ions, this simulation does not strictly conserve charge. The most notable result of this simulation, in agreement with the calculations of Rutledge and Petersen
(1994), are very small charging rates. In general, the maximum charge density was ,0.05 nC m23 , which is approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than indicated by the observations. It should be noted that Dong and Hallett (1992) found that charge transfer magnitudes increased significantly when cloud ion concentrations were large and also when the ice particles involved had previously grown by riming. When these issues are taken into consideration (potentially increasing charging rates by a factor of 50), it may be possible to generate charge densities similar to those indicated by the observations. However, since cloud-ion concentrations are not included in our model, we could not fully evaluate this mechanism. Another notable feature in this simulation is the relative lack of negative charge. Though negative charging does take place at locations immediately above the melt-
FIG. 9. Total charge density magnitude (nC m23 ) for charge advection model run at t 5 3 h using the charge advection profile depicted in Fig. B1 and Saunders et al. (1991) noninductive charging. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
ing level, this charge is easily overwhelmed by the fallout of positive charge generated in the deep ascent layer above. As a result, the only appreciable region of negative charge is toward the rear edge of the stratiform precipitation region where dry air intrusion associated with the developing rear inflow jet (cf. Fig. 2) results in an extensive region of sublimation, thus causing ice particles to charge negatively. e. Melting charging Finally, we investigate charging from the Drake (1968) melting mechanism. As noted in previous sec-
FIG. 10. Charge density profile (nC m23 ) constructed through the model grid depicted in Fig. 9 at a location 35 km behind the convective line. This is a location similar to where the balloon-borne EFMs ascended through the symmetric MCS case described in Part I. Observed charge densities are shown by the dashed line.
tions, the melting mechanism has recently been addressed by several studies (e.g., Marshall and Rust 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994; Shepherd et al. 1996) as a potential source of charge near the melting level. We do not investigate the inductive melting mechanism of Simpson (1909) since that requires an examination of fallspeed divergence within the rain category (i.e., at a given level), which is not possible with this bulk microphysical model. As discussed earlier, since Drake (1968) studied the melting of ice spheres (i.e., graupel) rather than aggregates, the applicability of this mechanism to the MCS stratiform precipitation region is uncertain. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the polarity of charge produced by the Drake melting charging mechanism is typically of the opposite polarity of that indicated by the observations (including the four electric field profiles presented by SR). Nevertheless, we investigate the Drake melting charging mechanism in order to examine the charge density magnitudes that it produces. The results from the melting charging simulation are presented in Fig. 12. Using the charging rate from Drake (1968) and converting the model maximum snow mixing ratio of 1.2 g kg21 to meltwater, one would expect that this mechanism could yield charge densities as high as 1.85 nC m23 . However, the model simulation indicates that fallspeed divergence just below the melting level results in the maximum density being limited to #0.35 nC m23 . Additionally, no concentrated layer of charge below the melting level, as is commonly present in the observations, is produced by this simulation. Given the polarity discrepancy, low charge density magnitudes, and unrealistic charge distribution produced by this mechanism, we expect that melting charging is likely not a significant contributor to the overall charge distribution. It is possible that processes not included in our model, such as point discharge from the ground, may be important in modifying the charge structure in this region.
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FIG. 11. Total charge density magnitudes (nC m23 ) for the Dong and Hallett (1992) evaporation–condensation charging mechanism at t 5 3 h. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 0.01 nC m23 .
4. Charge budget analysis As noted earlier, the primary goal of this study is to determine the relative contributions of 1) charge advection and 2) local charge generation resulting from noninductive charging (NIC) in leading to the charge structures observed in the stratiform regions of MCSs. A charge budget analysis that investigates the contributions from each of these mechanisms is discussed in this section. In this analysis, charge advection rates are computed by determining fluxes through the stratiform region’s right boundary. These fluxes are compared with volume-integrated charge generation rates determined using both the Takahashi (1978) and Saunders et al. (1991) laboratory results. The charging rates are then summed over the two convective pulses that constitute hour 3 of the model integration to determine a mean charging rate over a 1-h period. Since the Saunders et al. parameterization is dependent on ice crystal size, we have computed charging rates for four different advected ice sizes. That is, the
concentration of ice in the mixed-phase region is held constant at 300 L21 , in agreement with the SR observations, and the average size (mass) of the advected ice crystals are modified. Therefore, with each model run, a different amount of total ice mass (i.e., ice mixing ratio) is advected rearward in the lower portion of the profile (cf. Fig. A1, which depicts the ice mixing ratio associated with the control run ice size of 258 mm). Due to dynamic feedbacks in the model associated with the advection of ice, we also test the Takahashi parameterization charging with these different ice sizes. Noninductive charging statistics for the Takahashi and Saunders et al. datasets are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively (charging rates shown are for the 1-m-wide MCS cross section depicted by the 2D model grid). For the four ice sizes tested in these simulations, the maximum charging rate produced with Takahashi input data (1.84 C h21 m21 ) is approximately six times larger than that generated by the Saunders et al. parameterization (0.32 C h21 m21 ). The Takahashi data pro-
FIG. 12. Charge density magnitudes (nC m23 ) for the Drake (1968) melting charging mechanism at t 5 3 h. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 0.1 nC m 23 .
TABLE 1. Takahashi (1978) noninductive charging (NIC) statistics. Charging rates (C h21 m21 ) are for 1-m-wide MCS cross section depicted by 2D model grid. Ice mass (10210 kg)
Ice size (mm)
Maximum 1 charge (nC m23 )
Maximum 1 charge (nC m23 )
Charging rate (C h21 m21 )
0.1 1.0 2.5 4.0
52 163 258 326
6.21 4.82 3.92 2.71
220.20 210.41 210.15 28.11
1.84 1.44 1.32 1.18
duce maximum charging rates when small ice crystals are advected from the convective line, whereas the Saunders et al. data produce maximum charging rates when large ice crystals are advected. For the Takahashi simulation, there is no explicit dependence of charging rate on ice crystal size. It is, however, directly proportional to cloud liquid water content. When smaller mean crystal sizes are advected into the stratiform region, there is less water vapor removed by deposition, resulting in slightly higher LWCs and therefore larger charge transfers per collision. Another difference between the Takahashi and Saunders et al. parameterizations can be seen by comparing the maximum charge densities. Though the amount of charge transfer associated with the Takahashi parameterization is not dependent on the ice crystal size, dynamical feedback in the model resulted in maximum charge densities produced in the Takahashi simulations that varied much more with ice size than did maximum charge densities in the Saunders et al. simulations (compare maximum charge densities in Tables 1 and 2). A comparison of the noninductive and advective charging rates for the Takahashi and Saunders et al. datasets are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Advective charging rates change very little over the range of ice sizes tested, with a charge advection rate of 0.58 C h21 m21 associated with the advection of small ice crystals and a charge advection rate of 0.49 C h21 m21 associated with the advection of large ice crystals. It should be noted that these changes are entirely due to dynamical feedbacks in the model associated with the advection of different low-level ice mixing ratios as the amount of charge assigned to the ice category in the initialization profile for each of these simulations was not modified. When comparing the charge advection
TABLE 3. Comparison of Takahashi (1978) noninductive charging (NIC) with charge advection from the convective line. Charging rates (C h21 m21 ) are for 1-m-wide MCS cross section depicted by 2D model grid. Ice mass (10210 kg)
Ice size (mm)
0.1 1.0 2.5 4.0
52 163 258 326
NIC rate Advection rate (C h21 m21 ) (C h21 m21 ) 1.84 1.44 1.32 1.18
0.58 0.55 0.52 0.49
NIC (%) 76.2 72.4 71.6 70.7
rates to the rate of charge generation due to the noninductive process, it can be seen that the change in ice size had very little overall affect on the charge budget in the Takahashi simulations. That is, though the overall noninductive charging rate decreased with increasing ice size, dynamical feedbacks also resulted in a simultaneous decrease in charge advection. As a result, the in situ charge generation with the Takahashi data consistently constituted between 70% and 76% of the total charge within the stratiform precipitation region. In contrast, the Saunders et al. simulations exhibited much more sensitivity to the advected ice size and, as a result, noninductive charging accounted for between 15% and 40% of the total charge within the stratiform precipitation region. The contribution of in situ charging to the total charge in the stratiform region using the Takahashi charging results (70%–76%) is very similar to the contribution that in situ condensate production (generated by the mesoscale updraft) contributes to the total stratiform precipitation (80%; Rutledge and Houze 1987). This similarity appears to underpin the important role that in situ charging plays in generating charge in the stratiform region. We further examined the model results by comparing model generated charging rates (as presented in Tables 3 and 4) with MCS stratiform region precipitation (J p ) and lightning current density (J l ) estimates. For the charge density calculations, we assume a stratiform region size of 50 km 3 100 km, rain rate of 2 mm h21 , drop diameter of 2 mm, particle charge of 10 pC, stratiform CG flash rate of 250 h21 (Rutledge and MacGorman 1988), and charge transfer per flash of 40 C. The two-dimensional model charging rates are extended
TABLE 2. Saunders et al. (1991) noninductive charging (NIC) statistics. Charging rates (C h21 m21 ) are for 1-m-wide MCS cross section depicted by 2D model grid.
TABLE 4. Comparison of Saunders et al. (1991) noninductive charging (NIC) with charge advection from the convective line. Charging rates (C h21 m21 ) are for 1-m-wide MCS cross section depicted by 2D model grid.
Ice mass (10210 kg)
Ice size (mm)
Maximum 1 charge (nC m23 )
Maximum 1 charge (nC m23 )
Charging rate (C h21 m21 )
Ice mass (10210 kg)
Ice size (mm)
0.1 1.0 2.5 4.0
52 163 258 326
1.82 2.47 3.19 2.74
21.91 21.86 22.17 23.21
0.09 0.24 0.33 0.32
0.1 1.0 2.5 4.0
52 163 258 326
NIC rate Advection rate (C h21 m21 ) (C h21 m21 ) 0.09 0.24 0.33 0.32
0.58 0.55 0.52 0.49
NIC (%) 14.1 30.6 38.3 39.3
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by assuming that the convective line is 100 km in length and consists of 10 distinct convective cells. Using these typical values, J p is 1.0 3 10 4 C h21 and J l is 2.4 3 10 4 C h21 . By comparison, the total model-generated stratiform region charging rate is 1.16 3 10 5 C h21 when using the NIC charging data of Takahashi (3.3 3 10 4 C h21 from advection and 8.3 3 10 4 C h21 from NIC) and 6.3 3 10 4 C h21 when using the NIC charging data of Saunders et al. (3.3 3 10 4 C h21 from advection and 3.0 3 10 4 C h21 from NIC). Thus, these results indicate that the charge generation predicted by the model is sufficient to account for both precipitation and lightning currents. Furthermore, these results serve as a consistency check for the electrical budget of the model. Insufficient data are available to examine the contribution of intracloud lightning flashes. 5. Model sensitivity tests Initial conditions used in CTL were determined after comparisons with numerous observations. Nevertheless, given the general lack of finescale observations within MCSs and uncertainties associated with the parameterization of microphysical processes (e.g., Verlinde et al. 1990), considerable subjectivity is often involved in the initialization of mesoscale models. Furthermore, the appropriate charge advection profile for convective line initializations is uncertain at best. Therefore, we now discuss two model simulations to examine the sensitivity to our assumption of the input charge profile and other initialization parameters. a. Charge advection Recently, Stolzenburg et al. (1998a) suggested that much of the charge found in MCS stratiform regions may be attributed to charge advection from the convective line. We conducted a simulation that used a charge advection profile that more closely resembled the Marshall and Rust (1993) ‘‘type A’’ profile (i.e., with five layers of charge at T # 08C), rather than the ‘‘tripole’’ structure used in the CTL simulations. This charge advection profile is depicted in Fig. 13. Since very little particle charge data are available within convective cells, it is difficult to determine how the total charge in this advection profile should be distributed between the hydrometeor categories. Since the SR EFM data indicated predominantly negative charge in the upper levels, however, we assign negative charge to the cloud ice category in this initialization profile. At lower levels, where the SR EFM data indicated a more complicated charge structure consisting of alternating layers of positive and negative charge, we assign this charge to the snow category. The resultant profile exhibits many similarities to the nonupdraft charge structures presented by Stolzenburg et al. (1998a). Figure 14 depicts the total charge density from the charge advection simulation after 3 h. Though the
FIG. 13. Charge profiles used to initialize the buffer zone region for charge advection sensitivity model run. (a) Charge densities (nC m23 ) of snow (solid line) and cloud ice (dashed line). (b) Total charge density (nC m23 ). This profile can be compared to the profile used in the control run simulation (depicted in Fig. B1).
charge depicted in Fig. 14 is initialized at slightly lower temperatures than indicated by the SR EFM observations, descent of the charge on the snow category (at a rate of 0.9–1.2 m s21 ) as it crosses the transition zone results in the midlevel positive charge layer being situated entirely below 2158C at a location 35 km behind the convective line (i.e., a location analogous to where
FIG. 14. Total charge density magnitude (nC m23 ) for charge advection sensitivity model run at t 5 3 h using the profile depicted in Fig. 13. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
the SR balloon-borne EFMs ascended). This temperature layer is quite similar to an analogous charge transition in the SR EFM observations. Subsequent descent of this charge region, however, quickly results in the dissipation of the layered charge structure. Since several studies have shown stratiform charge to be spatially extensive (e.g., Marshall and Rust 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994), this suggests that charge advection alone is insufficient to explain observed stratiform charge structures at locations .50 km from the convective line. Figure 15 depicts the total charge density for a simulation that includes Takahashi (1978) noninductive charging, while Fig. 16 shows a vertical cross section of charge density constructed through that model grid at a location 35 km behind the convective line overlaid on the charge profile derived from the 0549 EFM sounding of SR. Figures 17 and 18, respectively, depict similar analyses for a simulation that includes the Saunders et al. (1991) noninductive charging. At locations .25 km
behind the convective line, the Takahashi charge structure exhibits marked similarities to that depicted by Fig. 6. Given the rather large charging rates associated with the Takahashi parameterization, charging at locations immediately behind the convective line results in rapid accumulation of negative charge on cloud ice, thereby eventually eliminating the positive charge layer in the advected profile. In the Saunders et al. simulation, however, noninductive charging rates are much smaller and charging at locations immediately behind the convective line appears to enhance (rather than mask) the advected charge profile. By hour 3, the combination of charge advection and noninductive charging produces a rather sharp charge transition of positive charge above negative that exhibits marked similarities to the SR EFM observations. Unfortunately, a more complete investigation of model sensitivity to advected charge structure would require improved in situ observations of particle charge within MCS convective lines.
FIG. 15. Total charge density magnitude (nC m23 ) for charge advection sensitivity model run at t 5 3 h using the profile depicted in Fig. 13 and Takahashi (1978) noninductive charging. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
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FIG. 16. Charge density profile (nC m23 ) constructed through the model grid depicted in Fig. 15 at a location 35 km behind the convective line. This is a location similar to where the balloon-borne EFMs ascended through the symmetric MCS case described in Part I. Observed charge densities are shown by the dashed line.
b. Convective heating Gallus and Johnson (1995) found that including convective heating in the model initialization was necessary to produce a realistic MCS kinematic structure. It is of interest then to investigate sensitivities of the model output to variations in the peak convective heating rate. We tested two modifications to the convective heating profile: one in which no convective heating was allowed and one in which the peak amplitude of the convective heating was doubled over that used in the CTL simulation. In both cases, the convective heating modifications significantly altered the MCSs two-dimensional kinematic structure. One of the most noticeable differ-
FIG. 18. Charge density profile (nC m23 ) constructed through the model grid depicted in Fig. 17 at a location 35 km behind the convective line. This is a location similar to where the balloon-borne EFMs ascended through the symmetric MCS case described in Part I. Observed charge densities are shown by the dashed line.
ences in both simulations was a reduction in front-torear flow, which caused a reduction in charge advection rates from the convective line. These simulations, which affected both charge advection rates and the microphysical development of the stratiform precipitation region, suggest a coupling between MCS dynamics and charging processes. The possible implications of these findings on MCS evolution are discussed in section 6. 6. Discussion and conclusions Model simulations were conducted to investigate electrification of MCS stratiform regions via charge ad-
FIG. 17. Total charge density magnitude (nC m23 ) for charge advection sensitivity model run at t 5 3 h using the profile depicted in Fig. 13 and Saunders et al. (1991) noninductive charging. Light shading denotes negative charge, while dark shading denotes positive charge. Contours are every 1.0 nC m23 .
vection from the convective line and local charge generation. A simulation that investigated the advection of charge using a tripole charge advection profile for advection indicated that turbulent diffusion in the model formulation results in only minor changes to the advected charge distribution. Perhaps the most important result of the noninductive charging simulations is that the model-generated charge densities (;10 nC m23 with the Takahashi data and ;3 nC m23 with the Saunders et al. data) were quite similar in magnitude to those observed by balloon-borne EFMs (;5 nC m23 ). Furthermore, the model also indicates that once these charge densities were achieved, the loss of charge resulting from particle fallout became approximately equal to the rate of charge generation by in situ charging. This finding is consistent with the quasi-steady layered structure that is commonly seen in the observations (e.g., Marshall and Rust 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994). Nevertheless, while the model demonstrated that in situ charging is sufficient to explain charge generation in the stratiform regions lower levels, it is equally apparent that much of the charge observed at colder temperatures (i.e., T , 2208C) is likely the result of advection of charge from the convective region. While charge densities produced by model simulations exhibit many similarities to observations, considerably less agreement was found when the simulated charge distribution was compared to observed charge structures. Some observed charge features, however, were reproduced. The Takahashi data produced a sharp transition near the melting level, consistent with observations. Shepherd et al. (1996) speculated that at least some charge transitions near 08C may be the result of charging processes associated with melting (e.g., Simpson 1909; Drake 1968). In our simulation, the melting level charge transition was produced when different polarity charge densities were carried by the cloud ice (negative) and snow (positive) at T , 08C. Cloud ice was quickly removed by sublimation (or melting and subsequent evaporation) near the melting level, thus exposing the positive charge on the larger hydrometeors. However, this result should be viewed with caution since we did not allow for space charge from free ions to occur in the model. When the Saunders et al. laboratory charge data were used, a layer of positive charge that qualitatively agreed with a similar layer in the symmetric MCS electric field profiles was produced in the mixed-phase region (with the primary charge transition of negative above positive occurring between 2128 and 2158C). However, in contrast to the Takahashi data, a sharp charge transition was not produced near the melting level. This was primarily due to the dependence of the Saunders et al. noninductive parameterization on cloud ice size. Since locations immediately above the melting level were typically associated with subsidence, ice crystal sizes were generally quite small and, as a result, the amount of charge transfer per collision was also reduced according to the
Saunders et al. charging formulations. Since Takahashi did not investigate the dependence of charge transfer on cloud ice size, we do not know if a similar, unaccounted for, dependence biased the results of the Takahashi simulations. Since the SR electric field observations indicated predominantly negative charge in the upper levels of the MCS stratiform region, it is not likely that the tripole thunderstorm structure (e.g., Williams 1989) used to initialize the convective line was representative (assuming that the advective process was dominant) of the convective charge structure of the symmetric MCS of SR. Recent measurements by Stolzenburg et al. (1998b) further indicate that thunderstorm charge structure does not always follow a tripole structure. Sensitivity tests were conducted with a more complicated charge initialization profile that exhibited many similarities to the symmetric MCS stratiform charge structure of Marshall and Rust (1993). These sensitivity tests indicated that the advected charge maintained its layered structure to a location approximately 35–45 km behind the convective line. When combined with noninductive charging from Takahashi (1978), however, the advected charge profile was quickly overwhelmed by in situ charge generation within the stratiform region; when combined with noninductive charging from Saunders et al. (1991), the intensity of the midlevel (;2128 to 2158C) positive charge layer in the advective profile was enhanced at location approximately 35 km behind the convective line. Subsequent descent of this charge region resulted in quick dissipation of the layered structure. Evaporation–condensation charging (e.g., Dong and Hallett 1992) and melting charging (e.g., Drake 1968) were also examined. Both of these mechanisms have been discussed in previous studies (e.g., Marshall and Rust 1993; Rutledge and Petersen 1994; Stolzenburg et al. 1994) as possible sources of charge in MCS stratiform regions. The simulations in which the evaporation– condensation mechanism was tested, however, produced charge densities that were two orders of magnitude smaller than indicated by the observations. Furthermore, charge transitions did not occur at observed temperature levels. Simulations that tested the melting mechanism of Drake (1968) produced positive charge densities that were ,0.4 nC m23 . Converting maximum snow mixing ratios to charging rates using the data presented by Drake suggests that charge densities of .1.8 nC m23 are possible with this mechanism. However, fallspeed divergence resulted in a significant reduction in charge density at locations immediately below the melting level. Furthermore, we note that the applicability of the mechanism discussed by Drake (1968) is uncertain in MCS stratiform precipitation regions since the predominant hydrometeor type (aggregates) is quite different from that (ice spheres) studied by Drake, as the physics of the melting process is not the same between the two hydrometeor types. The fundamental goal of this study was to investigate
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the relative contributions of charge advection from the convective line, and in situ stratiform charge generation resulting from microphysical processes. These charging contributions were analyzed by constructing a charge budget that examined the charge flux through the model’s right boundary and volume-integrated in situ charging rates over hour 3 of the model simulation. In this budget analysis, several different sizes of advected low-level ice crystal sizes were investigated. We found that the size of the advected ice crystals affected MCS charging in two ways: 1) by modifying the dynamical and microphysical evolution of the MCS, and 2) by modifying the charge transfer per collision (for the Saunders et al. parameterization). The budget analysis results indicated that, over the size range of ice crystals tested, noninductive charging produced approximately 70% of the charge with the Takahashi parameterization and 40% with the Saunders et al. parameterization. Furthermore, the Takahashi-based charging result is consistent with the approximate contribution that mesoscale ascent (in situ condensate production) makes to the total stratiform precipitation (e.g., Rutledge and Houze 1987), underpinning the role of local microphysical processes in electrifying of the stratiform region. Although we were not able to model the three-dimensional asymmetric MCS with this model, it is possible that decreased heat and hydrometeor advection late in an MCS’s life cycle (at which time an asymmetric structure is often observed) might result in a simultaneous modification of the MCS stratiform precipitation region’s thermodynamic, microphysical, and electrical structures. Unfortunately, a better understanding of these dynamic and microphysical feedbacks would require a more detailed numerical model than the one used in this study. Further progress in understanding electrification mechanisms and subsequent lightning production in MCSs will be realized with lightning mapping observations and particle charge data in these storms. Also, better parameterizations of lightning discharges for use in numerical models will be necessary to simulate the possible effects of lightning discharges. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Prof. William Gallus Jr. of Iowa State University for allowing us to use his numerical model and Dr. John Helsdon and Mr. Richard Farley of the South Dakota School of Mines of Technology for providing us with electrification code. Drs. W. David Rust and Conrad Ziegler reviewed earlier versions of this manuscript. The comments of Dr. Earle Williams and two anonymous reviewers are also greatly appreciated. Finally, we thank Drs. Walt Petersen and Larry Carey for their valuable input during the course of this research. This research was supported by NOAA/ National Severe Storms Laboratory through Contract NA900RAH00077 and the National Science Foundation through Grants ATM-9015485, ATM-9321361, and ATM-9726464.
APPENDIX A Microphysics a. Mixing ratios Precipitation hydrometeor mixing ratios in this study are represented by an exponential distribution (e.g., Lin et al. 1983; Rutledge and Hobbs 1983, 1984; Lord et al. 1984, and others), N x (D x ) 5 Nox exp(2l x D x ),
where x represents the precipitation hydrometeor type, l x the distribution slope, and Nox the slope intercept. The slope of each distribution, in turn, is determined by multiplying Eq. (A1) by particle mass, integrating over all diameters, and equating the result to the appropriate water content, yielding
apr L Nox lx 5 rx
where a is the specific volume of air. In this study, as in Gallus and Johnson (1995), this derivation uses the density of liquid water to compute hydrometeor slopes rather than hydrometeor densities of the precipitation classes (e.g., Potter 1991). This corrects an error that resulted from a misinterpretation of data from Gunn and Marshall (1958) by previous modeling studies. Earlier versions of this model used a three-class ice scheme that included graupel, snow, and cloud ice. Since stratiform liquid water contents are generally quite low (;0.1–0.3 g m23 ) and in situ microphysical observations indicate that graupel are rather uncommon in MCS stratiform clouds (e.g., Yeh et al. 1991), we eliminated the graupel field in this study and ran the model with snow and cloud ice. Since Nos is held constant, the additional mass in the snow field (that would have been classified as graupel) effectively increases the concentration of hydrometeors at the large end of the spectrum (as well as the distribution mean diameter), thereby creating a hybrid snow–aggregate field. This modification also greatly simplified the cloud electrification parameterizations. b. Buffer zone Gallus and Johnson (1995) used model output from a one-dimensional, time-dependent numerical model (e.g., Ferrier and Houze 1989) to initialize hydrometeor profiles in the model’s buffer zone. We used a modification of that hydrometeor profile that incorporated the transition zone microphysical observations discussed by SR. In addition to transferring the graupel mass to the snow category, heights of the snow–aggregate, cloud ice, and cloud water distributions were adjusted to better reflect the thermodynamic and radar observations in the symmetric MCS case (SR). Finally, cloud ice concentrations of 300 L21 , as observed by the P-3 aircraft during transition zone flight legs, were used to introduce
FIG. A1. Peak hydrometeor mixing ratios used to initialize model buffer zone (cf. Fig. 1). Hydrometeor profiles depicted are snow–aggregate (solid line), cloud ice (long and short dashed line), and cloud water (short dashed line). Ice mixing ratio depicted in mixed-phase region (below approximately 8.5 km MSL) represents mass associated with 250-mm crystals with a concentration of 300 L21 . Convective heating profile is depicted by the solid line on left side of figure.
cloud ice into the mixed-phase region of the initialization profile. The resultant buffer zone hydrometeor profile for the snow–aggregate, cloud ice (assuming a low-level concentration of 300 L21 and ice size of ;250 mm), and cloud water categories are depicted in Fig. A1. With the two-class ice scheme, five continuity equations (snow–aggregate, rain, cloud ice, cloud water, water vapor) were solved using a leapfrog finite differencing scheme. Additionally, turbulent diffusion was added to the continuity equations.
was added to the model microphysics. This continuity equation follows the form dNi ]N ]N ](Ni Vi ) 5 2u i 2 w i 1 1 = · K m=Ni dt ]x ]z ]z 1
The source/sink term is represented by
1 dt 2 5 M [PINT] 1 1 q 2a[2PSACI 2 PRACI dNi
c. Cloud ice 1) CONTINUITY
1 dt 2 . 1
In order to parameterize noninductive charging mechanisms, a predictive equation for cloud ice concentration
1 [PFRAG]. m frag
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Here, PINT, PSACI, PRACI, PSMLTI, and PCONV represent source and sink terms for the ice mixing ratio corresponding to initiation, accretion, melting, and autoconversion processes; M o the mass of an initiated ice crystal (1 3 10212 kg); and (N i /q i )a the inverse of the average ice crystal mass. The PFRAG term represents a source of cloud ice due to ice fragmentation processes from the snow–aggregate category. The assumed mass of each ice fragment (1 3 10210 kg) is represented by mfrag . As discussed in the next section, laboratory studies have indicated that noninductive charging is dependent on collision impact velocity and cloud-ice size. Therefore, additional modifications have been made to the ice microphysics to predict these two variables. Average ice mass is first determined at each grid point from the predicted cloud ice mixing ratio and ice concentration. Using a mass–size relationship from Locatelli and Hobbs (1974), a mean diameter is then determined. This diameter is then used to compute a mean ice fallspeed (Kajikawa 1972). The maximum ice size is constrained by the ice-to-snow autoconversion threshold. 2) ICE
The ice initiation scheme used in previous versions of this model inaccurately accounted for the amount of preexisting ice at each grid location. Furthermore, it used the ice nucleation parameterization of Fletcher (1962), which is known to overpredict ice initiation for T , 2408C and underpredict for T . 2208C. Therefore, ice initiation in the model was modified to follow a deposition/condensation freezing scheme. In this scheme, which follows the work of Cotton et al. (1986) and Murakami (1990), the more recent laboratory work of Huffman and Vali (1973) and Meyers et al. (1992) is utilized to develop a parameterization that takes ice saturation conditions into consideration. This parameterization is described in more detail by Ferrier (1994). 3) ICE
Even with the improved ice initiation scheme, ice concentrations generated by the model were considerably lower than those indicated by the observations of Willis and Heymsfield (1989). In that study, in situ aircraft observations of cloud ice in a midlatitude MCS revealed concentrations in excess of 100 L21 at locations immediately above the 08C isotherm. Citing a lack of sufficient cloud liquid water in this region, they noted that the Hallett–Mossop rime splintering mechanism (e.g., Hallett and Mossop 1974) could not account for these observations and suggested that a fracturing mechanism was responsible for the higher ice concentrations. The mechanism by which ice fragmentation occurs is a difficult subject to address. Several studies have addressed the production of ice fragments during collisions (e.g., Vardiman 1978), and evaporation (e.g., Or-
altay and Hallett 1989). Others have suggested that fragmentation is enhanced in the presence of high electric fields (e.g., Crowther and Saunders 1973). Unfortunately, no study has offered sufficient data to allow for the development of a physically based parameterization. The necessity of accounting for ice concentrations in order to better represent collision-based charging processes, however, stresses the importance of including such a mechanism in this model. We accomplish this using a two-step procedure that is based on both theoretical and observational considerations. In the scheme, a mass adjustment is first applied to the snow–aggregate field to generate ice fragments in regions where the mixing ratio exceeds a predefined, altitude-dependent mass threshold. To define this threshold, a characteristic mean diameter (D m ) for the snow– aggregate category, based on in situ observations and experimental model test runs, was selected. Since D m 5 1/l for an exponential distribution, it is then possible to use Eq. (A2) to derive a fragmentation mass threshold for the snow mixing ratio, r s , such that rfrag 5 apr L Nos D m4 .
In this study, we let D m 5 500 mm. This results in rfrag 5 1.0 g kg21 at 08C and rfrag 5 1.28 g kg21 at 2158C. This effectively results in increased fragment generation (for a given mixing ratio) at locations lower in the cloud (in agreement with the observations of Willis and Heymsfield 1989). Once the mass threshold is determined, the number of ice fragments generated is solved for as an autoconversion type process (Kessler 1969). That is, when the mass in the snow–aggregate category exceeds rfrag , the slope of the distribution is adjusted (i.e., mass is removed) and fragments generated at the rate given by PFRAG 5 kfrag (r s 2 rfrag )r,
where kfrag 5 0.5 3 10 s is a rate coefficient similar to that used for the cloud water to rain and ice-to-snow autoconversion processes described by Lin et al. (1983) and Rutledge and Hobbs (1983). The number of ice fragments generated by this process is then determined by dividing PFRAG by a typical ice fragment mass, mfrag . While this mass adjustment procedure yields realistic ice concentrations, the pulsing of the convective input (discussed later) occasionally results in ice fragment generation patterns that are not stratified in a manner expected of the MCS stratiform region. Therefore, a secondary procedure is invoked in which mass is removed from the snow–aggregate category and distributed as ice into quasi-stratified layers with concentrations resembling the profile used in Rutledge et al. (1990). Combined, these procedures give stratiform ice concentrations that both depict the stratified nature of the MCS stratiform cloud but also give increased ice concentrations in regions where the model snow–aggregate mean diameter exceeds observed values. 25
d. Cloud water
1 dt 2 5 1 dt 2 1 1 dt 2 dQ x
Initial model simulations indicated that the removal of cloud water by collection was excessive, resulting in cloud water contents that were as much as an order of magnitude smaller than indicated by aircraft observations (e.g., 0.2–0.4 g m23 ). Since microphysical charging mechanisms are highly dependent on cloud liquid water content, improving the prediction of cloud water (while simultaneously predicting accurate cloud ice concentrations) became a major concern in the model’s microphysical development. In an attempt to better understand the collection of cloud water by the snow– aggregate category, several sensitivity tests were run using microphysical code obtained from the Colorado State University Regional Atmospheric Mesoscale Model (CSU-RAMS; e.g., Flatau et al. 1989), which allowed for a detailed comparison of the stochastic and continuous collection equations. However, this exercise revealed several other factors that have large effects on collection rates, including the choice of Nos (slope intercept), the choice of snow–aggregate fallspeed coefficients, and the choice of the distribution shape parameter. Most importantly, sensitivity tests indicated that even a small increase in the snow–aggregate distribution shape parameter (from an inverse exponential distribution to a gamma distribution) resulted in reduction of cloud water by an order of magnitude via riming. When these uncertainties in collection were combined with an assumed collection efficiency of 0.3 (Pitter and Pruppacher 1974) to reduce the assumed collection efficiency in the model, predicted cloud water contents came into agreement with the SR aircraft observations.
dQ x
dQ x
1 dt 2 , dQ x
Electrical Parameterizations a. Continuity equations The first step in adding electrification to the cloud model was to develop and add continuity equations and source/sink parameterizations for charge densities. For the precipitating categories (e.g., snow–aggregate and rain), this equation follows the form ]Q x ]Q ]Q 1 ] 5 2u x 2 w x 2 (rVQ x ) ]t ]x ]z r ]z 1 = · K m=Q x 1
1 dt 2 , dQ x
where Q is the charge density (nC m23 ). As in the mixing ratio continuity equations, turbulent diffusion has been added in order to test the diffusion of charge (e.g., Rutledge et al. 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994). The last term in Eq. (B1) represents the charge density source/ sink term, that is,
1 dt 2 dQ x
where the subscript ‘‘nic’’ refers to noninductive charging (e.g., Takahashi 1978; Saunders et al. 1991); ‘‘qec,’’ evaporation–condensation charging (Dong and Hallett 1992); and ‘‘qmelt,’’ melting charging (e.g., Drake 1968). The last term on the right side of Eq. (B2) represents a source/sink term for charge exchange resulting from microphysical interactions (e.g., collection, autoconversion, fragmentation, sublimation, evaporation, and melting). In this model, these exchanges are addressed in Ziegler et al. (1991), where the amount of charge transferred is linearly related to the amount of mass transferred in the microphysical interaction. For processes such as evaporation and sublimation, the charge is lost to the environment (since this model does not contain continuity equations for ions due to the computation constraints that result from ion fluxes). The charge continuity equations are solved in a similar manner to that described earlier for the hydrometeor mixing ratios. b. Electric fields After the total charge is determined, the Poisson equation is solved to obtain the scalar electric potential. That is, 2¹ 2 F 5
QT , «o
where F is the electric potential; Q T , the charge density; and « o , the permittivity of air. Using the electric potential, the two-dimensional electric field vector, F, is then solved for by taking the gradient of the potential. To solve Poisson’s equation, assumptions must be made about the magnitude of either the electric potential or the electric field vector at the model boundaries. Generally, the assumption made is that the electric field at the model boundaries is zero. Since the entire model grid is filled with charge when the MCS reaches maturity, however, such an assumption is not justified. Therefore, before the equation solver is invoked at each time step, the model cloud grid is nested within a much larger grid (1000 km 3 24 km) and charge densities at all grid points outside of the cloud grid are then set to zero. Therefore, electric fields at the boundaries of the grid over which Poisson’s equation is solved (which are now separated from the cloud grid by over 300 km in the horizontal) may reasonably be set to zero. At the model lower boundary, the scalar potential is assumed to be equivalent to that from the grid level immediately above it.
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c. Charge advection As noted earlier, the primary goal of this modeling study is to examine and compare the relative contributions of 1) charge advection from the convective line and 2) in situ charge generation within the stratiform precipitation region. Since relatively few observations of particle charge have been made in MCS convective cells, developing a charge initiation profile for the buffer zone region is problematic. Therefore, we base our initiation profile on conceptual models of thunderstorm charge structure (e.g., Simpson and Scrase 1937; Williams 1989), which suggest a basic thunderstorm charge structure of positive charge over negative charge (with the presence of an additional region of positive charge located near cloud base). Numerous laboratory studies (e.g., Takahashi 1978; Jayaratne et al. 1983; Saunders and Jayaratne 1986, and others) suggest that ice–ice collisions in high LWC environments result in a net positive charge transfer to the ice crystal, consistent with the charge structure model. Thus, in our charge initialization profile, positive charge is assigned to cloud ice, while negative charge is assigned to the snow–aggregate category [with charge density magnitudes on the order of that observed in convective cells by Marshall and Rust (1991)]. This initialization profile is depicted in Fig. B1, which shows the charge density assigned to each hydrometeor category at all levels in the convective cloud (i.e., buffer zone). When combined, the composite charge profile exhibits a tripole structure (e.g., Williams 1989), with peak charge density magnitudes of approximately 3 nC m23 and the primary charge transition occurring at approximately 2208C. With the exception of a negative charge near cloud top, this profile is somewhat similar to the composite MCS convective line electrical structure in Stolzenburg et al. (1998a). d. Charging parameterizations 1) NONINDUCTIVE
Numerous laboratory studies have investigated the noninductive charging process. In particular, studies of Takahashi (1978) and Saunders et al. (1991) have both shown promise in explaining at least some of the charge features observed in convective clouds. Yet they also exhibit marked disagreement for some temperature/ LWC regimes (e.g., Williams 1989). The parameterization for the noninductive charging is developed here as in Rutledge et al. (1990). That is, using the continuous collection equation, the charge generation rate per unit volume is written as
1 2 dQ dt
E 0
p 2 D |V 2 V i |E is Ni Nsdq dDs , 4 s s
where Eis is the separation efficiency, dq the charge separation per collision (discussed below), and N i the cloud ice concentration [predicted by Eq. (A.3)]. Sub-
FIG. B1. Charge profiles used to initialize the buffer zone region (cf. Fig. 1). (a) Charge densities (nC m23 ) of snow (solid line) and cloud ice (dashed line). (b) Total charge density (nC m 23 ).
stituting Eq. (A1) for N s and integrating over the particle size distribution, we obtain the charge generation rate per unit volume, that is,
1 dt 2 dQ
p G(3) |V 2 V i |E is Ni Nos 3 dq, 4 s ls
where l s and Nos are the slope and intercept of the exponential snow–aggregate distribution, respectively, and G represents the gamma function. For the Takahashi
FIG. B2. Polynomial fit of charging current (A cm22 3 10216 ) vs temperature (8C) from the data of Dong and Hallett (1992).
(1978) dataset, dq at each grid point is then determined from a charge lookup table developed by Randell el al. (1994). With the Saunders et al. (1991) data, dq is dependent on both cloud ice size (D i ) and collision impact velocity (V) and is determined according to
dq 5 BD ai V b q9,
where q9 and the coefficients B, a, and b are all computed and/or obtained from empirical equations in Saunders et al. (1991). Since the Saunders et al. data were only determined for T , 27.58C, the parameterization extrapolates those results to higher temperatures. In agreement with Ziegler and MacGorman (1994), we use an effective collection efficiency of 0.5 in our Saunders et al. noninductive charging simulations. 2) EVAPORATION–CONDENSATION CHARGING The ‘‘evaporation–condensation charging’’ mechanism proposed by Dong and Hallett (1992) is a noninductive process (e.g., Stolzenburg et al. 1994), but this charge transfer mechanism is from the collisional charging process described above. In their laboratory study, Dong and Hallett (1992) found a complicated charging behavior during evaporation and vapor growth of ice and cloud water. In particular, they found that the ice particle acquired positive charge during growth and negative charge during sublimation, except at temperatures between 08 and 248C where the ice behaved like
a cloud water droplet and acquired negative charge during growth. They quantified their laboratory results by producing a table that listed charging current as a function of ice/water surface area (A cm22 ) with respect to temperature (8C). Therefore, our model parameterization approach is to determine the total surface area associated with the model ice distributions and multiplying that area by the charging rate from Dong and Hallett (1992), that is
sx 5
pDx2 N(Dx ) dDx and
1 dt 2 5 s F (T ), dQ x
where s x is the total surface area of the distribution (cloud ice or snow–aggregate categories) and F q (T) is derived from fitting a third-order polynomial to the data presented in Fig. 2 of Dong and Hallett (1992). The data from their Fig. 2, along with the best-fit, third-order polynomial, are depicted in Fig. B2, which shows that F q (T) can be approximated as Fq (T ) 5 a q3 T 3 1 a q2 T 2 1 a q1 T 1 a q0 (08C $ T $ 2208C),
where T is the temperature in degrees Celsius and a q3 5 0.0008, a q2 5 20.0025, a q1 5 20.4477, and a q0 5 21.286. The factor 10216 converts the charging rate into
1 JULY 2000
units of A cm22 . For the snow–aggregate distribution (assumed to be exponential), the total charging rate is then
1 dt 2 dQ
2pNos F (T ) l3s q
and, for cloud ice (assumed to be monodisperse), the total charging rate is
1 2 dQ dt
5 (pNi )
[ ] 6q i r ri
2 /3
Fq (T ).
Numerous observational studies (e.g., Marshall and Rust 1993; Stolzenburg et al. 1994; Shepherd et al. 1996) have suggested the ‘‘melting charging’’ mechanism as a possible source of charge generation near the melting level in MCS stratiform regions. In particular, Drake (1968) hypothesized that strong convection currents develop in the meltwater shell surrounding a melting ice particle. The convection currents are then believed to carry bubbles from the embedded ice to the water surface where they burst, thereby releasing ions and resulting in a loss of charge. Drake quantified this process by developing a bulk charging rate per ice mass melted, which can be parameterized as
1 dt 2 dQ
time periods (i.e., two convective pulses) to ensure that they are representative of mean MCS stratiform conditions. Finally, these averages are used to produce a charge budget that compares the relative contributions of charge advection from the convective line to in situ charge generation within the MCS stratiform precipitation region.
where PMELTS is the snow–aggregate category melting rate and Q m the charging rate, where Q m 5 6 3 10 6 esu per cubic meter of meltwater (1 3 1024 esu 5 33 fC) was obtained from Drake (1968). It should be noted that the laboratory study of Drake (1968) primarily examined melting ice spheres. Therefore, in MCS stratiform regions, the applicability of this mechanism is uncertain since the predominant ice hydrometeor type near the melting level of MCS stratiform regions are aggregates (which have a much different melting pattern than do quasi-spherical graupel). e. Pulsing and data averaging Gallus and Johnson (1995) demonstrated that pulsing the convective input (heat and hydrometeors) leads to more vigorous and realistic mesoscale circulations. Additionally, pulsing simulates the growth and decay of convective cells, as is commonly seen in both observations and modeling studies (e.g., Dudhia et al. 1987; Fovell and Ogura 1988; LaFore and Moncrieff 1989). Given this, we also pulse the convective heating, hydrometeor, and charge profiles at 30-min intervals. Since the balloon-borne EFM measures an environment resulting from contributions from many convective cells at various stages of their life cycles, some of the model output presented here are additionally averaged over 1-h
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