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Eisuke Hanada,1,3 Yoshiaki Watanabe,2 and Yoshiaki Nose1 ... The structure of the Autran Vanguard system and the antenna positions are shown in Figs.
Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2000

Electromagnetic Interference with Electronic Medical Equipment Induced by Automatic Conveyance Systems Eisuke Hanada,1,3 Yoshiaki Watanabe,2 and Yoshiaki Nose1

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) with electronic medical equipment induced by automatic conveyance systems is estimated. We measured the electric intensities of electromagnetic waves transmitted by three self-controlled electric truck systems. We also observed EMI with an infusion pump and a syringe pump set 1 m from the rail. The maximum electric field intensity was observed at the supplied current frequency in two systems with non-contact power supply mechanisms. The highest value, 137.0 dB애V/m, was measured just beside the rail. This is higher than the international electromagnetic immunity standard limit for electronic medical equipment. EMI may occur if electronic medical equipment is used within 2 m of the rail when the system contains an inductive power supply mechanism. With a contact power supply mechanism, the electric field intensity was much lower than that of the immunity standard. EMI should not occur even when electronic medical equipment is used just beside the rail. KEY WORDS: automated conveyance system; electromagnetic fields; electromagnetic interference; electronic medical equipment; non-contact power supply mechanism.

INTRODUCTION Automatic material conveyance systems, which are commonly used in factories and storehouses, are now being introduced into large hospitals.(1–3) Some systems transmit high intensity electromagnetic waves, and ways to avoid electromagnetic interference (EMI) should be carefully considered.(4–6) For example, some systems contain non-contact power supply mechanisms and a linear motor. If the system generates a strong intensity electric field, EMI with electronic medical equipment may occur. To determine the safety of these systems, we measured the electromagnetic field intensity around three types of automatic conveyance system. 1

Department of Medical Information Science, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyushu University. Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University. 3 To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of Medical Information Science, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyushu University, Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8582 Japan. 2

11 0148-5598/00/0200-0011$18.00/0  2000 Plenum Publishing Corporation


Hanada, Watanabe, and Nose

Fig. 1. Power supply construction of ‘‘Autran Vanguard.’’

METHODS We measured the electric field intensity of each subject system as shown in Table 1. Test line conditions are also shown in Table I. Each subject system is a full-scale test system located in the distributor’s plant. Equipment used in each measurement is shown in Table II. Other factory machines were stopped to avoid electromagnetic noise. The structure of the Autran Vanguard system and the antenna positions are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. ‘‘Autran Vanguard’’ has a non-contact-type power supply

Table I. Subject Systems and Their Test Line Conditions System Distributor Rail material Rail figure (max thickness) Power-feed architecture Truck motor Carrying capacity Maximum speed Test line location Power supply (at the measurement) Surroundings Construction material of the shed Floor material Meteorological conditions (ave.)

Autrun Vanguard

Super Limliner F3

Tsubakimoto Chain Co. Aluminum H figured (15 mm)

Shinko Electric Co., Ltd. Aluminum Box (7 mm)

Noncontact (IPF)

Noncontact (IPF)

Induction motor 70 kg 50 m/min Tsubakimoto Chain Co. Hyogo plant

Linear direct motor 15 kg 180 m/min Shinko Electric Co., Ltd. Electronic products & Control Systems Works 9.6 kHz, 40.0 A, (200 V ave.) Green Beld and Road Steel-frame slate panels

12.2 kHz, 42.5 A, (200 V ave.) Green Belt Steel-frame slate panels Steel with skid protection Cloudy, 19⬚C, 60%

SIMACOM-LDM Siemens K.K. (Japan) Aluminum U figured (4 mm) Contact (collector brush) Linear direct motor 15 kg 120 m/min Siemens K.K. Katsushika office


60 Hz, 0.7 A/truck, 200 V Residential houses Steel-frame slate panels Concrete

Cloudy, 28⬚C, 85%

Clear, 32⬚C, 60%

Electromagnetic Interference by Automatic Conveyance Systems


Table II. Measurement Equipment and Its Settings Measurement of system A Type of equipment Field strength meter Field strength meter Loop antenna Dipole antenna

Type ML428B ML518A MP414B MP534A

ML428B settings Pass band: 0.2 KHz (10 앑 150 KHz) 9 KHz (150 KHz 앑 30 MHz) DET (mode): Peak hold(s): 3 sec Measurement of system B Type of equipment Type Spectrum analyzer R3265 Loop antenna HFH2-Z2 Attenuator (6 dB) MP721A R3265 settings Bandwidth: RBW 1 kHz, VBW 10 KHz Sweep: 100 ms Measurement of system C Type of equipment Type Field strength meter ESH3 Field strength meter ESV Loop antenna HFH2-Z2 Bi-conical antenna BBA9106 Log-periodic antenna UHALP9107 ESH3 settings Pass band 0.2 KHz (9 앑 150 KHz) 9 KHz (150 KHz 앑 30 MHz) Mode: CISPR 16-1

Distributor Anritsu Anritsu Anritsu Anritsu

Frequency in use 10 kHz 앑 30 MHz 50 MHz 앑 500 MHz 10 kHz 앑 30 MHz 30 MHz 앑 500 MHz

ML518A settings Pass band: 120 KHz DET (mode): Peak hold(s): 3 sec Distributor Advantest Rohde & Schwarz Anritsu

Frequency in use 1 kHz 앑 300 MHz 9 kHz 앑 30 MHz

Distributor Rohde & Schwarz Rohde & Schwarz Rohde & Schwarz Schwarz beck Schwarz beck

Frequency in use 10 kHz 앑 30 MHz 30 MHz 앑 1000 MHz 10 kHz 앑 30 MHz 30 MHz 앑 300 MHz 300 MHz 앑 1000 MHz

ESV settings Pass band: 120 KHz Mode: CISPR 16-1

mechanism (inductive power feeder, IPF). The power source for the trucks is an induction motor. In IPF, an alternating electric current is supplied to the power line that induces an alternating magnetic field around the power line. Coils set on the trucks are located in the magnetic fields, and the alternating magnetic fields generate alternating current in the coils. With this architecture, trucks obtain electric power from the power line without contact. Because of lack of space to set the antennas outside the test line, Points A and B were set on the vertical line at the center of the parallel rails where the electric intensity seemed to be maximum. The height of Point B was determined in relation to rail height and antenna size. Measurements were taken with the truck running in the location nearest the antenna and with the system switched OFF. The value of generated electric field intensity was the subtraction of the two results measured at the same frequency. The measurement frequencies ranged from 10 kHz to 500 MHz. The structure of the Super Limliner F3 system and the antenna positions are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. ‘‘Super Limliner F3’’ has IPF in the power-feed mechanism and a Linear Direct Motor (LDM) as the power source of the trucks. In LDM, permanent magnets are lined-up on the rail with polarization alternating. Direct


Hanada, Watanabe, and Nose

Fig. 2. ‘‘Autran Vanguard’’ test line form and measurement points.

current is supplied to the coil on the truck, and the coil is forced to move by Fleming’s left-hand rule. Because of the structure of the truck, which covers the rail, we measured with no trucks running near the antenna for Points A, B, and C. For Point D, we measured with a truck in the station. In this measurement, we first checked the frequency distribution of electric intensity by spectrum analysis, then measured the highest electric intensity using an intensity meter. The analyzed frequencies ranged from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. The SIMACOM-LDM system structure and the antenna positions are shown

Fig. 3. Power supply construction of ‘‘Super Limliner F3.’’

Electromagnetic Interference by Automatic Conveyance Systems


Fig. 4. ‘‘Super Limliner F3’’ test line form and measurement points.

in Figs. 5 and 6. ‘‘SIMACOM-LDM’’ has a contact-type power supply mechanism and LDM. In contact type power supply mechanisms, the current collector on the trucks, a brush or bar, is continuously in contact with and sliding on the power line, and the trucks obtain current through the collector. In each measurement, we measured with a truck running in the location nearest the antenna. We also measured background electromagnetic noise. The measurement frequencies ranged from 10 kHz to 700 MHz.

Fig. 5. Power supply construction of ‘‘SIMACOM-LDM.’’


Hanada, Watanabe, and Nose

Fig. 6. ‘‘SIMACOM-LDM’’ test line form and measurement points.

We observed whether or not EMI occurs with an infusion pump (Terumo TE112) and a syringe pump (Terumo STC-525). Both pumps have electromagnetic immunities required by international electromagnetic immunity standard IEC606011-2.(8) For each pump, we simulated operating conditions using 0.9 % salt water. The amount of liquid flow was set at 60 ml/h for the infusion pump and 10 ml/15 min for the syringe pump. After running each pump for 15 min, we measured amount of liquid flow. For testing the Autran Vanguard system, the two pumps were located at Point A in Fig. 2, and a truck was set near the pump. For the Super Limliner F3 system and the SIMACOM-LDM system, the pumps were located at a measurement point in front of the station (Point D in Fig. 4, and Point C in Figure 6), and a truck was set in the station. The pumps were suspended on a stand.

RESULTS The results for the Autran Vanguard system are shown in Fig. 7. The results of spectrum analysis at Point A for the Super Limliner F3 system are shown in Fig. 8. The results for the SIMACOM-LDM system are shown in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9, the values include background noise. The maximum electric field intensities at each measuring point are shown in Table III. No interference, such as a sensor error or irregular equipment stop, was observed. The liquid flow of each observation was within 0.2 ml of the setting, within the permitted difference as written in their equipment instructions.

Electromagnetic Interference by Automatic Conveyance Systems


Fig. 7. Electric intensity with ‘‘Autran Vanguard.’’

DISCUSSION Although it is possible to measure both electric and magnetic fields intensity, we measured only electric field intensity because the electromagnetic immunity

Fig. 8. Frequency distribution of electric intensity with ‘‘Super Limliner F3’’ (Point A).


Hanada, Watanabe, and Nose

Fig. 9. Electric intensity with ‘‘SIMACOM-LDM.’’

of electronic medical equipment has been standardized internationally with this parameter. When measuring electric and magnetic field intensities, measurement in an anechoic chamber is encouraged, because the anechoic chamber eliminates electromagnetic waves coming from outside, prevents reflection from walls and floors, and stabilizes measurement results, all of which increase accuracy. However, it was impossible to use an anechoic chamber for this study because of the size of the subject system. International standards IEC60601-1-2(7) and IEC61000-4-3(8) say that electronic medical equipment should run normally in electromagnetic fields of 3 V/m electric intensity. Our results indicate that there are some areas where electric field intensity is over 3 V/m (129.54 dB애V/m) near IPF systems. The contact-type power supply mechanism, LDM and the induction motor do not seem to cause EMI. There is no international electromagnetic immunity standard for frequencies under 28 MHz or over 1 GHz. If the frequency range of the international standards

Table III. Maximum Values and Frequencies of Maximum Intensities Autran Vanguard Point Point Point Point a


1.55, 0.47, 7.08, 1.16,

12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2

Super Limliner F3 1.05, 0.91, 2.00, 2.19,

9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6

SIMACOM-LDM 0.15, 30.0 0.35, 190.0 0.52, 550.0 —

Values are the maximum electromagnetic intensity (V/m), and the frequency of maximum intensity (kHz).

Electromagnetic Interference by Automatic Conveyance Systems


were extended, there might be EMI with electronic medical equipment located close to IPF systems. Electric intensity in the ‘‘far region’’ is said to be in inverse proportion to the distance from the origin. But, in measuring the Autran Vanguard and Super Limliner F3 systems, we found all points to be in the ‘‘near region,’’ at about 10 kHz or lower frequency electric field. In this situation, the relationship between the electric field intensity and distance is not in inverse proportion. Keeping sufficient distance, more than 2 m between electronic medical equipment and truck systems, is the most effective way to prevent EMI. Within 2 m, electric field intensity increases and may be over 3 V/m. But as we reported,(9) reflections or transparency of electromagnetic fields at walls, ceilings, and floors should be considered. To reduce the possibility of EMI from the truck system, electromagnetic shielding materials should be arranged around the system. Electromagnetic conductive materials can also be set on walls and ceilings to prevent reflection. Decreasing the current feeding into the power line would reduce emission; however, decreasing the current means decreasing the power, which would decrease the speed and carrying capacity of the trucks. Since efficient electromagnetic shielding against 10 kHz band radio waves is difficult, electronic medical equipment should be kept more than 1 m from a rail. In maintaining conveyance systems, hospital directors should also consider the container handling stations. In the Super Limliner F3 and SIMACOM-LDM systems, power supply lines are located on the rail in the station and electric current is continuously supplied. Keeping patients at least 2 m away from stations or a mechanism to prevent opening of the station covers by patients would be necessary to avoid EMI.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Tsubakimoto Chain Co., Shinko Electric Co., Ltd., and Siemens K.K. for providing test lines and preparing measurement equipment for this study. The authors also wish to thank A-PEX International Co., Ltd. and Japan Quality Assurance Organization for supporting us. This study was supported by grants-in-aid from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (No.10771331).

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