22 JUNE 2003
Electronic structures, vibrational spectra, and revised assignment of aniline and its radical cation: Theoretical study Piotr M. Wojciechowski, Wiktor Zierkiewicz, and Danuta Michalskaa) Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology, Wybrzez˙e, Wyspiaskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Pavel Hobza J. Heyrovsky´ Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Center for Complex Molecular Systems and Biomolecules, Dolejsˇkova 3, 18223 Prague 8, Czech Republic
共Received 31 January 2003; accepted 25 March 2003兲 Comprehensive studies of the molecular and electronic structures, vibrational frequencies, and infrared and Raman intensities of the aniline radical cation, C6 H5 NH⫹ 2 have been performed by using the unrestricted density functional 共UB3LYP兲 and second-order Møller–Plesset 共UMP2兲 methods with the extended 6-311⫹⫹G共df,pd兲 basis set. For comparison, analogous calculations were carried out for the closed-shell neutral aniline. The studies provided detailed insight into the bonding changes that take place in aniline upon ionization. The natural bond orbital 共NBO兲 analysis has revealed that the p-radical conjugative interactions are of prime importance in stabilizing the planar, quinoid-type structure of the aniline radical cation. It is shown that the natural charges calculated for aniline are consistent with the chemical properties of this molecule 共an ortho- and para-directing power of the NH2 group in electrophilic substitutions兲, whereas Mulliken charges are not reliable. The theoretical vibrational frequencies of aniline, calculated by the B3LYP method, show excellent agreement with the available experimental data. In contrast, the MP2 method is deficient in predicting the frequencies of several modes in aniline, despite the use of the extended basis set in calculations. The frequencies of aniline radical cation, calculated at the UB3LYP/ 6-311⫹⫹G共df,pd兲 level, are in very good agreement with the recently reported experimental data from zero kinetic energy photoelectron and infrared depletion spectroscopic studies. The clear- cut assignment of the IR and Raman spectra of the investigated molecules has been made on the basis of the calculated potential energy distributions. Several bands in the spectra have been reassigned. It is shown that ionization of aniline can be easily identified by the appearance of the very strong band at about 1490 cm⫺1 , in the Raman spectrum. The redshift of the N–H stretching frequencies and the blueshift of the C–H stretching frequencies are observed in aniline, upon ionization. As revealed by NBO analysis, the frequency shifts can be correlated with the increase of electron * ) and decrease of ED on CH * , respectively. These density 共ED兲 on the antibonding orbitals ( NH effects are associated with a weakening of N–H bonds and strengthening of C–H bonds in the aniline radical cation. The simulated theoretical Raman and infrared spectra of aniline and its radical cation, reported in this work, can be used in further spectroscopic studies of their van der Waals clusters and hydrogen bonded complexes. © 2003 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.1574788]
Recent progress in the infrared spectroscopy of isolated molecular clusters in a supersonic jet has made it possible to provide detailed information on the nature of hydrogen bond or van der Waals 共vdW兲 interactions between molecules. Among the new spectroscopic methods, infrared depletion spectroscopy, which combines the resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy with time-of-flight mass spectrometry 共REMPI-TOF-MS兲 is especially useful technique for studying hydrogen bonding between closed-shell systems in their ground electronic states.1 Aniline, the simplest aromatic amine, is a very good model system for studya兲
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
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ing molecular complexes by infrared depletion spectroscopy, which exploits an aromatic system as a chromophore in the infrared-ultraviolet 共IR-UV兲 double resonance technique.2 In the case of radical species, the high-resolution zero kinetic energy 共ZEKE兲 photoelectron spectroscopy, recently developed by Schlag and co-workers3 is of particular importance. This technique allows for the accurate determination of the vibrational frequencies of radical ions and their molecular clusters. In view of a broad occurrence of aromatic amines in biological systems, knowledge of the nature of interactions in the aniline complexes is indispensable. Nakanaga and co-workers2,4 –7 performed extensive studies on intermolecular interactions in aniline complexes and its radical cations by infrared depletion spectroscopy. These authors have
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shown, for example, that ionization of the aniline–furan complex leads to the changes in hydrogen bonding, from the NH- type in the neutral system to the NH- type in the cation cluster.5 Schmid et al.6 investigated the NH2 -stretching vibrations of different aniline-X van der Waals clusters (X⫽N2 , CH4 , CHF3 and CO兲 and their radical cations, using infrared depletion spectroscopy. These authors suggested that the main interaction force in the cation clusters is different from that in the neutral counterparts. Aniline was also the first system for which the amino group nonplanarity was proved.8 Excellent agreement between experimental and theoretical anharmonic inversiontorsion frequencies of fundamental, overtone, and combination modes in aniline has been obtained in the correlated ab initio studies, which gives a confidence to the calculated potential energy surface, and the evidence to a rather high nonplanarity of aniline molecule.8,9 Sinclair and Pratt9 in their detailed study of the rotationally resolved S 1 ←S 0 electronic spectra of aniline, derived inertial parameters of the bare aniline molecule and confirmed that it is pyramidally distorted at the NH2 group in S 0 , and quasi-planar in the S 1 state. These findings are of fundamental importance since they have allowed to deduce that the amino groups in nucleic acid bases are nonplanar.10 The aniline radical cation, C6 H5 NH⫹ 2 is also a very attractive object of study. It has been reported that this radical plays a key role in aniline oxidation polycondensation11 and in the photoinduced electron transfer phenomena.12 Therefore, investigation of the structural and electronic changes in aniline, upon its ionization, can help in elucidation of the mechanism of these processes. The ZEKE spectra of jet-cooled neutral aniline-Ar van der Waals complex together with that of the aniline-Ar radical cation have been published by several authors.13–15 The spectra have provided a number of well-resolved vibrational bands of aniline cation. Piest et al.16 measured the infrared absorption spectra of the jet-cooled neutral aniline-Ar and aniline-Ar⫹ van der Waals complexes, in the range of frequencies 350–1700 cm⫺1 , by using mass-selective ion detection in two different IR-UV double resonance excitation schemes. From the spectra, these authors inferred several frequencies of the gas-phase aniline radical cation. Recently, Ge´e et al.17 reported the infrared spectra of aniline in lowtemperature argon matrix, in the spectral region from 500 to 4000 cm⫺1 . They have also observed five fundamental frequencies of aniline cation, formed inside the matrix by UV laser irradiation. Song et al.15 calculated vibrational frequencies of aniline radical cation by using the unrestricted second-order Møller– Plesset 共UMP2兲 method combined with a rather small 共631G*兲 basis set. However, one can notice quite large discrepancies between the experimental and the UMP2-calculated frequencies of aniline cation obtained by these authors. In our earlier studies on phenols18 –20 we have clearly demonstrated that the MP2 method fails in predicting the frequencies of some normal modes of aromatic ring 共in particular, of those labeled 4 and 14 in Wilson’s notation for benzene兲. In contrast, the B3LYP method gives excellent results for these ‘‘troublesome’’ modes in aromatic molecules.18 Therefore, it
Aniline and its radical cations
is interesting to investigate the performance of the MP2 method in the reliable prediction of vibrational frequencies of aniline. Numerous theoretical calculations of the infrared spectrum of aniline have been carried out by many authors using semiemprical, ab initio and DFT methods.15,16,21–28 Nevertheless, despite all the extensive theoretical studies, the assignment of several modes of aniline molecule remains uncertain, while that reported for aniline radical cation is very ambiguous and contradictory. The reason of this situation is that earlier vibrational assignments for aniline have been made either by an approximate description of vibrations, or by labeling the normal modes 共by analogy to the notations used for benzene兲 or by plotting the calculated Cartesian displacements of the atoms. Unfortunately, all these approaches turned out to be very misleading in making comparison between the corresponding normal modes in aniline and its radical cation. To get the detailed information on the form of the normal modes, it is indispensable to carry out the rigorous normal coordinate analysis and to calculate the potential energy distribution 共PED兲 in terms of the internal coordinates. In this work we have performed comprehensive density functional and ab initio 共MP2兲 studies of aniline and its radical cation. The results from natural bond orbital 共NBO兲 analysis have provided detailed insight into the bonding and electronic changes that take place in aniline, upon ionization. But the primary goal of this work was to obtain the clear-cut assignment of the vibrational spectra of aniline and its cation. The theoretical infrared and Raman spectra of both the molecules are presented. Several bands are reassigned on the basis of the calculated PED. The shifts of vibrational frequencies, and the changes in intensities of the IR and Raman bands caused by the ionization of aniline, are thoroughly discussed. The results obtained in this work can be useful in further studies of the vibrational spectra of hydrogen bonded complexes and van der Waals clusters of aniline and its radical cation. II. THEORETICAL METHODS
The optimized equilibrium structure, harmonic frequencies, infrared intensities, and Raman scattering activities of aniline have been calculated by the density functional threeparameter hybrid model 共DFT/B3LYP兲 共Refs. 29, 30兲 and ab initio MP2 method.31 For the radical cation, the corresponding unrestricted 共UB3LYP and UMP2兲 methods have been used. The ground electronic state of the radical cation is 2 B 1 , therefore, a spin contamination of the UHF wave function may occur in an unrestricted calculation. We have examined the expectation value of the total spin, Sˆ 2 . In UB3LYP calculation the final Sˆ 2 is 0.7503, which is in excellent agreement with the expectation value of 0.7500 for the doublet ground state. This confirms validity of the UB3LYP results for radical cation. However, some amount of spin contamination 共about 11%兲 remains in the UMP2 calculations, as indicated by the final value of Sˆ 2 , 0.8319. A natural bond orbital 共NBO兲 analysis32,33 has been carried out for aniline and its radical cation using the B3LYP-
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density matrices. In the studies, the 6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲, 6-311G共df, pd兲 and 6-311⫹G共d, p兲 basis sets have been employed.34 All calculations were performed with the 35 GAUSSIAN 98 package. The normal coordinate analyses have been carried out for both the molecules, according to the procedure described in our earlier papers.36,37 The nonredundant set of 36 internal coordinates has been used as recommended by Fogarasi and Pulay.38 The frequencies of the CH and NH stretching vibrations were scaled by 0.958 共derived from the recently reported scaling factor for the valence A–H stretching force constants39兲. The harmonic frequencies below 2000 cm⫺1 were scaled by the factor of 0.983 共determined in our previous study of similar systems20兲. It should be noted that the symmetry point group of aniline is Cs , whereas that of the radical cation is C2 v 共in their ground electronic states兲. According to IUPAC recommendation for C2 v point group, XZ reflection plane should be perpendicular to the ring plane. Thus, the normal modes of A ⬘ symmetry in aniline correspond to A 1 and B 1 vibrations in cation, while modes of A ⬙ symmetry in aniline correspond to B 2 and A 2 modes in cation 共with A 2 being IR inactive兲. The theoretical Raman spectra of aniline and its radical cation were calculated by using the B3LYP-calculated Raman scattering activities of the normal modes. It should be emphasized that Gaussian program does not calculate the Raman spectra 共as stated in Ref. 40兲 since it does not provide the Raman intensities 共although it gives the infrared intensities兲. However, the Raman intensities can be derived from the calculated Raman scattering activities of the normal modes. We have calculated the Raman spectra of the investigated molecules on the basis of the relation that the intensity of a Stokes Raman band (I R ) is directly proportional to its differential scattering cross section 共/⍀兲,41 I R ⬇ 关 / ⍀ 兴 i .
Ozkabak et al.42 have shown that the theoretical differential Raman scattering cross section of a Stokes band associated with the normal mode Q i is given by 关 / ⍀ 兴 i ⫽D 共 0 ⫺ i 兲 4 关 1⫺exp共 ⫺h i c/kT 兲兴 ⫺1S Ri , 共2兲
where 0 is the wave number of exciting laser radiation 共in our calculations we have used 0 ⫽9398.5 cm⫺1 , which corresponds to the Nd-YAG laser radiation兲; i is the theoretical wavenumber (cm⫺1 ) of the normal mode Q i ; k, h, c, and T are Boltzmann and Planck constants, speed of light, and temperature in Kelvin 共298.15兲, respectively; S Ri is the theoretical Raman scattering activity of the normal mode (Å4 amu⫺1 ); the constant D is equal 2.3975⫻10⫺15 in our calculations. In the simulated Raman and IR spectra, the band shape has been approached by a Lorentzian function using the ‘‘half-width at half height’’ of 3 cm⫺1 .
TABLE I. Atom distances and bond angles of the neutral aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲 optimized by B3LYP and MP2 methods using the 6-311 ⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 basis set, and the experimental data for aniline vapor. Parametera
C1 –N N–H13 C1 – C2 C2 – C3 C3 – C4 C2 – H8 C3 – H9 C4 – H10 C1 •••C4 C2 •••C6 C3 •••C5 C1 – C2 – C3 C2 – C3 – C4 C3 – C4 – C5 C2 – C1 – C6 C1 – C2 – H8 C4 – C3 – H9 C3 – C4 – H10 C1 – N– H13 H13 – N– H14 c ␥d
1.395 1.008 1.401 1.388 1.392 1.084 1.083 1.082 2.812 2.408 2.397 120.49 120.79 118.87 118.56 119.49 119.99 120.56 116.23 112.79 35.51 1.50
1.332 1.012 1.432 1.368 1.410 1.082 1.081 1.082 2.779 2.481 2.453 119.36 120.16 120.85 120.09 119.45 119.74 119.57 121.58 116.82 0.00 0.00
MP2 共UMP2兲 A B 1.402 1.011 1.400 1.393 1.395 1.086 1.085 1.084 2.813 2.409 2.405 120.51 120.48 119.12 118.69 119.42 120.11 120.41 113.73 110.48 42.84 2.26
1.332 1.011 1.428 1.343 1.403 1.084 1.083 1.084 2.750 2.475 2.452 119.51 119.96 121.03 120.04 119.31 119.40 119.49 121.34 117.32 0.00 0.00
Expt. Anilineb 1.402⫾0.002 1.001⫾0.001 1.397⫾0.002 1.394⫾0.003 1.396⫾0.002 1.082⫾0.004 1.083⫾0.002 1.080⫾0.002
120.12⫾0.20 120.70⫾0.08 118.92⫾0.08 119.43⫾0.20 119.83⫾0.20 119.92⫾0.08 120.54⫾0.08 115.94 113.10⫾2
Atom distances in Å, bond angles in deg. From the gas-phase microwave studies reported in Ref. 43. c Angle between the bisector of the HNH angle 共in the NH2 plane兲 and the axis passing through the C1 and C4 atoms. d Angle between the C1 –N bond axis and the C1 – C4 axis. b
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Geometrical structure
The optimized geometrical parameters of both the molecules are listed in Table I, together with the experimental values for aniline obtained from the gas-phase microwave studies.43 Figure 1 shows the numbering of atoms. The theoretical and experimental data indicate that the neutral aniline in its ground electronic state ( 1 A 1 ) is nonplanar.8,9,43– 45 However, it should be noted, that the degree of NH2 pyramidalization varies, depending on the experimental method employed. The dihedral angle between the NH2 plane and the C6 H5 N plane has been determined as 37⫾2°, by the microwave studies 共with the assumption that the C–N bond is coplanar with the ring兲.43 This angle is slightly larger 共42⫾1°兲 when determined by resonance fluorescence44 or by far infrared data.45 According to our calculations, at both levels of theory, the C1 –N bond is slightly bent and it makes an angle ␥ of about 1.5°–2.3° with the C1 –C4 axis 共Table I兲. It should be noted that the bond lengths and angles of the neutral aniline calculated at the MP2/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level are in excellent agreement with the microwave data. For example, the experimental C1 –N bond length as well as C–C distances in the ring are almost reproduced at this level of theory. The B3LYP calculated geometry of aniline is also in very good agreement with experiment. According to calculations with both the unrestricted methods 共UB3LYP and UMP2兲, the aniline radical cation in
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FIG. 1. The numbering of atoms in aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲, and the natural charges from NBO analysis 关B3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 calculations兴.
its ground electronic state ( 2 B 1 ) is planar (C2 v symmetry兲. The C1 –N bond is shortened to 1.332 Å, in comparison to the neutral aniline. This indicates the formation of a partial double CN bond upon ionization. It is interesting to note that the calculated N7 –H bond lengths are slightly longer in cation than in the neutral aniline, as revealed by density functional method, while they remain unchanged in MP2 calculations. The former result is in agreement with the experimental data from the IR spectra,7 as will be shown later. It follows from Table I that both the C1 NH and HNH bond angles considerably increase in cation, as compared to the neutral molecule. Furthermore, significant geometrical changes are noticed in the ring. In cation, the C1 –C2 共and equivalent C1 – C6 ) distances are elongated by 0.031 Å, the C2 – C3 共and C5 – C6 ) bond lengths are shortened by 0.020 Å, and C3 – C4 共and C4 – C5 ) bond lengths are elongated by 0.018 Å 共B3LYP results兲. It should be noted that the unrestricted MP2 method slightly exaggerates the quinoid-type structure of the ring in aniline cation, since the calculated C2 – C3 共and C5 – C6 ) bond lengths are shortened by as much as about 0.05 Å. The distances between the nonbonded carbon atoms in the ring also change in cation, in comparison to those in aniline. According to the B3LYP results, the distances C2 •••C6 and C3 •••C5 increase by 0.073 Å and 0.056 Å, respectively 共Table I兲. This is accompanied by a shortening of the C1 •••C4 distance by 0.033 Å 共versus 0.063 Å in MP2 calculations!兲. The UMP2 results can be affected by some spin contamination, as noted earlier.
Aniline and its radical cations
FIG. 2. The differences between the natural charges on the corresponding atoms in aniline radical cation and in the neutral aniline (⌬q⫽q cation ⫺q neutral) calculated by the MP2 and B3LYP methods using 6-311 ⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 basis set. Due to the presence of the reflection plane (C s symmetry兲 the results for the half of the molecule are shown.
are illustrated in Fig. 2. As follows from this figure, the MP2 method predicts the largest difference on the C4 carbon atom, since the natural charge on C4 increases by 0.263 e 共from ⫺0.219 e in aniline to 0.044 e in cation兲. According to B3LYP calculation, the positive charge is delocalized mainly between the C4 and N7 atoms, the charge on C4 increases by 0.210 e, while that on nitrogen increases by 0.228 e. Furthermore, the B3LYP method shows an increase of charge 共by about 0.1 e兲 on the carbon atoms in the ortho-position, C2 and C6 , in cation. It should be stressed that in the case of aniline, the net atomic charges obtained from Mulliken population analysis show extremely strong basis set dependence and they vary considerably with the method employed in calculations. For example, the Mulliken charge on the C1 atom in aniline varies from ⫺0.57 e 共MP2兲 to ⫺0.91 e 共B3LYP兲 when the 6-311 ⫹⫹G共df,pd兲 basis set is used in calculations, and it increases to about ⫹0.10 e 共MP2 and B3LYP兲 when the diffuse functions are excluded from the above basis sets. Figure 3 illustrates comparison between the natural and Mulliken charges on the corresponding atoms of the neutral aniline 关calculations performed at the B3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level兴. One
B. Natural charges „NBO population versus Mulliken population analysis…
Figure 1 compares the natural charges of aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲 calculated by density functional method using 6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 basis set. It is evident from this comparison that the total charge 共⫹1兲 of the aniline radical cation is not localized, but is distributed among all atoms. The differences between natural charges on the corresponding atoms in aniline radical cation and the neutral molecule
FIG. 3. Comparison of atomic charges in the neutral aniline obtained from the NBO and Mulliken population analyses 关calculations performed at the B3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level of theory兴.
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 118, No. 24, 22 June 2003 TABLE II. Occupancies of natural orbitals 共NBOs兲a in the ␣ and  spin system of aniline radical cation calculated at the UB3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df,pd兲 level Donor Lewis-type NBOs
C1N NH C2H C3H C4H C1C2 C2C3 C3C4 C2C3 C1N LPN p C4

0.9968 0.9949 0.9895 0.9894 0.9909 0.9871 0.9904 0.9911 0.8494
0.9965 0.9950 0.9896 0.9894 0.9908 0.9866 0.9904 0.9908 0.8566 0.9286
⫺0.0015 ⫺0.0011 ⫺0.0004 ⫺0.0017 ⫺0.0012 ⫺0.0018 ⫺0.0039 ⫺0.0037
0.9135 0.5832
Acceptor non-Lewis NBOs
C*1N * NH C*2H C*3H C*4H C*1C2 C*2C3 C*3C4 C*2C3 C*1N p C⬘ 1 p C⬘ 4

0.0087 0.0042 0.0060 0.0064 0.0052 0.0119 0.0062 0.0071 0.1546
0.0085 0.0044 0.0062 0.0064 0.0054 0.0120 0.0064 0.0073 0.0308 0.0529
⫺0.0024 ⫺0.0011 ⫺0.0016 ⫺0.0007 ⫺0.0032 ⫺0.0002 ⫺0.0016 ⫺0.0019
0.4881 0.2409
The core and Rydberg NBOs are omitted, for clarity. LPN is a valence lone pair orbital on nitrogen, p C is a valence p-type orbital on carbon, starred label 共*兲 denotes antibonding orbital and ‘‘prime’’ label 共⬘兲 identifies a non-Lewis 共formally empty兲 orbital. b ⌬ is the difference between the total 共␣⫹兲 occupancy of the NBO in the radical cation and the occupancy of the corresponding NBO in aniline.
can notice quite large discrepancies between these results. According to NBO analysis, the ortho-carbon atoms (C2 and C6 ) and the para-carbon atom C4 have the largest negative charges among all carbon atoms in aniline ring. This is in accordance with the well known fact that the amine substituent in the benzene ring has a strong ortho- and paradirecting power for the electrophilic substitution. However, the opposite result has been obtained by Mulliken population analysis. As follows from Fig. 3, the meta-carbon atoms (C3 and C5 ) have much higher negative charges than ortho- and para-carbons. Moreover, both the C2 and C6 atoms are positively charged 共⫹0.38 e兲 which precludes the electrophilic substitution at the ortho-position in aniline. Thus, it can be concluded that natural atomic charges can be used for reliable description of the chemical properties of aniline, whereas the Mulliken charges have unrealistic values for this molecule. C. NBO analysis
The natural bond orbital 共NBO兲 analyses of aniline and its radical cation have revealed very interesting and valuable details on the electronic structures of these molecules. In this method, delocalization of electron density between occupied Lewis-type 共bonding or lone pair兲 orbitals and formally unoccupied 共antibonding or Rydberg兲 nonLewis NBOs corresponds to a stabilizing donor–acceptor interaction. The strength of this interaction can be estimated by the second order perturbation theory.32 The results of the NBO analysis performed for the closed-shell ground state of aniline indicate that the electronic interactions in the ring are dominated by strong conjugation allowing each localized bond orbital to delocalize into two adjacent * antibonding NBOs ( i → *j ). These interactions are similar to those calculated for benzene.46 Also, very important in the neutral aniline is the electron
donation from the nitrogen lone pair orbital, LPN , to the * orbitals in the ring. The LPN orantibonding acceptor CC bital has 90.6% p-character and is occupied by 1.8508 electrons 共this is consistent with a delocalization of electron density from the idealized occupancy of 2.0 e兲. A strong LPN * interaction decreases pyramidalization of the NH2 → CC group in aniline molecule and flattens the molecule. In the case of aniline radical cation, the NBO procedure has been applied separately to ␣ and  spin density matrices, according to the method of ‘‘different hybrids for different spins’’ 共DHDS NBO兲 described by Carpenter and Weinhold for open-shell species.33 Table II collects the calculated occupancies in NBOs of aniline radical cation 共for ␣ and  spin systems兲. In addition, the calculated differences 共⌬兲 between the corresponding NBO occupancies in radical and neutral aniline, are also included. The Rydberg NBOs 共extra-valence orbitals兲 have relatively small occupancies, therefore, they are omitted from this table. It should be emphasized that gain 共or loss兲 of occupancy in antibonding acceptor orbital can be directly correlated with a weakening 共or strengthening兲 of the bond associated with this orbital. As follows from Table II, in the radical cation, the total occupancy in the C1 – N sigma antibonding * ) decreases by 0.0024 e, in comparison to the orbital ( CN neutral aniline. This implies that upon ionization, the C1 – N bond becomes stronger, which is consistent with experimental data. From Table II it is further evident that electron density at nitrogen lone pair LPN , decreases 共by 0.9373 e兲 which gives clear evidence on planarization of amino group when going from the neutral aniline to the radical cation. On the other hand, the NBO analysis of aniline radical cation predicts an increase in occupancy of the NH antibond* ), by about 0.0011 e, which is associated ing orbitals ( NH with a weakening of the N–H bonds. This prediction is also
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supported by the reported experimental data showing the redshift of the N–H stretching frequencies in the radical cation, in comparison to aniline.7 This finding is, however, unexpected since in the case of guanine, planarizaton of amino group is connected with a contraction of the NH bond and a blueshift of the respective stretching frequency.47 Decrease of electron density at the amino nitrogen lone electron pair of guanine 共occurring as the result of dimerization of guanine兲 yields planarization of amino group and a significant blueshift of the N–H stretching frequency. According to the NBO results obtained in this work, the N–H hybridization changes when going from the neutral aniline (s p 2.82) to the cation (s p 2.43). Decrease of p-character and simultaneous increase of the s-character 共upon ionization兲 should be related to contraction of the NH bond length in the system. However, in the aniline radical cation, the N–H stretching frequency is shifted to the red, * which is due to an increase of electron density on the NH orbital. Evidently, the two mentioned processes 共change in hybridization and electron density transfer to the antibonding orbital兲 compete, and the latter one is more pronounced. It is also interesting to note that the occupancies of all * ) are smaller in cation than in the neutral CH antibonds ( CH molecule. This indicates a strengthening of the CH bonds upon ionization. In accordance with this prediction, all the calculated frequencies of the C–H stretching vibrations are blueshifted in the radical cation, as compared to the neutral aniline 共these results will be shown later in the discussion of vibrational spectra兲. The results obtained for aniline radical reveal the presence of two CC orbitals 共 C2C3 and C5C6兲 and one C1N orbital, which is consistent with the quinod-type structure. The ␣ spin 共majority兲 electrons seem to be more delocalized than  spin electrons. As is seen in Table II, a striking feature of the ␣ spin system is the occupancy of only 0.5832 e in the valence pure p-orbital on C4 carbon atom, p C4 共orthogonal to the molecular plane兲. It should be mentioned that in the idealized Lewis structure of aniline radical cation, this p-orbital is singly occupied by the ‘‘unpaired’’ electron. The loss of ␣ spin electron density from this orbital is undoubtedly caused by the radical conjugation. Examination of the donor– acceptor interaction energies has revealed that this effect is a direct result of a strong donation of density from the p C4 orbital to two acceptor antibonding NBOs (p C4 → C* C and 2 3 p C4 → C* C ) in accord with the usual chemical picture of the 5 6 radical conjugation. The other dominant interaction in the aniline radical cation involves donation of ␣ spin electron density from the nitrogen lone pair orbital, LPN 共which has 99.97% p-character兲 to the empty valence p orbital on the C1 atom, p C⬘ . 共In the Lewis structure of the ␣ spin system this 1 p-orbital is formally empty, therefore, it is labeled by ‘‘prim.’’兲 The latter interaction builds a partial double bond between N and C1 atoms. Furthermore, in the ␣ spin system one can note the conjugative interactions: CC→p C⬘ and 1 * 共the formally empty orbital p C⬘ is acting as the p C⬘ → CC 1 1 acceptor in the former, and as the donor orbital in the latter
Aniline and its radical cations
transition兲. The resulting occupancy of the p C⬘ orbital is 1 quite high, 0.4881 e. In the  spin system, the bonding C1N is formed by an overlap of two pure p-type valence orbitals 共on carbon C1 and N atoms兲, and is occupied by 0.9286 electrons. The examination of the estimated energies of the donor–acceptor interactions in the  spin system has revealed a great importance of the CC→p C⬘ interactions, i.e., donation of electron 4 density from two bonding CC NBOs to the valence p-orbital on the C4 atom, p C⬘ .A large occupancy 共0.2409 e兲 of this 4 non-Lewis orbital reflects a high delocalization of  spin * and ⬘ → CC electrons. The other conjugative interactions, p C4 CC→ C*1N , lead to an increase in occupancies of * antibonds in the  spin system. Thus, it can be concluded that strong conjugation effects extend over all aniline radical cation, and stabilize the planar geometry of this species. It also follows from calculations, that ionization of aniline leads to the quinoidlike distortion of the ring and, consequently, to significant double bond character of the exocyclic CN bond. The ‘‘unpaired’’ electron is not localized on the C4 atom, but is diffused to the ring. It is worth noticing that the results presented in Table II have been obtained from density matrices calculated by the unrestricted B3LYP method with the 6-311⫹⫹G共df,pd兲 basis set, however, the NBO analysis performed with a smaller basis set 共without the diffuse functions兲 has yielded very similar results. D. Vibrational spectra and their assignment
Table III lists the theoretical frequencies, infrared intensities and Raman scattering activities of the neutral aniline and its radical cation, obtained from the B3LYP 共UB3LYP兲 calculations using the extended 6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 basis set. These data are compared with the recently reported experimental frequencies of aniline in low-temperature argon matrix,17 and with the gas-phase frequencies of aniline radical cation.16 Some experimental frequencies from the earlier studies on aniline48,49 have also been employed for comparison with the theoretical values. The calculated potential energy distribution 共PED兲 for the cation is shown in the table 共the different PED obtained for the neutral aniline is indicated under the table兲. According to the results obtained, the two modes in aniline radical cation, Q25 (B 2 ) and Q26 (A 1 ) have entirely different character than the other two modes 共Q25⬘ and Q26⬘兲 in the neutral aniline, therefore, the PED elements of these four normal modes are explicitly shown in Table III. To facilitate comparison of our results with those reported by other authors13–17,21–28 the normal modes of aniline are labeled in Table III, according to the convention used by Varsa´nyi50 for substituted benzenes. In addition, we have also performed calculations of the vibrational spectra of aniline by the MP2 method using two basis sets, 6-311⫹G共d,p兲 and 6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲. The detailed examination of the PED calculated at different theoretical levels has revealed deficiencies of the MP2 method in predicting frequencies of aniline, which will be discussed later.
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TABLE III. Comparison of the experimental wave numbers (cm⫺1 ) and theoretical harmonic frequencies 共, cm⫺1 ), infrared intensities (A IR, km/mol兲 and Raman scattering activities, (S R , Å4 /amu兲 of aniline and its radical cation calculated by the B3LYP 共UB3LYP兲 method using 6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 basis set. Vibrational assignment is based on the calculated potential energy distribution 共PED兲. Aniline-B3LYP/6- 311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 No. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q25⬘ Q26⬘ Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35 Q36
Sym. 共label兲 Expt.
A⬘ A⬙ A⬙ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙ A⬙ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙ A⬙
A⬘ A⬙ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙ A⬘ A⬙ A⬘ A⬘ A⬙
共16a兲 共16b兲 共6a兲 共6b兲 共4兲 共11兲 共10a兲 共1兲 共17b兲 共17a兲 共5兲 共12兲 共18a兲 共18b兲 共9b兲 共9a兲 共20a兲 共14兲 共3兲
共19a兲 共8b兲 共19b兲 共8a兲 共13兲 共7b兲 共7a兲 共20b兲 共2兲
217e 277g 390h 415h 501h 526h 共541兲i 619h 688 755 812 822 875 957h 968h 996 1028 1054h 1115h 1152h 1176 1282 1324h 1340h
1503 1594 1470h 1608 1618 3025h 3037h 3050h 3072h 3422o 3508o
217 5.6 289 16.8 377 0.3 410 0.2 489 166.0 525 48.7 541 107.0 626 0.3 689 27.6 752 69.2 816 0.0 819 4.9 873 6.9 951 0.0 966 0.1 996 2.7 1031 3.5 1043 2.6 1115 5.0 1163 2.1 1183 11.3 1280 72.6 1323 7.2 1349 0.0
Cation radical-UB3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 SR 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.0 1.0 1.5 7.9 4.5 0.2 1.4 0.2 21.8 0.1 0.0 0.2 34.9 18.2 0.1 2.3 4.1 2.8 13.3 1.6 0.3
1508 66.5 5.4 1599 1.4 3.7 1477 1.4 1.2 1617 24.1 16.7 1632 160.9 30.3 3021 17.1 16.7 3022 3.6 108.8 3038 4.1 166.8 3044 33.0 23.4 3060 11.7 247.9 3430 20.3 194.9 3526 17.1 56.0
Sym. Expt. B1 A2 B2 A2 B1 A1 B1 B2 B1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 B1 A1 A1 B2 B2 B2 A1 A1 B2 B2 B2 A1
B2 A1 A1 A1 B2 A1 B2 A1 A1 B2
179f 386 442 519 652 582f 622 785 814f 913
982f 993 1107 1188f 1385f 1360 1434 1483
1515 1594f 1635
3395o 3488o
PED 共%兲d
3 ring 共53兲, ␥ C1 N 共19兲, 2 ring 共17兲 tors NH2 共90兲  C1 N 共79兲,  3 ring 共10兲 2 ring 共72兲, 3 ring 共24兲 1 ring 共36兲, ␥ C1 N 共33兲, 3 ring 共28兲  2 ring 共82兲 wag NH2 共85兲  3 ring 共76兲 1 ring 共50兲, ␥ C1 N 共⫹13兲, ␥NH2 共⫺12兲, ␥ C4 H 共⫹10兲j ␥ C1 N 共⫹27兲, 1 ring 共23兲, ␥ C4 H 共⫺21兲 ␥ C2 H 共⫹33兲, ␥ C6 H 共⫺33兲, ␥ C3 H 共⫹14兲, ␥ C5 H 共⫺14兲 (C1 –C2 ) 共⫹28兲, (C1 –C6 ) 共⫹28兲, (C1 –N兲 共⫹18兲 ␥C4 H 共⫹37兲, ␥C2 H 共⫺28兲, ␥C6 H 共⫺28兲 ␥C3 H 共⫹35兲, ␥C5 H 共⫺35兲, ␥C2 H 共⫺15兲, ␥C6 H 共⫹15兲 ␥C3 H 共⫹32兲, ␥C5 H 共⫹32兲, ␥C4 H 共⫺26兲  1 ring 共63兲, 共C–C兲 共31兲 (C3 – C4 ) 共⫹31兲, (C4 – C5 ) 共⫹31兲, CH 共16兲 rock NH2 共59兲, (C1 – C2 ) 共⫹13兲, (C1 – C6 ) 共⫺13兲 C4 H 共⫹21兲, (C4 – C5 ) 共⫺16兲, (C3 – C4 ) 共⫹16兲k C3 H 共⫹21兲, C5 H 共⫹21兲, C4 H 共⫺19兲, 共C-C兲 共20兲 C2 H 共⫹21兲, C6 H 共⫺21兲, C3 H 共⫺16兲, C5 H 共⫹16兲 (C1 –N兲 共⫹42兲, C3 H 共⫺10兲, C5 H 共⫹10兲 共C–C兲 共76兲tot C4 H 共⫹23兲, C2 H 共⫹21兲, C6 H 共⫹21兲 C3 H 共16兲, C5 H 共16兲, (C1 – C2 ) 共⫺13兲, (C1 – C6 ) 共13兲 (C1 –N兲 共⫹23兲, C3 H 共⫹13兲, C5 H 共⫺13兲 C3 H 共⫹16兲, C5 H 共⫺16兲, C2 H 共⫹13兲, C6 H 共⫺13兲l (C3 –C4兲共18兲,共C4 –C5兲共⫺18兲,共C1 –C2兲共⫺17兲,共C1 –C6兲共17兲m 1524 12.9 1.6 C4 H 共⫹28兲, (C2 –C3 ) 共⫺15兲, (C5 –C6 ) 共⫹15兲 1604 28.0 68.6 (C2 – C3 ) 共⫹25兲, (C5 – C6 ) 共⫹25兲, CH 共24兲n 1646 114.9 12.0 sciss NH2 共86兲, (C1 –N兲 共12兲 3056 0.0 42.3 (C2 –H兲 共⫹40兲, (C6 –H兲 共⫹40兲 3057 1.4 62.2 (C2 –H兲 共⫹46兲, (C6 –H兲 共⫺46兲 3066 0.0 71.9 (C4 –H兲 共⫹64兲, (C3 –H兲 共⫺10兲, (C5 –H兲 共⫺10兲 3076 3.8 40.2 (C3 –H兲 共⫹46兲, (C5 –H兲 共⫺46兲 3080 2.4 260.0 (C3 –H兲 共⫹32兲, (C5 –H兲 共⫹32兲, (C4 –H兲 共⫹31兲 3391 257.7 120.0 s NH2 共100兲 3498 95.0 48.5 as NH2 共100兲 181 555 383 361 444 524 639 585 626 785 804 811 928 995 1004 979 992 1010 1113 1171 1193 1375 1361 1351 1449 1491
7.3 0.0 2.7 0.0 10.5 1.0 82.8 0.6 119.6 70.6 0.0 0.3 5.2 0.0 1.0 0.4 8.6 0.0 12.3 0.2 0.1 1.4 10.6 1.4 5.4 76.7
0.2 0.3 1.3 0.0 0.1 17.3 0.6 2.9 0.2 0.5 0.2 23.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 12.4 26.5 0.1 2.0 0.0 21.6 35.9 1.5 1.1 9.0 129.8
Experimental wave numbers for aniline from Ref. 17 or otherwise, as indicated. The scaling factor for frequencies was 0.983, except for modes Q30–Q36 scaled by 0.958, see text. c Experimental wave numbers for radical cation from Ref. 16 or otherwise, as indicated. d PED calculated for cation 共predominant values兲. Different PED for neutral aniline is indicated in the last column, and under the table. Abbreviations: , stretching; , in-plane bending; ␥, out-of-plane bending; , torsional vibration; sciss, scissoring; rock, rocking; wag, wagging; tors, torsion; tot, total. The phases of internal coordinates are indicated by signs: The plus sign corresponds to the clockwise in-plane bending, or the in-phase stretching 共or the out-of-plane bending兲 vibrations; the minus sign has the opposite meaning. e Reference 49. f Reference 15. g Reference 45. h Reference 48. i Reference 24. j Different PED for aniline共A兲: 1 ring 共87%兲. k A:⫹rock NH2 共27%兲. l PED for Aniline. m PED for A. n A:⫹NH2 sciss 共26%兲. o Reference 7. b
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Aniline and its radical cations
FIG. 4. Theoretical infrared spectra of the neutral aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲, calculated at the B3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level.
Figure 4 illustrates the theoretical infrared spectra of aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲, calculated with the B3LYP method. The theoretical Raman spectra of these molecules are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. It follows from these figures that the Raman spectra have revealed significant changes in the relative intensity pattern of the corresponding bands in aniline and its radical cation, particularly, in the range of frequencies of 0–2000 cm⫺1 .
FIG. 6. Theoretical Raman spectra of the neutral aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲, in the range of frequencies 2800–3600 cm⫺1 , calculated at the B3LYP/6- 311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level.
1. NH 2 vibrations
FIG. 5. Theoretical Raman spectra of the neutral aniline 共A兲 and its radical cation 共B兲, in the range of frequencies 0–2000 cm⫺1 , calculated at the B3LYP/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level.
The NH2 stretching frequencies of aniline and its cation have been accurately determined by Nakanaga et al.7 using the infrared depletion spectroscopy. For the neutral aniline these authors observed two absorption bands, of approximately equal infrared intensities, positioned at 3508 and 3422 cm⫺1 . They assigned these bands to the NH2 antisymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations, respectively. As is seen in Table III, the theoretically predicted frequencies and IR intensities of the corresponding modes in aniline, Q36 and Q35, are in very good agreement with the experimental data. In the case of radical cation, the agreement is excellent, the experimentally determined frequencies, 3488 and 3395 cm⫺1 共Ref. 7兲 are almost reproduced by our calculations. Nakanaga et al.7 noticed that N–H absorption bands in the IR spectrum of cation are much stronger, in comparison to aniline. This effect is also confirmed by the B3LYP results. It is clear from Fig. 4 that the calculated infrared intensities of the N–H stretching vibrations in radical cation 共B兲 are several times larger than those in aniline 共A兲. The redshift of their frequencies, by about 20–30 cm⫺1 共Figs. 4 and 6兲 indicates a weakening of the N–H bond in aniline, upon ionization. This is supported by the results from NBO
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analysis, which have shown an increase of electron density * ) in the radical cation. on the NH antibonding orbital 共 NH The calculated PED has revealed that the NH2 scissoring vibration in the neutral aniline contributes to two modes, Q28 共8a兲 and Q29 共with the predominant contribution to the latter mode兲. These modes have been assigned to the bands at 1608 and 1618 cm⫺1 , respectively, in the IR spectrum of aniline in argon matrix.17. In radical cation, mode Q29 corresponds to almost pure NH2 scissoring vibration and its frequency shifts to 1635 cm⫺1 in the experimental spectrum.16,17 Evans,48 in the IR spectroscopic studies of aniline in the gas phase and inert solvents, suggested that the two bands, at 1054 and 1115 cm⫺1 , involve NH2 deformation vibration. Our calculation for aniline clearly indicates that Q18 and Q19 modes involve considerable contribution from the NH2 rocking vibration, 43% and 27%, respectively. Furthermore, the calculated frequencies of these modes, 1043 and 1115 cm⫺1 , are in excellent agreement with the corresponding experimental values. It should be noted that several authors17,23,26 misassigned the mode Q19 共18b兲 to the band observed at about 1090 cm⫺1 . The latter band arises probably from an overtone of the NH2 wagging mode, as suggested by Rauhut and Pulay.24 According to our calculations for radical cation, the Q18 mode (NH2 rocking vibration兲 shifts to a lower frequency 共to about 1010 cm⫺1 ), while both its IR and Raman intensities drop to almost zero. Therefore, this vibration may not be observed in the spectra. On the contrary, quite significant IR intensity has been predicted for the Q19 mode in cation. Thus, the latter mode can be assigned to the band at 1107 cm⫺1 , observed by Piest et al.16 in the IR spectrum of aniline cation. It should be noted that the calculated frequency of this mode, 1113 cm⫺1 is in very good agreement with the experimental. The NH2 wagging vibration in aniline 共which corresponds to the ammonia inversion兲 is so strongly anharmonic that it is impossible to predict its frequency within harmonic approximation. It can be described by a symmetric double minimum potential, with a barrier to inversion of 526 cm⫺1 . 8,49 Absorptions observed in the far IR spectrum of aniline vapor, 40.8 and 423.8 cm⫺1 , have been assigned to the fundamental and the first overtone transitions, respectively.45,49 These frequencies were very well reproduced in correlated ab initio studies using the anharmonic potential for inversion motion in aniline.8 Niu et al.21 and Rauhut and Pulay24 in their calculations have derived the frequency of 541 cm⫺1 共from the average of the two transitions, 1→3 and 0→2兲 as the harmonic approximation of the frequency of the inversion mode in aniline. 共This value is quoted in Table III for the mode Q7.兲 It is interesting to note that our calculated frequency 共541 cm⫺1 ) reproduced their estimate. The aniline radical cation is planar, therefore the frequency of the NH2 wagging vibration (B 1 ) is much higher. Moreover, this frequency is quite well predicted within the harmonic approximation, as shown in Table III 共mode Q7兲. Piest et al.16 assigned this vibration at 652 cm⫺1 , and other authors assigned this mode at similar frequency, 656 – 658
cm⫺1 . 14,15,17 Our calculated frequency, 639 cm⫺1 , confirms their assignment. It should be noted that the UMP2/6-31G* calculation for aniline radical cation yielded much too low frequency for this mode, 532 cm⫺1 . 15 Of particular interest is the assignment of the NH2 torsional vibration in aniline, since the frequency of this mode has been used in calculations of the torsional barrier, V t2 . Larsen et al.45 examined the far infrared spectrum of aniline vapor and assigned this mode at 277.3 cm⫺1 . However, other authors tentatively assigned this vibration at 216 cm⫺1 . 21,23 Our calculated frequency, 289 cm⫺1 for the mode Q2, supports the assignment given in Ref. 45. As follows from Table III, in the planar radical cation, the theoretically predicted frequency of the NH2 torsional vibration, 555 cm⫺1 共mode Q2兲, is almost twice as large as that in the neutral aniline. Moreover, this mode becomes IR inactive (A 2 symmetry兲. This indicates that the earlier assignment of the band at 356 cm⫺1 to the NH2 torsional vibration in aniline radical cation, reported by other authors,15,16 is wrong. 2. C – N vibrations
Upon ionization of aniline, the C1 – N bond significantly shortens due to an increased conjugation between the planar NH2 group and the ring, as discussed earlier. The structural changes and redistribution of electron density in the C1 – N bond are clearly demonstrated in the IR and Raman spectra of aniline radical cation 共B兲. In the IR spectrum of cation the new band arises at 1483 cm⫺1 . 16,17 According to calculations, this band can be assigned to the mode Q26 (A 1 symmetry兲 which is the coupled vibration involving the C1 – N stretching 共23%兲 and the inplane CH bending vibrations, as shown in Table III. The theoretical frequency of this mode, 1491 cm⫺1 , is very close to the experimental value. It should be emphasized that this mode gives rise to the strongest band in the Raman spectrum of radical cation, as predicted by the calculated Raman intensities 关Fig. 5共B兲兴. As revealed by the PED obtained for the neutral aniline, the stretching ( C1 – N) vibration has predominant contribution 共51%兲 to the mode Q22. This vibration has been assigned at 1282 cm⫺1 in the IR spectrum of aniline in the Ar matrix.17. Our calculated frequency, 1280 cm⫺1 , is in excellent agreement with the experimental. In the case of radical cation, the predicted frequency of mode Q22 increases to 1375 cm⫺1 , while the theoretical IR intensity of this mode dramatically decreases, as is seen in Fig. 4共B兲. On the other hand, the Raman intensity of this mode in cation 共B兲 is nearly three times higher than that in the neutral aniline 共A兲, as shown in Fig. 5. On the basis of these results, we have assigned the weak infrared band at 1385 cm⫺1 , reported by Song et al.,15 to the mode Q22 in radical cation. It should be noted that the frequency of this mode 共1456 cm⫺1 ) reported from the UMP2/6-31G* calculations15 was overestimated by about 70 cm⫺1 , in comparison to experiment. As is seen from Table III, mode Q12 also involves significant contribution from the C1 – N stretching vibration. In the IR spectrum of aniline in argon matrix this vibration has been attributed to the band at 822 cm⫺1 , 17 which is sup-
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 118, No. 24, 22 June 2003
ported by our calculations. Thus, the earlier assignment of the two bands, at 812 and 822 cm⫺1 , to the modes Q12 共1兲 and Q11 共10a兲, respectively, reported by Evans48 and followed by other authors,23 should be reversed. According to calculations, the in-plane C1 – N bending vibration in aniline cation 共mode Q3兲 has the theoretical frequency of 383 cm⫺1 共Table III兲. This is in very good agreement with the experimental frequency, 386 cm⫺1 , reported by Piest et al.,16 and rules out the earlier assignment of this vibration to the band at 550 cm⫺1 . 15 The C1 – N out-of-plane bending vibration is coupled with ring torsions and contributes mainly to the modes Q1, Q5, and Q10. For the neutral aniline, the calculated frequencies of these modes are: 217, 489, and 752 cm⫺1 , respectively, and are very similar to the experimental frequencies: 217, 501,48 and 755 cm⫺1 , 17 respectively. In the case of radical cation, our calculated frequency of the mode Q1 共181 cm⫺1 ) agrees very well with the experimental frequency of 179 cm⫺1 . 15 The calculated frequencies of the remaining modes, Q5 and Q10 共444 and 785 cm⫺1 ) almost reproduce the experimental frequencies, 442 and 785 cm⫺1 , respectively.16 It should be noted that the earlier assignment of the mode Q10 to the band at 577 cm⫺1 , in the spectrum of aniline cation,15 is obviously wrong. 3. Phenyl ring vibrations
Detailed examination of the theoretical results obtained for aniline and its radical cation has revealed remarkable differences between the frequencies as well as the IR 共Raman兲 intensities of the bands corresponding to ring vibrations in these molecules. This is caused by significant changes of the geometrical and electronic structures of the radical cation, in comparison to the neutral aniline. According to our results for aniline, mode Q9 corresponds to almost pure ring puckering vibration and the B3LYP-calculated frequency of this mode, 689 cm⫺1 , is in perfect agreement with the experimental, 688 cm⫺1 . 17 In the case of radical cation, the calculated frequency of this mode, 626 cm⫺1 , is also in excellent agreement with the reported frequency, 622 cm⫺1 . 16 However, one can notice several discrepancies in the assignment of the latter frequency, reported by other authors. Takahashi et al.13 in the spectrum of aniline cation, erroneously attributed the band at 628 cm⫺1 to the first overtone of the NH2 wagging mode. Song et al.15 assigned the bands at 445 and 629 cm⫺1 , to the modes labeled 4 共Q9兲 and 16b 共Q5兲, respectively. This assignment should be reversed, according to our calculations. The mode Q16 in aniline can be described as the trigonal ring ‘‘breathing’’ vibration derived from the benzene vibration No. 12, whereas mode Q17 originates from the CC stretching vibrations coupled with the C–H in-plane bending vibrations 共18a兲. These modes were assigned at 996 and 1028 cm⫺1 , respectively, in the spectrum of aniline in argon matrix.17 Both the modes are very weak in infrared but strong in the Raman spectrum, as predicted by calculations and illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5. In the IR spectrum of cation, the modes Q16 and Q17 can be assigned to the bands observed at 982 cm⫺1 共Ref. 15兲 and 993 cm⫺1 , 16 respectively. It should be emphasized that the corresponding theoretical
Aniline and its radical cations
frequencies, 979 and 992 cm⫺1 , are in excellent agreement with experiment. It is interesting to note, that the relative Raman intensities of the modes Q16 and Q17 in cation are opposite to those in aniline, as follows from Fig. 5 共and Table III兲. The mode Q23 in aniline can be described as the Kekule´-type vibration 共the coupled C–C stretching vibrations of the benzene ring兲. The B3LYP-calculated frequency of this mode, 1323 cm⫺1 , is in perfect agreement with the experimental, 1324 cm⫺1 reported by Evans for aniline.48 The corresponding frequency calculated for cation, 1361 cm⫺1 , almost reproduces the experimental value of 1360 cm⫺1 . 16 The strong band at 1594 cm⫺1 , in the Raman spectrum of cation 关Fig. 5共B兲兴 can be assigned to the mode Q28 共8a兲. This band is about 4 times more intense than the corresponding Raman band 共at 1608 cm⫺1 ) in the spectrum of neutral aniline 共A兲. The assignment of the C–H stretching frequencies in aniline, has been very uncertain. We demonstrated in our earlier studies on phenol18 that the frequencies of C–H stretching vibrations calculated at the B3LYP/6-311 ⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level, and scaled by the factor of 0.958 共derived from Ref. 39兲 almost reproduced the experimental anharmonic C–H stretching frequencies. The same procedure has been used in this study, and the frequencies of the C–H stretching vibrations 共Q30–Q34兲 are completely reassigned, as shown in Table III. According to calculations, mode Q34 共denoted as 2 in Wilson’ notation兲 has the largest Raman scattering activity. Furthermore, of all the calculated C–H stretching vibrations in aniline, this mode has the highest frequency. Thus, the strong polarized Raman band at 3072 cm⫺1 共liquid aniline兲, reported by Evans48 should be assigned to mode Q34. This implies that the two bands in the IR spectrum, at 3094 and 3084 cm⫺1 , assigned to various fundamentals in earlier works,21–28,48 should be attributed to some combination tones. The IR intensities of these combinations are enhanced via Fermi resonance with the C–H stretching fundamentals. It should be noted that very similar effect has been observed in our previous study of the IR spectrum of phenol.18 We have shown that the weak band at 3095 cm⫺1 is not a fundamental, but a combination tone. The calculated frequencies of the modes Q30 and Q31 共3021 and 3022 cm⫺1 , respectively兲 indicate that the corresponding bands can overlap in vibrational spectra of aniline. The medium intensity band positioned at 3025 cm⫺1 , in the IR spectrum of aniline48 corresponds very well to these theoretical frequencies. It follows from Table III that the calculated frequencies of the C–H stretching vibrations are in very good agreement with the experiment. This implies that the presented new assignment of the C–H stretching vibrations in aniline should be correct. In the case of radical cation, the calculated frequencies of the corresponding modes Q30–Q34 show a small blueshift, by about 30 cm⫺1 , relative to their counterparts in the neutral aniline, whereas their infrared intensities dramatically decrease, as illustrated in Fig. 4. However, all these modes should be clearly seen in the Raman spectrum of the radical
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 118, No. 24, 22 June 2003
TABLE IV. Comparison of the experimental wave numbers (cm⫺1 ) and theoretical harmonic frequencies 共, cm⫺1 ) and infrared intensities (A IR, km/mol兲 of aniline calculated by the MP2 and B3LYP methods using various basis sets 共selected values兲. MP2/Ia
Sym. 共label兲
Q9 Q10 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q23
A⬘共4兲 A⬘共11兲 A⬘共17b兲 A⬙共17a兲 A⬘共5兲 A⬙共14兲
688 755 875 957 968 1324
445 727 828 887 884 1433
12.6 249.5 8.3 0.5 1.1 6.2
682 752 846 906 967 1437
98.2 102.5 14.2 2.1 1.0 6.2
689 752 873 951 966 1323
27.6 69.2 6.9 0.0 0.1 7.2
I⫽6-311⫹G共d,p兲 basis set. II⫽6-311⫹⫹G共df,pd兲 basis set.
cation 共Fig. 6兲. The blueshift in the frequencies of the C–H stretching vibrations in radical cation, indicates a strengthening of the C–H bonds. This is confirmed by the NBO results, which have shown a decrease of electron density on all C–H * upon ionization of aniline. antibonding orbitals CH 4. The MP2 and B3LYP predictions of the ‘‘troublesome’’ modes in aniline
Finally, we shall discuss the performance of the MP2 method in predicting the frequencies of normal modes in aniline. These modes which show the largest differences between the MP2- calculated frequencies and experimental data are collected in Table IV.51 It is evident from this comparison that the MP2 method is deficient in predicting the frequencies of several normal modes in aniline. The most striking differences are observed for the modes Q9 and Q23. The former mode can be described as the alternate out-of-plane motion of the aniline carbon atoms 共which is analogous to the ring puckering mode number 4 in benzene兲. Calculation at the MP2/6-311 ⫹G共d, p兲 level yields the frequency of this mode dramatically too low, by about 240 cm⫺1 , in comparison to experiment. The use of the large basis set 关6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲兴 improves the agreement between the MP2-calculated and experimental frequencies, but the theoretical IR intensity of this mode is significantly too high. In contrast, the B3LYP method almost reproduces the experimental frequency 关even, with the use of a smaller basis set, 6-311⫹G共d, p兲, our data兴. The most ‘‘problematical’’ is mode Q23. It corresponds to the benzene mode 14, which can described as an alternate stretching and shrinking of CC bonds towards one of the two Kekule´ structures of the aromatic ring. As follows from Table IV, the frequency of mode Q23 calculated by the MP2 method with the large basis set is still overestimated by more than 110 cm⫺1 , whereas that predicted by B3LYP is in excellent agreement with experiment. Thus, the MP2 method fails in predicting the frequency of this mode, regardless of the basis set used. Handy and co-workers52 demonstrated a similar deficiency of the MP2 method in the calculation of the modes labeled 4 and 14 in benzene. In our earlier study18 we have shown that MP2 method also fails in predicting the frequencies of the analogous ‘‘problematical modes’’ in phenol.
Thus, it is remarkable, indeed, that calculation with the B3LYP method almost reproduces the experimental frequencies of all the ring vibrations in aniline and its radical cation. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS
The most important findings of this study are the following: 共1兲 For the aniline radical cation, the calculations with the unrestricted B3LYP method indicates a planar, quinoidal-type structure of the molecule. The UMP2 method with the large basis set, 6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 overestimates the quinoid character of the ring. 共2兲 According to B3LYP results, ionization of aniline leads to a delocalization of the positive charge to the phenol fragment, and to an almost equal increase of a charge on the nitrogen atom, and on the C4 carbon atom in the ring. In contrast, the UMP2/6-311⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 calculation predicts the biggest accommodation of the positive charge on the C4 atom. 共3兲 The natural 共NBO兲 charges calculated for aniline well describe its chemical properties 共the ortho- and paradirecting power of the NH2 group in electrophilic substitutions兲, while the calculated Mulliken charges for aniline are not reliable. 共4兲 The results from NBO analysis have provided interesting data on the electronic interactions in aniline and its radical cation. It is evident that the unpaired electron is delocalized to the ring, due to the p-radical character of this molecule. The strong radical conjugation involves the p orbital of an unpaired electron and orbitals of the ring, as well as p orbitals of the C1 and N atoms. This conjugation stabilizes the planar structure of an aniline radical cation. 共5兲 The redshift of the N–H stretching frequencies and the blueshift of the C–H stretching frequencies in the ionized aniline can be related to an increase of electron * ) and dedensity 共ED兲 on the antibonding orbitals ( NH * , respectively, as revealed by NBO crease of ED on CH analysis. These effects are associated with a weakening of the N–H bonds and strengthening of the C–H bonds in aniline radical cation. 共6兲 Excellent agreement has been obtained between the experimental and theoretical frequencies of aniline and its radical cation, calculated at the B3LYP/6-311 ⫹⫹G共df, pd兲 level. This gives strong evidence that the revised vibrational assignment, presented in this study, is correct. Moreover, it confirms the adequacy of the UB3LYP method for describing the radical species. 共7兲 The clear-cut assignment of all the bands in the spectra of aniline and its radical cation has been made on the basis of the calculated potential energy distribution 共PED兲 for these molecules. Several discrepancies in the previous vibrational assignments have been clarified, in this work. For the neutral aniline, the C–H stretching frequencies are completely reassigned. 共8兲 Aniline radical cation can be easily identified in the Raman spectrum by the presence of extremely strong band near 1490 cm⫺1 .
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共9兲 The MP2 method is deficient in calculations of vibrational frequencies of aniline. In particular, the MP2 method fails in prediction of the ‘‘troublesome modes,’’ which are analogous to the modes labeled 4 and 14 in benzene. 共10兲 The results presented in this work can help in further studies of the vibrational spectra of van der Waals clusters and hydrogen bonded complexes of aniline and its radical cation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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