Transfer Functions and Block Diagrams . .... Design of Two-Switch Trasformer-
Isolated Forward Converter for Motor Supply......... ..... process control,
measurement, instrumentation, medicine, audio, video, and ... During the second
generation from 1975 until 1990, the metal-oxide .... That is why the four-quadrant
systems are.
Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics
MOTOR DRIVE Valery Vodovozov Dmitri Vinnikov
Tallinn 2008
Authors Valery Vodovozov, Dmitri Vinnikov Edited by Mare-Anne Laane Reviewed by Ivars Rankis, Dr.Hab.Sc.Ing., Professor of Riga Technical University Cover design by Ann Gornischeff
Preparation and publication of this book was supported by SA Innove
Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086 Phone 620 3700 Fax 620 3701
Copyright: Valery Vodovozov, Dmitri Vinnikov, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, 2008
ISBN .............................
Publisher: TUT, Dept. of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics
Contents Designations....................................................................................................................5 Symbols.................................................................................................................................... 5 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................ 6
Introduction......................................................................................................................7 1. Motor Supplies...........................................................................................................13 1.1. AC/DC Converters – Rectifiers........................................................................................ 13 1.2. DC/AC Converters – Inverters......................................................................................... 23 1.3. AC/AC Converters – Changers ....................................................................................... 34 1.4. DC/DC Converters – Choppers ....................................................................................... 43
2. Power System Engineering .......................................................................................55 2.1. Design Objective ............................................................................................................. 55 2.2. Transformers and Inductors ............................................................................................ 61 2.3. Diodes and Thyristors ..................................................................................................... 66 2.4. Transistors....................................................................................................................... 69 2.5. Accidental Protection....................................................................................................... 76 2.6. Braking ............................................................................................................................ 82 2.7. Filters............................................................................................................................... 85
3. Gating of Power Switches..........................................................................................92 3.1. Thyristor Gate Circuits..................................................................................................... 92 3.2. Transistor Gate Circuits................................................................................................. 102 3.3. Block Modulation ........................................................................................................... 121 3.4. Pulse-Width Modulation ................................................................................................ 130 3.5. Space Vector Modulation .............................................................................................. 137
4. Control Engineering.................................................................................................142 4.1. Transfer Functions and Block Diagrams ....................................................................... 142 4.2. Signal Converters and Controllers ................................................................................ 145 4.3. Controller Design........................................................................................................... 151 4.4. Motor Control................................................................................................................. 158
5. Motor Drive Engineering ..........................................................................................166 5.1. Electrical Motor.............................................................................................................. 166 5.2. Scalar Control of the Induction Motor ............................................................................ 171 5.3. Vector Control of Induction Motor.................................................................................. 178 5.4. Synchronous Servo Drives ............................................................................................ 188 5.5. DC Motor Drives ............................................................................................................ 192
6. Application Examples ..............................................................................................198 6.1. Design of Motor Drives Fed by Industrial Mains............................................................ 199 6.2. Design of Motor Drives with Battery Supply .................................................................. 211 6.3. Design of Boost Converter for Motor Supply ................................................................. 218 6.4. Design of Two-Switch Trasformer-Isolated Forward Converter for Motor Supply ......... 223
Appendixes. Specifications of Wiring Diagrams ..........................................................233 Appendix 1. Servo Drive of Mitsubishi Electric ..................................................................... 233 Appendix 2. Asynchronous Drive of Sew Eurodrive ............................................................. 233 Appendix 3. DC Drive BTU 3601.......................................................................................... 234 Appendix 4. Asynchronous Drive ......................................................................................... 235 Appendix 5. DC Drive........................................................................................................... 235
Further Reading.......................................................................................................... 236 Monographs ..........................................................................................................................236 Dictionaries ...........................................................................................................................241 References on Simulation Instruments .................................................................................241 List of Journals ......................................................................................................................242
Useful Links ................................................................................................................ 244 Electronic Converters and Motor Drive Manufacturers .........................................................244 Driver and Component Manufacturers ..................................................................................244
Index ........................................................................................................................... 245
Designations Symbols A amplifier B sensor С capacitor D digital device G generator L inductor, choke M motor R resistor S switch T transformer VD diode VS thyristor VT transistor Z load A area a acceleration B flux density C capacitance cos φ power factor d,q rotor axes frame F force f frequency I current i gear ratio J moment of inertia k factor, coefficient L inductance L1,2,3 three-phase frame M torque m phase number, mass n rotational frequency P power p number of poles Q charge q duty cycle
R r S s T t U v X x,y z Z W W(s) w
α α,β β γ
δ η θ λ μ ν ς π
σ Φ τ
φ ψ ω
resistance radius slip differential operator period, time constant time voltage velocity reactance arbitrary axes frame arbitrary variable impedance energy transfer function number of turns firing angle stator axes frame angle in advance overlap angle error efficiency electrical angle overshoot friction velocity path, length circle ratio (3,14159) leakage factor
constant flux temperature angle flux linkage angular frequency
Abbreviations A Ampere ac alternating current ASIPM application specific IPM BJT bipolar junction transistor CFC current-frequency control CSI current source inverter dc direct current DSP digital signal processor DTC direct torque control EMC electromagnetic compatibility EMF electromotive force EO exponential optimum setting ESL equivalent series inductance ESR equivalent series resistance F Farad FET field-effect transistor FOC field-oriented control G Giga = 109 (prefix) GTO gate turn-off thyristor H Henry Hz Hertz IGBT insulated gate bipolar transistor IPM intelligent power module JFET junction FET k kilo = 103 (prefix) LPF low-pass filter
μ Ω
Mega = 106 (prefix) milli = 10-3 (prefix) MOS-controlled thyristor mean number of turns magnetomotive force module optimum setting metal-oxide semiconductor nano = 10-9 (prefix) pico = 10-12 (prefix) pulse distribution unit pulse-width modulation root mean square revolution per minute second silicon controlled rectifier symmetrical optimum setting space vector modulation Volt dc Volt voltage-frequency control voltage source inverter Watt zero-current switch zero-voltage switch micro = 10-6 (prefix) Ohm
Introduction “Be careful in driving!” Charlie Chaplin
Electronics and motor drives make up a large part of engineering and have close connections with almost all areas of physics, chemistry, and mechanics. They establish a rapidly expanding field in electrical engineering and a scope of their technology covers a wide spectrum. Optimists envision electromechanics doing more and more things for the population. Electric appliances contribute to a healthier and more comfortable live the worldover. Electronic communications spread fast, allowing an ever-greater exchange of facts, opinions, and cultures. Electrical machines with electronic converters do a lot of difficult work for us. Thanks to advances in science and related technology, many people no longer have to spend almost all of their time working for the bare necessities of life. Whatever it is that we really want to do, electronics and motor drive help us to do it better. Historical background. In terms of world history both electronics and motor drives are young sciences. Less than three centuries have passed since their first ideas appeared among the researchers. The conviction that the world and everything in it consists of matter in motion drove scientists to research the models for electronics and mechanics intersection. It was inconceivable to many people that one body could directly affect another across empty space. They devised a variety of schemes to explain of how one body exerts a force of another. Isaac Newton (1643…1727) assumed that the bodies can act through empty space. The profoundly important ideas of field existence were introduced into physics by Michael Faraday (1791…1867). Early in the nineteenth century, he stated the general principle of electromagnetic induction – changing lines of magnetic force can induce a current. Then, Georg Simon Ohm (1787…1854) found the relation between the current and voltage called Ohm’s law. The first concrete evidence of a connection between electricity and magnetism came in 1820, when Hans Christian Oersted (1777…1851) discovered that a magnetic field surrounds an electric current and further Andre-Maria Ampere (1775…1836) described the mutual magnetic force between the circuits carrying currents. In the 1860s James Clark Maxwell (1831…1879) developed a mathematical theory of electromagnetism. Thus, he predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves as interrelating electric and magnetic fields that change together, much like the “action” and “reaction” of Newton’s third law. Moreover, he argued that light actually does consist of electromagnetic waves and that waves exert a pressure on any surface that reflects or absorbs them.
8 These facts marked the effective start of the electric power age and became the roots of electrical engineering established on three basic principles: 1. An electric current in a conductor produces a magnetic force that circles around the conductor. 2. When a conductor moves across external magnetic lines of force, a current is induced in the conductor. 3. A changing electric field produces a magnetic field and vice versa. The growth of the electrical industry has resulted largely from the great public demand for electrical products. In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison (1847…1931) developed a practical light bulb and began a search for a suitable non-metallic substance for the current flow. Later, Heinrich Hertz (1857…1894) and Peter Lebedev (1866…1912) approved these ideas that prepared a rapid bloom of new technologies, such as radio, television, computers, etc. The first electrical motors built by Joseph Henry (1797…1878) in 1831 and Moritz Hermann Jacobi (1801…1874) in 1834 were utilized immediately. In 1886 electric variable speed drive represented by Ward Leonard system was born. In 1889 the squirrel-cage induction motor was invented by Michail von Dolivo-Dobrowolsky (1862…1919). Next, in 1890 the speed control of the slip-ring induction motor drive was suggested. At the end of the 19th century, the first mercury arc vacuum valve as well as the arc valve and the mercury rectifier were invented. Then, the vacuum diode appeared and the vacuum tube and a vacuum triode were patented. Next, many types of electronic devices were worked out. In 1923, ignitron-made controlled rectification became possible. Further, in 1928 the thyratron and grid controlled mercury arc rectifiers were invented. The first power inverter was born in 1930. A phenomenon of semiconductance was discovered as far back as 1882, and this effect was proposed for rectifying alternating current instead of mechanical switches. The real era of semiconductor devices began in 1947, when John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invented a germanium transistor that was awarded the Nobel. In 1950s, the silicon-based power switches were applied for the first time and manufacturing of the first germanium diodes started. During the middle of the 1950s through to the early 1960s, electronic circuit designs began to migrate from vacuum tubes to transistors, thereby opening up many new possibilities in research and development projects. The first silicon transistors gained a wide commercial acceptance because of the increased temperature performance and reliability. The invention of the integrated circuit in 1958 was followed by the planar process in 1959 that became the key of solid-state electronics. Before the 1960s, semiconductor engineering was regarded as part of low-current and lowvoltage electronic engineering. In 1970 one of the most exciting decades in the history of lowcurrent electronics began. The 1980s are featured as high growth years for integrated circuits, hybrid, and modular data converters. The major applications in the 1990s were industrial process control, measurement, instrumentation, medicine, audio, video, and computers. In addition, communications became an even bigger driving force for low-cost, low-power, highperformance converters in modems, cell phones, wireless infrastructure, and other portable applications. The trends of more highly integrated functions and power dissipation drop have continued into the 2000s. The period of power semiconductors started in 1950s, when the silicon thyristors were invented. Based on these inventions, several generations of power devices have been worked out. The years 1956…1975 can be considered as the era of the first power components generation. During the second generation from 1975 until 1990, the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect
9 transistors, bipolar transistors, junction transistors, and gate turn-off thyristors were developed. Later the microprocessor drivers, specified integral circuits, and power integral circuits were produced. In the 1990s, the insulated gate bipolar transistor was established as the power switch of the third generation. A new trend in electronics arrived with the use of intelligent power devices and intelligent power modules. In the middle of the 1990s, universal drives (a general-purpose open-loop vector drive, a closed-loop flux vector drive, a direct torque controlled drive, and a servo drive) supplemented industry applications. Some time later, pulse-width modulated drives became a commercial product. Electronic systems. Electronic systems are applied in all branches of industry as well as in domestic equipment. Power supply units, electric heaters, lighting systems, energy supply plants, as well as electric drives are all widespread examples of power electronic systems. Converters having electronic control feed an increasing number of drives. This permits adjusting the operating point of a motor, i. e. speed, torque, and consequently energy consumption. A power electronic converter is a part of an electronic system, which transforms electrical energy supplying the loads. Depending on the voltage and power rating, they are used with either single-phase or three-phase mains. It is also of significance whether the amplitude of voltage from the alternating current (ac) mains supply is to be varied or whether a variable direct current (dc) is to be generated. The common basic factor is that the form of electrical energy is converted and adjusted. In doing so, it is important that as dependent on the requirement, energy is consumed from the supply via the converter, or that energy can be fed back into the mains supply. Control electronics provides the control of the converters and electronic systems. Successes in the fields of electronics and materials production determine the situation and trends in the world of drive technology. Each electronic converter consists of the primary electronic components that are resistors, capacitors, transformers, inductors (choke coils), etc., and basic classes of semiconductor devices: • diodes, including Zener, optoelectronic and Schottky diodes, and diacs; • thyristors, particularly silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR), triacs, gate turn-off (GTO), and MOS-controlled thyristors (MCT); • transistors, such as bipolar junction (BJT), field-effect (FET), and insulated gate bipolar (IGBT) switches. Applications of electronics are still expanding thanks to improvements in semiconductor technology, which offer higher voltage and current rating as well as better switching characteristics. On the other hand, the main advantages of modern electronic converters such as high efficiency, low weight and small dimensions, fast operation and high power densities are gained using the switch-mode operation, in which semiconductor devices are controlled on on/off fashion. Motor drives. Motor drives form an extremely important application area of electronics with a market value of tens of billions euros annually. An electric drive or motor drive is an assembly of an electronic system, an electrical motor, and mechanical transmission joined to drive a mechanical load by electrical energy. Schematics of typical drives are diverse. Fig. I.1 shows a generalized block diagram of a motor drive. Its upper part represents the drive power
Usup Mains
Uload Power converter
Controls Gate circuit
Feedbacks from sensors
References Inputs Controller
Fig. I.1
system whereas the lower part is the control system. In response to an input command, dc and ac drives efficiently control the speed, torque, and position of the mechanical load. By comparing the input command for speed, torque, or position with the actual values measured through sensors, the controller provides appropriate reference signals to the gate circuit, which controls the power converter. As Fig. I.1 shows, the power converter is powered from the utility source with single-phase or three-phase sinusoidal voltages of a fixed frequency and constant amplitude and converts them into an output of the appropriate form (in frequency, amplitude, and the number of phases) that is optimally suited for operating the motor. In many general-purpose applications, electric drives operate in an open-loop manner without any feedback. This large group of simple drive systems with energy supply by mains is used in a variety of industrial and domestic machines. Different power converters can be found in drive systems with a battery supply such as forklift trucks, starter generators, and automotive auxiliary drives. The converters can feed dc motors, ac asynchronous (induction), and synchronous machines. An electrical motor represents a specific load of a power electronic converter, which model constitutes a composition of three components (Fig. I.2): resistance, inductance, and counterelectromotive force (back EMF). Moreover, usually these components change in values during the system operation. Motor resistance depends on the temperature, inductance varies with the rotor position replacement, and EMF is a function of the rotor speed. Being a specific converter load, motor does not typically operate at constant speed. Often its intermittent duty includes rapid acceleration and deceleration in both directions, in addition to M
Fig. I.2
11 Uload
b. Uload
d. Fig. I.3
overcoming alternating torques. Motor drives typically have two modes of operation, namely motoring and regeneration. Motoring is used to describe the mode of the load driving and regeneration when the load is trying to take control. In accordance with the drive operation, different converter circuits provide their appropriate modes of operation – rectifying and inverting – using various output characteristics. Fig. I.3, a, shows single-quadrant (1Q) characteristics whereas Fig. I.3, b, c, display two-quadrant (2Q) characteristics and Fig. I.3, d, represents four-quadrant (4Q) characteristics. In the first case, the load voltages and currents are unipolar. In the second one, the load voltage changes the sign under the constant current direction and the load current may change the sign using unipolar voltage. As a rule, motors call for two- and four-quadrant converters having a power supply, which is, at least temporally, capable of absorbing the braking energy. Since the motor is powered by the voltage applied to its terminals, allowing the power (and hence the current) through the rectifier to be bi-directional, it facilitates the machine to operate both in the motor as well as in its generator mode in either direction of rotation. That is why the four-quadrant systems are required where both the load voltage and the load current are bi-directional. Motoring mode in the forward direction of rotation represents the first quadrant with positive voltage and current. While rotating in the forward direction, the machine can slow down by making the motor go into its generator mode in which its power flow reverses, as shown by quadrant 2 with a positive voltage and a negative current. Motoring in the reverse direction of rotation requires voltage and current both negative, corresponding to quadrant 3. While rotating in the reverse direction, the generator mode in quadrant 4 slows down the machine. High-performance applications like robots, machine tools, test benches, etc. need in the closed loop drives to be built with sensors and controllers. Frequently, these are the multi-loop electronic systems, which require the complex control algorithms and modulation methods. This book derives from, describes, and compares different approaches to build electronic circuits for motor drives, using state-of-the-art electronic and motor components. First, we cover power electronic converters for the motoring and regeneration modes. Next, we describe the gating and control technique of the motor-converter assembles. Then, we focus on electrical
12 motors, which are the care components of electric drives and establish quantitative relations between their electrical and mechanical values that have very important consequences for both technology and basic electromechanical theory. The design of electronic and mechanical components for practical drive applications is discussed in the final units of the book. Obviously, thise book provides only basic knowledge about standard electronics of motor drives. To understand the main ideas and approaches in this area of science, it is advisable to study elementary electronic components, electrical machines, and the main physical laws that explain their nature and performance. To become a specialist, further reading is required combined with experimental and practical work that will give you more detailed and profound explanations and confidence in the subject. Be careful, patient, and emphatic and you will achieve your goal.
1. Motor Supplies “Yes! The apparatus of which I speak and which will doubtless astonish you, is only an assemble of a number of good conductors of different sorts arranged in a certain way” Alessandro Volta
Interaction between the utility supply and motors depends on the front-end of the motor drive systems, which convert line feed into the load power. The availability of excellent fast commutation devices and advancements in digital technology have driven a rapid power converter development. The four main classes of power electronic converters that supply electrical motors are depicted in Fig. 1.1. They are: • ac/dc converters called rectifiers that convert input ac
voltage Us to dc with adjustment of output voltage Ud and current Id (Fig. 1.1, a) • dc/ac converters called inverters that produce output ac voltage Us of controllable magnitude and frequency from input dc voltage Ud (Fig. 1.1, b) • ac/ac converters called frequency converters and changers that establish ac frequency, phase, magnitude, and shape (Fig. 1.1, c) • dc/dc converters called choppers that change dc voltage and current levels using the switching mode of semiconductor devices (Fig. 1.1, d)
1.1. AC/DC Converters – Rectifiers Rectification. AC/DC converters serve as rectifiers. They convert ac to dc in a number of industrial, domestic, agricultural, and other applications. Rectifiers are used as stand-alone units feeding single and multiple dc motors and as input stages of ac drives because of their virtually unlimited output power and fine controllability. Their speed of response is usually adequate to handle electromechanical transients occurring in drives. AC/DC line-commutated converters or, as they also called, converters with natural commutation or passive rectifiers, are the most usual choice for applications, where a single-phase and threephase supply is available. This is due to simplicity of the circuits requiring a minimum number of active and passive components. Thyristors are the line-commutated power switches. The term "line-commutated" describes the type of commutation, i.e. the transfer of current from one conducting element to the next, as a function of the mains voltage. To turn on a thyristor, an injection of a current pulse into its gate is required. In low-power applications, vehicle, medicine, and household devices, where there is no ac supply or where reactive current and harmonics caused by a line commutation would be unacceptable, it is accepted to employ forced commutated converters having a more complex
Ud M
Us sup
Us load
Ud load
Ud sup
d. Fig. 1.1
circuitry and involving sometimes higher losses. A special situation exists also with dc and ac drives, where the response of a line commutated converter may be insufficient to cope with the stringent dynamic and energy efficiency demands and where an additional converter supplied by a dc link and operated with a higher switching frequency is necessary. For these purposes active rectifiers are developed. The basic rectifier topologies are given in the circuit diagrams of Fig. 1.2. The systems built on diodes are called uncontrolled rectifiers, and those built on thyristors and transistors are known as controlled rectifiers because their dc output can be changed. The rectification processes are quite varied; accordingly, there are different types of rectifying circuits: • • •
midpoint (M) and bridge (B) rectifiers single-phase (M1, M2, B2) and three-phase (M3, B6) rectifiers half-wave (1 pulse per supply period) and full-wave (2, 3, 6 pulses) rectifiers
Rectifier data. Rectifiers differ by the shape of dc signal, ripples, and efficiency that depends on rms, average, and amplitude values of voltage, current, and power. Their power range is very wide, from milliwatts to megawatts. Low-power devices operate usually from a single-phase supply while high-power rectifiers are mainly used in a three-phase configuration. In Table 1.1, the main data of different non-controlled rectifier circuits with a resistive load are given. Table 1.1 Main parameters of non-controlled diode rectifiers Circuit type M1 M2 B2 M3 B6
kU =
Us Ud
2,22 1,11 1,11 0,85 0,42
kI =
Is Id
1,57 0,71 1,00 0,58 0,82
kP =
Ps Pd
3,10 1,58 1,11 1,58 1,05
cos φ = 0,29 0,64 0,90 0,64 0,95
Pd Ps
kR =
3,14 3,14 1,57 2,09 1,05
kF =
1,00 0,50 0,50 0,33 0,33
kr =
Ur 2Ud
1,57 0,78 0,78 0,25 0,06
15 VD
M U2
a. U1
M U2
M c.
b. U1 VS1
VS1 U1
L1 L2
Fig. 1.2
The apparent rms power Ps, phase voltage Us, and current Is supply the rectifier directly, through chokes, or via a transformer. In the last case Us = U2, Ps = P2 in Table 1.1. The average rectified load power Pd, voltage Ud, and current Id are the pulsating dc signals with 1, 2, 3, or 6 pulses per supply period T. Parameters kU, kI, kP, kR, and kF are called voltage, smoothed current, power, reverse, and forward circuit factors. The ripple factor kr of the output waveform is usually determined by the rectified peak-to-peak ripple voltage swing Ur (see Fig. 1.3 below). The peak inverse voltage UR and forward current IF of each rectifier device depends on the circuit type. The power factor of a rectifier defines the
16 ratio of the real average active power Pd to the apparent power Ps, which is the product of the rms voltage and the rms current, therefore φ is a phase displacement angle of current relative to voltage. For the given voltage, the rms current drawn is
Is =
Pd Us cos φ
This shows that the power factor and the current are inversely proportional values. The current flows through the utility distribution and transmission lines, transformers and so on exciting the losses in their resistances. If the losses grow, possibly to the point of overloading, harmonic currents may cause resonance conditions in transmission lines. The supply voltage waveform will also be distorted, adversely affecting other linear loads, if a significant portion of the load supplied by the consumer absorbs power by mean of distorted currents. This is the reason why consumers prefer unity power factor that draws power at the minimum value of the rms current. Single-phase rectifiers. At power levels below a few kilowatts, for example in residential applications, motors are supplied by a single-phase supply source. Commonly used simple half-wave single-phase rectifier circuits (M1) are represented in Fig. 1.2, a, b. The resulting output voltage and current waveforms of the half-wave diode rectifier are shown in Fig. 1.3, a. Here
Ud Id
θ1 b.
Id θ1 a.
Ud α1
θ1 UR
θ1 γ
θ1 с.
θ1 d.
Id Ud
f. Ur θ1
e. Fi
g. Fig. 1.3
17 θ1 = ω1t ω1 = 2πf1, where ω1 is the angular frequency, f1 is the frequency of the supply voltage, and t is time. During the positive alternation of the ac sinusoidal wave, the anode of the diode VD is positive and the cathode is negative, the diode conducts since it is forward-biased. The positive alternation of the ac will then appear across the load motor M. During the negative alternation of ac cycle, the anode becomes negative while the cathode is positive. The diode is reverse-biased by this voltage and practically no current will flow through the load. Therefore, no voltage appears across the load. Such type of the converter is called a half-wave rectifier because the negative half cycles have been clipped off. Since the load voltage has mainly a positive half cycle, the load current is direct and discontinuous, meaning that it flows in only one direction and has breaks. Thus, the rectifier is capable of operating in the first quadrant of the current-voltage plane, as Fig. 1.3, b shows; hence, it is called a single-quadrant converter. A motor has the properties of the resistive-inductive load; hence, Ud goes negative shortly, and ac line current (the same as Id) is out of phase with the voltage. When inductance aspires to infinity, the current waveform distorts and becomes almost rectangle. The two-thyristor single-phase full-wave rectifier (midpoint rectifier or M2) is shown in Fig. 1.2, c. It produces a rectified rippled output voltage and current for each alternation of the ac input, as shows Fig. 1.3, c, for the case of the diode circuit. Inductive load causes current overlap designated by the overlap angle γ The rectifier utilizes a center-tapped transformer that transfers alternating source voltage to the diode rectifier circuit. The anodes of each device VS1 and VS2 are connected to the opposite ends of the transformer’s secondary winding. The cathodes are then joined together to form a common positive output. The load motor M is connected between the common cathode point and the center-tap connector of the transformer. The transformer, two diodes or thyristors, and the load form a complete path for the current. By adjusting the thyristors’ firing angle α between 0 and π, a user can run the machine in both directions, but the load current and the motor torque are unidirectional as Fig. 1.3, d, displays. Thus, the rectifier is capable of operating in two quadrants of the current-voltage plane: the first quadrant is the rectifying mode of operation and the fourth quadrant supports the inverting mode of the operation. Therefore, it is a two-quadrant converter (Fig. 1.3, e). As long as the converter cannot produce the negative output current, the drive control signals and braking modes should be limited. In the inverting mode, it is more convenient to express the firing angle in terms of the angle of advance from the end limit of the interval available for successful commutation than as a delay α from the beginning of the interval. This angle of advance shown in Fig. 1.3, d, is usually denoted as β. Then,
α+β = π cos α = − cos β Four diodes or thyristors have to be interconnected, as Fig. 1.2, d, shows, to form a full-wave single-phase bridge rectifier (B2). Using more devices, this design eliminates the need for the center tap. During the performance of a bridge rectifier, two diodes are forward-biased in each alternation of the ac input voltage. When the positive alternation occurs, devices VS2 and VS3 are forward-biased, while VS1 and VS4 are reverse-biased. The conduction path follows from the ac source, through VS2, the load, then through VS3, and back to the source. This causes the same alternation to appear across the motor. During the negative alternation, the current
18 flows from the source through VS1, via the load, then through VS4, and back to the supply line. This causes the second alternation to appear across the motor in the same direction as the first alternation. This means that voltage developed across the load is the same for each alternation. As a result, both alternations of the input appear as the output across the load and pulsating current flows via the dc output. The timing diagrams and the current-voltage plane of the circuit are the same as for the full-wave rectifier. Three-phase rectifiers. The three-phase three-diode rectifier circuit (midpoint rectifier, M3) produces a purer direct voltage than the single-phase rectifier circuits do, thus wasting less power. It is preferable to use a three-phase supply source, except at a fractional kilowatt, if such supply is available. In Fig. 1.2, e, the phases L1, L2, and L3 of the three-phase source are connected to the anodes of thyristors VS1, VS2, and VS3 via the transformer. The load motor M is connected between the cathodes of the thyristors and the neutral of the transformer. When the phase L1 is at its positive value, maximum conduction occurs through VS1 since it is forward-biased. No conduction occurs through VS1 during the negative alternation of the phase L1. Other thyristors operate in a similar manner, conducting during the positive ac input alternation and not conducting during the associated negative ac alternation. The rectifying diagram of a thyristor three-phase three-diode circuit is shown in Fig. 1.3, f. In the case of resistive-inductive load, the current continues through the diode or thyristor after the voltage has changed its sign. For that reason, the thyristor does not close at the zero-voltage instant, but remains open. By adjusting the thyristors firing angle, the negative voltage may be obtained, thus it is a two-quadrant converter again. A commonly used six-pulse counterpart of this rectifier circuit is represented in Fig. 1.2, f. This three-phase bridge rectifier (B6) uses six diodes or thyristors. The anodes of thyristors VS4, VS5, and VS6 are connected together at one point, while the cathodes of VS1, VS2, and VS3 are joined at the other point. The load is connected across these two points. Therefore, the device connected to the most positive voltage will conduct in cathode group; the other two will be reverse-biased. As well, the device connected to the most negative voltage will conduct in anode group; the other two in this group will be reverse-biased. At least two devices are simultaneously in the open state here and at least one device from each group must conduct to facilitate the flow of the motor current. The voltage ripple is low because the output voltage consists of six pulses per voltage period (Fig. 1.3, g). The switching order of the thyristors in Fig. 1.2, f, is VS1+VS6, VS6+VS2, VS2+VS4, VS4+VS3, VS3+VS5, VS5+VS1. This circuit does not require the neutral line of the three-phase source; therefore, a delta-connected source as well as a wye-connected one could be used. Again, it is a two-quadrant rectifier. If the load possesses high inductance, the forward current continues on the negative anode voltage and the switching-off of the device is delayed. Since the previously opened devices are not closed after the opening the next devices, it is possible that three or even four devices are open during the commutation process. This means that there is more than one open diode in the cathode or anode group and the current re-switches from one phase to another. Dual rectifiers. In the previous circuits, the polarity of the load voltage may be changed, but the direction of the load current remains constant. In Fig. 1.4, a, the back-to-back connection of the two midpoint rectifiers has been produced to build a dual-controlled system. This is a four-quadrant dual rectifier because the negative current as well as the negative voltage may be produced here by the properly firing angle control (Fig. 1.4, b). Here, while thyristors VS1, VS2, and VS3 pass the current, a rectifier operates in the first and fourth
19 VS1
VS2 U1
L1 L
L2 VS4 L3 VS5
a. Ud Id
b. Fig. 1.4
quadrants whereas since thyristors VS4, VS5, and VS6 pass the current, the second and the third quadrants are active. In Fig. 1.5, the anti-parallel connection of the two bridge rectifiers has been arranged to provide the four-quadrant operation. Such circuit is by far the most common industrial four-quadrant dc system and is used in many demanding applications where rapid control is required. Usually, they incorporate additional features to enhance the safety of operation and to improve the control transients. Today, dual converters with anti-parallel thyristors are produced in large numbers in the form of very compact units covering a wide power range from a few kilowatts to tens of megawatts. For the highest ratings, modular designs with air- and water-cooled heat sinks are available. Single-phase active rectifiers. The use of diode and thyristor rectifiers leads to the problems of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Diodes and thyristors are the major contributors to power and current distortion problems, resulting in poor overall power factor, heating effects, device malfunction, and destruction of other equipment. It is remarkable that harmonics generated by rectifiers fall into the frequency spectrum up to about 3 kHz and are
20 VS1
L1 M
L2 L3
Fig. 1.5
conducted back into the power system. They produce a continuous distortion of the normal sinusoidal current waveform. The distortion frequencies are multiplies of the fundamental frequency 50 Hz shown in Fig. 1.6, a. Additional harmonic distortion occurs in the case of discontinuous current rectifier performance. Along with the growing pulse number of rectifiers, the frequencies of high order harmonics increase whereas their relative magnitude decreases. Therefore, the trace of the input current becomes more sinusoidal, and the output current is smoothed better. On the contrary, when the VD1 VT1
Ud θ1
Us VD3 VT3
U, I VT1, VT4
Us, Is
θ1 VT2, VT3
Is θ1
Ud θ1 Id
θ1 c.
d. Fig. 1.6
21 firing angle of the rectifier grows, harmonic frequencies and their magnitude do not change, but the phase shift of harmonics increases relative to the supply voltage. This effect causes the consumption of reactive power from the supply lines with the power factor decreasing. As a result, the demand for high quality power supply grows in the provision of unity power factor. The recent standardization in EMC specifies limits for harmonic distortion, which may be met with a diode and thyristor rectifier circuit, accomplished by passive filters on the mains side. These, however, may be rather large and expensive. Further, in some EMC sensitive applications, the occurrence of harmonics in the rectifier, although filtered towards the supply mains, may disturb the operation of the whole system. As an alternative, active rectifiers have been proposed. Interest in active rectifiers has grown rapidly over the decade due to some of their important advantages, such as power regenerative capabilities, dc voltage adjustment, low harmonic distortion of input currents, and high power factor. Active rectifiers like those shown in Fig. 1.6, b, are built on transistors, which, unlike diodes and thyristors, are the full-controlled electronic devices with possible high-frequency performance. Mains would be connected here via inductors to the phase terminals Us, while Ud represents the dc output. This single-phase full bridge can be used as a rectifier and an inverter; thus it permits bi-directional energy transfer, which is useful for applications with energy recovery. However, the circuit contains twice the amount of the switches compared to the passive rectifier. A variety of control strategies have been invented for this type of converters and their operational principles differ essentially. Although many control methods are known and implemented, there are two ways of circuit performance in terms of the active rectifier. According to the first of them, the classical self-commutated bridge rectifier passes a positive current without affording any control function. To pass a negative current for the motor braking, the transistors must be open in the switching mode. As far as the second way is concerned, the transistor bridge rectifies a current and controls the rectified voltage, whilst the freewheeling diodes pass the negative current in the regeneration period without voltage control, as shows Fig. 1.6, c, for all diodes simultaneously. In both cases, current may be positive and negative. Clearly, the gate adjustment of the switches is more complicated than this of thyristors because of the need in synchronization with the supply net and specific inductor; thus driving effort is somewhat higher. Fig. 1.6, d, depicts the waveforms of mains voltage (solid) and mains current (dotted). Due to the sinusoidal shape of current, there would be no harmonic content. Furthermore, the zeroing phase angle between voltage and current traces avoids the occurrence of first harmonic reactive power. At the same rectified power, the active rectifier’s input current has a significantly lower amplitude and rms value compared to a passive rectifier. Three-phase active rectifiers. The topology of the three-phase Vienna rectifier is shown in Fig. 1.7, a; it can be characterized as follows. Each phase has an inductor on the supply side. The output represents a circuit with a controlled dc voltage and center point. It is advantageous that due to this division of the output voltage, the switches will need lower blocking voltage and thus better conduction characteristics can be used. There is one controllable switch per phase: MOSFETs are depicted. Together with the surrounding four-diode bridges, they operate as bi-directional switches. When turned on, they connect the respective mains phase to the dc center point via the two diodes and the inductor,
Us Ud M
Ud M
b. Fig. 1.7
which makes the letter magnetize. When turned off, the inductor demagnetizes into the dc load through the freewheeling diodes connected to the positive and negative load terminals, respectively. The circuit in Fig. 1.7, b, is again connected to the three-phase mains via one inductor per phase. Contrary to the Vienna rectifier, capacitors are located on the mains side of the converter and a dc voltage is adjusted between the positive and negative load terminals on the output side of the rectifier. The circuit uses bi-directional switches consisting of diodes and transistors: IGBTs are depicted in this case. Rectifying and inverting modes of operation are possible here, similarly to the previous circuit. In the rectifying phase, the switches are off, whereas during the inverting phase a pair of switches is on Summary. A single-phase half-period rectifier is the simpliest one. Nevertheless, it has inadequate secondary current shape, very high ripple level, and very low power factor. The main disadvantage of the two-diode midpoint rectifier is the requirement of a center-taped transformer.
23 A single-phase bridge rectifier uses the transformer and semiconductor devices more effectively; its current shape is more sinusoidal. That is why it is the best decision for low-power (up to 1 kW) applications. Single-phase rectification results in two identical pulses per cycle in the rectified dc-side voltage, whereas three-phase rectification in three and more such pulses occurs. Therefore, three-phase rectifiers are superior in terms of minimizing distortion in line currents and ripple of the load voltage. Low degree of the transformer use and low power factor are the main disadvantages of the three-phase three-diode rectifier. Nevertheless, sufficiently high quality of rectified voltage with small ripples is its main advantage. The three-phase bridge rectifiers are predominant because of their good technical properties: low ripple, high power factor, simple topology, and low price. Today they are used both in powerful and in small-power supplies as well as in ac/ac converters with a dc link. Active rectifiers outperform the passive rectifiers with the following characteristics: • occurrence of harmonics in supply current is actively minimized • in operation, the intermediate circuit is charged during the whole mains period with rectified sinusoidal supply current in phase with the supply voltage; this way, the maximum active power is available through a given mains fuse • rectified voltage and current are controlled thus the output is independent of the supply voltage over a wide range; this helps to overcome possible problems of unstable supply voltage and there is no necessity to manually pre-select the input voltage • only few and small passive components are required It can be expected that this technique which up to now is used rather seldom will gain importance in the near future.
1.2. DC/AC Converters – Inverters Inverting. DC/AC converters named inverters are employed to convert a dc supply to an ac level of a definite frequency and value. Controlled semiconductor devices, such as SCR, GTO thyristors, and transistors, are used in inverters. The input dc voltage may come from the rectified output of a power supply. Alternately, the input dc may enter from an independent source, such as a dc voltage source, a fuel cell, or a battery. In these systems, the supply voltage Ud directly feeds a converter. Typical voltages of dc supplies in vehicles are 12, 24, 48, or 80 V, which are appropriate to make MOSFETs and IGBTs the preferred switching elements. The dc source is able to generate energy for motoring operation of the drive and to sink regeneration energy in the braking operation. Inverters are usually designed to provide either three-phase or single-phase output. Larger industrial applications require three-phase ac. Low-signal half-wave inverters pass electrical energy during one alternation. These inverters supply loads of 100…200 W powers. Another classification refers to offline and online inverting. If an inverter is the only source of the load ac line, it is called an offline inverter or autonomous inverter. On the other hand, if an inverter is a part of the common power supply line, it is known as an online inverter or a line-fed inverter.
24 In accordance with the circuit arrangement classification, the voltage source inverters and the current source inverters are distinguished. A voltage source inverter (VSI or voltage stiff inverter) forms the voltage with required properties: magnitude, frequency, and phase. It is the most commonly used type of inverter. This inverter has the low internal impedance. Generally, it has a capacitor of high capacity connected across the supply source that keeps constant input voltage. The switches of VSI are constructed on the base of the full controlled devices (transistors, GTO thyristors, or MCT). If bi-directional current is required, the freewheeling diodes called also feedback diodes are connected across the switches.
+ 0,5Ud
Us, Is VT1
M b.
– Us
– c. +
Ud VT3
M d. Fig. 1.8
25 Alternately, a current source inverter (CSI) is the source of the current with the required properties: magnitude, frequency, and phase. As a rule, it has an inductor connected in series with the supply source that keeps the current constant. The switches of the inverter periodically change the output current direction, and the load has very low impedance. Thus, the output voltage of the CSI is shaped according to the voltage drop on the load caused by the output current. Bridge VSI. In Fig. 1.8, a, a half-bridge midpoint configuration of the single-phase VSI is represented. BJTs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, GTO thyristors, or force-commutational SCRs usually play the role of switches VT1 and VT2. Switches VT1 and VT2 arrange the dc source with the common terminal to supply motor M. Waveforms are shown in Fig. 1.8, b. During the positive half-cycle of the output voltage, switch VT1 is turned on, which gives Us = +0,5Ud. During the negative half-cycle switch VT2 is turned on, giving Us = –0,5Ud. Note that prior to turning on a switch, the other one turns off; otherwise both switches will conduct and short the dc supply. The load is reactive; therefore the output current flows as shown in Fig. 1.8, b. Freewheeling diodes VD1 and VD2 feed the reactive energy of motor M back to the supply line. While Us is positive during 0 < t < 0,5T, either VT1 or VD1 is conducting. However, since Is becomes negative at the beginning of the phase, VD1 must be conducting during this part of the interval.
C L1
L2 C
L3 VT5
a. U
θ1 θ1
θ1 θ1
UL3 b. Fig. 1.9
26 Thus, the feedback diodes conduct when the voltage and current are of opposite polarities. Figure 1.8, c, illustrates the single-phase full-bridge VSI. Each of its legs includes a pair of transistors with anti-parallel discharge circuits of reverse current built on the freewheeling diodes. These back diodes provide an alternate path for the inductive current, which continues to flow when a switch is turned off. Again, the diodes return the regenerated power to the dc supply whilst the switches carry the reactive voltage. Figure 1.8, d, shows an example of the converter which provides the frequency control of the two-winding induction motor M. The circuit includes a pair of single-phase full-bridge VSIs. The first of them drives the control winding of the motor and the second bridge supplies the exciting winding. The most frequently used three-phase bridge VSI is shown in Fig. 1.9, a. It consists of three legs, one per each phase. All inverter legs are equal; therefore the output of each leg depends only on the dc supply voltage and on the switch status. The output voltage is independent of the magnitude of output load current. Different modes of the transistors switching on and off may be proposed by this circuit. For example, the possible switching sequence is the next: VT1–VT6–VT2–VT4–VT3–VT5–VT1... In this case, two transistors are together in on state each time span and the output voltages have a rectangle shape, as shown in Fig. 1.9, b. The firing of the three legs is phase-shifted by 120°. When VT1 is fired, point L1 is connected to the positive terminal of the dc supply, giving UL1 = 0,5Ud. When VT4 is fired point L1 is connected to the negative terminal of the dc supply, giving UL1 = –0,5Ud. Waveforms of L2 and L3 are exactly the same at those of L1, except that they are shifted by 120°. Since each transistor is switched off, its counterpart freewheeling diode passes the tail current in the previous direction. For example, when VT1 turns off, VD4 passes the current until it falls down to zero as the timing diagram shows. The fundamental harmonic shown by dotted lines predominates here. Other switching combinations are accessible also and will be discussed later. High-voltage operation is the most problematic mode of an inverter performance. The limitation of the maximum voltage of the switches places the converters either in a restricted area, strongly dependent on the maximum converter voltage, or in the need of associations or more
M Fig. 1.10
27 expensive switches to allow the desired conversion. One of the typical solutions foresees the use of transformers. Figure 1.10 gives an example of a three-phase VSI built on the three single-phase bridges and three single-phase transformers. Thanks to the star connection of their secondary windings, there is no zero-sequence current in the load. Thanks to transformers, the switching voltage is low enough, thus helping to avoid the switching overvoltages. Multi-level inverters. A number of topological variants of the multi-motor applications supply have been proposed. Among them, “single converter – all motors” and “single converter – single motor” are the most popular designs. The first topology has often the lowest cost, an average control complexity, good dynamic and static characteristics, and sufficient reliability. At the same time, it requires an additional project development stage and non-standard maintenance arrangement. The second topology is based on standard components and design decisions, though it is more costly, and its control problems arise when the motor load interconnection is significant. Today multi-level inverters are the preferred choice for high voltage and high power applications. As the voltage level increases, power circuit complexity will rise as well. A common-mode power circuit of the traction two-motor drive is shown in Fig. 1.11. To obtain higher voltage possibilities, a couple of series connected switches built on IGBTs have been added into each leg here. Of course, their introduction results in additional power losses in the circuit, such as conducting losses, blocking losses, and switching losses. A typical feature of the traction drive is the current unbalance of the phases due to the different loading of the phases, slip, and speed. It results in the leakage currents on the legs and causes control problems. Moreover, due to the switch inequality the current unbalance leads to the voltage unbalance, thus the overheating of the transistors may cause additional power consumption. To avoid unwanted currents and power losses, specific circuit configurations are
Ud VT4
– Fig. 1.11
28 proposed to drive interconnected motors in the paper-making industry, metallurgical aggregates, traction units, and in other areas. A five-leg inverter for the coupled-motor system supply is shown in Fig. 1.12, a. It is constructed by adding two legs to the conventional bridge topology. One of the five legs is a common leg connected with one of the three-phase terminals of each motor, and four other legs are connected with the other two terminals of each motor. A nine-switch inverter proposed to control the same coupled motor system is shown in Fig. 1.12, b. This circuit can be considered as an interleaved topology of an upper-side inverter built on switches VT1…VT6 and a lower-side inverter, which includes switches VT4…VT9. Both inverters may be jointly or alternately controlled. CSI. A thyristor single-phase forced commutated CSI is shown in Fig. 1.13, a. Here, the single-phase bridge plays the role of the commutator. For the current source mode, an inductor is included in the input circuit of the inverter. A capacitor is placed in the output as an energetic buffer between the pulsing inverter and the load. In addition, the capacitor is the instrument of +
Ud VT9
– a. +
Ud VT4
– M VT7
– b. Fig. 1.12
VS1 C1
VS2 C2
M VD1 C3
L1 L2 VD4
VS5 C5
VS4 C4
VS6 c.
Fig. 1.13
the thyristors forced commutation. When thyristors VS2 and VS3 conduct current, the input voltage charges the capacitor. Once thyristors VS1 and VS4 switch on, VS2 and VS3 obtain the reverse voltage of the charged capacitor, which helps them to close immediately. The capacitor begins recharging to the other polarity, finishing it before the next switching instant. The higher is the current, the faster the capacitor recharging and the forced commutation intervals are shorter. The thyristor forced commutated CSI are the most widely used systems at power levels in the range 50 to 3500 kW at voltages up to 700 V. The high-voltage versions 3,3/6,6 kV have been developed, however, they have not proved to be economically attractive. Figure 1.13, b shows a thyristor forced commutated three-phase CSI. The dc current taken from the current source is sequentially switched with the required frequency into the load. The circuit commutation transient may be described as follows. With no commutation in progress, two thyristors, for example, VS1 and VS6 carry the dc while capacitor C1 is positively charged as a result of the preceeding commutation. If thyristor VS2 is now turned on, VS1 is extinguished in a rapid transient and VS2 assumes the direct current. This is the starting condition of the commutation transient. While the current in the L1 phase is now reduced towards zero, the current in the L2 phase is rising. During this interval, the L1 phase is fed through the capacitor C1 as well as the series connected capacitors C2 and C3. Eventually, diode VD1 is blocked and the commutation is completed while VS6 and VS2 are conducting. The diodes are required for decoupling in order to prevent the capacitors from losing their charge necessary for the next commutation. Without these diodes a capacitor would discharge through two phases of a load. Idealized waveforms of the output currents are shown in Fig. 1.13, c. Each thyristor conducts in 60 electrical degrees. When a thyristor is fired, it immediately commutates the conducting thyristor of the same group (top group VS1, VS2, VS3 or bottom group VS4, VS5, VS6).
30 L +
VT6 Fig. 1.14
The first harmonic of the load current waveform is predominat, except when the superposition of voltage spikes caused by the rise and fall of the load current at each commutation. The operating frequency range is typically 5 to 50 Hz, the upper limit being set by the relatively slow commutation process. This system is used to feed the single-motor ac drives of fans, pumps, extruders, compressors, etc., in which good dynamic performance is not required and an inferior power factor, which comes down along with the speed falling, is acceptable. Conventional three-phase CSI built on IGBT is shown in Fig. 1.14. Commonly, it has the large inductor connected in series to the supply source, which keeps the current constant as well as the capacitor bank across the output. Capacitors are required to filter the current harmonics, to make the load current essentially sinusoidal, and to reduce voltage spikes. Resonant inverters. In all topologies discussed above, the electronic devices operate in a switch mode where they are required to turn on and off the entire load current during each switching. In these operations, switches are subjected to high stresses and high power loss that increases linearly with the switching frequency. Another significant drawback of these operations is an electromagnetic noise produced due to the large current and voltage transients. These shortcomings of switching converters are exacerbated if the switching frequency is increased in order to reduce the converter size and weight and hence to raise the power density. To realize high frequencies, the switching processes should be produced when the voltage across the switch and/or current through it is zero at the switching instant. With miniaturization being one of the main driving forces for the development of innovative power electronics, resonant converters have attracted considerable attention. Resonant inverters are the switching converters, where controllable switches turn on and off at zero voltage (zero-voltage switch, ZVS) and/or zero current (zero-current switch, ZCS). Thanks to resonance, soft switching is introduced instead of traditional hard switching. In that way, high switching frequencies can be realized without pushing switching losses to desirable levels. Therefore, less volume has to be provided to get rid of the occurring dissipation losses and reactive components can be reduced in size, resulting in more compact designs. Typically, resonant inverters are defined as the combination of different inverter topologies and switching strategies. Parallel and series resonant circuits and their combinations as mixed resonant circuits are used in resonant inverters for this purpose. The power flow to and from the
31 motor is controlled by the resonant impedance, which in turn is adjusted by the switching frequency. The following three compositions of the resonant circuit and the load are widespread: • series resonant inverters using the series connection of the load and the series tank circuit • parallel resonant inverters having a parallel connection of the load and the inductor or the capacitor of the tank circuit • series-parallel resonant inverters with the load connection across the part of the tank circuit Another classification is based on the place of the inductor in the inverter circuit: • •
supply-resonant inverters having an inductor in the dc side in the load-resonant inverters, an inductor is placed in the ac side
Parallel and series-parallel ZCS resonant inverters are shown in Fig. 1.15, a, b. They are similar to the CSI although their parameters are strongly different. Here, the input inductor and the output capacitor arrange the resonant circuit with the switching bridge placed between them. Parameters of the tank circuit and the bridge switching frequency are selected by such that the input current has a discontinuous behavior, as Fig. 1.15, c shows. Thanks to this choice, bridge transistors switch off when the current falls down to zero. When the transistors switch on (t0), the capacitor charges through the reactor to the voltage UC, which is higher than the supply voltage Ud. But in the t1 instant, current falls to zero, thus transistors get inverse voltage. During the current delay (t1 t2) the capacitor discharges. Then (t2) the next pair of the transistors switches on without current again. From t3, the capacitor voltage changes the polarity. Thanks L
+ C
Ud M
– a.
b. I, U IL t t0
t t3 c. Fig. 1.15
+ Ud
+ L
– a.
b. + L
M Us
– c. I, U + 0,5Ud
IL 0,5Ud
θ1 e.
Fig. 1.16
to zero-current switching, switching losses are low, thus the frequency may be increased significantly. Half-bridge, midpoint, and full-bridge ZCS series resonant inverters are shown in Fig. 1.16, a, b, c. Unlike the parallel inverters, the capacitor voltage of the tank circuit does not fall down during the zero-current delay, but the load current is discontinuous here. The series-parallel ZCS resonant inverter and its timing diagrams are given in Fig. 1.16, d, e. Since VT1 switches off, current flows through VD2. When current decreases to zero point, the capacitor begins to discharge. Further, the current flows via VT2. On that interval, the capacitor charges with the other polarity. Further, the processes repeat similarly.
Us VT3
a. +
Us M
b. Fig. 1.17
As usual, the limitation of the maximum MOSFETs voltage restricts converter effectiveness; nevertheless the transformers help to solve the problem. This situation is more and more frequent, like in fuel cell systems, in which the input voltage is low, normally between 25 V and 60 V, and the required output voltage is usually compatible with standard ac values, normally between 110 V and 230 V. It means that the voltage ratio is between 5 and 9 when the fuel cell is operating at the rated power. The resonant inverters displayed in Fig. 1.17 consist of switching circuits VT1…VT4 and LC resonant circuits, thus forming an alternating low voltage. The maximum frequency of the tank circuit LC is near the communication frequency of the switches. Further transformers step the voltage up to the value required by the load motor. Summary. In practice, single-phase inverters are used when the power of the load is 100…200 W. On the output side, this most commonly used inverting approach provides the functions of a voltage source. An effective VSI implementation method involves the use of the transistor bridges with freewheeling diodes. CSI can be used for such electrical equipment that needs the control of the current value, particularly in controlled-torque drives. As compared to the VSI, they are not so popular because of the large input inductor and the requirement in a resistive-capacitive load. Switching
34 frequency of a CSI is smaller, so the load current waveform is distorted, leading to larger derating of the load motor to avoid overheating. Thereat, instead of a CSI in electric drives the VSI inverters are used as a current source where an appropriate current feedback arrangement is used. In resonant inverters, the controllable switches turn on and off at zero voltage and/or zero current that opens the way to the frequency increasing. Therefore, less volume is required for the converters and reactive components can be reduced in size, resulting in more compact design, thus attracting the attention of portable drive designers. Unfortunately, the frequency of the resonant inverters cannot be changed by the reference signal of the control system.
1.3. AC/AC Converters – Changers Classification. A switching converter that changes an ac supply to the ac supply with a different voltage, frequency, phase, or shape is called an ac/ac converter or changer. The first
Us sup
Us load
a. U
Us sup
Us load θ1
b. Us load θ1
Us load
c. θ1
d. Fig. 1.18
35 group of such converters unifies the direct frequency converters that change the frequency and ac voltage shape. Another group joins the dc link frequency converters where a rectifier is used as a voltage regulating or a constant-voltage front-end system whereas an inverter generates an ac voltage of certain frequency and magnitude. Cycloconverters. Cycloconverters are the naturally commutated direct frequency converters that are synchronized by a supply line. Commonly, they are allowed in high-power applications up to tens of megawatts for frequency reduction. A thyristor closing by means of the natural commutation, i.e. turned off on zero current, is almost the only device that can meet the switch voltage and current rating needed at these power levels. 3-, 6-, 12-, and 24-pulse cycloconverters are used. Cycloconverter topology can be subdivided into two types: direct single-step cycloconverters and indirect two-step cycloconverters. Figure 1.18, a, shows the single-phase indirect cycloconverter. Its left and right sub-converters are the supply-side and the load-side controlled rectifiers, respectively, which may operate both in a rectifier mode and in an inverting mode. A reference signal which drives the thyristor gates specifies the frequency, the polarity, and the amplitude of the output voltage Us load. This means that the firing angles of the two sub-converters depend on this reference. As Fig. 1.18, b, c, d show, the output frequency amounts only to the part of the input frequency (the case when the fundamental output frequency is one-third of the input frequency is shown) while the firing angle changes between the minimum and the maximum possible values, depending on the reference magnitude. Particularly, in Fig. 1.18, b, the α is of minimum value. The waveform of the output voltage at a reduced value of the reference is shown in Fig. 1.18, c. If the reference varies with time during each half-cycle instead of remaining constant, the firing angles change during the half-cycle also. This reduces the harmonic content in the output voltage, as Fig. 1.18, d shows. The cycloconverter provides full four-quadrant operation. To obtain the positive voltage passing the positive current in the first quadrant of the current-voltage plane, switches VS5 and VS8 are kept open, VS6 and VS7 closed, while switches VS1 with VS4 and VS2 with VS3 rectifier voltage by adjusting the firing angles in the range 0 to 90°. To obtain the negative voltage passing the positive current in the fourth quadrant, switches VS5 and VS8 are still open but switches VS1 with VS4 and VS2 with VS3 go to the inverting operation by adjusting the firing angles in the range 90° to 180°. To insure the negative voltage passing the negative current in the third quadrant, switches VS6 and VS7 are open, VS5 and VS8 closed, while switches VS1 VS1
VS6 Fig. 1.19
36 with VS4 and VS2 with VS3 rectifier voltage by adjusting the firing angles in the range 0 to 90°. To ensure the positive voltage passing the negative current in the second quadrant, switches VS6 and VS7 are still open but switches VS1 with VS4 and VS2 with VS3 go to the invertion. The circuit diagram of a 6-pulse indirect cycloconverter is represented in Fig. 1.19. The device has the three-phase input and the single-phase output and consists of two anti-parallel threephase bridges. Thyristors are closed thanks to the natural voltage commutation. To obtain bilateral load current, a “negative” converter, which carries a negative current, is placed in parallel with the “positive” one. Such a combined circuit is known as a naturally commutated four-quadrant cycloconverter. The converter produces an ac output voltage for the bi-directional output current. To obtain the positive voltage and pass the positive current in the first quadrant of the current-voltage plane, switches VS1 and VS6, then VS2 and VS4, and next VS3 and VS5 rectifier voltage by adjusting the firing angles in the rectifying range. To ensure the negative voltage passing the positive current in the fourth quadrant, the same switches go to the inverting operation by adjusting the firing angles in the inverting range. To pass the negative current, the two bridges change their roles so that VS7…VS12 perform firing adjusting instead of VS1…VS6. The firing angles are adjusted so that the output voltage is kept close to the sinusoidal form. For smooth commutation of the current from one bridge to another, the firing angle is momentarily changed above 45° and the bridge goes into the inverter operation mode.
Fig. 1.20
M Fig. 1.21
Unfortunately, the frequency of the output voltage cannot precede the frequency of the supply voltage and is always at least twice less. Moreover, the large number of thyristors seems at first sight staggering. For the six-pulse converter with a three-phase output shown in Fig. 1.20, a minimum of 36 thyristors is required. This indicates that cycloconverters are mainly of interest for large systems, where parallel thyristor branches would be necessary in other converter circuits. One popular circuit of the direct frequency converter is given in Fig. 1.21. This three-phase cycloconverter incorporates three three-pulse midpoint dual controlled sub-converters that create three output voltages. Each sub-converter has six thyristors, three to carry the positive load current and three to carry the negative one. A transformer with a three-phase secondary winding is used for the thyristors supply. There is no difference whether the load is active or passive because operation in all four quadrants is possible. Since the output voltages are assembled from the sections of the line voltages here, as the output frequency rises, the output voltages are tracking the sinusoidal references with increasing errors and consequent distortion. The frequency range
0 Ud load When the switch is off, inductor currents flow through diode VD. Current IL1 is decreased because UC1 > Ud sup. The energy stored in L2 feeds the output. Therefore, IL2 also falls. When the switch is on, UC1 reverse biases the diode. Currents IL1 and IL2 flow through switch VT. Capacitor C1 discharges through the switch and IL2 increases. The input power feeds energy to L1 causing IL1 to grow. Equating input and output powers in this converter leads to the equation:
Ud load = Ud sup
q 1− q
53 which shows the same functionality as the step-down and step-up chopper. One of the advantages of the Cuk converter is that this circuit produces continuous current without any additional filters. Its uninterruptible output current reduces the required capacity of the output capacitor. Soft-switched choppers. In the hard switching converters discussed above, the switching power losses, device stresses, high thermal effects, and electromagnetic interference resulting from high current and voltage spikes occur regularly. In order to reduce the overall converter size, while maintaining high energy efficiency, the trend is to design dc/dc converters operating at as high switching frequency as possible (from 2 kHz in high power to 200 kHz and more at low power ratings) using fast-switching MOSFETs. As long as at high switching frequency the mentioned negative effects rise to an inadmissible level, soft switching is employed.
VT2 + VD1 VT1
Ud sup
M Ud load
– a. L
+ Ud sup
C M Ud load
– b.
Ud load
+ L C1 Ud sup
M C2
θ1 c.
VD2 d.
Fig. 1.33
54 To archive switching under zero voltage (ZVS), a buck chopper may be modified, as shown in Fig. 1.33, a, by adding small external capacitors. The inductance value in this case is chosen to be much smaller than in a buck converter such that the inductor current has a waveform with a high ripple, thus the transition from one transistor to another occurs at zero voltage. As an example of a new energy technology, the snubber-assisted zero-voltage and zero-current transition buck chopper (SAZZ) is shown in Fig. 1.33, b. This configuration realizes the desirable properties of zero-current turn-on and zero-voltage turn-off. Figure 1.33, c, illustrates voltage and current waveforms of the SAZZ. Firstly, the snubbed capacitor C2 discharges through the auxiliary switch VT2 causing zero voltage and zero current in the main switch VT1 by a resonant reverse current of VT2. When the switch VT1 turns off, voltage across VT1 starts to increase from zero because of capacitor C2 charging. The soft-switched boost converter is shown in Fig. 1.33, d. In the figure, VT1 and VT2 are the main switches. Diodes VD1 and VD2 prevent reverse current from the motor to the power supply. The small size capacitors C1 and C2 provide a resonance with an inductor L. The load voltage is smoothed by the large capacitor C. Switches VT1 and VT2 turn on or off alternately by the gate signal. When one switch is in on state, the other is off-state. Consequently, the resonant current flows through the on-state switch (for example VT1), then via the inductor, capacitor C1, and returns back through diode VD1. At the beginning, C2 is at low voltage, therefore the resonant current increases in the inductor. On the other hand, because of high voltage of C1 due to the former operation, it discharges forward through the motor. In such a way, the boosted voltage can be obtained on the output side. By the commutation of C1 and C2, the output voltage can be given about two times of the input voltage. Since switching is performed at zero current, switching losses are low. Accordingly, the soft switching chopper has a significant advantage to increase the whole circuit efficiency. In addition, since the switches’ charge and discharge in resonance are efficiently available due to alternate operation, it is clear that utilization efficiency for the reactive components is high. Summary. One embodiment of a dc/dc converter is known as a chopper. The chopping circuits normally operate at the frequencies of 2…200 kHz. The main features of the step-down choppers are: very high current and voltage rising and decreasing during transients that lead to high dynamic power losses. Industrial applications of these circuits are normally restricted to loads below 5 kW. Traction applications, however, are designed at ratings of hundreds of kilowatts. The dc/dc converters which produce the voltage higher than supply voltage must accumulate energy in the input reactive element (inductor) and pass it into the output reactive element (capacitor) independently, in different time intervals. The control of these processes is provided by means of duty cycle changing with or without feedback. The most universal dc/dc converters step up and step down the load voltage, support single-, two- and four-quadrant operation, and do not require additional filters and powerful reactive elements. The fast switching devices are the necessary components of such circuits. Nevertheless, these converters suffer from several additional stresses. Therefore, their implementation is beneficial only when both the buck and the boost capabilities are needed. Otherwise, a step-down or a step-up converter should be used based on the desired capability.
2. Power System Engineering “Each point of our life is a point of choice” A. Daniel
Understanding of the drive power circuit ratings and electrical characteristics is essential for design practice. Ratings are maximum and minimum values that set limits on the drive capability. All ratings are to be considered, and properly rated devices must be chosen so that the required borders are never exceeded. Characteristics are the measure of power circuit performance under specified operating conditions. The number and type of device characteristics varies widely from one manufacturer to another. Some characteristics are given only as typical values of minima or maxima, while many characteristics are displayed graphically.
2.1. Design Objective Drive specifications. As a rule, a designing process is proceeding with the request for a proposal, which includes clarifying of the types of motors, gears, and power converters as well as system acquisition to obtain the highest reliability, best dynamic and static properties, minimum dimensions, and acceptable cost. An equipment type has to satisfy the required technical and economic metrics. Failure to proper specifying of a motor drive can result in a conflict between the equipment supplier and the end user. To avoid such a problem, the design specifications should reflect the operating and environmental conditions listed: • • • • • • • • • • •
type of application performance conditions and duty supply conditions and harmonics motor type power and torque ratings supply voltage, current, and frequency speed range, minimum, and maximum values accuracy and time response efficiency and power factor service life expectancy standards, rules, and regulations
The equipment supplier and the customer need to work as partners and cooperate from the beginning of the project until successful commissioning and handover. It is advisable that the end user procure the complete drive system, including system engineering, commissioning, and engineering support, from one competent supplier. It is one of the first priorities to identify applicable national and international standards on issues related to EMC, harmonics, safety,
56 and noise, smoke emissions during faults, dust, and vibration. Overspecifying the requirements could often result in a more expensive solution than necessary. As far as end users are concerned, they need to specify the drive interfaces, and the input voltage, mechanical power, and shaft speed because the torque and current are calculated from these. The frequency and the power factor depend on the choice of the motor and the gear. For a high-power drive, it is always recommended to carry out a ‘‘harmonic survey.’’ Such a survey will reveal the existing level of harmonics and quantify approaching the new levels. Other classifications, not listed above, include the following: • • • • • • • •
working voltage: low voltage (less than 690 V) or medium voltage current type: ac or dc drive mechanical coupling: direct, via a gearbox, or indirect packaging: integrated motors as opposed to separate ones movement: rotary, vertical, or linear motion drive configuration: stand-alone, system, dc link bus, etc. braking mode: regenerative or non-regenerative cooling method: direct and indirect air, liquid, etc.
Classification by applications. With regard to applications, four main groups of motor drives are available: • • • •
appliance drives general-purpose drives system drives servo drives
Table 2.1 describes typical applications and main features of these groups. Table 2.1 Motor drive classification by applications Feature
General-purpose drives
System drives
Servo drives
Home appliances,
Fans, pumps, compressors, mixers
Test benches, cranes, elevators, hoists
Robots, lathes, machine tools
Very high
Power rating
Whole range
Mainly induction motors
Low and middle Mainly servomotors
Simple, low cost
Open-loop ac and dc
Expensive, high quality
Typical feature
Home, mass production
Process, cost sensitive, low performance
High accuracy and high dynamic, high precision and linearity
Each application has its specific load. The way the drive performs is very much dependent on the load characteristics. The four most popular load profile types are as follows:
57 • • • •
torque independent of speed (constant torque) torque proportional to the square of the shaft speed (variable torque) torque linearly proportional to speed (linear torque) torque inversely proportional to speed (inverse torque)
The load can be considered to be constant if the torque remains the same over the operating speed range. Typical constant torque loads are lathes, axial and centrifugal pumps and ventilators, screw and centrifugal compressors, and agitators. Other applications have a variable torque characteristic that is their torque increases with the speed. The torque of pumps and fans, stirrers and mixers is proportional to the square of the speed, and therefore the power is proportional to the cube of the speed. This means that at reduced speeds there is a great reduction in power and therefore energy saving. Because the power is greatly reduced, the voltage applied to the drive can also be reduced and additional energy saving is thus achieved. Extruders, draw benches, paper and printing machines, conveyers, and lifts have the linear torque, whereas the rolling mills, winders, wire drawers, and some lifts have the inverse torque. Thermal considerations. Every drive power system is ultimately rated by its thermal loading. The thermal classification is provided in accordance with EN 60034. Nowadays the equipment with class B insulating material is most frequently used. Starting from an ambient temperature of 40˚C, the temperature of equipment may increase by a maximum of 120˚C. The rated power is always associated with a specific mode of operation and cyclic duration factor. Operating modes are classified in accordance with EN 60034 also. It is normally specified for continuous operation, short-term operation, and periodic operations. The last group is characterized by the cyclic duration factor that is the duty ratio (duty cycle) of the load duration ton to the cycle duration T:
t on T
Maximum cycle duration of periodical motor drives is 10 minutes. Often the cycle duration factor is expressed by percent. The size of the driven motors is generally chosen for continuous operation at a rated output, yet a considerable proportion of motor drives are used for duties other than continuous. As the output attainable under such deviating conditions may differ from the continuous rating, accurate specification of the duty is an important prerequisite for proper planning. There is hardly a limit to the number of possible duty types. In high-performance applications, such as traction and robotics, load and speed demands vary with time. During acceleration of traction equipment, a higher startup torque (typically twice the nominal torque) is required; this is usually followed by cruising and deceleration intervals. As the torque varies with time, so does the motor current (and motor flux linkage level). The electric, magnetic, and thermal loading of the motor and the electric and thermal loading of the power electronic converters have definite constraints in a drive specification. Table 2.2 categorizes operating duties into eight major types.
58 Table 2.2 Motor drive duty modes Type
Continuous running
Operation at constant load of sufficient duration for the thermal equilibrium to be reached.
Operation at constant load during a given time, less than required to reach thermal equilibrium, followed by a rest and a de-energizing period of sufficient duration to reestablish machine temperatures within 2 ºC of the coolant.
Intermittent periodic
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each including a period of operation at constant load and a rest as a de-energizing period. In this duty type, the cycle is such that the starting current does not significantly affect the temperature rise.
Intermittent periodic with a high startup torque
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle including a significant period of starting, a period of operation at constant load, and a rest as a de-energizing period.
Intermittent periodic with a high startup torque and electric braking
A sequence of identical cycles, each cycle consisting of a period of starting, a period of operation at constant load, a period of rapid electric braking, and a rest as a de-energizing period.
Continuous-operation periodic
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a period of operation at constant load and a period of operation at no load without a de-energizing period.
Continuous-operation periodic with a high startup torque and electric braking
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a period of starting, a period of operation at constant load, and a period of electric braking without a de-energizing period.
Continuous-operation periodic with related load-speed changes
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a period of operation at constant load corresponding to a predetermined speed of rotation, followed by one or more periods of operation at other constant loads corresponding to different speeds of rotation without a de-energizing period.
Careful assessment of duty types S2 to S8 reveals that there exist two distinct groups: first – duties S2, S3 and S6 permit uprating of motors relative to the output permissible in continuous running duty S1 and second – duties S4, S5, S7 and S8 requiring derating relative to the output permissible in continuous running duty S1. The drive duty cycle also affects the reliability and the service life expectancy of power devices. Repetitive load cyclic duty results in additional thermal stresses on power devices. Frequent acceleration and deceleration of drives results in repetitive junction temperature rise and falls at the cyclic duty. The life expectancy of devices is often determined by the maximum allowed number of cycles for a given power device junction temperature rise. Electrical requirements. Electrical rules regulate the kind of electrical power and technical characteristics of the primary supply circuit and the load. In this connection, the input and output requirements are distinguished.
59 The drives are designed to operate in a wide range of supply voltages, from low voltage (187…264 V) to high voltage (342…633 V) units over a supply frequency of 47…63 Hz. Many supplies vary outside those levels. For example, supplies at the end of long power lines in remote areas can rise excessively when large loads are no longer present. Industries with locally controlled and generated supplies can have poor regulation and control. Power systems in certain parts of the world may not meet expected tolerances. The supply circuit sometimes has steady or transient asymmetry. Thus, operation outside the stated supply levels will probably cause damage and must be avoided. In the case of ac supply, input voltages, currents, frequencies, and the number of phases are rated as well as the quality of electrical supply as a whole. In the group of quality factors, the steady state and dynamic stability, possible non-sinusoidal shape of waves, time, and periodicity of dynamic disturbances are included. In the case of low-power supply source, the harmonic content of the input current, the power factor, and the timing diagrams are limited. In the case of long cabling distances, the electrical resistance of the wiring is to be taken into account. When the high harmonic currents flow through the cables, the distributed inductances and distributed capacitances are also significant. Thus, the resonant phenomena and signal shape distortion should often be eliminated or limited. In the case of dc supply, input rated voltages and currents as well as the power supply quality are also indicated. Among the quality factors, the steady state and dynamic stability, possible time and periodicity of dynamic disturbances are listed. The ripple level and frequency are the important features of dc supply. Again, in the case of low-power source, the supply line dynamic value of electrical resistance is limited. This parameter helps to evaluate the influence of the input current on the output voltage, commutation spikes and drops under the load rising and lowering. A desired converter is the supply source having the necessary outputs range. The output requirements are similar to the input ones. These properties usually demonstrate the result of the power electronic converter design. The rated output values have to correspond to the standards and are to be adjusted in accordance with the consumer needs and voltage drops in cable paths. Electronics devices are very sensitive to the instantaneous values of currents and voltages. For this reason, to withstand any short-term overloading and overvoltages, it is required to increase the number of semiconductor devices or to use more powerful components, which may operate under higher currents and voltages. As a result, to meet overload needs without overheating the apparent power of the converter should have some derating. Constructional requirements. Today with automation in full swing in all areas of the engineering sector, the motor drive is dominant, and the mechanics of the machines have been greatly simplified. Thanks to modern technology, drive arrangements are much easier to use than they were some years ago. Electronics provides a wide range of application-related options, interfaces to all controls, and the ability to use computers to commission, optimize, and calibrate equipment. Converter construction depends on the maintenance conditions and functional place of the converter: autonomous, built-in, or a part of another device. An autonomous module is the most commonly employed type, thus the requirement of standard housing is typical. Mechanical
60 resistance to shocks, vibrations, etc. is another converter characteristic. Methods of control, repair, and reconstruction processes are very important also. When the influence of humidity and water is high, plus an aggressive environment, hermetic sealing is the solution of the problem. The same concerns the storage conditions of converters. To suit the demands of the prevailing ambient conditions – high humidity, aggressive media, splash-water and jet-water, dust accumulation, etc. – equipment is available in the corresponding enclosure class according to EN 60529 with Ingress Protection coding standard IPXY. Here X is the first classification figure and Y is the second one, as Table 2.3 displays. Table 2.3 Motor drive classification by cooling protection IP
X – protection against accidental contact
Y – protection against penetration of water
No protection
No protection
Large surface and solid objects exceeding 50 mm in diameter
Dripping water (vertical falling drops)
Fingers and solid objects exceeding 12 mm in diameter
Water drops falling up to 15˚ from the vertical
3 4
Tools and solid objects exceeding 1 mm in diameter
Spray water up to 60˚ from the vertical (rain) Deck water (splash water from all directions)
Any object and harmful dust deposits, which can interfere with operation
Jet water from all directions
Any contact and any kind of dust
Temporary flooding (deck of a ship)
Effects of brief immersion
Pressurized water
Normally, IP54, IP55, or IP56 is recommended. Increased corrosion protection for metal parts and additional impregnation of the winding (protection against ingress of moisture and acids) are possible, as well as delivery of explosion-protected type motors and brake motors in conformity with enclosure class EExe (increased safety), EExed (motor increased safety, brake explosion-proof), and EExd (explosion-proof). A designer must take into account the full set of grounding standards. The grounding methods and elements should have constant transient rated resistance during the full time of duty. Other standards and technical rules concern different technological and production modes. Particularly, they are: electrical connectors and leads, marking, signal sizes and levels, cabling circuits, metrological devices, ergonomics, etc. Summary. This part shows how to choose appropriate rating for power system components to be applied within the specifications given in the datasheet. The explanations provided are sufficiently general to be applicable to all common power circuits. An equipment type must satisfy the required technical and economic metrics. To avoid conflicts between the equipment supplier and the end user, it is useful to meet the operating and environment conditions, application needs, thermal, electrical, and constructional regulations and standards.
Line chokes Input filter or transformer
Overvoltage protection
Power electronic converter
Output filter
Fig. 2.1
2.2. Transformers and Inductors The need in transformers and inductors. In the case of industrial mains, a sine-wave voltage supplies a power converter. Voltage fluctuations can affect drive operation. Within the rated voltage range, the drive functions normally. If the range is exceeded, the drive will have to shut down to prevent damage occurring. The mains voltage frequency is of minor significance. Instead of direct link, two methods of load connection to the supply mains are as follows: through the transformer and through the current-limited inductors often called chokes and reactors (Fig. 2.1). Transformers step down supply voltage level in accordance with the converter capacity, thus providing the most effective use of electronic components. When the midpoint full-wave rectifiers are used, the only decision is the center-tapped transformer the tap of which serves as an electrical neutral or center of the secondary winding. Transformer causes the mass and size growth along with the efficiency drop. The inductance of semiconductor anode and cathode circuits leads to slow commutation and converter energy consumption. On the other hand, the inductive elements in supply lines limit the rate of devices current in the case of short circuits, therefore they simplify protection requirements. For this purpose, the line chokes (inductors) on the supply side are especially effective. There are many varied uses for inductors in drive installations. On the mains input side the choke, in conjunction with design measures in the power section of the converter, completely replaces other customary inrush current-limiting charging components. It minimizes noise on the supply lines and is a part of the unit security features against transient overvoltages. In addition, it improves the system power factor across a wider speed and load range. When the inductor is placed between the inverter and the motor, it minimizes the tripping due to the leakage currents. In dc circuits, the reactors reduce the level of harmonic distortion and improve the ripple factor.
62 Transformer. In power electronics, transformers that often consist of two or more tightly coupled windings, where almost all the flux produced by one winding links the other windings are essential. In Fig. 2.2, a, a transformer-isolated rectification circuit is shown. Here, the transformer steps the rms supply voltage U1 down to lower level U2, which sometimes is more suitable for use in rectifiers. The number of turns of the primary winding is w1; the number of turns of the secondary winding is w2. The voltage induced in the secondary winding is equal to
U2 =
w2 U U1 = 1 , w1 kw
kw =
w1 w2
is the transformer turns ratio. Therefore, the secondary current is given by
I2 =
w1 I1 = kw I1 w2
Thus, the current and voltage ratios depend on the transformer turns ratio. The secondary output apparent power of a transformer almost equals to the primary input power: U2I2 = U1I1
The rated power Ps that feeds the load is the arithmetic mean of the secondary and primary powers. The power and the current values are calculated using the data of Table 1.1. When the load current is continuous, it is obvious to restrict the input voltage variation by some U recommended value of the ripple factor k r = r , which indicates how much deviation the 2U d output voltage has from its rated desired value, and therefore plays an important role in designing a circuit. As a result, the rated input voltage is to be restricted in the range
U d min =
Ud 1 − 2k r
U d max =
Ud 1 + 2k r L
w1 U1
b. Fig. 2.2
63 To calculate a converter, the transformer inductance Lt and resistance Rt may be approximately obtained as particles of load values L and R: Lt ≈ (0,11…0,16) L Rt ≈ (0,10…0,12) R and later precised dependently on the leakage inductance and resistance of the transformer, sometimes after the short-circuit experiments. Finally, inductance must be choosen taking into account the current-to-time product of semiconductor devices after comparing it with short-circuit current. Commonly, transformers are designed together with converters, therefore their datasheets are not represented in reference sources. Selection of a magnetic core material for the transformer must conform to the geometry constant and frequency. Ferrite is the best choice in transformer applications except for mechanical ruggedness. With power ferrites, higher frequency materials have higher resistivity, hence lower eddy current losses. However, their permeability is generally lower, resulting in greater magnetizing current, which must be dealt with. With metal alloy cores, the higher frequency materials have higher resistivity and require very thin laminations. Although their saturation flux density is usually very much greater than with ferrite materials. This is irrelevant because the flux swing is severely limited by eddy current losses. Another important parameter of the transformer is the window configuration of the magnetic core. The window should be as wide as possible to maximize winding breadth and minimize the number of layers. This results in minimum resistance and leakage inductance. Also, with a wide window, the fixed creepage allowance dimension has less impact. With a wider window, less winding height is required, and the window area can be utilized better. Pot cores and PQ cores have a small window area in relation to the core size, and their window shape is almost square. The creepage allowance wastes a large fraction of the window area, and the winding breadth is far from optimum. These cores are not so well suited for highfrequency applications. One advantage of the pot cores and PQ cores is that they provide better magnetic shielding than E-E cores, reducing EMI propagation. EC, ETD, LP cores are all E-E core shapes. They have a large window area in relation to core size, and the window has the desirable wide configuration. Toroidal cores, properly wound, must have all windings distributed uniformly around the entire core. Thus the winding breadth is essentially the circumference of the core, resulting in the lowest possible leakage inductance and minimizing the number of winding layers. There is no creepage allowance because there is no end to the windings. Stray magnetic flux and EMI propagation are also very low. The big problem with toroidal cores is the winding difficulty, especially with the shapes and gauge of conductors used in transformers. Planar cores with their low profile are becoming more popular as the frequencies increase progressively. Planar cores introduce a new set of unique problems which are beyond the scope of this discussion. It should be assured that Faraday’s and Ampere’s laws still apply, but in a planar core, flux density and field intensity change considerably throughout the important regions, making calculation much more difficult. Inductor. When inductors are used instead of transformer, they are selected from the on-market available or designed using special calculation algorithms. Magnetic component
64 manufacturers (MTE Corp., AFP Transformers, Precision Electronics, Trafox, West Coast Magnetics, etc.) offer a wide range of off-the-shelf inductors suitable for dc/dc converters, some of which are surface-mountable. There are many types of inductors available; the most popular core materials are ferrites and powdered iron. Bobbin or rod-core inductors are readily available and inexpensive, but care must be taken in using them because they are more likely to cause noise problems than are other shapes. Inductor current and inductance for the three-phase rectifiers are calculated as follows:
2Id 3 kUs Lt = 2 2sIF
It =
dIF is a slew rate or surge of the current IF in the dt rectifier device, and k = 1,2…1,3 – safety factor. Here,
where Us is the phase supply voltage, sIF =
d dt
is the differential operator. In the thyristor and diode rectifiers shown in Fig. 1.2, the smoothing choke is often required when the ripple exceeds 10 %. An example is given in Fig. 2.2, b. The full inductance of the load circuit is obtained as follows:
LΣ ≥
kr U0 , k *I f r load 1
where Iload is the load current, kr is the ripple factor taken from the rectifier data table cited above, U0 is the rectified no-load voltage, kr* = 0,02…0,10 – required ripple factor, f1 – supply frequency, and m = 2 or 3 – number of phases. The required smoothing reactance Lt is the rest of this value: Lt = LΣ – Lsup – L, where Lsup and L are the supply and the load inductances, respectively. Inductor for dc/dc chopper. To provide the continuous current mode in dc/dc choppers, the full inductance should meet the inequality
LΣ ≥ where R is the load resistance and qmin =
R (1 − qmin ) , 2fc
t on min , fc > (2...3)f1. Another formula is also used: Tc
LΣ ≥
Ud load (1 − qmin ) , 2Iload fc
where Ud load and Id load are the load rated voltage and current. Then, the peak load current is
Id load max =
Ud (1 − q ) 2fc LΣ
Sometimes, the third formula helps to find the necessary inductance of the dc/dc converter:
⎛ U ⎞ U d load ⎜1 − d load ⎟ ⎜ U d sup ⎟⎠ ⎝ LΣ ≥ fc (Id load max − Id load min ) Transformer for cycloconverter. The transformer calculation for the circuit shown in Fig. 1.21, a, starts from the defining of the first harmonic of the secondary rms voltage:
U 2 = kU s load
fs load mUF + + Rt Is load , f1 2
where k = 1,2…1,3 – safety factor; Us load, Is load, and fs load are the load voltage, current, and frequency, f1 – supply frequency, m = 2 or 3 – the number of phases, UF = 0,7…2 V – thyristor voltage drop, and Rt is the transformer resistance. Before the final choice of the transformer and thyristors, this formula gives a templative result, which should be corrected later. The required secondary voltage amplitude of the transformer is as follows:
U 2 max =
2πU 2 , π π 4m 2 sin sin cos αmin m 2m
where αmin = 0,1…0,2 – minimum firing angle. The transformer turns ratio is given from (2.1) by
kw =
w1 = w2
2 U1 3 U2
The transformer rms currents are given from (2.2) by
I1 = Is load
2 kw
I 2 = Is load The rated powers of the transformer are given from (2.3) as follows:
Ps = mUs load Is load Ptr =
πPs ⋅ cos αmin
3 3 2π 3 3
Transformer checking. Following the converter component choice, the previously selected transformer turns ratio and capacity should be checked. For rectifiers, the output voltage is described as Ud = Ud* + kUF + Id Rt + kmf1Id Lt where Ud* is the required load voltage, k = 1 or more – the number of the current-conducted devices, Id is the rectified load current, m = 2 or 3 – the number of phases, f1 is the supply frequency, Rt and Lt – transformer resistance and inductance, UF is the semiconductor device
66 forward voltage drop. Its preliminary value may be evaluated as follows: UF = 0,7…2 V for ordinary rectifier diodes; 1,1…1,6 V for diffused diodes; 0,8…1,3 V for epitaxial diodes; and 0,5…0,9 V for Schottky diodes. As a result, the transformer secondary voltage should be
U2 >
kkUU0 , cos αmin
where k = 1,1 – safety factor to replenish a possible supply voltage drop, kU is the circuit factor taken from the rectifier data table cited above, U0 is the rectified no-load voltage (the infinite load resistance), αmin = 0,1…0,2 – minimum firing angle of the thyristor. In non-controlled rectifiers U2 > k kU Ud. Summary. When the drive is supplied from industrial mains, two methods of load connection to the supply are as follows: through the transformer and through the current-limiting chokes. Transformers insulate the system from the supply line and steps voltages and currents. Chokes limit the rate of devices current in the case of short circuits. The use of a transformer leads to a growth in the mass and size of the application as well as to a decrease of its efficiency, slowing commutation and increasing energy consumption. On the other hand, the inductive elements in supply lines limit the rate of devices’ current in the case of short circuits, therefore simplifying protection requirements. Usually, in the thyristor and diode rectifiers, the smoothing choke is needed when the ripple exceeds 10 %.
2.3. Diodes and Thyristors Voltages and currents in rectifiers. In the component selection process, the restricted parameters of the rectifier devices are to be taken into account, such as the peak inverse repetitious voltage UR and average forward current IF. In addition to the mentioned parameters, one should also calculate other dc and ac datasheet entries. The forward voltage UF, as the dc parameter, is the voltage drop across anode and cathode at a defined current level when the device is forward-biased. For power diodes, a datasheet gives the non-repetitious peak inverse voltage that is the diode’s capability to block a reverse voltage that may occur occasionally due to an overvoltage surge. On the other hand, the repetitious voltage is applied on the diode in a sustained manner. In M1, M2, and B2 rectifiers, maximum diode and thyristor rated inverse voltage must exceed the value
U R = k 2U s to avoid reverse breakdown, whereas in M3 and B6 circuits
U R = k 2 3U s , where k = 1,7…1,85 – safety factor for the repetitive and short-term overvoltage protection, Us is the phase supply voltage. In transformer-isolated circuits, Us = U2. Breakdown voltage URmax is the voltage drop across the device at a defined current level when it is beyond reverse-biased level; this is known as avalanche. Reverse leakage current IR flows at a particular voltage, which is below the breakdown voltage. Very common ac parameters are forward and reverse recovery times, tF, tR. The former is the time required for the diode voltage to drop to a particular value after the forward current starts to
67 flow. The latter represents the time interval between reverse voltage application and reverse current drop to a particular value. In practice, a design engineer frequently needs to calculate reverse recovery time in order to estimate possible high-frequency switching. If the manufacturer of a selected diode gives the rate of the fall of the diode current sI and a reverse recovery time tR, the peak reverse current may be given as IR max = sI tR, where s is the differential operator given in (2.4). In the case of high-frequency pulse switching, an additional parameter known as transient thermal resistance is of vital importance because it indicates the instantaneous junction temperature as a function of time under constant input power. In the process of possible current evaluation, cooling conditions play an important role. Power diodes are usually mounted on a heat sink. This dissipates effectively the heat arising due to continuous conduction. Current ratings are estimated based on temperature rise considerations. The datasheet of a diode normally specifies three different current ratings: the average current, the rms current, and the peak current. A design engineer must ensure that each of these values is never exceeded. To do that, the actual current (average, rms, and peak) in the circuit must be evaluated either by calculation, simulation, or measurement. These values must be checked against those given in the datasheet for the selected diode. In the case of sinusoidal supply, device rated current should exceed the value IF = k kF Id, where k = 2…3 – safety factor for the overcurrent protection, kF is the circuit factor taken from the rectifier data table cited above. In the case of non-sinusoidal supply (rectangular pulses for example), the average and rms current values are
IF ave = qI F max IF = qIF max where q =
t on , ton is the pulse duration and T1 is the period of the supply voltage. Sometimes, a T1
surge current rating and its permissible duration are also given in a datasheet. Voltages and currents in cycloconverters. The peak inverse repetition voltage UR and the maximum possible direct rms current IF of the thyristors in the cycloconverter must exceed the values
UR = k 2Us sup IF =
kIs load 3
where k = 1,7…1,85 for voltage and 2…3 for current – safety factors for the repetitive and shortterm overvoltage and overcurrent protection and Us sup = U2 is the phase supply voltage. In the process of the maximum possible current estimation, cooling conditions play an important role.
68 IF1
VD2 Us
IF2 U a.
d. Fig. 2.3
Device connections. Resent advancements in power electronics have resulted in a rapid growth of applications that require solid state switches which can handle high currents and high voltages. For such applications when the voltage or current rating of a chosen device is not enough to meet the designed values, devices can be connected in series or in parallel, thus realizing high power switches. When the required current is high, the parallel rectifiers connection is used as shown in Fig. 2.3, a. Because the resistances of the devices differ, the common forward current IF is distributed unevenly (Fig. 2.3, b). Thus, to ensure equal current sharing, one must choose devices with the equal forward voltage drop properties. It is also important to ensure that the devices are mounted on similar heat sinks and are cooled equally. This will affect the temperatures of the individual devices, which in turn may change the device forward characteristics. To avoid overcurrents that can destroy the devices, the inductive dividers of different kinds are recommended to be connected in series with the devices. In high-voltage applications, the series-connected topologies are attractive. The series rectifier connection in Fig. 2.3, c, shows the structure of a high voltage rating. The main concern of the series connection is the unequal voltage distribution between the devices in both transient and steady-state operations. The operating voltage of the series-connected power semiconductor devices is higher than the permissible operating voltage of an individual device and ideally it must be equally shared between series connected devices during the steady (off) state as well the dynamic and static parameters, gate drive delays, and external circuit parameters. This voltage unbalance may exceed the voltage rating of an individual device and the subsequent failure of the device will cause final failure of the entire series string of devices. Firstly, a designer must ensure that the devices are properly matched, especially in terms of their reverse recovery properties, because the common reverse voltage UR is distributed
69 unevenly (Fig. 2.3, d). There may be large voltage unbalance between the series-connected devices. Additionally, due to differences in reverse recovery times, some devices may recover from the phenomenon earlier than the others, thereby causing them to bear full reverse voltage. To avoid all these problems, the resistive and capacitive dividers are commonly needed. Typically, a bank of a capacitor and a resistor is connected across each device. Other parameters of diodes and thyristors. Other parameters of great importance are the reverse current and transient times. Particularly, a recovery time indicates the delay that must elapse from the instant when the load current has reached zero, until the device has attained full blocking capability in the forward direction. This parameter ranges from a few microseconds for high frequency devices to several hundred milliseconds for a high power thyristors designed for low voltage drop. As far as the reverse recovery time is concerned, the special-purpose avalanche diodes, which can withstand high short-term reverse overvoltages and currents, are preferable. Other devices of choice in new high-speed power applications are the Schottky diodes that are much faster than the ordinary rectifier diodes. The epitaxial and diffused as well as high-voltage diodes are very fast. Diodes mainly experience turn-off losses when used in hard switching with an inductive load. In this case, the diode is carrying current, which commutates to a transistor being turned on, thus focusing the diode to turn off and take over inverse voltage. Using the numerical values from the datasheets is the simplest way to find switching losses if the switching operations are carried out in the same or similar conditions that are considered typical and thus indicated as numerical values in the datasheet. Alternately, the graphs allow a more accurate determination of switching losses. Summary. In the component selection process, the parameter restriction of the rectifier devices, the peak inverse repetitious voltage UR, and average forward current IF in the first instance are to be taken into account. Cycloconverters require more complex circuits than those of the thyristor rectifiers because of the frequency control channel in addition to the voltage control. Due to the high current ripple, low efficiency, and significant noise, these circuits are not suited for high-performance, highspeed applications. Parallel and series connection of devices requires additional dividers to avoid overvoltages and overcurrents. Other parameters of great importance are the reverse current and transient times.
2.4. Transistors Transistor type selection. Sometimes in low-frequency systems, bipolar junction transistors may be a choice. The main parameters of BJT are: maximum pulse collector current, maximum pulse collector-emitter voltage, and switch-on and switch-off times. When currents are high, the parallel-connected transistors with additional current-balanced resistors R are used as shown in Fig. 2.4, a. To calculate them, the maximum (Usat max) and minimum (Usat min) saturation voltages are obtained from the datasheets to limit the current misbalance. Usually, the misbalance Ir should be less than 10 % of the maximum collector current, thus
U sat max − U sat min Ir
70 MOSFETs and IGBTs have replaced BJTs almost completely in power electronics. Their averaged ratings are given in Fig. 2.5. A remarkable development in MOSFETs took place during the last ten years. The development of the SFET technology in 1996 enabled very low on-state resistances in the low voltage range (UDS max < 100 V, RDS < 6 mΩ, UDS = 30 V). The appearance of the CoolMOS in 1998 enabled a reduction of the on-state resistance RDS by a factor of 5 to 10 compared to the conventional MOSFETs for the same chip area in a voltage range of UR = 0,6...1 kV. The introduction of vertical p-strips in the drift region and the resulting extension of the space charge region also in the horizontal direction allow a distinct reducing of the thickness of the device and therefore reduced on-state and switching losses and a gate driving power of the CoolMOS. The area related maximum permissible avalanche energy, ruggedness, and reliability of the device are retained. Today’s MOSFETs are available up to a maximum switch power over 0,1 MW. MOSFETs are commonly used in low-power and mid-power high-frequency applications. They are still not available with ratings higher than 2 kV and 2 kA and need in parallel connection for higher current ratings. As a rule, parallel connected MOSFETs are mounted on the single sink with the minimum distance between the cases. Their gate circuits are provided with the additional resistors (some tens ohms) to avoid the switch-off ringing (Fig. 2.4, b). To overcome the overheating coursed by the short circuits, MOSFET often has an additional signal terminal that is known as a current sensor. Thanks to this signal, the protection circuit may be arranged with a feedback loop, which speeds up the operation and increases its selectivity. The most effective decision is a fully protected power MOSFET switch, which tracks the crystal temperature and current and switches off the transistor in abnormal situations.
b. Fig. 2.4
71 IGBTs have gained significant importance since their introduction on the market in 1988. The development of high-power converters over the last decade was dominated by the evolution of IGBT technology. Contemporary IGBTs are available in the voltage range 0,6…6,5 kV up to currents 3 kA, thus giving a possibility of a maximum switch power about 4 MW. Today, IGBT is the most popular transistor for switching power applications with the average frequency range from 1 to 150 kHz. They allow no overvoltage but 7…10 times overcurrent. In IGBT datasheets the main transistor parameters are listed. The rated collector current IF limits the maximum possible steady-state value for definite temperatures, usually 25° and 100° C. Often, a diagram of IF versus the case temperature is available from the datasheets that helps in the transistor choice with the predominant cooling condition. The pulse collector current IF is restricted by the datasheet also. Rated collector-emitter voltage UR and its peak value UR max as well as the maximum dissipated power PF are the content of the rated data. The maximum (UF max) and minimum (UF min) saturation voltages describe the steady-state losses of the open IGBT. The threshold gate value UG shows the gate voltage provoking the collector current. The parallel connection of IGBTs passes by the same way as for MOSFETs. The additional resistors in the gate circuits help to avoid the switch-off ringing. To operate without overheating, the operation current of the parallel-connected devices is decreased usually by 10…15 % as compared with the rated current. There are several methods to minimize the voltage unbalance in series-connected IGBTs. Since the voltage unbalance is mainly due to device parameter spreading and gate driver delays, careful selection of power semiconductor devices and synchronizing of the gate driver signals will minimize the voltage unbalance. In addition, different mitigation techniques have to be used to ensure safe and robust operation of the transistors. The methods used to mitigate voltage unbalance during the transient state are: passive snubber circuits, active gate control, and active voltage clamping circuits. The first approach requires connecting suitable resistors in parallel with the transistors, the value of which depends on the desired level of voltage balance. In the active gate control techniques, the gate signal is adjusted by a gate circuit according to the voltage unbalance and ultimately it will increase or decrease the rate of change of collector-emitter voltage. This approach does not increase switching losses and commutation time. U, kV
P, kW
102 IGBT
101 IGBT
I, kA 0
f, kHz 0
103 b.
Fig. 2.5
72 I IF t t0
U IR max Turn on UF max
Turn off UF
t UR max
UR Fig. 2.6
Switching considerations. The choice of switching frequency is a very important step in the converter design procedure. For power devices, switching process is the most common operation mode. Any power diode, thyristor, and transistor requires a finite time interval to switch over from the off-state to the onstate, or vice versa. During there transitions, current and voltage in a circuit vary in a wide range. This process is accompanied by energy conversion. A power circuit contains many components that can store energy (reactors, capacitors, electric motors, etc.). Their energy level cannot be changeg instantaneously because the power absorbing possibility is restricted. Therefore, switching properties of power devices are analyzed at a given rate of current and voltage. Figure 2.6 displays some rated time intervals which define transistor transients. The turn-on process duration tF includes three time intervals: the turn-on delay t0, the current rise time t1, and the current spreading time t2. The current rise time is very short. Also, the turn-off transient process duration tR is the sum of three time intervals: the turn-off delay t3, the decreasing time t4 of the collector current, and the stabilizing time t5. Switching off is not as fast as switching on. The most essential data of power switching are the forward voltage overshoot UF max when a device turns on and the reverse current peak value IR max when a device turns off. Usually, the resistances and reactances cause a forward voltage overshoot of tens and hundreds volts. For the high-voltage diodes and thyristors (some kilovolts), the current rising time interval is approximately some hundreds of nanoseconds and the current stabilizing time about one microsecond, whereas usual diodes have these values tenfold less. Commonly, a shorter turn-on transients and lower on-state losses cannot be achieved simultaneously. The maximum value of the reverse current IR max is fixed at the end of the second turn-off time interval and then the current value drops quickly. Since the device turns off, the current drops almost to zero with only small leakage current flows. A decrease in the reverse current raises the reverse voltage UR, the maximum value of which reaches UR max. The sum of t4 and t5 is called a reverse recovery time. Another important problem is the choice of the so-called “dead time” duration needed to avoid short circuits when one transistor switches off and the next one switches on. Today’s IGBTs
73 have very short switching on/off periods, typically only nanoseconds. A “dead time” decrease results in a better use of an inverter, although its reliability drops at the same time. High switching frequency gives a number of advantages to the desired applications that help • to improve a dynamic precision of applications • to expand a frequency response of the driving load • to decrease the amplitudes of current, magnetic flux, torque, and modulation losses as well • to cut motor audible and other noises When switching frequency is low, torque pulsations, sometimes called “cogging torques”, are present, especially if the motor current is non-sinusoidal. For most speeds but the lowest the rotor inertia smoothes them out. Some types of converters produce noticeable torque pulsations below about 3 Hz, however, other ones successfully eliminate these effects. In addition to torque pulsations, which are an inherent result of the harmonics in the applied voltage waveform, a torque transient may occur wherever there is a sudden change of motor voltage and frequency. The latter can be avoided electronically, but considerable care must be taken in the design of the control scheme, particularly when changes in pulse number occur through pulse dropping, to ensure that the effective fundamental voltage before and after is unaltered. At the same time, an attempt to synthesize the best possible sine wave by selecting a high frequency may well create more losses in the converter than it saves in the motor as it leads to • increased converter commutation losses and a requirement in additional power consumption • added leakage currents in cables, sources, and motor constructional elements, that is the full loss of the supply system • possible decrease of the overvoltage level due to a deteriorated converter use Thus, the sensitive problem is to find the optimum frequency level that would give maximum efficiency of an overall application. Transistor ratings. In ac/ac converters with a dc link shown in Fig. 1.23, the required dc link voltage is defined as
Ud =
mUs load qmax mUF , + k 2
where Us load is the required load voltage, qmax = 0,95…0,98 – maximum duty cycle, k = 1 or 2 – the number of current-conducted transistors, UF = 2…3 V – transistor voltage drop, m = 2 or 3 – the number of phases. Transistor rated voltage must exceed the value UR = k Ud, where k = 1,7…1,85 – safety factor for the repetitive and short-term overvoltage protection. Transistor rated current should be more than IF = k Is load, where k = 1,5...3 – safety factor for the overcurrent protection, and Is load is the rated load current. In general, the overcurrent duration is limited and the crystal temperature does not exceed 150˚ C, therefore k keeps within the range 1,9 to 2,2.
74 Power losses. Power losses are important in several respects. Besides the efficiency of a converter, they determine heat sink requirements, and the cooling method along with the rating of power semiconductors. Power losses are subdivided into conducting, blocking, switching, and some other kinds of losses. The power converter also has internal losses caused by device conduction voltage drop, losses in auxiliary voltage suppliers and gate/base drivers, losses in circuits that aid the switching capability of the power switching device, and losses in the commutation circuits themselves. The last three of these losses grow along with an inverter output frequency. Conduction losses are caused by the forward voltage drop of the turned-on power semiconductor switch: PF =UF IF, where IF is the current curried and UF is the current-dependant forward voltage drop given in the datasheets as a numerical value or by the graph IF (UF). Using the numerical value is the simplest way to determine conduction losses. This value may be preferable when the current in the device is equal or close to the current it is specified for. The graph most accurately defines losses. For the sake of simplification, the exponential function of forward voltage drop has been linearized for the typical range of operating points. The conditions for the device performance should match the application operation. To estimate if a power semiconductor rating is appropriate, usually the values valid for elevated temperature, close to the maximum junction temperature, should be used along with the calculation of power losses. This is commonly the operating point at the rated load independent of the temperature coefficient of the parameter being positive or negative. This caveat should also be applied to other types of losses. Blocking losses are generated by a low leakage current through the device while blocking a high voltage: PR =UR IR, where IR is the leakage current and UR is the applied inverse voltage. The datasheet indicates leakage current at certain inverse voltage and temperature. The dependence between leakage current and applied voltage typically is exponential. This means that using of a datasheet value given for an inverse voltage higher than the applied one overestimates blocking losses. However, in general, blocking losses are small and can be neglected often (but not always). Switching losses depend on the type of a semiconductor device. In power converters, transistors are designed for use in the switching mode instead of the linear operation. This means switching time intervals are short compared to the pulse duration at typical switching frequencies, as can be seen from their switching intervals, such as fall time and rise time in the datasheets. Switching losses occur during these switching phases. Particularly, for IGBT they are specified as an amount of energy for a certain switching operation. Again, using the numerical value is the simplest way to determine switching losses if the switching operations are carried out at the same or similar conditions as indicated in the datasheet. The graphs permit the most accurate determining of switching losses. Normally, the specifications in the datasheet refer to typical operation in hard switching. However data for soft switching may be gained mainly using the graphs and by choosing the appropriate operating
75 conditions. Resonant switching can decrease switching losses in the power semiconductor close to zero depending on the circuit. The non-sinusoidal output of power converters causes extra loss in the motors. Frequency dependent losses, such as skin-effect and iron losses often result in motor losses being greater under the switching operation. Different manufacturers give varying degrees of derating, but typically a motor permits 80...90 % of its nameplate output at its rated speed without an increase from its rated operating temperature. At lower speeds extra derating is required to counteract the poorer cooling. Thermal design. Power dissipated in transistors must be lowered to limit temperature rise within the device. The reliability of converters and their service life depend on the operation temperature, which should be well below their maximum permissible values. On the other hand, their operation at a high temperature decreases the cost and the size of the heat sink required. There are several cooling techniques but for general-purpose applications, converters are often designed for cooling by natural or forced air convection, without the use of liquids. Semiconductor devices come in a variety of packages, which differ in cost, ruggedness, thermal conduction, and the radiation hardness of the application demands. Anyway, the maximum junction temperature has always the standard value 125˚ C and the case temperature is equal to the environment air temperature of 25˚ C. To provide the necessary device temperature, the external heat sinks are always in use. The rational and effective cooling needs high quality means that pass thermal energy from the crystal to the cooling surface. That is why along with the power devices, the selection of the cooling surface is processed. Usually, Size of component
Thermal efficiency and complexity Liquid cooled Fluid phase change Forced convection: hollow fin cooling aggregates, fan heatsinks, high density assemblies
Size of heat sink
Natural convection: extrusions, stampings
Dissipated power capabilities b.
Transistor chip Fins Insulating washer
Transistor case
Finned heat sink c. Fig. 2.7
76 the thermal transfer chain with low thermal resistance and high dissipation capacity is calculated on this stage. The heat sink material has to be of an optimal heat distribution and sufficiently low cost. Thus, aluminum and sometimes copper are the recommended metals. Additionally, the cooling fan is mounted to improve the heat dissipating characteristics. Normally, the diagrams of dissipated power versus time and sink design are represented in the transistors datasheets. As an example, Fig. 2.7, a, qualitatively shows the physical sizes for the transistors, the magnetic components, and the capacitors on the one hand as well as the heat sink on the other hand. Based in the datasheets, optimum values of switching frequency to minimize the overall converter size may be found. Figure 2.7, b, illustrates the relationship between the power dissipation and the thermal efficiency of different solutions. In most cases, for power supplies up to a kilowatt of output power the dissipated heat is ultimately disposed of by radiation and convection to the ambient air from a heat sink. Heat sinks are mostly aluminium extrusions with a size of component large area fins to increase their heat-radiating efficiency. For power dissipations up to 100 W, the heat sink area and volume necessary to achieve reasonably low temperature rise (50 ºC or less) are sufficiently small so that natural convection cooling is fully compliant. Above this, for maximum ambient temperatures above 60 ºC forced convection is often necessary. In many cases the semiconductor is placed at the top of a string of elements having thermal resistances Rth1, Rth2, Rth3, ......, through which powers P1, P2, P3,..., flow, thus the junction temperature for a reference point temperature is calculated as the sum PRthi of i elements. Considering the air cooled assemblies, this is based on the known temperature of the ambient air. Usually, thermal resistances involved in transistor junction temperature calculations include the resistance of the heat sink to the ambient air, the heat sink to the transistor case through the insulating washer and transistor junction to the case. Thermal resistances around a transistor are shown in Fig. 2.7, c. First, the thermal resistance of the heat sink to the ambient air is presented. In some applications the semiconductor case must be electrically isolated from the heat sink. This requires an insulating washer - generally from mica, anodized aluminium, plastic film or some other material. Thermal resistance through the washer, from the bottom of the semiconductor case to the top of the heat sink, generally ranges from 0,3 to 1 ºC / W. Thermal resistances from transistor junction to the case and from the case to the heat sink are specified by the vendor in the datasheets for most transistors and diodes. Summary. Approaches of different kinds are used in projects with BJTs, MOSFETs, and IGBTs. BJTs are a good choice in low-frequency systems. MOSFETs are preferable in lowpower high-frequency applications. IGBTs are the most popular transistors for switching power applications with the average frequency range 1 to 150 kHz. Selection of switching frequency is a very important step in the converter design procedure whereas the losses and thermal calculations are essential in the power system design also.
2.5. Accidental Protection Protection classification. All maintenance accidents are of two kinds: internal and external. The source of the internal accidents is the component error or parameter instability. The reason of the external accidents is exceeding the supply power tolerance. To avoid the
Mains fuses
Circuit breaker
Chokes and filters
Switches blocking
Switch cabinet
Fig. 2.8
accidents, different kinds of protection systems are used in electronic circuits (Fig. 2.8). They are distinguished by the method of operation and circuit design. Power converters must protect themselves, the motor, and the system from overload and possible damage. The sources of converter internal accidents are the thyristors, transistors, and gate drivers faults. Overvoltage and overheating lead to high current flow and short-circuiting between the phases that destroy other switches, transformers, and other devices connected to the supply line. As a rule, maximum short current value may exceed the double rated current amplitude or more. That is why the current derating of semiconductor devices is the first method to save the converter. Power components of electric drives should conform the international standards: • •
EN 60204 – Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. General requirements EN 60146 – Semiconductor converters. General requirements and line commutated converters
As a rule, equipment is supplied with ground and phase fault protection, overheating and overcurrent protection. Table 2.4 illustrates the differences of protection means (2 - Full protection, 1 - Partial protection, 0 - No protection): Table 2.4 Motor drive protection means Current protection Fault
Thermal protection
Automatic breaker
Bimetallic breaker
Short circuit
Over-current more than 200%
Start-stop mode, more than 60 cycles/h
Phase break
Voltage fluctuation
Frequency fluctuation
78 The use of fast fuses is a simple protection. Some fuses include different alarm means with micro switches. In the case of thyristor parallel connection, the fuses are the main short-circuit security. At the same time, the destroyed fuses require replacing that is their drawback. Moreover, fuses do not defend the converter against overloading. Fast circuit breakers built in the converter input circuit provide repetitive converter protection with possible remote control. They usually switch off the shorts during the units of milliseconds and switch off the continuous overcurrents as well. As a rule, they provide sufficient protection against overloading for normal operation with low starting frequencies, short run-up times, and starting currents that are not too high. Therefore, they are not exclusively short-circuiting protection. More effective are the blocking of the gate pulses as well as the transmitting from the rectifier into the inverter mode. These methods require additional current and voltage sensor circuits or the temperature-dependent appliances using thermistors or bimetallic switches in the motor windings. Such arrangements respond at the maximum permissible load temperature that they measure where it occurs. They defend against the excess current, intensive switching, moving load stalling, single-phase start-up, voltage and frequency deviation, insufficient motor cooling, and motor bearing damage. Filters, chokes, and reactors are also protection equipment. Overvoltage protection is implemented by means of capacitors, surge arresters, and varistors. Inside the power supply, the surge suppressor circuits defend the power section against faults that may be caused by voltage peaks, which occur when inductive and capacitive loads are connected to the mains. Line-fed inverters need additional security methods against the pull-out mode. Pull-out is the simultaneous conduction of rectifying and inverter groups that leads to short circuit between ac phases and dc chain. The fast circuit breaker in the dc line protects the converter from this accident. The main idea of offline inverters safety is to switch the inverter off the dc bus. The dc circuit breakers and static contactors help to avoid accidents in these circuits. Instantaneous and mean current sensors serve as another way of inverter protection. Their signals change modulation modes by a way that blocks the transistors and stops their conduction in the overcurrent. Snubbers and clamps. In the case of simultaneously high voltage and current associated with thyristors and transistors during the switching transition, the switching power losses of an electronic device grows proportionally the switching frequency. In addition to the switching power losses, reduction of energetic efficiency and similar problems, such as thermal power management, and electromagnetic interference resulting from high transition sI and sU. The above problems are exacerbated by the presence of the stray capacitances and leakage inductances associated with the converter layout and the components. In order to reduce the overall converter size and cost while maintaining high energy efficiency, snubbers and other energy absorbing circuits are typically designed. The function of a snubber circuit is to reduce the switching stresses of a power device to the permissible levels within the device rating. Voltage clamps are used to exclude the avalanche breakdown failure when the voltage spike exceeds the switch limits. Snubber circuits and clamps are essential for power diodes, thyristors, and BJTs used in power switching circuits. Because MOSFETs can switch at high voltage and current conditions, they
79 require no current snubbing during turn-off. However, these devices are very sensitive to voltage spikes, and clamping circuits may be needed to suppress these phenomena. Snubber circuits. A properly designed snubber should reduce the switching losses the snubber is designed for; typically turn-on losses are caused by high sI value, while the turn-off losses caused by high sU value may also be influenced depending on the circuit. Generally, snubbers do not reduce the overall losses; rather they shift some of the switching losses from the transistor or thyristor to the snubber resistor, thus protecting from overvoltage during the turn-off process. A very common snubber circuit that shapes the switching trajectory consists of a capacitor and a resistor connected across the switching device or across the source of overloading. To overcome the internal periodic overvoltages, the turn-on RC snubber circuit is commonly used as shown in Fig. 2.9. When the reverse recovery current increases, the capacitor by virtue of its property will try to retain the voltage across it, which is approximately equal to the voltage across the thyristor or transistor. The resistor, on the other hand, will help to dissipate some of the energy stored in the commutation loop. Typically, the capacitance is of 1 to 2 μF and the resistance is calculated as
L L , 0,15 Ud Id. Another approach is to calculate the capacitor value as follows:
Id , ωUr
where ω = 2πf1m is the rectified angular frequency and Ur is the output peak-to-peak ripple voltage. In many practical designs a capacitor with much more capacitance than is needed is selected to obtain enough ESR. For continuous current-mode operation, the ESR needed to limit the ripple to the required Ur value is calculated as follows:
Ur Id
That is why practical recommendations for the compensative capacitor are 160…170 μF per 1 kW of the load power. Equivalent series inductance ESL can be a problem because it causes ringing in the lowmegahertz region but can be controlled by choosing the capacitors with low ESL, limiting the lead length, and replacing one large device with several smaller ones connected in parallel. Three capacitor technologies – low-impedance aluminum, organic semiconductor, and solid tantalum – are suitable for low-cost commercial applications. Low-impedance aluminum electrolytics have the lowest cost and offer high capacitance in small packages, but their ESR is high. Organic semiconductor electrolytes, such as the Sanyo OS-CON series, have become very popular for the power-supply industry in recent years. These capacitors offer the low ESR that is stable over the temperature range and high capacitance in a small package. Most of the OS–CON units are supplied in lead-mounted radial packages. Surface-mounted devices are available also, but much of the size and performance advantage is sacrificed. Solid-tantalum chip capacitors are probably the best choice if a surface-mounted device is selected. Products such as the AVX TPS family and the Sprague 593D family were developed for power-supply applications. These products offer a low ESR that is relatively stable over the temperature range, high ripple current capability, low ESL, surge-current testing, and a high ratio of capacitance to volume. The ballast resistor R1 placed in front of the capacitor limits the rectifier’s current in the switchon instant by the value kkFId. In power electronic systems with rectifier front-ends, R1 helps to avoid a large inrush current at the instant the load is connected to the supply because the compensative capacitor is typically very large and initially has no voltage across it. Without this resistor, large current flows through the rectifier, charging the capacitor. This transient current inrush is highly undesirable. Sometimes, to obtain a current source with an acceptable line current waveform, a large choke is connected in series with the load instead of R1. Another resistor R2 discharges the capacitor when the circuit switches off. In some switch-mode dc power supplies, an electrolytic capacitor of high capacity may be paralleled with a metal-polyester capacitor to form an output filter.
89 C
Fig. 2.18
To reduce the sU value and peak voltages, different LPFs are often attached to the inverter output. RC filters match the cable impedance to reduce reflection of motor terminal voltage. RLC filters damp resonances. LC filters generate nearly sinusoidal output voltage waveforms. Other filters. A high-pass filter reduces low-frequency particles of a signal and passes its high-frequency part as the frequency response, as Fig. 2.18, a, shows. A simple passive RC high-pass filter is represented in Fig. 2.18, b, whereas the LC high-pass filter is shown in Fig. 2.18, c. High-pass filters are closed for low-frequency signals and their cutoff frequency may be calculated by the same formulas as for the LPFs uses (2.5). Figure 2.19 shows the frequency response and a circuit diagram of a band-pass filter, also referred to as a lead-lag filter. It is built by means of tank circuits. At very low frequencies, the series capacitor looks open to the input signal, and there is no output signal. At very high frequencies, the shunt capacitor looks short circuited, and neither is there any output. In between these extremes, the output voltage reaches a maximum value at the resonant frequency. In the case of symmetrical citrcuit,
f =
1 1 1 = = 2πTf 2π L1C1 2π L2C2
For instance, if L1 = L2 = 1 mH and C1 = C2 = 1 μF, then Tf = 32 μs and f = 5 kHz. The filter selectivity Q is given by
f , f2 − f1
L2 Uin
b. Fig. 2.19
90 C1 L1 k C2 L2 Uin
b. Fig. 2.20
where f2 and f1 are the cutoff frequencies that restrict the midband
f2 − f1 =
R 1 , = πL1 πC2R
where R is the load resistance. Here,
f2 − f1 4πL2 = = 4πC1R f2f1 R In the case of the infinite load resistance (R → ∞), 2 ( f2 − f1 ) C1 = 2 4π 2L2 (f2f1 )
C2 =
1 2 4π L1(f2 − f1 ) 2
For instance, if L1 = L2 = 1 mH, f1= 3 kHz, f2= 7 kHz, then C1 = 0,92 μF and C2 = 1,6 μF. Figure 2.20 shows a passive band-stop filter, also referred to as a notch filter. It is a circuit with almost zero output at the particular frequency, which passes the signals, the frequencies of which are lower or higher than the cutoff frequencies. The lead-lag circuit of the notch filter is the left side of an input bridge, and the voltage divider is its right side. The notch frequency of the passive filter and selectivity Q are the same as for the band-pass filter given above by (2.6) and (2.7). The cutoff frequencies are as follows:
f2 − f1 =
R 1 = 4πL2 πC1R
f2 − f1 πL1 = = πC2R , f2f1 R where R is the load resistance. In the case of the infinite load resistance (R → ∞),
C1 =
1 2 4π L2 (f2 − f1 )
C2 =
(f2 − f1 )2 2 4π 2L1(f2f1 )
For instance, if L1 = L2 = 1 mH, f1= 3 kHz, f2= 7 kHz, then C1 = 1,6 μF and C2 = 0,92 μF. Summary. EMC refers to the ability of equipment to function satisfactorily without producing emissions that degrade the performance of other equipment and also are not affected by emissions from other equipment. Three methods to reduce the harmonic currents are listed in this section: the installation of chokes and capacitors between the power supply and converter, the use of harmonic series LC filters tuned for particular frequencies close to equipment, and the implementation of multiphase devices. Filters are the most preferable instruments against EMI. LPFs are widespread in the inputs and outputs of converters and motors. Among other techniques, high-pass filters, band-pass filters, and band-stop filters are popular. Methods of their calculation are proposed also.
3. Gating of Power Switches “Knowledge is whole when the depth of understanding is physical, analytical, and abstract” Denis O’Kelly
A gate circuit serves to switch on a power converter, to adjust its necessary mode of operation (voltage, current, power, frequency, etc.), to control the performance accordantly the reference, to switch off the converter, to protect in danger, and to examine its operation with the required diagnostic. The gate circuits provide all of these functions by the control of the device switching instants. This process is known as the switch gating.
3.1. Thyristor Gate Circuits Gate circuit. The gate circuits of the thyristor converters perform the following operations: • • • • • • •
clocking of discrete intervals for the system timing generation of carrier signals production of control pulses conversion of the control pulses into the firing pulses distribution of the firing pulses between the thyristors galvanic isolation of control and power circuits thyristor firing
In Fig. 3.1, a, a generalized gate circuit functional diagram is represented for the controlled rectifiers shown above in Fig. 1.2. This circuit influencing the phase of the firing pulses performs a thyristor switch-on. Switching off is produced automatically by means of natural commutation caused by the cycling of supply voltages. Here, the phase-shifting gate driver D compares the reference signal u* with a periodic carrier signal uc of the carrier generator G, synchronized by the supply voltage Us. Whenever the difference of the compared signals becomes positive for the first time in each half-period, the
Us G
uc u*
u* D
A1 Ud
Ud a.
b. Fig. 3.1
93 gate driver performs control pulses and sends them into the firing pulse amplifier A. In order to keep the power and control circuits electrically disconnected, an isolating unit T is placed between the gate control circuit and the gate of the thyristor. Mostly, such a unit is based on small pulse transformers or, in high-voltage applications, on fiber optical devices, thus preventing electromagnetic interference. In this way, unwanted leakage and short circuits between control and power devices are avoided. There are a number of circuit topologies built on pulsing transformers and optical isolation devices. Many manufacturers of electronic devices supply gate circuits available on computer boards. The most important gating restrictions concern the maximum and minimum peak and duration of the gate pulse current. In order to allow a safe turn-on commutation, the current pulse should be high enough to avoid an unwanted turn-off immediately after the turn-on, it should last for a sufficient time. To stabilize the output voltage, a voltage feedback is used sometimes. It adjusts the driver action to keep the output voltage at a desired level. The idea of automatic voltage correction is shown in Fig. 3.1, b. Here, the reference voltage enters the summer simultaneously with the voltage sensor signal Ud. The voltage difference δU drives the amplifier A1, the output signal of which then enters the gate driver. The described gate circuit supports a single-quadrant and two-quadrant modes of operation supplying the load by the positive current. Operation diagram. An operation diagram called also timing diagram of the gate circuit for the three-phase bridge rectifier displays the gating process in Fig. 3.2. At those very instants when the supply voltages UL1, UL2, UL3 cross the zero level, the carrier signal uc is generated by the carrier generator. Carrier pulses may be different but their period is exactly divisible by the supply voltage period. The other entry of the gate driver is the reference modulation signal u*. The amplitudes of both signals – reference and carrier – are scaled in such a way that their extremes Umax are equal to each other. Whenever their difference becomes positive for the first time in each half-period (u* > uc), the gate driver produces a short pulse IG, which, after amplification by the pulse amplifier, passes through an isolating circuit to the gate of an appropriate thyristor to be fired. To start the next half-wave and to provide the discontinuous current mode, pulses must be sufficiently broad or doubled. Such paired pulses are shown in Fig. 3.2. It is seen that the comparison of the reference signal u* with the carrier signal uc represents a sampling method and provides a voltage-to-phase conversion with phase modulation. Often, the carrier signal uc is a saw-tooth function or, instead of a saw-tooth, alternations of cosine wave are employed:
uc (θ1 ) = Umax cos θ1 α = arccos
u* Umax
Here, the supply voltage phase θ1 is calculated in the range from 0 to π from the carrier uc starting point, which is at the same time the natural commutation point of the firing thyristor and Umax = max(uc, u*). A similar effect is sometimes achieved by inserting an arcsine wave generator in the input channel of the firing circuit.
94 Us
θ1 α
Umax uc
θ1 IG2
θ1 IG4
θ1 θ1
Fig. 3.2
Control curves. The single-phase rectifiers shown above in Fig. 1.2, b, c, d drive the resistive load with the discontinuous current. Their rectified load voltage depends on the firing angle α, as the control curve in the diagram of Fig. 3.3, a shows:
Ud =
U0 (1 + cos α) 2
In the half-wave circuit shown in Fig. 1.2, b, the average value of the dc output alternation that a dc voltmeter reads in a non-controlled rectifier is equal to
U0 =
2Us = 0,45Us π
In the single-phase full-wave rectifier shown in Fig. 1.2, c, and in the single-phase bridge rectifier shown in Fig. 1.2, d,
U0 =
2 2U s = 0,9Us π
When the resistive-inductive load with infinite inductance is adjusted,
Resistive load
Resistive load
0,5U0 Inductive load
Inductive load
U0 Ud U0 Resistive load α 90°
Inductive load
α 60°
–U0 d.
c. Fig. 3.3
Ud = U0 cos α
with U0 = 0,9Us and continuous current flowing via the load in all single-phase circuits. The corresponding control curve is shown in Fig. 3.3, a also. In between the two control curves, the discontinuous current area lies. In the three-phase full-wave rectifier (Fig. 1.2, e) in the interval α = 0…30°, the continuous current flows through the resistive and inductive loads. The average value of the dc output voltage does not depend on the type of load and is measured by (3.1) again, where
U0 =
Us 3 6Us = = 1,17Us kU 2π
The appropriate part of the control curve is shown in Fig. 3.3, b. In between 30° and 90°, the continuous current flows through the resistive-inductive load with infinite inductance and the control curve keeps its previous shape (3.1). In the case of resistive load, the current becomes discontinuous in the region between 30° and 150°, and the control curve equation is converted into the formula:
Ud =
U0 ⎛ ⎛π ⎞⎞ ⎜⎜1 + cos⎜ + α ⎟ ⎟⎟ , 3⎝ ⎝6 ⎠⎠
U 0 3 2U s = = 0,67Us 2π 3
96 The corresponding control curve is shown in Fig. 3.3, b also. In the three-phase bridge rectifier shown in Fig. 1.2, f, when 0 ≤ α ≤ 60°, the continuous current flows through the resistive and inductive loads. The average value of the dc output voltage is again calculated by (3.1), where
U0 =
U s 3 6U s = = 2,34U s π kU
The corresponding control curve is shown in Fig. 3.3, c. In between 60° and 90°, the continuous current flows through the resistive-inductive load with infinite inductance and the control curve keeps its previous shape (3.1). In the case of resistive load, the current becomes discontinuous in the region from 60° to 120°, and the control curve equation describes
⎛ ⎛π ⎞⎞ Ud = U 0 ⎜⎜1 + cos⎜ + α ⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎝3 ⎠⎠ ⎝ with U0 = 2,34Us The corresponding control curve is shown in Fig. 3.3, c, as well. In the case of resistive-inductive load and counter-EMF, the gate driver may arrange the line-fed inverting process by enlarging the firing angle more than 90°, as shown in Fig. 3.3, d. It is the typical braking mode of motor drive operation. Output curves. Output curves are placed on the output diagram of a converter that describes the load voltage with respect to the load current, Ud (Id) in the current-voltage plane. It depends on the load EMF and inner resistances of the converter circuit: Ud = U0 – δU, where the sum of voltage drops δU depends on the number of the current-conducted devices k having voltage drop UF, the load current Id, the number of phases m, and a transformer
Id a. Ud Discontinuous current bound
α = max
b. Fig. 3.4
97 resistance Rt, as was discussed earlier in term of the transformer calculation:
δU = kUF + Id Rtr +
kmf1Id Ltr 2π
In the case of continuous current, the output curves comprise the share of parallel straight lines shown in Fig. 3.4, a. They demonstrate that the higher the output current, the lower the output voltage. Depending on the power, the active and reactive components affect δU differently. Usually in low-power rectifiers, resistances predominate, whereas in high-power converters the reactances play the main role. In common cases of restricted load current, voltage usually drops no more than 15…20 % of U0. In overloading modes, this value grows extensively. When the loading is low, the current approaches discontinuous mode, and the output curves change their shape significantly. Here, the steep slump at the beginning of the diagrams is caused by the current flowing time dependence on the EMF. The ellipsoidal line on the output characteristics in Fig. 3.4, b, shows the discontinuous current boundary. The discontinuous current occurs to the left of this line and the continuous current occurs to the right. Consequently, the characteristics in the continuous current region are linear, exhibiting only a slight droop. In contrast, in the discontinuous current region the curves are strongly nonlinear with the loss in output voltage. The discontinuous current boundary equation is expressed as follows:
Idb =
π π⎞ U0 sin α ⎛ ⎜1 + ctg ⎟ , 2πfL ⎝ m m⎠
where m is the number of pulses in the rectified voltage, L is the inductance of the rectified loop, and f is the rectified ripple frequency. In the no-load point (zero current and idle operation) when α = 0…
π , m
U(0) = U0 – δU where δU is close to zero, whereas when α >
π , m
U(0) = U0 cos α – δU Gating of dual rectifiers. In the two-quadrant and four-quadrant dual rectifiers, the average dc-side voltage should be adjusted from a positive maximum to a negative minimum value. The two-quadrant and four-quadrant dual rectifiers are accomplished by connecting the rectifiers in anti-parallel (back-to-back) circuits. There are two common methods of the dual thyristor rectifier gating: a separate control and a coordinated control. In the separate control systems, only one rectifier at a time is allowed to conduct. In this case, each rectifier operates independently. The separate control is preferable where the first rectifier conducts when the load current is required to be positive, and the second one when it is required to be negative. Clearly, in order to exclude short circuits between line terminals, only one of the converters can be allowed to conduct at any instant. This, by the way, has the advantage that only one pair of thyristors produces conducting switching losses so that both groups can be mounted on the same heat sink. However, having opposite polarity, they must be
98 Ud Id
Ud Id
Ud Id
Fig. 3.5
electrically insulated from each other. At lower power rating, complete thyristor modules are available, having the necessary interconnections built-in. Here, the firing unit switches off the first rectifier and, when the other rectifier is required, it switches on with some delay. In order to prevent short-circuiting in the rectifier leg, there should be a lockout time between the turn-off of one rectifier and the turn-on the next. The delay as the current passes through zero, while the thyristors in one device safely turn off before those in the second are opened must be larger than the maximum particle storage time of a rectifier. This delay introduces a discontinuous-current mode with a current-free period of typically near 5 to 10 ms. The effect of the dead time is a distortion on the voltage level. The distorted current flows through the load and the load curves become non-linear, with a narrow discontinuous area (Fig. 3.5, a). In high-quality drive system, the dead time compensation is mandatory to avoid voltage distortion to cause instabilities at low frequency. The hardware and the software compensation may be used.
99 For the multiphase rectifier control, the multi-channel pulse distribution unit (PDU) is normally used that produces the chain of pulses by means of the logical multiplication. Figure 3.6 represents the gate circuit of the three-phase dual rectifier with the PDU for the separate operation. As only one device at a time may conduct, the duty of PDU operation should be assigned to the two groups of thyristors, the first of which is continuously made conducting while the other is blocked. Here, additional arrangement is included before firing pulses are issued to the incoming converter in order to be certain that the current in the outgoing converter is zero. Activating of the firing pulses of the incoming converter before all opposing thyristors are safely blocked would cause a line-side short circuit current that cannot be suppressed by control but must be cleared by fuse links or by a breaker. When zero current is reached, the opposite group can be fired in order to reverse the polarity of the motor current. Thereto, current controllers B supply input signals to both firing circuits, but only one is allowed to produce pulses to fire the thyristors. The selection of the active thyristor is performed by a command of switch S, which acts depending on the current in the switch-off group. The pair of electronic logical gates & eliminates the simultaneous switching on of both thyristor groups on the basis of the polarity analysis of the current reference and the switch signal. As soon as the possible condition exists, the firing pulses for the conducting thyristor are inhibited by the logical gate, while the necessary amplifier is activated. In contrast, in coordinated control systems both rectifiers are controlled simultaneously to give the same mean output voltage. As a result, a new current loop appears, which does not include the load. The current flowing through this loop built by the second group of thyristors is known as a circulating current. Thus, the coordinated control burns the dual rectifiers with circulating current. However, the instantaneous voltage from both devices cannot be identical therefore reactors are included into the power circuit to limit the current circulating between them. The principal advantage of these systems is that when the current is required to change direction, there is no need for a delay between the conduction of one rectifier and the other. The circulating current is a parasitic one, which results in the system’s power increasing. Its value depends on the instant voltage differences of both rectifiers and the resistance of the Us
G VS1 uc u* D1
B uc D2
VS2 Fig. 3.6
100 Us sup, Us load UL1
Fig. 3.7
loop. Theoretically, to avoid a discontinuous current through the load, the firing angles of both rectifiers, α1 and α2, should be calculated in accordance with the equations: α1 + α2 = π; α1 – α2 = π. In practice, the two methods of thyristor coordinated control are used. In the joint coordinated control systems, the firing unit performs control by the following law: α1 + α2 = π Thus, the mean values of the voltages are equal, but their instantaneous values are different and the circulating reactor L is included into the dual rectifier to consume this difference. The continuous current flows through the load while the circulating current travels through the reactor, thyristors, and windings. Figure 3.5, b shows the appropriate output characteristics. The advantage of this system is that when the current changes its direction, the output characteristics are linear and there is no delay between the conduction of one rectifier and the other. In the joint non-coordinated control systems, the firing unit performs according to a simpler control law: α1 + α2 > π. In this case, the mean values of the voltages are almost equal, and again the circulating reactor L consumes the difference of their instantaneous values. The discontinuous current flows through the load, and the circulating current travels through the reactor, thyristors, and windings. The output characteristics are non-linear, with narrow discontinuous area (Fig. 3.5, c) yet the low parasitic circulating current results as the system power grows as compared with the circulating current-free mode.
101 IG π
θ1 θ1 θ1 θ1 θ1 θ1
θ1 UL3 Fig. 3.8
With a dc supply, there is no natural commutation available and other methods of device switching have to be employed. Gating of a cycloconverter. The cycloconverter shown above in Fig. 1.21 uses the gate circuit discussed in Fig. 3.6, though strengthened by an additional frequency control channel. Each thyristor group of the cycloconverter includes the three-phase midpoint rectifier. Again, similar to rectifiers, its gate circuit consists of the pulse generator and the PDU. The first alternation of the output voltage is produced by the anode thyristor group; the second by the cathode group. For such operation, the non-conducting group is blocked when the other group conducts. An operation diagram of the cycloconverter circuit is shown in Fig. 3.7. The supply voltage Us sup is shown by the curves UL1, UL2, UL3. The average output voltage of each thyristor triplet varies as the cosine of the firing angle. The successive firing angles can be changed by the gate signals IG so that the average output voltage obtains the sinusoidal envelope. Generation of such output voltage from the free-phase input voltages may follow two algorithms: with the pulse duration 120° as well as 180°. In both cases these pulses determine the time intervals for the output voltages production. These voltages have the necessary sign and phase shift. Pulsing of the PDU with π pulse duration is illustrated in Fig. 3.8. Phase-to-phase output voltages of cycloconverter are similar to the same voltages of the three-phase midpoint rectifiers having separate control. The only difference is that the positive and negative outputs are equal here. Each time when a triplet of thyristors switches off and the next triplet has to be on, thyristors change their mode of operation from rectifying to inverting and the voltage sign changes. Since the current falls down to zero, the rectifying and inverting groups are blocked, and further the next group switches on with the current rising due to the positive voltage. As Fig. 3.7 shows, polarity of the desired voltage u* defines the polarity of the output voltage Us load, the amplitude of u* displays the desired average output voltage, and the frequency of u* represents the output frequency of Us load. Zero average voltage is required at the starting instant
102 and therefore the firing angle in this point equals 90°. During the positive half-cycle of u*, the rectified thyristors are fired, and during the negative half-cycle the inverting devices are fired. As u* increases, the firing angle decreases. At the peak value of u* the firing angle is minimum. Further, the firing angle raises and later decreases in appropriate steps. The output voltage waveform of Fig. 3.7 displays the case when the output frequency is measured by the quarter of the input frequency. Because the reference voltage alters with time during half-cycle instead of remaining constant, the firing angles change in the half-cycle as well. The control curve of the cycloconverter supplied by the three-phase voltage Us sup is described by the equation:
Us load =
24Us sup π π sin sin cos α 2 π 3 6
Summary. The core of a thyristor gate circuit is the phase-shifting gate driver that compares the reference signal of the controller with the periodic carrier signal of the generator synchronized by the supply voltage. Simple gate circuit provides a single-quadrant operation of the rectifier whereas more complex systems are required for the multi-channel pulse distribution. Operation diagrams and control curves of the gate circuits depend on the continuous or discontinuous mode of operation.
3.2. Transistor Gate Circuits Switching behavior. Unlike the rectifiers, the ac/ac, dc/ac, and dc/dc converters are the self-commutated converters. It is characteristic of the semiconductor devices that thay can be switched on and off at any instant of time independent of the supply frequency. The transistor converter gate circuits perform the operations similar to the thyristor ones: • • • • • • •
prepare the discrete intervals for the system timing, produce the carrier signals, generate the control pulses, distribute them between the transistors, convert the control pulses into the gate signals, isolate the control and power circuits, switch on and off the transistors.
The switching behaviour of IGBTs and MOSFETs is determined by their structural, internal parasitic capacitances (Fig. 3.9) and internal and outer resistances. The driving of these transistors can be controlled by recharge of the gate capacitance. For instance, by using a COLLECTOR (C)
SOURCE (S) Fig. 3.9
103 typical positive control voltage UG(on) of +15V the IGBT is turned-on and turned-off at a negative output voltage UG(off) of typically -5 …-8...-15V. In Fig. 3.9, the parasitic capacitances are specified as voltage-dependent low-signal capacitances of turned-off transistors: • • •
input capacitances CIES = CGE + CGC and CISS = CGS + CGD reverse transfer capacitances CRES = CGC and CRSS = CGD output capacitances COES = CGC + CCE and COSS = CGD + CDS
Table 3.1 explains the designations and causes of the parasitic capacitances of IGBTs and power MOSFETs. Table 3.1 Parasitic capacitances of IGBTs and power MOSFETs Symbol
Gate-emitter capacitance of IGBT
Overlapping gate and source metallization; dependent on gate-emitter voltage; independent of collector-emitter voltage
Collector-emitter capacitance of IGBT
Junction capacitance between n-drift zone and p-well; dependent on cell surface, collector-emitter voltage and breakdown voltage
Gate-collector capacitance of IGBT
Miller-capacitance: generated by overlapping of gate and ndrift zone
Gate-source capacitance of MOSFET
Overlapping gate and source metallization; dependent on gate-source voltage; independent of drain-source voltage
Drain-source capacitance of MOSFET
Junction capacitance between n-drift zone and p-well; dependent on cell surface, drain-source breakdown voltage and drain-source voltage
Gate-drain capacitance of MOSFET
Miller capacitance; generated by overlapping of gate and ndrift zone
In a more detailed analysis the internal and outer resistances (internal gate resistance, drift resistance for IGBT, drain resistance for power MOSFET, and lateral resistance of p-well) should also be considered The capacitances are independent of temperature, but dependent on the collector-emitter (for IGBTs) or gate-source (for MOSFETs) voltages. This dependency is substantially higher at small values of these voltages. Table 3.2 represents examples of low-signal capacitances of IGBT IXGN 320N60A3 and MOSFET IXFH 110N10P. Table 3.2 Examples of capacitances of IGBTs and power MOSFETs Symbol
Test conditions
25 nF
Typical characteristic values
IGBT: UCE = 25 V, UGE = 0 V, fC =1 MHz
1000 pF 140 pF
Test conditions
Typical characteristic values 3550 pF
CISS MOSFET: UDS = 25 V, UGS = 0 V, fC =1 MHz
1370 pF 440 pF
Figure 3.10 shows the simplified IGBT turn-on transients. The turn-on process can be divided into three stages. These are: charging of the gate-emitter capacitance, charging of the gatecollector capacitance and charging of the gate-emitter capacitance until full IGBT saturation. During the time interval t0 the gate current IG charges the input capacitance CGE and the gateemitter voltage UGE rises to the threshold value UGE(th). As UGE is still below UGE(th), no collector current flows during this period and collector-emitter voltage UCE is maintained at the supply voltage level (UCC). As soon as UGE passes UGE(th), the IGBT turn-on process starts (time interval t1). Collector current IC begins to increase to reach the full load current IC(load), which is valid for an ideal freewheeling diode. For a real freewheeling diode, IC exceeds IC(load). This is because a reverse recovery current, which flows in reverse direction, is added to IC(load). Usually, power switches are enveloped by freewheeling diodes. Since the freewheeling diode is still conducting current at the beginning of time interval t2, the collector-emitter voltage UCE will not drop. Gate-emitter voltage UGE reaches the plateau voltage UGE(pl). In the time interval t2 the gate-emitter voltage UGE maintains UGE(pl). When the freewheeling diode is turned off, the collector-emitter voltage UCE starts to drop rapidly with high sUCE value. While UCE is decreasing to reach on-state value UCE(sat), the Miller capacitance CGC increases as the voltage decreases and is charged by IG. UGE still remains on a plateau, which is UGE(pl) level (time interval t3). At the Miller plateau
UGE UGE(on) UGE(pl) UGE(th)
UGE(off) IG
Charging CGE
Charging CGC
Charging CGE
UCE, IC IC = IC(load)
UCEsat t0
t1 t2
Response time Fig. 3.10
105 beginning of time interval t4, the IGBT is fully turned on. The charge conducted to CGE induces an exponential increase in UGE up to the gate control voltage UGE(on). Gate current IG ends with an exponential fade out and UCE reaches UCE(sat) level. During the transistor turn-off the processes described are running in reverse direction. The charge has to be removed from the gate. Gate driving techniques for IGBTs and power MOSFETs. In theoretical borderline cases, the charging process of gate capacitors may be controlled by affecting resistance, voltage, current, or resonance. Fig. 3.11 gives an overview of these techniques. The most preferred implementation in the majority of modern gate drivers is to drive the power transistor via a series resistor (Fig. 3.11, a). The energy E dissipated by the series resistance RG during the charging of the gate capacitor CG is equal to the energy stored in the capacitor given by
CGUs2 , 2
where Us is the supply voltage from the voltage source. The energy dissipated is therefore independent of the series resistance. The same holds for the discharge interval as well. The power dissipated in RG for a switching frequency f is given by
PG = fCGU s2 The maximum resistance RG is determined by the required switching speed: the smaller the RG, the shorter the switching time. The disadvantage of such control is that the gate capacitance tolerances of the MOSFETs and IGBTs will have direct influence on switching times and switching losses. By the elimination of the series resistor causing the direct impression of voltage Us at the transistor gate, this problem could be minimized, but it requires sufficient driver output current capability (Fig. 3.11, b). RG +
+ Us
b. Clamped resonance
RG + R
d. Fig. 3.11
106 The gate control by a positive and negative gate current generator (Fig. 3.11, c) determines the gate charge characteristics and is comparable to resistance control with respect to the gate voltage characteristics. Gate capacitance is charged by the constant supply current through a series resistor. In practice, the series resistance RG is minimized in current-driven topology and it would include only the internal gate resistance of the transistor and impedance of the interconnected wires. For such a current driven circuit, the energy dissipated by RG is generally less than the energy dissipated while the current source is freewheeling. The total power dissipated on the commutation frequency fc is given by
PG = 2Is RGCGUs fc + ( 1 − 2δt )Is2R with the second term referring to the energy dissipated during the dominant freewheeling interval. The ratio of the freewheeling resistance R will determine the effectiveness of the current-driven topology. Such a current-source gate driver that is continuously carrying current, even when not required for most of the switching period, can therefore have high circulation losses. These losses can be more significant than the series resistor losses in the voltagedriven topology, especially at lower switching frequencies. The resonant source topology (Fig. 3.11, d) is the most common for higher frequency applications where partial energy recovery of the gate charge at turn-off reduces the losses of the driving circuit. This topology is based on the LC-resonance and can operate in two possible modes: full resonance (all the energy from the resonant inductor LR is transferred to the gate capacitance) and clamped resonance (while the gate voltage is clamped during resonance, once a given voltage is reached; the remaining energy in the inductor is either dissipated or recovered). UGG+ RG(on) Rin UGE
RG(off) UGGa. UGG+ RG(on) Rin
c. Fig. 3.12
107 Driving IGBTs by series resistors. The gate voltage generator circuit is typically designed with two MOSFETs (n-channel and p-channel) in totem-pole configuration (Fig. 3.12, a). Both gates of the MOSFETs are driven by the same signal. When the signal is high, the n-channel MOSFET is on and when the signal is low, the p-channel MOSFET is on. As it was mentioned before, the switching behaviour setting of each IGBT can be affected by the series resistor RG. As the input capacitance of an IGBT, which varies during switching time, has to be charged and discharged, the gate resistor will dictate what is the time needed to do this by limiting the magnitude of the gate current pulses (IG) during turn-on (Fig. 3.12, b) and turn-off (Fig. 3.12, c). The gate voltage generator presented in Fig. 3.12, a, has two outputs for easy asymmetrical gate control. This allows splitting the gate resistor into two resistors RG(on) and RG(off) for turn-on and turn-off, respectively. In this way, the most inevitable cross-current from UGG+ to UGG-, generated during switching of the driver MOSFETs, can be limited. The gate resistances determine the gate peak currents IG(on) max and IG(off) max during the switch-on and switch-off, respectively. Increasing the gate peak current will reduce the turn-on and turn-off times as well as the switching losses. The maximum value for the gate peak current and the minimum value for the gate resistor, respectively, are determined by the performance of the gate voltage generator. The internal resistance of the driven transistor gives an additional influence on the peak gate current. The peak gate currents during turn-on and turn-off can be calculated as follows:
IG ( on ) max =
UGG + + UGG − RG ( on ) + RG
IG ( off ) max =
UGG + + UGG − , RG ( off ) + RG
where RG is internal gate resistance of the driven IGBT. Effective values of the turn-on and turnoff gate currents (by triangle pulse shape derivation):
IG ( on ) = IG( on ) max
q 3
IG ( off ) = IG( off ) max
q 3
The duty ratio q can be approximated as usual:
t on = ton fc , Tc
where ton is the control pulse durations during turn-on and turn-off and fc is the switching frequency. The power dissipation in the turn-on and turn-off gate resistors can be estimated as
PG ( on ) = IG2 ( on )rms RG ( on ) PG ( off ) = IG2 ( off )rms RG ( off )
108 UGG+
Rin RG1
UGE UGGb. Fig. 3.13
The main advantage of driving IGBTs and power MOSFETs by separate gate resistors is that it offers the possibility of separate optimization of turn-on and turn-off with regard to turn-on overcurrent, turn-off overvoltage spikes and short-circuits behaviour. If only one output is available for the gate resistor, asymmetrical control can also be maintained (Fig. 3.13, a). In order to adjust the turn-on and turn-off behaviour individually, a second resistor RG2 and a series diode VD can be placed in parallel to the gate resistor RG1. Increasing RG1 leads to an increase in the IGBT turn-off time. The inductive peak overvoltage during turn-off will diminish. Increasing
UGE (5 V/div)
UGE (5 V/div)
IG (0.4 A/div)
IG (0.4 A/div)
a. Fig. 3.14
109 RG2 leads to an increase in turn-on time. The reverse peak current of the freewheeling diode will diminish. This configuration induces a short circuit in the MOSFET stage if no delay is considered when the MOSFETs are switched. Figure 3.13, b, depicts an output circuit with one common gate resistor. The same resistor is used for turn-on and turn-off. Thus, the gate is controlled symmetrically. As in the case of previous topology, this configuration induces a short circuit in the MOSFET stage if no delay is considered during switching the MOSFETs. Figure 3.14 shows the real waveforms of the gate current IG and gate-emitter voltage UGE in a resistance controlled circuit. The control voltage UGG for both polarities has to be dimensioned according to the electrical strength of the gate isolation, which is usually indicated as 20 V for today’s power MOSFETs and IGBTs. This value should not be exceeded. On the other hand, drain-source on-resistance RDS(on) of MOSFET and collector-emitter saturation voltage UCE max of IGBT will decrease when the gate voltage increases, and, therefore, it is recommended to apply a positive control voltage, which delivers a gate voltage of UGE = +15 V for IGBTs and UGS = +10 V for power MOSFETs during the stationary on-state. As Fig. 3.14 demonstrates, the gate voltage for IGBTs should be negative to the emitter potential during turn-off and off-state (recommended values are -5...-8...-15 V). This will maintain a negative gate current during the complete turn-off procedure (even if UGE approaches UGE(th)) sufficiently to draw the main share of positive charge carriers from the ndrift zone by means of a high sUCE during the turn-off time and thus results in a short tail current. Most datasheet ratings of IGBTs and MOSFETs are based on these values. Example of characteristic values represented in the datasheet for IGBT SKM 50GB063D is shown in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 Example of IGBTs datasheet Symbol
Input capacitance
Output capacitance
Reverse (Miller) capacitance
Collector-emitter resistance
Collector-emitter saturation voltage
Gate charge
Turn-on delay
Rise time
Turn-on energy dissipation
Turn-off delay
tf E(off)
Fall time Turn-off energy dissipation
Test conditions
Typical characteristic values 2,8 nF
UCE = 25 V, UGE = 0 V, f =1 MHz
0,3 nF 0,2 nF
UGE = 15 V, τj = 25 °C
25 mΩ
UGE = 15 V, τj = 125 °C
33 mΩ
IC = 50 A, UGE = 15 V, τj = 25°C
2,1 V
IC = 50 A, UGE = 15 V, τj = 125 °C
2,4 V
UGE = 0…+15 V
120 nC
RG(on) = 22 Ω, UCC = 300 V, IC = 50 A, τj = 125 °C, UGE = ±15 V
50 ns
RG(off) = 22 Ω, UCC = 300 V, IC = 50 A, τj = 125 °C, UGE = ±15 V
40 ns 2,5 mJ 300 ns 30 ns 1,8 mJ
110 Influence of driving conditions on switching features. The most important features of driven IGBTs and power MOSFETs depend on the control voltage (UGG+ or UGG-) and the gate resistance (RG) ratings. Table 3.4 provides an overview of the influence of the driving conditions on the main characteristics of power transistors. Table 3.4
Rise of UGG+
Rise of UGG-
Rise of RG
Turn-on time ton
Turn-on energy per pulse Eon
Turn-off time toff
Turn-on peak current
Turn-off peak voltage
Surge voltage sensitivity for MOSFETs
Surge voltage sensitivity for IGBTs
Short-circuits withstand capability
Forward characteristics (RDS(on), UCE(th))
IC = 42 A
Fall time tf (ns)
IC = 84 A
tf td(off) 0 Tj = 125 C, UGE = 15 V UCE = 200 V
Turn-on delay time td(on) (ns)
tr td(on) Tj = 125 0C, UGE = 15 V UCE = 200 V
RG (Ω)
IC = 42 A IC = 84 A
RG (Ω)
IC = 84 A
IC = 42 A
RG (Ω)
c. Fig. 3.15
Eon (mJ)
Eoff Eon Tj = 125 0C, UGE = 15 V UCE = 200 V
Eoff (mJ)
Rise time t r (ns)
Turn-off energy per pulse Eoff
Turn-off delay time t d(off) (ns)
Influence of the driving conditions on the characteristics of power transistors
UGE = 15 V UGE = 11 V
UGE = 9 V
IC (A)
ID (A)
UGS = 10 V UGS = 8 V
UGS = 7 V
UGE = 7 V UGS = 6 V UGE = 5 V UC E (V)
b. Fig. 3.16
Control voltages and gate resistances will affect the various parts of turn-on time ton = td(on) + tr, turn-off time toff = td(off) + tf of the IGBT in different ways depending on the rise tr and fall tf times. Since the gate capacitance amounts to absolute ratings of UGG+ and UGG- before switching, the recharge time will decrease (turn-on delay time td(on), turn-off delay time td(off)) on the condition of a given gate resistor RG if the recharge current or (UGG+ + UGG-) increases. On the other hand, switching times tr and tf and, consequently, energy dissipations Eon and Eoff may only be affected by the switching control voltages UGG+ or UGG-, since they determine the current flow through the gate resistor RG. Figure 3.15 gives an overview of the switching times and switching energy losses of IGBT IXYS IXGH42N30C3 under inductive load. Dependences of the forward currents of power MOSFETs and IGBTs on the driver parameters can be read from their output characteristics presented in the datasheets and catalogues provided by the component vendors. Figure 3.16 provides some examples on the power MOSFET IXYS IXTP 12N50P (a) and IGBT IXYS IXGH42N30C3 (b). In majority of applications the recommended maximum ratings and characteristic values of power transistors are indicated by UGG+ = 10 V for power MOSFETs and UGG+ = 15 V for IGBTs
UR= 300 V TJ = 125 0C UGE = ±15 V IF = 50 A
Qrr (uC)
UCC= 300 V 0 TJ = 125 C UGE = ±15 V
sIF (A/us)
sIF (A/us)
b. Fig. 3.17
112 which is an acceptable compromise in conventional applications between power dissipations, turn-on peak current and short-circuit behavior. The drain or collector current (ID or IC, respectively) and rise time will decrease with the rising gate current (higher UGG+ or lower RG). This, in turn, will increase the current commutation speed sIF in the freewheeling diode, by which recovered charge QRR and peak reverse recovery current IRRM are determined. For instance, the typical characteristics of freewheeling diodes used in SEMIKRON SEMITRANS IGBT modules are depicted in Fig. 3.17. Increase of QRR and IRRM will cause higher turn-off power dissipations in the internal freewheeling diode. Since a higher sIF will result in an increase of QRR and IRRM and, since IRRM is added to the load current within the collector or drain current, turn-on peak current and turnon energy dissipation of the transistor will increase with its turn-on speed. If either UGG- is increased or RG is decreased, the turn-off gate current of the driven transistor will rise. As shown in Fig. 3.15, the drain or collector current fall time tf will decrease, i.e. -sID or sIC will increase. The surge voltage -sILs induced during current fall over the parasitic commutation loop inductance Ls will increase linearly to the decreasing turn-off time. Driver circuit structures and basic requirements on drivers. Using the resistancedriven principle for the control of IGBTs and power MOSFETs, the question of interconnection of power switch with the controller chip arises. This could be realized by the direct controller connection or by connection via dedicated gate driver. Most modern controller chips incorporate a special gate voltage generator, usually consisting of a totem-pole arrangement of two transistors as Fig. 3.12, a, shows. This output can be used to directly drive the gate of a power transistor (Fig. 3.18, a). Such direct connection can only be used when the control circuit shares the same ground reference, as the power circuit and power levels are relatively low. But for higher power circuits it is common industry practice to use a special high-current driver chip for the interconnection of the control path and power switch (Fig. 3.18, b). Such a dedicated gate driver principle is used in the majority of frequency and voltage converters for the power range from several hundreds watts to megawatts. An “ideal” dedicated gate driver should include the following functions: • galvanic isolation between control circuits and high-voltage power circuits • pulse shaping of gate-emitter voltage to meet the device requirements • transistor overcurrent detection and supply voltage monitoring • generation of galvanically isolated status signal for the protection and monitoring of the system
PWM controller
PWM controller
Dedicated gate driver
Out Gnd
Gnd a.
b. Fig. 3.18
113 Figure 3.19 shows the generalized block diagram of the industrial gate driver module suitable for switching of two IGBTs in one phase (half-bridge configuration) of a three-phase bridge circuit. The gate driver includes all the features mentioned above for reliable operation of the inverter. Generally, the driver consists of primary-side time control stage for delay, interlock and minimum on and off times, potential isolation, generator for positive/negative gate control voltage and some auxiliary monitoring and protection circuits. The general part of the dedicated gate driver is the gate voltage generator. Figure 3.20 shows the principle of the gate voltage generator mostly used in high-power converters. As compared with the simplified gate voltage generator scheme presented in Fig. 3.12, the current topology is extended by the gate-emitter resistor RGE and two capacitors. The gate-emitter resistor (typically 10... 100 kΩ) should not be omitted in any application, since it prevents unintentional charging of the gate capacitance even under driver operating conditions with highly resistive output levels (switching, off-state and driver supply voltage breakdown). The low-inductive capacitors C1 and C2 (typically 0,22...1 μF) serve as a buffer for UGG+ and UGG- near the driver output and have to keep up a minimum dynamic internal driver resistance together with the low-resistive driver circuit. Only under these circumstances the driver will be able to absorb displacement currents due to sUCE, which are conducted via Miller capacitance to the gate and are likely to cause switching failures, parasitic oscillations or inadmissible gate overvoltages. During the design and development of driver circuits the following aspects considered for the gate voltage generator layout become increasingly important:
ISOLATED HALF-BRIDGE GATE DRIVER Top transistor control signal
Bottom transistor control signal Status signal
Driving energy
Input buffer
Primary-side control stage (dead time generator, short-pulse suppressor, pulse shaper, etc.)
Error detector
Fast protection
Pulse shaper
Error detector
Fast protection
Pulse shaper
Gate voltage generator
Top transistor
~U Collector current
Power supply (dc/dc converter) UGG+ and UGG- for Top transistor
Galvanic isolation
Fig. 3.19
Bottom transistor
Gate protection
Status signal generator
Error latch
Gate protection
Status signal generator
Input buffer
UGG control
Gate voltage generator
Collector current
UGG+ and UGG- for Bottom transistor
114 C1 UGG+ RG(on) Rin RGE
RG(off) UGG-
Fig. 3.20
• minimum parasitic inductances in the gate circuit, e.g. short (less than 10 cm), twisted connection lines between the gate driver and the emitter; minimum size of the circuit arrangement according to Fig. 3.20 • elimination of feedback of load current to gate voltage caused by the parasitic emitter inductance in the power module; connection of the driver ground to the power module control emitter • avoidance of ground loops • avoidance of transformative and capacitive coupling between the gate and the collector circuit (no paralleling of critical tracks or wires; integration of shielded areas). Naturally, these requirements also have to be met by the potential isolated supply of the buffer energy (e.g., by a switch-mode power supply integrated in the driver) and by all other functional units on the power transistor potential. Low-pass filters, pulse shapers and pulse width triggered flip-flops integrated in the signal transmission paths for interference suppression have to live up to the permissible minimum pulse duration and the necessary response times to failures with regard to their delay times. Integrated protection and monitoring functions. To protect MOSFET or IGBT modules in case of failure, the implementation of a variety of fast responding and efficient protection functions in the driver are recommended, such as overcurrent and short-circuit UGG+ IC
Umeas I2 Umeas
Rsense a.
b. Fig. 3.21
Fig. 3.22
protection, protection from excessive drain-source or collector-emitter voltage, gate overvoltage protection, overtemperature protection and monitoring of gate control voltages UGG+ and UGG-. Current sensing in IGBT/MOSFET driver applications could be done by either a Hall-effect current sensor or by a shunt resistor in series with the emitter/source terminal (Fig. 3.21, a). For IGBTs in particular, the detecting and cutting off overcurrent and short-circuit current can be quite easily accomplished with the aid of the IGBT desaturation behavior. Desaturation occurs when a turned-on IGBT builds up a voltage between the collector and the emitter, which is markedly beyond that specified by the datasheet as saturation voltage UCE(sat). For currents that VDZ
c. Fig. 3.23
116 are a factor 3...5 over nominal, the IGBT will conduct the entire dc bus voltage across its collector-emitter path. This leads to high power losses that will destroy the IGBT. The IGBT gate drivers are basically equipped with UCE(sat) monitoring systems, as shown in Fig. 3.21, b. The collector-emitter voltage is detected by a fast high-voltage diode and compared to a reference value (available for all IGBTs in their datasheets). If the value is exceeded, the transistor will be turned off. To guarantee safe turn-on of the IGBT during normal operation UCE(sat), monitoring has to be applied after the collector-emitter voltage has fallen below the reference voltage (UCE(ref)). The special response time should be selected in Fig. 3.10 according to the type of IGBT implemented. Overvoltage limitation between control terminals is required to keep up the maximum gateemitter/gate-source voltage on the one hand and to limit of the dynamic short-circuiting current amplitude on the other hand. Figure 3.22 gives an overview of gate voltage limitation circuits with Zener diode (a), Schottky diode (b), and MOSFET (c). It should be strongly considered that to optimize efficiency, the limitation circuits should be laid out for low inductance and be attached as close as possible to the gate. Voltage limitation at the main terminals of a power transistor can be realized by the transistor itself (avalanche-proof MOSFETs), by passive networks or by an active circuit, which realizes a defined partial turn-on of the transistor in the case of overvoltage (active clamping or dynamic gate control). A capacitor placed on the power terminals of power MOSFET of IGBT as tighly as possible is implemented in most voltage-source inverters. To absorb parasitic oscillations between the snubber capacitor and the commutation loop stray inductance, voltage clamping may be achieved by an RC snubber. This measure is mostly recommended for low-voltage high-power MOSFET-based converters. In soft-clamping snubber networks the integrated fast diodes should feature low forward turn-on overvoltage and soft reverse recovery behaviour. All passive networks do not require any active components, which is the main advantage of them. Active clamping of IGBTs and power MOSFETs designates direct feedback of the collector/drain potential to the gate via a Zener element. Figure 3.23, a, shows the basic principle of active clamping implemented in SCALE HVI drivers produced by the CT-Concept GmbH. The Zener diode VDZ between the collector and the gate causes the gate to become turned-on when the collector voltage reaches some predefined level. The IGBT will then start to conduct and work as a high-power Zener diode that prevents further increase of the collector 7900 A
3100 V
2850 V
DC-link 2200 V
6000 A IC (1000 A/Div)
UCE (500 V/Div)
DC-link 720 V
UCE (500 V/Div)
IC (1000 A/Div) t (2 us/Div)
t (2 us/Div)
a. Fig. 3.24
117 voltage. Presented in Fig. 3.23, a, active clamping circuit generally may be used at low clamping energy applications (e.g. in pulsed voltage source converters). Another variants of active clamping circuits are presented in Fig. 3.23, b, c, d. Figure 3.24 shows the measured waveforms of the 1200 A/3300 V IGBT during the short current turn-off. Without the active clamping circuitry (Fig. 3.24, a) the turn-off surge voltage is exceeds the dc link level more than 400 %. In the case of turn-off with the active clamping circuitry the turn-off surge voltage decreases drastically (only 130 % from the DC-link voltage level, Fig. 3.24, b). Thus, by implementing active clamping circuits the safety operation area of power transistors could be sufficiently extended. In the procedure of the dynamic gate control the sI and sU and the induced overvoltages are directly determined by the driver. Another more simple protection procedure of such control is slow turn-off of IGBTs and MOSFETs in the case of overcurrents or short circuit applying higher gate series resistors (Fig. 3.25, a) or turn-off by current source control (Fig. 3.25, b). Direct measurement of the junction temperature is only possible, if the temperature sensor is attached very closely to the semiconductor component (e.g., by monolithic integration or by connecting of the temperature sensor and the power semiconductor chip). Information on the temperature can then be obtained from the evaluation of diode or thyristor blocking currents. However, such technologies have only been applied in smart-power components so far. In transistor power module applications temperatures are measured either outside the module from the heat sink or inside the module by temperature-dependent resistors close to the power semiconductor chips. Because of the given thermal time constants, only information about the average temperature is given (dynamic temperature measurement is not possible). The majority of modern motor drives are based on the multiphase push-pull topologies, where the switching transistors are divided on the arms (half-bridges). The IGBTs or MOSFETs of the same arm must not be switched on at the same time in voltage source circuits, to avoid a shortcircuit. In the static state this may be avoided by the interlock of both drivers even if the driver input signals are affected by interferences (not suitable for current source circuits because the overlapping operation of the drivers would be required). Depending on the type of the transistor, specific application and driver, the dead time has to total up to tdead = 2...10 ms.
RG(error) RG
OFF IG(error)
b. Fig. 3.25
118 Principles of transmission of control signals and driving energy. In the generalized block diagram of a half-bridge gate driver (Fig. 3.19) the top and bottom switches and the signal processing unit are separated by real potential isolation for control signals, control power, feedbacks and error signals. In some driver circuits these potential isolations may be combined +UCC HB1 STOP
HB2 Top transistor
Gate voltage generator
Bottom transistor
Gate voltage generator
~U TR1
Bottom transistor
Gate voltage generator
Gate voltage generator
Top transistor
Gate voltage generator
Top transistor
PBOTTOM Gate voltage generator
Bottom transistor
Gate voltage generator
c. Fig. 3.26
Bottom transistor
119 (common energy or/and signal transmission) or they are partly or even completely omitted (e.g. bootstrap circuits for top voltage supply). Figure 3.26 shows the most important configurations of the signal (S) and the driving power (P) transmission principles. The maximum configuration is the preferred choice (Fig. 3.26, a) because of its high degree of interference immunity and minimum mutual influence of the switches. Common power supply of bottom drivers (Fig. 3.26, b) contains separate potential isolations for the control signal of all bottom drivers, but only one common potential isolation for the driving energy of the bottom drivers. This is mainly used in low-power applications and preferred in many intelligent power modules. The principle of a bootstrap circuit for the energy supply of the top switch without a real potential isolation is depicted in Fig. 3.26, c. Figure 3.26, d, shows the scheme of a levelshifter, where the control signal STOP is transmitted without galvanic isolation via a high-voltage current source. The simplest solution for applications with very low switching times is to drive the gate directly by means of a pulse transformer, which will transmit the control signal modulated in the driving energy (ac voltage). Potential isolation. There are several techniques available for the potential isolation in the case of control data and driving energy transmission. Table 3.5 presents the comparison of basic properties of the most widespread potential isolation techniques for the control data. Table 3.5 Potential isolation techniques Potential isolation
Isolation transformer
Fiber optic link
1700 V and higher
Up to 1700 V
1700 V and higher
Up to 1200 V
Transmission direction
Unidirectional and bidirectional
Surge voltage immunity
System Used for power modules
Realization price
Table 3.6 Feedback signal transmission Potential isolation
50 Hz power supply
Switch-mode power supply
Bootstrap circuit
Mains or auxiliary voltage
Auxiliary voltage
Operating voltage on bottom side
Used for power modules
Up to 1,2 kV
1700 V and higher
Up to 1,2 kV
Output voltage
Positive and negative
Positive and negative
Only positive
Very low
System Supplied by
Realization price
120 Table 3.6 gives the comparison of basic properties for feedback signal transmission. When pulse transformers or opto-couplers are used for potential isolation of the control signals, the driver has to be especially protected from too low or too short control impulses (interference impulses) which might cause failure of the driver. Schmitt-triggers, for example, can be connected in series to the potential isolation, which will suppress all turn-on- or turn-off-signals lower than the logic level (CMOS, TTL) or less than 0,2...0,5 ms. A similar solution may be applied to the secondary side of opto-couplers. Intelligent power modules. Intelligent power modules (IPM) or application specific intelligent power modules (ASIPM), consisting of IGBT with integrated gate driving and protection circuits are becoming the best choice especially for the medium power motor drives. They are basically used for voltage ratings up to 3,3 kV and current ratings up to 1,2 kA. The main purpose of the IPM and ASIPM is to introduce power devices and peripheral circuitry in the same package. These solutions allow power transistors to be integrated with the drive circuits and protection functions as well as with the power supply in a single package. The drive circuits and internal logic in the IPM enable efficient control of the gate driver which provides large output currents to charge and discharge the gate capacitance of the IGBT or power MOSFET. These define the on- and off-time of the power devices. The gate driver includes unintentional switching and desaturation failure protection circuits together with overtemperature and under-voltage protection circuitry. These features help to increase the safe operating area of power devices. Therefore, IPMs or ASIPMs are being establishes as the most obvious choice for inverters because of their many attractive advantages. IGBT or MOSFET gate driver and protective functions are provided by power integrated circuits. The dc isolation of the gate signals in some IPMs allows the module to be directly driven from a microcontroller. The power part contains an IGBT (or power MOSFET) and a soft recovery freewheeling diode. These ASIPMs are only a step away from system integration. However, temperature limitations of these modules (including power devices with integral circuits and power integral circuits in the same package) tend to limit their use in medium-power applications. Figure 3.27 is a simplified block diagram showing the internally integrated functions of the IPMs. Control supply undervoltage, overtemperature, overcurrent, and short-circuit protection are all provided by the IPM's internal gate control circuit. A fault output signal is provided to alert the system controller if any of the protection circuits are activated. This diagram also shows the isolated interface circuits and control power supply that must be provided externally. The IPM INTELLIGENT POWER MODULE (IPM, ASIPM) Thermal sensor
Fault output signal
Current sensor
Fig. 3.27
121 control input is designed to interface with optocoupled transistors with a minimum of external components. Basically, IPM is available in four power circuit configurations: single-transistor, dual, six-pack, and seven-pack and mostly produced by Fuji Semiconductor, Infineon and Toshiba. Summary. Driving principles of power transistors are extremely multiform. The gate capacitances may be controlled via resistance, voltage, current, or resonance though the first is the most popular. Different driving conditions affect the switching speed, power, and losses. Therefore, multitude driver circuit structures have been proposed.
3.3. Block Modulation Modulation waveforms of single-phase bridges. The best of desired ac converters would be a device that generates pure sinusoidal waves of symmetrical phases as well as the best of desired dc converters would be a device that generates pure linear supply. Unfortunately, any converter is a source of voltage and current waveforms having more or less distortion. The distortion profile and level depend on the modulation principle of its gate circuit. The simplest block modulation methods have been described along with the power converter topologies. As far as the thyristors are concerned, it was the phase modulation method, whereas the square-wave or rectangle modulation followed the transistor circuits.
Tc VT1, VT4
VT2, VT3
θ1 θ1
VD1, VD4 VD2, VD3 ton
a. toff
θ1 b. Fig. 3.28
122 In Fig. 3.28, a, the operation diagram of the single-phase bridge inverters shown in Fig. 1.8, c, is displayed. In the first modulating half-period, transistors VT1 and VT4 are in on state whereas transistors VT2 and VT3 are in off state. Thus, the source dc voltage Us supplies the load. In the second half-period, VT1 and VT4 switch off whereas VT2 and VT3 switch on, therefore the polarity of the load supply changes. As the load has an inductance, the current shown by dotted lines cannot change its direction instantly, thus the freewheeling diodes pass the current during the part of the half-period. Figure 3.28, b, illustrates the method known as phase-shift block modulation, which is also popular in transistor bridges. Unlike the simple rectangle modulation where only the frequency is subjected to adjustment, the phase-shift approach is suitable to simultaneous voltage and frequency control that is the most widespread problem among ac drive applications. In Fig. 3.28, b, the timing diagram of the single-phase bridge inverters shown in Fig. 1.8, c, is proposed. At the beginning of the first modulating period, transistors VT1 and VT4 switch on, whereas transistors VT2 and VT3 are in off state. During ton, the source dc voltage Us1 supplies the motor control winding. At the end of this interval, VT1 and VT4 switch off and the control winding remains unsupplied during the time interval toff. In the next interval ton, VT2 and VT3 switch on, thus the polarity of the control winding supply changes. The duty cycle
t on Tc
is proportional to the alternating gate pulse frequency although the full period remains constant. When this method is used to control a two-winding ac motor (Fig. 1.8, d), the corresponding diagram of the excitation winding supply voltage Us2 is similar, with 90° shift. The circuit diagram of the forward full-bridge chopper shown Fig. 1.25, c, is the same as for single-phase bridge inverter of Fig. 1.8, c, thus the output voltage depends only on the modulation method. A symmetrical control, which results in ac output, and an asymmetrical control resulting in ac or dc output are possible in this circuit. In the timing diagrams of Fig. 3.28, a, all switches change their state simultaneously. During the first phase, transistors VT1 and VT4 are switched on in the on-period and diodes VD2 and VD4 conduct in the off-period. With transistors VT2 and VT3 conducting, the current is reversed and hence the full fourquadrant inverting operation is obtained. In the case of asymmetrical control depicted by the timing diagrams of Fig. 3.28, b, the regulation of the output ac voltage is provided by shifting the output of one switching group with respect to the other to control the zero-voltage interval. To obtain the unipolar ac voltage, both transistors in the left leg, VT1 and VT3, are controlled to ensure that with one of them in off state, another one is on (Fig. 3.29). Both transistors in the second leg, VT2 and VT4 are controlled with a duty cycle 1 – q obtained from a switch-off pulse with a time shift. Thus, switches VT2 and VT4 change their state while the switch VT1 is open and VT2 is closed. The duty cycle is controlled to achieve the output voltage regulation by means of zero intervals between the positive and the negative applied voltages. Obviously, the asymmetrical control makes it possible to reduce the current ripple without modifying the switching frequency.
θ1 Fig. 3.29
The instantaneous load currents depend on the circuit and control mode. In the four-quadrant forward chopper with symmetrical control,
⎛ 1 − k2 −t⎞ E ⎜⎜1 − 2 ⎟− exp T ⎟⎠ R 1 − k1k 2 ⎝ U ⎛ 1 − k1 −t ⎞ E ⎟− , exp = d ⎜⎜1 − 2 R ⎝ T ⎟⎠ R 1 − k1k 2
Ion = Ioff
Ud R
and with asymmetrical control
⎛ 1 − k2 −t ⎞ E ⎜⎜1 − ⎟− exp T ⎟⎠ R ⎝ 1 − k1k 2 U ⎛ 1 − k1 −t ⎞ E = d ⎜⎜1 − 2 exp ⎟⎟ − R ⎝ T ⎠ R 1 − k1k 2
Ion = Ioff
Ud R
− qTc T (q − 1)Tc k 2 = exp T L 1 Tc = , T = , E = qU d − RIon fc R k1 = exp
Here, fc is the carrier frequency, R and L are the load resistance and inductance, and E is the load EMF. Output curves. In the single-quadrant step-down chopper, the output voltage versus average load current varies linearly with the duty cycle, as the solid traces in Fig. 3.30, a show. Dotted lines describe discontinuous current mode. If the load resistance is R and the rated load current is Id load, then the mean value of the voltage should be RId load, therefore
RId load Ud sup
Ud load
q = 0,1
Ud load = 1
Id load
Ud load = 0,1
Id load
b. Ud load
Ud load
q=1 Id load q = 0,1
Id load
q = 0,5
q = 0,1 d.
Ud load
Ud load = 4
q = 0,7
Ud load = 1
q = 0,1
Ud load = 0,1
Discontinuous current boundary
Id load
Id load f.
Fig. 3.30
When the load current Id load decreases, the converter passes from the continuous operation to the discontinuous operation. The border between these two operations is drawn by a dotted line in Fig. 3.30, b. The two-quadrant forward chopper is able to reverse the average current flow of the load but unable to reverse the load terminal voltage, as the load curve in Fig. 3.30, c, shows. In the fourquadrant forward chopper with symmetrical control, the full four-quadrant operation is obtained as curves in Fig. 3.30, d, show. When asymmetrical control is used, the same curves correspond to –1 < q < 1. The output characteristics of the boost converter depend on the duty cycle. When the load current Id load decreases, the converter passes from the continuous operation to the discontinuous operation and the voltage Ud load changes, as shown in Fig. 3.30, e, f. Modulation waveforms of the three-phase bridges. For the three-phase bridge VSI shown in Fig. 1.9, the two block modulation algorithms are the most popular: the algorithm with the 120° switch open state interval and the algorithm with the 180° interval.
θ1 θ1
θ1 θ1 θ1
UL1L2 θ1
Fig. 3.31
When the first method is applied, the states of the switch and the voltages of the phase have the waveforms plotted in Fig. 3.31. The switching sequence is in the order VT1–VT6–VT2–VT4– VT3–VT5–VT1… To switch the load off, two zero states may be used: VT1–VT2–VT3 or VT4– 1 2 VT5–VT6. Each phase is under the current during a period and closed during a period. 3 3 The time duration of the full switching period (2π) depends on the required modulating frequency that is referred to by the reference code u*, thus the output frequency may be changed simply. Since the supply dc voltage is kept constant, the inverter output voltage has constant amplitude anywhere. For the second method, the states of the switch and the phase, neutral, line-to-neutral, and lineto-line voltages have the waveforms plotted in Fig. 3.32. Here, the switching on of the three halfbridges is phase-shifted by 120°. Each phase is under the current during half a modulating period and closed during another half a period. In accordance with the described algorithm, a specific phase is alternately switched from the positive pole to the negative one and that it is alternately in series with the remaining two phases connected in parallel. When VT1 is switched U on, the load phase L1 is connected to the positive terminal of dc supply, resulting in UL1 = d . 2 When VT4 is switched on, the phase L1 is connected to the negative terminal of dc supply,
θ1 θ1
VT6 0,5Ud
θ1 θ1
0,16Ud 0,67Ud
θ1 θ1
Fig. 3.32
Ud . Waveforms of L2 and L3 are the same as those of L1, except that they 2 are shifted by 120°.
resulting in UL1 = –
Voltage-current analysis. The rms value of the load line-to-neutral voltage for the described operation depends only on dc link voltage and can be expressed as
2Ud = 0,4714Ud 3
For the balanced three-phase operation UL1 + UL2 + UL3 = 0
At the same time, the three-phase voltage system of the legs measured relatively the the load neutral is unbalanced and can be written as
UN =
UL1 + UL 2 + UL3 3
The neutral potential of the triple frequency is either positive or negative as two upper or lower transistors are on in the inverter leg. From here, the load phase (line-to-neutral) voltages may be obtained as follows: UL1N = UL1 – UN, UL2N = UL2 – UN, UL3N = UL3 – UN
Ud 2U or ± d with the polarity of the voltage 3 3 drop across the phase being determined by whether it is connected to the positive or negative pole. They have a characteristic six-stepped wave shape. The presence of six steps in the lineto-neutral voltage waveform modulating period is the reason why this type of modulation is called a six-step modulation.
Therefore, in each phase the voltage drops to ±
The instantaneous load phase currents may be described as follows:
I0...60o =
−t ⎞ U d ⎛ (1 + k ) ⋅ (2 − k ) exp ⎜1 − ⎟ 3 3R ⎝ 1+ k T ⎠
2 ( 1+ k ) − t ⎞⎟ U d ⎛⎜ 2 exp − I60o...120o = 3 3R ⎜⎝ 1+ k T ⎟⎠ −t ⎞ U ⎛ (1 + k ) ⋅ (1 − 2k ) exp I120o...180o = d ⎜1 − ⎟ 3 3R ⎝ 1+ k T ⎠
k = exp
T L ,T = mf1 R
Here, R and L are the load resistance and inductance, m = 6, f1 – supply frequency. These currents are shown by dotted lines along with the freewheeling diodes signals, which pass the tail current since the transistor switch-off. The line-to-line voltages are related to the phase voltages as follows: UL1L2 = UL1 – UL2, UL2L3 = UL2 – UL3, UL3L1 = UL3 – UL1
The rms value of the load line-to-line voltage is equal to
2 Ud = 0,8165Ud 3
These voltages form square waves with 120° pulse widths. Fourier analysis of these waveforms indicates a square-wave type of geometric progression of the harmonics, i.e., the line-to-line and line-to-neutral waveforms contain 1/5th of the fifth harmonic, 1/7th of the seventh harmonic, and so on. Harmonics of order three and multiples of three are absent from both the line-to-line and line-to-neutral voltages and consequently from
6Ud . So, a π standard 460 V load would require 590 VDC at the dc terminals. For this reason a 600 VDC bus
the currents. The line-to-line voltage contains an rms fundamental component
128 is quite standard in US and in other countries for inverter loads. Standard 380 V load requires 487 VDC and 400 V needs 512 VDC. The six-step algorithm provides higher usage of the supply voltage and less output distortion as compared with the first switching mode. At the same time, converter logical structure at both described switching modes is constant because the number of open and closed transistors is equal and does not change during the full modulating period. This is the main advantage of the described modulation methods. Other switching algorithms are possible also. For example, the open state interval may continue 150° instead of 180° as well as the switching order VT1–VT6, VT1–VT2–VT6, VT2–VT6, VT2–VT4–VT6, VT2–VT4, VT2–VT3–VT4, VT3–VT4, VT3–VT4– VT5, VT3–VT5, VT3–VT5–VT1, VT5–VT1, VT5–VT1–VT6. This leads to the variable structure of the converter. Switching table. A switching model of Fig. 3.33, a, simulates the discussed three-phase inverter circuit shown in Fig. 1.9. Each load terminal assumes a potential defined by the control. The legs’ short-circuiting is avoided here since the terminals are connected to the positive or negative supply bus. In other words, the state of one switch in a leg is off while another is conductive, except for the short protective intervals, when both of switch contacts are broken. The protective interval, which, in practice, lasts only for a few microseconds, can be assigned to a finite switching time in the proper converter model. The reversing switches may be designated by the binary variables, which indicate whether the switch is in the top (1) or bottom (0) position. Accordingly, a three-bit binary word with eight different values defines all possible switching states of the converter: 100, 110, 010, 011, 001, 101, 111, and 000. These states are shown in Fig. 3.33, b. Figure 3.34 illustrates the transposition of the first six model states into the phase voltages of U 2U Fig. 1.9. During the modulating period, a phase voltage may be equal to ± d , ± d , or zero 3 3 depending on which transistors are switched on. Clearly, to produce the typical six-step output + 1
– a. +
100 + –
+ –
+ –
M 001
111 b. Fig. 3.33
+ –
– 000
2Ud 3 − Ud 3 − Ud 3
Ud 3 Ud 3 − 2Ud 3
− Ud 3 2U d 3 − Ud 3
− 2Ud 3 Ud 3 Ud 3
− Ud 3
Ud 3
− Ud 3 2Ud 3
− 2Ud 3 Ud 3
UL1N θ1 θ1
θ1 Fig. 3.34
voltage, only one pair of the inverter switches needs to change its state (similar to the Gray coding rule). These switches are linked in the switching table of Fig. 3.34. Other transistors keep their previous states until the next switching. Summary. The advantages of the square-wave modulation are: high efficiency (close to 98 %), potentially good reliability, and high-speed capability. A simple form of block modulation results in minimum switching duty of the semiconductor switches. Thus, a constant switching frequency scheme guarantees fast response together with the a limited steady-state tracking error. Commonly, voltage control is impossible in the simple block modulated driver circuits; this is their drawback. Therefore, the square-wave modulation is normally used in low-power applications where the voltage range is fixed and dynamic performance is not important. Examples are frequency changers and inverters with dc controlled input. The need in a phasecontrolled rectifier to control the voltage of the inverter is an inherent weakness of this circuit. A line-commutated rectifier supplying the dc link is particularly notorious often because it does not only produce the line currents with low orders of harmonics, but draws also substantial reactive currents of line frequency. Its large compensative capacitor slows the response time of the system. Another disadvantage of the block modulated ac converters is that they suffer from low-voltage pulsations due to non-sinusoidal voltage shape, which leads to the load current pulsations and instability with extra energy losses especially when the frequency is low. In such inverters, harmonic voltage amplitudes are inversely proportional to the harmonic order. Thus, the six-step mode is the worst with respect to voltage harmonic content with 20 % of the 5th harmonic, 14 % of the 7th and so on. Hence, there are no pronounced high-order harmonics. These are filtered out by the load inductances.
3.4. Pulse-Width Modulation PWM technique. The pulse-width modulation or the PWM method is now gradually taking over the inverter market of control applications. This technique combines both voltage and frequency control. The PWM circuit output is the chain of constant amplitude pulses, in which the pulse duration is modulated to obtain the necessary specific waveform on the constant pulsing period. In modern converters, PWM is the high speed process ranging from a few kilohertz in simple motor control systems up to several megahertz in resonant converters for power supply. In the converters discussed above, the dc link voltage is often uncontrolled and derived from a simple diode bridge. In the case of PWM modulation, the controlled output voltage is easily obtained by switching the transistors on and off many times within a cycle to generate a variable-voltage output which is normally low in harmonic content. This is the reason why the active rectifiers are often known as PWM rectifiers and a majority of inverters are called PWM inverters. Performance of the PWM converter significantly depends on the control method and the type of modulation. The pulse-width modulators are now available in a variety of designs and integrated circuits, which greatly simplifies the design. A large number of PWM techniques exist each having different performance notably in respect to the stability and audible noise of the load. Therefore, PWM methods should perform some general demands like: a broad range of linear operation, a minimal number of switching to keep low switching losses in power components, a low content of higher harmonics in voltage and current, because they produce additional losses and noise in load, as well as elimination of low frequency harmonics to avoid motor torque pulsations. In general, modulation techniques fall into two classes. Those in which the pulse width continuously changes are known as sinusoidal PWM whereas those which operate at a fixed pulse widths grouped in blocks are called picket PWM. Sinusoidal PWM. The objective of the sinusoidal modulation (also called suboscillation PWM) is to synthesize voltages that produce currents as close to sinusoidal as economically possible. With the PWM control, the switching signals are generated by comprising a switchingfrequency carrier triangular waveform uc with the modulation signal u*, as shown in Fig. 3.35, a, for the standard single-phase bridge inverter of Fig. 1.8, c. This is the reason why the described PWM is known also as a carrier-based modulation. When u* > uc, two transistors are turned on and another two are turned off. The switching duty cycle can be obtained from the waveforms for switching by (3.2) and for turning off as
qoff = 1 − q The duty cycle q can change between 0 and 1 depending on the magnitude and the polarity of u*. Due to the voltage jumps between +Us and −Us, this switching strategy is referred to as the bipolar voltage-switching PWM. The average output current can be either positive or negative. The unipolar output is also possible. The other ratio is correct also on a half-period of the modulating signal or its fundamental harmonic:
toff uc u* θ1
Tc Us θ1
a. U θ1
Us θ1
b. Fig. 3.35
u* ⎞ 1⎛ ⎟ ⎜⎜1 + 2 ⎝ uc max ⎟⎠
The last equation shows that the average output voltage changes linearly with the modulating signal, similarly to a linear amplifier. Particularly, if u* = uc max, then q = 1, if u* = −uc max, then q = 0, and if u* = 0, then q = 0,5. Examples are in Fig. 3.35, b. In the PWM, the waveform of pulse pattern depends on the ratio of the peak u* to the peak uc. Here, the carrier ratio (frequency ratio) determines the number of pulses in each cycle of the inverter output voltage:
kf =
fc , f*
where fc is the carrier frequency and f* is the modulation frequency. The higher this ratio, the more sinusoidal is the output current. Typically, kf = 50…500. The modulation index (modulation ratio) determines the height of the pulses and hence the rms value of the inverter output voltage is
k mod =
u *max U c max
132 In the case of the sinusoidal PWM, the ideal maximum modulation index is equal to unity. Different PWM schemes allow kmod < 1 that represents an important performance criterion, as the inverter maximum power depends on the maximum voltage at load terminals. In non-sinusoidal PWM schemes, kmod > 1 is also possible. This is known as an overmodulation. The operation in the overmodulation area can cause the problems from the control viewpoint as well as in the application behavior. Often, the carrier and modulation signals are to be synchronized, that is there must be a fixed number of carrier cycles in each modulating period. If this number is chosen to give a “good” sinusoidal current waveform at low frequency, say a 1 Hz, then the ratio kf will be in the neighborhood of 100. If the same ratio is then used at a motor frequency of 100 Hz, the carrier frequency becomes 10...20 kHz. This switching frequency may be far too high for some kinds of ton
toff uc u* θ1
T* UL1
θ1 UL1N
Fig. 3.36
133 devices, say, bipolar transistors. Hence, a technique of “gear changing” is employed which reduces kf in step as the modulation frequency increases. The majority of commercially available systems built on the custom chips are designed in such a way. One frequently used three-phase PWM algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 3.36 for the bridge circuit shown in Fig. 1.8. The sinusoidal modulation signals u* specify the required output waveforms. To obtain balanced three-phase output voltages in a three-phase PWM inverter, three reference sinusoidal modulated voltages that are 120° out of phase are needed, one per each phase. The high-frequency triangle carrier signal uc is also required. Its frequency is typically 2 kHz to 200 kHz. The natural intersections of u* and uc determine both the offset and the duration of the gate control signals. Changing the pulse width of each half-cycle alters the output phase voltages UL1, UL2, UL3 of the inverter (with respect to mid dc link point). They are switched between positive and negative buses at the intersections of the carrier wave and the modulating waves. Here, unlike the block modulation scheme, the conduction angle ton of various transistors may be less than 60°. The sequence of switching has no order as in the block modulation case, and zero states are used regularly that correspond to zero load voltage. When VT1 switches on, the load phase L1 kU is connected to the positive terminal of dc supply making UL1 = u d . When VT4 switches on, 2 − kuUd the phase L1 is connected to the negative terminal of dc supply resulting in U L1 = . 2 Waveforms of L2 and L3 are the same as those of L1, except that they are shifted. Again, as for the block modulation, for the balanced three-phase operation described by (3.3) the voltage of the load neutral can be expressed by (3.4). The load neutral voltage has three times the referred frequency and thus contains the triple harmonics, which does not appear in the load phase voltages that may be obtained from (3.5). 2k U k U Therefore, each phase obtaines the voltage equal to ± mod d , ± mod d , or zero. Again, they 3 3 have a characteristic six-stepped wave shape. The rms line-to-neutral voltage equals
u*L1 uc
u*L2 u*L3 UL1
Fig. 3.37
k modUd 2
that is the same as in the case of the six-step modulation when kmod = 1 and may exceed this value in the case of overmodulation. The corresponding line voltages of the load are given by (3.6). Note that the positive pulse patterns of the voltages are not quite the same as the negative ones until fc ≠ 6kf* with any integer k, although the two areas are quite similar to give zero average values. Fourier analysis of the inverter voltage waveforms reveals that they have less harmonic content than a single pulse per half-cycle inverter block-modulated voltage. Nevertheless, they have sinusoidal fundamental components but still noticeable losses as well as objectionable noise emitted by the converter and the load. Increasing of kf and kmod leads to more symmetrical output waveforms with less losses and better harmonic contents, as Fig. 3.37 shows. PWM gating. The modulation frequency that a PWM system can theoretically process is the Nyquist frequency, thus the carrier rate is to be more than twice the Nyquist frequency. So far as in practice the carrier frequency must exceed the Nyquist level tenfold and more, the digital on-chip modulation sub-processors are employed for this purpose. Their goal is to generate the triangle carrier function uc, compare it with one or three reference signals u*, and find the logical results of this operation, as Fig. 3.9, a shows. The driver switches on the required transistor when u* > uc, and switches it off in the opposite case. Clearly, the “analog” solution obtained by the intersection of a triangle wave and a sine wave becomes only one of many possibilities. There are numerous software-based modulation approaches that use fast signal processors with unlimited flexibility ensured by combining PWM and a sophisticated current control, such as predictive or time-optimal control. Particularly, this is of interest with high power converters switching at a lower frequency. Often, the natural modulation earlier described is replaced to benefit from the advantage of regular modulation in which the modulating waveform is piecewise constant, particularly sampled at four of the carrier frequency. In Fig. 3.38, a, representing a modulation process, one possible use of a microprocessor technique is introduced. The stepped Euler interpolation is displayed in this case. To speed up this operation, one calculation per carrier period Tc, the real triangle function may be replaced by the symmetrical interpolation procedure illustrated in Fig. 3.38, b:
t on =
Tc 4
⎛ u *⎞ ⎜⎜1 + ⎟ uc ⎟⎠ ⎝
t off = t on +
Tc 2
An asymmetrical interpolation procedure is suitable as well. The graphs of voltages versus time shown in Fig. 3.38, c, help to understand this method. Thanks to the double frequency measurement, the dynamic modulation precision rises and the load current distortion decreases here, although the higher processor capacity is required.
135 Tc
a. Tc
θ1 c. Fig. 3.38
All the described interpolation algorithms represent signals sufficiently accurately most of the time, but are limited by the bandwidth and the sample rate. They sample the signals in evenly spaced spans to construct the waveform, however, rapid variations that may occur between samples are not acquired. This glitch can result in aliasing, causing loss of important points. Other interpolation methods have been developed that find the highest and lowest values of the modulating signal over each sample interval and use these values in gating. In this way, the modulation system can process narrow pulses and corners, which may otherwise be missed. Of course, noise will appear to be higher in this approach. PWM inverter efficiency typically approaches 98 % but this figure is heavily affected by the choice of the switching frequency – with low frequency, converter losses are low, while for higher switching frequency, the losses are higher.
136 To counterbalance these advantages, the switching frequency is variable and very intensive in 2 such circuits; the number of switching per period is as high as . As a result, the converter kf losses are higher than for the block mode of operation. When fc ≠ 6kf*, the phase voltages are asymmetrical, therefore the bipolar modulation leads to the high current pulsation and the high reactive energy level. An attempt to synthesize the best possible sine wave by selecting a higher carrier frequency may well create more losses in the inverter than in the load. Picket PWM. Picket PWM is the type of PWM that is closest to the block modulation. Instead of varying the amplitude of the motor voltage waveform by the variation of the dc link voltage, it is changed by switching of one or two inverter transistors at a fixed pulse durations, which are called here the carrier periods, and by adjusting the notches of the resulting pulses to control the load voltage to suit the referenced output level. The number of pulses is maintained constant over a predetermined speed range although the number of pulses may change discretely at several prescribed speeds. A simple timing diagram of the picket three-phase modulation is shown in Fig. 3.39 where the switching is limited by the middle 60° of each device conduction period, resulting in a minimum switching duty of the semiconductor switches. In spite of the similarities between the picket modulation and the block mode, motor torque pulsations at low speed are much less severe than for the six-step modulated inverter. The harmonics typical of the six-step inverter are represented also with picket modulation, but there are also higher harmonics associated with the switching frequency. However, the motor noise and losses are significant compared to more elegant modulation algorithms, thus this method is not widely used. Summary. PWM is a basic energy processing technique applied in modern power converter systems. When the sinusoidal PWM is used, the low-order voltage harmonics are greatly attenuated although other significant harmonics are represented close to the carrier frequency. Hence, this is a good solution where an electronic system is to be used across a UL1N UL2N
2π θ θ1 π θ1
UL1L2 θ1
Fig. 3.39
137 wide voltage and frequency range. Since voltage and frequency are both controlled with the PWM, a quick response to changes in the demand voltage and frequency can be achieved. At the same time, PWM inverters have several problems in terms of ac motors. Often, harmonics of output voltage increase the loss of the motor, and spikes caused by the high sU have a serious effect on motor insulation. Also, PWM inverters generate high frequency voltage which may increase the bearing current of the ac motor and equipment connected by the shaft. The bearing current generates noises and breaks the bearings of equipment in severe cases. High sU of the inverter output is reflected in the cable, which may cause the motor terminal voltage to increase up to double of the voltage step. This peak voltage depends on the value of sU of the inverter output voltage and the cable length. Therefore, different filters are attached to the inverter output to reduce the peak voltage.
3.5. Space Vector Modulation Objective. The unsatisfactory noise situation has given rise to the development of a multitude of advanced modulation. Their objective is to reduce the current harmonics of power losses, the current pulsations or noise under steady-state conditions as well as to avoid the continued fluctuations of the voltage amplitude, which would disturb the switching sequences. There are a number of circuits where the fine and rapid control is obtained through the frequency input of the modulator but the voltage would be changed more slowly and temporarily in somewhat coarser steps. Clearly, the more often the voltage is reversed per period, the more conditions can be satisfied, given a precision fundamental voltage component. The restrictions of the converter with regard to the minimum time between two subsequent switching operations must, of course, be observed to allow the commutation to be completed. Also, the losses in the converter caused by each commutation transient should be considered, which means that there is an upper limit for the switching frequency. A very effective method that is particularly suited for the fast switching converters is called space vector modulation (SVM) or vectorial PWM because it represents an attempt to reproduce a voltage vector demanded by a controller in a given time interval. It is a digital technique of building the load voltages that are on average as near as possible to a given value. The objective of this method is to minimize the switching frequency in order to reduce unwanted even harmonics in the output voltage spectrum and to decrease the switching frequency. This is done in each sampling period by properly selecting the switch states from the valid ones of a look-up table and by carefully calculating the period of times they are used. The selection and calculation times are based upon the space-vector transformation, where the reference voltage is treated directly but not phase-by-phase. Like the block modulation algorithm and sinusoidal PWM, this method provides all the possible switching states made up of the six-step block control system. Space vectors graph. To proceed from the six-step modulation to SVM, associate each binary word of the table shown in Fig. 3.34 with a particular space vector and describe the switching states of the converter by eight space vectors U0...U7. This vector set includes six active voltage space vectors U1 to U6 corresponding to the switching states 100, 110, 010, 011, 001, 101, and two zero voltage space vectors U0, U7 keeping with 111 and 000. On the plane shown in Fig. 3.40 (known also as the Concordia graph), six active space vectors are situated 60° apart, segmenting the plane by equal sectors. Voltage vectors U1, U3, U5 are
138 L2 axis U3
U2 u* θ*
L1 axis U1
L3 axis Fig. 3.40
oriented along the axes of L1, L2, and L3 phases. Supply voltage Ud specifies the amplitude of the space vectors. The demanded reference vector is determined by its module u* and phase θ*. Allowable module of the reference vector for each of an angle is * umax =
Ud 3
Since u* is normally not coinciding with one of the available space vectors its allowable phase is π θ *max = . 3 Control method. In SVM, the reference voltage space vector u* is treated through adequate timing of adjacent non-zero and zero space vectors. It is composed by a switching sequence comprising the neighbor space vectors U1…U6, while filling up the rest of the time interval with zero vectors U0 or U7 during the voltage alternation. Again, as Fig. 3.34 shows, during one transition, only one pair of the switches changes its state: VT2 with VT5, VT1 with VT4, or VT3 with VT6. As a result, the end of vector u* travels along the hexagon or stops. The vector’s end deviation from the circle causes the voltage and current distortions. Timing the eight voltage space vectors U0…U7 is, in fact, the art of space vector modulation. Let the modulation period 2π consist of six sub-intervals, each including a number of fixed carrier intervals:
Tc =
2πf * 2π = fc kf
Then, to obtain a reference vector u* situated between the neighbor vectors Ui and Ui+1, the switching sequence of pulses Ui and Ui+1 has to be generated in each carrier interval, the time durations of which are consequently ti and ti+1, that is u* = fc (ti Ui + ti+1Ui+1), where Ui is one of the space vectors; Ui+1 is the space vector valid in the next Tc interval; ti and ti+1 are the sub-intervals for the two adjacent vectors that are to be computed in real time. Minimum values of u* and ti are zero whereas their maximum values are u*max and Tc. Commonly, ti + ti+1 + t0 = Tc,
139 where t0 is the zero vector duration. Solution for ti and ti+1 results in
ti =
3u * ⎛π ⎞ Tc sin⎜ − θ * ⎟ 2U d ⎝3 ⎠
t i +1 =
3u * Tc sin θ * 2U d
Since ti and ti+1 are calculated, the residual sampling time is reserved for zero vectors: t0 = Tc – ti – ti+1 In fact, this technique produces an average of three voltage space vectors Ui, Ui+1, and U0 (U7) over a carrier interval Tc. Particularly, the maximum value of u* without delays (when t0 = 0) may be calculated from these equations as follows:
u* =
2U d ⎛ ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ 3Tc ⎜⎜ sin⎜ − θ * ⎟ + sin θ * ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ⎝3 ⎠
In each sector, it describes the straight line, which is the side of the hexagon that connects the ends of space vectors. Taking the sector altitude as the maximum space vector modulus u*max, we obtain the inscribed circle as the optimum switching path. Thus, using SVM leads to the U output voltage amplitude equal to the inner-circle radius of the hexagon, that is d or 15.5 % 3 higher than in the case of sinusoidal PWM with kmod = 1. This means also that in any case kπ except for (k = 1…6), the zero space vectors should take part in switching. Thus, to control 3 the average modulus of the space vector (output voltage pausing) extra switching is required in addition to that indicated in the switching table. An example of the SVM operation diagram is shown in Fig. 3.41. Here, the additional pulses that perform zero space vectors are shown by strokes. The most popular SVM method is modulation with symmetrical zero states when the durations of U0 and U7 are equal 0,5t0. In the diagram, • in the sectors 0...60° and 180°...240°, VT1 and VT4 preserve their states, VT2 and VT5 switch periodically to move the space vector along the circle, and VT6 is replaced momentarily by VT3 to produce the zero voltage vector; • in the sectors 60°...120° and 240°...300°, VT3 and VT6 preserve their states, VT1 and VT4 switch periodically to move the space vector along the circle, and VT2 is replaced momentarily by VT5 to produce the zero voltage vector; • in the sectors 120°...180° and 300°...360°, VT2 and VT5 preserve their states, VT3 and VT6 switch periodically to move the space vector along the circle, and VT4 is replaced momentarily by VT1 to produce the zero voltage vector. It is beneficial to compare the SVP timing diagram with analogous diagrams of the block modulation and sinusoidal PWM discussed earlier. Obviously, the zero voltage timing distorts the output waveform along with the reference voltage decreasing. To further smooth transition and improve performance, special overmodulation algorithms are introduced.
140 0 π/3 2π/3 π 4π/3 5π/3 2π π/3 2π/3 π 4π/3 5π/3 2π π/3
UL1L2 θ1
Fig. 3.41
Given equations describe an idealized situation, where the intervals and the inherent delays of the switching devices are neglected. For the actual design of modulators, these effects must be taken into account, particularly the difference between turn-on and turn-off times, which can cause considerable distortion of the converter characteristics at low output voltage and frequency. SVM gating. A number of DSP microcontrollers implement different space vector modulation algorithms. They have the high processor capacity, include built-in interface for inverter and sensor connection, as well as universal signal generators. An effective algorithm has been developed where off-line computed binary switching sequences are kept in a microelectronic memory to be called up in real time for small increments of voltage or current. When realizing a suitable modulator it is, of course, desirable to keep the required memory volume enough small. This can be achieved by storing only the data for the single phase. Transposing and inverting of the stored pattern gives the remaining information. In fact, considerable angular resolution is needed to satisfy the various conditions with adequate accuracy. Particularly, 16-bit DSP TMS320LF2407 of Texas Instruments, Intel MCS-196/296, ADMC300/330 of Analog Devices, and Atmel Crystal AT90PWM3 are suitable for the inverter gate systems building. Their capacity exceeds 20 mega instructions per second thanks to the RISC core, high system flash memory, static random access memory, read-only memory, 8-bit and 16-bit timers, PWM bridge-oriented channels, 10-bit analog-digital and digital-analog converters, and pulse generators.
uc u*
Angle and sector calculation
Sine table
Ui, Ui+1 ti, ti+1, t0 Look-up table
Gate pulses
Fig. 3.42
The functional gate driver algorithm of the particular controller is drawn in Fig. 3.42. Its input block calculates the angle and the sector of the reference space vector. Further, the sine values of the first sector angles are obtained from the table. The next block solves the equations for ti, ti+1, and t0 that then excites gate pulses and distributes them among the switches. Summary. SVM produces higher performance although it can be implemented only on microprocessors because it requires online computation of the reference voltage space vector. As compared to the block modulation and sinusoidal PWM, SVM allows a higher phase voltage and thus a higher output power of a converter with minimum switching frequency. The output Ud . With the space vector PWM, the voltage amplitude in the sinusoidal PWM is near 2 Ud amplitude is equal to the inner-circle radius of the hexagon that is or 15.5 % higher. 3 However, this is achieved through abandoning the sinusoidal output that results in additional losses caused by higher harmonic components. Furthermore, with a diode rectifier as the input circuit, a high power factor, approaching unity, is offered to the incoming ac supply over the entire voltage and load range. No PWM generation is needed here and the modulation does not depend on the load parameters. Typically, it is a very robust signal processing method where quick and precise control response is achieved. Thus, this technique is well suited for the high-performance high-speed applications.
4. Control Engineering “Make things as simple as possible but not simpler” Albert Einstein
Power converters must be suitably controlled in order to supply the voltages, currents, or frequency ranges needed for the load and to guarantee the requested dynamics. Furthermore, they can be designed to serve as ‘‘clean’’ interfaces between the motor and the electrical utility system. During the past years, there have been major advances in the kinds of converters that can be built and that are in common use, but the advances in motor control have been even more striking. This chapter provides basic and some advanced skills to control electronics of motor drives, taking into account that the control of power converters is a vast and interdisciplinary subject. Control designers for motor drives should know the static and dynamic behavior of the electronic power converter and how to design its elements for the intended operating modes. Designers must be experts on control techniques, especially the nonlinear methods, since power converters and electrical motors are nonlinear, time variant, discrete systems, and designers must be capable of analog or digital implementation of the derived controllers and sensing circuits. Forced modeling methodologies and sophisticated control processes must be used to obtain stable controlled systems not only with satisfactory static and dynamic performance, but also with low sensitivity against load or line disturbances or, preferably, robustness.
4.1. Transfer Functions and Block Diagrams Transfer functions. The drive components, which can be represented as the linear models, are described mathematically by the operator Laplace transformation using transfer functions and block diagrams. The derived linear models are used to create equivalent circuits, and to design linear feedback control methods. The classical linear system control theory based on the transfer function concept is best suited with averaged models. A transfer function is the mathematical model of a linear chain that describes the operator image of one of the output variables with respect to one of the input variables having zero starting conditions. During the transfer from differential equations to Laplace images, the differential operator s is considered as the algebraic value and called the Laplace operator. In symbols,
143 2
d ⎛d⎞ ⎛d ⎞ s = , s 2 = ⎜ ⎟ , s 3 = ⎜ ⎟ , etc. dt ⎝ dt ⎠ ⎝ dt ⎠ This is how to convert any differential equation to an algebraic equation to find its solution. Power converters of motor drives are often modeled as a simple linear circuit described by the differential equation of the first order having a transfer function
Wc (s ) =
kc Tc s + 1
Here, kc is the transfer factor or a gain, which depends of the converter function. It may be the ratio of the output voltage to the reference signal of the controlled rectifier, or the ratio of the output frequency to the input current of the inverter, etc. Time constant Tc defines the average converter delay. In the case of thyristor devices,
Tc = Tcf +
1 , 2mf1
where Tcf = 1…10 ms – input filter time constant, m is the number of ripples, and f1 is the supply frequency. The transistor converters are normally considered as non-inertia units. All the main motor types operated in high performance drive systems may be represented by more or less linear models using some technical linearization apparatus or control means. To build the motor operator model, four important characteristic values of motor energy conversion are introduced: the motor EMF constant (speed constant) kME, the motor torque constant kMM, the mechanical time constant TM, and the electromagnetic time constant Te:
k ME =
k MM =
TM = JRk ME k MM Te =
Here, ωM and IM are the rated motor angular frequency and current, EM = UM – RIM is the motor EMF, UM is the rated motor supply voltage, J is the moment of inertia referring to the motor shaft, L and R are the inductance and resistance of the winding circuit. The EMF constant combines the motor angular frequency ωM with the EMF EM induced in the winding, which are proportional each other. Similarly, the torque constant links the torque with the electrical current. The time constants TM and Te describe the rate of speed and torque changing. Laplace expressions that describe the motor angular frequency and current responses, excited by the step reference E under the constant torque, are as follows:
ω=E I =E
k ME TMTes + TM s + 1 2
TM s R TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
144 The next pair of the Laplace equations describes the transients caused by the step disturbance Ms under the constant reference signal:
ω = −M s I = Ms
TM (Tes + 1) J TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
k MM TMTes + TM s + 1 2
Based on these Laplace expressions, the transfer functions of the reference without disturbances are obtained as follows:
WM (s ) =
ω k ME = 2 E TMTes + TM s + 1
I TM s WMI (s ) = = E R TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
Accordingly, the transfer functions of the disturbance without the reference are as follows:
WMs = WMIs
ω TM (Tes + 1) =− Ms J TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
I kMM = = 2 Ms TMTes + TM s + 1
Block diagrams. Given equations are suitable for the converter and motor model presentation by the block diagrams shown in Fig. 4.1. Each block diagram of Fig. 4.1, a…e corresponds to a particular transfer function. Detailed block diagram shown in Fig. 4.1, f
kc Tc s + 1
ω kME TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
kMM TMTes + TM s + 1
TM s R TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
c. Ms
TM (Tes + 1) J TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
e. Ms
U –
1 R (Te s + 1)
1 kME
f. Fig. 4.1
1 ω Js
I t Fig. 4.2
describes the motor as the closed loop system of elementary chains having the current, torque, and EMF as their particular outputs. As the transfer functions have the second order, the step responses of the motor have the standard periodic or non-periodic shape depending on the ratio of the time constants. They may be of an exponential form if TM > 4Te or to oscillate if TM < 4Te, which are plotted in Fig. 4.2 by dotted and solid lines. Summary. This section introduces the reader to the application of the transfer function in motor drive design and presents the block diagrams that are useful for a more in-depth study. The classical linear control theory and the transfer function concept are best suited for the study and tuning of the motor drive control systems. Power converters may be modeled as simple linear circuits if their response is faster than that of the mechanical units. All the main motor types operated in high performance drive systems may be represented by more or less linear models using some technical linearization apparatus or control means. Firstly, it concerns the dc motors with stable excitation, then synchronous servomotors, and even asynchronous systems with the vector control.
4.2. Signal Converters and Controllers Active filters. Circuits used to remove unnecessary variations of dc and ac signals are known as filters. Depending on the passive and active components, filters are classified as passive filters and active filters. The first are built on resistors, capacitors, and inductors, whereas the active filters use only resistors and capacitors together with op amps and are considerably easier to design than passive filters. An active LPF built on an op amp is represented in Fig. 4.3, a. Its cutoff frequency may be calculated by the formula
f =
1 1 , = 2πTf 2πR2C
where Tf is the filter time constant. The LPF transfer function is described by (4.1)
146 C R2 R1
Uin Uout
a. C
c. C2 C1
R2 C1
e. Fig. 4.3
R2 kf R1 Wf (s ) = = Tf s + 1 R2Cs + 1
where kf is the filter gain (the unit for the passive filters). Active high-pass filters built on op amps are depicted in Fig. 4.3, b, c. Their cutoff frequency may be calculated by the same formula as for the LPF. The transfer function of HPF shown in Fig. 4.3, b, is given by
Wf (s ) =
kf s R2Cs , = Tf s + 1 R1Cs + 1
147 where kf is the filter gain. The transfer function of high-pass filters shown in Fig. 4.3, c, is
Wf (s ) = k f (Tf s + 1) =
R2 (R1Cs + 1) R1
Fig. 4.3, d, shows an active band-pass filter. At very low frequencies, the series capacitor looks open to the input signal, and there is no output signal. Its the transfer function is given by
Wf (s ) =
kf s , (T1s + 1) ⋅ (T2s + 1)
k f = R2C1 , T1 = R1C1 , T2 = R2C2 An active notch filter is shown in Fig. 4.3, e. Its transfer function is given by
Wf (s ) = k f +
1 + T2s , T1s
kf =
R2 C1 + , T1 = R1C2 , T2 = R2C1 R1 C2
Digital filters. Filters built using the microprocessor technique have some specific features. As a rule, one digital unit performs as a group of analog devices. Moreover, it usually processes additional functions, such as the modes testing, automatic auxiliary calculations, selftuning, signal override control, information exchange, diagnostic, and alarm generation. An arbitrary filter function is represented by the digital device as an algorithm and the corresponding program. The software may be corrected before running and during maintenance, and the tuning range is typically broad enough. At the same time, digital devices have some drawbacks, such as lower precision than that of their analog prototypes because of the limited calculation step T0. The less is T0, the nearer the digital system approaches its analog prototype. The practical recommendation is as follows:
T0 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ≤ ⎜ ... ⎟ , Tdin ⎝ 4 15 ⎠ where Tdin is the response time of the loop containing the digital device. Accordingly the Shannon theorem,
T0 ≤
π , ωc
where ωc is the self-oscillation frequency of the processed signals. Let the generalized filter model be represented by the transfer function
W (s ) =
Uout T12s 2 + T2s + k1 = U in T32s 2 + T4s + k 2
which corresponds to the differential equation
2 3
s 2 + T4s + k 2 U out = T12s 2 + T2s + k1 U in
148 This equation can be expressed numerically by the finite differences:
T32 (Uout [k ] − 2Uout [k − 1] + Uout [k − 2]) + T4 (Uout [k ] − Uout [k − 1]) + k 2Uout [k − 1] = 2 T0 T0 T12 (Uin − 2Uin [k − 1] + Uin [k − 2]) + T2 (Uin − Uin [k − 1]) + k1Uin [k − 1] 2 T0 T0 where Uout[k] and Uin[k] are the discrete values of the output and input variables on the k-th calculation step of numerical solution:
U out [k ] = − A1U out [k − 1] − A2U out [k − 2] + B0U in [k ] + B1U in [k − 1] + B2U in [k − 2] , where
(k T
− T0T4 − 2T3 T T T + T1 , A2 = 3 , B0 = 0 2 D D D 2 k T − T0T2 − 2T1 T B1 = 1 0 , B2 = 1 , D = T0T4 + T3 D D A1 =
2 2 0
Particularly, the digital LPF may be represented as follows:
⎛ T ⎞ T U out [k ] = ⎜⎜1 − 0 ⎟⎟U out [k − 1] + k f 0 U in [k − 1] Tf ⎝ Tf ⎠ Summer and subtracter. Figure 4.4 shows the simplest math converters. Figure 4.4, a, represents an op amp summing amplifier, called also summer or adder. The output of this circuit is the sum of the input voltages
⎛ R R ⎞ ⎟ U out = −⎜⎜ U1 + U2 R2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ R1 In Fig. 4.4, b, a subtracter is shown, the output voltage of which is proportional to the difference of the input voltages when R1 = R2 and R = R3:
Uout = (U 2 − U1 )
R R1
R U1
R U1
R2 Uout
b. Fig. 4.4
149 The summer serves as a simple P-controller that has a particular transfer function and gain on each input:
Wr 1(s ) = k r 1 = Wr 2 (s ) = k r 2
R R1
R = R2
The digital model of the P-controller is given by
U out [k ] = k r U in [k ] Integrators. LPF shown in Fig. 4.3, a, may serve as an op amp integrator, also called Icontroller if R2 → ∞. This circuit performs mathematical integration:
Uout = −
1 U in dt , Tr ∫
where Tr = R1C is the time constant and t is time. The widespread function of an integrator is to produce a ramp of output voltage, which is a linearly increasing or decreasing voltage. When the input signal is a rectangular pulse of width t, the input current is
Iin =
U in R1
Since the capacitor charges, its voltage increases and the output voltage equals the voltage across the capacitor. For a positive input voltage, the output voltage will be negative and increasing in accordance with the expression
Uout = −
Iin t U t = − in C Tr
until the op amp saturates. To work properly, the closed-loop time constant of the integrator should be higher than the duration of the input pulse t. For instance, if maximum Uout = 20 V, R1 = 1 kΩ, C = 10 μF, and t = 0,5 mc, then Tr = 10 ms and Uin should not exceed 400 mV to avoid the op amp saturation. The transfer function of the integrator is given by
Wr (s ) =
1 Tr s
The digital model of the I-controller is
Uout [k ] = Uout [k − 1] + U in [k ] +
T0 U in [k − 1] Tr
Because a capacitor is open to dc signals, there is no negative feedback at zero frequency. Without feedback, the circuit treats any input offset voltage as a valid input signal and the output goes into saturation, where it stays indefinitely. One way is to diminish the voltage gain at zero frequency by inserting a resistor R2 > 10R1 across the capacitor or in series with it. The ramp drops during the positive half cycle and rises during the negative half cycle. Therefore, the output is a triangle or exponential wave, the peak-to-peak value of which is given by
Uout = −
Uin , 4fTr
where the meander wave of frequency f is the integrator input. This circuit is referred to as a PIcontroller with
kr =
R2 , Tr = R1C R1
in the case of series resistor and capacitor connection and Tr = R2C in the case of parallel connection. For instance, if maximum Uout = 20 V, R1 = 1 kΩ, R2 > 10 kΩ, C = 10 μF, and f = 1 kHz, then Tr = 10 ms and Uin should not be kept higher than 800 mV to avoid the op amp saturation. The transfer function of the PI-controller with series-connected R2 and C is given by
⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ Wr (s ) = k r ⎜⎜1 + ⎝ Tr s ⎠
The digital model of the PI-controller is
⎛ ⎞ ⎞ ⎛T U out [k ] = U out [k − 1] + k r ⎜⎜ U in [k ] + ⎜⎜ 0 − 1⎟⎟U in [k − 1]⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎝ Tr ⎝ ⎠ Differentiators. Figure 4.3, b, with R1 → 0 and Fig. 4.3, c, with R1 → ∞ illustrate the op amp differentiator or D-controller. The differentiator is a circuit that performs a calculus differentiation
Uout = −
Tr dU in = Tr sU in , dt
where Tr = R2C and t is time. It produces an output voltage proportional to the instantaneous rate of change of the input voltage. Common functions of a differentiator are to detect the leading and trailing edges of a rectangular pulse or to produce a rectangular output from a ramp input. Another application is to produce very narrow spikes. One drawback of this circuit is its tendency to oscillate with a flywheel effect. To avoid this, a differentiator usually includes some resistance in series with the capacitor, as given in Fig. 4.3, b, or across the capacitor as Fig. 4.3 c, shows. A typical value of this added resistance is between 0,01 R2 and 0,1 R2. With the resistor, the closed-loop voltage gain is between 10 and 100. The effect is to limit the gain at higher frequencies, where the oscillation problem arises. Such a circuit is called a PD-controller. Its gain and two time constants are as follows:
kr =
R , Tr 1 = R1C, Tr 2 = R2C R1
The transfer functions of the differentiator and PD-controllers are given by
Wr (s ) = Tr s Wr (s ) = k r
Tr 1s + 1 Tr 2s + 1
Wr (s ) = k r (Tr 1s + 1)
151 The digital model of the PD-controller is
⎛⎛ T ⎞ ⎞ T T U out [k ] = U out [k − 1] + k r ⎜⎜ ⎜⎜1 + r 1 ⎟⎟U in [k ] − 2 r 1 U in [k − 1] + r 1 U in [k − 2]⎟⎟ T0 ⎠ T0 T0 ⎝⎝ ⎠ PID-circuits. Two variants of proportional-integrated-differential circuit (PID-controller are shown in Figs. 4.3, d, and 4.3, e. They change the scope and amplify the beginning and the end of pulse signals. Circuit parameters are as follows:
kr =
R2 , Tr 1 = R2C1 , Tr 2 = R1C2 R1
The transfer function of the PID-controller is given by
⎛ ⎞ 1 W (s ) = k r ⎜⎜1 + + Tr 1s ⎟⎟ ⎝ Tr 2s ⎠
Normally, R1 is significantly less than R2. The digital model of the PID-controller is
⎛⎛ T ⎞ ⎞ ⎛T ⎞ T T U out [k ] = U out [k − 1] + k r ⎜⎜ ⎜⎜1 + r 1 ⎟⎟U in [k ] + ⎜⎜ 0 − 2 r 1 − 1⎟⎟U in [k − 1] + r 1 U in [k − 2]⎟⎟ T0 ⎠ T0 T0 ⎝ Tr 2 ⎠ ⎝⎝ ⎠ Summary. Besides the power converters and motors, other drive components may be suitably represented by linear models. The typical chains of such systems are active filters, math converters, and controllers. Digital implementation of linear units is processed by the standard way since the discrete step is significantly less than the small time constants of the drive.
4.3. Controller Design Control structure. High performance motor drives are the closed-loop systems. The feedback signals are obtained from sensors mounted on the control objects, such as power converters, motors, and driving machines. These signals are processed by the controllers arranged the control system. As Fig. 4.5, a, shows, a controller described by the transfer function Wr(s) acts on the object Wo(s), the performance of which is defined by the sensor Wz(s). The system input z* may specify the required angular frequency ω*, velocity v*, or position φ* as well as the needed torque M*, current I*, or voltage U*. Thanks to the negative feedback, the reference is compared with the actual signal z using the subtracter. Their difference, equal to the input and the output signals’ error δ, feeds the controller. The full linear drive model has the transfer function
W (s ) =
Wr (s ) Wo (s ) z = z * 1 + Wr (s ) Wo (s ) Wz (s )
Every transfer function describes the particular static and dynamic properties of a system. Thus, to obtain the motor drive having the needed properties, the controller is to be as follows:
Wr (s ) =
Wo (s )
W (s ) 1 − W (s ) Wz (s )
This controller description includes the inverse object transfer function and an addition that depends on the required model and the actual sensor circuit.
152 Characteristic polynomial expressions. It is considered that any practical system has no less than one small equivalent time constant Tμ. In other words, it is impossible to design an electric drive with an unlimited speed of response, therefore it has obligatory unbalanced delay and its model is described by a differential equation. System transfer functions W(s) differ depending on their characteristic polynomial expressions. Let the desired transfer function be described by the simplest first-order model having the characteristic polynomial expression
W1(s ) = a1Tμs + 1 In this case, the motor drive will be very stable with exponential step responses shown by the dotted curves in Fig. 4.2. Another system the desired transfer function of which is defined by the characteristic polynomial expression of the second order
W1 (s ) = a1Tμ2s 2 + a1Tμs + 1 is stable if a1 > 1 in accordance with the Hurwitz theorem. If a1 < 2, the system oscillates whereas if 2 ≤ a1 < 4, it has non-periodic transients, and if a1 ≥ 4, the step responses are exponential (solid lines in Fig. 4.2). The system having the desired transfer function with the characteristic polynomial expression of the third order
W1(s ) = a1a2Tμ3s 3 + a1a2Tμ2s 2 + a2Tμs + 1 is stable if a1 > 0 and a2 > 1 as the Hurwitz theorem states. The bounds between the nonperiodic and oscillating processes are described by the Vyshnegradsky equations:
2a1a2 − 9a2 + 27 = 0 when a1a2 < 27 ⎛ a2 ⎞ a22 − 4⎜⎜ a1a2 + 2 ⎟⎟ + 18a2 = 27 when a1a2 ≥ 27 a1 ⎠ ⎝ The plots of the given relations are displayed in Fig. 4.5, b. Here area 1 involves the oscillating processes, area 2 – non-periodic processes, and area 3 – unstable processes. Thus, the closed-loop drive transients shape, oscillation, and stability depend on the time constants relation rather than on their absolute values. Standard settings. The next step of system development concerns the choice of the system transfer function W(s), which may be constructed using the accessible control instruments. Here, the selection of the coefficients a1 and a2 that give the optimum transients is processed in accordance with the so-called standard settings (templates). In Fig. 4.5, c, the curves of the first order system traces are marked as 1, the second order – as 2, and the third order – as 3. The time-optimum non-periodic exponential transient (EO) in the second-order system takes place if a1 = 4. Its running time is 9,5Tμ without overshoot. In the third order system a similar characteristic has the curve having a1 = 3 and a2 = 9. In the first-order system a similar view is obtained by selection a1 = 2.
153 z* –
Wr (s )
Wo (s ) Wz (s ) a.
zky 3. a1=2,a2=4 (SO)
2. a1=2 (MO)
8 2 1
6 4
2. a1=4 (EO) 1. a1=2
1 2 0
3 1
10 c.
t T 16 μ
Fig. 4.5
The time-optimum monotonous (non-oscillating) step response in the second-order system takes place if a1 = 2. Its running time area lies between 4,7Tμ and 10,5 Tμ with the overshoot γ = 4,3 % above the steady state value. This standard setting is called a module optimum (MO). In the third-order system a similar characteristic has the curve having a1 = 2,25, a2 = 6. In the first-order system a similar view is obtained by selection a1 = 2. The time-optimum oscillating transient in the third order system takes place if a1 = 2 and a2 = 4. Its running time is 3,1Tμ with the overshoot γ = 43 % above the steady state value. This standard setting is called a symmetrical optimum (SO). To obtain the similar characteristic in the second-order system, a1 = 0,25 is required that is impossible. In the first-order system there are no oscillations. Thus, the closed-loop drive running time and overshoot depend only on the loop model and the small equivalent time constant Tμ. All the other parameters have no significance in the properly designed system with high linear characteristics. Sequential correction. To provide the optimum settings, the control system has to follow some principles. The principle of sequential correction requires the system to be divided by the loops each including the sequential connected controller Wr(s) and object Wo(s), as Fig. 4.6, a, shows. Then, one of the object time constants (rarely two or three of them) is considered as the large time constant To whereas other are the small time constants Tμi. The task of the controller is to balance the large time constant to convert the control loop into the simplest possible system, preferably of the first order. Theoretically, it is desired to develop a fully non-inertial loop although in practice some non-sensing parameters are presented in the system, thus a small equivalent time constant Tμ is kept in any case. The rules of balancing are discussed further.
154 z* –
ko Tos + 1
Wr (s )
kz a. z*
kC Tμs + 1
Wr (s )
ko To s
ko Tos + 1
kz b. z*
kC Tμs + 1
Wr (s )
kz с. z* –
kC Tμs + 1
Wr (s )
kz d. Fig. 4.6
Let an object be described by the simple first-order model shown in Fig. 4.6, b:
Wo (s ) =
ko k z To s + 1
To countervail the large time constant To, the PI-controller is required, which is described by the transfer function
⎛ 1 ⎞ T s +1 ⎟⎟ = k r r Wr (s ) = k r ⎜⎜1 + Tr s ⎝ Tr s ⎠ 1 T0 kr = ⋅ and Tr = To k o k z Tμ In this case, the resulting transfer function of the closed loop becomes simple enough:
W (s ) =
Wr (s ) Wo (s ) 1 = 1 + Wr (s ) Wo (s ) k z (Tμs + 1)
As the formula implies, from now on the loop properties depend on the feedback gain and the small time constant only. They are independent of the object at all. Observe further a more complex loop shown in Fig. 4.6, c. Here, the object includes the couple of time constants To and Tμ having the transfer function
Wo (s ) =
kC k o k z To s (Tμs + 1)
To countervail the large time constants, use the P-controller
Wr (s ) = k r =
1 T ⋅ o a1kC ko k z Tμ
As a result, the second-order transfer function of the closed loop is obtained as
W (s ) =
1 k z T s + Tμs + 1
2 2 μ
Sometimes, there is no large time constant in the object, as in Fig. 4.6, d:
Wo (s ) =
kC k o k z Tμs + 1
In this case, the I-controller is useful:
Wr (s ) =
1 1 kr = ⋅ s a1kC ko k z Tμs
When a number of small time constants are involved in the direct and feedback channels of the loop, their sum is used as the single small time constant, that is
Tμ = ∑ Tμi Common sequential correction recommendations are given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Standard controller settings for typical motor drive objects Object
Time constants
ko To s + 1
ko To s (Tμs + 1)
kr =
To , Tr = To Tμko
kr =
To > 4Tμ
kr =
To 2Tμk o
To , Tr = 4Tμ 2Tμko
156 Time constants
ko (To s + 1) ⋅ (Tμs + 1)
kr =
T0 , Tr = To 2Tμk o
kr =
To , Tr = 4Tμ Tμko
To > 4Tμ
ko Tμs + 1
ko (Tμs + 1) ⋅ To1To 2s 2 + To1s + 1
To1 > 16Tμ To2 ≤ 4To2
Tr =
1 2Tμk o
Tr =
4 Tμk o
kr =
To1 , 2Tμko
Tr 1 = To 2 , Tr 2 = To1 MO
kr =
To1 , 2Tμko
Tr 1 = To 2 , Tr 2 = To1
To2 < 4Tμ To1 ≥ 4Tμ SO
kr =
To1 , 2Tμk o
Tr 2 = 4Tμ, Tr 1 = To 2
ko (Tμs + 1) ⋅ (To1s + 1) ⋅ (To 2s + 1) MO
kr =
To1 , 2Tμko
Tr 1 = To 2 , Tr 2 = To1
To2 ≥ 4Tμ To1 > To2 SO
kr =
To1To 2 , 8Tμ2k o
Tr 1 = To1, Tr 2 = 4Tμ
ko 2 s (Tμs + 1) ⋅ To1To 2s + To1s + 1 ⋅ (To 2s + 1)
To1 > 16Tμ To1 ≤ 4To2
kr =
1 , 2Tμk o
Tr 1 = To 2 , Tr 2 = To1
Cascading. The principle of cascading proposes dividing the complex object into maximum possible easily controlled subobjects to arrange a multi-loop system. The number of loops is equal to the number of the subobjects. Each loop includes the controller linked in such a way that the output of the previous controller specifies the behavior of the next controller. Therefore, the loops cascade is presented in Fig. 4.7. The object of each outer controller consists of the sub-object and the inner loop having its own controller. Two signals are compared in the input of each controller: the loop referred signal and the loop actual signal. Clearly, cascading is used together with the principle of sequential correction. The large time constants of the loops are balanced by the corresponding controllers to decrease the loop inertia. Corrected loops have small time constants only and are described by the low-order transfer functions supported by standard settings.
157 z* –
Wr 1(s )
Wo2 (s )
Wr 2 (s )
Wo1(s )
kz' kz Fig. 4.7
To tune the outer loop, the MO-tuned inner loop is approximated by the first order unit having the time constant equal to the double small time constant of the inner loop that is
Wi (s ) =
k 1 k 1 , ⋅ 2 2 ≈ ⋅ k z 2Tμ s + 2Tμs + 1 k z 2Tμs + 1
where k is a scale factor that specifies the gains to the single input. For the programming controllers, k is defined by the signal scales. When the controllers are built on op amps having the feedback resistance R2 and the reference input resistance R1,
R2 R1
In a MO-tuned multi-loop system, each i-th loop has the transfer function
Wi (s ) =
k 1 ⋅ i i −1 i −2 k z 2 Tμs 2 Tμs 2 Tμs... 2i − i Tμs + 1 ... + 1 + 1 + 1
) )
If an inner loop has the SO setting, the LPF is placed in front of this loop to tune the outer loop:
Wf (s ) =
1 4Tμs + 1
As a result, the inner loop transfer function is as follows:
Wi (s ) =
k 1 k 1 ⋅ 3 3 ≈ ⋅ 2 2 k z 8Tμ s + 8Tμ s + 4Tμs + 1 k z 4Tμs + 1
In a SO-tuned multi-loop system, each i-th loop has the transfer function
Wi (s ) =
k 1 ⋅ 3 3 i − i − 1 1 k z 8 2 Tμ s + 8 2 Tμ 2 s 2 + 4 2i −1Tμ 2 s + 1
Thus, since the number of loops grows, the controller and the outer loop time constants grow, also doubling with each new loop. In other words, each loop steps down twice the system speed response and the drive precision. Summary. Closed-loop motor drive control systems have the standard structure core. The controllers are connected in series with their objects to provide some specific performance of such a couple. Depending on the application, the optimum requirements differ significantly although they may be selected from the limiting set of variants. Characteristic polynomial expressions of the closed-loop control system help to find the best tunings.
158 Among the standard settings, the modular and symmetrical optimums are most popular. They provide the predictable time-optimal drive performance and are suitable in implementation with simple P, PI, and PID controllers. The principle of sequential correction provides ways to balance the object inertia by the proper selection of the controller parameters. The principle of cascading allows for dividing the complex object into maximum possible easily controlled subobjects to arrange the multi-loop system.
4.4. Motor Control Motor drive characteristics. The efficiency of the drive to perform its task depends on how well its characteristics fit into the application requiring the service. There are two kinds of drive characteristics: the static steady-state characteristics and the dynamic characteristics. The control arrangement must provide the best motor maintenance in the steady state and transient processes. The quality of the steady-state mode of operation is evaluated by the load curves, such as the speed-torque line, the current line, the output power curve, and the efficiency curve. To find the system’s dynamic index and to obtain the required dynamics, transfer functions are used. The speed-torque line describes the mechanical behavior of the motor at a constant supply. In the linear systems, speed decreases linearly as the loading torque rises. The faster the motor turns the less torque it can provide. As Fig. 4.8, a, shows, the linear load line can be described with the help of two end points, no-load speed ω0 and stall torque Mstall that change proportionally to the applied voltage or frequency. At standstill the motor generates no EMF. Mechanically, the motor must develop sufficient starting torque to reach its operating speed rapidly enough to avoid overheating. All kinds of motors develop high torque when starting, which is many times greater than the normal operating torque. The slope or gradient of the linear load line is given by the torque and speed increments:
δω ω0 = δM Mstall The actual steady speed may be obtained using the gradient:
ω = ω0 −
δω M δM
Thus, the speed-torque gradient is the most informative value of the drive data that allows direct comparison between different drives. No-load speed is essentially unaffected by the external resistance and the closed-loop system gain. At the same time, the smaller the gradient, the less sensitive the speed reacts to load changes and the stronger the drive. To achieve a wider speed range, the highest gain is required. In the best closed-loop drives having the high speed gain the gradient leads to zero. The machine with a high gradient subjected to a suddenly applied load may stall if the voltage is not adequate. The speed-torque line of the induction motor is shown in Fig. 4.8, a, by the dotted line. Its locked-rotor torque Mstall is the minimum torque that will develop at rest for all angular positions of the rotor. Since starting, the torque increases to a maximum, called a breakdown torque. The breakdown (pull-out) torque of the induction motor is the maximum value that will develop with
159 ω
ω ω0 Induction motor
Induction motor
M a.
I Istall
η Pmax
M c.
Fig. 4.8
M d.
rated voltage applied at rated frequency without an abrupt drop in speed. Moreover, the induction motor will develop higher torque when energized during reverse rotation than when started at rest. The main problem of an asynchronous motor drive is to obtain the linear speedtorque characteristics. Special control methods are used for this purpose. In Fig. 4.8, b, the current line is easily drawn via the two end points: no-load frequency ω0 and starting current Istall. Both the starting current uptake and the stall torque are high. The current line represents the equivalence of the current and torque: the more current flows through the motor, the more torque is produced. In the linear system the following applies for the stall torque and the starting current:
M stall = k MM Istall A motor started directly across the mains can theoretically draw tens times full-load current. The highest current occurs during the first few cycles of powering. This value is doubtless greater than the ability of the machine. Moreover, the voltage that drops across the system’s equivalent circuit impedance during across-the-line staring causes a momentary drop in voltage at the terminals of a large induction motor. The terminal voltage sags to a level that will adversely impact the ability to start. Therefore, the starting current must be limited in some manner, both to defend the machine and to protect the supply. Then the current decreases as the motor accelerates. The no-load current is equivalent to the friction torque that describes the internal friction in the motor bearings and driven load.
160 The mechanical output power is calculated from the speed and the torque by Eq. (5.1). In the speed-torque diagram, the output power is equivalent to the area of the rectangle below the speed-torque line. This rectangle and, thus, the power is the greatest at half stall torque and half no-load speed. In Fig. 4.8, c, the power curve is a parabola whose maximum value depends quadratically on the applied motor voltage or frequency. Drive efficiency η describes the relationship of the mechanical power delivered by the electrical power consumed:
One can see that at constant applied voltage and due to the proportionality of torque and current, the efficiency increases with the speed rising and the torque decreasing. Figure 4.8, d, displays that at low torques, friction losses become significant and efficiency approaches zero rapidly. Maximum efficiency is calculated using the starting current and no-load current independent of the voltage:
⎛ I0 = ⎜⎜1 − Istall ⎝
⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠
A rule of thumb is that maximum efficiency occurs at roughly one seventh of the stall torque. This means that maximum efficiency and maximum output power do not occur at the same load. Then, efficiency goes down with the speed decreasing. Speed control. The goal of the speed control is to keep the prescribed motor speed stable and independent of load changes. To achieve this, the set value ω* (desired speed) is continuously compared with the actual value ω in the control system. To ensure that the speed control has the required wide control range, even very low speeds still need to be detected accurately, a high-resolution tachometer and an extremely short sampling time are required. This, in turn, demands a high processing capacity and hence a particularly powerful processor. To provide the speed sensing, the tachometer is mounted directly on the motor shaft, the signal of which is proportional to the speed. The speed difference determined in this way is used by the speed controller to regulate the power stage of the converter in such a manner that the motor reduces the controller difference. This represents a closed speed regulating circuit. The block diagram of the closed-loop speed controlled motor drive is shown in Fig. 4.9. The control object has the transfer function
Wo (s ) =
ω* –
ko , (Tμs + 1) ⋅ To1To 2s 2 + To1s + 1
kc Tc s + 1
kω Tωs + 1 Fig. 4.9
k ME TMTe s + TM s + 1 2
161 where ko = kc kME kω, Tμ = TC + Tω, To1 = TM, To2 = Te. To obtain the optimum settings, the speed controller is designed as a PID-controller, all three components of which can be set separately:
⎛ ⎞ 1 Wrω (s ) = k r ⎜⎜1 + + Tr 1s ⎟⎟ ⎝ Tr 2s ⎠ When 4To2 ≥ To1 > 16Tμ, the MO-setting requires
kr =
To1 , 2Tμko
Tr 1 = To 2 , Tr 2 = To1 When 4To2 < To1, the control object has the transfer function
Wo (s ) =
ko , (Tμs + 1) ⋅ (To′1s + 1) ⋅ (To′2s + 1)
where 2
T ⎛T ⎞ To′1 = M + ⎜ M ⎟ − TMTe 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
To′1 =
TM ⎛T ⎞ − ⎜ M ⎟ − TMTe 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
To obtain the MO-setting, the gain and time constants are calculated as follows:
kr =
To′1 2Tμko
Tr 1 = To′2 , Tr 2 = To′1 The SO-setting uses other time constants of the PID-controller:
kr =
To′1 2Tμko
Tr 2 = 4Tμ, Tr 1 = To′2 Speed and current control. The current control provides the motor with a current proportional to the set value. The motor torque changes proportionally to the set value. The current controller improves the dynamics of a superior speed control circuit. The block diagram of the double-loop speed controlled motor drive is shown in Fig. 4.10. In this cascading system, the inner loop controls the current whereas the outer loop controls the motor angular frequency that is the system speed. The output signal from the speed controller serves as the setpoint of the current loop. The actual values of the current are converted into a dc signal. The current controller compares the setpoint and the actual values and generates the control signals that are routed to the control stages of the individual power switches of a power converter. The current loop is the innermost control loop of the system and must therefore respond very quickly, as this will determine the speed of all the higher-level controllers. The object of the current controller has the transfer function
ω* Wr ω
kc Tc s + 1
1 R(Te s + 1)
1 Js
kI TI s + 1
kω Tωs + 1 Fig. 4.10
WoI (s ) =
k c kI k ME k MM Js k c kITM s , = (Tc s + 1) ⋅ (RJkME kMM s(Tes + 1) + 1) ⋅ (TI s + 1) (TμI s + 1) ⋅ TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
where TμI = Tc + TI. Usually to tune this loop, the EMF feedback is neglected, considering sω = 0 thanks to the fast response of the current control. Such approach gives more simple transfer function:
WoI (s ) ≈
k c kI R (TμI s + 1) ⋅ (Tes + 1)
MO-tuned PI-controller is useful in this case with the parameters:
k rI =
TeR , TrI = Te 2TμI k c kI
The settled error of the current control aspires to zero because the PI-controller has an unlimited static gain. Thus, thanks to the current loop the system quickly processes all kinds of supply disturbances. The object of the speed controller including the tuned current loop with referenced scaled inputs and balanced EMF feedback, has the transfer function
Wo (s ) ≈
kω kω , = kI kMM Js (2TμI s + 1) ⋅ (Tωs + 1) kI kMM Js (Tμωs + 1)
where Tμω = 2TμI + Tω. To obtain the MO-setting of the speed loop, the P-controller is recommended, the gain of which is calculated as follows:
Wrω (s ) = k rω =
kI kMM J 2Tμωkω
To obtain the SO-setting of the speed loop, the PI-controller is used having the same gain and the time constant Trω = 4Tμω . Thanks to the two-fold integration, this setting decelerates the start-up time and increases the dynamic error by the overshoot although processes the load disturbances without a settled error. Path control. The path control ensures a match between the currently measured positions and a target position by providing the motor with the corresponding correction values routed to the speed controller. The position data are usually obtained from position sensors and path controllers, which are used to provide the proper path control. The higher the number of
163 φ*
δ –
kc Tc s + 1
k ME TMTe s + TM s + 1
1 s
kφ Tφs + 1 Fig. 4.11
pulses of the incremental position sensor, the better path jerk-free operation can be achieved, especially at low speeds. To generate the pulses, optical sensors and resolvers are mounted on the driving load and adjusted by different way. Typically, all path sensors define the rising and falling signal edges. With regard to the number of encoder pulses, it results in a four times higher positioning precision. This is what is referred to as quad counts. Of course, only encoders with integrated line drivers should be used in positioning controls. This prevents electromagnetic interference signals from causing signal loss and accumulated path errors. The block diagram of the closed-loop path controlled motor drive is shown in Fig. 4.11. The control object has the transfer function
Wo (s ) =
k c k ME k φ , s (Tμφs + 1) ⋅ TMTes 2 + TM s + 1
where Tμφ = Tc + Tφ. As the sequential correction principle states, to balance the object inertia the controller has to be described by the transfer function of the fourth order:
⎛ ⎞⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ Wrφ (s ) = k rφs ⎜⎜ 1 + + Tr 1s ⎟⎟⎜⎜1 + ⎝ Tr 2s ⎠⎝ Tr 3s ⎠ associated with the parameters:
k rφ =
TM , TrI = Te , Tr 2 = TM , Tr 3 = a2Tμφ a1Tμφ k c k ME k φ
To provide the nearest to the EO-setting, select a1 = 3 and a2 = 9. The tuning similar to the MOsetting is obtained by selection a1 = 2,25 and a2 = 6. SO-setting is possible when a1 = 2 and a2 = 4. Usually, the implementation and tuning of such a controller is sufficiently complex, thus a standard approach is to divide the system by some cascades, typically speed and current. Path and speed control. To achieve a good control response, the path control structure has an inner speed controller. The block diagram of the double-loop path controlled motor drive is shown in Fig. 4.12. In this cascading system, the inner loop controls the motor’s angular frequency whereas the outer loop controls the path that the load passes. The external position setpoint φ* is the reference variable used by the system. The error δ between the position setpoint φ* and position actual value φ is the input signal for the path controller which outputs the relevant setpoint speed for the motor. The speed setpoint and actual values are compared in the lower-level speed controller. The output signal from the speed controller is routed to the gate circuit to generate the control signals of the power converter control stages. Let the system has the MO-tuned speed loop
kf s
Wr φ
kc Tc s + 1
kME 2 TMTes + TM s + 1
1 s
kω Tωs + 1
Tφs + 1 Fig. 4.12
W (s ) =
1 , kω (2Tμωs + 1)
where Tμω = Tc + Tω or Tμω = 2TμI + Tω. The object of the path controller has the transfer function
Wo (s ) =
kφ , k ωs (2Tμφs + 1)
where Tμφ = 2Tμω + Tφ. To obtain the MO-setting of the path loop, the P-controller is used having a gain
Wrφ (s ) = k rφ =
kω 2Tμφkφ
To obtain the EO-setting of the path loop,
Wrφ (s ) = k rφ =
kω 4Tμφkφ
To obtain the SO-setting of the path loop, the PI-controller is used having the same gain and the time constant Trφ = 4Tμφ . In this case, an LPF has to be placed between the path and speed controllers:
Wf (s ) =
1 4Tμωs + 1
The choice of the path setting is defined by the application dynamic and static requirements. In the steady state, the use of the SO-tuned PI-controller leads to the transfer function of the open loop path system
Wopen (s ) =
4Tμωs + 1 8T s 2 (Tμφs + 1) 2 μφ
This setting gives a high quality of the step response without the settled path error. At the same time, integration always deteriorates drive dynamics by slowing the starting and raising the overshoot. Predictive control. Predictive control which uses a feedforward signal is an effective way to drop the settled error without excessive dynamic errors. The possible way to introduce the feedforward loop is shown by the dotted lines in the path control block diagram of Fig. 4.12.
165 Here, the feedforward controller with the transfer function of the differentiator kfs is connected across the path P-controller. The transfer function of the path-controlled drive is as follows:
kf s +1 k rφ W (s ) = k φ 2Tμφ2 s 2 + 2Tμφs + 1
As this equation implies, the feedforward loop may act differently on the drive static and dynamic responses. To estimate it, build the transfer function of the system path error:
Wδ (s ) =
2Tμφ2 s 2 + 2Tμφs −
kf k rφ
δ 1 = − W (s ) = φ * kφ k φ 2Tμφ2 s 2 + 2Tμφs + 1
When the system operates at the constant speed (s = 0), the settled speed error is equal to
δω =
ω kφ
⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 2Tμφ − k f ⎟ ⎜ k rφ ⎟⎠ ⎝
The system speed quality aspires to infinitive since
k f = 2Tμφk rφ =
kω kφ
Other values of kf lead to overbalancing or misbalancing. Since the feedforward is effective only within a certain range of input signals, this has neither to act on the system’s control response nor on its response to disturbances. Therefore, it is usually switched off from the control circuit during the starting and breaking operations. Summary. First, focus was on the steady-state characteristics of the converter-fed drives the speed-torque curve being one of the most important characteristics. Further, the basic control principles of tunings on a variety of the present-day drive systems are covered. A control strategy for closed-loop operation that yields superior drive performance is introduced. The sequential correction and cascading principles propose a way of the motor drives control. The single-loop and multi-loop structures are used in practice. Single-loop speed and path control require the controllers of the second and higher orders. This structure is simple enough and has the highest speed of response although its tuning is not suitable due to the number of interconnected factors. Double-loop speed-current and path-speed structures are the most preferable thanks to the independent controller settings. When high precision is required in the systems having a number of instable parameters, the multi-loop topologies are selected, such as path-speed-current or speed-torque-current systems.
5. Motor Drive Engineering “The fact that one body may act upon another at the distance… is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who was in philosophical matters any competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it” Isaac Newton
Electronic converters are fine actuators for motor drives; a main feature, apart from their reliability and practically unlimited output power is their excellent dynamic performance. Thanks to semiconductor technology advances during the last years, it is suitable to implement effective electronic converters with sufficient processing motor power. It concerns power switches, signal processors and controllers, integrated circuitry, and logic devices operating at low levels that can be directly connected to the gating circuits. Asynchronous, synchronous, and dc motor drives are distinguished depending on the motor type in the drive background: ac induction motor (asynchronous motor), ac synchronous motor, or dc motor. The ac asynchronous drive is by far the most widely used electromechanical system and well known today as the workhorse of industry. Traditionally, induction motor has been used in constant and variable-speed applications that do not cater for fast dynamic processes. Because of the recent development, this situation is changing rapidly. The underlying reason for this is the fact that the cage induction machine is much cheaper and more rugged than its competitors, the synchronous and dc motors. Their sophisticated closed-loop systems are the result of extensive research and development during the last decades. Synchronous drive is nevertheless the base of the most high performance applications whereas the dc drive is popular enough in old-fashion machines.
5.1. Electrical Motor Equations of a mechanical equilibrium. In accordance with the energy conservation law, all electromechanical processes involve the conversion of kinetic energy Wd into potential energy Ws and backwards saving the energy balance:
W = Wd + Ws = const The increase in kinetic energy is equal to the decrease in potential energy, and the sum of the two at any moment remains constant. The power balance can therefore be formulated as
P = Pd + Ps Here, P =
dW = sW . dt
A static power Ps = sWs describes the cumulative potential energy needed to overcome the counter-force of the mechanism, such as friction, cutting, gravity, elastic force, etc. The time derivation of the kinetic energy stock describes a dynamic power Pd = sWd. When rotating, Wd =
Jω2 ω2 , Pd = Jωsω + sJ 2 2
Here, J is the moment of inertia of the motor shaft loaded by the driven machine and ω is an angular frequency of the output shaft. The moment of inertia is expressed in kgm2. Sometimes, a flywheel torque GD2 = 4J is used instead. An angular frequency (speed) ω is calculated in rad/s. Often it is replaced by the rotational frequency n, measured by revolution per minute 60ω (rpm): n = . The angular frequency is bounded up with an angle φ of the shaft turn as 2π ω = sφ.
For the motion of translation, 2
v mv 2 , Pd = mvsv + sm , Wd = 2 2 where m is a moving mass, v is a linear velocity on the path ς: v = sς. By the law of energy conversation, the output power of a system cannot exceed the input power. A motoring torque is defined as the ratio of the power P to the angular frequency ω and a motoring force is the ratio of the power P to the linear velocity v. In symbols, M=
P P , F= v ω
From these ratios, the torques and forces equilibrium equations are as follows: M = Ms + Md = Ms + Jsω +
F = Fs + Fd = Fs + msv +
ω sJ 2
v sm 2
Here, Ms and Fs are a static load torque (counter-torque) and a static resistive force (counterforce), and Md and Fd are a dynamic torque and a dynamic force of the load. The torque equilibrium equation for J = const M = M s + Jsω
is called a basic equation of the electric drive mechanical equilibrium. The solution of this differential equation relative to the speed depends on the nature of the torque. Thus, to control an electric drive, the inputs are required to produce that change of the motor torque with time and load.
168 Motor performance. In the sketch of Fig. 5.1, a motor as the source of the motoring torque M and the force F has a couple of assemblies on the common axis: the stationary stator and revolving rotor. Being an electromechanical object, the motor consists of an inductor supplying the field and an armature inducing the current in the electrical conductors named windings. Depending on a design, the inductor may be placed on the stator or rotor and the same the armature is concerned. The inductor excites a stationary electromagnetic flux Φ,
which feeds the magnetic field having flux density B =
ψ , where A = ςr is a turn area that the A
flux crosses, ψ is an alternating flux linkage, the value of which depends on the turn position in the inductor field, ς is the conductor length, and r is the turn radius. In accordance with the Ampere law, each conductor supplied by the current and placed into the magnetic field is affected by a magnetomotive force (MMF) F. The sufficient turn of the motor winding is subjected to the electromagnetic torque
M12 = Fr = Bςlr sin θ = ψ × I
In this vector product, θ is a load angle between the flux and current vectors ψ, I, the latter being orthogonal to the turn plane. In any instant, ψ = LI, where L is the turn inductance therefore the electromagnetic torque of a machine can be expressed as the product of a fluxproducing current and a torque-producing current. For the torque to be produced, the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor must be stationary with respect to each other and the resulting magnetic field will have distortion or asymmetry. The mechanical torque on the motor shaft differs from the electromagnetic torque due to the friction and windage losses δM as follows: M = M12 – δM
When an alternating current supplies the turn, the load angle and the flux linkage change with time. To control the torque by adjusting the flux and current vectors amplitudes, their mutual orientation and angular speed are required to be known. Usually, a designer of a high performance drive first seeks the right load angle by rotation, either the rotor with the field speed or the field with the rotor frequency. The flux can be established either by a stationary dc excited field winding, or by permanent magnets.
r +
I ψ
θ S B
Fig. 5.1
169 In dc machines, the orientation of the flux and the armature MMF is fixed by the commutator, while in ac machines, the flux and the spatial angle of the torque require external control. Without such control, the angles between the various fields in ac machines change with the load and yield unwanted oscillating dynamic response. Since sin θ = 1 is achieved, the next aim is to fix the flux linkage ψ to simplify the motor control. Torque control can be achieved by varying the torque-producing current, and quick torque response is obtained if the current is changed quickly and the field flux is constant. In the drives where the load angle and the magnetic flux Φ become constant, the electromagnetic torque follows the current and Eq. (5.3) obtains a simplified view: M12 = ψI = kc ΦI,
where kc is called a motor construction factor. Firstly, it concerns a dc machine, where a dc voltage feeds the stator providing the constant flux whereas an ac current supplies the rotor developing the necessary torque. A vector of the dc motor flux is oriented along the pole axes, and the current vector is orthogonal thanks to the appropriate brushes disposition. In the synchronous motors, the dc voltage supplies the rotor whereas the stator is excited by ac current. A stationary flux vector is oriented along the pole axes. In the synchronous servomotors, a rotor-position encoder affecting an electronic current controlled inverter provides the right angle between the field and current vectors similarly to a dc motor. Unfortunately, there is no autonomous channel to stabilize the flux linkage of an induction motor, thus the specific control system is required to adjust the torque. To carry out the torque, speed, and path control in the motor drive, the electrical converters and electronic controllers provide the motor by energy and control signals, whereas to conform these quantities to the load parameters, different mechanical converters are connected to the motor shaft. Motor vector diagram. The diagram in Fig. 5.2 gives a vector interpretation of the motor processes in some time instant. Here, the rotational space vectors of a single phase have been U1
sΨ1 I1R1 E1
I1 θ
Ψ2σ Ψ2σ
θ I2
E2 Fig. 5.2
170 obtained as a geometric sum of phase vectors. Their amplitudes are 1,5 times greater than the phase values and the angles represent the time phase shifts. Any applied voltage U1 excites a stator current I1. Vector E1 of the stator EMF follows U1. The magnetization current given by orthogonal vector I12 serves as the source of the effective flux ψ12. Vector E2 of the rotor EMF is orthogonal to ψ12. The rotor current I2 follows E2. The stator and rotor flux linkages ψ1 and ψ2 differ from ψ12 by the leakage flows ψ1σ = L1σI1 and ψ2σ = L2σI2. Vector U1 represents a sum of three electrical components: voltage drop I1R1 in the stator ohmic resistance R1 due to the Joule power losses, the self-induction EMF sψ1 known also as the transformer EMF defined by the ψ1 derivation due to the voltage drop in the stator leakage reactance, and the rotational, or back EMF E1. The same concerns the rotor voltage vector in the machines having applied rotor voltage U2. In the steady state, the stator and rotor space vectors turn at the given angular frequencies. In the transients, their amplitudes and mutual placements change in time. The motor torque may be defined as a cross product (5.3) of the current and flux linkage vectors separated by a load angle θ: ψ12 and I2, ψ2 and I1, etc. Therefore, the torque depends on the amplitudes and phases of the three types of flows – stator flux linkage, rotor flux linkage, and effective flux linkage in the air gap – as well as the three types of the currents – stator current, rotor current, and magnetization current in the gap. In general, there are three main ways of the torque control by action on the flux, so the chosen vector can be either the stator flux linkage vector, rotor flux linkage vector or magnetizing flux linkage vector. Hence the terminology: stator-flux-, rotor-flux- and magnetizing-flux oriented control. To discuss the vector diagram, some terms and symbols are presented in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 Terms and symbols of vector diagrams Symbols
θ1, f1
Phase and frequency of the stator supply voltage
ω1 = sθ1 = 2πf1
Angular frequency of the stator field rotation relative to the stator, called also synchronous speed of the motor field
θ2, f2
Phase and frequency of the rotor EMF, rotor current vector, and slip of rotation
ω2 = sθ2 = 2πf2
Angular frequency of the rotor field rotation relative to the rotor
θ12, f12
Phase and frequency of the rotor EMF rotation relative to the stator voltage vector
ω12 = sθ12 = 2πf12
Angular frequency of the rotor field rotation relative to the stator
In accordance with the electromechanical laws, the rotor MMF is always fixed relative to the stator MMF, thus the following equation is true: ω1 = ω2 + ω12
ω1 =
E1 E , ω2 = 2 ψ1 ψ2
171 In the 2p-pole machines, the angular frequency of the stator field rotation called also a motor synchronous speed or an ideal no-load speed as well as the motor shaft angular displacement and the angular frequency measured relative to the stator are expressed as follows:
ω0 =
θ − θ2 ω − ω2 ω1 , φ= 1 ,ω = 1 p p p
In the induction machine, according to (5.3) and (5.7), the torque is a result of the interaction of the effective flux and an active component of the stator current. This component, called also a real current, generates the rotor EMF and, together with I2, participates in the torque burning. At the same time, a reactive component of the stator current called also an imaginary current establishes the effective flux linkage. Therefore, in the induction motor both of the current components are bounded together so that the alternation of one of them changes the other. Actually, the stator plays a role of an armature and an inductor at the same time. The necessity to have the reactive component is the reason of a higher current and heating as compared with other types of motors, especially in the low speed band. The important feature of the induction machine is a slip obtained from (5.6) and (5.8) as follows:
f2 ω0 − ω ω2 = = f1 ω0 ω1
As the slip is the relative difference of the stator and rotor angular frequencies, ω2 is called also the angular slip frequency that defines the angular speed of the rotor flux in the stator coordinates as (5.7) implies. In the synchronous machines the rotor is excited by dc, therefore ω2 = 0 and ω1 = ω12. In the dc machines the stator is excited by dc, thus ω1 = 0 and ω2 = ω12. Summary. Electrical motors are effective energy-saving machines that support the improved process control and reduced mechanical stresses. Unfortunately, most of the modern controlled drives have high acoustic noise, require motor derating, and produce supply harmonics. That is why proper motor selection is required according to the application needs. The order and priority of such requirements may vary from one application to another and from one industry to another.
By the law of energy conversation, the output power of a system cannot exceed the input power. The motoring torque and the speed are defined by the power as well as the drive inertia and acceleration properties. In turn, the motoring torque is produced thanks to the flux and current interrelation. The equation of the drive mechanical equilibrium is the basis of the proper calculation system. The vector diagram of a motor helps to understand its performance in a steady mode clearly.
5.2. Scalar Control of the Induction Motor Control methods. The preceding analysis suggests several methods of induction motor control. It is clear from (5.8) that to adjust the speed, the supply frequency must be changed. At the same time, the Eq. (5.7) indicates that along with the frequency fall, the flux rises and according to the vector diagram, the magnetizing current increases as well, causing additional heating of the motor. Therefore, the current, slip, or EMF, should be changed along with the frequency. The frequency control, slip control, mutual current/frequency, voltage/frequency, and
ω* U1*
Voltagecontrolled converter
Fig. 5.3
flux/frequency controls are called scalar controls because they use the rms motor description to distinguish them from vector controls, which are built on the dynamic motor model. Voltage-frequency control. Voltage-frequency control (VFC) is an effective method, which is commonly used today to control the speed of induction motor drives having inferior dynamic quality.
According to (5.7), the simplest way to control the speed of the induction motor is to change its EMF. Replace E1 by U1 as a simple approximation and obtain VFC as the need to adjust U1 in almost direct proportion to the frequency ω1 = 2πf1. A variable dc voltage can be readily
U1* ω* f1*
M Fig. 5.4
173 obtained by using a direct ac/ac converter or a controlled rectifier with an inverter, which operates in six-step mode giving the fixed motor voltage waveform at all speeds. In any case, as the frequency is changed, the voltage amplitude can be modified proportionally, as Fig. 5.3, a, shows. The other approach is to apply the dc link ac/ac converter with PWM. Based on this assumption, the circuit diagram in Fig. 5.3, b, was designed. Among the two control “handles”, frequency and voltage, frequency control is by far the most critical, as small variations in frequency produce large changes of slip frequency and, hence, significant changes in current and torque. Usually, the large dc link capacitor prevents the amplitude of the ac voltage from being increased as rapidly as the frequency, which is developed with practically no delay by simply feeding triggering pulses to the inverter switches. Hence, it is customary to slave the frequency to the dc link voltage to prevent the motor from ever receiving an appropriate value of the voltage-to-frequency ratio. The standard way is to place the front-end limiter (particularly a first-order filter) shown in Fig. 5.3, b, which restricts the frequency change to a value which the motor can respond without drawing an excessive current or without regenerating. If the frequency is increased above the rated value, more voltage would normally be needed to maintain a maximum flux. This is not usually possible, so less torque is available at high speeds. This technique is called a torque reduction above base speed. Mains
Battery pack –
U1* ω* f1*
M Fig. 5.5
174 The dc link ac/ac converter with an active rectifier displayed by the schematic in Fig. 1.24 provides a four-quadrant operation by transfer energy in either direction, depending on the switching sequence. Figure 5.4 shows the circuit diagram of the appropriate application where the rectifier side controls the dc link, and the inverter side controls the induction machine. The reversal of both speed and power is possible with this topology. At the rectifier side, the power factor can be controlled, and even with an inductive load such as an induction machine, the source can “see’’ the load, as capacitive or resistive. Changing the frequency of the inverter controls the machine speed, and the torque is controlled through the stator currents and torque angle. The inverter will become a rectifier during regenerative braking, which is possible by making slip negative in the induction machine. A variation of the drive in Fig. 5.4 is found in electric traction applications. Battery-powered vehicles use the inverter as a rectifier during regenerative braking, and sometimes the inverter is also used as a battery charger. In this case, the rectifier can be fed by a single-phase or by a three-phase system. Figure 5.5 shows a battery-powered electric bus drive built on the basis of the standard three-phase bridge VSI proposed in Fig. 1.9. This system uses the power inverter of the traction motor as a rectifier for two purposes: regenerative braking and a battery charger fed by a three-phase power source. The closed-loop control helps to fix the motor speed using the proportional (P) or proportionalintegral (PI) speed controller shown in Fig. 5.6, a. Here, ω* = ω0 being the required speed and ω2 = (ω0 – ω)p is the slip frequency. The sum of the slip frequency and the rotor field frequency ωp gives the reference stator field frequency ω1*. To obtain more accurate EMF control, E1 is calculated by sensing the current and subtracting I1R1 from the voltage reference (Fig. 5.6, b). This method is called sometimes as IR compensation. In practice, the stator flux linkage is stabilized this way according to (5.7),
ψ1 =
E1 = const ω1
Therefore, such approach is referred to as the control based on the fixed stator flux. Actually, the calculation is more complicated because R1 is not constant. At low speed, however, when the input voltage is low, most of the input voltage may drop across the stator impedance, leading to a reduction in a flux and loss of torque. Compensation of both the stator resistance drop and the magnetization reluctance is employed also by the effective flux stabilization: ψ12 = const. This approach is known as boost compensation or boosting because the additional voltage enters the system at low speeds and in the starting position. Thanks to the boosting unit shown by dotted lines in Fig. 5.6, b, the voltage reference has a zero-frequency bias starting from some additional non-zero value. If the motor becomes lightly loaded at low speed, the flux may exceed the rated value, causing motor to overheat. On the other hand, a mechanical overload may quickly increase the slip frequency and hence the motor current. This overload must be detected quickly and the inverter frequency reduced accordingly, so that the slip frequency and the current are kept low enough. An overload condition is most easily sensed by monitoring the dc link current. Similarly, an overhauling load will reverse the motor torque and cause regeneration and a rise of dc link voltage if the regenerated power exceeds the losses in the inverter. If there is no provision to accept this power, the motor frequency must be increased to prevent excessive regeneration. Thus, both the link current and voltage contribute to any control scheme as essential variables.
f1* ω*
ω2 ω – controller
ω1* +
Voltagecontrolled converter
U1 I1
p ω
a. U1
f1* ω*
ω2 ω – controller
ω1* +
– p
Voltagecontrolled converter
f1 U1 I1
b. U1* ω*
ω controller –
ω1* +
f1* +
Voltagecontrolled converter
U1 I1
c. Fig. 5.6
Slip compensation yields further dynamics improvement. This method is adopted in high performance induction motor drives where speed regulation is of concern. Better adjustment is obtained here by changing the frequency as a function of dc link current (i.e. load), thereby controlling the slip frequency while keeping the rotor speed roughly constant. Also, the slip frequency may be controlled directly by a speed transducer fitted to the motor shaft. The inverter frequency can then be generated by the digital addition of the shaft speed pulses and slip frequency pulses (Fig. 5.6, c). Mathematically, it means the rotor flux stabilizing:
ψ2 =
E2 E ψ = 1 = 1 = const ω2 Sω1 S
Slip compensation has no effect on sensorless operation as compensation is inherent. Moreover, slip is based on a positive feedback effect (increasing load increases output frequency), and too much compensation may cause slight instability.
176 Current-frequency control. Induction motor converts the electrical power P1 (without a small loss of the stator circuit) of the supply source into the electromagnetic power:
P12 =
3I22R2 S
A part of P12 dissipates in the rotor; then the rest of power serves as the output power on the motor shaft:
P = P1 − P12S The electromagnetic power (5.10) on the synchronous speed burns an electromagnetic torque:
M12 =
P12 3I22R2 3I22R2 p = = ω0 ω0S ω2
Adjusting the induction motor speed by changing the supply frequency along with the current control is called a current-frequency control (CFC). Unlike VFC, this approach requires the implementation of CSI instead of VSC. CSI is less sensitive to the parameter instability devices, +
L1 M
L2 VT4
L3 VT6
– I*L1
I*L2 I*L3
– IL1 – IL2 – IL3 a. I
θ1 b. Fig. 5.7
I2* ω* –
ω controller
I1* I – controller ω1*
Currentcontrolled converter
p ω
Fig. 5.8
however, their bulky inductor is of high weight and low speed of response. Therefore, these inverters are designed often by introducing the current feedback into the traditional dc link VSI. If I2 ≈ I1 and following (5.8) and (5.11), Fig. 5.7, a, displays the way to adjust the induction motor speed with CFC. In the circuit diagram based on the typical three-phase inverter the sinusoidal control signals set the phase currents I*L1, I*L2, and I*L3 having the required frequency. They are compared with the actual currents IL1, IL2, and IL3 measured by the current sensors. The signals of their differences pass to the hysteresis controllers, the outputs of which may obtain only two logical states: 1 or 0. The active state 1 switches the corresponding transistor on, whereas the passive state 0 switches off another transistor of the same leg. While the upper transistor of a leg is switched off, the phase current falls. Since the current riches the minimum possible level, the hysteresis controller changes its state and switches on the upper transistor while the lower transistor of the same leg switches off. As a result, the phase current starts to grow. Since the current riches up the maximum possible level, the hysteresis controller changes the state again and switches off the top transistor while the bottom transistor of the same leg switches on, causing the phase current to decrease. Using this sliding control mode, the cycle repeats and the phase current follows the reference signal with a delay dependent on the hysteresis width, as Fig. 5.7, b shows. Whereas the three controllers perform independently, the transition of each leg affects both of the other phases. This causes unnecessary switching combinations and, as a result, oscillations in the load as well as low-order harmonics. To arrange more careful torque control, non-linear chains are usually introduced into the CFC circuits, which compensate the quadratic relation (5.11) of the current and frequency. The use of these functional converters leads to fixing one of the three flux linkages similarly to VFC: ψ1, ψ12, or ψ2. Figure 5.8 demonstrates a commonly used CFC circuit having the closed loop with the dc link current feedback and current controller as well as the functional converter to produce the current reference proportional to the slip frequency. Summary. Squirrel-cage induction motors are simpler in structure than other motors and are most commonly used in industry. Being robust and reliable, they require little maintenance and are available at very competitive prices. They can be designed with totally enclosed motors to operate in dirty and explosive environments. Their initial cost is substantially low and their efficiency is comparable. All of these features make them attractive for use in industrial drives.
178 Today, voltage-frequency control is commonly used to adjust the speed of induction motor drives having inferior dynamic quality. Changing the frequency of the inverter controls the machine speed, and the torque is controlled through the stator voltage with the frequency. Often, the closed-loop control helps to fix the motor speed using a P or a PI speed controller. The controls based on the fixed stator, effective, or rotor fluxes lead to the speed range enlarging and the operation stability at very low speeds. Current-frequency control is less sensitive to the parameter change of the drive devices. Unlike voltage-frequency control, this approach requires current-source inverters to be implemented instead of voltage-source systems. However, their bulky inductor is of high weight and low speed of response. Therefore, these inverters are designed by introducing the current feedback into the traditional dc link converters.
5.3. Vector Control of Induction Motor Park transformations. The foregoing scalar control methods represent a possible control technique, but have a limited and inaccurate speed range, especially at low speeds. Such drives suffer from a poor torque response during transient operations because of timedependent interactions between the stator and the rotor fluxes, which do not remain constant at torque and speed transitions. They are only suitable for adjustable-speed applications in which the load speed or position is not controlled precisely. High-performance drives use a more detailed motor model.
The model of an electrical motor is nonlinear and time-variant. To build the model of any rotational MMF and flux, the orthogonal reference frames have been introduced by R. H. Park, which interprete any multiphase multi-pole system as an equivalent two-phase bipolar machine. An elementary Park machine has two identical stator coils placed such that their axes are displaced by 90° degrees, and two rotor coils placed in the similar way. The air gap between the stator and the rotor is assumed to be constant and independent of the rotor position. In the windings diagram shown in Fig. 5.9, two orthogonal winding systems, w1 and w2, are represented. The stator windings are placed along the axes of an α,β orthogonal frame and d,q is the orthogonal frame for the rotor windings. Usually, the stator frame is fixed whereas the rotor frame as well as any other arbitrary frame of references x,y rotate in a space with some angular frequency. The counter-clockwise rotation is considered as positive and clockwise rotation as negative. Some symbols of the Park notation are given in Table 5.2. Table 5.2 Park notation Symbols
L1, L2, L3
Natural stator supply phase coordinate system of a 3-phase machine
2L1, 2L2, 2L3
Natural rotor supply phase coordinate system of a 3-phase machine
Stationary orthogonal frame of the machine stator in the Park coordinates
Rotational orthogonal frame of the machine rotor in the Park coordinates
Arbitrary orthogonal frame of the machine in the Park plane
Angular frequency of the arbitrary coordinates rotation
179 β
w1β d w2d
θ12 θ2
Fig. 5.9
Different coordinates of the Park model may be converted from one to the other using the geometrical formulae. Particularly, to switch from the balanced three-phase system of currents having amplitudes IL1, IL2 , IL3 IL1 + IL2 + IL3 = 0 to the orthogonal α,β coordinates, the following equation share is given:
2⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎜ IL1 − (IL 2 + IL3 )⎟ 3⎝ 2 ⎠ 1 (IL2 − IL3 ) I1β = 3
I1α =
In the cases the orthogonal α,β frame needs to be converted into the orthogonal d,q frame, another equation system is used:
I2d =
2⎛ 2π ⎞ 2π ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎜⎜ I2L1 cos θ2 + I2L 2 cos⎜ θ2 − ⎟ + I2L 3 cos⎜ θ2 + ⎟⎟ 3⎝ 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎝
2⎛ 2π ⎞ 2π ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ I2q = − ⎜⎜ I2L1 sin θ2 + I2L 2 sin⎜ θ2 − ⎟ + I2L 3 sin⎜ θ2 + ⎟⎟ 3⎝ 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎝ The reverse conversion formulae are as follows:
IL1 = I1α
( (
1 I1α − 3I1β 2 1 = − I1α + 3I1β 2
IL 2 = − IL 3
) )
I2L1 = I2d cos θ2 − I2q sin θ2 2π ⎞ 2π ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ I2L 2 = I2d cos⎜ θ2 − ⎟ ⎟ − I2q sin⎜ θ2 − 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 2π ⎞ 2π ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ I2L 3 = I2d cos⎜ θ2 + ⎟ − I2q sin⎜ θ2 + ⎟ 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ The mutual transformation formulae:
I2d = I1α cos θ12 + I1β sin θ12 I2q = −I1α sin θ12 + I1β cos θ12 I1α = I2d cos θ12 − I2q sin θ12 I1β = I2d sin θ12 + I2q cos θ12 The same concerns the mutual relationship of x,y and α,β:
I1x = I1α cos θ1 + I1β sin θ1 I1y = −I1α sin θ1 + I1β cos θ1 I1α = I1x cos θ1 − I1y sin θ1 I1β = I1x sin θ1 + I1y cos θ1
The amplitude transformations of voltages and flux linkages are similar to those of the current formulae, for example:
U1α = UL1 −
1 (UL2 + UL3 ) 2
3 (UL2 − UL3 ) U1β = 2
Motor dynamic model. Now combine the vector and winding motor models into the system of amplitude equations in the x,y coordinates freely rotated with some speed ωk. To begin with, depict the electrical equilibrium of the stator and rotor windings by Kirhchoff’s equations:
U1x = R1I1x + sψ1x − ωk ψ1y U1y = R1I1y + sψ1y + ωk ψ1x
U2 x = R2I2 x + sψ2 x − (ωk − ω1 + ω2 ) ⋅ ψ2 y
U2 y = R2I2 y + sψ2 y + (ωk − ω1 + ω2 ) ⋅ ψ2 x In the orthogonal coordinate frame,
U1 = U12x + U12y U2 = U22x + U22y
I1 = I + I 2 1x
2 1y
I2 = i 22x + I22y The phase winding resistances R1 and R2 are symmetrically spread along the rotor circle. The following equations unify the motor flows, inductances, and currents:
ψ1x = L1I1x + L12I2 x ψ1y = L1I1y + L12I2 y ψ2 x = L2I2 x + L12I1x
ψ2 y = L2I2 y + L12I1y Here, L1 and L2 are the stator and rotor inductances, and L12 is their mutual inductance. Thanks to the orthogonal orientation of the exes, the flux linkages may be obtained from their projections:
ψ1 = ψ12x + ψ12y ψ2 = ψ + ψ 2 2x
2 2y
In the motors, inductances are defined by the magnetic conductivity and the number of turns. Introducing electromagnetic link factors and a leakage factor
k1 =
L12 L1
k2 =
L12 L2
σ = 1−
L212 = 1 − k1k 2 L1L2
gives the reverse expressions of the currents through the flux linkages:
1 ⎛ ψ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ψ1x − 2 x ⎟⎟ σL1 ⎝ k2 ⎠ ψ ⎞ 1 ⎛ ⎜⎜ ψ1y − 2 y ⎟⎟ I1y = σL1 ⎝ k2 ⎠ I1x =
⎛ ψ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ψ2 x − 1x ⎟⎟ k1 ⎠ ⎝ ψ ⎞ 1 ⎛ ⎜⎜ ψ2 y − 1y ⎟⎟ = σL2 ⎝ k1 ⎠
I2 x = I2 y
1 σL2
Independent of the coordinates system, the motor electromagnetic torque may by found on the basis of (5.3). Particularly in x,y coordinates, some possible torque expressions via current and flux amplitudes are as follows:
3 pL12 (I1y I2 x − I1xI2 y ) 2 3 k M12 = p 1 (ψ1y ψ2 x − ψ1xψ2 y ) 2 σL2 M12 =
3 M12 = p(ψ1xI1y − ψ1y I1x ) 2 3 M12 = p(ψ2 y I2 x − ψ2 x I2 y ) 2 The torque value obtained from these equations is expressed through the mechanical torque using (5.4) as well as through the moment of inertia and the load torque using (5.1). Field-oriented control. Field-oriented control (FOC) known also as a vector control became the industry standard for high dynamic asynchronous drives the performance of which is close to that of dc motor drives. It was one of the most important innovations in ac motor drives which opened the door for the researchers aiming for ever enhanced control performance. For this, the controller needs to know the rotor speed or the air gap flux vector accurately, using sensors. The latter method is not practical because of the requirement of attaching flux sensors.
To decouple the torque and field excitation, use the motor dynamic model (5.19) of the amplitudes of currents, voltages, and flows, in which some arbitrary reference frame x,y rotates at the field angular frequency ωk = ω1:
U1x = R1I1x + sψ1x − ω1ψ1y
U1y = R1I1y + sψ1y + ω1ψ1x
To arrange the control which aligns the stator current orthogonally to the rotor flux at all times, superpose the axis x with ψ2 and calculate an angle θ1 of the orthogonal set α,β with respect to x,y. Figure 5.10, a, shows this transformation. As the orthogonal set of reference rotates at ω1, its angular position at any instant is given by
β U1
β ω1
I1R1 I1
I1y I1R1
I1x Ψ2
b. Fig. 5.10
|Ψ2*| |Ψ2| ω* –
ψ2 controller
ω controller
δψ2 ≡ I1x* – ω2 ≡ I1y* –
I1x controller
I1y controller
IL1* x,y to L1,L2,L3 transformer
+ I1y U1x U1y
Currentcontrolled converter
θ1 IL1,UL1
I1x Motor model
L1,L2,L3 to x,y transformer
ω12 p M Fig. 5.11 t
θ1 =
ω1 = ω1dt s ∫0
The appropriate circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 5.11. Here, the Park transformer converts the motor currents IL1...IL3 and voltages UL1...UL3 obtained by sensors from L1,L2,L3 coordinate frame to α,β frame using (5.14), (5.18) and then to x,y frame using (5.16). Further, in the motor model unit the ψ2 modulus is calculated using (5.27), (5.26), (5.14), and (5.22):
ψ1x =
1 (U1y − R1I1y − sψ1y ) ω1
ψ1y = −
1 (U1x − R1I1x − sψ1x ) ω1
ψ2 x = k2 (ψ1x − σL1I1x )
ψ2 y = k2 (ψ1y − σL1I1y )
ψ2 = ψ22 x + ψ22 y Here, the rotor flux is calculated from the stator flux as long as the currents and voltages are available. The output amplitude value |ψ2| is compared with the required flux |ψ2*| and supplies the flux controller. Thus, the closed-loop system fixes the rotor flux. Now the flux vector is superposed with the x axis, the load angle θ = 90°, ψ2y = 0, and ψ2x = ψ2max = const (Fig. 5.10, b). With reference to (5.25), (5.23), and (5.21) obtain:
M12 = −
3 3 pψ2 xI2 y = pk2ψ2 xI1y 2 2
Ud IL1* – IL2* – IL3* –
IL1 controller
IL2 controller
IL3 controller
M Fig. 5.12
Here, the resulting ac motor torque is proportional to the current at the constant flux that is quite similar to a dc motor (5.5). Further, the fixed flux generates the commanded imaginary component of the stator current I1x*. After the scaling by the current controller, the signal enters the reverse Park transformer. Another reference signal ω* is compared with the actual motor angular frequency ω supplying the speed controller, which generates the slip angular frequency and appropriate real component of the stator current I1y*. After the scaling by the current controller, the signal also enters the reverse Park transformer. Usually, the PI-controllers are used in the flux and torque control loops. The reverse Park transformer converts the amplitudes of the reference currents I1x*, I1y* from the x,y coordinate frame to the α,β frame using (5.17), and then to L1,L2,L3 frame using (5.15). The resulting reference currents IL1*, IL2*, IL3* specify the frequency and the amplitude of the ac/ac converter output voltage. Here, the CSI or the current controlled VSI may be used. The CSI are intended for such electrical equipment that needs the control of the current value, particularly in controlled-torque drives. As compared to the VSI, they are not so popular because of the large input inductor and the requirement in a resistive-capacitive load. Switching frequency of CSI is lower, so the load current waveform is distorted, leading to larger derating of the load motor to avoid overheating. Therefore, instead of CSI in electric drives, the VSI inverters are used as a current source using an appropriate current feedback arrangement. An example is shown in Fig. 5.12. In this circuit diagram, the VSI of the standard dc link ac/ac converter supplies the motor by the ac power. The currents IL1, IL2, IL3 measured by the current sensors in the motor phases and the reference currents IL1*, IL2*, IL3* are compared and their errors enter the personal current controllers
185 (usually the PI controllers) that control the gate circuits of the inverter. In this way, the motor currents are controlled in accordance with the reference currents. During the last decades a variety of sensorless control systems have been investigated. Reports indicate that their speed regulation requirements are modest (1...2 % or more) and costly tachometers and associated hardware are not required. Some of these are successfully used in industry as a general-purpose drives. In the drives where the tachometers are omitted, the motor model unit calculates the angular frequency in addition to the flux linkages:
θ2 = arctan
ψ2 x ψ2 y
ω2 = sθ2 ω=
ω1 − ω2 p
In low-speed operation or standstill, however, the limitations of speed and position measurement occur. Due to the drive system nonlinearity and difficulties in proper parameter identification, linear control theory is not always helpful. Besides, the drive dynamics usually changes with the operating point and some parameters change in a wide range, depending on the system operation mode. For electric drives this problem arises especially when the rotor inertia changes significantly during operation. At the same time, the FOC performance, design, and implementation depend strongly on the accuracy of the motor parameter estimation as well as on the load, frequency, temperature variations, etc. Apart from the systems aligned the stator current orthogonal to the rotor flux, the similar circuits are used where the stator flux and the effective flux are fixed. Their methods of operation are similar although the motor model has another topology. Direct torque control. In the mid 1980s, when many researchers worked on the FOC, Dependrock, Takahashi, and Noguchi announced a direct torque control (DTC) method. Unlike the FOC, which includes the stator current control method, DTC is a hysteresis control working directly with stator flux and torque without having the need for inner loops with current controllers and PWM. In this technique, the inverter switchs are directly adjusted using a qualitative behavior rule set in order to control the stator flux and torque.
In order to realize the DTC, flux and torque estimations have to be provided by a motor model, quite similar to FOC. The task of the model is to find the flux using available measured signals such as currents and voltages. Since the flux can be calculated, also a motor torque and speed can be computed. Additionally, a voltage switching unit is added into the DTC system, which implements SVM instead of PWM block in DTC. The important point of SVM is the proper selection of the stator voltage vector in order to maintain flux and torque within the limits of two hysteresis bands. For this purpose, the control system should be able to generate any voltage vector, which implies the use of SVM The DTC scheme is given in Fig. 5.13. Here, the Park transformer converts the motor currents IL1, IL2, IL3 and voltages UL1, UL2, UL3 obtained by sensors from the natural coordinate frame
186 L1,L2,L3 to the immovable orthogonal α,β frame using (5.14) and (5.18). The standard induction machine equivalent model (5.19)…(5.22) can be used in the motor model unit to calculate machine variables on the basis of the space vectors in the stationary α,β frame (ωk = 0):
U1α = R1I1α + sψ1α U1β = R1I1β + sψ1β
ψ1α = L1I1α + L12I2α ψ1β = L1I1β + L12I2β Having these equations, the motor model unit performs online computing: t
ψ1α = ∫ (U1α − R1I1α ) dt, ψ1β = ∫ (U1β − R1I1β ) dt 0
ψ1 = ψ + ψ 2 1α
2 1β
3 p(ψ1αI1β − ψ1βI1α ) 2 1 (ψ1α − L1I1α ), ψ2β = 1 (ψ1β − L1I1β ) = L12 L12
M12 = ψ2 α
θ1 = arctan ω1 =
θ1α θ , θ2 = arctan 2α θ1β θ 2β
dθ1 dθ ω − ω2 , ω2 = 2 , ω = 1 dt dt p
Then, the stator flux error enters the flux hysteresis comparator. The output of the flux comparator may obtain two values: 1 or 0. If the flux linkage ψ12 is less than the reference flux
u* Voltageswitching unit
– ω* –
ω controller
Voltagecontrolled converter
θ1 IL1,UL1
|Ψ1| ω
Motor model
I1β U1α U1β
L1,L2,L3 to α,β transformer
M Fig. 5.13
187 linkage ψ12*, the flux has to be stepped up that corresponds to the comparator output 1. If the flux linkage ψ12 exceeds the reference flux ψ12*, the flux that corresponds to the comparator output 0 has to be stepped down. The speed controller, usually of PI type, generates the slip frequency proportional to the electromagnetic torque. The electromagnetic torque error enters the torque hysteresis comparator. The output of the torque comparator may obtain three values: 1, –1, or 0. Value 1 requires stepping up the frequency, value –1 steps down the frequency, and 0 never changes. The objective of the switching unit is to approximate the line-modulated signal space with the eight space vectors (see Fig. 4.32) available in VSI. Although there is no systematic approach to generate the SVM sequences, this module has to provide high drive performance in terms of minimizing unwanted harmonics and reducing the switching frequency. For this purpose, the switching unit, as the SVM modulator implies, has two integer entries: the reference voltage signal and the reference frequency signal. The first digit changes the time duration of the zero space vectors in the full modulation period, which decreases if u* = 1 and increases in the case of u* = 0. The second digit defines the number of carrier periods in each modulation period of the generated voltage. It decreases if f* = 1, increases in the case of f* = – 1, and keeps the state if f* = 0. The additional ω1 input indicates the sector of the current space vector. This scheme produces a fast torque response while keeping the stator flux and torque as decoupled as possible as well as lower parameter dependency and complexity compared with FOC. However, the DTC control technique has the inherent drawback of variable switching frequency and higher torque ripple. Additionally, during start-up or when the stator flux reference changes the stator, the current grows rapidly. Moreover, a high sampling frequency is needed for digital implementation of hysteresis controllers. Since then it has been continuously worked by researchers to overcome these disadvantages. Summary. The first conclusion that may be drawn from this unit is that vector control is not feasible although induction motors become more and more popular in applications requiring fast and precise control of torque, speed, and shaft position. The vector control methods are used in this type of application; a transient response at least equivalent to that of a commutator motor can be achieved. At present, the new control strategies are implemented in digital systems, and therefore digital modulation techniques are growing.
Implementation of Park transformations into the drive system leads to the field-oriented control, which has become the industry standard for high dynamic asynchronous drives. Here, both the current-source inverters and the current controlled voltage-source inverters are in use, while the novel sensorless technologies are favored. For the sensorless vector operation to be possible, the system must monitor the output voltage and current accurately, know the motor parameters and the control history, and be able to calculate very rapidly. Nevertheless, at low speeds it is very difficult to predict the motor performance without sensors. Unlike the field-oriented control, which includes the stator current control technique, direct torque control is a hysteresis technique working directly with the stator flux and torque without having the need for inner loops with current controllers and PWM. Here, the inverter bridge
188 switch connections are directly selected using a qualitative behavior rule set in order to adjust the stator flux and torque, thus producing the fastest torque response.
5.4. Synchronous Servo Drives Synchronous motor. If the induction motor were to rotate at the synchronous speed by an external means, the frequency and magnitude of the rotor currents would become zero. If an external dc power supply were connected to the rotor winding, then the rotor would become polarized in a similar way to a permanent magnet.
Synchronous motors are the machines, in which the stator rotating field and the rotor rotating field run synchronously with the angular frequency ω = ω0 or ω1 = ω12, as Eq. (5.6) implies. A rotating field is generated by the spatial arrangement of the stator coils and the chronological sequence of the supply current. The magnetic flux produced by the rotor winding intersects the stator windings and generates a back EMF, which makes the synchronous motor significantly different from the induction motor. Because of the motor loading, a lag of the rotor rotating field in relation to the stator rotating field is produced. The poles of the rotor lag to those of the stator rotating field by a certain angle, the rotor displacement angle θ12. In Fig. 5.14, a, the vector diagram of the synchronous motor is represented, in which the x,y coordinate frame is superposed with the rotor d,q frame and ψ2 = ψ12 = const. The motor may develop the back EMF that is smaller or larger than the voltage applied to the stator windings. Accordingly, the motor may be under- or overexcited, respectively. The overexcited machine will normally operate at a leading power factor. This is desirable in high-power applications.
ω1= ω12 I1R1
Mmax I1
d Ψ12 θ
a. q
β ω1= ω12 b.
I1 sΨ1
I1R1 E1
d Ψ12
U1 θ θ12 c.
α Fig. 5.14
189 Therefore, for high-power applications synchronous motors are preferred because of their ability to adjust reactive power flow through appropriate control of excitation. In this sphere, the motors tend to have wider speed range and higher efficiency. However, they are generally more expensive than induction motors. In the vector diagram, the stator current as usual may be resolved into two components, Id and Iq, responsible for developing MMFs along the rotor d and q axes. In the stator reference frame α,β these representations are the sinusoidal quantities of the stator frequency. If the voltage drop across the stator resistance is neglected, the developed torque of the motor can be found from the vector diagram as
M12 =
3 pψ1U1 sin θ ≈ 3 pI1d ψ12 sin θ ω1L1
The equation (5.31) indicates that if the motor is driven from the voltage source supply and the input voltage-to-frequency ratio is kept constant, the motor will develop the same maximum torque at all speeds. The greater the load angle, the more the torque in (5.3) and (5.13) increases, as shown in the angle diagram of Fig. 5.14, b. The stator pole leading the rotor pole “pulls” the rotor and the lagging stator pole “pushes” it, producing the described effect. When θ reaches 90˚ electrical, i.e. the poles of the rotor lie precisely between two stator poles, the force acting on the rotor reaches its maximum, and the stator current will in phase with the back EMF, as Fig. 5.14, c shows. The amplitude of the stator current now fully determines the torque. The maximum torque that the motor can develop diminishes at low speed because of the voltage drop across the stator resistance. This drop can be avoided by boosting the input voltage similar to the IR compensation applied in the induction motor drive. If the load angle θ is further increased, i.e. the motor is overloaded, the torque falls again, and the motor is in an unstable operating position, thus it can stall and come to a standstill. At the same time, if the motor is driven from the current source supply, the motor will develop the same maximum torque at all speeds also. A current-source-driven synchronous motor drive built in accordance with (5.31) generally gives higher dynamic response and better reliability because of the automatic current-limiting feature. Current-controlled architecture may be represented by cycloconverters, matrix converters, or the standard dc link ac/ac converters. To regulate phase currents in the last case, the motor currents are to be sensed and used by independent current controllers, which are sufficient for a balanced motor control, as discussed above in Fig. 5.12. Three-phase sinusoidal ac currents supply the motor, the amplitude and phase angle of which can be independently adjusted as required. Servomotor. The stator supply of the servomotor is similar to that of the induction machine, therefore the uniform power converters are designed often for both kinds of ac motors. The main difference is the method of θ1 defining the control system. To control the induction motor, this angle is calculated as an integral of ω1, which is determined by the supply and actual motor frequencies whereas θ1 of the servomotor requires direct measurement. Unlike the usual synchronous motors, the permanent magnet synchronous servomotors have numerous advantages, like the best efficiency and compact construction due to the use of rare-earth magnetic system. They are widely used in high performance variable-speed closed-loop drive systems called servo drives.
θ1 θ1
UL3* VT1
θ1 Fig. 5.15
To be able to drive a synchronous motor with a maximum possible torque, it is required to ensure that the load angle θ is near 90˚ electrical. This means that the stator field must always lead by 90˚ when the drive is motoring and lag by 90˚ when it is regenerating. The task of the motor control in a servo drive is to calculate the position of the current vector of the motor rotated by a given torque. For this purpose the rotor position encoder is used, which senses the rotor displacement angle. Then, the control system adds 90˚ to or subtracts 90˚ from the value of the position angle, according to the direction of rotation and the direction of torque and the associated currents are calculated. The encoder is fitted on the motor shaft in such a way that the starting lag angle between the stator and the rotor MMFs is 120˚ and the ending lag angle is 60˚. To “rotate” the stator field by assigning its magnitude and direction, the corresponding position of the stator rotating field has to be determined for each rotor position. For this purpose, the rotor position encoder generates the signals Ue1, Ue2, Ue3. These simple square signals arrange a three-phase system of rectangle pulses having a period 2π and duration of half a period, as the timing diagram in Fig. 5.15 shows. The sequence order of these pulses depends on the required rotational direction. To determine the rotation angle precisely, a “home” pulse provides zero crossing used as a reference point. Further, continuously measured rotor position θ is used as the feedback signal that comes into the current reference unit shown in the servo drive circuit diagram in Fig. 5.16. This module produces three rectangle current references of the per-unit amplitudes and spreads them among the inverter switches. The switching algorithm may be different, for example the traditional six-step scheme is popular, in which case the transition occurs every 60° of the shaft turn. One possible logical equation share suitable for the look-up table implementation is as follows (Fig. 5.15): +IL1* = Ue1 and not Ue2 +IL2* = Ue2 and not Ue3 +IL3* = Ue3 and not Ue1
IL1* ω* –
ω controller
Current reference unit
Ue1 Ue2
IL2* IL3*
Currentcontrolled converter
Fig. 5.16
-IL1* = Ue2 and not Ue1 -IL2* = Ue3 and not Ue2 -IL3* = Ue1 and not Ue3 At that, the torque rises from θ = 60° to θ = 90° and then drops up to θ = 120°. Then, the switching occurs and the process repeats. As a result, the average load angle is
2π π + 3 3 =π θ= 2 2 and the average torque value on the angle diagram of Fig. 5.14, b is given by
π 3
2π 3
sin θdθ =
3 Mmax π
The torque and the speed have a pulsing character the frequency of which depends on the motor speed of rotation. To provide the current flow in the stator according to the torque requirements, the amplitudes ±IL1*, ±IL2* ±IL3* are then multiplied by the signal of the speed controller. Other types of circuit components, such as hysteresis controllers, may be also applied. Thus using the high resolution signals from the encoder or resolver, the sine-shape motor currents are generated by electronic arrangement. This results in a very smooth, precise running of the motor and in a high quality control. Operating speeds of up to 50000 rpm are possible. In the case of multi-pole motors the electronic components can limit the speed, since more commutation cycles must be run through per motor revolution. The maximum speed is calculated with service life considerations of the ball bearings at the maximum permissible residual unbalance of the rotor. Together with the electronic components, the servomotor achieves service life of several tens of thousands of hours. Summary. For high-power applications, synchronous motors are preferred because of their ability to control reactive power flow through appropriate control of excitation. Synchronous
192 motors tend to have a wider speed range and a higher efficiency. However, these motors are generally more expensive than induction motors. A synchronous servomotor has a construction similar to that of a standard synchronous machine, but the rotor magnetic field is produced here by a permanent-magnet material. A position sensor is mounted to ensure synchronism between the rotor position and the stator MMF via the drive signals to the inverter. The use of new magnet materials characterized by high coercive-force levels has reduced magnet sizes and largely overcome the demagnetization problem. The absence of the field copper losses improves the machine efficiency. Among the special technical features of servomotors are the absence of mechanical commutation, long service life, high speed even at low voltages, good heat dissipation, fine overload ability, mainly linear load characteristics, excellent control properties, and very small electrical time constants. This is the reason why servomotors have become the preferable devices for high-performance applications. They are widely used in variable-speed closed-loop drive systems of the machine tools, medicine, and household applications.
5.5. DC Motor Drives DC motor. For many years, the brushed dc motor has been the natural choice for applications requiring high dynamic performance. Now dc motors are used in outmoded variable-speed drives and position-control systems where a good dynamic response and steady-state performance are required. Examples are some robotic drives, printers, machine tools, process rolling mills, drives of paper and textile industries, and many others. Control of a dc motor, especially of the separately excited type, is very straightforward, mainly because of the incorporation of the commutator within the motor. The brushed commutator allows the motor-developed torque to be proportional to the armature current if the field current is held constant. Classical control theories are then easily applied to the design of the torque and other control loops of a drive system. The mechanical commutator, however, limits the maximum applicable voltage and the maximum power capacity to a few hundred kilowatts. Series or parallel combinations of more than one motor are used when dc motors are applied in handling larger loads. The maximum armature current and its rate of change are also limited by the commutator.
The dc motor has two separate sources of fluxes that interact to develop torque. These are the stator field and the rotor circuits. To build the dc motor model in the fixed α,β frame shown in Fig. 5.17, a, the β axis follows the pole axis, which commutates during the motor operation. The α axis is superposed with the axis of brushes, thus the single rotor winding is fixed along this axis. The stator winding of a dc motor is called an excitation winding or inductor. The rotor winding is called an armature. As in other types of motors, the current vector consists of two components. The armature current depends on the load. It burns the EMF and the torque. Because of the fixed excitation and the commutator action, the developed torque is given by (5.5). The excitation current establishes the fixed flux. Given current components are constructionally disconnected and can be adjusted independently. Nevertheless, some armature reaction occurs that changes ψ1 around the ideal constant value, which is usually compensated by additional construction means. Thanks to the compensation, the parameters of the dc motors are as follows: L12 4To2.
203 2
To′1 =
TM 1,78 ⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 1,78 ⎞ + ⎜ M ⎟ − TMTe = + ⎜ ⎟ − 1,78 ⋅ 0,000143 = 1,78 s 2 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
To′1 =
1,78 TM ⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 1,78 ⎞ − ⎜ M ⎟ − TMTe = − ⎜ ⎟ − 1,78 ⋅ 0,000143 = 0,001 s 2 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
To obtain the optimum speed settings, the PID-controller (4.13) is designed with the speed gain
k rω =
To′1i 1,78 ⋅ 63 = = 2608 2Tμk o 2 ⋅ 0,01 ⋅ 2,15
and the time constant Tr 1 = To′2 = 1 ms. The MO tuning requires Tr 2 = To′1 = 1,78 s, whereas
Tr 2 = 4Tμ = 4 ⋅ 10 = 40 ms is required for the SO tuning. As Fig. 6.2, b, shows, both settings decrease the running time to 30…100 ms and reduce the speed error notably. Asynchronous motor drive with marketable ac/ac converter. Another approach to the same design concerns the induction motor fed by a dc link power converter. Again, select a group of induction motors having the parameters that match each gear as follows:
M M stall ≥ M L , PM ≥ M L ω L , J M ≥
JL , ωM > ωL λJ
Proper motors of 4A series (220/380 V) are listed in Table 6.3. Table 6.3 Induction motors for asynchronous drive
PM ,
M M stall , MM max ,
ωM ,
rad s
R1 ,
X1 ,
R2 ,
X2 ,
X 12 ,
IM ,
JM ,
m, kg
The motor described in the second row, which has sufficiently low mass and high maximum and starting torques, may be accepted in conjunction with the second gear. Then, choose a converter MOVITRAC 004 of Sew Eurodrive having Pc = 400 W and Ic = 3,5 A, which satisfies the requirements:
Pc ≥ PL = 76 W, I c ≥
M LIM ω M 1,07 ⋅ 3,6 ⋅ 157 = = 0,4 A PM 1500
The wiring diagram for the Sew Eurodrive asynchronous drive with MOVITRAC 004 is given in Fig. 6.3, while the appropriate Appendix 2 gives the functional description of its terminals. Variable-frequency converters of the MOVITRAC series are microprocessor-controlled devices with sinusoidal PWM. They provide a variable three-phase output voltage up to the level of the input voltage with a proportionally rising output frequency. The converter consists of two basic components: power section PS and processor PP. The power section is used for the power supply of the connected motor and for the voltage supply of
204 MOVITRAC 004 230 V
X1 1 ND
8 9
24 VDC
X2 31 34 0 40 44 41 X3 42 43 47 60 30 61 62
X14 48 49 60 30 Fig. 6.3
the control electronics. The power section is based on the static voltage dc link converter, which feeds the motor via the diode rectifier and the IGBT inverter. The inner dc link capacitor keeps the voltage stable. The inverter adjusted by the processor controls the motor speed and torque. Usually, the power section contains the brake chopper of the energy feedback unit and various protective features. It is a useful tradition to connect the power section to the three-phase mains through a line choke on the supply side. The supply voltage is 380 to 500 V. The line choke, in conjunction with design measures in the power section, completely replaces other customary inrush current-limiting charging components. It minimizes noise on the supply lines and is a part of the input protection features against transient overvoltages. The power section includes the following monitoring features: dc link overvoltage, mains phase failure, earth fault, overheating, and brake chopper overcurrent protection. A surge suppressor circuit protects the power supply section against damage that may be caused by voltage peaks in the supply lines, which occur when inductive and capacitive loads are connected to the mains. When a drive is decelerating, kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy and this is fed back into the dc link through the inverter’s freewheeling diodes. As the capacity of the dc link capacitor is limited, the voltage in the dc link rises. To enable the drive to decelerate, additional energy must be dissipated. MOVITRAC has a built-in brake chopper, where the energy produced is converted into heat by the braking resistor, which may be external or built in the switch cabinet. The chopper transistor monitors the voltage within the dc circuit, and at a predetermined point, switches on and off rapidly, bringing the resistor in and out of circuit, thereby dissipating the excess energy.
205 Processor PP contains the control electronics needed for the adjusting purposes, permanently assigned and freely programmable binary inputs and binary outputs, analogue inputs, analogue outputs, sensors interface, standardized communications interfaces, and slots for options. The moment of inertia of the motor drive is
J = JM +
JL 0,075 = 0,003 + = 0,09 kgm2 ηL 0,85
The expected run-up time of a set, the corresponding start-up path, and acceleration are as follows:
ta =
Jω L 0,09 ⋅ 100 = = 0,47 s M M max − M L 20,7 − 0,87
ςa =
t av 0,47 ⋅ 0,5 = = 0,12 m 2 2 v 0,5 m = = 1,1 2 t a 0,47 s
The parameters of the asynchronous motor drive may be obtained as follows:
3 X 3 ⋅118 L12 = ⋅ 12 = = 0,56 H 2 314 2 ⋅ 314
k1 =
L1 =
4,82 X1 + L12 = + 0,56 = 0,58 H 314 314
L2 =
X2 7,42 + L12 = + 0,56 = 0,59 H 314 314
0,56 L L12 0,56 = 0,96 = = 0,95, k2 = 12 = L1 0,58 L2 0,59
σ = 1− k1 k2 = 1- 0,95⋅ 0,96 = 0,08 In the case of the fixed rotor flux linkage,
L = σL1 = 0,08⋅ 0,58 = 0,05 H R = R1 + k22R2 = 7,42 + 0,96 2 ⋅ 4,26 = 11,35 Ω and the time constants and motor constants are as follows:
Te = k MM =
L 0,05 = = 0,004 s R 11,35
IM ωM 3,6 ⋅ 141 ωM 141 = = 0,34 , k ME ≈ = = 0,79 PM 1500 U M − IM R 220 - 3,6 ⋅ 11,35 TM = JR k MM k ME = 0,09 ⋅ 11,35 ⋅ 0,34 ⋅ 0,79 = 0,27 s
Current-speed and torque-speed curves of the motor drive are shown in Fig. 6.4, a. The run-up torque, pullout torque, and stall current are depicted in these diagrams. The drive operates normally on the quasi-linear part of these traces. When the load rises, the torque and the
rad s
100 M I 50
I, A, M, Nm 0
I, A ω, 20
rad s I
t, ms 0
M, Nm 60
rad ω, s
t, ms 0
c. Fig. 6.4
current increase but the speed decreases smoothly. If the torque overcomes the pullout value, the speed drops quickly and the motor stops. The running responses of the asynchronous drive are shown in Fig. 6.4, b, c. Due to the load, the rotor current induces in the rotor winding. In the first instants the inrush current is very high because of very low rotor active resistance. The electromagnetic torque rises with the active
207 current, hence the flux saves its constant value. The start-up torque amplitude overcomes the pullout value. But this instant torque drops very fast and the average start-up torque is not high, so the speed increases slowly during the first starting instant. Then, the rotor EMF drops, and the current and the torque will also decrease whenever the speed grows slowly. Using a frequency converter eliminates a power inrush at start-up. The current starts from zero and rises as the load accelerates, with no danger of exceeding the full load current. This has two major benefits. The first is that it does not matter when the units are switched on, as the maximum demand will not be exceeded. The second is that as the current is properly controlled, the installation does not require a sequenced start. This removes the need for additional capital equipment. A vector or a direct torque control allows the system to be adjusted using the linear system control possibilities. As an example, calculate the double-loop control system shown in Fig. 4.10. The simplified transfer function of the current loop object is
WoI (s ) ≈
k c kI , R (TμI s + 1) ⋅ (Tes + 1)
where TμI = Tc + TI. If kc = kI = 1 and Tc = TI = 1 ms, then TμI = 2 ms. The MO-tuned PI-controller (4.11) is useful in this case for the current loop with the parameters:
k rI =
TeR 0,004 ⋅ 11,35 = = 11,35, TrI = Te = 4 ms 2TμI k c kI 2 ⋅ 0,002 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 1
The speed loop has a small time constant
Tμω = 2TμI + Tω = 2·2 + 1 = 5 ms To obtain the MO-setting of the speed loop, the P-controller (4.9) is used, the gain of which is calculated as follows:
k rω =
kI k MM Ji 1 ⋅ 0,34 ⋅ 0,09 ⋅ 50 = = 153 2Tμωk ω 2 ⋅ 0,005 ⋅ 1
When the SO-setting of the speed loop is required, the PI-controller (4.11) is used having the same gain and the time constant Trω = 4Tμω = 4·5 = 20 ms. The step responses of the closed loop systems are the same as Fig. 6.2, b, shows. It is clear that both settings decrease the running time and reduce the speed error significantly. DC motor drive with marketable ac/dc converter. The third application using the standard mains supply is the dc electric drive with a thyristor controlled rectifier. Choose the dc motors the parameters of which match each gear as follows: M M ≥ M L , PM ≥ M L ω L , J M ≥
Selected dc motors are listed in Table 6.4.
JL , ωM > ωL λJ
208 Table 6.4 Motors for dc drive
PM ,
MM ,
M M max ,
ωM ,
IM ,
UM ,
RM ,
LM ,
JM ,
m, kg
rad s
The first motor which has the small frame size in conjunction with the first gear may be accepted. A thyristor controlled rectifier BTU 3601-301 of VNIIR having Pc = 1000 W, Ic = 10 A, Uc = 230 V, Rc = 0,4 Ω, and Lc = 3 mH satisfies the requirements:
Pc ≥ PL = 76 W, Ic ≥
M LIM 0,87 ⋅ 20,4 = = 5,5 A 3,2 MM
The wiring diagram for the BTU 3601 dc drive is given in Fig. 6.5, whereas Appendix 3 explains its terminals. The moment of inertia of this set is
J = JM + 400 V
0,047 JL 2 = 0,0007 + = 0,055 kgm ηL 0,85 F6
BTU 3601
A1 B1 C1 11
12 PV
8 13
14 15 16 17 18 19
K1 R1 K1 K2
20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29
Fig. 6.5
R2 K2
R5 R4 H3
209 Find the run-up time of a drive, the corresponding start-up path, and acceleration as follows:
ta =
0,055 ⋅ 126 Jω L = = 0,36 s M M max − M L 20,8 − 0,87
rad s
I, A 0
I, A ω, 50
rad s I ω
t, ms 0 ω,
I, A 1800
100 rad s
2 I
900 1 0
t, ms 0
c. Fig. 6.6
ςa =
t av 0,36 ⋅ 0,5 = = 0,09 m 2 2
v 0,5 m = = 1,4 2 t a 0,36 s
Parameters of the dc electric drive are as follows:
L = Lc + LM = 3 + 3 = 6 mH R = Rc + RM = 0,4 + 0,23= 0,63 Ω Te =
L 0,006 = = 0,01 s R 0,63
kMM = kME =
IM 20,4 = = 6,375 MM 3,2
TM = JR k MM k ME = 0,055 ⋅ 0,63 ⋅ 6,375 ⋅ 6,375 = 1,4 s The current-speed curve of the thyristor motor drive is shown in Fig. 6.6, a. In the area of low loading, the current approaches the discontinues mode, and the curve increases the slope significantly. The discontinuous current occurs only in the left part of the diagram, whereas the continuous current mode occurs to the right. Consequently, the characteristic in the continuous current region is linear, exhibiting only a slight droop. In contrast, in the discontinuous current region the curve is strongly nonlinear with a loss in the output voltage. Initial fragments of the drive start-up transients are shown in Fig. 6.6, b. Because of high running current, the continuous current mode occurs here. On the continuous current operation, the output current is smoothed by the load circuit inductance, that is the output signal has no breaks and the current waveform matches the voltage shape. Since the start is finishing, the load current decreases and the discontinuous mode occurs. On the discontinuous current operation, the current waveform often consists of separate pulses the duration of which depends on the inductance of the load circuit and the type of the rectifier. To obtain the best dynamics, build the double-loop control system (Fig. 4.10), accepting kc = kI = 1, Tc = 3,5 ms, and TI = 1 ms. Thus, TμI = Tc + TI = 4,5 ms. The MO-tuned PI-controller (4.11) of the current loop has the gain and the time constant
k rI =
Te R 0,01 ⋅ 0,63 = = 0,7, TrI = Te = 10 ms 2TμI k c kI 2 ⋅ 0,0045 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 1
The small time constant of the speed loop
Tμω = 2TμI + Tω = 2·4,5 + 1 = 10 ms To obtain the MO-setting of the speed loop, the P-controller (4.9) is used, the gain of which is calculated as follows:
k rω =
kI k MM Ji 1⋅ 6,375 ⋅ 0,055 ⋅ 63 = = 1104 2Tμωk ω 2 ⋅ 0,01 ⋅ 1
When the SO-setting of the speed loop is required, the PI-controller (4.11) having the same gain and the time constant Trω = 4Tμω = 4·10 = 40 ms is appropriate.
211 Figure 6.6, c, represents two pairs of the dynamic diagrams of the optimized closed loop system. The first case displays the full matching to the MO-setting, which is possible in the modes of the small reference deviations. During start-ups and reverse when the speed changes significantly, converter voltage reaches its maximum, thus limiting the starting current. As the second pair of the transients shows, the process in this non-linear system slows down and the speed overshoot rises.
6.2. Design of Motor Drives with Battery Supply Explanations. A battery on-board source Usup = 48 VDC is discussed here. Due to the low-voltage supply, converter development starts before the selection of the motor and the gear.
Let the load fed from the on-board source has the input data of the previous examples. Accordingly, the load data are the same. Again, the motor drive is developed that includes a converter, a proper electric motor, and a gear. Possible ac and dc drive compositions are discussed and compared. Asynchronous motor drive with self-made inverter. Commonly, the three-phase bridge inverter is used in ac drives. The supply voltage of an induction motor is limited by the converter output value:
Uc =
U sup 2 3qmax
3U F 48 2 3 ⋅ 2,5 = − = 20 V, k 3 ⋅ 0,95 2
where Usup is the dc supply voltage, qmax is the maximum duty ratio of the transistor switches, k is the number of current-conducted transistors, UF is the mean IGBT voltage drop. Often, there is no special low-voltage ac motor, and a common-mode machine of extra power should be selected, which operates at low frequency fc proportional to the low voltage level Uc:
fc =
fMUc 50 ⋅ 20 = = 4,55 Hz, UM 220
where fM = 50 Hz – rated motor frequency and UM = 220 V – rated motor voltage. The gears required should meet the restrictions: M G ≥ M ′ , PG ≥ M ′ ω′ = 38 ⋅ 2 = 76 , and
ωG f ≥ ω′ ⋅ M i f
= 2⋅
50 = 22 4,55
Particularly, the three permissible planetary gears of a minimum size are listed in Table 6.5. Table 6.5 Gears for asynchronous motor drive with a battery supply
PG ,
ωG ,
MG ,
ηG , %
m, kg
ML ,
ωL ,
JL ,
rad s
rad s
212 The load data are converted onto the motor shaft using the formulae: ML =
M′ J′ , ω L = ω′ i , J L = 2 ηG i i
These data are included into the gear table also. The parameters of selected asynchronous motor have to meet the next inequalities: M M ≥ M L , PM ≥ M L ωL
fM f J , ωM ≥ ωL M , J M ≥ L fc fc λJ
Induction motors with UM = 220 V that match each gear are shown in Table 6.6. Table 6.6 Induction motors for asynchronous drive Motor
PM ,
M Ms , M M max ,
ωM , R1, Ω X 1, Ω R2 , Ω X 2 , Ω X 12 , Ω IM , A
JM ,
m, kg
rad s
The first motor which has low mass and sufficient power may be accepted together with the first gear. Rated voltage of inverter transistors must exceed the value
U R = kU sup = 1,8 ⋅ 48 = 86,5 V, where k = 1,8 is the safety factor for the overvoltage protection. The rated current of the transistors should be more than
IF = kI M = 2,4 ⋅ 3,3 = 8 A, where k = 2,4 is the safety factor for the overcurrent protection, and IM is the rated motor current. The three-phase IGBT module CPV 364M4U from International Rectifier may be chosen to satisfy the application requirements. Its rated collector-emitter voltage, collector current, and direct voltage drop are: URCE = 600 V, IFC = 20 A, UFCE = 2,1 V. The wiring diagram of the ac drive built on the CPV 364M4U is shown in Fig. 6.7 while the functional description of its components is given in Appendix 4. Here, the battery voltage supplies the power inverter. The associated triggering driver circuit switches the inverter’s power transistors so that a pulse-modulated voltage feeds the motor. The controller compares the setpoints with actual values and uses PWM to generate the control signals that are routed to the gating circuits of the individual power transistors of the inverter. The desired waveform is built up by switching the output transistors on and off at a fixed frequency. The modulated voltage produces a current in the motor, which is almost sinusoidal because of the motor and cable inductances. Nevertheless, the current waveform consists of a series of low-frequency
213 harmonics, and this may, in turn, cause voltage harmonic distortion, depending on the supply impedance. A diode is connected in parallel to each power transistor. These freewheeling diodes prevent self-induced voltages from damaging the power inverter. These phenomena may occur when the inductive load switches off. The diodes feed the stored energy back to the input of the inverter. They also provide the path to exchange reactive energy between the motor and the inverter. The moment of inertia of this set is
J = JM +
JL 1,88 2 = 0,002 + = 2,21 kgm ηL 0,85
The expected run-up time of a drive, the corresponding start-up path, and acceleration are as follows:
ta =
2,21 ⋅ 20 Jω L = = 7s M M max − M L 11,7 − 5,43
LeU LeV LeW Rsh Controller
Rg4 Rg1 Rg5 Rg2 Rg6 Rg3
HinU HinV HinW LinU LinV LinW T/Itrip
Fig. 6.7
ςa = a=
t av 7 ⋅ 0,5 = = 1,75 m 2 2 v 0,5 m = = 0,07 2 ta 7 s
As these calculations show, the starting processes develop even more slowly than in Fig. 6.4. That is why circuit optimization is required by the closed loop system building, preferably with the vector or the direct torque control. Parameters of the asynchronous motor drive having the stabilized rotor flux linkage are as follows:
3 X 3 ⋅167 L12 = ⋅ 12 = = 0,8 H 2 314 2 ⋅ 314
k1 =
L1 =
X1 3,4 + L12 = + 0,8 = 0,81 H 314 314
L2 =
X2 5,4 + L12 = + 0,8 = 0,81 H 314 314
L12 0,8 L 0,8 = = 0,985 , k 2 = 12 = = 0,985 L1 0,81 L2 0,81
σ = 1− k1 k2 = 1- 0,985⋅ 0,985= 0,03 L = σL1 = 0,03⋅ 0,81= 0,024 H R = R1 + k22R2 = 5,6 + 0,9852 ⋅ 3,27 = 8,77 Ω The time constants and the motor constants are given by the formulae:
Te =
k MM =
L 0,024 = = 0,003 s R 8,77
IM ωM 3,3 ⋅ 300 ωM 300 = = 0,66 , k ME ≈ = = 1,57 PM 1500 U M − IM R 220 - 3,3 ⋅ 8,77 TM = JR k MM k ME = 2,22 ⋅ 8,77 ⋅ 0,66 ⋅ 1,57 = 20 s
To build the double-loop control system shown in Fig. 4.10, apply kc = kI = 1 and Tc = TI = 1 ms. Then, TμI = Tc + TI = 2 ms. The MO-tuned PI-controller of the current loop has the gain and time constant:
k rI =
Te R 0,003 ⋅ 8,77 = = 6,6, TrI = Te = 3 ms 2TμI kc kI 2 ⋅ 0,002 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 1
The small time constant of the speed loop with Tω = 10 ms:
Tμω = 2TμI + Tω = 2·2 + 10 = 14 ms To obtain the MO-setting of the speed loop, apply the P-controller, the gain of which is calculated as follows:
k rω =
kI k MM Ji 1 ⋅ 0,66 ⋅ 2,21 ⋅ 10 = = 521 2Tμωk ω 2 ⋅ 0,014 ⋅ 1
I, A
rad s
2 500
MO 1
t, ms 0
100 Fig. 6.8
To obtain the SO-setting of the speed loop, the PI-controller is used in the speed loop having the same gain and the time constant Trω = 4Tμω = 4·14 = 56 ms. Figure 6.8 demonstrates the current and speed small-step responses of the linear MO- and SOtuned systems. Since the input steps become high, the limited converter voltage restricts the drive dynamics. DC motor drive with a self-made dc/dc converter. The gears required should meet the restrictions: M G ≥ M ′ , PG ≥ M ′ ω′ = 38 ⋅ 2 = 76 , and
ωG i
≥ ω′
Particularly, the three permissible planetary gears of minimum frame sizes are listed in Table 6.7. Table 6.7 Gears for dc motor drive
PG ,
ωG ,
rad s
MG ,
ηG , %
m, kg
ML ,
ωL ,
JL ,
rad s
Here, the load data have been converted onto the motor shaft using the formulae: ML =
M′ J′ , ω L = ω′ i , J L = 2 ηG i i
and included into the gear table. One of the most popular circuits for a dc motor supply is a fourquadrant forward dc/dc converter. The average output voltage of the chopper with symmetrical control is
Uc = qmax Usup – kUF = 0,95 · 48 – 2 · 2,5 = 40,6 V,
216 where Usup is the dc supply voltage, qmax is the maximum duty ratio of the transistor switches, k is the number of current-conducted transistors, UF is the prospective IGBT voltage drop. Choose the dc motors, the parameters of which match each gear as follows:
U M ≥ U c , M M ≥ M L , PM ≥ M L ω L , J M ≥
JL , ωM > ωL λJ
Selected dc motors are listed in Table 6.8. Table 6.8 Motors for dc motor drive
PM ,
MM ,
M M max ,
ωM ,
rad s
IM ,
UM ,
RM ,
LM ,
JM ,
m, kg
The first motor, that has low mass and enough power may be accepted together with the first gear. The rated voltage of the chopper transistors must exceed the value
U R = kU sup = 1,8 ⋅ 48 = 86,5 V, where k = 1,8 is accepted as the safety factor for the overvoltage protection. The rated current of the transistors should be more than
IF = kIM = 2,4 ⋅ 21,2 = 51 A, where k = 2,4 is accepted as the safety factor for the overcurrent protection, and IM is the rated motor current. The IGBT full bridges SK 50 GD066ET from Semikron may be chosen to satisfy the application requirements. Their rated collector-emitter voltage, collector current, and forward voltage drop are: URCE = 600 V, IFC = 51 A, UFCE = 1,45 V. The wiring diagram of the dc drive built on the SK 50 GD066ET is shown in Fig. 6.9 and the functional description of its components is given in Appendix 5. Four-quadrant chopper is the base of the fast response reversible variable speed drive. As a rule, the discontinuous current is avoided here by increasing the switching frequency or by adding the inductance in series with the motor. Chokes may be fitted to the output of the converter to allow operation with long cables. The choke compensates for the stray capacitance of the cables. Speed and current controllers use the information from the user, such as the setpoint speed to control the drive functionality and to develop the required speed and torque at the motor shaft. They also protect the drive when circumstances dictate, and provide information to the user on
217 + 50 VDC
+12 VDC
12 VDC
-12 VDC C
E R MN Fig. 6.9
the drive status. By accurately controlling the voltage applied to the motor, a user is assured of the process or product performance. The moment of inertia of this set is
J = JM +
JL 1,875 2 = 0,002 + = 2,21 kgm ηL 0,85
Find the expected run-up time of a set, the corresponding start-up path, and acceleration as follows:
ta =
2,21 ⋅ 20 Jω L = = 1,2 s M M max − M L 42,25 − 5,43
ςa =
t av 1,2 ⋅ 0,5 = = 0,3 m 2 2
v 0,5 m = = 0,42 2 t a 1,2 s
As these estimations show, the open-loop drive dynamic is not adequate, therefore the speed feedback is required. Parameters of the dc electric drive are as follows:
L = Lc + LM = 0 + 5 = 5 mH
UFCE 1,45 + RM = + 0,2 = 0,27 Ω IM 21,2 Te =
L 0,005 = = 0,018 s R 0,27
kMM = kME =
IM 21,2 = = 3,26 MM 6,5
TM = JR k MM k ME = 2,21 ⋅ 0,27 ⋅ 3,26 ⋅ 3,26 = 6,34 s Using these data, develop the single-loop speed-controlled system, the block diagram of which corresponds to Fig. 4.9. The control object has the transfer function
Wo (s ) =
ko ko , = 2 (Tμs + 1) ⋅ To1To 2s + To1s + 1 (Tμs + 1) ⋅ (To′1s + 1) ⋅ (To′2s + 1)
where ko = kc kME kω, Tμ = Tc + Tω, To1 = TM, To2 = Te. Let kc = kω = 1, Tc = 1 ms, and Tω = 9 ms. Then, ko = 3,26, Tμ = 10 ms, To1 = 6,34 s, To2 = 18 ms, To1 > 4To2. 2
To′1 =
6,34 TM ⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 6,34 ⎞ + ⎜ M ⎟ − TMTe = + ⎜ ⎟ − 6,34 ⋅ 0,018 = 6,322 s 2 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
To′1 =
TM 6,34 ⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 6,34 ⎞ − ⎜ M ⎟ − TMTe = − ⎜ ⎟ − 6,34 ⋅ 0,018 = 0,018 s 2 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
Design the PID-controller (4.13) with the speed gain
k rω =
To′1i 6,34 ⋅ 10 = = 972 2Tμk o 2 ⋅ 0,01 ⋅ 3,26
and the time constant Tr 1 = To′2 = 18 ms. For the MO tuning, the integral time constant must be
Tr 2 = To′1 = 6,322 s, whereas Tr 2 = 4Tμ = 4 ⋅ 10 = 40 ms is required for the SO tuning. The step responses of the system are similar to those shown in Fig. 6.8.
6.3. Design of Boost Converter for Motor Supply Objective. To drive a dc motor MAXON RE75 having the rated voltage UM = 48 VDC and the starting current IM max = 15 A, design a dc/dc converter supplied by the battery source Usup = 24 VDC. The desired boost topology and timing correspond to Figs. 1.30, a, and 1.31, a, respectively. Converter switching frequency fc = 2 kHz.
The motor starting power
PM = U M IM max = 48 ⋅ 15 = 720 W Switch calculation. Maximum supply current
Isup max = The switch voltage rating must exceed
720 PM = = 30 A 24 U sup
U R = U M + U F = 48 + 1 = 49 V, where the forward diode voltage drop UF is assumed 1 V. Continuous current of the switch VT should have the safety margin 1,5...3 times of Isup. Also, a voltage margin near 1,8 is required to overcome transients and spikes. As a result, select the trench-gate power MOSFET IXTP60N10T from the IXYS Semiconductors Catalogue, the general specifications of which are given in Table 6.9. Table 6.9 IXTP60N10T specification Quantity
Drain-to-source voltage URDS
100 V
Continuous drain current IFD
60 A
Static drain-source resistance RDS
18 mΩ
Maximum gate-to-source voltage UGS
10 V
Gate charge QGS
49 nC
Rise time tr
40 ns
Fall time tf
37 ns o
Junction-to-case thermal resistance Rthjc
Case-to-heat sink thermal resistance Rthch
Package / case
Neglecting voltage drops in the switch and the diode, find the duty cycle as
U M − U sup 48 − 24 = = 0,5 48 UM
Determine the on-state (conduction) losses using the drain-source resistance and drain rms current as follows:
PVT ( on ) = Isup q RDS = 30 0,5 ⋅ 18 ⋅ 10 − 3 = 8,099 W The switching losses of MOSFET are
PVT ( sw ) = 0,5 ⋅ U R Isup max fc (t r + t f ) = 0,5 ⋅ 49 ⋅ 30 ⋅ 2000 ⋅ (40 + 37 ) ⋅ 10 −9 = 0,113 W The losses associated with the gate driving are
PVTGS = QGSUGS fc = 49 ⋅ 10 −9 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 2000 = 0,001 W The total power dissipation of the switch VT is
PVT = PVT ( on ) + PVT ( sw) + PVTGS = 8,099 + 0,113 + 0,001 = 8,213 W
220 To limit the junction temperature τj by 105 ˚C assuming the ambient air temperature τa = 50 ˚C, the thermal resistance of the heatsink should be
Rthh =
τ j − τa PVT
− Rthjc − Rthch − Rthw =
o C 105 − 50 , − 0,85 − 0,5 − 0,3 = 5,05 W 8,213
where Rthw = 0,3 is the thermal resistance of the insulating washer ALO-220 made of 1,5 mm thick aluminium oxide. Power MOSFET in TO-220 package has a non-isolated baseplate, therefore the insulation washer is needed to provide potential insulation of separate diodes from the common heat sink. In the case of separated devices, the washer could be eliminated. In high-power switching converters operated under increased temperature conditions (τa = 70...80 ˚C) larger heat sinks with lower possible thermal resistance should be chosen. Diode calculation. The diode VD passes the inductor current since the power switch VT turns off. Important criteria for diode selection are the switching speed, breakdown voltage, current rating, forward voltage drop, and appropriate packaging.
The peak diode current
IVD max =
PM 720 = = 30 A UM q 48 ⋅ 0,5
For the diode selected, the breakdown voltage must be greater than the maximum load voltage UM, thus the margin of 1,7...1,85 is needed to withstand the transients and spikes. Normally, the current rating exceeds the maximum load current IM max at least twice due to the power and junction temperature limitations. As a result, select the Schottky diode DSA60C100PB from the product line of the IXYS Company with general data presented in Table 6.10. Table 6.10 DSA60C100PB specification Quantity Maximum repetitive reverse voltage URAC Average forward current IFA Maximum surge forward current IFA max Forward voltage drop UFAC
Rating 100 V 2 · 30 A 230 A 1V
Junction-to-case thermal resistance Rthjc
Case-to-heat sink thermal resistance Rthch
Package / case
C W o
Two diodes are packaged in the common cathode configuration and interconnected by a spacesaving paralleling. In that case the parameter mismatch of the diodes is minimal and double operating current capability is achieved with the minimal installation surface area requirements.
221 The voltage drop in a conducting state is primarily responsible for the losses in the diode. The power dissipated by the diode can be calculated as the product of the forward voltage drop and the maximum load current:
PVD = UFACIM max = 1 ⋅ 15 = 15 W The calculation of the heat sink thermal resistance is performed analogously to the switch. Assuming the ambient air temperature τa = 50 ˚C and taking into account the power dissipation between the two diodes of the module, obtain the thermal resistance of the heat sink as
Rthh =
τ j − τa PVD
− Rthjc − Rthch − Rthw =
° 105 − 50 C − 0,85 − 0,5 − 0,3 = 2,02 15 W
Here, Rthw = 0,3 is the thermal resistance of the insulation washer ALO-220 made of 1,5 mm thick aluminum oxide. The selected Schottky diode could be mounted on the separate heat sink with the proper thermal resistance or on the common heat sink for both the switching transistor and the diode. In the latter case, the heat sink with a significantly reduced Rthh value should be selected. Inductor design. Inductor L stores energy in the magnetic field as the current flows. Thus, qualitatively, an inductor attempts to maintain a constant current or, equivalently, to limit the rate of current change. The value of a boost power stage inductance is generally selected to limit its peak-to-peak ripple current Ir. The design approach for the output inductor will assume that the inductor ripple current must not exceed 15 % of the input current:
Ir ≤ 0,15 ⋅ Isup max = 0,15 ⋅ 30 = 4,5 A The inductor ripple current is proportional to the applied voltage and the time that the voltage is applied, and it is inversely proportional to its inductance. The value of inductance required is
UR − Usup Ir fc
(1 − q ) =
49 − 24 ⋅ ( 1 − 0,5 ) = 1,39 mH 4,5 ⋅ 2000
It may be even less taking into account the motor inductance. In addition to the inductance, other important factors to be considered when designing the inductor are its maximum dc or peak current and maximum operating frequency. Using the inductor within the dc current rating is important to insure that it does not overheat or saturate. Inductor operation at a rating lower than its maximum frequency rating insures that the maximum core loss is not exceeded, resulting in overheating or saturation. The average inductor current is
IL =
IM max 15 = = 30 A 1 − q 1 − 0,5
The peak current through the inductor is
IL max = IL +
4,5 Ir = 30 + = 32,25 A 2 2
Selection of a suitable inductor from the West Coast Magnetics product list is presented in Table 6.11. When choosing an inductor it is essential to pay special attention that the inductance and peak current values should not be smaller that the calculated values. The selected boost inductor with the product code 306-10 has the inductance of 91 μH and rated current of 39 A. Both of these values are in good agreement with the design requirements.
222 Table 6.11 Inductor specification Product code
Inductance L, mH
DC resistance R, mΩ
Rated current IL, A
Current flowing through an inductor winding causes power dissipation due to its dc resistance R. Some power is also dissipated in the inductor’s core due to the flux swing caused by the ac voltage applied across it, but this value is relatively small compared to the dissipation in windings and could be eliminated in some cases. Occasionally, the inductor’s maximum operating frequency and/or applied volt–seconds ratings give the designer some guidance regarding core loss. The power dissipation causes a temperature rise in the inductor. Excessive temperature can cause degradation in the insulation of the winding and increased core loss. Care should be exercised to insure that all the inductor’s maximum ratings are not exceeded. The loss in the inductor is given by
PL = IL2R = 30 2 ⋅ 1,89 ⋅ 10 −3 = 1,7 W Capacitor selection. In the boost converter topology the inductor current does not continuously flow to the load. During the switch-on state the inductor is grounded and the load is supplied by the capacitor C. This means that the capacitor must have sufficient energy storage capability and ripple current rating in order to supply the load during this period.
The output capacitance of a boost power stage is generally selected to limit the voltage ripple Ur by the specified level, particularly 0,1 % of the load voltage. To determine the capacitance for the continuous current-mode operation, the following equation is used, assuming the output voltage ripple as a function of the capacitance:
IM max q 15 ⋅ 0,5 = = 78125 μF U r fc 48 ⋅ 10 − 3 ⋅ 2000
The ESR needed to limit the ripple to the same peak-to-peak Ur value is calculated as follows:
Ur IL max
48 ⋅ 10 −3 = 1,49 mΩ 32,25
Ripple current flowing through the capacitor causes power dissipation, thus increasing the capacitor temperature. Excessive temperature can seriously shorten the expected life of a capacitor. Capacitors have the ripple current rating that is dependent on ambient temperature and should not be exceeded. The rms value of the capacitor ripple current in the continuous current mode of operation is given by
IC =
VD max
) − (I 2
M max
0,5 − 15 2 = 15 A
6.4. Design of Two-Switch Trasformer-Isolated Forward Converter for Motor Supply Objective. To drive a dc motor MAXON RE75 having the rated voltage UM = 48 VDC, the starting current IM max = 15 A, and starting power PM = 720 W, design a dc/dc converter supplied by the mains voltage Usup = 230 V. The two-switch forward converter has an arrangement presented in Fig. 1.28. The converter switching frequency fc = 25 kHz and expected efficiency ηc = 0,9.
The voltage across the power switches in the two-switch forward converter will not exceed the supply voltage by more than two diode voltage drops. Therefore, ±10 % steady-state tolerance and 15 % tolerance on top of that is accepted. The maximum and minimum supply voltages are
U sup max = 230 2 ⋅ 1,1 ⋅ 1,15 = 410 V Usup min = 230 2 ⋅ 0,9 ⋅ 0,85 = 248 V The required supply power is
Psup =
PM 720 = = 800 W ηc 0,9
Switch calculation. The duty ratio of the two-switch forward converter cannot exceed 0,5 to exclude the isolation transformer saturation. The conservative design rule for this type of converter is that the maximum transistor on-state time ton is 0,4 of the switching period (q = 0,4) therefore the magnetic core of the transformer will always succeed in being fully reset before the next cycle starting. To simplify the calculation, the transistor current pulses are assumed to have an equivalent flat-topped waveform, whose amplitude IF is the value of the current at the centre of the ramp. The amplitude value of this current at minimum input voltage is
IF max =
Psup U sup min
800 = 3,23 A 248
During the selection of switching transistor blocking voltage, the safety margin of 1,8 from the maximal input voltage could be considered. Also, the operating current of a power transistor could be selected by the multiplication of the maximal amplitude value of the transistor current by the safety factor 2. Thus, IXYS IXFH10N80P power MOSFETs were selected for VT1 and VT2. They are available in the TO-247 package with a non-isolated baseplate, as Table 6.12 demonstrates.
224 Table 6.12 IXFH10N80P specification Quantity
Drain-to-source voltage URDS
800 V
Continuous drain current IFD
10 A
Static drain-source resistance RDS
1,1 Ω
Rise time tr
22 ns
Fall time tf
22 ns
Gate charge QGG
40 nC
Junction-to-case thermal resistance Rthjc
Case-to-heatsink thermal resistance Rthch
Maximum gate-to-source voltage UGS
C W o
15 V
Package / case
On-state losses are proportional to the on-state channel resistance of the MOSFET and mostly determined by the switch drain current:
PVT ( on ) = IF max q RDS == 3,23 0,4
⋅ 1,1 = 4,590 W
The maximum switching losses of the MOSFET can be approximated as
PVT ( sw ) =
fcUsup maxIF max 2
(tr + tf ) = 25000 ⋅ 410 ⋅ 3,23 ⋅ (22 + 22) ⋅ 10 − 9 = 0,728 2
The losses associated with the gate driving are
PVTGS = QGSUGS fc = 40 ⋅ 10 −9 ⋅ 15 ⋅ 25000 = 0,015 W Total power dissipation of the MOSFET is
PVT = PVT ( on ) + PVT ( sw ) + PVTDS = 4,590 + 0,728 + 0,015 = 5,3 W The calculation of the thermal resistance of the heatsink required could be performed analogously to the boost converter switching transistor one. Assuming the ambient air temperature of 50 ˚C, the thermal resistance of the heat sink should be
Rthha =
τ j − τa PVT
− Rthjc − Rthch − Rthw =
o 105 − 50 C − 0,42 − 0,21 − 0,3 = 9,45 5,3 W
Here, the thermal resistance Rthw = 0,3 of the insulation washer ALO-220 made from 1,5 mm thick aluminum oxide is considered. Heat sink with the similar thermal resistance is necessary for the second switching transistor as well. Using insulating washers for both switching transistors gives an opportunity to implement a common heat sink for the primary inverter side, thus a better space-weight ratio is achieved.
225 Isolation transformer design. The basic goal of the transformer design is to maximize its efficiency and minimize the cost. Many factors affect reaching this goal. These factors present constraints, which require mitigation, compromise or tradeoff depending on the design objectives or operating environments. They include weight, volume, surface area, temperature, copper losses, core losses, efficiency, and power handling capability, regulation, and current density. The design process starts with defining and understanding the transformer specifications.
Initial design specifications are submitted by three factors: regulation kt1 = 1, window utilization kt2 = 0,4, and flux density B = 0,1 T. The maximum switch on-state time is
t on =
q 0,4 = = 16 μs fc 25000
Two approaches are used in the transformer design: the area product and the core geometry. The first approach takes advantage of manufacturer’s numeric codes used to identify cores. These numeric codes summarize the core dimensions and electrical properties. Computing an area product value allows the designer to obtain physical and technical data about cores from manufacturers’ catalogue. The second approach is suitable when the copper and core losses are the dominant constraint in a magnetic device. These losses affect the transformer output and hence “voltage regulation” is the principal design variable in the approach. Here, the geometrical constant kg is a measure of the effective magnetic size of the core. This design approach is relatively more recent in use and does not yet have direct linkage with manufacturers’ catalog data. The core geometry approach is used here to design an isolation transformer for the two-switch forward converter. The electrical coefficient ke is given as follows:
k e = 0,145 ⋅ fc2B 2 ⋅ 10 −4 = 0,145 ⋅ 25000 2 ⋅ 0,12 ⋅ 10 −4 = 91 The required core geometry constant is
kg >
Psupq k t 1k e
800 ⋅ 0,4 = 3,52 1⋅ 91
For the current application, the TCA8132Q toroidal magnetic core produced by the CoreMaster International Inc. was selected. This core is based on the E-2000 Q magnetic material having minimal losses and providing low residual flux, which is especially important in forward converter applications. Technical specifications of the selected core are presented in Table 6.13. Table 6.13 TCA8132Q toroidal magnetic core specification Quantity
Core geometry constant kg
Saturation flux density B
1,1 T
Permeability μ
226 Quantity
Core mass mc
395 g
Core area Ac
1,9 cm2
Window area Aw
44,2 cm2
Surface area At
604 cm2
Toroid outer radius ro
52 cm
Toroid inner radius ri
3,75 cm
Toroid height ς
2,85 cm
The rms value of the primary current is
I1 = IF max q = 3,23 0,4 = 2,04 A The number of primary turns is
w1 =
Usup minq fc Ac B
248 ⋅ 0,4 = 522 25000 ⋅ 1,9 ⋅ 10 − 4 ⋅ 0,1
The current density is
ic =
2Psup q fc Ac Aw Bk t 2
2 ⋅ 800 ⋅ 0,4 A = 120 −4 25000 ⋅ 1,9 ⋅ 44,2 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 0,1⋅ 0,4 cm2
Primary bare wire area is
A1 =
I1 2,04 2 = = 0,017 cm i c 120
During the design of high-frequency magnetic components special attention must be paid to the skin effect. The skin effect is the tendency of an ac current to distribute itself within a conductor so that the current density near the surface of the conductor is greater than that at its core. Thatmeans that the electric current tends to flow at the “skin” of the conductor. The skin effect causes the effective resistance of the conductor to increase with the frequency of the current. The skin depth of the ac current in a copper conductor at room temperature defines an effective wire radius as follows:
rw =
6,62 = fc
6,62 = 0,042 cm 25000
Then the optimal bare wire area is
Aw opt = π rw2 = π ⋅ 0,042 2 = 0,0055 cm2 The nearest AWG wire of type 20 having an area A20AWG = 0,00518 cm2 and resistivity R20 AWG = μΩ can be selected from Table 6.14. 333,01 cm
227 Table 6.14 Inductor wire specification Resistivity,
Resistivity, 2
μΩ cm
Radius, cm
Area, cm
Radius, cm
Area, cm
μΩ cm
The number of strands for the primary winding is
m1 =
A1 A20 AWG
0,017 = 3,27 0,00518
The resistivity of the primary winding with 8 strands of AWG20 wire is
ρ1 =
μΩ R20 AWG 333,01 = = 102 3,27 cm m1
The resistance of the primary winding can be calculated as the product of the mean length of turns MLT of the winding and the copper resistance for the appropriate wire with the total number of turns. MLT of the selected magnetic core TCA8132Q is
Ac2 Aw 1,9 2 ⋅ 44,2 MLT = = = 32,24 kg 4,95 Therefore, the resistance of the primary winding is
R1 = MLT ⋅ w 1 ρ1 = 32,24 ⋅ 522 ⋅ 102 ⋅ 10 −6 = 1,72 Ω Copper losses of the primary winding are
P1 = I12R1 = 2,04 2 ⋅ 1,72 = 7,13 W Transformer secondary voltage is
U2 =
UM + UF 48 + 1 = = 122,5 V, q 0,4
where the forward diode voltage drop UF is assumed 1 V. The secondary number of turns is
w 2 = w1
k ⎞ 122,5 ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎜1 + t 1 ⎟ = 522 ⋅ ⎜1 + ⎟ = 261 Usup min ⎝ 100 ⎠ 248 ⎝ 100 ⎠ U2
The isolation transformer turns ratio is
kw =
w1 522 = =2 w 2 261
The rms current of the secondary winding is
Psup 800 q= 0,4 = 10,54 A UM 48
I2 = The secondary bare wire area is
I 2 10,54 2 = = 0,088 cm ic 120
A2 =
The number of strands for the secondary winding is
m2 =
0,088 = 17 0,00518
The resistivity of the secondary winding with 17 strands of AWG20 wire is
ρ2 =
μΩ R20 AWG 333,01 = = 19,59 17 cm m2
The resistance of the secondary winding is
R2 = MLT ⋅ w 2 ρ2 = 32,24 ⋅ 261 ⋅ 19,59 ⋅ 10 −6 = 0,16 Ω The copper losses in the secondary winding are
P2 = I 22R2 = 10,54 2 ⋅ 0,16 = 17,77 W The total copper losses of the isolation transformer are
Pw = P1 + P2 = 7,13 + 17,77 = 24,9 W The total specific core loss is determined by
⎛B⎞ ρc = 8,64 ⋅ 10 − 7 fc 1,834 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝2⎠
2 ,1122
= 8,64 ⋅ 10 − 7 ⋅ 25000 1,834 ⋅
0,1 2
2 ,1122
= 0,18
mW g
The core loss is
Pc = ρc mc = 0,18 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ 395 = 0,07 W The total losses of the isolation transformer present the sum of copper and core losses:
Pt = Pw + Pc = 24,9 + 0,07 = 25,06 W Watts density is
pt =
Pt 25,06 W = = 0,04 cm2 At 604
229 Transformer losses are sometimes limited directly by the need to achieve required overall power supply efficiency. More often, transformer losses are limited by a maximum “hot spot” temperature rise at the core surface inside the centre of the windings. The temperature rise of the transformer is
δτ = 450 ⋅ pt 0 ,826 = 450 ⋅ 0,04 0 ,826 = 31,1 °C Ultimately, the size of an appropriate core for the application is the smallest core that will handle the required power with losses that are acceptable in terms of transformer temperature rise or power supply efficiency. In consumer or industrial applications, a transformer temperature rise up to 55 0C may be acceptable, resulting in a maximum internal temperature of 100 °C. However, it must be noted that the transformer was calculated according to the heavy load operation, i.e. for the constant operation with the motor starting current. After recalculation for the motor rated power conditions the temperature rise is much lower, that is in a good agreement with the transformer design rules. The worst-case efficiency of the isolation transformer can be estimated as
ηt =
Psup 800 = = 0,97 Psup + Pt 800 + 25,06
Diode selection. The reverse voltage that is seen by the forward VD3 and freewheeling VD diodes is different. The following equations give the maximum reverse voltages of the diodes:
Usup min kw
q 248 ⋅ 0,4 = = 82,67 V (1 − q ) 2 ⋅ (1 − 0,4)
Usup max kw
410 = 205 V 2
It is more economical and technically feasible to use the output diodes in the dual-package form-factor with the common cathode. Therefore, the voltage rating of the diode module is determined based on the reverse voltage of the freewheeling diode VD. Thus the fast diodes with the maximum repetitive reverse voltage at least 380 V (the safety margin of 1,70...1,85 should be added for transients and spikes) and the current rating of 30 A (double the desired output current was selected to reduce the conduction losses and for transient protection) could be implemented with confidence. The reverse recovery time of the freewheeling diode VD is particularly important, since during the turn-on transient, current will flow from the forward diode VD3 into the output inductor and also into the cathode of VD during its reverse recovery period. This will reflect through to the primary switches as a current overshoot during the turn-on transient. As a result, the fast recovery epitaxial diodes (FREDs) DSEC 60-04A produced by IXYS Company were selected. Their data are given in Table 6.15.
230 Table 6.15 DSEC 60-04A specification Quantity
Maximum repetitive reverse voltage URAC
400 V
Average forward current IFA
2 · 30 A
Maximum surge forward current IF max
200 A
Forward voltage drop UFAC
Junction-to-case thermal resistance Rthjc
Case-to-heat sink thermal resistance Rthch
Package / case
C W o
The following equations estimate the worst case of power dissipation in the diodes:
PVD 3 = U FAC IM max q = 1⋅ 15 ⋅ 0,4 = 6 W PVD = U FAC IM max (1 − q ) = 1⋅ 15 ⋅ (1 − 0,4 ) = 9 W The thermal resistance of the heatsink required:
Rthh =
τ j − τa PVD + PVD 3
− Rthjc − Rthch − Rthw =
o 105 − 50 C − 0,9 − 0,25 − 0,3 = 2,22 15 W
Here, Rthw = 0,3 is the thermal resistance of the insulation washer. In some applications with the special space-weight constrains all the semiconductors of the two-switch converter could be arranged on the common high-performance heat sink. A special requirement in that case is to use insulation washers for all the semiconductors to provide a proper potential isolation. Sizing of an inductor. To calculate the inductor L value, the maximum current ripple Ir has been set as 20% of IM max:
I r = 0,2 ⋅ IM max = 0,2 ⋅ 15 = 3 A The maximum current ripple occurs at maximum input voltage when the switch on-state time is minimal. The switch duty cycle at this operation point is
qmin =
kw ( UM + UF ) 2 ⋅ (48 + 1) = = 0,24 Usup max 410
The inductance is defined taking into account the current downslope, which corresponds to the off-time of the power switches for the minimum duty ratio
qmin = t off max =
U sup max U sup min
248 ⋅ 0,4 = 0,24 410
1 1 = = 53 μs fc (1 − qmin ) 25000 ⋅ (1 − 0,24 )
231 that yields
(UM + UF )t off max Ir
( 48 + 1) ⋅ 53 ⋅ 10 −6 = 0,86 mH 3
After the operating parameter definition the filter inductor should be selected from the on-market available products or those designed using the calculation algorithms for the special filter inductor. An example is the series connected inductors 306-02 having the total inductance 0,988 mH with dc resistances RL = 12,61 mΩ and rated current 17 A. Their power loss is given by
PL = 2I M2 max RL = 2 ⋅ 152 ⋅ 12,61 ⋅ 10 −3 = 5,68 W Selection of an input capacitor. The input filtering capacitor CF has to be dimensioned in order to deliver the requested maximum output power at minimum mains voltage, with a reasonable ripple voltage at 50 Hz. The design process has also to consider the rms current flowing into the capacitor (a major reason of stress) and the voltage rating. The minimum capacitance value is defined by
Cf =
ηc f1(U
sup 2 sup min
2 sup min, 2
800 = 827 μF, 0,9 ⋅ 50 ⋅ (248 2 − 200 2 )
where ηc = 0,9 is converter efficiency, Usup min = 248 V is the peak value at minimum mains voltage and Usup min,2 = 200 V is the considered minimum value at minimum mains voltage. The chosen capacitors are 2 x 470 μF, 400 V HU32G471MRA from the HITACHI production list. The conduction time is
⎛ U sup min,2 ⎞ ⎟ arccos ⎛ 200 ⎞ arccos ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜U ⎟ sup min ⎠ 248 ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ = 2 ms tc = = 2πf1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 50 The input filtering capacitor peak charging current:
Icf max =
Cf (Usup min − Usup min,2 ) tc
827 ⋅ 10 −6 ⋅ (248 − 200) = 19,85 A 2 ⋅ 10 − 3
The rms charging current:
Icf = Icf2 max t c f1 = 19,85 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ 50 = 6,27 A The discharge time of the capacitor:
td =
1 1 − tc = − 2 ⋅ 10 − 3 = 18 ⋅ 10 − 3 s f1 50
The input filtering capacitor peak discharging current:
Idf max =
Cf (U sup min − U sup min,2 )
The rms discharging current:
827 ⋅ 10 −6 (248 − 200) = 2,5 A 18 ⋅ 10 − 3
Idf = Idf2 max t d f1 = 2,5 2 ⋅ 18 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ 50 = 2,37 A The ripple current resulting from the rectification of the ac line can be obtained as
Ir rms = Icf2 + Idf2 = 6,27 2 + 2,37 2 = 6,7 A Selection of an output capacitor. The main function of the output capacitor is to reduce the output voltage ripple down to the predefined value of 0,5 % and to provide some energy storage. The output capacitor is selected based on the ripple current requirements. The output capacitor ripple current is the same as the inductor ripple current. The maximum current ripple of the inductor was set Ir = 3 A (20 %). This ripple is basically due to the ESR, since the capacitive component is by far lower. The ESR of the output capacitor is calculated assuming 0,5 % (Ur = 0,24 V) ripple on the output:
U r 0,24 = = 80 mΩ Ir 3
The required output capacitance is
Ir 3 = = 50 μF U r ⋅ 10 ⋅ fc 0,24 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 25000
To meet the ripple current and ESR requirements, two Vishay 200 mΩ 100 μF capacitors are combined in parallel. These capacitors have a 100 V rating that should not be exceeded under normal operation. Sometimes it is more cost-effective to use an additional LC filter to reduce noise, so as to avoid the use of expensive low-ESR electrolytic capacitors in this position. Total power dissipation and overall efficiency of the converter. The converter losses are generated in passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, etc.) and active components (transistors, diodes, etc.). The losses from resetting the core through the reset diodes (VD1 and VD2) can be approximated as 0,2 W. Therefore, the total maximum expected losses for this design are expressed by
Pc = 2PVT + Pt + PVD 3 + PVD + PVD12 = 2 ⋅ 5,3 + 25,06 + 9 + 6 + 0,2 = 51,4 W The worst-case efficiency is expressed by
ηc =
Psup Psup + Pc
800 = 0,94 800 + 51,4
Although the worst-case efficiency is about 90 %, during the converter operation on the rated load conditions, the efficiency will kindly increase to 95…97 %.
Appendixes. Specifications of Wiring Diagrams Appendix 1. Servo Drive of Mitsubishi Electric Fig. 6.1 230 V 24 VDC NFB MC FR TE DE CN1 CN2 CN3 P, C, BC B1, B2, BE L1, L2 U, V, W M PE, E SG V24 V+ SON ST1, ST2 DI1 ALM PF ZSP
Circuit diagram Power supply Power supply of digital input/output section No-fuse breaker Magnetic contactor Option power factor improving reactor or line filter Main circuit terminal block Digital input/output section Junction terminal block to connect the control signals (I/O signal connector) Rotor position encoder connector RS-232C option unit, which matches a personal computer Brake option and option braking resistor Option electromagnetic brake Power input terminals Servomotor power supply and power input terminals of the servomotor Motor Protective earth terminal Power supply common terminal for connection the negative terminal of external power supply Interface power input 24 VDC, 200 mA or more for external power supply Digital output power terminal, which supplies power for driving the digital output section Servo on start signal terminal Rotation direction start signals Low/high rotation speed selection Trouble signal output terminal Positioning finished up-to-speed output signal Zero speed output signal
Appendix 2. Asynchronous Drive of Sew Eurodrive Fig. 6.3 230 V 24 VDC PS PP M ND NF HF BE X0 X1…X14
Circuit diagram Power supply Power supply of digital input/output section Power section Processor Motor Option line choke Option input filter Option output filter Option braking resistor Grounding terminal Junction terminal blocks
234 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 8, 9 31 34 0 40 44 41 42 43 47 30 60 61 62 48 49 X4
Connection terminals to the supply Motor cable terminals Option braking resistor connection 10 VDC for setpoint potentiometer Setpoint input Ground 10 VDC External power supply 24 VDC for inverter diagnosis with the mains off Auxiliary power supply output 24 VDC for external command switches Forward direction stop binary input Reverse direction stop binary input Enable/rapid stop binary input Ramp generator binary input Ground 24 VDC Reference terminal for binary inputs Brake released binary output Fault binary output Low speed binary input High speed binary input Slot for option keypad, RS-232, and RS-485 serial interfaces
Appendix 3. DC Drive BTU 3601 Fig. 6.5 X1 X2 M BR T L1 PA, PV R1, R2, R3 K1, K2 R4, R5, K3 F6 A1, B1, C1 A3, B3, C3 8, 13 11, 12, 13 14, 16 15, 17, 18 19, 16 20, 15 21, 22 23, 22 26, 14 27, 17
Circuit diagram Power section junction terminal Control section junction terminal Motor Tacho generator Power transformer Smoothing choke Load ammeter and voltmeter Reference resistors Direction selection relays Resistors and relay of the current restriction Circuit breaker Control system supply terminals Secondary winding of the supply transformer terminals Motor terminals Load ammeter and voltmeter terminals External load terminals fed by 24 VDC Speed reference terminals fed by ±15 VDC External load terminals fed by -24 VDC Terminal for relay contact for the regulators’ blocking release Speed reference Tacho generator terminals Alarm signal lamp terminals Limiting current resistor terminals
235 28, 15 29, 22
Pin terminals for current restriction Addition signal inputs for the speed reference
Appendix 4. Asynchronous Drive Fig. 6.7 M VT1…VT6 U, V, W V+ LeU…LeW 15VDC GND VbU…VbW HinU…HinW LinU…LinW T/Itrip Rg1…Rg6 Rsh
Circuit diagram Motor Power switches Power outputs Power input Power inputs Control circuit supply Grounding Phase current sensors High switches gate signals Low switches gate signals Heat and overload protection data Gate current limiters Shunt resistors
Appendix 5. DC Drive Fig. 6.9 VT 50 VDC GND 12 VDC ±12 VDC ±M ±SET ±TACH EN A…B\ E R MN PS PWM SCC C ES CS TS FVC
Circuit diagram Power switches Supply voltage Power ground Internal supply 12 VDC outputs DC motor output voltage, 45 VDC Setpoint inputs Tacho inputs Encoder inputs Enable input signal Ready output signal Monitor output MOSFET power stage PWM control and protection circuit Speed/current controller Option choke EMF sensor Current sensor Tacho sensor Frequency-voltage converter
Further Reading Monographs 1.
Agrawal, J. P., Power Electronic Systems: Theory and Design, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. 562 p. ISBN: 0134428803
Ahmed, A., Power Electronics for Technology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. 427 p. ISBN: 0132310694
Ang, S. S., Power-Switching Converters, NY: M. Dekker, 1995. 412 p. ISBN: 0824796306
Baliga, B. J., Power Semiconductor Devices, Boston: PWS Publishing Co., 1996. 624 p.
Barnes, M., Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics, MA: Newnes, 2003. 286 p. ISBN: 0750658088
Barton, T. H., Rectifiers, Cycloconverters and AC Controllers, Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1994. 687 p. ISBN: 0198561636
Batarseh, I., Power Electronic Circuits, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004. 574 p. ISBN: 0471126624
Benda, V., J. Gowar, and D. A. Grant, Power Semiconductor Devices: Theory and Applications, Chichester; NY: Wiley, 1999. 419 p. ISBN: 047197644X
Bradley, D. A., Power Electronics, NY: Chapman & Hall, 1994. ISBN: 0412571005
10. Brown, M., Practical Switching Power Supply Design, San Diego: Academic Press, 1990. 240 p. ISBN: 0121370305 11. Bürkel, R. and T. Schneider, Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes (FRED): Characteristics, Applications, Examples, Lampertheim: IXYS Semiconductor Data Book, 1998 12. Cattermole, K. W., Principles of Pulse Code Modulation, NY: Elsevier, 1969. ISBN: 444197478 13. Circuits and Components for Power Electronics, Berlin; Munchen: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, 1988. 33 p. ISBN: 3800938758 14. Dorf, R. and R. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1995. 807 p. ISBN: 0201845598 15. Erickson, R. W. and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic, 2001. 883 p. ISBN: 0792372700 16. Facts Worth Knowing About Frequency Converters, Danfoss A/S, 1991. 136 p. ISBN: 8787411024 17. Grant, D. A. and D. Gower, Power MOSFETS – Theory and Application, New York: Wiley, 1989. 504 p. ISBN: 047182867X 18. Hart, D. W., Introduction to Power Electronics, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. 418 p. ISBN: 0023511826
237 19. Heumann, K., Basic Principles of Power Electronics, Berlin [etc.]: Springer, 1986, 294 p. ISBN: 3540161384 20. Hoft, R. G., Semiconductor Power Electronics, Krieger, 1991, 384 p., Reprint of Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986. 384 p. 21. Holmes, D. G. and T. A. Lipo, Pulse-Width Modulation for Power Converters: Principles and Practice, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2003. 724 p. ISBN: 0471208140 22. Ibrahim, K. F., Electronic Systems & Techniques, London: Addison Wesley; Longman, 1994. 400 p. 23. IEC60747-1, General Remarks on Maximum Ratings and Characteristics. Tests 24. IEC60747-2, Rectifier Diodes 25. IEC60747-9, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) 26. Jacob, J. M., Power Electronics: Principles & Applications, Albany: Delmar Thomson Learning, 2002. 525 p. ISBN: 0766823326 27. James, M., Higher Electronics, Oxford [etc.]: Newnes, 1999. 310 p. ISBN: 075064169X 28. Joller, J., Jouelectroonika, Tallinn Technical University, 1996. 216 p. ISBN: 9985690095 29. Kassakian, J. G., M. F. Schlecht, and G. C. Verghese, Principles of Power Electronics, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1992. 738 p. 30. Kazmierkowski, M. P. and H. Tunia, Automatic Control of Converter-Fed Drives, Amsterdam; NY: Elsevier; Warszawa: PWN, Polish Scientific Publishers, 1994. 559 p. ISBN: 044498660X 31. Kazmierkowski, M. P. (editor), Control in Power Electronics: Selected Problems, Amsterdam; NY: Academic Press, 2002. 518 p. ISBN: 0124027725 32. Kenjo, T., Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Age, Oxford [England]; NY: Oxford University Press, 1990. 349 p. ISBN: 0198563302 33. Khanna, V. K., The Industrial Gate Bipolar Transistor, IGBT. Piscataway (NY): IEEE Press; Hoboken, NY: Wiley Interscience. 2003. 627 p. ISBN: 0471238457 34. Krein, P. T., Elements of Power Electronics, NY: Oxford University Press, 1998. 766 p. ISBN: 0195117018 35. Kyyra, J., Suuntaajatekniikka, Helsinki: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, 1995. 328 p. 36. Lander, C. W., Power Electronics, London; NY: McGraw-Hill, 1993. 480 p. ISBN: 0077077148 37. Laugis, J. and T. Lehtla, Asunkroonajamite Sagedusjuhtimine, Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 1994. 92 p. 38. Lee, F. C. (editor), Power Electronics Technology and Applications II, NY: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997. ISBN: 0780341910 39. Lehtla, T., Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2003. 103 p. ISBN: 998569029X
238 40. Lehtla, M., Electroonikaseadmete Raalprojekteerimine, Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2002. 140 p. ISBN: 9985690257 41. Lenk, J. D., Complete Guide to Electronic Power Supplies, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990. 272 p. ISBN: 0131728180 42. Leonhard, W., Control of Electric Drives, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1996. 420 p. ISBN: 3540593802 43. Luo, F. L. and H. Ye, Advanced DC/DC Converters, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2003. 792 p. ISBN: 0849319560 44. Marston, R. M., Power Control Circuits Manual. Oxford, [England]; Boston; Mass.: Newnes, 1997. 220 p. ISBN: 0750630051 45. Mazda, F. F., Power Electronics Handbook, Oxford [England]: Newnes; Boston: Butterworth, 1997. 441 p. ISBN: 0750629266 46. Mohan, N. First Course on Power Electronics and Drives, Minneapolis, MN: MNPERE, 2003. 248 p. ISBN: 0971529221 47. Mohan, N., T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. 802 p. ISBN: 0471226939 48. Nicolai, U., T. Reimann, J. Petzoldt, and J. Lutz, Semikron: Application manual power modules, Verlag ISLE, 2000. 49. Ozenbaugh, R. L., EMI Filter Design, New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001.319 p. 50. Paice, D. A., Power Electronics Converter Harmonics: Multipulse Methods for Clean Power, Wiley, 2001, 222 p. ISBN: 0780353943 51. Patrick, D. R. and S. W. Fardo, Industrial Electronics: Devices and Systems. Lilburn, Ga: Fairmont press; Basel: Dekker. 2000. 671 p. ISBN: 0824705017 52. Pressman, A. I., Switching Power Supply Design, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, 682 p. ISBN: 0070522367 53. Rankis, I., Energoelektronika: Otrais atkartotais izdevums, Riga: RTU Izdevnieciba, 2004. 160 p. ISBN: 9984323781 54. Rashid, M. H. (editor), Power Electronics Handbook, San Diego: Academic Press, 2001. 895 p. ISBN: 0125816502 55. Rashid, M. H., Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2003. 912 p. 56. Reddy, R. S., Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press; New Delhi: Narosa Pub. House, 2000. 190 p. ISBN: 0849309344 57. Rincon-Mora, G. A., Voltage References: From Diodes to Precision High-Order Bandgap Circuits, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press; New York: Wiley-Interscience, 2002. 168 p. ISBN: 0471143367 58. Rombaut, C. and G. Seguier, Power Electronic Converters – AC/AC Conversion, McGraw-Hill, 1987. 340 p.
239 59. Rosen, A. and F. J. Zutavern (editors), High-Power Optically Activated Solid-State Switches, Boston: Artech House, 1994. 377 p. ISBN: 0890065071 60. Ross, J. N., The Essence of Power Electronics, London; NY: Prentice Hall, 1997. 217 p. ISBN: 0135256437 61. Seguier, G., Power Electronic Converters: DC-AC Conversion, Berlin; NY: SpringerVerlag, 1993. 444 p. ISBN: 3540549749 62. Sen, P. C., Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 615 p. ISBN: 0471022950 63. Shepherd, W., Power Electronics and Motor Control, Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1995. 539 p. ISBN: 0521478138 64. Sillakivi, P., Electronic Circuits: Examples for Project Based Subject "Technologies of Electronic Products", Tallinn: [Tallinna Tehnikaulikooli Kirjastus], 2003. 25 p. ISBN: 9985594002 65. Skvarenina, T. L. (editor), The Power Electronics Handbook, Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2002. p. 664 ISBN: 0849373360 66. Subrahmanyam, V., Power Electronics, New York: J. Wiley, 1997. 786 p. ISBN: 0470233419 67. Sum, K. K., Switch Mode Power Conversion, Basic Theory and Design, New York: M. Dekker, 1984. 324 p. ISBN: 0824772342 68. Tarter, R. E., Solid-State Power Conversion Handbook, NY: Wiley, 1993. 719 p. ISBN: 0471572438 69. Thollot, P. A. (editor), Power Electronics Technology and Applications, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1992. 429 p. ISBN: 0780308808 70. Thorborg, K., Power Electronics, (English translation of Kraftelektronik), NY: Prentice Hall, 1988. 504 p. ISBN: 0136865933 0136865771 71. Tihanyi, L., Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics, NY: IEEE Press; Sarasota, Fla.: JK: Eckert; Oxford, U.K.: Butterworth Heinemann, 1995. 403 p. ISBN: 0780304160 72. Trzynadlowski, A. M., Introduction to Modern Power Electronics, NY: Wiley, 1998. 433 p. ISBN: 0471153036 73. Tse, C. K., Complex Behavior of Switching Power Converters, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2004. 262 p., ISBN: 0849318629 74. Vithayathil, J., Power Electronics: Principles and Applications, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1995. 632 p. ISBN: 0070675554 75. Vodovozov, V. and R. Jansikene, Electronic Engineering, Tallinn: TUT, 2006. 148 p. ISBN: 109985690397 76. Vodovozov, V. and R. Jansikene, Power Electronic Converters, Tallinn: TUT, 2006. 120 p. ISBN: 9985690389 77. Waggoner, R. M. (editor), Practical Guide to Quality Power for Sensitive Electronic Equipment, Overland Park, Kan.: EC&M Books, 1997. 144 p. ISBN: 0872886670
240 78. Whittington, H. W., B. W. Flynn, and D. E. MacPherson, Switched-Mode Power Supplies - Design and Construction, Taunton, Somerset, England: Research Studies Press; New York: Wiley, 1997. 236 p. ISBN: 0863802036 79. Williams, B. W. Power Electronics: Devices, Drivers, Applications, and Passive Components, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1992. 542 p. ISBN: 0070704392 80. Williams, T., EMC for Product Designers, Oxford; Boston: Newnes, 2001. 360 p. ISBN: 0750649305 81. Wu, K. C., Pulse-Width Modulated DC/DC Converters, New York: Chapman & Hall: International Thomson Pub., 1997. 234 p. ISBN: 0412105411 82. Wu, K. C., Transistor Circuits for Spacecraft Power System, Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003. 217 p. ISBN:1402072619 83. Башарин, А. В., В. А. Новиков и Г. Г. Соколовский, приводами, Ленинград: Энергоатомиздат, 1982. 392 с.
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транзисторными электроприводах
91. Грузов, В. Л., Вентильные преобразователи, Вологда: ВоГТУ, 2002. 92 с. ISBN: 5878511800 92. Ибрагим, К. Ф., Основы электронной техники. Элементы, схемы, системы, Москва: Мир, 2001. 397 с. ISBN: 5030033947 93. Колпаков, А. И., В лабиринте силовой электроники, СПб: Изд-во Буковского, 2000. 94. Лачин, В. И. и Н. С. Савелов, Электроника, Москва, Феникс, 2007. ISBN: 522202718. 95. Розанов, Ю. К., Основы силовой электроники, Москва: Энергоатомиздат, 1992. 296 с. ISBN: 5283006816 96. Руденко, В. С., В. И. Сенько и В. В. Трифонюк, электроники, Киев: Вища шк., 1985. 400 с.
241 97. Семенов, Б. Ю., Силовая электроника для любителей и профессионалов, Москва: Солон-Р, 2001. 327 с. ISBN: 5934550896 98. Соколовский, Г. Г., Электроприводы переменного тока с частотным управлением, Москва: Академия, 2006. 272 с. ISBN: 5769523069 99. Терехов, В. М. и О. И. Осипов, Системы управления электроприводов, Москва: Академия, 2006. 304 с. ISBN 5769529113 100. Уильямс, Б. В., Силовая электроника: Приборы, применение, управление, Москва: Энергоатомиздат, 1993. 542 с. ISBN: 0070704392
Dictionaries 1.
Amos, S. W., Newnes Dictionary of Electronics, Oxford [etc.]: Newnes, 1999. 389 p. ISBN: 0750656425
IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms – Fifth Edition, IEEE, 1993. 1568 p.
Power Sources Manufacturers Association, Inc., Handbook of Standardized Terminology for the Power Sources Industry, Los Angeles, CA. 1995. 95 p.
Лисовский, Ф. В. и И. К. Калугин, Англо-русский словарь по радиоэлектронике, Москва: Руссо, 1999. 752 с. ISBN: 5887211210
Мостицкий, И. Л., Новейший англо-русский толковый словарь по современной электронной технике, Москва: Лучшие книги, 2003. 527 с. ISBN: 5936730220
Федоров, Н. Д. и Д. Н. Федоров, Толковый словарь по электронике Москва: Радио и связь, 2001. 237 с. ISBN: 5356015109
Черепанов, А. Т., Англо-русский словарь сокращений по компьютерным технологиям, информатике, электронике и связи, Москва: Рус. яз, 2000. 496 с. ISBN: 5200027527
References on Simulation Instruments 1.
Attia, J. O., PSpice and Matlab for Electronics: An Integrated Approach, FL: Boca Raton [etc.], CRC Press, 2002. 338 p. ISBN: 0849312639
Berube, R. H., Computer Simulated Experiments for Electric Circuits Using Electronics Workbench, NJ: Upper Saddle River, OH: Columbus, Prentice Hall, 1997. 263 p. ISBN: 0133596214
Borris, J. P., Semiconductor Devices Simulation Using Electronics Workbench, NJ: Upper Saddle River, OH: Columbus, Prentice-Hall, 2000. 207 p. ISBN: 0130260835
Craig, E. C., Laboratory Manual for Electronics via Waveform Analysis, New York [etc.]: Springer, 1994. 130 p. ISBN: 0387941363
Gosling, J. B., Simulation in the Design of Digital Electronic Systems, Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 273 p. ISBN: 0521426723
Horsey, M. P., Electronics Projects Using Electronics Workbench, Oxford [etc.] : Newnes, 1998. 227 p. ISBN: 0750631376
242 7.
Kularatna, N., Power Electronics Design Handbook, Boston: Newnes, 1998. 300 p. ISBN: 0750670738
Lenk, J. D., Simplified Design of Switching Power Supplies, Boston: ButterworthHeinemann, 1995. 224 p. ISBN: 0750695072
Massobrio, G., Semiconductor Device Modeling with Spice, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. 479 p. ISBN: 0070024693
10. Price, T. E., Analog Electronics: An Integrated PSpice Approach, London [etc.]: Prentice hall, 1997. 706 p. ISBN: 0132428431 11. PSpice Reference Guide, Oregon: Cadence PCB System Division. 2000 12. PSpice User’s Guide, Oregon: Cadence PCB System Division. 2000 13. Raghuram, R., Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits, New York [etc.]: New Delhi: Wiley; Wiley Eastern, 1989. 246 p. ISBN: 0470213310 14. Ramshaw, R. and D. Schuurman, PSpice Simulation of Power Electronic Circuits, An Introductory Guide, NY: Chapman & Hall, 1996. 400 p. ISBN: 0412751402 15. Tuinenga, P. W., Spice: A Guide to Circuit Simulation and Analysis Using PSpice, NJ: Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1995. 288 p. ISBN: 0134360494 16. Болотовский, Ю. И. и Г. Таназлы, OrCAD. Моделирование, Поваренная книга, Москва: Солон-Пресс. 2005 17. Водовозов, В. М., Проектирование электропривода с использованием пакета eDrive, СПб: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ “ЛЭТИ”, 2006, 32 с. 18. Герман-Галкин, С. Г., Силовая электроника: Лабораторные работы на ПК, Москва: Корона Принт, 2002. 304 с. 19. Карлащук, В. И., Электронная лаборатория на IBM PC: Программа Electronics Workbench и ее применение, Москва: Солон-Р, 1999. 70 с. ISBN: 5934550063 20. Панфилов, Д. И., В. С. Иванов и И. Н. Чепурин, Электротехника и электроника в экспериментах и упражнениях: Практикум на Electronics Workbench: В 2 т. Т. 1: Электротехника, Москва: Додэка, 1999. 304 с. Т. 2: Электроника, Москва: Додэка, 2000. 288 с. ISBN: 5878350513 21. Разевиг, В. Д., Система сквозного DesignLab 8.0, Москва: Солон. 1999.
List of Journals AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communications Chip News Computers and Electrical Engineering Electric Power System Research Electromechanical and Power Systems EPCOS Components EPE Journal IEEE Industry Applications Magazine IEEE Power Engineering Review
243 IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology IEEE Transactions on Education IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Power Systems World Solid-State Electronics Известия вузов. Электроника Компоненты и технологии Силовая электроника Практическая силовая электроника Электронные компоненты
Useful Links Electronic Converters and Motor Drive Manufacturers ABB – Advanced Power Technology – Danfoss – International Rectifier – IXYS – Maxon Motor – Mean Well – Mitsubishi Electric – National Semiconductor – Nihon Electronic – Omron – Schneider Electric – Semikron – Sew-Eurodrive – Siemens – Symmetron – Texas Instruments – Toshiba –
Driver and Component Manufacturers Advanced Micro Devices – American Microsystems – Analog Devices – Fujitsu – General Instrument – Hitachi – Infineon – http:// Intel – Motorola – NEC – ON Semiconductor – RCA – Rockwell – Samsumg – Siliconix – Tyco Electronics – Zilog –
Index accident, 76 adder, 148 amplifier, 93 summing, 148 angle, 167 firing, 17 load, 168 of advance, 17 overlap, 17 phase displacement, 16 rotor displacement, 188 armature, 168 blocking, 78 boosting, 174 braking compound, 84 dc, 84 dynamic, 83 mains energy feedback, 83 regenerative, 82 resistor, 83 breaker, 78 capacitor compensative, 87 changer, 34 characteristics, 55 control, 45 current, 158 dynamic, 158 efficiency, 158 load, 158 output, 11 power, 158 speed-torque, 158 steady-state, 158 chopper, 43 boost, 43 brake, 42 buck, 43 fly-back, 43 forward, 43 step-down, 43 step-up, 43 circuit, 10 anti-parallel, 97 gate, 10 sensing, 46 clamp, 78 soft, 80 clarifying, 55 compensation boost, 174
IR, 174 slip, 175 constant electromagnetic, time, 143 EMF, 143 mechanical, time, 143 torque, 143 contactor, 78 control coordinated, 99 current-frequency, CFC, 176 direct torque, DTC, 185 field-oriented, FOC, 182 joint coordinated, 100 joint non-coordinated, 100 predictive, 164 sensorless, 185 separate, 97 sliding, 177 vector, 182 voltage-frequency, VFC, 172 controller D, 150 I, 149 P, 149 PD, 150 PI, 150 PID, 151 converter ac/ac, 34 ac/dc, 13 buck-boost, 51 Cuk, 52 cyclo-, 35 dc link, 35 dc/ac, 23 dc/dc, 43 diagonal half-bridge, 47 direct frequency, 35 double-ended forward, 47 forced commutated, 13 forward, 46 four-quadrant, 18 half-bridge asymmetrical, 47 line-commutated, 13 matrix, 38 power electronic, 9 push-pull, 49 PWM, 130 self-commutated, 102 single-quadrant, 17 transformer-isolated, 47
246 two-quadrant, 17 two-switch forward, 47 current, 16 ac, 9 continuous, 95 dc, 9 discontinuous, 17 imaginary, 171 magnetization, 170 real, 171 rotor, 170 stator, 170 derating, 58 diagram angle, 189 block, 142 circuit, 14 control, 94 operation, 93 output, 96 timing, 93 differentiator, 150 diode feedback, 24 freewheeling, 24 driver gate, 92 duty cycle, 45 electronics, 7 component, 9 control, 9, 142 power, 9 EMC, 19 EMF back, 170 rotational, 170 self-induction, 170 transformer, 170 enclosure, 60 encoder rotor-position, 169 equation mechanical equilibriunm, 167 torque equilibrium, 167 error dynamic, 162 settled, 162 factor cyclic duration, 57 electromagnetic link, 181 leakage, 181 motor construction, 169 power, 15 ripple, 15 feedback, 93 feedforward, 164
filter, 86 active, 145 band-pass, 89 band-stop, 90 high-pass, 89 lead-lag, 89 low-pass, LPF, 86 notch, 90 passive, 145 flux, 168 flux linkage, 168 effective, 170 leakage, 170 rotor, 170 stator, 170 force, 10 counter, 167 dynamic, 167 electromotive, EMF, 10 magnetomotive, 168 motoring, 167 static, 167 frequency angular, 170 chopping, 45 notch, 90 slip, 171 function transfer, 142 fuse, 78 gain, 143 gating, 92 gear changing, 133 generator carrier, 92 inductance, 10 mutual, 181 rotor, 181 stator, 181 inductor, 168 smoothing, 64 integrator, 149 interference, 85 interpolation asymmetrical, 134 Euler, 134 symmetrical, 134 inverter, 23 autonomous, 23 current source, CSI, 25 line-fed, 23 offline, 23 online, 23 PWM, 130 resonant, 30 voltage source, VSI, 24
247 voltage stiff, 24 law Ampere, 168 electromechanical, 170 energy conservation, 166 Faraday, 193 Newton’s, 7 Ohm’s, 7 loose running, 47 loss, 168 mode braking, 11 circulating current, 99 circulating current-free, 100 inverting, 11 motoring, 11 of operation, 11 rectifying, 11 regeneration, 11 modulation, 93 bipolar voltage-switching, 130 block, 121 index, 131 natural, 134 phase, 93 phase-shift, 122 picket, 136 PWM, 130 rectangle, 121 regular, 134 sinusoidal, 130 six-step, 127 space vector, 137 square-wave, 121 vectorial, 137 motor asynchronous, 166 dc, 166 induction, 166 synchronous, 166 motor drive asynchronous, 166 dc, 166 electric, 9 servo, 189 synchronous, 166 motor drive, 7 operation continuous, 57 periodic, 57 short-term, 57 operator Laplace, 142 overmodulation, 132 overshoot, 162 forward voltage, 72
reverse current, 72 power dynamic, 167 electrical, 176 electromagnetic, 176 static, 167 principle cascading, 156 sequential correction, 153 pulse distribution unit, PDU, 99 ramp, 149 rating, 55 ratio carrier, 131 duty, 45 frequency, 131 modulation, 131 turns, 62 rectifier, 13 active, 21 bridge, 17 controlled, 14 dual, 18 full-wave, 17 half-wave, 17 midpoint, 17 passive, 13 PWM, 130 single-phase, 16 three-phase, 18 uncontrolled, 14 Vienna, 21 regulator, 43 boost, 51 buck, 46 buck-boost, 52 reliability, 58 request for proposal, 55 resistance, 10 resistor ballast, 88 braking, 42 rotor, 168 sampling, 93 selectivity, 89 sensor, 78 service life, 58 servomotor, 169 setting exponential optimum, EO, 152 module optimum, MO, 153 standard, 152 symmetrical optimum, SO, 153 signal carrier, 92 modulation, 93
248 reference, 92 slew rate, 64 slip, 171 snubber, 78 space vector, 137 active, 137 zero, 137 specification, 55 speed ideal no-load, 171 synchronous, 171 stator, 168 subtracter, 148 summer, 148 surge, 64 switching hard, 30 soft, 30 table, 129 system control, 10 electronic, 9
linear, 158 power, 10 time reverse recovery, 72 time constant large, 153 small, 153 torque breakdown, 158 dynamic, 167 electromagnetic, 168 flywheel, 167 mechanical, 168 motoring, 167 reduction, 173 static, 167 transient, 72 tripping, 82 turn, 168 voltage, 16 winding, 168