Electronically Filed - Florida Supreme Court

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Nov 14, 2013 ... OF FILING LAURA M. WATSON, P.A.'S CERTIFICATE ... Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. and herebv eive notice ol'filine I aura M. Watson.
Electronically Filed 11/14/2013 07:59:08 AM ET RECElVED, 11/14/2013 08:03:37, John A. Tomasino, Clerk, Supreme Court

BEFORE TIIE INVESTIGATIVF PANEI OF Till FI ORIDA Ji'DICIAI QUAl IFICATIONS COMMISSION STATE OF FLORIDA INQl:IRY CONCERNING A Ji DGE SCl3-1333 LACRA MARIE WATSON. NO. 12-613 JCDICIAL Qt ALIFICATIONS COMMISSION'S NOTICE OF FILING LAURA M. WATSON, P.A.'S CERTIFICATE OF CONVERSION DATED DECEMBER 28,2012 The Judicial Qualifications Commission and pursuant to Rule 12. FJQCR adopting Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. and herebv eive notice ol'filine I aura M. Watson. P.A.'s Certificate ol'Conversion dated December 28. 2012. The contents ol'this Certificate ol'Conversion must be considered by the Court on any matter pending bel'ore the Court and at the trial of this cause. Respectfully submitted.


Michael Schneider. Esquire General Counsel Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission Florida Bar No.: 525049 1110 Thomasville Road Tallahassee. Florida 32303 Telephone: (850) 488-l 581 Facsimile: Service E-Mail: hneid tior bhennerb


s/ Miles A. McGrane. III Miles A. McGrane. Ill. Esquire The McGrane I aw Firm Special Counsel Florida Bar No.: 201 146 One Datran Center. Suite 1500 9100 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami. FL 33156 Telephone: (305)374-0003 Facsimile: (305) 397-2966 Service E-N1ail: m 5 meamne .com Sa 1/ meuranelau.com


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by

electronic service, this 14th day of November, 2013 to: The Honorable Laura Marie Watson Circuit Judge, 17'h Judicial Circuit 201 S.E. 6'h Street, Room 1005B Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 [email protected] [email protected] Robert A. Sweetapple, Esquire Alexander D. Varkas, Jr., Esquire Law Offices of Sweetapple, Broeker & Varkas, P.L. 165 East Boca Raton Road Boca Raton, FL 33432-3911 [email protected] Lauri Waldman Ross, Esquire Ross & Girten 9130 South Dadeland Boulevard

Suite 1612 Miami, FL 33156 RossGirtenra)Laurilaw.com The Honorable Kerry I. Evander Chair of the JQC Hearing Panel 300 S. Beach Street Daytona Beach, FL 32114 [email protected]

BY: /s/ Miles A. McGrane, III Miles A. McGrane, III, Esquire


uestofs Name)

100242253431 PICK-UP



(Document Number)

Certified Copies _

Certificates of Status

Special Instructions to Filing Officer


Office Use Only

93 13__g1004-015 **185.00


Registration Section Division of Corporations

SUBJECT: Habermil Holdings, LLC (Name of Resulting Florida Limited Company)

The enclosed Certificate of Conversion. Articles of Organization and fees are submitted to convert an "Other Business Entity" into a "Florida Limited Liability Company" in accordance with s. 608.439, F.S. Please return all correspondence concerning this matter to:

Laura M. Watson (Comact Person)

Habermil Holdings, LLC (Firm/Company)

6278 North Federal Highway, Suite 337 (Address)

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 (City, stare and zipCode)

[email protected] E-mail address: (to be used for future annual repon notifications)

For further information concerning this matter, please call:

Laura M. Watson

at (954

(Name ofContact Person)

3 253-5607

(Area Code and Daytime Telephone Number)

Enclosed is a check for the following amount: $150.00 Filing Fees ($25 for Conversion & $125 for Articles of Organization)

J155.00 Filing Fees and Certificate of Status


Registration Section Division of Corporations Clifton Building 2661 Executive Center Circle Tallahassee, FL 32301

1E0.00 Filing Fees Certified Copy

$185.00 Filing Fees. Certified Copy, and Certificate ofStatus


Registration Section Division of Corporations P. O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314

Certificate of Conversion For "Other Business Entity Into Florida Limited Liability Company

This Certificate of Conversion and attached Articles of Organi tion are submitted to convert the following "Other Business Entity" into a Florida Limited Liability Company in accordance with s.608.439, Florida Statutes. 1. The name of the "Other Business Entity" immediately prior to the filing of this Certificate of Conversion is:

Laura M. Watson. P.A.



(Enter Name of Other Business Entity)

2. The "Other Business Entity"is a Professional Service Corporation


(Enter entity type. Example: corporation, limited partnership,



general partnership, common law or business trust, etc.) first organized, formed or incorporated under the laws of State of Florida (Enter state, or if a non-U.S. entity, the name of the country)

.. 5


on June 9, 1999

a $


(Enter date *Other Business Entity" was first organized, formed or incorpora

3. If the jurisdiction of the "Other Business Entity" was changed, the state or country under the laws of

which it is now organized, formed or incorporated:

N/A 4. The name of the Florida Limited Liability Company as set forth in the attached Articles of


Habermil Holdings, LLC


(Enter Nanae of Florida Limited Liability Company) 5. Ifnot effective on the date of filing, enter the effective date: offoetivo dato oreng


(The effective date: 1) cannot be prior to nor more than 90 days after the date this document is

filed by the Florida Department of State; M 2) must be the same as the effective date IIsted in the attached Articles of Organization, if an effective date is listed therein.) 6. The conversion is permitted by the applicable law(s) governing the other business entity and the

conversion complies with such law(s) and the requirements of s.608.439, F.S., in effecting the conversion. 7. The "Other Business Entity" currently exists on the official reco s of the jurisdiction under which it is currently organized, formed or incorporated. Page l of 2

Signed this

day of



Signature of Member or Authorized Representative of Limited Liability Company; Individual signing affirms that the facts stated in this document are true. Any false information constitutes a third degree felony as provided for in s.817.155, F.S Signature of Member or Authorized Representative:

Printed Name: Laura M. Watson




Siynsture(s) on behalf of Other Business Entity: Individual(s) signing affirm(s) that the facts stated in this document are true. Any false information constitutes a third degree felony as provided for la s.817.155, F.S. [See below for re signature(s).1 .

Signature: PrintedName: ta

u watann

Signature: Printed Name:

Title: ww.wes«=ww-= Title:

Signature: Printed Name:


Signature: Printed Name:


Signature: Printed Name:


Signature: Printed Name:


If Florida Corporation:

Signature of Chairman, Vice Chainnan, Director, or Officer. if Directors or Officers have not been selected, an Incorporator must s gn. If Florida General Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership; Signature of one General Partner. If Florida Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Limited Partnership: Signatures of A_LL General Partners. All others: Signature of an authorized person.

Fees: Certificate of Conversion: Fees for Florida Articles of Organization:

$25.00 $125.00

Certified Copy: Certificate of Status:

$30.00 (Optional) $5.00 (Optional) Page 2 of 2


ARTICLEl-Name: The name of the Limited Liability Company is:

Habermil Holdings, LLC

(Must end with the words -Limited Liabihty Com'pany, the abbreviation "L.L.C.," or the designation *LLC.")

ARTICLE11-Address: The mailing address and street address of the principal office of th Limited Liability Company is: Principal Office Address:

Mailing Address:

6278 North Federal Highway


Suite 337

Entt Lauderdale, FL 33308

ARTICLE III - Registered Agent, Registered Office, & Registered Agent's Signature: (De Limited Liability Company cannot serve as its own Registered Agent. You must designate an individual or another

business entity with an active Florida registration.)

The n'ame and the Florida street address ofthe registered agent are

Stephen Rakusin. Esauire Name

2919 East Commercial Boulevard Florida street address (P.O. Box NLQT acceptable)

Fort Lauderdale,

FL 33308 |

City, State, and Zip Having been named as registeredagent and to accept service ofprocessfor the above stated limited liability company at theplace designated in this certVicate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. Ifurther agree to comply with theprovisions ofall statutes relating to the proper and complete performance ofmy duties, andI amfamil' i and accept the obligations ofmy position as registered agent as pmvidedfor in Chapter 6


i ature (1 EQUIRED) (CONTINUED) Pagelaf2

ARTICLE IV- Manager(s) or Managing Member(s): The name and address of each Manager or Managing Member is as follows: Title:

Name and Address.

"MGR" = Manager "MGRM" - Managing Member MGRM

Laura M. W tson 6278 North Federal Highway, Suite 337

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

(Use attachment if necessary)

ARTICLE V: Effective date, if other than the date of filing: .


(The effective date: 1) cannot be prior to nor more than 90 days after the date this document is filed by the Florida Department of State; M 2) must be the same as the effective date listed in the attached Certificate of Conversion, if an effective date listed therein.) REQUIRED SIGNATURE:

Sfgna ure of a member or an authorized representative of a member. (In accordance with section 608.408(3), Florida Statutes, the execution of this document constitutes an affirmation under the penalties of perjury that the facts stated herein are true. I am aviare that any false information submitted in a document to the Depanment of5tate constitutes a third degree felo'ny as provided for in s.817.155, F.S.)

Laura M. Watson

Typed or printed name of signee Page 2 of 2
