electronics - IEEE Xplore

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ited by the Guest Editors cited below: William F. Krupke. Laser Program, L-488. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. P.O. Box 5508. Livermore, CA 94550.


Announcing a Special Issue of the IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS on Solid-state Lasers burg, VA, are especially encouraged to contribute to this Special Issue. The deadline for submission is October 31, 1987, with a planned publication date of July 1988 (delayed from the thin plate gain medium geometries for both glass and July 1987 and April 1988 dates previously announced in crystal lasers ordertoaccommodatecontributionsfromtheTunable laser glasses with improved self-quenching and ther- Solid State Lasers meeting). mal strength properties, coupled with improved fabAdditional information required for the authors is found rication techniques on the inside back cover of current issues of the IEEE sensitized neodymium laser crystals (e.g., Nd: Cr: JOURNALOF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. Contributions GSGG) with increased efficiency should consist of an original plus two copies of the mancrystal boules of increased size and quality, coupled uscriptandoriginalfiguressuitable forreproduction. with improved fabrication techniques Manuscripts must be accompanied by a completed copysemiconductorlaserdiodearraysandtheirusein right form. Full reference titles, together with beginning pumpingnovel,compact,efficientsolid-statelaser and ending page numbers for each citation, should be insources with high coherence and stability cluded in the reference list. This Special Issue will be ednovelphonon-terminatedtunablesolid-statelasers ited by the Guest Editors cited below: using a variety of laser ions and host materials William F. Krupke continued development of nonlinear techniques (harLaser Program, L-488 monic generation, Raman scattering, mixing, etc.) to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory achieve spectral diversity P.O. Box 5508 the development of nonlinear techniques (phase conLivermore, CA 94550 jugation via four-wave mixing, Brillouin scattering, etc.) to achieve improved beam quality. Michael Shand Allied-Signal Corporation A SpecialIssue of the IEEE JOURNALOF QUANTUM 7 Powder Horn Drive ELECTRONICS will address advances in all facets of solidMt. Bethel, NJ 07060 state lasers made recently and during the coming year. Leon Esterowitz Authors are invited to submit contributions dealing with Code 6550 the science and technology of solid-state laser devices and Naval Research Laboratory systems, including theoretical and experimental study of Washington, DC 20375-5000 novel laser design principles, characterization of known , All manuscripts should be submitted to the Livermore and novel materials related to laser performance, and readdress (provisions will also be made to accept completed sults on novelsolid-statelaserdevicesandassociated techniques. Participants in the Tunable Solid State Lasers manuscripts at the Tunable Solid State Lasers meeting). Please note the new scheduled issue and deadline date. topicalmeetingonOctober26-28, 1987, inWilliams-


N RECENT years there has been a substantial revival in the development of solid-state lasers, enabled by advances developments in several areas: