Electrostatic Discharge in Semiconductor Devices: Protection Techniques JAMES E. VINSON AND J. J. LIOU, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE Invited Paper
Electrostatic discharges (ESDs) are everywhere—in our homes and businesses. Even the manufacturers of the electronics experience ESD failures in their factories. Electronic devices are sensitive to ESD. ESD results in failure of our computers, calculators, and car phones. There are ways to protect these sensitive components. This paper looks at ESD protection from a two-pronged approach: reducing the likelihood of having an ESD event and improving the robustness of the devices themselves. The first approach focuses on reducing the amount of charge that is developed and controlling the redistribution of any charges that are developed. The second approach reviews ways to improve the circuit robustness by improving individual circuit elements and by adding additional elements for charge flow control and voltage clamping. Keywords—Air ionizers, electrostatic discharge, ESD protection, ESD safe packaging, ESD safe workstation, floor finishes, input protection, static clamps, static dissipation, transient clamps.
I. INTRODUCTION A. ESD Environment Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a subclass of the failure causes known as electrical overstress (EOS). This class applies electrical stimulus to a part outside of its designed tolerance. ESD is a charge driven mechanism because the event occurs as a result of a charge imbalance [1]. The current induced by an ESD event balances the charge between two objects. Our previous paper [2] gave an overview on the various aspects of the ESD event. This paper will cover the specifics of protection techniques for preventing the ESD damages in semiconductor devices. The ESD event has four major stages: 1) charge generation; 2) charge transfer; 3) charge conduction; and 4) charge-induced damage. ESD protection looks first to minimize the charge generation and slow the
Manuscript received February 26, 2000; revised June 20, 2000. J. E. Vinson is with Reliability Engineering, Intersil Corporation, Melbourne, FL 32902 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]). J. J. Liou is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 3286-2450 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]). Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(00)10760-1.
charge transfer by controlling the environment where parts are handled and stored. The next aspect focuses on the circuit elements. Here, protection techniques look for ways to make the individual elements more robust to the currents induced while at the same time adding additional circuit elements to alter the conduction paths the charge takes through a circuit. B. Real-World Events The movement of objects generates ESD events by providing the charging mechanism to produce a charge imbalance. No work area is immune to ESD events. The areas include office environments, homes, laboratories, wafer fabrication facilities, and assembly/test sites. People as well as equipment generate ESD events. People are charged to high voltages when they walk across the carpet. If a shock is felt from the ESD event, then the event had more than 3000 V of potential [3]. Computer monitors in homes and offices are sources for inductive charging of parts and produce ESD events in parts and equipment used around them [4]. These two sources of ESD generated events—people and equipment—produce current discharges that are quite different in shape, peak current, and duration. In fact, ESD from a person can be very different based on the footwear worn, whether they are sitting or standing, and whether they have a metal object (tool) in their hand. Chase and Unger, in [5], showed that the selection of footwear defines the person’s capacitance which ranged from 100 to 500 pF. If 4 C were developed by the charging process, the induced voltage would range from 800 V for the 500-pF case to 4000 V for the 100-pF case. The generated voltage is the driving force behind the ESD event. The capacitance of a person could double if they were sitting versus standing [6]. In addition to these inconsistencies, Calvin et al., in [7], showed that real-life ESD from people can consist of multiple discharges with each one progressively smaller in magnitude. Holding a metal object during an ESD event can lower the series resistance of the discharge increasing the current generated by the event [8]–[10]. The large variability
0018–9219/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
Fig. 1.
Human body model ESD schematic diagram with parasitic elements.
Fig. 2. HBM ESD current waveforms resulting from parasitic elements.
in real-life ESD events makes it clear that a set of standards is needed to judge a circuit’s response to ESD. The integrated circuit industry has standardized on three basic models related to ESD events. The models are based on the charge storage location. These are: 1) the human body model (HBM); 2) the machine model (MM); and 3) the charged device model (CDM). Each model is described by standards or draft standards. The ESD Association of Rome, NY, publishes one such group of standards. The three standards are ESD STM5.1-1998 Sensitivity Testing—Human Body Model (HBM)—Component Level; ESD S5.2-1999 Sensitivity Testing—Machine Model (MM)—Component Level; and ESD DS5.3—1996 Charged Device Model (CDM) Nonsocketed Mode—Component Level. These standards were accurate at the time of this writing, but the reader should contact the ESD Association directly for the latest revision. These methods of testing are intended to simulate the average ESD event. As such, results obtained using these test methods are for comparisons of the robustness of various designs and not as an absolute measure of a parts capability in the real-world environment [11].
A schematic diagram of the HBM model is shown in Fig. 1 [12], [13]. A plot of the current pulses as a function of these elements is shown in Fig. 2. The inductance controls the rise time of the current pulse. The parasitic capacitor C1 provides current overshoot. The parasitic capacitor C2 can generate an additional current pulse if the device under test (DUT) has a protection element that suddenly changes state such as a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR). C2 represents the test board capacitance. Modern ESD testers are designed to minimize these parasitic elements however many times the user designs and builds the DUT socket for their device. The user must take care not to introduce stray impedance into the current path, or undesired results would occur. C. Damage Caused The currents induced by ESD are extremely high. In Fig. 2, the HBM-generated current peaks are in excess of 2 A. CDM and MM ESD generate currents even higher than this. These current levels are in excess of the normal operational currents. It is this current, directly or indirectly, that causes the
Fig. 4. Voltage-induced damage mechanisms.
Fig. 3.
Current-induced damage mechanisms.
physical damage observed in an ESD failure. Direct damage is caused by the power generated during the event. It melts a section of the device causing failure. Indirectly, the current generates a voltage by the ohmic resistance and nonlinear conduction along its path. Small voltages are generated when junctions are operated in forward bias mode, but large voltages are generated when they are in reverse bias mode. The reverse bias conduction causes thermal damage at lower current levels because the power dissipation is higher from the higher voltage across the junction. In addition, the voltage generated by this event weakens dielectrics by charge injection. The limiting case for this charge injection is dielectric rupture. Electrical testing of damaged parts shows increases in leakage current. The high currents generated during an 1880
ESD event damage electrical junctions as well as rupture dielectrics materials. The damage caused by ESD is a result of five damage mechanisms. More than one damage mechanism may be active in a single failure. The current induced damage mechanisms are thin-film fusing, filamentation, and junction spiking. The voltage-induced mechanisms are charge injection and dielectric rupture. These mechanisms are illustrated schematically in Figs. 3 and 4 for the currentand voltage-induced mechanisms, respectively. An overview of these damage mechanisms is presented here. Thin-film resister damage is shown in Fig. 5. This is a photo of the input structure on a silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) logic part. This photo illustrates a limitation of this design. The ESD current entered the bond pad and traveled through the resistor to the active device. The 90 bend in the resistor caused current crowding along the inside edge of this resistor. The temperature of the polysilicon rose by joule heating until it melted and damaged the resistor. The inside edge no longer conducts. The resistor fused at this point. It is important to consider the large currents present during an ESD event and lay the structure out to account for the larger currents. Sharp corners should be avoided for both current paths and voltage fields. The sharp corners cause current crowding as well as high electric fields. High electric fields increase the probability of having charge injection and dielectric rupture. Filamentation damage is difficult to see in a transistor. It is typically seen based on the electrical signature. A degraded PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Fig. 5.
Blown polysilicon resistor.
– trace is observed resulting in a leaky junction. The extreme case of filamentation is junction spiking. This is illustrated in the zener diode of Fig. 6. Fig. 6 shows the residual metal left at the surface of the device. The device was thinned from the backside and the silicon removed. This photo was taken from the backside. This device experienced an EOS event that allowed the metal to flow from the cathode contact to the anode contact shorting the zener diode. The first voltage generated damage mechanisms is charge injection. This failure will not leave a physical damage site observable by typical deprocessing techniques. The charge state of the dielectric material changes. These damage sites are typically reversible by an unbiased bake or ultraviolet light irradiation. Both of these techniques allow the trapped charge to be recombined. A junction with a trapped charge becomes leaky. This may be mistaken for filamentation damage. The main difference is that filamentation damage cannot be bake recovered. If significant charge is injected at a localized site, the dielectric will rupture. An oxide rupture site is shown in Fig. 7. The rupture site was enhanced by a silicon etch, making it more clearly visible. II. PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS A. The Need A typical laboratory, manufacturing floor, or wafer fabrication area is capable of generating ESD voltages ranging from several hundreds of volts to well over 20 000 V if no controls are put in place. This is caused by the people and equipment used in the area as well as the atmospheric environment of the lab. The people are charged as they walk across the synthetic carpet and tile. Triboelectric charging applies a charge to their shoes, inducing a charge on their body. More details about the different charging mechanism is contained in our first paper [2]. The key aspect about the environment is the amount of humidity in the air. The amount of moisture in the air defines its electrical resistance. In dry areas, larger charges can build up before they are dissipated. This increases the risk of ESD damage. We have all experienced this in winter, when it is easier to shock yourself while walking across the carpet and touching a doorknob.
Fig. 6.
Zener diode with junction spiking.
Fig. 7. Oxide rupture in capacitor oxide from ESD.
The manufacturing of integrated circuits consists of many steps, but these can be grouped into functional areas. The first grouping is wafer fabrication. Our earlier paper [2] described some of the effects charge generation and ESD can have on an IC. These include particle contamination caused by electrostatic adhesion and damage to masks used to produce the circuits as well as damage to the circuits themselves. The next grouping of operation is assembly. This functional area takes the wafers and separates the individual circuits, placing each of them in a package. Even in this operation, the die cannot escape large potential voltages. One example occurs during the die separation process. Typically, a wafer is placed on a sheet of sticky film and then the die are sawn apart. The sticky film is an insulator and does not contaminate the wafer or die with foreign materials. The sticky nature of the film keeps the individual die in place during sawing. The die must now be removed from the tape, as shown in Fig. 8. The film is stretched to provide larger separation between the die and a vacuum wand selects the die for use. The removal process triboelectrifies the tape and die. Without proper protection, voltages in excess of 10 000 V can occur. The high voltages can attract particles to the die surface as well as produce an ESD discharge event damaging the circuit. Protection from these two phenomena comes in the form of air ionizers. These devices bathe the work area, the film, and the die with a balance of negative and positive ions to neutralize any developed charge.
Fig. 9. ESD as a probability function. Fig. 8.
Die remove from film used during sawing.
It is important to compare the voltage levels generated by ESD with the sensitivity levels of unprotected devices. This comparison is necessary to determine the impact of ESD. An example of how sensitive unprotected devices are is found in the MOSFET. The gate oxide thickness in these transistors is shrinking with each generation. A voltage of 10 V is capable of rupturing a 10-nm-thick gate oxide under dc conditions. In an transient condition this voltage will be slightly higher (15 V). In either condition, it is easy to see why handling an unprotected device in an unprotected environment is very dangerous. The voltages produced are many orders of magnitude greater than the devices are able to handle. They can be easily damaged. It is important to include ESD prevention in a work area and ESD protection on the circuit. B. ESD is Probabilistic ESD is a probabilistic event. The environment where the parts are handled has a probability of generating a voltage. It can be visualized as each voltage level has a probability of being found at any point in time. This aspect is represented in Fig. 9 by curve “A.” Four key items define the probability of finding a selected voltage. The first is the type of protection equipment present to control static charges. This includes room ionizers, local ionizers, as well as ESD smocks and wrist straps. The second aspect of this probability is the reliability of the protection equipment. If any piece of protection equipment fails the probability of having a higher voltage generated increases. The third aspect is the maintenance practice to keep the protection equipment working at peak performance. Some topical antistatic coating must be renewed on a periodic basis to keep them working well [14], [15]. If the maintenance intervals are too long, then the coating will not dissipate the charges as well and higher voltage levels will result. The last aspect determining the probability, and the most important, is the employee’s discipline to use the protection equipment properly. It does not matter how well the equipment functions or how much equipment is present; if it is not used properly, then it cannot perform its function. Another aspect in defining the probability of having an ESD event create a damaged unit is the ability of the device to withstandanESDeventofafixedmagnitude.ThisisshowninFig.9 as curve “B.” As we saw earlier, an unprotected gate oxide is very poor at protecting itself. A typical way of providing protection for this sensitive element is to put an ESD protection structure in series with this gate oxide. The ESD event must 1882
travel through the protection structure to reach the gate oxide. The job of the protection structure is to clamp the voltage generated by the charge as well as divert the charge away from sensitive elements. The capability of this protection structure is the circuit’s first line of defense. Three items impede the protection elements’ ability to provide a level of protection. The first is in its design. The design has a limitation of its own. It is only capable of providing protection up to a fixed level based on its size, layout, and schematic diagram. The second is in the variability of the process. The last aspect is the defect density within the process. Process variability relates to how well the electrical parameters of the protection circuit are controlled from one wafer fabrication lot to another and from one wafer to another. Consistency is important for protection elements. Each one must look like every other one. The best protection element can be rendered inoperative if a defect is present [2]. The current or voltage induced by an ESD event is focused at the defect rather than dissipated uniformly. This focused energy damages the device more quickly, resulting in a lower ESD threshold. Uniform electric fields and current conduction are important for optimum protection. TheshadedareaofFig.9iswheretheenvironmentpresentsa voltagethatishighenoughtocausedamagetotheproduct.This overlap determines the probability of failure. It is difficult to quantify these two distribution functions. This discussion was presented more as an aid to the reader to understanding that both aspects of protection must be addressed. The goal of any protection activity is to minimize the overlap area. The environment must be made safer for devices as well as the devices themselves must be made more robust to an ESD event. Removing charge-generation sources as well as providing a controlled discharge path for any charges that are developed improve the environment. Adding additional circuit elements to divert the charge in an ESD event as well as improving the unprotected elements’ ability to absorb charge improve the ESD thresholds of circuits. The administration of these two activities is the topic of the next section, followed by a review of environmental protection and circuit protection. III. ESD ADMINISTRATION Several authors [3], [16]–[22] have revealed how they implemented an ESD protection program at their facility. A common theme was that fixing the environment was not enough to ensure success. A successful ESD program requires a two-prong approach to reduce the occurrence of ESD events and to harden the circuits to these events. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Reducing ESD events includes reducing both the number of occurrences and the magnitude of each occurrence. The probability discussion illustrates this. It was also clear from these papers that starting and sustaining an ESD program is not a small feat and should not be entered into without a strong commitment from the people that control the money, time, and equipment necessary to be successful. Welscher et al., in [3], detailed why ESD will be a continuing problem. They attribute it to the continuing advancement of technology producing ever more sensitive components and the automation of manufacturing coupled with the delay in production of ESD controls to keep up with this automation. There are three major aspects to a successful ESD protection program. These are commitment, implementation, and continuous improvement. Each of these aspects is continuously renewed throughout the life of the program. A. Organizational Commitment The most important aspect of setting up and maintaining an ESD program is the commitment from management to support it and the employees to implement it. This includes all levels of management and all functional areas. Design engineering and manufacturing must agree. Areas have different responsibility but the same goal—reduce ESD losses. ESD protection must involve all areas of the manufacturing process. The process starts with venders of raw materials used in building the product and the supplies and equipment that must be used in its manufacture. It ends with the product being shipped to the customer and how he receives and uses the product. A supportive organization is distinguished by how the circuit and process designers view ESD circuit protection. Supportive organizations have embraced the need for ESD and are willing to abide by the rules and procedures set forth for ESD protection. They work closely with the ESD steering committee to design-in protection to the circuit’s architecture. In this cooperative environment, the circuit is properly protected. An unsupportive organization views ESD requirements as an obstacle to overcome. They may make an attempt to include ESD protection, but it always takes up too much die area or impairs the circuit’s performance. When the circuit does not meet the ESD objective the design team declares it is “good enough” because it does not have time to fix it and make the market window. Many times the desire for quick revenues overrules the need to fix the circuit. Later in the product’s life cycle, manufacturing is stuck with the yield loss and cycle time stretchouts because of ESD failures. This results in the customer’s poor image of the delivery process and the reliability/quality of the parts. In the customer’s factory, the parts become harder to handle because of the extra ESD safety precautions needed to keep the products from failing. Management’s support does not mean just lip service, but a commitment to supply the necessary personnel and resources (including time) to get the job done correctly. It also means supporting the ESD team to ensure compliance to the plan when necessary. Compliance to ESD requirements is a must. They are not ESD suggestions, but ESD requirements. The need for ESD threshold testing and design requirements must be formal-
ized into the product design process though a design specification. This allows the requirements to be communicated to all designers uniformly. To aid in meeting these requirements, the designer must be given the tools and structures to use and simulate ESD events. These tools are used to predict ESD thresholds in the design process. When a design does not meet the requirements, a corrective action plan should be developed to address how the part can be improved. Failure analysis (FA) is a necessary part of this process. FA shows where the weak link is in the circuit. A workable action plan with defined dates of completion is required. This plan defines what has to be done, who is responsible, and when it is to be completed. It may also detail whether the part can be sold as is and what extra measures are required to manufacture the units with minimum yield loss due to ESD damage while the fix is being developed. Getting management approval may require a cost analysis or similar review to help them see the benefits of implementing an ESD program. These cost savings and benefits included higher yield, improved outgoing quality, better customer satisfaction, and decreased field failures. Preliminary funding may be required to perform a site survey and competitive analysis to define what the cost and savings would be as well as determine what the competitors are doing. During this review, it is important to document where improvements are needed so this survey can be used as the basis of an implementation plan. The survey should also measure the cultural aspects of the plan and gauge the attitude of the workforce and management about ESD and its impact. The cultural aspects may be the most difficult factors to change. To gain and maintain commitment from management and the organization, it is important to communicate the benefits of having and maintaining a fully implemented ESD program. Payback and cost savings are key drivers for funding any new project. A review of the failure causes both in the factory and in the field can show a significant number of failures attributed to ESD damage. Several authors have reported greater than 25% of all failures related to EOS damage [2], [23]. Reduction in these product losses and the subsequent rework savings are easily quantified. A more difficult cost savings to quantify is the loss of confidence from your customers because of ESD related failures. These failures cause shipment delays and reworks. Routing reports showing ESD failures per factory turns or a similar measure is a metric one could use to show improvement with respect to ESD robustness. These metrics and other information help rally support for the ESD program and must be routinely communicated. The ESD program committee must continue selling itself and its importance to the organization. Just like a company without advertisements will lose market share, so will an ESD program lose support without feedback to its usefulness. B. Implementation Plan From the site survey, a detailed and exhaustive implementation plan is devised. It is important not to develop a piecemeal plan. Each part of the ESD program is an element of the whole program and not a piece unto itself [19]. The pro-
gram is only as effective as its weakest piece [20]. It is important to set realistic goals for the areas and for the circuits. The goals should be obtainable with the tool set available. If higher threshold levels are required in a circuit to meet the voltage levels present in an area, then improvements must be made in the circuit protection. Research and development of new protection elements for designers to use must be a part of the implementation plan. If better protection is not possible, then that area must have more equipment and procedures in place to lower the voltages generated. The goals may not be the same for all functional areas as well as for all types of circuits. It depends on what types of devices are handled in each area as well as what the device type is. Some devices are easier to protect than others. It is equally important to engineer the program so human error is minimized. Dangelmayer in [19], [22] terms this “human factors engineering.” Here, he uses the example of a grounding strap on the shoe to dissipate charge from a person. The strap was difficult to put on correctly. This made it ineffective in providing the desired protection. The dissipation element was integrated into a special shoe, allowing all workers to use the equipment correctly because everyone knows how to put on a shoe. The ESD Program Committee is a multidisciplined team composed of representatives from each functional area. These people are champions of ESD in their respective areas. They provide feedback to the Committee as well as give unique insight into the best ways to improve ESD for these areas. The Committee has a strong technical focus to assist in developing and reviewing ESD protection elements and procedures. Their technical focus is on the improvement of the wafer fabrication process, circuit design, and handling equipment and procedures to improve ESD in the circuits that are built. The ultimate goal is reducing the number of failures caused by ESD to zero. A common part of each program is a full-time ESD Coordinator. This person acts as a champion for the plan as well as a consultant for the organization. He is also the Program Manager for the plan’s implementation and upkeep. The ESD Program Committee reports to him. Dangelmayer in [19] and [22] recommend this person be a part of the Quality Organization reporting to the corporate staff. This provides the Coordinator with a global responsibility not tied to either the manufacturing or engineering organizations. Communication from the coordinator to management and the organization is key to the plan’s success [22]. The Coordinator must have a wide background and be well versed in ESD protection as well as program management. The second most important aspect of an ESD program is training. Training includes education on how ESD occurs and what damage it inflicts as well as proper handling of sensitive parts and the use of protection equipment. Our first paper can serve as an outline for a description of ESD and how it occurs. Reviews of selected failure analysis reports can be beneficial to drive home the point about how and what type of damage can be introduced. Once an operator can associate a part they have handled with a type of damage it may make them more careful. Education should include constant reminders of the need for ESD safety. These could come in 1884
the form of posters and signs to help remind people that ESD safety is important. Handbooks are useful as guides to proper operation of equipment and safe handling practices. A checklist of things needing to be done can be used. The key is to keep the information fresh in their minds and make it pertinent to the products they are handling. Make the information personal so they see the importance of following the procedures to protect the parts they are handling. Centralizing information resources is important to keep people from repeating mistakes [17]. Lessons learned on one project should be easily assessable to the next project whether or not team members are shared between projects. This level of documentation takes discipline of the team but is time well spent if it saves several weeks of learning by the new team. One aspect of this discipline is for a new team to seek out previous knowledge rather than trying to reinvent it all. Build on previous success and learn from previous mistakes. The explosion of the Internet and the use of intranets to share information provide an excellent vehicle to share knowledge between workgroups and an excellent tool to gather and disperse ESD information. An internal web server can be set up to enter and retrieve ESD information. The reader should talk with the local computer administrator or information technology group about adding ESD information to a company’s internal web server. Most of the previous discussions were about training for the people that handle product or come into contact with product, but this is not the limit of training. These people may have the most immediate impact but training is also needed for others; however, it must be tailored to their needs. Managers are trained so they recognize the importance of ESD safety and continue to provide support in the form of dollars and resources. Designers need to be trained on the best available protection techniques to use and process designers should be trained on how to provide protection in the advanced processes. The key thing here is training is for everybody, but everybody does not receive the same training. The content of the training must be targeted toward the group and focused on bringing about a measurable change in behavior, not just filling the mind with more information [19]. C. Continuous Improvement The last aspect of an ESD program is continuous improvement. This aspect is vital to the long-term success of the program. If the program stagnates it will die [21]. There are several aspects to continuous improvement. These include an audit program, a failure feedback program, and a technology improvement program. The first thing people think of when the word audit is used is an IRS tax audit. Obviously this is not the type of audit expected here, but some of the same fears and anxieties can arise. An audit program ensures compliance to the documented procedures and rules. Unfortunately, some auditors use this as an opportunity to display their power over an individual or group and punish or discipline them. This atmosphere creates significant tension between the auditor and the one being audited. It does not result in the desired action. The auditor is an instructor designed to PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
improve the compliance to the specification and to interpret the specification [21]. An audit when viewed from this perspective is not adversarial and is more likely to accomplish the desired results—compliance to the specifications. Audits help encourage improvements and also spot problems that can lead to product failure [20]. An example of this is where a technician, by using the equipment, determines a better way to use it. The procedure can be updated in the specification and the improved procedure implemented for all stations to use. An audit may consist of several stages or levels. Braude, in [20], recommended a three-stage audit: daily self-checks, monthly local audits, and a yearly third-party audit. An independent group should perform the audit whether it is done internally or externally. The audit results should be posted and published for accountability purposes. A failure feedback program identifies where ESD failures occur and what types of parts are being affected. In some cases it can also identify what type of ESD event occurred (HBM, MM, or CDM) to case the failure. The program may reside in the failure analysis or reliability groups, or it could be in the quality organization or as a part of the ESD Program Committee’s responsibilities. It should encompass both internal and external failures. This program can produce a good measure of how effective an ESD program is by showing the reductions for ESD-generated failures. As the program matures a reduction in the number of ESD-related failures should be seen. It may also highlight areas that are weak in terms of ESD or areas where protection equipment needs servicing or replacement. This may come in a sudden increase in the number of ESD-related failures through a functional area. This helps locate the source of the ESD event so it can be corrected. The second aspect of this effort is to identify weak parts from an ESD viewpoint. These may be candidates for redesign or for special handling procedures. The key aspect is that failure analysis should be performed to determine if ESD is causing yield loss, and these results should be used to improve the environment or part. Technology improvements are an important part of continuous improvement. The process and circuits continue to improve in complexity and speed. These improvements make them more susceptible to ESD damage. If the development of new protection techniques is neglected, technology will quickly outstrip the ability to provide protection. The search for new protection techniques is not limited to the integrated circuits. New ways of preventing charge generation and controlled discharge of developed charges also evolves. As these techniques and equipment become available, they should be evaluated and integrated into the overall strategy if deemed appropriate. A good ESD program will not focus on one aspect of ESD protection, but will provide a unified focus for all areas. Improvements in technology include integrating new circuit elements into the process architecture as well as looking for weaknesses caused by process advances. A research and development (R&D) effort to improve ESD should be a part of the overall organization’s research budget. This effort is focused on development and implementation of new circuit architectures to provide protection. These topics
are discussed later. Improvements in ESD production do not happen by themselves. It takes a team of individuals and the resources to experiment with new ideas and designs to determine the best structures. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION An ESD event requires the existence of a voltage differential between two bodies. If low impedance connects these bodies, then the voltage is rapidly equalized, leading to damage of one or both bodies. If a high impedance connects them, the charge transfer is more controlled and does not cause damage. These are the two concepts used in environmental controls: minimize the voltage level generated and optimize the transfer impedance between bodies but do not allow a condition where someone could be shocked. These concepts are illustrated in the following sections looking at the various areas parts are handled during manufacture. A. Room-Level Controls Control measures used at the room level are designed to minimize the voltages developed in a work area. This is typically a large laboratory, test area, or wafer fabrication area. The conductivity of the air is the primary line of defense in these types of area. It is difficult to sustain a charge on an object if the charge is bled off through the air. There are two ways to control the air’s conductivity: humidity levels and ionization. The amount of moisture in the air determines its conductivity. This is easily illustrated by comparing the ease one can be shocked by static electricity in the winter versus the summer. In the winter, the air is dryer because it holds less moisture when it is cold. In a home, this low-moisture content air is heated, allowing it to be even lower relative humidity. The low-moisture content allows charges to grow on people without being dissipated. In general, higher levels of humidity produce lower levels of generated and sustained charge [24]–[26]. The higher humidity also allows the charges to be dissipated more quickly. The upper limit on how humid an area may be is governed by equipment operational specifications and personal comfort. The typical safe working range is 30%–70% relative humidity. Another way to control air conductivity is by injecting conductive species in the air. The charge must be injected in balance (equal numbers of positive and negative species) so no net charge is introduced [27]. Room ionizers do this, as illustrated in Fig. 10. There are two types of air ionizers based on how they produce ions. These are electrical and nuclear ionizers [28]. Electrical ionizers produce ions by corona discharge, whereas nuclear ionizers produce ions by nuclear decay [27]–[29]. Ionizers are more effective at controlling charges than humidity; in fact, ionization can cause a 20 reduction in the decay time of charge compared to humidity alone [27]. Ionizers neutralize objects and people entering a work area as well as maintain the work area neutral [28]. Ionizers are not a panacea for charge control but are an important part of a total ESD program and should be used in conjunction with other protection techniques [30], [31].
Fig. 10.
Ionizers for room-level control of charge generation.
The two most important parameters for ionization equipment are neutralization time and ion balance [31]. Neutralization time is the time it takes to neutralize a fixed amount of charge. This is a measure of the effectiveness of the ionizer. The ion balance provides a measure of the ionizer’s ability to generate an equal number of positive and negative ions. If an imbalance occurs, potential gradients will form. This is the very thing the ionizers try to eliminate! Two other aspects of ionizers are the generation of stray electric fields and ozone. Stray electric fields interfere with some sensitive measurement equipment and their effect should be evaluated [31]. Ozone is a byproduct of all ionizers [28], [31]. The production levels must be controlled and monitored to ensure a safe working environment. As with all protection devices, proper maintenance is a must to keep the ionizers in balance and produce the correct level of ions for neutralization. Another room-level control is conductive flooring. Floors and carpets are major sources of charging in a manufacturing area [32]. The use of antistatic finishes can reduce charge generation, but their effectiveness is dependent on the quality of the installation and proper maintenance [33], [34]. In addition, the footwear chosen should be matched with the flooring [34]. Chase and Unger in [32] showed leather shoes to be the best because they had a high capacitance and low-charge generation. The addition of a toe and heel ground strap can greatly reduce the voltage levels obtained [34]. The user should evaluate each flooring/footwear option carefully. Some antistatic coatings are worse than commercial floor finishes [32]. B. Workstation Controls Once the area controls are in place, it is necessary to move the protection attention to the area where parts are being handled—the workstation. An example of a workstation is shown in Fig. 11. The work surface is the main place that needs attention. The parts rest here waiting further testing or 1886
Fig. 11. Workstation with necessary controls for ESD.
inspection. The surface should neither induce a static charge on the parts nor provide a rapid discharge path. The most effective work surface is a static dissipative surface with a sheet per square [34], [35]. The surface resistance of 10 –10 should be impregnated with conductive material rather than have a topical spray to make it static dissipative. The topical spray can wear off and may leave residual material on the parts, causing corrosion [36]. These work surfaces must be connected to a common ground by a low-resistance connection [4]. The common ground prevents voltage gradients from developing. The low-resistance connection does not impede fault detectors from removing power should a shock hazard present itself. If a high resistance is used, the ground fault circuit may not trip and high voltages could be present on the work surface shocking the personnel using the workbench [4]. The use of conductive work surfaces (stainless steel for example) presents a hazard for the parts as well as a shock hazard for people [34]. The part can be rapidly discharged because the metal surface acts as a large charge sink. The surface can absorb a large amount of charge without changing its surface potential significantly. With little or no series resistance the part may discharge very quickly, resulting in extremely high currents and power dissipation. As we saw with floor finishes and ionizers, proper maintenance is necessary for continued performance. The surface must be cleaned periodically and the connections checked for proper grounding. If topical sprays are used, they must be renewed on a periodic basis. Other furniture at the workstation needs to be evaluated for its ability to charge and discharge. The sitting surface of chairs used at a workstation should neither charge nor induce a charge on the operator. A charged chair can cause the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Fig. 13.
Fig. 12.
Person with necessary ESD protection equipment in place.
person to charge by induction as well as cause electromotive interference (EMI) to radiate from the legs of the chair as the potential discharges in the seat cushion [37], [38]. Inductive charging is a real concern at the workstation. Any charged surface can induce a charge on the parts being worked, causing them to be damaged. Because of this, all materials that charge and other charged sources must be removed from the workstation. These include papers, computer monitors, cups, plastics, and synthetic materials. A more complete description of inductive charging is found in our first paper [2]. C. Personal Controls Part handlers must take special care while doing their jobs. Fig. 12 shows a person with the necessary ESD equipment in place. They also must employ special equipment that keeps the charge levels on their bodies to a low level. The first line of defense are grounding straps [39]–[41]. These can be applied to the wrist and/or shoe. The purpose of these is to remove charges that developed on a person’s body in a controlled manner. There are two types of wrist straps: continuously monitored and periodically monitored [42]. For the first, the wrist strap is connected to a piece of equipment that continuously checks the strap’s connection to the person wearing it. The second must go to a special checking station to ensure the strap is working properly. The continuously monitored straps cost more initially but provide a real-time feedback to the operator if a grounding problem occurs. Lost work time resulting from the need for periodic monitoring can provide a payback in about a year for the extra cost. The ability of the wrist strip to function correctly is largely dependent on its ability to contact the skin’s surface [39]. The wrist strap should be in direct contact with the skin. Body hair, skin dryness, and clothing can interfere with this contact. There are specially formulated creams that can help improve the electrical contact. As with all ESD preventative equipment, it is important that these straps are properly maintained. Clothing can aid in the fight against ESD damage or it can hinder. People handling ESD-sensitive equipment must realize that the synthetic fibers used in many clothes generate charge. This charge can then damage equipment. Sweaters
Protective carrier with conductive inserts.
worn in the winter can charge our bodies just by the normal movements such as reaching for a tool. The use of special smocks that have conductive fibers woven into them can help reduce the risks from this type of clothing [43]–[46]. Proper training is important for people handling sensitive equipment or parts. They need to realize that the safety measures take time to work and should allow time for their bodies to stabilize prior to picking up a sensitive component. You should not remove your sweater and then pick up a sensitive component. Remove your sweater away from the workbench, then walk over to the workbench and connect the grounding strap and turn on any other safety equipment. Allow a few moments for the area to stabilize, and then start working on the parts. D. Packaging and Storage The storage and transportation of parts from one area of manufacturing to another or from the manufacturer to the end user are critical areas for protection. The protection measures come in the form of carriers and containers. At the lowest level, a part may require a supportive carrier to prevent mechanical damage during handling. An example is a clip used to hold the leads in place during electrical testing, as illustrated in Fig. 13. It is important that the clip does not generate or hold charge. The added complication is that the part must be tested with the clip in place, so the clip must not alter the electrical characteristics of the part it is attached to. To accomplish this, static dissipative inserts can be placed around the leads. The resistance is high enough to prevent distortion of the electrical characteristics of the part but low enough so any accumulated charge is dissipated in a controlled manner. The containers may take the form of tubes, bags, boxes, or reels. Special coatings or metal foils can be used in these containers to reduce the generated static or provide a shield against external fields [47]–[53]. It is important to know the limitation of protection provided with each method of transportation. ATT implemented a policy that shipping tubes could not be used for devices with CDM 200 V and no tape and reel for CDM 1000 V on corners and 500 V on all others [3]. Another attribute to consider in selection of the proper container is whether the coating poses a threat of contaminating the parts with a foreign substance that may promote corrosion [36]. A careful study and trial period should be done for each package style change. E. Automatic Test Equipment The increased use of automatic handlers for electrical test and robotics for automatic assembly has highlighted a defi-
Fig. 14. Temperature rise in a bulk and SOI transistor for a 2000-V HBM pulse; darker gray indicates hotter region.
ciency with these tools. They generate static charges and can damage parts [54]–[60]. The use of plastics and other synthetic parts in the pathway allows triboelectrification to occur to the parts. Once the parts become charged, they can rapidly discharge as they come into contact with a grounded test head or metal surface, resulting in a CDM ESD event. The key is to realize that the equipment must be properly grounded to prevent charges from developing on it, and insulators around where the parts travel must be replaced with static dissipative or antistatic material [57], [58]. The use of local air ionizers may aid in reducing the charge levels produced if insulators are required for proper operation of the equipment [61]. V. CIRCUIT PROTECTION The first thing to remember when evaluating a circuit or process for ESD robustness is that ESD is a charge-driven event [1]. The movement of that charge or the current produced causes the damage. It does this by two effects: Joule heating and charge injection. The current passing through resistance in the current path causes joule heating. This heats the structure, resulting in damage. The resistance in the current path also causes the second aspect. As the current passes through these resistive elements, a voltage drop proportional to the current and resistance is established. This voltage coupled with the geometry yields the electric field present in the structure. The electric field causes charge injection and dielectric rupture. These two aspects, heat generation and electric field strength must be minimized to provide robust circuit to ESD events. Circuit protection involves much more than just the schematic of a protection network. It also encompasses the wafer fabrication process, circuit elements, and 1888
their interaction with the layout. All of these play into circuit protection and each will be discussed in the following sections. A. Wafer Processing Issues The first step in developing a circuit protection strategy is to assess the technology used to manufacture the part. Each technology has strengths and limitation. For example, technologies that use insulated substrates to improve performance [silicon on sapphire (SOS), silicon on insulator (SOI), or gallium arsenide (GaAs)] have difficulty removing the heat that is produced by an ESD event. This is illustrated in Fig. 14. The same size circuit element was used with the only difference being the insulating substrate rather than a bulk substrate. The SOI device has a temperature rise of 300 C more than the bulk transistor for the same discharge energy and the temperature contours are grouped much tighter. The heat is generated by the current flow during an ESD event. As this current flows through the reversed biased drain–body junction, the electrical insulation acts as a thermal barrier. This lowers the heat flow and thermal mass that can absorb the energy, making these technologies more difficult to protect. Not only is the heat flow an issue, but also electric field is important. Fig. 15 shows the electric field at the gate edge for a LOCOS (local oxidation) bulk transistor and an SOS transistor. The SOS transistor is built on an island of silicon called a silicon mesa. The poly gate extends along the edges as well as on the top. At the corner of the mesa, the gate oxide has the highest field. This is the most likely point of failure. The sidewall slope can be improved to minimize this PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Fig. 17. Diffused resistor built in an n-well to improve ESD tolerance to junction spiking. Fig. 15. Electric field distribution in the gate oxide between bulk LOCOS transistor and SOS transistor at transistor edge.
Fig. 18. Excessive voltage generated because of high bus and clamp resistance during event. Fig. 16.
Circular gate structure used on SOS protection elements.
field but at the expense of larger mesa size and increasing the parasitic effects of the side wall transistor. This type of transistor cannot be used in an ESD protection circuit. It is too sensitive to voltage transients. A more effective design is to use a circular gate structure, as shown in Fig. 16. In this design, the gate does not cross the mesa edge. The continuing technological advancement in the IC industry also stands in the way of ESD protection [62]. The technology may scale to higher levels of integration but the sources of ESD, like human beings, are not scaling. They pose the same threat to a more sensitive device. Four areas of scaling make a technology more sensitive to ESD events. These include interconnect lines, junction depths, oxide thickness, and the activation of parasitic devices. Scaling is the reduction of feature size to improve integration and performance. These advances have a negative effect on ESD performance. Packing more transistors into a smaller space requires the interconnecting lines to be scaled. These finer lines can handle less current. Several authors [63]–[71] have discussed metal lines’ ability to withstand different current stress; however, Vinson, in [71], discusses a physics-based model that is appropriate for the adiabatic case such as an ESD event. This is discussed in more detail later. The junctions formed in the process are also affected by scaling rules. Junctions typically become shallower as the process scales. This can cause problems in diffused resistors and cross-unders. The shallow junctions are more easily spiked (metal penetrating the junction shorting it out) if ESD current flows through them. Diffused resistors should be formed in a well of similar doping so if the metal does spike through the more heavily doped layer, the spike will not short out the isolation. This is illustrated in Fig. 17 for an n-well process.
In a similar fashion, the gate oxides scale and, to a smaller degree, so do the interlevel oxides. As mentioned earlier, the electric field is an important aspect of the damage process. A thinner oxide produces a higher electric field for the same voltage level. This allows dielectric rupture to occur at lower voltages. There is not much that can be done to strengthen a dielectric except use one with a higher dielectric strength. Extra elements must be included to clamp the voltage levels below the rupture strength. In addition, one should pay careful attention to the resistance of the ESD current paths. If the internal resistance of the clamp and bus structures are too high, internal voltages are generated. These could rupture dielectrics. This aspect is illustrated in Fig. 18. If the diode is made too small, its external voltage rises above the breakdown of the gate oxide resulting in rupture. It is best to avoid thin gates on input–output (I/O) pins and also minimize bus and component resistance. The metal bus line must be kept from melting. If it melts, the dynamic resistance doubles and contributes to damaged oxides [71]. The last aspect of scaling is the most difficult to analyze. As geometry shrinks and spacing between devices decreases, parasitic transistors may form. These parasitic elements may not be present during normal circuit operation but will become active and conduct because of the high currents and high bias applied during an ESD event. A conservative approach is needed in spacing where areas of opposite polarity diffusions are close to each other. Look for parasitic bipolar, MOS, and SCR structures in the layout. The last aspect of wafer processing issues deals with the effect of process enhancements on ESD robustness. Three recent advances that can degrade ESD performance are LDD—lightly doped drains used to improve hot carrier performance; silicided junctions used to reduce contact resistance; and thin epitaxial starting material used to reduce
Fig. 19. NMOS transistor with LDD implant and silicided drain and source regions.
latch-up susceptibility. The LDD structure is illustrated in Fig. 19. The lightly doped drain area reduces the electric field at the oxide surface. This reduces the generation of hot (high energy) carriers at the surface. Some of these “hot” carriers can be injected in the oxide shifting the transistor threshold. The LDD structure gives rise to added resistance in the channel and also produces higher holding voltage once snapback is triggered. Both of these reduce the ESD current handling ability of the transistor [73]–[75]. Correcting the effects of LDD implants on ESD protection element requires that the LDD implant be blocked or carefully engineered to account for the high currents during an ESD event. A silicided transistor is also illustrated in Fig. 19. The silicide is a thin layer of tungsten, titanium, or cobalt deposited on exposed silicon and heated to form a silicide. The silicide is a thin layer of low-resistivity material at the surface. It is typically on the order of a few hundred or a few thousand angstroms, depending on the process. The current flows mainly in the silicide layer because of the high ratio in resistance between the silicide and the silicon. The low resistance of the silicide does not allow the current to spread well across the transistor’s full width. It tends to crowd in a small portion. Because of this, it is recommended that a silicided transistor be kept narrow in width ( 30- m) to more easily balance the current across the width [76]. Another technique is to mask off a section of the drain so no silicide is present between the contacts and the gate edge. This adds a small resistance in series that provides a ballast resistor to aid in balancing the current. The use of thin epitaxial material is another example of how process improvements degrade ESD performance. Snapback is caused in n-MOSFETs when lateral currents trigger on a parasitic n-p-n transistor. This is illustrated in Fig. 20 for both thick and thin epitaxial silicon. An epitaxial layer of silicon is grown on top of heavily doped silicon to encourage the vertical current path with all of the lateral currents flowing in the heavily doped layer. Lateral currents produce voltage drops from the current flow and the silicon resistance. This voltage can bias the body–source diode triggering on the n-p-n transistor. By thinning the epitaxial layer, the effective resistance is reduced so a higher current is required for latchup. The triggering of the parasitic bipolar into snapback is also what takes the transistor into a lower power dissipation mode during an ESD event. If the trigger current increases, so does the power dissipation, making the transistor less robust to an ESD event. The gain or beta of this parasitic bipolar element contributes to the snapback 1890
Fig. 20. Thin and thick epitaxial layers effect on latchup and ESD performance.
characteristics. The process architecture determines the characteristics of this element. An example of this behavior is presented later in the paper. It is clear that all aspects of wafer fabrication need to be evaluated with regard to how these changes affect the ESD performance of the circuit elements and parts built on this process. These effects must be considered during the design of the process and its integration into the design and layout tools used to bring a circuit into silicon. B. Circuit-Level Issues The entire design team, including designers, marketing, manufacturing, reliability, and the end customers, must realize that tradeoffs are required when designing ESD into a circuit. Areas of concern cover the input impedance, performance of the circuit, and the die size. A bare circuit (smallest die size, no protection elements) typically has a very poor ESD performance. As we will see in a later section, ESD performance is improved when circuit elements are added to divert the charge flow away from sensitive elements and to clamp voltages generated by this charge. These added elements increase the input impedance. Added input impedance is especially not tolerated for very fast transitioning signals because ESD protection networks look like a low-pass filter. Fig. 21 shows a typical ESD protection element found on an input pin. The element closest to the gates of the MOSFETs clamps the voltage to a level low enough to protect the gate oxide from rupture. The current flow is through the resistance that allows a voltage drop from the input further protecting the gate. A supply clamp (not shown but discussed later) completes the circuit to a common pin. This circuit filter to any input waveform. Higher presents itself as an frequencies are shunted to the supply pins where lower frequencies are passed to the gates. Fig. 22 shows the impedance as a function of input frequency for a sine wave input. The current handling capability of the diodes and therefore the ESD level obtained is largely dependent on the diode size. Larger diodes provide better heat dissipation as well as lower on resistance. The problem is larger diodes also have higher capacitance. This causes larger amounts of the input signal to be shunted to the supply pins. There is a tradeoff between PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Fig. 21.
Simple input protection network.
the frequency of input signals and the level of ESD protection. This is most noticeable for very high-frequency circuits that operate in the RF range. As mentioned earlier, ESD performance can be improved by increasing the physical size of an element. This improves its current and power handling ability. A problem occurs when a die shrink is required to reduce cost. The cost to produce one wafer is typically fixed and difficult to change. The unit cost is made up of the wafer and manufacturing cost amortized over the number of good die per wafer. The number of good die per wafer is dependent on the yield and the number of gross die on a wafer. The die yield is driven by defect density, which is a decreasing function of area. Larger die yield lower than smaller die. When a die is made smaller by shrinking the geometries of each element, a twofold cost saving occurs. The yield goes up from the smaller die and the total number of possible die on a wafer increases. The problem is the sources of what causes ESD do not scale with die size. They are fixed and still generate the same voltages and charge levels. This condition presents a problem. The ESD protection cannot shrink and give the same level of protection. ESD protection structures are typically located around the bond pads. In designs that are bond-pad limited, the die size cannot shrink without the size of the pads shrinking. Bond-pad limited means the number of bond pads required on the die drives the die size. The circuitry interior to the die does not drive the die size. This problem can be overcome by using active area bonding. This is a technique where the ESD protection network is incorporated under the bond pad. Bernier and Teems, in [77], and Anderson et al., in [78], report on their experience with active area bonding. The key thing to remember is that active area bonding can be done but, again, tradeoffs and special considerations must be made. Because of the extra stress placed in the corners of plastic encapsulated die, active area pads cannot be used in the corners and special provisions need to be made in the metal layers under the pad for the force developed during bonding. The type of circuit function plays an important role in how easily the device can be protected. As an example, digital cir-
cuits are more easily protected than a mixed-signal analog. Digital circuits typically have one supply voltage. The inputs switch between zero and the supply voltage. In the literature, digital circuits are the types of circuits with very large (4–10 KV) ESD threshold levels. Analog and mixed-signal parts with multiple supply lines and sensitive input stages are more difficult to protect. The inputs are high-impedance JFET transistors. Circuit performance requirements prevent adding input impedance to these pins. Multiple supplies pose another challenge because now you must provide protection between all combinations of supplies without introducing extra leakage on the supply lines. As the number of supplies increases, this becomes very difficult and adds a lot of area to the die size. An extreme case is very high-speed RF circuits operating in the gigahertz frequency range. There is very little written about RF ESD protection [79]–[82]. RF ESD protection follows other ESD design techniques but there are just more constraints placed on the design [79]. The operational environment also poses a challenge to the ESD protection designer. A typical environment is considered benign if the part is operated in a office and does not come into direct contact with people or other sources of EOS once it is assembled into a board or system. This is the easiest environment to design for. In this case all of the tools and devices are available for ESD protection. One problem environment is where the circuit is to operate in a hot-plugging application. This means that the parts are plugged into a system while the power is still applied. This type of circuit requirement adds another level of complexity to the ESD protection. In a typical application, the ESD protection is triggered when the part is not operational and no power is applied. The protection circuit is asked to absorb the energy in the ESD event itself. Most protection techniques incorporate some form of clamp, as discussed later. The clamp is triggered in response to a rapid change in voltage or current. It may also trigger at a predefined voltage level. The problem with hot insertion is the power-up transient seen by the device is mistaken as an ESD event. In this case, the full energy available from the power supply is passed into the protection circuit. The net result is the protection circuit is destroyed and the part fails. In this type of circuit, the protection clamp must be a voltage-level triggered clamp or a transient trigger clamp that is only triggered if the voltage is above the operational voltage. The second clamp is a more effective but much more complex clamp structure. Some circuits must work in an environment where the input voltage levels exceed the supply lines. Examples of these are multiplexers and switches. The inputs are specified with a 25-V overvoltage rating, even though the supplies are rated at 15 V. Having inputs exceeding the supply lines poses challenges because typical protection techniques, as shown in Fig. 21, cannot be used. One technique is to allow the inputs to be tied to an isolated bus on chip. This is illustrated in Fig. 23. Parts in a radiation environment also pose limitations on the designer in their choice of ESD protection circuit. The transient currents produced by ionizing radiation can trigger protection networks while the device is operating. This can
Fig. 22.
Input impedance of an input protection network as a function of frequency for Fig. 21.
It is clear that the environment plays a large part in selecting what type of protection is needed and the best way to implement it. The next section covers the technique used to incorporate protection into a circuit design. C. Protection Techniques
Fig. 23. ESD protection networks for input voltages that exceed supply levels.
lead to soft errors (changes in functional behavior that are reset after the radiation event) to physical destruction of the device. Destruction can occur when the ESD network turns on with power applied. The energy available from the supply line is much greater than that found in an ESD event. The ESD structure is destroyed shorting or opening internal nodes. The type of physical damage observed is in the form of melted metal and silicon. The last area of operational environment is the special case of line drivers and receivers. This group of parts must operate in an environment outside of the system and interface with outside equipment. Typically these devices tie long cables together. The long length of cable can produce high-voltage transients and make it more prone to receiving an ESD event. The pins that connect to the outside world need higher levels of protection and may be rated at 10 KV rather than 2 or 4 KV. 1892
Implementing an ESD protection circuit first requires a review of the building blocks in a process and an understanding of the limitation of each element from an ESD perspective. Voldman et al., in [72], described the results of a SEMATECH working group that is defining a strategy for characterization, evaluation and benchmarking the ESD robustness of technologies. This group is defining standardized test structures. The reader is encouraged to keep up with the progress of this working group. In a semiconductor wafer process, the elements of interest include interconnect traces, resistors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and capacitors. These are the physical building blocks for a circuit and an ESD protection network. The parasitic n-p-n in a NMOS FET, for instance, plays an important role in its high-current behavior. When it goes into snapback, the voltage across the device drops, reducing its power dissipation. It is important to know the high-current behavior of the elements so an adequate protection scheme can be designed. Metal lines form both the interconnect channels between circuit elements as well as the inductors used on some circuits. These metal traces have two issues when viewed from an ESD perspective: fusing and electromigration degradation. Vinson, in [71], describes a simple adiabatic model for predicting aluminum line failure from EOS phenomenon. He shows the line fails because of an eruption of aluminum vapor. This is caused by a section of the line absorbing enough energy to vaporize. The volume occupied by aluminum vapor is significantly larger than the volume occupied by solid aluminum. The silicon dioxide cannot withstand the pressures developed. The model is based on the enthalpy and temperature-dependent resistivity of aluPROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
minum. The model presented was developed in MathCAD. For most ESD events, 15 m is adequate to prevent fusing [76]. Larger lines may be required to minimize the voltage drop during an ESD event. The large currents can generate voltages capable of rupturing dielectrics and causing junctions to break down. As an example, a CDM event can generate current in excess of 7 A. A metal line with a resistance of 1 would have 7 V dropped just across the line not including any protection element. This extra voltage could be dangerously close to the rupture limit of the gates. The additional voltage from a protection element would cause the dielectric to rupture. Larger metal lines may also be required to minimize the heating of the line. Thermal heating takes the line past aluminum’s melting point. Once the event is over, the line cools very quickly. This action alters the grain structure of the metal and changes its electromigration performance. Banerjee et al., in [83], reported on an aluminum metal structure with TiN top and bottom caps. The EM performance degraded with ESD. The finer grains produced from rapid cooling after the event cause this. These two factors must be taken into account when designing an ESD protection network, so adequate metal is placed in the ESD network to allow it to function without reliability degradation. Resistors are another circuit element to consider. They are typically used to drop the voltage or as isolation elements in protection networks. In their thin-film form, they are made from polysilicon or alloys of NiCr or SiCr. They can also be diffused resistors made by placing a lightly doped diffusion in the substrate. Resistors fail in one of two ways—fuse open or short out. Most of the thin-film resistors fail by fusing open. The energy in the event melts a region, causing a physical separation of the resistor terminating the current flow. Large voltage spikes are induced when this separation occurs. The voltages spikes are caused by the inductance into the current path and the very quick decay of the current flowing in the path once fusing takes place. Fig. 24 shows an example of the energy to blow a resistor. The constant minimum energy region is where adiabatic fusing takes place. ESD events produce damage in this area because of the very fast events. Slower EOS events allow some energy to escape to the surrounding area, therefore the increased energy and time required for fusing. Fig. 25 shows the – characteristic for a resistor that shorts. This is typical of diffused resistors. The resistor element has a region of electron velocity saturation and eventually enters second breakdown. Second breakdown causes a physical change in the device structure. Part of the device melts. Fig. 5 also shows how geometry can reduce the point where second breakdown occurs. The 90 bend in the resistor caused current crowding, allowing this region to reach second breakdown at a lower total current than expected. The MOS transistor has a parasitic bipolar transistor buried within it [85]. Fig. 26 shows the cross section of a typical NMOS transistor. As mentioned earlier, this transistor plays a significant role in the conduction of current during an ESD event. Fig. 27 shows a typical conduction curve for this device. With the gate voltage at zero, the drain
Fig. 24.
Energy to blow a typical resistor.
Fig. 25. [84]
I –V characteristic (high current) for a diffused resistor.
Fig. 26.
Cross section of n-channel MOSFET.
Fig. 27. I –V characteristic (high current) for an n-channel MOSFET.
voltage increases with little or no drain current until the drain–body junction enters avalanche breakdown, as shown . The avalanche current flows to the by the point substrate and out through the body/source contact. The body resistance allows a voltage to develop between the body region near the drain and the body contact. This voltage can forward bias the body source diode, injecting more charge into the base region. Once this occurs, snapback soon follows and the drain voltage drops significantly. The sustaining and sustaining current are shown in Fig. 27. voltage This point defines the voltage and current level necessary to
maintain the snapback condition. Voltages or currents below this level will shut off the snapback condition. These levels should be kept above the operating voltage of the device so it is not possible to sustain snapback during normal device operation. As the current increases, the drain voltage also increases. The internal resistance of the device causes this increase. The voltage and current increase until second , . In a similar fashion to breakdown is reached at the diffused resistor, the device destroys itself. It is desired when a protection element is made up to have , then the first of multiple parallel transistors. If leg of a parallel structure to break down will carry all of the current and be destroyed before the other transistors can turn on. This defeats the purpose of having multiple transistors in parallel. Another condition that causes problems is when . This condition often occurs in technologies with insulating substrates such as SOS. Once the device breaks down, it is destroyed. This type of transistor would not be good to use for ESD protection. One way of providing protection to the circuit is to improve the elements themselves so they can handle the ESD current. Improving unprotected elements involves: 1) reducing the current density of the conduction path; 2) reducing the electric fields induced; and 3) reducing the thermal impedance or increasing the thermal mass at the power dissipation point. In the case of thin-film fusing, it is as simple as increasing the width of a thin-film resistor or metal line. This accomplishes two tasks. First, the wider line lowers the resistance and the power dissipation. Second, the extra volume increases the thermal mass of the line [71]. It can then absorb more energy without going into second breakdown or fusing open. Another option is to use a different material that has a higher melting/vaporization temperature. The difficulty with this approach is these types of metals also have a higher resistivity. The higher resistivity is undesired when high currents are involved. In the case of diffused versus polysilicon resistor, another factor must be considered. A polysilicon resistor is surrounded by a dielectric that acts both as an electrical insulator as well as a thermal insulator. A diffused resistor can dissipate the heat better than a polysilicon resistor because it sits in silicon rather than on oxide. Increasing their size and providing more uniform current flow across the device improve transistors and diodes. As mentioned earlier, large protection transistors are made up of many parallel transistors. It is important to balance the current flow across all of the transistors in the string. This can be accomplished by placing small resistances in series with the drain contacts. In the case of a MOSFET transistor, as shown in Fig. 28, the silicide is omitted from a section of the transistor near the gate. This places a small resistance in series with the channel. The resistance helps balance the current through the transistor during an ESD event. This action keeps one spot of the transistor from absorbing all of the ESD energy. For technologies without silicide, the contact to gate spacing is important. This spacing should be at least 2–3 m for submicrometer technologies and 4–6 m for larger channel length (1–2 m) technologies [76]. Geometry 1894
Fig. 28.
ESD improvement individual circuit element.
effects are very important for diodes. Their design should be symmetric with no irregularities that would allow the current or electric field to be focused in one area. The other method to increase ESD robustness is to add additional circuit elements to divert the charge around the core circuit and clamp the voltage to an acceptable level. The core circuits are the elements used to perform the function the circuit was designed to do. The ESD protection network must prevent the damaging ESD current from flowing in this circuitry. In addition to diverting the charge, the protection network must limit the voltages developed to a low enough level so no core circuits enter breakdown. If any core circuits enter breakdown, then the ESD current would flow through them, causing damage. Most circuits use a combination of improving individual elements and adding additional elements to achieve the desired performance. The obvious question is where should one place the extra components and what types of components are necessary. The placement of components requires an understanding of the current paths used by ESD. As mentioned earlier, ESD events come in three versions: HBM, MM, and CDM. The first two, HBM and MM, are two terminal events. ESD current enters one terminal and exits another. The current flows through the device under test (DUT). In an ESD tester, testing each combination of two pins simulates this effect. Each independent supply is treated as a single pin even if multiple pins for that supply exist on the packaged part. CDM is different in that the charge for the event is stored internal to the package. CDM is a single pin event. The part is charged and is discharged through a single pin. Fig. 29 illustrates this. Fig. 30 shows the current waveform for a CDM event. Included in the figure is an HBM waveform for comparison. As shown, the CDM event is very fast and significantly higher in current. The fast event and high peak current makes it difficult for protection networks to protect circuits. The quickness of the event means the protection networks must turn on quickly. The higher current requires the series impedance to be very low to reduce the generated voltages. Dielectric rupture is a more common failure mode with CDM ESD. In a typical nonsocketed CDM tester, the DUT is placed on an insulating surface above a metal plate. The package style and design play an important role in the CDM ESD threshold for a part. The capacitance, resistance, and inductance of the package determine the rise time, current peak, and duration of the ESD event. The important information to note is that ESD events enter or exit the part at PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Fig. 29.
CDM event discharge path.
Fig. 31.
Fig. 30.
CDM event current discharge waveform.
the connections to the outside world. The protection network must divert the charge as it enters or leaves the package so it must be placed at or near the bond pads to be most effective. It is also important to note that each pin must be protected to every other pin, including all of the supply pins. It does not matter whether they are outputs, inputs, I/Os, or supply pins—they all need some form of protection. A good protection element will minimize the voltage allowed internal to the unit as well as provide a low-impedance shunt path for the current. This allows the charge to flow through the protection element and not the circuit being protected. By doing this, the energy is dissipated away from the circuit being protected. The protection element should be capable of handling multiple events without itself being destroyed. It should also not interfere with the operation of the circuit it is protecting. Given this discussion a perfect protection element will have these characteristics: 1) zero on-resistance; 2) zero clamp voltage; 3) instantaneous turn-on time; 4) infinite energy absorption; 5) only trigger during ESD events, not during operation; 6) transparent to circuit operation (i.e., no parasitics); 7) consume zero area on the die. Zero on-resistance allows it to shunt large amounts of current with no voltage rise from an ohmic voltage drop. Zero clamping voltage is only valid if 5) is also true, otherwise damage could occur during circuit operation. A more practical limit on the clamping voltage would be just above the
ESD protection by adding circuit elements.
operating supply voltage of the part being protected. The last item is included because many times a tradeoff in cost versus protection level must be made. In this case, the cost is die area. It is clear that a real clamp of this type cannot be built, but these criteria provide a list of optimizations and compromises to use when building a protection element. Fig. 31 illustrates a simple ESD protection network. The network consists of a resistor and diode. This is not the best network but illustrates the point of protection. If a negative pulse with respect to ground enters the part, the current will flow from ground through the diode and resistor. The voltage across the n-channel MOSFET gate oxide will be limited drop from the internal reto one diode drop plus the sistance of the diode. This keeps the gate oxide from rupturing. The remaining voltage is dropped across the resistor. For the opposite polarity, the diode is in reverse breakdown. The voltage across the gate oxide will be clamped at the drop and the diode breakdown point, plus the internal remaining voltage is dropped across the resistor. The diode would be able to handle much more current in the forward direction than in the reverse direction because the voltage drop is much less in the forward than in the reverse conduction direction. A better approach is illustrated in Fig. 32. Here, two diodes are placed on the input and a protection network is connected between the supply pins. In this arrangement, the diodes on the input pins can conduct in the forward direction and the supply clamp allows the conduction between the supplies. It should be noted that the internal resistance between each of these elements must be minimized to reduce the voltage developed across the interconnect. A distributed supply clamp may be required. This provides multiple clamps spaced across the die to lower the impedance between pins. The protection networks being described here are clamps. Clamps can come in many different varieties. A simple clamp was used in Figs. 31 and 32—the diode. As discussed, the diode has good power handling ability in the forward direction but is a poor clamp in the reverse current direction. Clamps can be grouped into two categories: static and transient. As the name implies, static clamps provide a static or steady-state current and voltage response. A fixed voltage level activates static clamps. As long as the voltage
Table 1 Static Clamps
Fig. 32.
Fig. 33.
More effective ESD protection architecture than Fig. 31.
Static clamps.
is above this level, the clamp will conduct current. Fig. 33 illustrates and Table 1 describes a sample of static clamps. As can be seen, static clamps can be composed of a single circuit element or a combination of circuit elements. A diode, MOSFET, or SCR is typically used as the protection element located on the input or output pin. A combination clamp is used as the supply clamp. The supply clamp may be a single clamp or multiple clamps distributed across the die. Using multiple clamps provides the added benefit of reducing the parasitic resistance between the supply clamps and the pin clamps. Transient clamps take advantage of the 1896
rapid changes in voltage and/or current that accompanies an ESD event. During this transient, an element is turned on very quickly and slowly turns off. This type of clamp conducts for a fixed time when it is triggered. An network determines the time constant. These clamps are typically triggered by very fast events on the supply lines. A sample of transient clamps is illustrated schematically in Fig. 34 and discussed in Table 2. For the MOSFET transient clamp shown in Fig. 34, both the normal MOS and parasitic BJT (snapback) can be operational at the same time. When an HBM ESD pulse with a relatively fast rise time is introduced to the clamp circuit, the capacitor will initially be a short circuit, which turns on the MOS device quickly. Consequently, a large drain current associated with the HBM ESD will pass through the MOS device in this initial transient. At the same time, the high voltage associated with the ESD pulse applied to the drain can give rise to avalanche multiplication near the reverse-biased drain junction. This results in a flow of avalanche-generated holes to the substrate and a voltage drop across the substrate resistance. As this voltage drop approaches 0.7 V, the parasitic n-p-n BJT in the MOSFET is turned on resulting in snapback. The dc – curve for this event is shown in Fig. 27. During the initial stage of an ESD event, the MOSFET acts like a short circuit with a very high total drain current consisting of the collector current from the parasitic BJT, the drain current PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000
Fig. 34.
Dynamic clamps.
Table 2 Transient Clamps
Fig. 35. Measured time-dependent (a) drain voltage and (b) drain current of the MOSFET transient clamp with a MOSFET of 1.5-m channel length and 80-m channel width subjected to an HBM ESD stress.
from the normal MOS, and the generation current from the avalanche multiplication. In the next sequence, the capacitor will be charged through the resistor, and the charging rate detime constant of the clamp circuit. As the pends on the voltage across the capacitor increases, VGS of the NMOS decreases, and the capacitor acts as an open circuit when fully charged. The MOS device is turned off, while the parasitic BJT is still on, when VGS decays below its threshold voltage. This leads to a quick decrease in the drain current and a relative uniformity in the drain voltage during the subsequent stage of the ESD event (i.e., the voltage across the circuit is clamped to a fixed value). Eventually, the parasitic BJT is turned off when the ESD pulse decays to a value below the critical voltage for avalanche. For an ESD pulse with a relatively small rise time, the voltage drop across the resistor connected to the gate in the clamp circuit may not be high enough to turn on the NMOS in the initial stage, and only the parasitic BJT is operational during the ESD event. Fig. 35 shows the transient drain voltage and current measured for such a clamp circuit. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The static clamp typically occupies less space and is composed of fewer ele-
ments. If a static clamp falsely triggers while power is applied to the part, it will be destroyed. Transient clamps, on the other hand, can be designed to turn on very quickly and handle larger transient events. The disadvantage is that they will also respond to any fast event, even noise. If they falsely trigger while the part is powered, they could interfere with circuit operation and it is likely that the part will be destroyed. The selection of what type of clamp to employ in a design is based on several criteria. The first criterion is what circuit elements are available in the process. The next would relate to the environment the circuit must operate in. This was discussed earlier. An SCR is not usable where hot switching or ionizing radiation is expected. The other criteria needed are its current handling capability and its turn-on time. Turn-on is especially important for CDM ESD because this type of ESD is a very fast event. Many clamps may not be able to respond quickly enough to provide protection against this type of ESD event. The design of the clamp needs to consider the clamping voltage level and internal resistance. Clamping voltage defines what level of protection is provided to the dielectrics in the process. This includes gate oxides and interlevel oxides. The internal resistance defines the voltage rise as a result of
the ESD current pulse and contributes to the power dissipated in the clamp. The thermal impedance of the camp to a heat sink (substrate) is also important because this determines the internal temperature rise and ultimately the failure point of the clamp. A device with lower thermal impedance will have a higher ESD threshold. All of these can be combined into a figure of merit used to describe an ESD structure. This figure a merit is the voltage per micrometer of width or voltage per square micrometer area. The voltage listed here is the ESD threshold of the structure per unit width or area. For example, if a structure were listed as 10 V/ m, it would require a 200- m device to achieve a 2000-V protection threshold. Providing the best ESD thresholds with the smallest devices requires selection of devices with high ESD figures of merit. It should be noted that these structures might not scale linearly. Earlier, it was noted that some designs do not turn on uniformly. This effectively shrinks the available width or area of the structure, making its figure of merit lower. Care must be used when making a selected clamp larger than when it was characterized. VI. CONCLUSION ESD protection is necessary for all circuits. Protection requires a systematic approach with a commitment from the entire organization. A dedicated team is required to drive ESD improvement. ESD protection follows a two-pronged approach to improve both the environments that parts are handled in as well as the robustness of each part. The environment is improved by reducing the amount of charge developed and by controlling the discharge of any charge that is developed. Circuits are improved by designing elements better able to handle the ESD currents and by providing an alternate path (a shunt) for the charge to travel as it passes through the part. This shunt protects the sensitive elements in the device by clamping the voltage developed during the event and diverting the current away from the core circuit. The ESD program is a dynamic system ever evolving as new techniques and technologies are developed. If it does not grow, it will die. Only if the entire organization participates and supports the program can the true benefits of higher yield, better throughput, and more satisfied customers be realized. REFERENCES [1] W. D. Greason, “Electrostatic discharge: A charge driven phenomenon,” in Proc. EOS/ESD Symp., vol. EOS-13, Sept. 1991, pp. 1–9. [2] J. E. Vinson and J. J. Liou, “Electrostatic discharge in semiconductors devices: An overview,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 399–418, 1998. [3] T. L. Welsher, T. J. Blondin, G. T. Dangelmayer, and Y. Smooha, “Design for electrostatic-discharge (ESD) protection in telecommunications products,” AT&T Tech. J., vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 77–96, 1990. [4] W. J. Kirk, Designing a workplace, 1993 EOS/ESD Tutorial Notes, pp. B-1–B-23, Sept. 1993. [5] E. W. Chase and B. A. Under, “Triboelectric charging of personnel from walking on tile floors,” in Proc. EOS/ESD Symp., vol. EOS-8, Sept. 1986, pp. 127–135. [6] L. A. Avery, “A review of electrostatic discharge mechanisms and on-chip protection techniques to ensure device reliability,” J. Electrostatics, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 111–113, 1990.
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James E. Vinson received the B.E.E. degree from Auburn University, Auburn, AL, in 1982, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, in 1984, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, in 1998. His areas of study were in radiation effects and electrical overstress failure mechanisms in semiconductor devices. In 1984, he joined Intersil Corporation (formerly Harris Semiconductor), Melbourne, FL. He is currently a Senior Principal Engineer in the Reliability Group. He has published numerous papers on reliability, failure analysis, and single event phenomena, including two invited papers at international conferences. His responsibilities include reliability investigations and qualification, as well as failure analysis of both analog and digital circuits built using bipolar and complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technology for military and space customers. He serves as a Design Consultant for ESD and EOS robustness in new circuits. His current research interests include failure mechanism modeling for failures caused by electrical overstress and electrostatic discharge, as well as dielectric reliability.
J. J. Liou (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S. (honors), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1982, 1983, and 1987, respectively. In 1987, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, where he is now a Professor. His current research interests are semiconductor device modeling, simulation, reliability, and characterization. He has published four textbooks, more than 160 journal papers, and more than 110 papers (including 24 invited papers) in international and national conference proceedings. He has held consulting positions with research laboratories and companies in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore. He serves as a technical reviewer for various journals and publishers, and serves as a technical program committee chair or member for several international conferences. He has so far supervised and graduated 23 M.S. and Ph.D. students, all of whom are working in microelectronics companies, such as Intel, Motorola, Lucent Technologies, and Intersil. In the summers of 1992–1994, he was selected as a Member of Summer Research Faculty at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, where he conducted research on AlGaAs–GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors. In the fall of 1997, he took a sabbatical leave and worked as a Visiting Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department, National University of Singapore. Dr. Liou has received eight different awards on excellence in teaching and research from the University of Central Florida. He is an associate editor for the Simulation journal in the area of VLSI and circuit simulation, and is a regional editor (in the USA) for Microelectronics Reliability, an international journal published by Elsevier.