Electrostatics of anisotropic inclusions in

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the solution in the entire computational domain. E ective medium ... The most reliable numerical method, as of today, for estimating the e ective .... methods, somewhat similar to what has been suggested by Atkinson 42]; Let the charge ... where S is actual arclength and s is the normalized arclength introduced in Eq. (2).
Electrostatics of anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic media Johan Helsing

Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

Klas Samuelsson

NADA, Royal Institute of Technology, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract There are many ways to solve potential problems for anisotropic mixtures. The nite element method is a popular choice with great exibility that gives the solution in the entire computational domain. E ective medium approximation is a simpler option that only estimates e ective properties. Interface integral equation methods is a third class of methods that has been studied for a long time, but only rarely been used for computations. In this paper, electrostatics of anisotropic two-dimensional composites is discussed. The geometry under consideration is a periodic composite of arbitrarily shaped anisotropic inclusions in an anisotropic matrix. The location of the inclusion interfaces are given on analytic form as to facilitate reproduction of results. Highly accurate calculations are performed with a coupled rst and second kind Fredholm integral equation method. Comparison is made with nite element method calculations.

I. INTRODUCTION The development of ecient numerical algorithms for electrostatics and elastostatics of locally anisotropic composites is a topic of importance in physics and in physical engineering. A locally anisotropic composite is a material whose physical properties are described by piecewise constant anisotropic tensors. Anisotropic composites, such as polycrystals, are common in nature. Designed magnetostrictives, piezoelectrics and piezooptics are some examples in engineering [1]. Compared to how much work has been done in developing algorithms for locally isotropic composites, remarkably little has been done for anisotropic composites. For electrostatics and conductivity e orts mainly concern the construction of bounds between which the e ective conductivity must lie [2{17] and the derivation of e ective medium approximations [1,15,18{22]. The most reliable numerical method, as of today, for estimating the e ective conductivity of an anisotropic composite with a given geometry may very well be the nite element method. One nite element method program which is applicable is the Piecewise Linear Triangular Multi Grid (PLTMG) nite element program [23]. 1

A di erent approach to electrostatics of composites is the use of interface integral equations methods. Such methods have been used by a few authors for a long time [24{29]. In recent years, by their combination with the Fast Multipole Method [30{32] and other fast algorithms [33] these methods have also gained a wider appreciation in the numerical analysis community [30,34]. Integral equation methods are well suited for potential problems in composites since they discretize the interfaces only, and, in combination with the Fast Multipole Method, require comparatively little data storage. The extension of interface integral equations methods to anisotropic composite problems appears to be a more poorly explored area. An integral equation for two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity has been derived for the case of the inclusions being voids [35]. Single inclusion free-space problems in two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity have been solved for the case of the inclusions being ellipses [36{38]. Green's functions for anisotropic twodimensional elasticity are reviewed in Ref. [39]. For periodic problems in anisotropic electrostatics we only know of two recent papers in which one of us presented coupled rst and second kind Fredholm integral equations for anisotropic inclusions in isotropic [40] and anisotropic [41] matrices. These integral equations were solved to high accuracy for inclusions in the shape of disks. In this paper we show how to solve the integral equations presented in Refs. [40,41] for inclusions of general shapes. We will call these inclusions amoebas. As we shall see, it is possible to solve the electrostatic equation for anisotropic amoebas in anisotropic matrices with about the same speed and accuracy as for comparable problems involving disks. As a check on the results and as a comparison of two di erent methods, we shall present numerical results computed both with the integral equation method of this paper and with the PLTMG program. The paper is organized as follows: In Section II we de ne the geometry under consideration and the equation that is to be solved. In Section III the interface integral equation method of Ref. [41] is brie y reviewed and extended. In Section IV we discuss the PLTMG program. In Section V we present numerical results. The paper end with Section VI { a discussion of possibly faster implementations of the two methods.

II. THE ELECTROSTATIC PROBLEM FOR AN ANISOTROPIC AMOEBA Let an in nite periodic composite have a square unit cell. The unit cell has a side of unit length and the center of one unit cell is the origin. In the unit cell there is an inclusion which we will call the amoeba. Points r = (x; y) at the interface B of the amoeba at the origin are parameterized by (x; y) = R(1 +  cos n)(cos ; sin );


where  is the angle to the x-axis and R, , and n are shape parameters. The total perimeter of the interface B is L and nr = (n1; n2) is the outward unit normal on B at r. Sometimes it is convenient to use the alternative parameterization of B (x; y) = ((s); (s));


where s is the arclength measured from some arbitrary origin normalized so that 0 < s < 2. 2

Both the amoeba and the region outside, the matrix, have anisotropic conductivity tensors. Let the matrix have a conductivity tensor # "  0 1 (3) m = 0  ; 2 so that the conductivity is 1 in the direction parallel to the x-axis and 2 in the direction parallel to the y-axis. Introduce s (4) 1 = i 1 ; 2 where i is the imaginary unit. The quantity 1 describes the degree of anisotropy of the matrix. Similarly, let the amoeba have a conductivity tensor # "  0 3 (5) a = 0  ; 4 so that the conductivity is 3 in the direction parallel to the x-axis and 4 in the direction parallel to the y-axis. Introduce s 2 = i 3 : (6) 4

Now the electrostatic problem for the amoeba can be expressed as follows: Solve the electrostatic equation

r  ru(r) = 0;


in the periodic composite with the restriction that

hru(r)i = e:


In Eq. (8) angular brackets denote area average over the unit cell and e is a unit vector of arbitrary direction. Once the potential u(r) is known, the e ective conductivity in the e direction can be computed from

e = he  rui:


III. AN INTERFACE INTEGRAL EQUATION METHOD It has been shown in Ref. [41] that, via a single layer representation for the electric potential, Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) can be reformulated as ! p  p34 1 2 ? 1 ? 1 (10) nr  (m ? a)e = 2 (M2) M1 + 2 + M4(M2) M1 ? M3 ; 3

Once this equation is solved for , the e ective conductivity in the direction of the applied eld can be computed as Z e = e  ae ? p12 B e  r(r)dS: (11)

Here M1 and M2 are certain integral operators mapping a charge density, , on the interface B , to a potential, u, on B . The operators M3 and M4 are mappings from charge densities to normal current densities. The quantity S denotes arclength. We want to discretize Eq. (10) by representing  by its value at 2N + 1 points on B that are equispaced in arclength. This means representing the Mi; i = 1; : : : ; 4, as (2N + 1)  (2N + 1) matrices. In this section we will brie y review the de nitions of the Mi. The computation of their matrix representations will only be discussed when it di ers from that of Ref. [41]. Introduce XZ 1 (x + 1y) = ? 2 log[x + 1y ? ! ? x0 ? 1y0](r0)dS 0; (12) B 2 e ! 2Z where integration is over primed quantities and where the sum goes over all stretched lattice points ! in the complex plane. We refer to the set of all stretched lattice points as Ze 2 so that Ze 2 = fk1 + 1k2 : k1; k2 2 Z g: (13) The operator M1 is the real part of the mapping from  to  of Eq. (12). For computational purposes M1 is divided into three parts (14) M1 = M1I + M1II + M1III: The mapping M1I concerns only the rst lattice point ! = f0g and is computed by Fourier methods, somewhat similar to what has been suggested by Atkinson [42]; Let the charge density at a point si, where s is the parameter in Eq. (2), be approximated by a Fourier series 2N N X X cn sin[(n ? N )si]: (15) (si ) = c0 + cn cos[nsi] + n=1

n=N +1

Let D be the transformation matrix between a Fourier representation and a pointwise representation of a function on B so that Eq. (15) becomes i = Dij cj : (16) Now let the integral de ning the operator M1I further be divided into two parts using Z log[x + 1y ? x0 ? 1y0](r0)dS 0 = B

2  3 2p 3 L Z log 4 2 sinp t?2 s 5 (s)ds + L Z log 4 e((t) + 1(t)? (s) ? 1(s)) 5 (s)ds; e 2 B 2 B 2 sin t?2 s (17) 4

where S is actual arclength and s is the normalized arclength introduced in Eq. (2). Denote the resulting two new operators M1Ia and M1Ib so that M1I = M1Ia + M1Ib: (18) I Now M1a can be written c1IaD?1 ; M1Ia = DM (19) c1Ia has a simple diagonal structure. In fact, M1Ia has a simple structure as well; it where M consists of the N + 1 distinct elements   0 1 N cos nm2 X L 2 N +1 @ A ; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; N (20) 4(2N + 1) 1 + 2 n n=1

in a cyclical permutation. M1Ib is evaluated with direct summation, observing 2p 3 1 + log[0(s) +  0(s)]; e(  ( t ) +   ( t ) ?  ( s ) ?   ( s )) 1 1 4 5   lim log (21) = 1 t!s 2 2 sin t?2s where 0(s) and 0(s) denote (s) and (s) di erentiated with respect to s. The second part of M1, that is M1II, concerns contributions from amoebas centered around lattice points ! that are not well separated from the origin in the sense of Greengard and Rokhlin [31]. This means lattice points for which j!j < 3R when j1j  1;

j!j < 3j1jR when j1j  1:


We compute M1II with direct summation. The third part of M1, M1III, concerns contributions from all remaining amoebas in the plane. We compute M1III as described in Ref. [41]. The mapping M2 is similar to M1I; the di erence being that 1 in M1I is replaced by 2 in M2. The mapping M2 is computed in the same way as M1I. The normal current density ! ) ( n 2 0 (23) j (r) = 1