elemental sulfur production in hydrometallurgy

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Chem. Bull., 2017, 6(9), 424-425. DOI: 10.17628/ecb.2017.6.424-425. 424. ELEMENTAL SULFUR PRODUCTION IN. HYDROMETALLURGY. Fathi Habashi.
Elemental sulfur production in hydrometallurgy

Section D-Review


Keywords: Sodium sulfide; Oxidative leaching; Sulfide ores; Surface active agents; Gold; Mercury. Elemental sulfur obtained during oxidative leaching of sulfides at low temperature will contain mercury and gold and both can be effectively recovered using sodium sulfide. Other metals go into solution.

* Corresponding Authors: E-mail: [email protected] [a] Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada

INTRODUCTION When sulfide minerals are treated in acid medium and in oxidizing atmosphere elemental sulfur forms while the metals goes into solution (Figure 1).1 There is a narrow region where elemental sulfur can form (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Formation of elemental sulfur during oxidizing sulfide ores at 100oC

Figure 3. Left: Molten sulfur covers sulfide surface in absence of surface active agent. Right: Molten sulfur does not cover sulfide surface in presence of surface active agent

Figure 1. Recovery of metals in sulfide ores below the melting point of sulfur

SPECIAL CASES Sulfides containing gold

This region disappears above 150 oC. Sulfur melts at 119.5 oC and polymerizes at 160 oC. If the treatment is conducted below 150 oC a surface active agent must be present to prevent the molten sulfur from impeding the reaction by forming a protective layer on the sulfide particle (Figure 3).2

Eur. Chem. Bull., 2017, 6(9), 424-425

Sulfide ores may contain gold embedded in the sulfide matrix and as a result many gold producers treat such ores at high temperature to liberate gold then treating the residue containing gold by cyanidation to recover gold.3 It was found that gold will be associated with the sulfur.

DOI: 10.17628/ecb.2017.6.424-425


Elemental sulfur production in hydrometallurgy

Section D-Review

Jeffrey and Anderson4 and Anderson and Twidwell5 found that sulfur formed agglomerates containing all the gold as well as unreacted sulfides. Cyanidation of these agglomerates was not effective in recovering gold but sodium sulfide was. This can be conducted by leaching the agglomerates in sodium hydroxide whereby sodium sulfide was formed: 4So + 6NaOH → 2Na2S + Na2S2O3 + 3H2O (x-1)So + Na2S → Na2SX

(where x = 2 to 5)

CONCLUSION While metals in sulfide ores go in solution as elemental sulfur forms, gold and mercury are embedded in the sulfur and can be recovered by leaching with sodium sulfide provided a surface active agent is present.

REFERENCES F., A Textbook of Hydrometallurgy, Métallurgie Extractive Québec, Québec City, Canada 1993, second edition 1999. Distributed by Laval University Bookstore, www.zone.ul.ca


Gold dissolution was the result of leaching by polysulfides and sulfides:

L. and Dreisinger, D. “Interfacial Properties of Liquid Sulfur in the Pressure Leaching of Nickel Concentrate”. Miner. Engg., 2009, 22, 456–461, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2008.12.003


2Au + S2 + 2S → 2AuS +2S 2-




Gold was recovered from solution by including electrowinning, gaseous precipitation, chemical precipitation, cementation, solvent extraction and ion exchange. Sulfides containing mercury

Habashi, F. Gold. History, Metallurgy, Culture, Métallurgie Extractive Québec, Québec City, Canada 2009. Distributed by Laval University Bookstore, www.zone.ul.ca


M. and Anderson, C. G. “A Fundamental Study of the Alkaline Sulfide Leaching of Gold”, European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, October 2002


C. G. and Twidwell, L. G. “The Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgical Separation, Recovery and Fixation of Tin, Arsenic, Antimony, Mercury, and Gold”, pp. 121-131 in Lead and Zinc 2008, Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy



Jorjani and Ghahreman reported that if mercury is present in the ores the elemental sulfur will contain the mercury and this can be leached by sodium sulfide to free it from mercury by forming insoluble mercury sulfide while elemental sulfur forms soluble polysulfide: Na2S + (x−1)S° → Na2Sx

E. and Ghahreman, A. “Elemental Sulfur Removal during the Leaching of Copper and Zinc Sulfides, and from the Residues; A Review”, Hydrometallurgy 2017, 171, 333-343 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2017.06.011


Hg2+ + S2- → HgS In conclusion, it is obvious therefore that elemental sulfur obtained during oxidative leaching of sulfides will contain mercury and gold and both can be effectively recovered using sodium sulfide.

Eur. Chem. Bull., 2017, 6(9), 424-425

DOI: 10.17628/ecb.2017.6.424-425

Received: 03.09.2017. Accepted: 07.10.2017.