Elementary Course Catalog

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Mar 26, 2015 ... My Math McGraw- Hill K-5 .... http://www.evan-moor.com/p/2052/daily-6-trait- writing-grade-1 ... Student Writing Intensive Level A Grades 3-5.







Revised March 26, 2015

The CORE Butte K-8 Catalog Table of Contents Language Arts – All Inclusive…………………………………………………………………………………….1 Starfall Prentice Hall Literature Sing, Spell, Read and Write Kind, Level 1 Glencoe CA Treasures McRuffy Glencoe Expressions Pearson Reading Street Language Arts – Reading………………………………………………………………………………………....3 All About Reading Sourcebook Pathway Readers Novel Companion Daybook Language Arts – Writing…………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Strategies for Writers & Easy Writing Write Source Four-Square Writing Methods Student Writing Intensive Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing Saxon Grammar and Writing Language Arts – Grammar………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Evan-Moor Grammar & Punctuation Easy Grammar G.U.M. (Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics) Grammar for Writing Editor-in-Chief, Critical Thinking Saxon Grammar and Writing Daily Grams Language Arts – Spelling…………………………………………………………………………………………8 Houghton Mifflin Spelling & Vocabulary All About Spelling Evan Moor Building Spelling Skills Sequential Spelling - AVKO Language Arts – Vocabulary……………………………………………………………………………………..9 Wordly Wise English from the Roots Up Vocabulary from Classical Roots Red Hot Root Words Language Arts – Handwriting and Keyboarding…………………………………………………………….10 Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Typing Master Handwriting Without Tears Typing Web Mavis Beacon Language Arts – Miscellaneous Supplemental Materials………………………………………………….11 Evan-Moor Sight Word Reading A-Z Evan-Moor Literature Pockets: Explode the Code Nursery Rhymes and Folktales & Fairy Tales Barton Reading and Spelling Lexia Progress English Language Arts - Sadlier

March 26, 2015


Mathematics………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14 My Math McGraw- Hill K-5 Glencoe Math: Success Your Way. Courses 1, 2, 3 Singapore Primary Math Saxon Math 3-8 Excel Math Key to … Social Science……………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 Starfall with Science and Social Studies Kinder Social Science Kinder Package Curriculum Social Studies Weekly Evan-Moor History Pockets Maps* Globes* Graphs Daily Geography The Story of the World, Susan Wise Bauer The World in Ancient Times: Oxford University Press The Medieval and Early Modern World: Oxford University Press Glencoe Social Science Oxford University Press, A History of Us Science……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...22 Starfall with Science and Social Studies Kinder Science Package Curriculum Harcourt Brace Science Studies Weekly - Science newspapers ScienceSaurus Harcourt Science Evan Moor Daily Science Glencoe Science Science Fusion Science Supplements Available Online and in Library Art & Music Art and Music Resources Available in Library Resources: Children & Student Dictionaries & Thesaurus Harcourt Brace Primary Atlas – Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6 World Atlas – Middle School

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – All Inclusive Starfall

TK and Kindergarten Kits

http://www.starfall.com/n/N-info/curric_homeschool.htm Homeschool daily lessons use interactive, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic technology to create a learning environment full of exploration, wonder and Play. Colors, songs, stories, and rhymes. Your child will experience the FULL Kindergarten experience. Also includes an online membership for Starfall.com Imagination and play Optional: History and Science with reading kit for Kindergarten. The kit gives you science, social studies and reading all in one kit.

Sing, Spell, Read and Write

Grades K-1


Total Language Arts Curriculum with a Phonics Emphasis Full year of instruction This structured sequential phonics based Language arts program uses music and movement, as well as visual and additional auditory approaches to engage and instruct students in reading and writing> Two Choices: K-1 Combo Kit for students who need to LEARN their letters Level 1 Kit for students who KNOW their letters


Grade 1

http://mcruffy.com/1st-grade-phonics.htm The McRuffy Phonics and Reading program features lesson plans, color workbooks divided by subject areas (a Language and Reading workbook, and a Spelling and Phonics workbook), six additional reading books, and a resource pack loaded full of fun and useful materials.

March 26, 2015


Pearson Reading Street

Grades 1-5

http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PS1dH9 Reading and Language Arts combination – Parent Friendly Traditional Textbook and correlating grammar, spelling, and test prep workbooks

Prentice Hall Literature

Grades 7-8

All- inclusive Textbook Program Grade 7 Bronze Level Test Banks Available

Grade 8 Silver Level Test Banks Available

Traditional Textbook with workbooks All-inclusive program, Vocabulary, spelling and grammar skills

Glencoe CA Treasures

Grades 6-8

Good for Visual learners Uses different colored highlighting for vocabulary words, literary elements etc. Prompts are written in the sidebar. End of selection questions are colored and refer back to prompts in the story. No Answer key for Grade 6 Traditional Textbook with Read and Write consumable workbook available

Glencoe Expressions

Grades 6-8

Approaching grade level reading Uses different colored highlighting for vocabulary words, literary elements etc. End of selection questions are colored and refer back to prompts in the story. Traditional Textbook. Read and Write consumable workbooks available

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – Reading All About Reading

Levels 1-4

http://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/ Multisensory, Orton-Gillingham approach. Lightly scripted for parents and home teaching Includes letter sounds, phonograms, consonant teams, blending, syllables, sight words, consonant blends, plurals, and compound words. Every component of reading is taught: decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Uses light, sound, and touch

Pathway Readers

Grades 1-8

http://pathway-publishers.com/pathway-readers-2/ Phonics/Literature for Fluent Readers Parents appreciate the Pathway Curriculum for its wholesome stories, poems and reading selections that are based on strong moral principles. The hardbound books are simply illustrated in a black & white format. These readers are suitable for anyone looking for solid, morality-based literature. The material centers on old-fashioned stories of family life on a farm and are wholesome and delightful. st

1 Grade Complete Reading Set: Learning Through Sounds, First Steps Reader Set, Days Go By & More Days Go By. Textbook Readers, Workbooks, and Teacher’s Manuals. 2nd Grade Reader Set: Busy Times Set, More Busy Times Set and Climbing Higher Set. Textbook Readers, Workbooks, and Teacher’s Manuals. rd

3 Grade Reader Set: New Friends and More New Friends Textbook Readers, Workbooks, and Teacher’s Manuals. th


4 – 8 sets in Library


Grades 3-12

Critical Reading & Writing – This curriculum pairs very nicely with Write Source A journal-style write-in colorful consumable textbook A collection of high-interest short stories and poems, these books provide instruction and practice in reading comprehension by having students read critically using strategies such as taking notes, making predictions and inferences, and summarizing. Students learn how to write both creative and expository paragraphs.

March 26, 2015



Grades 3-12

Approaching grade-level reading – This curriculum pairs nicely with Write Source A journal-style write-in colorful consumable textbook Designed  for  struggling  readers,  features  classic  and  contemporary  literature  to help students develop effective strategies for understanding and interpreting literature. • • • • •

Main idea & summarizing Making predictions and inferences Analytical reading Descriptive and narrative paragraphs Interpreting details

Ideal for intervention Also good to use for multiple grades in one family.

Novel Companion

Grades 6-8

Grade 6: A Wrinkle in Time / Bearstone / Bridge to Terabithia / The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle / Number the Stars / Tuck Everlasting Grade 7: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Catherine / Called Birdy / Dandelion Wine / Dragonwings / I Am Mordred: A Tale from Camelot / The Time Machine The War of the Worlds Grade 8: A Girl Named Disaster / Picture Bride / Dogsong, Barrio Boy / The Story of My Life / The Glory Field

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – Writing Strategies for Writers

Grades 1-8

  http://www.zaner-bloser.com/strategiesforwriters/tests/   Easy to use writing lessons. The Rubrics are clearly organized with genre-specific guides that let students know exactly what is expected and help them evaluate their progress. Narrative, Expository, Descriptive, Persuasive, and Test Writing. • • • • • •

Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing Publishing Rubrics to guide student growth

Workbook goes hand-in-hand with the textbook. Moving back and focus between textbook instruction and workbook practice.

Four Square Writing Method

Grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-9

e-book, download book by Librarian or PLT Step-by-Step, concrete instruction in writing that will fit any reading and language arts program.

Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing

Grades 1-6

http://www.evan-moor.com/p/2052/daily-6-trait-writing-grade-1 e-book, download book by Librarian or PLT Weekly teacher lessons, scaffold instruction, and assessment rubric. Parent friendly for home teaching

Write Source

Grades 1-8

http://www.the writesource.com Good reference book. Focuses on genre with understanding your audience and purpose. Focuses on editing and proofreading.

March 26, 2015


Saxon Grammar and Writing

Grades 4-8

If you like Saxon math you may like this grammar and writing workbook. Bases on the same model of incremental development and continual review as their Saxon Math text.

Student Writing Intensive

Grades 3-12

Excellence in Writing http://iew.com/shop/shopping-resources/decision-tree Focus on Structure and Style Humorous - Even students with little writing experience can immediately enjoy Andrew’s humor, realizing the process is not so overwhelming. This program is a scaffold, imitation-based approach that reinforces history, literature, and science Student Writing Intensive Level A Student Writing Intensive Level B Student Writing Intensive Level C

Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12

Recorded live, this DVD writing course for students by Andrew Pudewa. Contains • Four DVDs • A binder with dividers • Packet with the teacher’s notes, handouts and checklists

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – Grammar Evan-Moor

Grades 1- 6

Grammar/Punctuation workbook Simple step-by-step rules and easy to use


Grades 3-8

Intensive Grammar Program Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (G.U.M) Each book offers extensive resources for review, extra practice, proofreading, and practice with standardized tests.

Editor-in-Chief, Critical Thinking

Grades 4-12

Grammar editing…Levels 1, 2, and 3 Become the Editor-in-Chief and correct the mistakes yourself. Students carefully analyze and edit stories that contain errors in writing mechanics and story details.

Easy Grammar Programs

Grades 3–8

Grade-level Intensive Grammar Lessons Step-by-step lessons; easy reading with age-appropriate, interesting worksheets. This is the most intensive grammar program we offer. A very repetitive program with lots of practice.

Daily Grams

Grades 3-8

Clear-Cut Short Daily Grammar Practice Provides 180 Daily Reviews to aid in mastery learning! 5 to10 minutes a day Daily Gram Texts are design for review. Offers minimal instruction

Grammar for Writing Sadlier Oxford

Grades 6-12


Saxon Grammar and Writing

Grades 4-8

If you like Saxon Math, you may like this grammar and writing workbook. Bases on the same model of incremental development and continual review as their Saxon Math text.

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – Spelling Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary

Grades 1-8

Phonics * Vocabulary skills * Greek and Latin roots *Analogy practice *Proofreading

Evan-Moor Building Spelling Skills

Grades 1-6

Each book contains 30 spelling units. Spelling words were selected from a list of the 400 most commonly used words in English, words frequently misspelled at each grade level, and words with common phonemic elements.

All About Spelling

Grades K–8

http://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/categories/All-About-Spelling/All-About-Spelling-Level-1/ Parent scripted for home teaching using sight, sound, and touch. Using letter tiles, flashcards, word banks, customized spelling lists, dictation, writing exercises and 100% decodable readers throughout the program.

AVKO Spelling – Sequential Spelling http://www.avko.org/ Sequence is not based on grade level. The sequence is based on building from easy words to advanced words as from all, tall, stall, install, installment, installation. Placement test http://avko.org/free/Rough%20Placement%20Test%20for%20SS.pdf

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – Vocabulary Wordly Wise

Grade 2-12

www.wordlywise3000.com/ Explicit, systematic, and direct vocabulary instruction Games include Concentration, Flashcards, Hangman, Matching, and Word Search.

Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Grades 7-11

Strategic Vocabulary instruction through Greek and Latin Roots Vocabulary from Classical Roots - Ideal for students mastering a growing content-area vocabulary in social studies, science, and mathematics— predominantly multisyllabic Greek and Latin-based words. Helps students unlock the meanings of literally thousands of words. Workbook style

English from the Roots Up

Grades 5-12

Greek and Latin roots for Language Lovers Volume Set 1 & 2 word cards Learn a myriad of English words thought Greek and Latin roots

Red Hot Root Words

Grades 3-9

Workbook 1: 3-5 grades Workbook 2: 6-9 grades

March 26, 2015


Handwriting and Keyboarding Zaner-Bloser Handwriting

Grades K-6

https://www.zaner-bloser.com/media/zb/zaner-bloser/programoverview/hw_ntl/ntl_hw_shell.html Step-by-step classical approach to teach handwriting.

Handwriting Without Tears

Grades K-5

http://www.hwtears.com/hwt Simplified Approach to Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears uses an efficient, vertical style – easy to learn, easy to write, and easy to read. v v v v v

Handwriting Without Tears Teacher Guide (K) My Printing Book ( Grade 1) Printing Power (Grade 2) Cursive Handwriting (Most often used in Grade 3) Cursive Success and Can-Do Cursive (Grade 4 and 5 and above)

Mavis Beacon Typing Typing program on DVD Typing Masters online typing program Typingweb.com online typing program

March 26, 2015


Language Arts – Miscellaneous Supplemental Materials Evan-Moor Sight Word Workbook

Grades 1-2

http://www.evan-moor.com/p/18832/reading-sight-words Colorful workbook about sight words

Evan-Moor Literature Pockets: Nursery Thymes Evan-Moor Literature Pockets: Folktales & Fairy Tales

Grades K - 1

www.evan-moor.com Students cut, color, and staple art, writing, and other activities to make a mini-book


Grades K-6

http://www.lexialearning.com/product/core5 Online phonics program. Sign up with your teacher.

Reading A-Z

Grades K-6


Vast online library with 27 levels of difficulty. Sign up with your teacher

March 26, 2015


Explode the Code

Grades K-4

http://eps.schoolspecialty.com/offers/2013/05_etc/?gclid=CL7w1LWjwLwCFQNufgod2yIATw Phonics Program – Black & White workbook style Provides a sequential, systematic approach to phonics in which students blend sounds to build vocabulary and read words, phrases, sentences, and stories. Teacher’s guides Works well with any language arts program Get Ready for The Code – Book A Get Set for The Code – Book B Go for The Code – Book C K Introduces initial consonant sounds. Explode the Code – Book 1 Explode The Code – Book 2 1 Introduces the sounds of short vowels Introduces the sounds of initial and final consonant blends. Explode The Code – Book 3 Explode the Code – Book 4 1-3 Presents y as a vowel, long vowels with silent e, consonant and vowel digraphs Introduces compound words, common word endings, and syllabication. Blending sounds to read and write multisyllabic words. Explode The Code – Book 5 Explode The Code – Book 6 2-4 Introduces word endings -ed and -ey, word families including all-alk, old-olt-oll, ild-ind, the digraph qu, and 3letter blends. Introduces the r-controlled vowels, silent letters (-igh), and vowel diphthongs. Explode The Code – Book 7 Explode The Code – Book 8 2-4 Introduces the sounds of soft c and g, silent consonant patterns such as -dge, -mb, kn, wr, and silent t and silent h words. Introduces suffixes and irregular endings.

March 26, 2015


Barton Reading & Spelling

All grades

https://www.bartonreading.com/ *Intense Intervention Phonics Program The Barton Reading & Spelling System is a one-on-one tutoring system that teaches spelling, reading, and writing skills to children and teenagers who struggle with reading. Our level numbers do NOT equate to grade levels. If a student is being tutored twice a week, it will take from 3 to 5 months to complete a level. Scope & Sequence: Level 1: Phonemic Awareness Level 2: Consonants & Short Vowels Level 3: Closed Syllables and Units Level 4: Syllable Division & Vowel Teams

Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: Level 8:

Prefixes and Suffixes Six Reasons for Silent-E Vowel-R Syllables Advanced Vowel Teams

Progress English Language Arts

Grade K-6

Sadlier Oxford http://go.sadlier.com/previewccp Student workbook: Full color, magazine-like design. Vocabulary, Writing responses, Grammar rules, Read complex text Guided Instruction, Guided Practice, Independent Practice Odd chapter cover reading skills. Even chapter cover the same topic with writing. Cite Evidence, make inference, author’s purpose, main ideas, summarizing, plus more. Reading text is a combo of Science and Social Studies.

March 26, 2015


Mathematics My Math McGraw-Hill

Grades K-5

https://www.mheonline.com/esamplers/mymathnew/index.html Common Core Math Textbook with Digital Tutorial guide, e-Help, Digital self-checks (1-5), Virtual Manipulatives, Animations (K-5), Videos (K-5), Math Adventures (1-5) Virtual Teach Edition, ipad Apps, Personal Tutors (3-5) Guided Instruction, Guided Practice, Independent Practice

Glencoe Math Courses 1, 2, 3

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Grade 6-8

Textbook or e-Book Digital tools, Print and digital tools engage students in a variety of formats. E-book: New flexible digital platform allows students to work anywhere on any device. iPad compatible Interactive lesson, presentations and games to introduce new concepts Step-by-Step examples Animated graphic novel that introduces each chapter concepts Virtual manipulatives Guided practice, Self-check quizzers, eHelp for step-by-step solutions for selected exercises Interactive student edition Online tutors and animations Independent practice, Real-world applications Inquiry Labs and 21st Century Careers highlights

March 26, 2015


Singapore: Primary Math

Grades K-6

http://www.singaporemath.com/ Singapore math textbooks help students to visualize problem situations by turning abstract word s into easy to understand pictorial models. By constructing a model we can understand the problem situation more clearly. • • • • •

Program designed for “at-home” parents to teach math Home Instructor’s Guides (for grades 1-5) Step-by-step instructions for parents as the teachers. Grades K and 6 have a classroom Teacher’s Guide. Their system is designed to integrate adult supervision with the independent practice by the students. Supplemental Singapore manipulatives available from library by request. (These are not toys) COMMON CORE Editions

Placement tests http://www.singaporemath.com/Placement_Test_s/86.htm

Saxon Math

Grades 3-8

Intermediate 3–5 Saxon Math's Intermediate 3–5 program offers a textbook-based format that is written at a level appropriate for students in the intermediate grades. It includes lessons embedded with activities, comprehensive examples, and practical applications. At this time, there are teaching DVDs for grades 4-5.

Saxon Math Courses 1, 2, and 3 A comprehensive solution for promoting mastery of the Common Core State Standards in middle school. Courses 1–3 ensure students attain and retain deep understanding and can apply their learning in real-world situations. Saxon Math Courses 1, 2, and 3 integrate and distribute traditional units, giving students time to learn and practice skills throughout the year, master content, and develop higher-order thinking. Skills and concepts are built through critical thinking, helping students become better and more confident problem solvers. The books focus students directly on the math, eliminating distractions so that students can build meaningful math connections.

March 26, 2015


Excel Math

Grades K-6

Spiraling black & white lesson sheets style workbook http://excelmath.com/tour/tour01.html Unique self-assessment tool empowers students to confirm their answers. Students write in the black and white lesson sheet book. Daily Lesson sheets for daily use. Common Core Editions. Daily Parent Lesson Plans

Key to….. Workbook

Grades - As Needed

Supplemental Workbooks Straight forward help on specialized topics. (Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Measurement, Algebra). These can be used as supplemental review workbooks. Key to Fractions Key to Decimals Key to Percents Key to Measurements Key to Algebra

March 26, 2015


Social Science Starfall with Science and Social Studies

Grade K

http://more.starfall.com/info/curriculum/pre-k-homeschool.php?ref=classic& Imagination and play History and Science with reading kit for Kindergarten. The kit gives you science, social studies and reading all in one kit.

Kindergarten Social Studies Kit

Grade K

A CORE packaged curriculum kit Kit #1 Me and my World, Workbook designed special for Kindergarteners Kit #2 The kindergarten Social Studies packet is a combination of exciting kindergarten materials. Teacher guide and worksheets are included. Lessons can be completed in any order. Non-consumable resources must be returned to your local resource center. The packet includes ~ • Classroom Helpers Patriotic Activities Grade K Set of 13 social studies books • Maps, Globes, Graphs Steck-Vaughn workbook

  Harcourt Brace – Reflections

Grades 1-6

Traditional textbooks  

Online  resources  available  at  www.harcourtschool.com/hss  

March 26, 2015


Social Studies Weekly

Grades K-6

An innovative concept for teaching history A one-year subscription to any Studies Weekly state or U.S. history publication consists of 24 - 32 weekly units delivered to you in four quarterly installments. Online tests, Rev the Rat reward room, and newspapers.

Evan-Moor History Pockets

Grades K-6+

www.evanmoor.com Hands-on Projects e-book: The librarian or PLT can print the workbook instructions Native  Americans   Life  in  Plymouth  Colony   Colonial  America   The  American  Revolution   Explorers  of  North   America  

Moving  West   The  American  Civil  War    Famous  Americans   Ancient  Civilizations   Ancient  Aztec  World  

Ancient  Mesopotamia   Ancient  Egypt   Ancient  Greece   Ancient  Rome   Ancient  China  

Maps * Globes * Graphs

Grades 1–6

This workbook-based series uses the five geography themes of movement, place, regions, location, and human/environment. The different grades have some degree of overlap in the skills practiced, with overlapping areas in the higher grades being investigated in much greater depth.

• Level A – pictures, looking at pictures from above, maps from pictures, sides/compass directions on a map, symbols and keys, and globes. • Level B – landforms and water, maps and map keys, directions, globes, continents and oceans, boundaries, and map labels. • Level C – directions and map keys, distance and scale, resource maps, landform maps, route maps, grids, latitude, longitude, and graphs. • Level D – directions and legends, intermediate directions, grids, distance scale, route maps, relief maps, latitude, longitude, and graphs. • Level E – directions, symbols and legends, scale and distance, route maps, physical maps, special purpose maps, grids, latitude, longitude, the earth and sun, time zones, and graphs. • Level F – globes, symbols and directions, scale and distance, route maps, relief and elevation, latitude and longitude, climate maps, combining maps, comparing maps, time zones, projections, and graphs.

March 26, 2015


Daily Geography

Grades 1-6+

A printable geography workbook – printed by the librarian or your PLT

The Story of the World

Grades K-3 Supplemental for Grades 4-8

A Home School favorite Read-aloud series for younger students Story based learning with hands-on activities The Story of the World is an award-winning resource for families looking for a history curriculum they can fall in love with. Told as a narrative, engaging style that has become Susan Wise Bauer's trademark. This read-aloud series is designed for parents and teachers to share with elementary school children. Activity Book contains comprehension questions, maps, coloring pages, and hands-on activities for each chapter. (Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Activities) The Story of the World, Volume 1 Ancient Times (5000 BC to 400 AD) – History is a story; Isn't it time you read it that way? This engaging guide presents world history in a narrative format. What terrible secret was buried in Shi Huangdi's tomb? Did nomads like lizard stew? What happened to Anansi the Spider in the Village of the Plantains? And how did a six-year old become the last Emperor of Rome? (Available on CD)

The Story of the World, Volume 2 The Middle Ages (400 - 1600) – Who discovered chocolate? What happened to the Giant Favor of the Mighty Blows? Why did the Ottoman Turks drag their war ships across dry land? A read-aloud history for the whole family! (Available on CD)

The Story of the World, Volume 3 and 4 Early Modern Times (1600 to 1850) – Who was the Sun King? How did Samurai become Sumo Wrestlers? What was the Black Hole of Calcutta? And why was a California town named Ground Hog Glory? (Available on CD)

March 26, 2015


Oxford University Press

Grade 6

High Interest Reading The World in Ancient Times •

Written with a scholar's authority and a novelist's flair, the latest ancient history findings are now readable, accessible and exciting for students in grades 6 and up

Book Description A unique cross-over of textbook and novels. • Each book written by a different author • Primary sources • Illustrations contemporary to the period and full-color maps • Cast of characters (with pronunciations), timeline, further reading and websites • Teachers' guides with lesson plans and assessments 6th grade course: The Early Human World The Ancient Egyptian World The Ancient Greek World The Ancient Roman World

The Ancient Near Eastern World The Ancient South Asian World The Ancient Chinese World

Oxford University Press

Grade 7

High Interest Reading The Medieval and Early Modern World * Written with a scholar's authority and a novelist's flair, the latest ancient history findings are now readable, accessible and exciting for students in grades 6 and up A unique cross-over of textbook and novels. Each book written by a different author The European World 400 – 1450 An Age of Empires, 1200- 1750 The Asian World, 600 – 1500 An Age of Science and Revolutions, 1600 – 1800 The African and Middle Eastern World 600 – 1500 An Age of Voyages, 1350 - 1600 The Medieval and Early Modern World Sourcebook

March 26, 2015


Glencoe Social Studies

Grades 6-8

Interactive website adds to the fun. Grade 6


Grade 7


Grade 8


Active Reading Note-Taking workbook - Provides structured support for use before, during, and after reading. FoldablesTM. are unique student-made, three-dimensional graphic organizers that help students learn, retain, and review important information and concepts.

History of US

Grade 5 and 8

High Interest Reading – A Home School favorite

A favorite for U.S. history A History of US series weave together exciting stories that bring American history to life. Joy Hakim's single, clear voice offers continuity and narrative drama as she shares with a young audience her love of and fascination with the people of the past. Joy Hakim has put the joy back in learning American History. They are a hybrid of novel and textbook.

Teacher's guides

Grade 5 ~ Book 1 - First Americans Book 2 - Making Thirteen Colonies Book 3 - From Colonies to Country Book 4 - New Nation Book 5 - Liberty for All? Grade 8 ~ from the framing of the Constitution to World War 1 Book 4 - New Nation Book 5 - Liberty for All? Book 6 - War, Terrible War Book 7 - Reconstruction and Reform Book 8 - Ages of Extremes Book 11 – Sourcebook and Assessment Resources: Available in Library

March 26, 2015


Science Starfall with Science and Social Studies

Grade K

http://more.starfall.com/info/curriculum/pre-k-homeschool.php?ref=classic& Imagination and play History and Science with reading kit for Kindergarten. The kit gives you science, social studies and reading all in one kit.

Kindergarten Kit #1

Grade K

Kit #1 A CORE packaged curriculum kit Science Through the Year Kindergarten science workbook for Kindergarteners

Kit #2 The packet includes ~ • Discover and Do Inquisikids DVD science labs • Usborne Book of Science Activities Vol. 2 • Read aloud books for check out from Center Library (titles vary) • Teacher guide, worksheets, and hands-on activities


    Studies Weekly - Science

Grades K-6

A one-year subscription to Science Studies Weekly includes 24 - 28 full-color, magazine-style publications. These publications include a handy Teacher Edition. Online tests, Rev the Rat room, and online newspapers.

March 26, 2015



Grades 4-8

2014 Science Textbook and consumable workbook Day/Workbook and Handbook Grades 2-3 – Handbook Only

Harcourt Science

Grades 1-5

California Editions Use Harcourt Science textbooks as a basic foundation for science concepts for each grade…

Feel free to add additional literature, science books, Discovery Education, BrainPOP, and kits from the library.

Evan-Moor Daily Science

Grades 1-6

Science e-book Ask a question and then learn why science The Librarian or your PL Teacher can print the workbook with instructions – e-book


Grades 6-8

Visually Friendly Grade Level Earth, Life and Physical Science

Features: Online activities Grade 6 http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0078741831/sitemap.html Grade 7 http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/007874184x/sitemap.html Grade 8 http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0078741858/sitemap.html

March 26, 2015


Science Fusion

Grades 6-8

Written for today’s learners, Science Fusion offers students the opportunity to ask and answer questions, investigate and draw conclusions through textbook reading, digital lessons, and virtual labs. It’s truly a course that will appeal to all types of learners. These workbooks are colorful and inviting for students and all information is included right at the student’s fingertips on perforated pages. Each lesson begins with an Essential Question, which encourages the student to search for the answer in their reading, and/or Engage your Brain activities which include a prediction activity. Active Reading, Visualize It, and Do the Math activities guide the student through the lesson, and Lesson Review activities aid in comprehension, application, and reasoning skills, and a unit review concludes each unit.

Science Supplements Backyard Scientist

Grades K–5

Available in Library Hands-on Science experiments BrainPop Discovery Education Education City

March 26, 2015