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Elements of South Florida's Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. WILLIAM PERRY .... www.saj.usace.army.mil/project
Ecotoxicology, 13, 185–193, 2004  2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Elements of South Florida’s Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan WILLIAM PERRY Everglades National Park, 40001 State Road 9339, Homestead, Fl 33034, USA ([email protected]) Accepted 15 April 2003

Abstract. Approximately 70% less water flows through the Everglades ecosystem today compared with the historic Everglades, and the quality of the remaining water is often degraded. The regionally managed hydropattern does not follow the pre-drainage distribution, timing, and duration of the natural Everglades, nor can water move freely though the remaining Everglades. As a result, there have been significant reductions in wildlife and fish populations, their habitat, and the environmental services wetlands provide society. Both the problems of declining ecosystem health and the solutions to Everglades restoration center on restoring the quantity, quality, timing, and distribution of water. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan consists of over 60 civil works projects that will be designed and implemented over a 30 year period. At an estimated cost of $7.8 billion, it seeks to correct an earlier attempt at water management in South Florida and improve water availability during the dry season and reduce flooding of urban and agricultural areas during the wet season. The plan calls for storage and controlled release from more than 217,000 acres of new reservoirs and wetland-based treatment areas and from over 300 underground aquifer storage and recovery wells. The plans assumes that during retention in stormwater treatment areas, the excess phosphorus, nitrogen, agrichemicals such as atrazine, diazinon, endosulfan, and other contaminants will be reduced before release into the natural areas. It also assumes that little or no change in water quality will occur during underground storage. To improve the hydraulic connectivity of natural areas, some of the extensive system of levees and canals within the Everglades will be removed in an effort to improve overland water flow. Most of the current planning has focused on water storage and restoring basic hydrology in the remnant natural areas and on phosphorus removal as a benchmark of water quality. The restoration plan, as approved by Congress, is conceptual and most of the details, including potential impacts of the plan on the natural system and the role of contaminants remain to be evaluated. Keywords: Everglades; ecosystem; restoration contaminants

Introduction The historic Everglades of south Florida encompassed about 11,000 mi2, over which water once flowed freely from the Kissimmee River through Lake Okeechobee and southward over a low gradient landscape. The destination was the estuaries of Biscayne Bay, the Ten Thousand Islands, and Florida Bay (Fig. 1). This shallow, slow-moving

sheet of water created a mosaic of ponds, sloughs, sawgrass marshes, hardwood hammocks, and forested uplands. Fed by an average rainfall of 62 in. per year in a wet/dry season cycle that is punctuated by wet-season hurricanes and dry-season fires, the Everglades evolved into a complex ecosystem that formed the biological infrastructure for the southern half of Florida. Because of the demands of water management, land use, and urban

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Figure 1. Pre-drainage Everglades watershed: flow path in the Everglades before the Central and South Florida Flood Control Project.

development, the historic Everglades is now only a remnant. The following is a brief overview of the issues and activities that have been undertaken and proposed in an effort to restore, to the extent feasible, the remaining Everglades ecosystem. To the settlers and land developers of the 1800s and 1900s, the wetlands of southern Florida were considered a liability and in need of ‘‘reclama-

tion’’. Large scale dredging efforts between 1905 and 1910 opened up large tracts to agriculture and development, but funding was not available until the 1940s for a regional effort. After two disasterous floods, the US Army Corps of Engineers was authorized in 1948 by Congress to provide flood control for the region in the Central and South Florida Project (C&SF), initiated in 1950. The primary goal was to remove water from the regional landscape, conveying the majority of annual rainfall runoff to either the east or west coast of Florida. To accomplish this goal, a system that includes over 1000 miles of canals, 720 mile of levees, 16 pumping stations, and about 200 control structures was built to compartmentalize the Everglades and permit regulation of water levels among compartments, including Lake Okeechobee. With flood control came the loss of over 70% of the original annual water budget from the Everglades, conveyed to estuaries without passing over the landscape. In addition, the remaining Everglades landscape was divided into hydrologically isolated components. With the availability of drained land, agriculture and urban development have reduced the original size of the Everglades by 50%. A rapidly expanding urban population has continued to affect the remaining natural system with increasing water storage demands and flood control in the space-limited geography of South Florida. The remaining Everglades ecosystem is in a continuing state of decline, largely as a result of the altered regional water regime and degraded water quality, as evidenced by vegetation change, declining wildlife populations and organic soil loss. At the downstream end of the system, Florida Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, and Biscayne Bay estuarine ecosystems experience altered salinity regimes due to decreased freshwater heads and inflows from the Everglades, with damaging effects on habitats, nursery grounds, and estuarine fauna (USACE, 1999). The effects of drainage and water management in south Florida have resulted in significant losses of Everglades habitats and declines in wildlife populations. Among impacts noted by the US Army Corps (USACE, 1999): • 90–95% loss of wading birds. • Threatened loss of species; 68 federally listed species.

South Florida Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan 187 • Deteriorated water quality (eutrophication and contaminants). • Habitat losses or damages. • Declining fishery resources in estuaries and bays.

dresses the need for storage of water that the CS&F Project now discharges to sea. It should be noted that pre-CERP projects, as a whole, will cost about $7.8 billion and CERP is estimated to cost about $8 billion over a 40-year period. Furthermore, the success of CERP will depend on the successful completion of pre-CERP projects.

Everglades restoration goals Long before it was popular, a number of thoughtful people in the region pointed out early in the 1900s that losses were occurring as thousands of square miles of wetlands were drained. In 1928, landscape architect Ernest Coe began a concentrated effort with others to designate lands protected from drainage and development. While he and his contemporaries were successful in convincing Congress and the state of Florida to set significant amounts of land aside as Everglades National Park (ENP) in 1947 and Big Cypress National Preserve in 1974, key issues such as the impacts of water management to these lands and their wildlife resources were not addressed until decades later. Even while energetic defenders of the Everglades, such as Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, raised public awareness, the C&SF Project was profoundly altering the quantity, quality, and timing of water availability to the remaining Everglades ecosystem. Before the C&SF Project was completed, a number of corrective projects were initiated to address the unintended consequences of the flood control system and changes in water quality, which are described in the following paragraphs. However, most were only partly remedial and did not address repair of the Everglades as a whole. A reexamination of the C&SF Project was initiated in 1993 (known as the Restudy), culminating in 1999 with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), which was authorized as part of the Federal Water Resources Development Act of 2000. For the purposes of this paper, it will be convenient to refer to restoration projects as preCERP and CERP. Restoration projects prior to CERP primarily addressed water quality concerns from agricultural use of drained Everglades lands and the delivery of seasonal of flows to ENP. While CERP also attempts to improve these functions, particularly the timing of water regulation in the undeveloped Everglades, it also ad-

Pre-CERP restoration projects C&SF Project Modifications A part of the C&SF Project in southern Dade County, Canal C-111 was authorized in 1962 to provide flood control to agricultural lands to the east of ENP (Taylor Slough) and to discharge flood waters to Taylor Slough and bays on the lower east coast. In doing so, marine and estuarine habitats have been damaged from hypersalinity, and reduced annual inflows to coastal wetlands in northeast Florida Bay, which is part of ENP. During periods when inland flood control is needed, excess water from urban and agricultural lands are discharged into coastal wetlands, interrupting the natural annual hydropattern upon which wildlife and fish populations depend. As environmental concerns began to influence the engineering and water management process, modifications to the C-111 system were authorized in 1994. The goals of the modifications are to modify the existing operation to more resemble historic hydropatterns in Taylor Slough and the C111 basins, eliminate damaging discharges of flood waters to Manatee Bay and Barnes Sound, and to maintain the level of flood protection authorized by the original project. These goals are expected to be met with the addition of pumping stations to pump back groundwater seepage flows, addition of impoundments to control seepage from the Everglades, and restoration of sheetflow from C111 to Florida Bay. For details see: http:// www.saj.usace.army.mil/projects/index.html. Kissimmee River Restoration Project In the 1960s, the upper Everglades watershed, the Kissimmee River, was channelized and regulated with control structures and canals as part of the C&SF Project. Losses included some 20,000 acres

188 Perry of wetlands within the river floodplain along with its fishery and wildlife resources. Authorized in 1986, the goal of this project is to disassemble much of the original project and repair the damage by restoration of the historic floodplain. It will consist of backfilling channels, removal of some control structures, and land acquisition. For details see: http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/dp/Kissimmee.html. Everglades Construction Project In 1988, the federal government filed a lawsuit against the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, alleging that water discharged into ENP and the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge (Fig. 2) violated State water quality standards. In particular, the lawsuit alleged that the farm runoff from the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA; Fig. 2) contained excessive levels of nutrients such as phosphorus that were causing imbalances in natural populations of flora or fauna, a violation of State Class III water quality standards (United States versus SFWMD and Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Case no. 88-1886-CIV-HOEVELER). The lawsuit was settled in 1991, with the parties agreeing that the ecological integrity, and ultimately the survival, of ENP and the wildlife refuge are threatened by inflows of water containing excess nutrients. The settlement agreement, which the federal court entered as a Consent Decree in 1992, requires several affirmative steps to remedy these problems, and the state of Florida passed the Everglades Forever Act in 1994. The Everglades Construction Project, created by this legislation, formed the foundation for the current effort to reduce the nutrient loads that would prevent Everglades restoration. This project is composed of 12 inter-related construction projects located between Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades. The cornerstone of the project is six large constructed wetlands totaling over 47,000 acres. These stormwater treatment areas (STAs), will use naturally occurring biological processes to reduce the levels of phosphorus that enter the Everglades to an interim goal of 50 parts per billion (ppb). Research currently under way is focusing on establishing the long-term phosphorus levels that will prevent adverse impacts to the

Figure 2. Post-drainage Everglades watershed: canal system and flow paths in the Everglades after flood control and drainage system construction.

Everglades ecosystem. This long-term level will no doubt be less than 50 ppb, and may be in the range of 10 ppb. For project details see: http:// www.sfwmd.gov/org/erd/ecp/3_ecp.html. ENP Protection and Expansion Act/Modified Water Deliveries Signed into law in 1989, this bill authorized the addition of 107,000 acres of the east Everglades to ENP. In addition, it authorized modifications to the C&SF Project (i.e., the Modified Water Deliveries Project) ‘‘to improve water deliveries into the park and shall, to the extent practicable, take steps to restore the natural hydrologic conditions in the Park’’. This effort seeks to make the eastern

South Florida Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan 189 boundary of the main Everglades corridor, Shark River Slough, a part of ENP. Other project objectives are to restore water to the historic wetlands in that area and to restore a more natural timing of water to ENP. The Modified Waters Delivery Project is particularly important, since it seeks to reverse serious declines in freshwater and coastal wetlands in the eastern part of the Park. It consists primarily of relocating the water that the C&SF Project moved westward back to the east and developing seepage barriers to avoid flooding potential in agricultural production areas that abut the eastern Park border. The project also seeks to improve water flow in Taylor River Slough and restore historic sheetflow to northeast Florida Bay. For details see: http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/dp/ MWDC111.htm.

restoration, these programs have budgets over $300 million annually statewide to purchase environmentally sensitive areas and land that can be used as a buffer to the Everglades. Additionally, the acquisition of land by the Federal government (as in the Everglades Expansion and Protection Act, 1989) also plays a significant role. Critical land purchases in sensitive areas in South Florida have also been made by NGOs, such as the Audubon Society and the Nature Conservancy. In a number of cases, land acquisition is much less expensive than the long-term cost of flood control, especially in historical wetlands in proximity to the Everglades. Land acquisition has also become a critical factor in developing both long term and short term water storage areas for restoration purposes.

Critical projects Elements of the CERP These are a number of small projects, termed ‘‘critical projects’’ by the US Army Corps that designed primarily to improve water regulation control or to improve water quality in the water management system. The emphasis for the water quality improvement projects in this group is removal of phosphorus that results from agriculture in the Everglades watershed. For details see: http:// www.saj.usace.army.mil/projects/index.htm. Multi-species Recovery Plan This goal of this plan, developed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 1999, is to recover 68 threatened and endangered species found in south Florida, and to restore and maintain biodiversity of native plants and animals in the 19 counties in south Florida. For details see: http://verobeach.fws.gov/Programs/Recovery/vbms5.html. State, Federal, and Non-governmental Organization (NGO) land acquisition One of the oldest conservation and environmental restoration techniques is the acquisition of private land for that purpose. The state of Florida has several active state land acquisition programs, including the Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) program and the Land Acquisition Trust Fund (LATF) programs. Important to Everglades

Flood control has always been a major issue in South Florida, and the extensive flooding from two hurricanes in the 1930s provided most of the impetus for the CS&F Project. However, the resulting flood control system and subsequent land use has removed the capacity for storage of water that is needed by both the natural system and the expanding urban populations at the edge of the Everglades. One of the major goals in CERP, to restore the quantity of water available throughout the year, is posed by a regional annual weather pattern that alternates between very little rainfall in the dry season and over 60 in. during the wet season. Tropical storms and hurricanes in the wet season create intense periods of rainfall, and with the low relief of the landscape make flooding a natural consequence. The historic Everglades system dynamically ‘‘stored’’ water as it came from Lake Okeechobee; that is, wetland forests and marshes held water back by creating resistance to flow, aided by the low gradient of the landscape. Rainfall and water that spilled past Lake Okeechobee in the wet season charged surface and ground water systems, and then took several months to drain seaward, maintaining the hydroperiod in downstream and coastal wetlands for part of the dry season (Fig. 1). However, with the advent of regional drainage and water management, over 500,000 acres of wetlands south of

190 Perry Lake Okeechobee were drained and became the EAA. The loss of natural wetland vegetation resulted in the loss of dynamic storage, and the need to maintain conditions for agricultural production eliminated a significant amount of surface area available for impoundment storage of water. A principle goal of Everglades restoration is therefore to replace that lost capacity for retention and storage of much of the water that is currently discharged to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean by the C&SF Project. In addition, the geology of South Florida, particularly the Everglades, allows for relatively high rates of groundwater movement. In order to keep wetlands wet and developed areas dry, CERP includes groundwater or seepage control projects to improve wetland water retention. The CERP proposes to capture most of this water in surface and underground storage areas where it will be stored until it is needed. Specifically, this water will be stored in more than 217,000 acres of new reservoirs and wetlandsbased treatment areas and 300 underground aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells. Residence time there may be from 2 to 4 years before it is recovered. Some of the new reservoirs will consist of limestone mining pits, after mining is completed, although it is not clear how these would function unless they can be sealed off from the Biscayne aquifer, which provides the drinking water for much of South Florida. Of the water stored by CERP, it is proposed that 80% would go to the environment and 20% will be used to add to urban and agricultural water supplies. Should water storage projects fail to meet assumed quantities, percentages would be less. There has been no assurance as yet that the state of Florida, to whom the water belongs, will allocate captured water in these proportions, particularly if water storage projects ultimately yield less water than anticipated. Key issues related to the goal of increasing water storage is the quality of water being stored, the extent and type of treatment prior to storage, and the effects of storage, particularly for the ASR technique (National Research Council, 2002). The system is now highly compartmentalized, so when water is provided to the Everglades, it is referred to as ‘‘delivered’’, much as the SFWMD ‘‘delivers’’ water to a water user. Delivery timing

for the natural system is very poor at present, with water withheld from the southern Everglades during the dry season for water supply, and discharged to the Everglades during the wet season in an effort to reduce flooding in the developed areas. Another main goal of CERP is to improve the timing of water delivery to the Everglades, with a more natural hydropattern as a target. The areas that have experienced significant problems as a result of the C&SF are those downstream: the estuaries east and west of Lake Okeechobee, the southern Everglades, and the estuaries and bays of the lower east coast (Biscayne Bay and Florida Bay). The salinity regimes of the coastal areas have been adversely affected, resulting in damaged fish habitat and fishery resources (USACE, 1998). So another principle goal of restoration is to improve the timing of freshwater deliveries to the natural system. Specifically, the timing of water held, released, or moved between water management compartments will be modified in an attempt to more closely match natural patterns. CERP proposes to modify the operation of the water delivery system to provide a more natural hydrologic pattern to the Everglades and coastal estuaries. To improve the connectivity of natural areas, and to enhance sheetflow, more than 240 miles of levees and canals will be removed within the Everglades. Most of the Miami Canal in Water Conservation Area 3 will be removed and 20 miles of the Tamiami Trail (US Route 41) will be rebuilt with bridges and culverts, allowing water to flow more naturally into ENP. In the Big Cypress National Preserve, the levee that separates the Preserve from the Everglades will be removed to restore more natural overland water flow as that water moves to the Gulf coast of ENP. Another main goal in CERP is to improve the quality of water reaching the Everglades, since water quality throughout south Florida has deteriorated over the past 50 years. High nutrient concentrations in agriculture and urban runoff pose significant problems for the Everglades, which is characterized as a low nutrient, oligotrophic ecosystem. With the loss of over 50% of the wetlands that acted as natural filters and retention areas, assimilative capacity has been significantly reduced. Lake Okeechobee has become eutrophic, and according to the 1996 305(b) report (Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 1996), the major pollution sources for the lake include

South Florida Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan 191 runoff from ranch and dairy operations in the north where pollution has elevated phosphorus and coliform bacteria concentrations and created a continuous algal bloom. Other pollutants include high levels of total dissolved solids, un-ionized ammonia, chloride, color, and dissolved organic chemicals. Pollution from the EAA and urban areas has resulted in poor water quality with extremely high nutrient and low dissolved oxygen levels, particularly in canals. Other problems include pesticides, BOD, bacteria, and suspended solids (FDEP, 1996). For a general discussion of water quality in south Florida, refer to the reports by the SFWMD, which are compiled in their annual Everglades Consolidated Report (http://www.sfwmd.gov/org/ ema/everglades/index.html).

Water quality and Everglades restoration As part of the Everglades Forever Act, the state of Florida is in the process of constructing wetlands to treat agricultural runoff as part of the pre-CERP Everglades Construction Project. CERP is also intended to improve the quality of water discharged to natural areas by first directing it to surface storage reservoirs and additional wetlands-based STAs. The degree to which this is successful will depend on the availability of water detention area acreage, how these detention areas are managed, and the residence time that is important for sequestration of nutrients and contaminants. There are additional water treatment projects proposed in CERP, mainly through water detention in managed wetlands and reservoirs, to reduce the nutrient loading to Lake Okeechobee. A continuing issue is the practice of backpumping for flood control in urban and agricultural areas. Stormwater runoff from these areas has very poor quality and is discharged either into the Everglades or Lake Okeechobee. Under drought conditions, water from urban runoff, despite problems with water quality, has been backpumped to Lake Okeechobee to raise lake levels to meet water supply demands. While CERP has addressed the restoration of the hydrologic regime in the Everglades more comprehensively, the water quality component of both preCERP and CERP projects have largely focused on reducing eutrophication through control of phosphorus in constructed wetlands. The issue of control

of mercury contamination in South Florida still remains a major issue, along with the ecological impacts of agrochemical use in the Everglades watershed. Since the initial detection of elevated levels of mercury in freshwater fish in 1989 (Ware et al., 1990), it has become increasingly apparent that South Florida has an extensive mercury contamination problem. The State of Florida has issued human health fish consumption advisories due to mercury contamination that either ban or restrict the consumption of largemouth bass and other freshwater species from over two million acres encompassing the Everglades and Big Cypress National Preserve. The maximum concentrations found in largemouth bass (4.4 mg/kg) and bowfin (over 7 mg/kg) collected from the Everglades are the highest concentrations found in Florida to date. Mercury contamination has also been found at levels of concern in largemouth bass throughout Florida’s surface waters (Lange et al., 1993). Mercury accumulation through the food web may reduce the breeding success of wading birds (Frederick and Spalding, 1994) and the viability of the endangered Florida panther (Roelke et al., 1991). Additional discussion on the issue of mercury affecting the Everglades may be found in USACE (1996). A number of other water quality and contaminant issues remain largely unresolved. The use of aquifers for storage of surface water, primarily around Lake Okeechobee, is critical to achieving restoration of water budgets to the natural system. However, there are a number of potential interactions between surface water, and the geological formations in which they are stored that are not well understood. A pilot project is underway, which will evaluate changes in water quality that result from this technique. Another controversial water supply technique associated with water quality proposed by CERP is water reclamation, termed ‘‘water reuse’’. Over 400,000 acre-feet of reclaimed domestic wastewater annually are proposed by CERP as a source of additional water. It is assumed that advanced techniques in wastewater reclamation will result in water that meets state water quality standards. Currently, pilot projects are planned to evaluate water quality improvement techniques. Critical issues that remain to be addressed include the fate and potential effects of low concentrations of contaminants, especially those that are known to

192 Perry have endocrine activity in wildlife, have not been addressed. The number of observations of aberrant endocrine functions in both human and wildlife populations in Florida and elsewhere that could be explained by contaminants operating as endocrine disrupters (Colborn et al., 1993) highlights the importance of the role of contaminants in attempting to restore the Everglades. At present, only nutrient removal is being addressed as a treatment means; however, there are a number of critical issues concerning fates of metals, pathogens, and other contaminants found in domestic effluent that will need to be resolved before treated water will be suitable for release into an urban waterbody that supports a significant commercial and recreational fishery. There are similar risk concerns for the potential effects of latent contaminants on land purchases for restoration; these will total over 110,000 acres in the eastern Everglades, the EAA south of Lake Okeechobee, and land in the Okeechobee watershed. Most of these lands were drained wetlands or prone to flooding and will be returned to a wetland state or converted to impoundments to remove nutrients. Lands that have had agriculture present significant concerns related to both chronic and acute toxicity to wildlife and fish that reoccupy those areas. The potential effects of low concentrations of organphosphates and organochlorines pesticides, and the triazine herbicides in the restoration effort are issues that remain to be fully evaluated or addressed. The challenges posed by the potential impacts of contaminants introduced into the Everglades from human activity may well exceed those of hydrological restoration in South Florida.

potential for groundwater contamination an important technical issue. A commitment to at least partly decompartmentalize the system has been made; however, this further increases the complexity of water management, especially between the competing interests of flood control and ecosystem restoration. Wastewater re-use, proposed to provide additional available water, is still in the conceptual stage. Even if suitable advanced treatment technology can achieve acceptable water quality, it remains to be seen if it can be accomplished with economy sufficient to receive the public support and funding that will be required for implementation on the scale proposed. Water regulation and management is and will be controlled by gates, canals, and pumps, which permit water to be moved around the system in relatively short timeframes. The potential for transfer of poor quality water (i.e., nutrients and contaminants) from developed areas into remaining natural areas thus increases the risk of adverse impacts to the Everglades ecosystem. The system is even more widely connected under high discharge conditions imposed by tropical storms and hurricanes, when runoff from South Florida may extend its reach to the Florida Keys and its reef tracts. Ultimately, water in South Florida and the constituents it carries reach the coastal marshes, estuaries, and bays around the southern tip of Florida, whether through a restored Everglades or through canals. Water quality impacts from agriculture, urban development, and an expanding population pose significant eutrophication and contaminant risks to coastal Everglades fish and wildlife, even without the goal of Everglades restoration. The long-term success of restoration plans and the sustainability of hoped-for ecological improvement will depend on our ability to manage water quality as well as restore hydrology in South Florida.

Summary Overall, Everglades restoration projects are intended to restore a more natural hydropattern, improve water quality, and provide additional water supply and flood control capacity to developed areas. To accomplish this, additional water storage is required, a challenging objective in a flat landscape with high groundwater seepage rates and limited space. The geochemistry of water stored underground is uncertain, with the degree of prestorage treatment an important economic issue and

References Colborn, T., vom Saal, F.S. and Soto, A.M. (1993). Developmental effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans. Environ. Health Perspect. 101, 378–84. FDEP (1996). In J. Hand, J. Col and L. Lord (eds). WaterQuality Assessment for the State of Florida; Technical Appendix South and Southeast Florida. 1996 305(b) Report. Florida: Department of Environmental Protection. Frederick, P.C. and Spalding, M.G. (1994). Factors affecting reproductive success of wading birds (Ciconiiformes) in the Everglades Ecosystem. In S.M. Davis and J.C. Ogden (eds).

South Florida Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan 193 Everglades: The Ecosystem and Its Restoration. pp. 659–92. St. Lucie Press. Lange, T.R., Royals, H.E. and Connor, L.L. (1993). Influence of water chemistry on mercury concentration in Largemouth Bass from Florida lakes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 122, 74–84. National Research Council (2002). Regional Issues on Aquifer Storage and Recovery for Everglades Restoration. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Roelke, M.E., Schultz, D.P., Facemire, C.F., Sundlof, S.F. and Royals, H.E. (1991). Mercury Contamination in Florida Panthers. Prepared by the Technical Subcommittee of the Florida Panther Interagency Committee. US Army Corps of Engineers (1996). Florida’s Everglades Program. Everglades Construction Project. Final Programmatic

Environmental Impact Statement. Jacksonville District Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL. US Army Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District (1999). Central and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Review Study, Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Jacksonville, FL, and South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. Ware, F.J., Royals, H. and Lange, F. (1990). Mercury Contamination in Florida Largemouth Bass. Ann Conf. Southeast Assoc. Fish & Wildl. Agencies.