Tree Physiology Advance Access published September 20, 2014
Tree Physiology 00, 1–12 doi:10.1093/treephys/tpu074
Research paper
Elevated temperature differently affects foliar nitrogen partitioning
Freiburg, Institut für Forstwissenschaften, Georges-Köhler-Allee Geb. 053/054, Freiburg i. Br. D-79110, Germany; 2Sichuan Province Key Laboratory of Ecological Security and Protection, Mianyang Normal University, Xianren Road 30, Mianyang 621000, China; 3Institute for Landscape Biogeochemistry, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalderstr. 84, Müncheberg 15374, Germany; 4Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg, Wonnhaldestr. 4, Freiburg 79100, Germany; 5Department of Biology, Graduate Program in Cell & Systems Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON, Canada; 6Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Zürcherstr. 111, Birmensdorf 8903, Switzerland; 7Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB), Berlin 14195, Germany; 8Corresponding author (
[email protected]) Received April 8, 2014; accepted August 3, 2014; handling Editor Peter Millard
ogy and growth that already has been perceived at the regional scale and is expected to become even more severe in the future. In the present study, we investigated the effect of elevated ambient air temperature on the nitrogen metabolism of Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) originating from contrasting habitats, namely the four-year-old seedlings of the two provenances were grown for 3 months in controlled environments under either control -
by HT. Arginine, lysine, proline, glutamate and glutamine were the most abundant amino acids, which together contributed ∼88% to the TAA pool of current- and previous-year needles. High temperature decreased the contents of most amino acids concentrations of metabolites related to the photorespiratory pathway, such as NH4 + , glycine and serine. In general, current-
climate. Keywords: amino acid, arginine, Pseudotsuga menziesii.
Introduction Pseudotsuga menziesii) is native to America's >20 million ). Its longitudinal
the Rocky Mountains. The altitudinal distribution of Douglas
© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
[email protected]
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Baoguo Du1,2, Kirstin Jansen3, Laura Verena Junker4,5, Monika Eiblmeier1, Jürgen Kreuzwieser1,8, Arthur Gessler3,6,7, Ingo Ensminger4,5 and Heinz Rennenberg1
2 Du et al.
evolved a great variety of different provenances adapted to the contrasting environmental conditions in different habitats ).
current stocking volume of forests. Forest management practice aiming to address increasing air temperature and changes in the precipitation pattern are expected to further increase Hein et al. 2008,
Rennenberg et al. ). , , , Hobbie et al. 2001, Bassman et al. 2002, Olszyk et al. 2003, Tingey et al. 2003, Van den Driessche and , a, b, Bedell et al. -
). This is this species have not been reported.
, Kantor 2008) and increased adaptive Hein et al. 2008).
originating from a drier habitat in the Rocky Mountains near
increase of the average land surface air temperatures in
). Therefore, it is obvious that temWahid ). The responses of plants to high temperature ). In
, Jansen et al. 2012
Raitio ,
established in response to elevated air temperatures. For this
mum for photosynthesis, or to higher air temperatures clearly ). We charac-
). Way and Oren 2010). In natural -
Materials and methods Plant cultivation and experimental design
). The net increased by elevated temperatures but the optimum temperature is assumed to be not > ). Besides temperature, photosynthetic performance is strongly linked Tingey et al. 2003 an important constituent of compounds of the photosynthetic a); Rubisco alone can ). Therefore, needle -
Tree Physiology Volume 00, 2014
P. menziesii var. glauca) provenances, i.e., the provenance PO from a relatively humid original
1). These provenances are -
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), many
+ 12K + -
sent humid and arid conditions, respectively. The plants had developed needles of three age classes at the beginning of the -
at − μmol m−2 s−1
Dry mass determination
Total N determination Region
Okanogan Highlands ‘Thompson Okanogan arid’
Annual Vegetation period Annual Vegetation period
Kjeldahl 1883 in 2.4 ml of H2O2
Park, Fruitland, Leadpoint, Metaline Falls
Determination of amino acids and ammonium
Table 2. Environmental conditions in the climate chambers during the -
μl of H2Odemin
Days treatment
μmol Photoperiod Temperature −1) m−2 s−1) dark period) HT
23 Feb 30 Apr 3 May 6 May–6 Aug
− − −68 −6 −3
400 600
12 14 16 16 16 16
μ μl of AccQ-Tag Ultra Borate buffer and 10 μl of AccQ-Tag μmol in μ
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4 Du et al.
× −1
). The
Results 1A).
Soluble protein analysis −1
ously described by
DW in current-year needles).
μl Bradford
current-year needles. High temperature did not affect the TAA contents of μmol g−1 1
μmol g−1 DW at
as a standard.
Chlorophyll determination −1
a and b
1D). The current-year needles DW in previous- and current-
μ -
concentrations in the older needles became obvious for chlorophyll a and b 1E and F). For provenance
Irrespective of provenance, arginine, lysine, proline, gluta.
Structural N calculation a
2A–J). Together they contributed ∼ previous-year needles. Among the amino acids, arginine enances, representing ∼
and b higher amino acid concentrations in the previous-year than cur-
Statistical analysis t
mainly in current-year needles and only for provenance PO. 2 2
Tree Physiology Volume 00, 2014
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