Technology Planning for In1inity and Beyond Acceleratin g learning t
hrough tech
Readiness = Staying one step ahead of the next big things q Robotics q Computing q Media Arts/
Entertainment q Web & Internet Services ELM
Readiness = Staying one step ahead of the next big things q Robotics q Engineering q Medicine q Media Arts/
Entertainment q Web & Internet Services
Success = Preparing today’s students to compete for tomorrow’s opportunities
Today’s students
Success = Preparing today’s students to compete for tomorrow’s opportunities
Tomorrow’s opportunities
The Speed of Change We are moving from a technology planning model focused on equipping classrooms to one that focuses on a providing a device for every student.
The Speed of Change We are moving from a technology planning model focused on refreshing technology whenever we could to refreshing technology in 3-‐5 year cycles.
The Speed of Change We are moving from a technology planning model focused on a few people having technology skills to everyone using technology for everything.
The Speed of Change We have gone from using technology for substitution….