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Jakarta Based on KTSP Syllabus, Skripsi, English Education. Department ...... Pembangunan UIN, they are Ms. Wiwin Witri, S.Pd and Ms. Prastya Aghawaty,.

A “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education





SITI MARIA ULFAH, ELIS. 2010. Teaching Functional Expression for the First Grade Students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Based on KTSP Syllabus, Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Advisor: Dra. Hidayati, M.Pd

Key words

: Functional Expression, Syllabus

Functional expression is taught to the students in order they can interact and communicate in the daily life activities which covering giving and accepting information, saying thank you or saying greetings and saying something politeness. This research is aimed in analyzing the teaching functional expression for the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on KTSP syllabus, it consist of (1) the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, (2) the instructional activities conducted by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, and (3) the evaluation used by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. The purpose of the research is to describe about the functional expression which is taught to the students at MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta whether in line with the KTSP Syllabus or not. The subject includes the English teachers who taught the materials and the students of the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This research is using descriptive evaluative method by using observation, questionnaire, and interview. The findings of the research stated that the teaching functional expression which is taught to the students same as the objectives of the KTSP Syllabus and the teacher has a good responsibility for her duty as a teacher.



SITI MARIA ULFAH, ELIS. 2010. Pengajaran Functional Expression Terhadap Siswa Kelas Satu MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta berdasarkan sillabus KTSP, Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguaruan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pembimbing: Dra. Hidayati, M.Pd

Kata Kunci

: Functional Expression, Sillabus

Functional expression diajarkan kepada para siswa agar mereka mampu dan bisa berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi didalam aktivitas kehidupan mereka sehari-hari yang meliputi antara lain; cara memberikan dan menerima informasi, mengucapkan rasa terima kasih atau mengucapakan salam serta tegur sapa serta mampu mengucapkan sesuatu yang sopan kepada orang lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian in bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengajaran functional expression bagi para siswa kelas satu MTs Pembanguan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta berdasarakan pada sillabus KTSP, penelitian ini terdiri dari (1) materi ajar yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris didalam mengajarkan functional expression di MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, (2) kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dialakukan oleh guru didalam mengajarkan functional expression di MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, dan (3) evaluasi yang digunakan oleh guru didalam mengajarkan functional expression di MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan atau memberikan gambaran mengenai functional expression yang diajarkan kepada para siswa MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta apakah sudah sesuai dengan syllabus KTSP atau belum. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa inggris yang mengajarkan materi functional expression dan juga siswa kelas satu MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Penelitian in menggunakan metode deskriptif evaluative yang menggunakan observasi, pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data-data skripsi ini. Penemuan dari hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pengajaran functional expression sudah sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan syllabus KTSP dan guru bahasa inggrisnya pun memiliki rasa tanggung jawab yang besar terhadap tugasnya sebagai seorang guru.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah the lord of the world who blessed us with so many amazement so the writer could finished his “skripsi” well. Peace and blessing be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions, and his followers. This “skripsi” is presented to the English Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata One (S1). Many people have a lot of contributions for the writer in completing his “Skripsi” for the requirement at Degree of Strata-1 (S1). In the process of writing the “skripsi”, the writer got so many helps, motivations, and guidances from many kinds of sides. Therefore, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her beloved parents Dayari Rustam and Uun Undariyah and all families who always give prayer, motivation, love, faith and support for her, and also for her husband Muhammad Luthfi Ubaidillah Jenar and my Daughter Faylasufia Hayula who always help and give their motivations, love and support. The writer also would like to express her thanks and great gratitude to his advisor Dra. Hidayati, M.Pd. for her valuable help, guidance, corrections and suggestions for the writer in finishing this “Skripsi”, therefore, give her virtues Allah. Amen. Her gratitude also goes to a head of English Department, Drs. Syauki M.Pd and Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd. as the head and secretary of English Education Department, and also for all lectures of English Education Department for their encouragement and who have transfered their knowledge to her. And the same respect also should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A as the Dean of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training Faculty. And also for all the staffs and officers of UIN Library, Tarbiya’s Library and UNIKA Atmajaya Library who have given permission for using and lending their books in completing the references for this “Skripsi”.


Her thanks also expressed to her friends who cannot mentioned one by one, May Allah gives the blessing to all his friends. And the last the writer expects this “skripsi” can give the usefulness for many aspects especially for development of scientific education system and become the inspiration for the people who read.

Jakarta, 2010

The Writer



ENDORSEMENT SHEET ............................................................................... i ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH .............................................................................. ii ABSTRAK DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA ................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. vi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ........................................................ 1 B. Statement of the Problem ....................................................... 5 C. Objective of the Study ............................................................ 5 D. Significance of the Study ........................................................ 6 E.

Scope and Limitation of the Study ......................................... 6


Definition of Key Terms......................................................... 7

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK........................................... 8 A. Teaching English at Islamic Junior High School/MTs ........... 8 B. Objectives of Teaching English at Islamic Junior High School Based on KTSP ....................................................................... 10 C. Instructional Material for MTs Recommended by the D. Latest English Syllabus (School-Level Curriculum or KTSP)..................................................................................... 11 E.

Curriculum, Syllabus, and Material ........................................ 14


Instructional Activities Conducted at MTs/SMP.................... 16

G. Evaluation ............................................................................... 16 H. Functional Expression ............................................................ 18


CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................ 21 A. Place and Time of the Study ................................................... 21 B. Research Design ..................................................................... 22 C. Subject of the Study ................................................................ 22 D. Research Instrument ............................................................... 22 E.

Data and Source Data ............................................................. 23


Technique of Collecting Data ................................................. 23

G. Techniques of Data Analysis .................................................. 24

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS................... 26 A. The Instructional Materials Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression ......................................... 26 B. The Instructional Activities Conducted by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta ............................................................................. 34 C. The Evaluation Used by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta (Question number 6,7,8,9,10) ..................................... 39

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 43 A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 43 B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 45 APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 47





Table 2.1. : Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies ........................... 12 Table 2.2. : Functional Expression and Its utterances ......................................... 19 Table 3.1. : Criteria of test result percentage ...................................................... 25 Table 4.1. : The data about the core English textbook………………………… 27 Table 4.2. : The data about another references used to support English textbook ……………………………………………………………………... 27 Table 4.3. : The data about Functional Expression …………………………… 28 Table 4.4. : The data about Students’ Understanding of the Materials are taught above by the Teacher in the Classroom …...……………….. 31 Table 4.5. : The data about Language which is used by the English Teacher during Teaching Materials in the Classroom ……………………... 32 Table4.6. : The data gained from teachers’ questionnaires about instructional material ……………………………………………... 33 Table 4.7. : Instructional Activities …………………………………………… 34 Table 4.8. : the frequency and percentage of the instructional activities ……... 37 Table 4.9. : The data of evaluation calculation which is given in the end of the meeting of the teaching-learning activities ………………………... 39 Table 4.10 : The data calculation of the evaluation (daily exercises) in the end of the teaching-learning process ……………………………... 39 Table 4.11: The data of calculation for the kinds of evaluation are given to the students by the teacher ……………………………………... 40 Table 4.12 The data of forms of evaluation which are given to the students in their exercises ……………………………………... 41 Table 4.13: The data information of whether the teacher told the students about evaluation which will be conducted ………………………... 41





This chapter discusses and presents background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the Study The national education aims at developing the quality of Indonesians who believe The Almighty God, have good character, skill and knowledge, stable personality and responsibility for society and nation. To attain the objective of the national education stated above, the government as well as the society has been conduct the national education which has been formulated both in the form of formal institution beginning from the elementary up to the university levels and also in non-formal education. The availability of means of communication facilitates the people to communicate so that the need of communication was growing very rapidly. It needs a certain languages as a lingua franca to communicate with other people in the different languages and countries in the world. One of the Lingua Franca is English and it is the most widely used language all over the world. Besides it use as medium of developing relationship with other nations, English is also used to absorb and develop science, technology, economy and culture.




Because of that, communication needs understanding. The understanding of communication can be got by functional expression. Functional expression is something that we do or say which is intended to give you an advantage in an argument; a clever debating gambit. These questions are often on opening gambit, the thing you say first for negotiation. 1 Considering that how important English is for the progress of our country, the government by the issuance of the degree of the minister education and culture No. 096 of 1967, has stipulated that English become the first foreign language that should be taught formally to all Indonesian students, starting from Junior High School (including MTs) up to the university levels. The objective of English teaching-learning in Indonesia as demanded by the decree is the mastery of various language skills covering reading, listening, writing, and speaking 2 . In Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language because it is taught as a school subject. It is not used as the medium of instruction and it is not widely used by people in the country. English is taught to the students of the Junior High School or Islamic Junior High School (MTs is used for the next term), and Senior High School or Islamic Senior High School (MA) with the hope that SMA graduation will be able at least to be able to read English textbooks. But unfortunately, the fact has not met the people. In reality, the result of National Examination (UN is used for the next term) score about teaching English is still unsatisfactory (Kompas, 21 Mei 2004). The empirical score of UN 2004 showed that some Senior High School and Junior High School students were gained below the average of National Graduation of Standard Score (skor Standar Kelulusan Nasional). The department of national education had administered UN for the second time for the score had failures or lost in the first event as the wiser solution for this condition.


 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, (Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p.662.  2   Ketetapan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No.096 Tahun 1967 tentang Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia 



Curriculum always changes as the students’ need also change from time to time in accordance with the changing of the science and technology. Therefore, to meet the students’ needs, the 1994 curriculum had been replaced by 2004 competency-based curriculum. The approach used in the previous is called the communicative approach; unfortunately the minister of education doesn’t give the issuance of decree to be formally used at the school levels but still limited use for schools that choosen as pilot project. Moreover, the standard commutation of national education (BSNP is used for the next term) is strived to improve this curriculum into the better one. The syllabus of its curriculum is developed further by curriculum designer so it is called “School-Level Curriculum” or the famous one is 2006 Content Standard Curriculum (standar isi kurikulum). In conducting teaching-learning process, the teachers must follow the 2006 content standard syllabus. Since, it contains program and materials for teachinglearning process, that it is important for the teacher to follow it. The basic learning of the schools must be developed by each school in advance to fulfill the contents standard of National Educational Standard Board (for the next term the word BSNP is used) as legitimately drawn by the Decree of National Education Minister No. 22 year 2006: “The content standard for Junior and Senior high school level, comprise the minimal material and minimum competence level to reach and also the minimal graduated competency for certain kind and level of education.” 3 As the information stated above, Contents Standards is that the minimal material and minimal level competency is to fulfill the minimal graduate competency at the certain levels and kinds of education units. From the Contents Standards stated above, the main objective of the English teaching at school is to enable students to communicate in English. The four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are taught at school, while language components                                                              3

 Mansur Muslich, KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) Dasar Pemahaman dan Pengembangan, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2007), p. 9. 



such as structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling are presented in integration with these skills. The order of the presentation in each lesson at school always starts the development of listening and speaking skills, followed by reading and writing skills. These materials are designed to cover the components of communicative competence, i.e. linguistic competence (e.g. grammar in Language Notes), sociocultural competence (e.g. language gambits or functional expression in Language Notes), discourse competence (e.g. practice of speaking and writing) and strategic competence (e.g. practice of conversation). As stated in the 2004 competency-based curriculum and 2006 content standard syllabus, the objective of teaching at MTs is that by the end of their study, the students are expected to master the four language skills with the emphasize on reading skill through selected themes which is based on the level of their competence and interest, the level of vocabulary mastery (1000 words) and the appropriate grammar. Thus, the language components such as, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling can be taught integrated to support the development of those four skills, but not for the shake of mastery of those components. Madrasah Tsanawiyah is an Islamic Junior High School which belongs to the primary education. It is under the administration of the religion espartment. Basically the curriculum applied in it as same as in SLTP, except that the curriculum applied in MTs is added with Islamic education programs. Thus, the curriculum applied with the Islamic additional such as, Qur’an Hadits, Akidah Akhlaq, Fiqih, Islamic Cultural History, and Arabic. Many factors that affect the success and failure of teaching English, those factors are related to linguistic and non-linguistic areas. Some of the factors which can be attributed to the unsatisfactory condition are the English system which is different from Indonesia, such as, phonology, morphology and syntax. Meanwhile, Sadtono, 1995 says that for non-linguistic factors, that is external



factors to the name of the language being taught, such as teacher, student, material, method and environment. With the above reasons, this “Skripsi” is focused on the teaching functional expression for the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta based on KTSP Syllabus.

B. Statement of the Problems In line with background of the study mentioned above, the writer conduct a study concerning the basis of carrying out research, giving clearer way in the research implementation, and obtaining the intended result of teaching functional expression for the first grade students of MTs PEMBANGUNAN UIN Jakarta based on KTSP Syllabus. Through the main question “How is the teaching OF functional expression for the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta?” this main question can be formulated into specific question as follows: 1. How are instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression? 2. How are the instructional activities conducted by the English teacher of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta in teaching functional expression? 3. How is the evaluation conducted by the English teacher of MTs Pembanguan in teaching functional expression?

C. Objectives of the Study In line with the statement of the problems stated above, this study tries to describe and evaluate the implementation of teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta based on syllabus content (KTSP). The objectives of study are:



1. To describe the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. 2. To describe the instructional activities conducted by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. 3. To describe the evaluation used by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta.

D. Significance of the Study The findings (results) of this study can provide the information about the condition of teaching English at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta especially in teaching functional expression for the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on KTSP syllabus. It is expected that those findings can contribute to the two groups of people, namely; (a) the English teacher, for the English teacher this findings can contribute in improving her teaching quality varied materials of functional expression and used many kinds of media, and (b) further researcher, this study is expected to give new knowledge for further researcher in doing the better research of teaching-learning process. Besides, the results of this study are hoped as a basic data for the researchers who are interest in some field more deeply problems to be discussed in her English teaching functional expression activities at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. E. Scope and Limitation of the Study This “skripsi” focuses on first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta at the event semester 2008/2009 academic year, and to make a description of this “skripsi” deeper and the problems will be limited into: (a) the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression, (b) the instructional activities conducted by the English teacher of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta in teaching functional expression, and (c) the evaluation conducted by the English teacher of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta in teaching functional expression.



F. Definition of Key Terms Based on the problems and the objectives stated above and for the shake of clarification and to avoid ambiguity of some terms in this study, they need to be defined. 1. Functional Expression

: Something that we do or say which is intended to give you an advantage in an argument; a clever debating gambit. These questions are often on opening gambit, the thing you say first for negotiation. 4

2. Syllabus

: A plan that states exactly what students at a school or collage should learn in a particular subject.



Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, (Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p.662. 


In order to have a clear description of the problem under the study of teaching functional expression for the grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on KTSP syllabus, this chapter presents and discusses the theoretical framework, which consists of: teaching English at Islamic Junior High School (MTs), objective of teaching English at Islamic junior high school based on KTSP, instructional material for MTs recommended by the latest English syllabus, syllabus, curriculum, and material, instructional activities at MTs, evaluation, and functional expression.

A. The Teaching of English at Islamic Junior High School/MTs Madrasah Tsanawiyah means Islamic Junior High School which is under the administration of the attans Religious Department. English has been taught at secondary levels because English has a central role in students’ intellectual, social, and emotional propagation in teaching-learning process. English is as a compulsory subject at MTs which helps students to know about themselves and




cultures, the English instructional material which is suggested in the syllabus can be developed by the teachers themselves. They have own right to select and use one textbook or more, which they consider appropriate for the students. Realizing how important English is for the progress of our country, the government, by the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Educational and Culture No.096 of 1967, has stipulated that English becomes the first foreign language that should be taught formally to all Indonesian students, starting from Junior High School to college or universities level. The objective of teachinglearning of English in Indonesia as demanded by the decree is the mastery of various language skills covering reading, listening, writing, and speaking. 1 Human is individual and social creatures that needs the education. The need of education has been one of the human rights because it is a process of changing attitude by means of learning and training. It is also a main point in developing human thinking which is collaterally with society. In line with this statement, Undang – Undang RI no.20 Chapter II Section 3, 2003 Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif mandiri dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggung jawab. 2 Based on the Undang – Undang RI tentang sistem Pendidikan Nasional, learning process is success if it raises the purpose that is stated. As a dominant component, teacher is demanded to master material and have an ability to transfer the knowledge to the students. Teaching English in junior high school has a purpose that is by the end of their study, the students are expected to master two competence, that are actional                                                              1

Ketetapan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No.096 Tahun 1967 tentang Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia.   2 UU RI Tahun 2003 tentang Pendidikan Nasional, page.6 





competence which is divided into productive skills (speaking and writing) and receptive skills (listening and reading) and linguistic competence (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling). 3 English subject is aimed to develop those skills in order students to able to communicate in positive literacy covering performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In performative, people be able to read, write, listen, and speak with the symbols are used. In functional, a person be able to use the language to fulfill their life needs, such as reading newspapers, etc. In informational, people are able to access the knowledge by using language skills. Whereas, in epistemic, people able to use the knowledge in the target language 4 by using English. Besides, teaching English in Islamic Junior High School is proposed to implant the awareness about the importance of English language as a vital medium of transfer of knowledge that has a role to widen science, implant positive thinking to foreign people and help the students in doing cross cultural activities. In teaching learning English, an evaluation has an important role in teaching learning activities. It is an integral part of the instructional program. Through evaluation, teachers are able to find out the effectiveness or the failure of a method and also students achievement in mastering the lesson.

B. Objectives of Teaching English at Islamic Junior High School Based on KTSP Based on the latest curriculum that is KTSP (School – Level Curriculum), English subject at MTs/SMP is intended to the students to have a skill of (a) communicate spoken and written to get a functional literacy level, (b) to enhance                                                              3

Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004, Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs, (Jakarta; Depdiknas, 2003)  4 Anonymous, Standar Isi dan Standar kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) / Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Beserta Peraturan Pelaksanaannya (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 22, 23, dan 24 Tahun 2006), Jakarta, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Unpublished. 





nation competition in global society, and (c) developing of students’ understanding between language and culture. 5 English learning at MTs is aimed at the students in order to get functional level, that is to communicate spoken and written to settle about the life’s problems. Furthermore, according to the 1994 Curriculum, the objective of Junior High School / Islamic Junior High School is to give the skills in order to develop the knowledge and skills are gotten from basic school to improve students’ life as a member of society and citizen of a country with improvement level to prepare following the secondary education. 6 According to the School-Level Curriculum -KTSP- (for the next term the word KTSP is used) English subject at MTs is intended to the students to have a skill of (a) speaking communication and written to get a functional literacy level, (b) to enhance nation competition in global society, and (c) developing students’ understanding between language and culture. 7 The curricular objectives of English in MTs/SMP are specified into the instructional objectives of seventh grade, eighth grade and ninth grade. The objectives for each year are more specified into objectives of four skills, where these skills objectives stated on competences standard and basic competences.

C. Instructional Material for MTs Recommended by the Latest English Syllabus (School-Level Curriculum / KTSP). Competences standard and basic competences can be formulated with the main material. This formulation is called as English Instructional Material which                                                              5

Anonymous, Standar Isi dan Standar kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) / Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Beserta Peraturan Pelaksanaannya (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 22, 23, dan 24 Tahun 2006), Jakarta, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Unpublished.  6 Drs. Harsono Tjokrosujoso, M.Pd. Kurrikulum 1994 dan Pengembangan Materi Bahasa Inggris SLTP dan SMU, (Malang: Institute Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang, 1996), p. 28.  7 Anonymous, Standar Isi … 





are divided into some themes. The themes are taught by the English teachers who are some competencies which are related with the material itself, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. The materials are prepared by the teachers who should be in line with the Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies for each semester based on the School-Level Curriculum-KTSP- in the following table: Table 2.1: Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies Standard Competencies

Basic Competencies

Listening 1.

Comprehend the meaning of 1.1. Response the meaning of simple transaccional (to get things done) and simple transactional and interpersonal conversation interpersonal conversation in order accurately, fluently, and effectively to interact with the surrounding in term of : Asking And giving help, asking and giving thing, asking and giving fact 1.2.      Response the meaning of simple transactional (sosializing) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of:  asking and giving pinion. Asking like and dislike. Asking clarificasion and interpersonal response.


Comprehend the meaning of 2.1. Response the meaning of short functional oral text, short functional oral text accurately, descriptive and procedure fluently, and effectively in order to monologue for interact with the interact with the surrounding. 2.2. Response the meaning of short surrounding accurate, easy, and recive for interacsion with surrounding in the teks descriptive and procedure.

3.1 Response the meaning of simple Speaking transaccional (to get things done) and 3. Express the meaning of simple interpersonal conversation transactional and interpersonal





conversation in order for interacting with the surrounding.

accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : Asking and giving help, asking and giving thing, asking and giving fact 3.2.    Response the meaning of simple transactional (sosializing) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of:  asking and giving pinion. Asking like and dislike. Asking clarificasion and interpersonal response. 3.1. Express the meaning of simple functional oral text by using oral language manner accurately, fluently, and effectively in order to interact with the surrounding 4.2.  Express the meaning of short monologue by using oral language manner accurately, fluently, and effectively in order to interact with the surrounding 5.1. Read clearly the meaning of functional text and essay with the utterance, pressure, and intonation effectively related to the surrounding 5.2. Response the meaning of short functional written text accurately, fluently, and effectively related to the surrounding.

3. Express the meaning of functional oral text and short monologue descriptively in order for interacting with the surrounding.

Reading 4. Comprehend the meaning of functional written text and short essay in order to interact with the surrounding

Writing 5. Express the meaning of functional 5.1. Express the meaning of short written text and short essay in order functional written text by using kinds to interact with the surrounding. of written text accurately, fluently, and effectively in order to interact with the surrounding. Adapted from SMP/MTs English Syllabus 2006 8 .



Anonymous, Standar Isi …  




Based on the Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies in the table 2.1 above, the materials will be given to the students further more meaningful, if they are available with the students’ needs, interests, and for their future.

D. Curriculum, Syllabus, and Material Instructional materials are partially related to syllabus while syllabus and curriculum are two different but closely related matters. Their close relation in the reasons why the two are sometimes used synonymously by some expert the present context. Materials are an important component within the curriculum they are used to achieve the instructional objectives which have been formulated. The term “curriculum” has many different definitions, as state in the Constitution of 1945 No. 20 of 2003 about National Educational System in section 1, verse 19: “Kurrikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu.” 9 The word curriculum is used interchangeable with syllabus. A syllabus is a plan which a teacher translates into activities in the classroom. It is part of a curriculum excluding the element of curriculum evaluation (Huda, 1999) 10 . This definition is in line with that of Robertson (in Yalden, 1987) 11 that the curriculum includes the goals, objectives, content, processes, resources and means of evolution of all learning experiences planned for pupils both in and out of the school and community through classroom instruction and related programs, and he defines syllabus as a statement of the plan for any part of the curriculum, excluding the element of curriculum evaluation itself. Thus the main distinction                                                              9

Masnur Muslich, KTSP (Kurikulum … p. 1.  Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching; Issues and Trends, (IKIP Malang,1999), P.32  11 Janice Yalden, The Communicative Syllabus: Evolution, Design and Implementation, (London: Prentice Hall International, 1987), p. 40.  10





between a syllabus and a curriculum is that a syllabus is part of a curriculum excluding the element of curriculum evaluation. Moreover, Huda stated that a syllabus is a plan which a teacher translates into activities in the classroom. It is a part of a curriculum excluding the element of curriculum evaluation. 12 To operate the curriculum, it has to be developed into course unit syllabus. Besides, to conduct the syllabus well is needed materials, because the materials have an important role to make a syllabus better and better. Therefore, the instructional materials used for teaching-learning process must be carefully selected. The teachers must know what the students’ needs to learn, the materials are going to give available and to fulfill of the Content Standards. The materials are going to give to the students have to make students comfortable and interested in teaching-learning process. According to Richards and Rodgers (1986), 13 a particular design for an instructional system may imply a particular set of roles for materials in support of the syllabus and the teachers and learners. The role of instructional materials within a functional/communicative methodology might be specified in the following terms: 1. Materials will focus on the communicative abilities of interpretation, expression, and negotiation. 2. Materials will focus on understandable, relevant, and interesting exchanges information, rather than on the presentation of grammatical form. 3. Materials will involve different kinds of text and different media, which the learners can use to develop their competence through variety of different activities and tasks.


Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching “Issues and Trends”, (Malang: IKIP Malang Publisher, 1999), p. 107.  13 Jack C. Richards and Theodores S. Rodgers, Approaches … p. 25.  





E. Instructional Activities Conducted at MTs/SMP There are three kinds of strategies. Those are used commonly in the physical classroom when the teacher teaches the students, they are: a). Preactivities, b). Whilst activities, and c). Post activities. a) Pre – Activities In the pre-activities, the teacher starts the teaching-learning process by greetings, such as; good morning, how are you today?, etc. Besides it, she check the students’ attendance list to check who does not come to the class, before he went to review the materials she gives the students some motivations in learning English, after that she reviews the lesson before and asks them to show up their text books or workbook. b) Whilst Activities In the whilst activities, the teacher has three kinds of classification which are conducted in the classroom, such as; presenting the materials, learning methodology, and using media during presenting material and the description of giving other materials, such as; functional expression, grammar, pronunciation, etc. c) post – activities. The last activities done by the teacher is post activities. The teacher concluded the material, to review the materials given, to confirm about the next materials and asked the students’ understanding of materials given by the teacher, gives them clearly assignment which is correlated with the materials given. F. Evaluation Evaluation is a systematic process of information collecting about numbers, verbal description, analysis, and information interpretation to give decision for range of products (Masnur, 2007; 79). Muslich stated the concept about evaluation (class evaluation) as follows: “Proses pengumpulan dan penggunaan informasi oleh guru untuk pemberian keputusan terhadap hasil belajar siswa berdasarkan tahapan





kemajuan belajarnya sehingga didapatkan potret/profil kemampuan siswa dengan kompetensi yang ditetapkan dalam kurikulum.” 14 Furthermore, Gronlund, 1985 (in Wilmar Tinambunan, 1988:2) suggests that evaluation is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to determine the extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives. 15 There are two kinds of evaluations that usually used in the school, namely summative (final achievement tests) and formative evaluation (progress achievement tests). 16 Final achievement is intended to measure students’ skills, after they have just finished all subject matter. It is usually administered at the end of a course of study. Summative test is given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know. Summative assessment at the district/classroom level is an accountability measure that is generally used as part of the grading process. This evaluation given per six months terms, by looking at the final achievement tests result, teachers will get information how well their students have reached instructional objectives determined in particular term or periode. The second form of achievement test (formative test) is progress achievement tests. Nowadays, the equal term for formative evaluation is well known as block examination (ujian blok). The progress achievement tests are administered regularly during a study to find out how well students have mastered the subject matter, which have just been taught. In this sense, formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. These adjustments help to ensure students achieve targeted standards-based learning goals within a set time frame. Progress achievement tests are intended to monitor learning progress during the instruction and to provide continuous feedback to both pupil and teacher                                                              14

Mansur Muslich, KTSP (Kurikulum … p. 78.  Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Students Achievement, (Depdikbud, Ditjend, 1988), p. 2.   16 Arthur Hughes, Testing for… p. 10   15





concerning learning successes and failures. It is used for example at the end of a unit in the course book or after lesson designed to teach one particular point. The result of this test will provide to students information about how well they have learnt a particular material and will give the students immediate feedback. If their learning has been successful, which is indicated by good mark from a result of test, they are likely to take the next learning task with fresh and great enthusiasm. The evaluation which is done by teacher in teaching – learning is aimed for three aspects, such as a) students, b) teacher and c) headmaster. (a) for the students, these evaluations as a final result of their studying in order to know about their skills in understanding the materials, (b) for the teachers, it as a consideration of the students’ development in their learning process to increase students’ learning improvement processes, and the last is (c) for the headmaster, the result of these evaluations as a consideration for him in order to know whether he has to increase the school qualities and the students’ skill qualities or not.

G. Functional Expression English subject is aimed to develop those skills in order students to able to communicate in positive literacy covering performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. 17 As stated in latest syllabus (KTSP) that there is a material which is used in the daily activities, it is functional or called functional expression in other hand named language gambit. According to Longman Dictionary, functional expression is something that you do or say which is intended to give you an advantage in an argument; a clever debating gambit. These questions are often on opening gambit, the thing you say first for negotiation. 18 In functional, a person able to use the language to fulfill their life needs, such as reading newspapers, etc.                                                              17

Anonymous, Standar Isi ...  Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, (Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p.662.  18





Functional expression is taught to the students in order they can interact and communicate in the daily life activities which covering giving and accepting information, saying thank you or saying greetings and saying something politeness. Functional expressions have a wide range of pragmatic functions: they may be used to initiate discourse (“say”), change direction of discourse (“on the other hand…”), interrupt (“wait a minute!”), hesitate (“well…) and so on. Although they vary in function, they are defined and characterized by their stereotyped formulation and their predictable use to accomplish a particular speech act. Sometimes there is nothing grammatically wrong with the utterances of functional expression; it does not belong to the restricted group of expression one may use to interrupt. 19 There were some functional expressions taught in the seventh grade of junior high school, they are:

Table 2.2.: Functional Expression and Its utterances

Functional Expression


Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : asking n giving help

A: “can you help me?” B: “sure, I m ready!”

Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : asking n giving thing

A: “May I borrow your pen?” B: “sure, here you are!”



Foreign Language Annals, October 1987/volume 20, p. 393 – 394.  




Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : asking n giving fact

A: “where is it? B: it’s there.. A: Did you come here yesterday? B: I came here yesterday

Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : asking n giving opinión

A: what do you think of this? B: Not bad

Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : like n dislike

A: Do you like beef? B: yes, I like! A: Do you like red shirt? B: no, I dislike!

Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : asking clarification

A: Are You sure? B: Well, It’s like this…

Response the meaning of simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and effectively in term of : interpersonal

A: I met her B: I Did you? C: It’s huge, you know D: Is it? E: You are new, aren’t you? F: I am

Adapted from SMP/MTs English Syllabus 2006. 20 From the table 2.2 previously about the functional expression and its utterances showed that the functional expressions mentioned previously must be taught in physical classroom atmosphere.                                                                20


Anonymous, Standar Isi …  



This chapter presents and discusses about place and time of the study, research design, subject of the study, research instrument, data and source data, techniques of collecting data, and techniques of data analysis.

A. Place and Time of the Study The writer did this research at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. She conducted this research at the school about three months; they are from December, 17th 2008 up to February, 13th 2009.

B. Research Design The design of this study is descriptive evaluative about teaching functional expression for the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on KTSP syllabus. This study is aimed at describing and evaluating about the using and understanding of functional expression in daily life activities.




The Descriptive study is designed to obtain the current status of phenomena and is directed toward determining the nature of situation as it exists at the time of study that is in MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is called evaluative because it tries to evaluate objectively about the using functional expression at the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on KTSP syllabus. The evaluation is conducted by way of analyzing the students’ responses from the questionnaire given about teaching-learning functional expression.

C. Subject of the study The object of this study is MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta at Jl. Ibnu Taimia IV Kompleks UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Ciputat. The subject includes the English teachers and the students of the first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN. There were 240 students who studied in the first grade of this school which were divided into seven classes namely 7A until 7G. There were two English teachers who taught at the first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN, they are Ms. Wiwin Witri, S.Pd and Ms. Prastya Aghawaty, S.Pd. who teaches class 7A until 7G. Here the writer took the sample only two classes from the total of population. This sampling was based on the English teacher discussed who held the class 7A until 7G. The technique of sampling used is simple random sampling. It caused the population that the writer observed is homogeny.

D. Research Instrument In this research the writer used three instruments which are used for gathered the data that he needs, they are; observation, questionnaires, and interview to complete the data needed for this study.



E. Data and Source Data The data of this study were three types; (a) the data about instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, (b) the data about instructional activities by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, and (c) the data about evaluation by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. The data about the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta were derived from observation and questionnaire to answer the first research question, the data about the instructional activities by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta took through observation, interview, and questionnaire to answer the second question of the research question, the data about the evaluation by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta were derived from the questionnaire.

F. Technique of Collecting Data There were three techniques of collecting data applied in this study; they are observation, questionnaire, and interview. 1. Observation This observation is the main technique in collecting the data of teaching materials and instructional activities were used in the classroom. In this case, the research acted as an observer who observed the teaching and learning activities. 2. Questionnaires The questionnaires are classified into two kinds; they are (a) the questionnaire for the English teacher and (b) the questionnaire for the students.



The questionnaire for the English teacher and the students was conducted to get the data about the teaching materials and instructional activities were used in the classroom. 3. Interview This technique was used to supplement to complete the data and this technique was gained from three elements of the statement of the problems. They are; (a) the data about instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, (b) the data about instructional activities by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, and (c) the data about evaluation by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta.

G. Technique of Data Analysis The raw data obtained through documentations and interviews were analyzed in some ways as shown bellows: 1. Data from Observation The data from observation was conducted by the researcher to make her easier in reporting the research report, this data analyze about the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta and instructional activities by the teacher in teaching functional expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. This data was analyzed to answer the 1st and 2nd research questions. 2. Data from Questionnaires This data has two types, from the teacher and the students. The data from the teacher’s questionnaire was used to check whether the teaching functional expression was applied in the physical classroom activities or it was neglected. Besides, the questionnaire from the students is to recheck to the teacher’s



responses in line with the students’ faced in teaching and learning activities. Therefore, the questionnaires were concluded that used to answer the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd research questions. To find out these data, the researcher used the descriptive analysis technique (percentage) which is described in the table percentage using formula: P:

f x 100% n

P: Percentage

f: Frequency n: Number/amount It is used to see how many percent of the students’ understanding about functional expression. In addition, the writer also compares the percentage with the criteria adopted from Arikunto’s opinion as table 3.1 stated in the next page. 1 Table 3.1. Criteria of test result percentage 76 – 100 % 56 – 75 % 40 – 55 % < 40 %

= Good = Sufficient = Less good = Bad

3. Data from Interview The data gained from interview used to confirm the data collected by the technique previously. These data made the researcher more convinced what the English teacher had done and stated. If there were any differences, the researcher asks the English teacher for clarification and the result of interview was used as the appropriate data. 


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1992, p. 313 


This chapter is used to answer all of the research questions for this study. They are; the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression, the instructional activities conducted by the teacher in teaching functional expression, and the evaluation used by the teacher in teaching functional expression.

A. The Instructional Materials Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression The writer tried to analyze the instructional materials by conducting some researches such as by giving questionnaire to the students and the teacher about the instructional materials which is taught in the classroom and also by conducting observation in the physical classroom activities during the teaching functional expression. Therefore, the writer tried to give explanation about her research as follow: The writer used the formula; P:

f x 100% to find out about the materials n

which is taught in classroom, from the data gained the writer could give explanation about the materials as follow; 26



Table 4.1: The data about the core English textbook (Question number 1) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option



Apakah anda mempunyai buku teks bahasa inggris a. Ya



b. Tidak



Based on the table above, it can be concluded that all of the students have the English textbook, it can be seen from the percentage of the result calculation who answered yes as much as 100%, it is meant that all of the students have it, and it can be seen also from the observation which is conducted by the writer in the classroom that the students have the English textbook. Table 4.2: The data about another references used to support English textbook (Question number 2) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option



a. Ya



b. Tidak



Selain buku teks bahasa Inggris, apakah anda mempunyai buku bahasa inggris yang lainnya?

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that beside the core English textbook that is used in the teaching learning process, some students also have another references to support the main textbook in order to explore their knowledge in comprehending the materials. There are 54.2% students who have another references to support their main textbook, and there are 47.7% students who have not another references.



Table 4.3: The data about Functional Expression (Question number 3) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 3.

Question and option



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



Materi manakah yang lebih dominan diajarkan oleh Bapak / Ibu guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas kepada anda? a. Genres (jenis teks) 9 Descriptive text

9 Procedure text

It can seen from the table above about descriptive text, most of the student given their answer Yes (51.4%) and the students who answer No only about 48. 7%, it’s meant that descriptive text is not purely taught to all of the students. And the calculation about procedures text, most of the student given their answer Yes (28.57%) and the students who answer No only about 71.42%, it’s meant that procedure text is not purely taught to all of the students, meanwhile most of the students answered No.



No 3.

Question and option



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



a. Ya



b. Tidak



Materi manakah yang lebih dominan diajarkan oleh Bapak / Ibu guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas kepada anda? b. Functional expression 9 Asking and giving help

9 Asking and giving thing

9 Asking and giving fact

9 Asking and giving opinion

9 Like and dislike

9 Asking clarification

9 Interpersonal (Is it?, Do you?, Aren’t You?)



It can seen from the table above about functional expression, the calculation of the data about asking and giving help, all of the students given their answer Yes (100%) and no one students who answer No (0%), it’s meant that the functional expression of asking and giving help is purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation asking and giving thing, most of the students given their answer Yes (91.42%) and only 8.57% who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of asking and giving thing is almost purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation asking and giving fact, most of the students given their answer Yes (42.85%) and only 57.14% who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of asking and giving fact is almost not purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation asking and giving opinion , is taught to the students mostly in the classroom, it can be seen from the percentage data above that 74.28% the students gave the answer Yes, and only 25.7% who gave answer No. So, the students knew about the functional expression which would like to use in their daily activities. From the calculation of the data about like and dislike , most of the students given their answer Yes (47.7%) and only 54.2% who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of like and dislike is almost not purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation of the data about asking clarification, most of the student given their answer Yes (54.28%) and the students who answer No only about 45.71%, it’s meant that asking clarification is not purely taught to all of the students. And the calculation of the data about Interpersonal above, most of the students given their answer Yes (45.71%) and only 54.28% who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of interpersonal is almost not purely taught to all of the students in the classroom.



No 3.

Question and option



a. Ya



b. Tidak



Materi manakah yang lebih dominan diajarkan oleh Bapak / Ibu guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas kepada anda? c. Grammar

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that grammar is taught to the students mostly in the classroom, it can be seen from the percentage data above that 77.1% the students gave the answer Yes, and only 22.8% who gave answer No. So, the students knew about the grammar which would like to use in their daily activities.

Table 4.4: The data about Students’ Understanding of the Materials are Taught above by the Teacher in the Classroom (Question number 4) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 4.

Question and option



a. Ya



b. Tidak









dijelaskan Bapak/Ibu guru anda?

From the result of calculation above, it can be summarized that the students can understand the materials given by the teacher, it can be shown from their choice which given the answer Yes with the percentage 94,28%, and few of them given the answer No with the percentage 5,7%.



Table 4.5: The data about Language which is used by the English Teacher during Teaching Materials in the Classroom (Question number 5) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option



Bahasa pengantar apakah yang Bapak/Ibu guru anda sering





pelajaran? a. Ya



b. Tidak



The language that is used by the teacher in teaching-learning activities is English, it can be seen from the table above, the writer can be concluded that the teacher used English while teaching materials in the classroom, because all of the students given or chosen Yes as their answer with the percentage 100%, and 0% who answer No. After knowing the answer of result all students to the questionnaires, hence following writer of describe the answer of teacher to questionnaires which the writer have give.



Table 4.6: The data gained from teachers’ questionnaires about instructional material (Question number 1- 5) Instructional Material (Functional Expression)


Teacher 1

Teacher 2


Core English textbook




Another references used to support English textbook




Functional Expression 1. Genres - Descriptive text - Procedures text 2. Functional expression - Asking and giving help - Asking and giving thing - Asking and giving fact - Asking and giving opinion - Like and dislike -

Asking clarification Interpersonal (Is it?, Do you?, Aren’t You?) 3. Grammar 4.

The Students’ Understanding of the Materials are Taught above by the Teacher in the Classroom


The Language which is used by the

9 -


9 9 9 9 9 9

9 9 9 9


9 9






English Teacher during Materials in the Classroom




Table 4.5 above shown us the result questionnaires teachers’ about instructional materials used by English teacher in teaching functional expression, The English text book used at MTs Pembangunan UIN consisted of one books, namely Joyful published by aneka Ilmu 2007, and the according to teacher’s answer it can be concluded that the functional expression almost purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. Besides giving the questionnaires to teachers and students, the writer also perform an interview with all English teacher about Instructional material Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression, and the result is as follows. Base on interview and observation result, known that the teacher taught functional expression.

B. The Instructional Activities Conducted by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta Teaching activities, used in teaching functional expression from the observations, it is found that the three strategies.(see table 4.6 ) Table 4.7: Instructional Activities








Memiliki persiapan mengajar yang matang (lesson plan dan media)


Memberikan motivasi untuk belajar Functional Expression


Meriview materi terdahulu dan menghubungkannya dengan materi baru yang akan diajarkan


9 9

KEGIATAN INTI (WHILST ACTIVITIES) A. Penyajian Materi Pelajaran 4. Menjelaskan materi sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman dan kemampuan siswa




Menguasai bahasa ajar dengan baik


Menggunakan sumber belajar yang bervariasi dan ontentik



Menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan



Menunjukkan ketertarikan pada pelajaran yang diajarkan


Pemebelajaran sesuai dengan lesson planning


10. Menggunakan bahasa Inggris formal dan bergramatical baik


11. Menyertai seluruh tindakannya dengan bahasa Inggris selama proses pembelajaran


12. Jenis bahan Functional expression sesuai dengan tingkat




literasi SMP 13. Berbicara dengan jelas


A. Strategi Pembelajaran 14. Functional expression diajarkan secara integrated dengan skill yang lain 15. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving help 9 16. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving Thing 9 17. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving Fact 9 18. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving opinion 9 19. Mengajarkan Like and Dislike 20. Mengajarkan asking clarification


21. Mengajarkan Interpersonal 9 22. Murid-murid aktif (tidak takut mencoba an bertanya) 23. Memberikan kesempatan bertanya


24. Memberikan feedback dengan baik 9 25. Memberikan waktu cukup untuk praktek dari pada teori 26. Murid –murid memperaktekan functional expression

B. Menggunakan Alat (Media) Pembelajaran 27. Menggunakan media yang bermacam-macam 28. Sesuai dengan materi pelajaran POST ACTIVITIES 29. Menyimpulkan materi pelajaran




30. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya 31. Memberikan tes


32. Mengecek hasil kerja siswa


33. Tes yang diberikan sesuai dengan materi





Total Score: Yes : 1 No : 0 Base on the table above, the writer is going to make more detail tabulation in percentages about instructional activities. (see table 4.6) Table 4.8: the frequency and percentage of the instructional activities The option















P = 24 / 33 x 100% =72.7% From the result of analysis above, the writer conclude that the value of cheek list 72.7% , base on the criteria adopted from Suharsimi Arikunto’s,it mean that the teacher of the first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has a sufficient implementation teaching learning process. There are three kinds of strategies those are used commonly in the physical classroom when the teacher teaches the students, they are: a. Pre – Activitues In the pre-activities, the teacher started the teaching-learning process by greetings in common greetings such as; good morning, how are you today?.



Besides it, he check the students’ attendance list to check who did not come to the class, he review the lesson which is given in the last meeting. b. Whilst Activities In the whilst activities, the teacher has three kinds of classification which are conducted in the classroom, such as; presenting the materials, learning methodology, and using media during presenting material and the description of using pictures and guided questions in teaching writing.

In presenting materials, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: • Explain the materials based on the students’ skills, creating the enjoyment situation, and the learning process based on the lesson plan • Using English while teaching materials in the classroom • Explaining the materials clearly In learning methodology, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: •

Functional Expression are taught integrated with another subjects

Using questions and answers techniques

Giving a good feedback, and giving a long time to practice the materials given

The students practice the functional expression in front of the class with their partner



In Using Media during presenting material and the description of using pictures and guided questions in teaching writing, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: •

The teacher uses the appropriate media with the theme or the topic

He uses the varieties media

c. post – activities. The last activities done by the teacher is post activities. The teacher concluded the material, inform the students about the next materials, giving the test to the students which is appropriate with the materials given before, and checking the students’ exercise.

C. The Evaluation Used by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta In the evaluation, the writer tried to find out it by using questionnaire which are given to the students and to find out the result, the writer used the formula as follow; Table 4.9: The data of evaluation calculation which is given in the end of the meeting of the teaching-learning activities (Question number 6) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option Apakah







evaluasi/penilaian pada setiap akhir pertemuan? a. Selalu



b. Kadang-kadang



c. Tidak pernah





Based on the calculation described above, it can be drawn that the teacher not often give the evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process and it is in line with the students’ responses who answered Always only 28.57% and 68.57% the students who answered Sometimes and the students who give the answer Never only 2.85%. So the teacher does not always give the students evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process. Table 4.10: The data calculation of the evaluation (daily exercises) in the end of the teaching-learning process (Question number 7) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option



Pada akhir pertemuan apakah Bapak/Ibu guru anda meberikan tugas harian? a. Selalu



b. Kadang-kadang



c. Tidak pernah



From the data calculation described above, it can be shown that the teacher not often give the evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process, but the teacher sometimes give them evaluation and it is in line with the students’ responses who answered Always only 2.85% and 94.28% the students who answered Sometimes and the students who give the answer Never only 2.85%. So the teacher does not always give the students evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process, but the teacher sometimes give them evaluation as many as 98.24%. Table 4.11: The data of calculation for the kinds of evaluation are given to the students by the teacher (Question number 8) (Respondents: 35 Students)



No 1.

Question and option



Apakah evaluasi yang sering Bapak/Ibu guru anda gunakan? a. Formatif





b. Sumatif

From the data calculation above, formative test is a test that always given by the teacher to all of the students, it is in line with the fact of the data calculation result that formative test has 100%, it is meant that all of the students answered formative test as a main test which is given by their teacher.

Table 4.12: The data of forms of evaluation which are given to the students in their exercises (Question number 9) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option



Dalam bentuk apakah tes evaluasi yang Bapak/Ibu guru anda berikan kepada anda? a. Tes tertulis



b. Tes lisan



c. Ter tertulis dan lisan



The writer can take summarized from the data calculation above that the text or evaluation which is mostly given to the students is writing and oral test, it can be seen from the students’ answer percentage as much as 68.57% for the writing and oral test and the percentage of the writing test which is given to the



students only 31.42%, it explained that writing test was not mostly used in the teaching-learning activities. Besides, no one student who answer the oral test, so the oral test is rightly was not given to the students in the physical classroom. Table 4.13: The data information of whether the teacher told the students about evaluation which will be conducted (Question number 10) (Respondents: 35 Students) No 1.

Question and option



Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru anda memberitahukan anda jika ulanagan akan dilaksanakan? a. Selalu



b. Kadang-kadang



c. Tidak Pernah



From the data calculation above, the writer can give conclusion that the teacher always informs the students about the evaluation which will be conducted in the classroom, so they can prepare themselves in studying and exercising, the real fact of its percentage is 80% of the students who answer that their teacher Always informs them about the evaluation before it will be conducted in the classroom. Besides, there were some students who answer sometimes as much as 20% and no one of the students who answer never it is meant 0%. So, the teacher has a big responsibility for her students. Besides giving the questionnaires to students, the writer also perform an interview with all English teachers about the evaluation Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression, and the result is as follows. Base on interview result, known that the teacher using writing and oral test for students evaluations.




This chapter presents about conclusions and suggestions of the research which is done by the researcher at MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

A. Conclusions Based on the research findings described previously, the conclusion can be described as follows: The functional expressions that were taught to the students at the first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta were good enough and reached and the result of the KTSP objectives can be handled and reached well. The teacher also has a good responsibility for her duty as a teacher and also for her students, the teacher tried to apply the functional expression materials to the students in their daily activities, so they can interact and communicate between each other well and they did not find any difficulties when they were in the social networking.




B. Suggestion The following were some suggestion for English teachers, school principal and further researchers. (1) For the English teachers, in line with the research findings previously, is that the functional expressions were suggested taught to the students well in order they can establish themselves in facing social networking in their daily activities. Functional expression must be taught carefully, because it is as an essential skill to communicate between each other and also must be apply in their daily activities step by step. (2) For the principal, the school principal should help the teachers in completing the media needed when they want to start teaching in order they can be reach the objectives of the study and to make the student feel interest in learning materials, so they can learn fun and happy without any stressing and they can accept the materials well. (3) For the further researchers, the further researchers were suggested that they conduct further study about the functional expression better, because it was so important for the students to interact with the people in another world in order they could comprehend what should they do.


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