Elsie M. Campbell - Angelo State University

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D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem M332, Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem, 34, no. 8, 451 – 452, December 2008. ▫ D. Bailey, E.
CURRICULUM VITAE Elsie M. Campbell September 2015

OFFICE Department of Mathematics Angelo State University ASU Station #10900 San Angelo, TX 76909-0900 (325) 486-5429 FAX: (325) 942-2503 [email protected]

HOME 19260 FM 381 Paint Rock, TX 76866-3007 (325) 468-5011

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND  Sp.A. Mathematics, Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan), December 1971.  M.A. Mathematics, Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan), August 1970.  B.A. Mathematics, Grand Valley State University (Allendale, Michigan), December 1968.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY  Senior Instructor in Mathematics, Angelo State University, August 2008 – Present.  Professional Specialist in Mathematics, Angelo State University, August 2003 – August 2008.  Lecturer in Mathematics, Angelo State University, August 1999 – August 2003.  Adjunct Mathematics Instructor, Howard College, August 1997 – May 1999.  Mathematics Teacher, Wall Independent School District, August 1990 – August 1997.  Bookkeeper, Mereta Oil Company, July 1984 – December 2010.  Substitute Teacher, Veribest Independent School District, August 1984 – May 1990, January 1999 – May 1999.  Substitute Teacher, Paint Rock Independent School District, August 1984 – May 1988.  Traffic Engineer, GTE Corporation of the Southwest, August 1975 – March 1977.  Engineer, GTE Corporation of Michigan, May 1973 – December 1974.  Mathematics Teacher, Spring Lake High School, May 1972 – May 1973.  Mathematics Teacher, Adult Education, Spring Lake High School, September 1972 – May 1973.  Mathematics Aide, Spring Lake High School, January 1972 – May 1972.  Graduate Associate in Mathematics, Western Michigan University, August 1971 – December 1971.  Graduate Assistant in Mathematics, Western Michigan University, August 1969 – August 1971.

Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

Substitute Teacher, Fruitport High School (Fruitport, Michigan), January 1969 – April 1969. Substitute Teacher, Spring Lake High School (Spring Lake, Michigan), January 1969 – April 1969. Substitute Teacher, Grand Haven High School (Grand Haven, Michigan), January 1969 – April 1969. Grader, Grand Valley State University, September 1965 – December 1968.

HONORS  Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 9th Edition, 2006-2007; 10th Edition, 2008-2009; 11th Edition, 2009-2010; 12th Edition, 2010-2011; 13th Edition, 20112012; 14th Edition, 2012-2013; 15th Edition, 2013-2014; 16th Edition, 2014-2015.  Who’s Who in America, 60th Edition, 2006; 61st Edition, 2007; 62nd Edition, 2008; 63rd Edition, 2009; 64th Edition, 2010; 65th Edition, 2011; 66th Edition, 2012; 67th Edition, 2013; 68th Edition, 2014; 69th Edition, 2015.  Who’s Who in American Education, 7th Edition, 2006 – 2007; 8th Edition, 20072008; 9th Edition, 2008-2009; 10th Edition, 2009-2010; 11th Edition, 2010-2011; 12th Edition, 2011-2012; 13th Edition, 2013-2014; 14th Edition, 2014-2015; 15th Edition, 2015-2016.  Who’s Who in the World, 23rd Edition, 2006; 24th Edition, 2007; 25th Edition, 2008; 26th Edition, 2009; 27th Edition, 2010; 28th Edition, 2011; 29th Edition, 2012; 30th Edition, 2013; 31st Edition, 2014; 32nd Edition, 2015.  Who’s Who of American Women, 24th Edition, 2004 – 2005; 25th Edition, 2006 – 2007; 26th Edition, 2007; 27th Edition, 2008; 28th Edition, 2009; 29th Edition, 2010; 30th Edition, 2011; 31st Edition, 2012; 32nd Edition, 2013; 33rd Edition, 2014; 34th Edition, 2015.  Certificate of Appreciation from the Early Alert Program, 2013, 2014  Madison’s Who’s Who, 2010.  Leading Scientists of the World by International Biographical Centre, 2010.  Received the “Faculty of the Year Award” at the Greek Award Celebration, 2011.  Received a service award for fifteen years service (1999 – 2014) at Angelo State University, 2015.  Received a service award for ten years service (1999 – 2009) at Angelo State University, 2010.  Walked with Rambelle senior, Alisa Meredith, on “Senior Night,” 2012.  Walked with Rambelle senior, Camille Perkins, on “Senior Night,” 2011.  Walked with Rambelle senior, Casie Adams, on “Senior Night,” 2010.  Listed in the International Biographical Centre Leading Scientists of the World 2009.  Profiled in the football program, Angelo State University, August 29, 2009.  Nominated for Professor of the Year, Angelo State University, 2003 – 2004.  Honorary Coach for the Rambelles, Angelo State University, January 21, 2003; January 3, 2008; December 21, 2009; February 26, 2011.  Service Award, Barrow Museum, September 2001.  Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 1996, 1997, 1998.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

September 2015

TEACHING EXPERIENCE  Angelo State University, August 1999 – Present. Courses Taught: Precalculus, Analytic Geometry, Trigonometry, College Algebra, Finite Mathematics, Business Calculus and Finite Mathematics II, Mathematics for Business I and II, Fundamentals of Mathematics I and II; GRE, LSAT, and GMAT Mathematics  Howard College, August 1997 – May 1999. Courses Taught: Trigonometry, College Algebra, and Developmental Math  Wall Independent School District, August 1990 – August 1997. Courses Taught: 6th-grade honors math, 7th-grade math, 7th-grade honors math, 8th-grade math, Prealgebra, Algebra I, UIL Number Sense, UIL Mathematics  Veribest Independent School District, August 1984 – May 1990, January 1999 – May 1999. Courses Taught: Substitute in all grades and courses kindergarten – 12th grade  Paint Rock Independent School District, August 1984 – May 1988. Courses Taught: Substitute in all grades and courses kindergarten – 12th grade  Spring Lake High School, May 1972 – May 1973. Courses Taught: Algebra, Remedial Math, Adult GED Math  Spring Lake High School Adult Education, September 1972 – May 1973. Courses Taught: Adult GED Math  Spring Lake High School, January 1972 – May 1972. Courses Taught: 9th grade – 12th grade Mathematics Aide  Western Michigan University, August 1969 – December 1971. Courses Taught: Calculus I and II, College Algebra  Fruitport High School, January 1969 – April 1969. Courses Taught: Substitute in all grades and courses 9th – 12th grade  Spring Lake High School, January 1969 – April 1969. Courses Taught: Substitute in all grades and courses 9th – 12th grade  Grand Haven High School, January 1969 – April 1969. Courses Taught: Substitute in all grades and courses 9th – 12th grade

PUBLICATIONS Thesis:  E. (Gustafson) Campbell, “The Constructive Theory of Distributions,” Sp. A. thesis, 1971. Article:  T. Leong, D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and P. Swets, “An Alternative Approach to the A=mP Problem for Triangles,” Mathematics Magazine, 80, December 2007. Proposed Problem:  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem M332, Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem, 34, no. 8, 451 – 452, December 2008.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem M332, Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem, 34, no. 2, 70, March 2008. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4992, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 8, December 2007.

Problem Solutions (2001 – Present):  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and A. Siefker, Problem 5339, School Science and Mathematics, 115, no.5, May 2015.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5325, School Science and Mathematics, 115, no.3, March 2015.  S. Abernathy, D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5317, School Science and Mathematics, 115, no.1, January 2015.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, and J. Taylor, Problem 5315, School Science and Mathematics, 115, no.1, January 2015.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5309, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.8, December 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5308, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.8, December 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1290, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 14, no.1, 61, December 2014.  E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5304, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.7, November 2014.  E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5302, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.7, November 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5300, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.6, October 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3865, Crux Mathematicorum, 40, no. 7, September 2014, 306 – 307.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3861, Crux Mathematicorum, 40, no. 7, September 2014, 303.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5289, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.5, May 2014.  E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5283, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.4, April 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3829, Crux Mathematicorum, 40, no. 3, March 2014, 133 – 135.  E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3818, Crux Mathematicorum, 40, no. 2, February 2014, 86 – 87.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5272, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.2, February 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5269, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.1, January 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5266, School Science and Mathematics, 114, no.1, January 2014.  D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5263, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.8, December 2013.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5259, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.8, December 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5254, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.7, November 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3777, Crux Mathematicorum, 39, no. 8, October 2013, 381. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3776, Crux Mathematicorum, 39, no. 8, October 2013, 378 – 381. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5244, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.5, May 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5242, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.5, May 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3750, Crux Mathematicorum, 39, no. 5, May 2013, 243 – 244. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5238, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.4, April 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3731, Crux Mathematicorum, 39, no. 4, April 2013, 189. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3725, Crux Mathematicorum, 39, no. 3, March 2013, 149 – 150. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5232, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.3, March 2013. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5225, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.2, February 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5221, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.1, January 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5218, School Science and Mathematics, 113, no.1, January 2013. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5212, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no.8, December 2012. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1257, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 13, no. 7, December 2012 (Fall 2012), 439 – 440. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and Andrew Siefker, Problem 5210, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no.7, November 2012. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3672, Crux Mathematicorum, 38, no. 8, October 2012, 343 – 344. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5194, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no. 5, May 2012. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5191, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no.4, April 2012. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3627, Crux Mathematicorum, 38, no. 3, March 2012, 116 – 117. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3613, Crux Mathematicorum, 38, no. 2, February 2012, 73. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5179, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no.2, February 2012.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5177, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no. 2, February 2012. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3601, Crux Mathematicorum, 38, no. 1, January 2012, 29 – 30. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5171, School Science and Mathematics, 112, no.1, January 2012. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, C. Diminnie, and A. Siefker Problem 1237, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 13, no. 5, December 2011 (Fall 2011), 311 – 312. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5168, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no.8, December 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5152, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no.6, October 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3553, Crux Mathematicorum, 37, no. 5, September 2011, 326 – 327. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1230, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 13, no. 4, May 2011 (Spring 2011), 248 – 249. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5140, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no. 4, March 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5135, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no. 3, March 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5128, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no. 2, February 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5126, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no. 1, January 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5124, School Science and Mathematics, 111, no. 1, January 2011. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5103, School Science and Mathematics, 110, no. 5, May 2010. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5100, School Science and Mathematics, 110, no. 5, May 2010. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5096, School Science and Mathematics, 110, no. 4, April 2010. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5086, School Science and Mathematics, 110, no. 3, March 2010. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5076, School Science and Mathematics, 110, no. 1, January 2010. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1202, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 13, no. 1, December 2009 (Fall 2009), 61 – 62. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5057, School Science and Mathematics, 109, no. 6, October 2009. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3354, Crux Mathematicorum, 35, no. 5, September 2009, 337 – 338. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and Roger Zarnowski, Problem 5053, School Science and Mathematics, 109, no. 5, May 2009. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1193, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 10, May 2009 (Spring 2009), 637 – 638.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and A. Siefker,Problem 1185, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 10, May 2009 (Spring 2009), 627 – 628. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5049, School Science and Mathematics, 109, no. 4, April 2009. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1183, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 9, December 2008 (Fall 2008), 573 – 574. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, K. Havlak, and P. Koca, Problem 3271, Crux Mathematicorum, 34, no. 6, October 2008, 377 – 378. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3269, Crux Mathematicorum, 34, no. 6, October 2008, 375 – 376. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3247, Crux Mathematicorum, 34, no. 4, May 2008, 252 – 253. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 5003, School Science and Mathematics, 108, no. 5, May 2008. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1159, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 8, May 2008 (Spring 2008), 497 – 498. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4997, School Science and Mathematics, 108, no. 4, April 2008. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3237, Crux Mathematicorum, 34, no. 3, April 2008, 189. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3228, Crux Mathematicorum, 34, no. 3, April 2008, 178 – 179. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4995, School Science and Mathematics, 108, no. 3, March 2008. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, K. Havlak, and P. Koca, Problem 4988, School Science and Mathematics, 108, no. 2, February 2008. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, K. Havlak, and P. Koca, Problem 4978, School Science and Mathematics, 108, no. 1, January 2008. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4977, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 8, December 2007. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4968, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 7, November 2007. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4966, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 7, November 2007. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4951, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 6, October 2007. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3163, Crux Mathematicorum, 33, no. 5, September 2007, 319 – 320. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 834, The College Mathematics Journal, 38, no. 4, September 2007, 316 – 317. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1139, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 6, May 2007 (Spring 2007), 368 – 369. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4942, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 5, May 2007. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3130, Crux Mathematicorum, 33, no. 3, April 2007, 182 – 183.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4933, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 3, March 2007. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4929, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 2, February 2007. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4919, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 2, February 2007. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4917, School Science and Mathematics, 107, no. 1, January 2007. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1137, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 5, December 2006 (Fall 2006), 570 – 571. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1130, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 5, December 2006 (Fall 2006), 565. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3059, Crux Mathematicorum, 32, no. 6, October 2006, 399 – 401. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4897, School Science and Mathematics, 106, no. 6, October 2006, 273 – 274. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 3044, Crux Mathematicorum, 32, no. 5, September 2006, 330 – 331. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4892, School Science and Mathematics, 106, no. 5, May 2006, 276. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4880, School Science and Mathematics, 106, no. 3, March 2006, 167 – 168. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and K. Havlak, Problem 787, The College Mathematics Journal, 37, no. 1, January 2006, 60 – 62. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, C. Diminnie, and A. Siefker, Problem 4871, School Science and Mathematics, 106, no. 1, January 2006, 56. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1106, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 3, December 2005 (Fall 2005), 188. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 1102, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12, no. 3, December 2005 (Fall 2005), 184. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4858, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 8, December 2005, 435 – 436. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4855, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 7, November 2005, 379. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4847, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 6, October 2005, 327. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, K. Havlak, and A. Siefker, Problem 4838, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 4, April 2005, 220. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, K. Havlak, and A. Siefker, Problem 4834, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 4, April 2005, 217. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4828, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 2, February 2005, 111 – 112. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4822, School Science and Mathematics, 105, no. 1, January 2005, 55. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4814, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 8, December 2004, 410.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4811, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 7, November 2004, 385. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4805, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 6, October 2004, 304. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4799, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 5, May 2004, 242 – 243. C. Diminnie, E. Campbell, and D. Bailey, Problem 2835, Crux Mathematicorum, 30, no. 3, April 2004, 187. E. Campbell, D. Bailey, C. Diminnie, and K. Havlak, Problem 4786, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 3, March 2004, 136 – 137. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4780, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 2, February 2004, 98. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, and C. Diminnie, Problem 4771, School Science and Mathematics, 104, no. 1, January 2004, 49. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and K. Havlak, Problem 4757, School Science and Mathematics, 103, no. 6, October 2003, 309. D. Bailey, E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, and K. Havlak, Problem 4743, School Science and Mathematics, 103, no. 4, April 2003, 214 – 215. E. Campbell and C. Diminnie, Problem 4724, School Science and Mathematics, 103, no. 1, January 2003, 58. E. Campbell, Problem 4721, School Science and Mathematics, 102, no. 8, December 2002, 424. E. Campbell and T. Smith, Problem 2624, Crux Mathematicorum, 28, no. 3, April 2002, 188 – 190. E. Campbell, C. Diminnie, et. al., Problem 2563, Crux Mathematicorum, 27, no. 6, October 2001, 409 – 411.

PRESENTATIONS  “The Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2013.  “The Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2013.  “More Fun With Pascal’s Triangle,” STEM Conference at Angelo State University, February 2013; February 2014.  “Cassini’s Identity,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2012.  “Cassini’s Identity,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2012.  “Jensen’s Inequality,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2011.  “Fun With Pascal’s Triangle,” STEM Conference at Angelo State University, February 2011.  “Methods of Approximating Square Roots,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2010.  “Methods of Approximating Square Roots,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2010.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

“Fractals by Sierpinski,” STEM Conference at Angelo State University, January 2010. “Another Approach to Solving A=mP for Triangles,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2009. “Another Approach to Solving A=mP for Triangles,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2009. “The Problem of the Month,” ASU student chapter of the Mathematical Association of America Meeting, September 2008. “Mean Stuff,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2008. “Mean Stuff,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2008. “Analytic Approach to Polygonal Area,” Mathematics for English Language Learners (MELL) Conference, July 2007. “Triskaidekaphobia and Numerology for Fun and Profit,” Angelo State Mathematics Teachers of Tomorrow Club, April 2007. “Analytic Approach to Polygonal Area,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2007. “To Solve Or Not To Solve – That Is The Challenge,” Slowpitch Mathematics Seminar, Angelo State University, September 2006. “Preservice Best Practices – A Checklist of Guiding Principles’ Instrument,” Mathematics for English Language Learners (MELL) Conference, July 2006. “Solving Optimization Problems Using Precalculus Methods,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2006. “Analytic Approach to Polygonal Area,” Angelo State Mathematical Association of America Student Chapter, November 2005. “Analytic Approach to Polygonal Area,” Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Texas Section, April 2005. “Solving Optimization Problems Using Precalculus Methods,” Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2004.

OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY  Appointed to be the Chair of the Mathematics Section to the Texas Academy of Science, 2008 – 2015.  Appointed to be the Vice-Chair of the Mathematics Section to the Texas Academy of Science, 2007 – 2008.  Judged student oral presentations at the Mathematics Section of the Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, March 2007, March 2008, March 2009, March 2010, March 2011, March 2012, March 2013, March 2015.  Active member of departmental problem-solving group, September 1999 – Present.  Reviewed Precalculus: Building Concepts and Connections by Revathi Narasimhan for XYZ Textbooks, 2014.  Reviewed Precalculus by Julie Miller for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2014.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

Reviewed Precalculus with Calculus Previews, 6E, for Jones Barlett Learning, 2014. Reviewed Math for Business and Life, 4E, by John Webber for Olympus Publishing Company, 2008. Reviewed College Algebra, 2E, by Cynthia Young for John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008. Reviewed Trigonometry by Cynthia Y. Young for John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. Suggested and reviewed a new section of Mathematical Applications, 9th Edition, by Ronald Harshbarger and James Reynolds for Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007. Reviewed College Algebra by Cynthia Y. Young for John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004 – 2005. Member of the Texas Academy of Science Committee to choose the Outstanding Texas Educator and the Distinguished Texas Scientist for 2005, 2004 – 2005.

ASU SERVICE Departmental:  Coordinator for monthly student problem-solving competition (“Problem of the Month”), 2005 – Present.  Attended the Mathematics Seminars, 2009 – Present.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1360, 2014, 2015.  Textbook coordinator for Math 1561, Math 1360, Math 1325, Math 1324, 2013 – Present.  Participated in the organizational fair, 2013.  Participated in True Blue Friday, 2013.  Presented “Cassini’s Identity” with D. Bailey in a Mathematics Seminar, April 2012.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1561, 2011 – 2013.  Syllabus Review Committee, 2005, 2008 – 2013.  Wrote assessment exam for Math 1302, 2014.  Wrote assessment exam for Math 1561, 2011.  Wrote assessment exam for Math 1325, 2011.  Wrote assessment exam for Math 1324, 2011.  Served on a committee to review College Algebra, 2012 – 2013.  Scanned assessment exams for Math 1561, 2011 – Present.  Scanned assessment exams for Math 1325, 2011 – Present.  Received training to scan assessment exams, 2011.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1325, 2011, 2012, 2015.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1324, 2011, 2012, 2015.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1362, 2009.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1312, 2006, 2009.  Wrote syllabus for Math 1311, 2005, 2006, 2009.  Served on the Peer Review Committee, 2009 – 2013.  Held TExES review sessions in College Algebra and Analytic Geometry, 2004 – Present.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

Wrote Placement Test for Math 1325, 2011. Wrote Placement Test for Math 1362, 2009. Wrote syllabus for Math 1303, 2004. Wrote syllabus for Math 130A, 2002, 2004, 2007. Wrote syllabus for Math 1302, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2013. Attended the Angelo State Mathematical Association of America Student Chapter meetings, 2003 – Present. Attended the Mathematics Teachers of Tomorrow meetings, 2003 – 2010. Wrote Diagnostic Test for Math 1302 and Math 1311, 2003. Wrote Diagnostic Test for Math 130A, 2001, 2009. Created Amortization Calculator for Math 1324, 2011 – Present. Created Amortization Calculator for Math 1311, 2001 – 2011. Wrote syllabus for Math 1321, 2000. Attended Open House, 1999 – Present. Attended the Pi Mu Epsilon initiations, 1999 – Present. Interviewed students for the work-study position in the department, 2011. Developmental Math Lab Tutor, 1999 – 2011. Attended Math Forums, 1999 – 2004. Wrote letters for Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, 1999 – Present. Wrote reference letters for students, 1999 – Present.

University:  Recruited a student to attend ASU, 2013, 2014.  Member of the Athletic Council, 2004 – 2005, 2006 – 2014.  Member of the BERT Committee, 2013 – Present.  Member of the Traffic Appeals Board, 2013 – 2014.  Member of the Core Curriculum Committee, 2010 - 2011.  Member of the University Center Board, 2008 – 2009.  Member of the Judicial Board, 2006 – 2007, 2007 – 2008, 2013 – 2014.  Participated in Discover ASU, 2005 – 2014.  Participated in Rambunctious Weekend and the Move-in Crew, 2008 – Present.  Recruited students by telephone, 1999 – 2005.

OTHER SERVICE  Attended Green Zone Training, 2013 – 2014.  Completed FEMA Training Course IS700, Introduction to the National Incident Management System, 2013.  Completed FEMA Training Course IS100HE, Incident Command System for Higher Education, 2013.  Assistant Director of the UIL – Regional Calculator Contest, 2005 – 2010, 2015.  Judged the Trinity Lutheran Science Fair, 2004 – 2010.  Judged the District Science and Engineering Fair, 2004 – 2011.  Participated in the STEM Conference at Angelo State University, 2010 – 2014.  Attended Moon Distinguished Scientist Lectureships, 1999 – Present.


Curriculum Vitae – E. M. Campbell

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September 2015

Attended the E. James Holland Symposium on American Values, 1999 – Present. Attended the Holland’s Athletic Banquet, 2005 – Present. Attended the Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities reception, 1999 – Present. Attended the Distinguished Students reception, 1999 – Present. Attended HSI presentations, 2011 – 2013. Attended the Teacher Job Fair, 1999 – Present. Attended the Professional Internship and Job Fair, 1999 – Present. Participated in Groundhog Job Shadow Day, 2006, 2007. Assisted with the ASU Science Days in Mathematics, 2006 – Present. Judged Grape Creek Junior High School Science Fair, 1995 – 2003. Conducted the Veribest High School National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, 2001, 2002. Initiated the Veribest High School National Honor Society, 2001. Judged Veribest Junior/Senior High School Science Fair, 1999, 2000.

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS  Mathematical Association of America  Texas Academy of Science  Association of Texas Professional Educators  Pi Mu Epsilon  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics  SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science)