Dec 27, 2013 ... Wireless sensor networks are an becoming an important application of ... Holger
karl, Andreas Willig, “ Protocols and architectures for wireless ...
EM2105 Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks
Academic Course Description SRM University Faculty of Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
EM2105 Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Second Semester, 2013-14 (Even semester) Course (catalog) description Wireless sensor networks are an becoming an important application of embedded systems, giving scope for unique designs and applications. This course is aimed at imparting knowledge on wireless sensor networks and practical implementation
Credit hours: 3 credits Course coordinator(s) Ms.J.Radhika, Assistant Professor(Sr.G), Department of ECE Instructor(s) Name of the instructor
Class handling
Office location
M.Tech EST-A
M.Tech EST-B
Mr.M.Mohana Sundaram
M.Tech CS
[email protected]
Day order 4, 1 to 4 P..M
[email protected]
Day order 5 , 1 to 4 P.M Day order 1, 1 to 4
[email protected] P.M
Relationship to other courses Pre-requisites
Reference books: 1. Holger karl, Andreas Willig, “ Protocols and architectures for wireless sensor networks ”, John Wiley,2005. 2. Liljana Gavrilovska, Srdjan Krco, Veljko Milutinovi c , Ivan Stojmenovic,Roman Trobec, “ Application and Multidisciplinary Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks ”, Springer-Verlag, London Limited 2011.
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EM2105 Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 3. Michel Banâtre, Pedro José Marrón, Anibal Ollero, A dam Wolisz, ” Cooperating Embedded Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks “, John Wiley & Sons, Inc .2008. 4. Seetharaman Iyengar, Nandhan, “ Fundamentals of Sensor Network Programming Applications and Technology” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2008. 5.
Time table Section M.Tech EST- A M.Tech EST-B M.Tech (CS)
Schedule Day 1: 3 Hr Day 3 : 5 and 6 Hrs Day 5 : 2 Hr Day 2: 3 and 4 Hrs Day 3: 5 Hrs Day 4 : 7Hrs Day 2: 6 and 7 Hrs Day 4: 5 and 6 Hrs
Test Schedule S. No.
Cycle Test-1
2 Units
2 Periods
Model Test
5 Units
3 Hrs
Course objectives The objectives of this course is to 1. To understand the concepts of sensor networks. 2. To learn implementation issues and techniques wireless sensor nodes.
Weekly teaching plan Session No 1 2 3
UNIT-I INTRODUCTION TO WSN Introduction to WSN, Challenges for WSNs – Characteristic requirements Required Mechanisms Single-node architecture -Hardware components-
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Text / Chapter
[1] chapter(s) – 1, 2
4 5
EM2105 Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Single-node architecture -Hardware componentsEnergy consumption of sensor nodes Operating system s and execution Environments- Embedded operating systems Programming paradigms and application programming interfaces , Structure of operating system and protocol stack Operating system s and execution Environments- Dynamic energy and power management Case Study: TinyOS and nesC Other examples
Some examples of sensor nodes: The “Mica Mote” family and EYES nodes
BTnodes , Scatterweb and Commercial solutions
10,11 12,13 14,15 16,17 18
[1] chapter(s) – 1,2
[1] chapter(s) - 3
UNIT-II NETWORK ARCHITECTURE Sensor network scenariosOptimization goals and figures of merit Design principles for WSN Service interfaces of WSNs Gateway concepts. UNIT III - SENSOR NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION
Sensor Programming- Introduction to TinyOS Programming Reference[5]
fundamentals of Programming sensors using nesC Algorithms for WSN – 25,26,27 Techniques for Protocol Programming UNIT IV - PROGRAMMING MODELS An Introduction to the Concept of Cooperating 28 Objects and Sensor Networks22,23,24
Co operating objects and Wireless Sensor Networks
Embedded WiseNets
Introduction to System Architectures and Programming
[3] chapter(s) – 1 and 5
Programming Models Requirements
State of the art
System architectures
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39,40 41,42 43,44 and 45
EM2105 Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks UNIT V - CASE STUDIES Wireless sensor networks for environmental monitoring Wireless sensor networks with mobile nodes Autonomous robotic teams for surveillance and monitoring
[2] chapter(s) -11
Inter-vehicle communication networks
Evaluation methods Surprise test Cycle test Model Exam Assignment
: 5 marks : 20 marks : 20 marks : 5 marks
Prepared by: Ms. J.Radhika, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Department of ECE Dated: 27th December 2013
Revision No.: 00
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Date of revision: NA