(EM4) Addition to Biogas Production from Water

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bacteria degradation of organic waste such as effective microorganisms 4. ... microorganisms will produce methane (CH4) and other gases. ... After 5 days, the measurement of the volume calculation and methane gas pressure generated.
The Influence of Effective Microorganisms 4 (EM4) Addition to Biogas Production from Water Hyacinth Correy Ananta Adhilaksma1 1

Physics Energy Engineering, Faculty of Clean Energy & Climate Change, 1Surya University

ABSTRACT Water hyacinth, is the water plant that usually grow in the waters polluted and grow spread. So, it would be a problem because can inhibiting fast flow of water, disturbing the transport of water, reduce the intensity of the sunlight in and others. This research is using Water hyacinth the water plant as main raw material of the biogas fabrication by giving treatment like Effective Microorganisms (EM4). The experiment has done for two times, the results of the first experiment show that by giving the composition of EM4 15% (per 100 grams of Water hyacinth) that optimum can give influence like increased activity of microorganism within degradation organic material. And then on the second experiment is to compare the parameters without pressure. Its, got the results that both parameters didn't give the difference pressure of gas generated. So, it could be taken the idea that by giving EM4 give influence of the amount of the volume of gas that given. Keywords

: Water hyacinth, Biogas, Microorganisms and effective microorganisms

INTRODUCTION Biogas is one of the alternative energy to preserve the environment, this is because biogas is produced from organic materials such as cow dung, vegetables, and household waste (Todar, 2002, page 69). Biogas is included in the renewable energy resources, because it can be produced continuously and there will be no end. generally of the content contained in the biogas can be either methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N). In this study used the main ingredient is water hyacinth as biogas producer by adding treatment in the form of bacteria degradation of organic waste such as effective microorganisms 4. 1

Effective microorganisms 4 (EM4) is a good microorganism developed by Prof Dr Teuro Higa in 1991. Microorganisms in EM4 are commonly used for effective fertilizer treatment, thus contributing well in improving soil fertility, soil quality, yields, and so forth. EM4 consists of a mixed culture of microorganism used as microbial inoculants or can be said to be a biological control. EM4 contains selected species of microorganisms including lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes and other types of bacteria (Higa & Parr, 1994, page 4). In several scientific journals, water hyacinth can produce biogas because it has a high nitrogen content. However, the process runs naturally which sometimes takes a relatively long time, this is because the bacteria that play a role in the process of degradation of organic matter derived only. By adding the degradation bacteria treatment will increase the efficiency of biogas production resulting from water hyacinth. If in previous studies in improving the efficiency of biogas production using cow dung starter as degrading bacteria, then in this study used EM4 as a starter in accelerating the process of decomposition of organic matter. The purpose of EM4 enhancement in water hyacinth is to determine the efficiency of methane gas formation, to obtain effective EM4 composition, as well as the volume and pressure of methane gas produced. The added EM4 composition was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. RESEARCH VARIABLES 1. Independent variables The independent variables in this study are biogas production produced by each sample, the level of inertia, the intensity of sunlight, the temperature, and the digester storage. 2. Dependent Variables 1) Generally a. Each sample is given 100 grams of water hyacinth that has been chopped 2

b. Provision of water in each sample with a ratio of 2: 1 c. Biogas digester made from used bottles d. The deadline set in the research is for 4 consecutive days 2) In the context under study a. The effect of EM4 on the effectiveness of biogas production from water hyacinth 3. Control Variables The study was divided into two experimental stages, the first experiment obtained the most effective EM4 composition in producing biogas. Then in the second experiment, the compositions obtained in the first experiment were compared with no EM4 treatment. The following is the treatment distribution given by each sample: a.

The first experiment

b. The second experiment

Table 1.1 The first experiment

Table 1.2 The second experiment


Control Variables

Dependent Variables


-ratio EM4-




Sample A.1

Water hyacinth 100 gr A

A.2 + water 50 ml


Water hyacinth



100 gr + water



50 ml



A.3 Dependent Variables

Sample B.1

Best EM4 Water hyacinth 100 gr




B.2 + water 50 ml



LITERATURE REVIEW Biogas is one of renewable energy alternative that comes from organic materials such as animal waste, plants and organic waste of household waste. Gases generated in biogas have economic value, because these gases are produced from waste disposal that is not used anymore 3

by humans, so it is suitable to be developed and used in small and large scale in order to create a good environmental sustainability (Njogu, et al. 2015, page 210). Biogas is produced through the process of fermentation of organic materials with the help of microorganisms that take place anaerobically (in vacuum conditions). The chemical decomposition is done by anaerobic microorganisms will produce methane (CH4) and other gases. Methane gas is formed when the organic material has decomposed. This gas is a gas that is odorless, non-toxic and flammable. But this gas is the main enemy of the ozone layer, because it is 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide (CO2) (Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association (ADBA) 2014). Anaerobic fermentation mechanism on biogas formation takes place through four stages: 1) Hydrolysis Hydrolysis is the first stage of anaerobic fermentation digestion process. At this stage work enzymes that transfers dissolved organic matter into dissolved organic materials such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, polysaccharides and nucleic acids are converted into dissolved organic materials such as amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids and so on. The microorganisms that work in this process are bacterides, clostridia and other fucultative bacteria such as streptococci etc. (Adekunle & Okolie, 2015, page 207). 2) Acidogenesis Acidogenesis is a stage in which the process of transforming dissolved organic matter into short chain fatty acids by an acidogenic bacteria. Short chain fatty acids include formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid (Serna, 2009, page 112). 3) Acetogenesis At this stage the product produced at the acidogenesis stage is converted to hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetic acid by acetogenic bacteria. This reaction occurs only when the partial pressure of the hydrogen compound is low or negligible (Serna, 2009, page 113). 4) Methanogenesis


Methanogenesis is the last stage of the biogas formation process. At this stage hydrogen and acetic acid are converted to methane gas with the help of methanogenic bacteria such as methanobacterium, methanobacillus, mathanococcus, and methanosarcina. So the main products produced at this stage are methane and carbon dioxide (Verma, 2002, page 3).

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this study the authors apply experimental research methods, the authors conducted experiments twice. This study focused on finding the influence of effective microorganisms 4 (EM4) on biogas production from water hyacinth plant. As previously known EM4 is an ingredient in the manufacture of compost fertilizer, microorganisms present in EM4 are beneficial good bacteria and help the process of degradation of organic materials. The tool that acts as a fermenter or biogas digester in this research is a 600 ml used bottle commonly found in the market. In addition, biogas storage media used in the form of balloons and bottles used 600 ml and 300 ml. In the first experiment, conducted research to obtain EM4 composition effective in producing biogas. Observations on the first experiment were conducted for 5 consecutive days. After 5 days, the measurement of the volume calculation and methane gas pressure generated. In the second experiment, conducted a study to determine the influence of EM4 on water hyacinth. The study was conducted by comparing the media with EM4 treatment and without EM4 treatment. This is the following is a schematic of research conducted:


RESULT AND DISCUSION In the first experiment, the addition of EM4 to water hyacinth influenced the activity of microorganisms, it can be seen from Table 1.3 Giving with a dose of between 10% to 15%, gives effect to the process of decomposition faster, so that on the first day of biogas has been produced. Giving at a 20% dose produces more biogas on the third day, but on the first day no gas is produced, then on the second day the gas is generated at a very small amount, so it is difficult to measure. So, it can be concluded that the more doses given do not have an impact on the efficiency of microorganism activity in degrading organic matter, only the most efficient optimized doses. Therefore, a dose of 15% is the most effective. Table 1.3 First experiment data Dependent Variables

Dose of EM4

Observation (cm3) 1



2 -

3 -


4 5 26,87 53,49 6

Water hyacinth 100 gr + water 50 ml




5% 10% 6,38 26,75 15% 3,29 40,56

E 20%


Too small

Too small

12,12 40,33

Too small Too small

Too small -

50,38 27,85 18,69

In the second experiment, observations were performed for four consecutive days. It was found that the methane gas pressure obtained in the addition of EM4 did not give a significant difference. This can be seen from the increased pressure between the two treatments in Table 1.4. It can be concluded that the gas pressure generated by both treatments is the same, but the only difference between the two is the amount of gas volume produced and the effectiveness of the microorganism's work in degrading the organic material in the biogas digester used (based on observations in the first experiment). In addition, based on literature the volume of gas produced a lot is not necessarily the resulting pressure is also a lot. Table 1.4 Second experiment data Parameter of Research Without EM4 Treatment With EM4 Treatment (Dose 15 %)

A.1 A.2 A.3 B.1 B.2 B.3

Pressure (atm)





1,145078 1,096718 1,096718 1,096718 1,096718 -2,38515

1,193437 1,145078 1,145078 1,145078 1,145078 4,385147

1,290155 1,193437 1,193437 1,145078 1,193437 5,545769

1,290155 1,193437 1,193437 1,193437 1,290155 4,868739

CONCLUSION Biogas is a gas produced by the process of fermentation of organic materials with the help of anaerobic bacteria. Scientifically biogas is a flammable gas (flammable). The main content of biogas is methane gas (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In this study used water hyacinth water plants as the main raw material of biogas formation.


Based on the research, it can be concluded that the gas pressure generated by the two treatments is the same, but the only difference between the two is the amount of gas volume produced and the effectiveness of microorganisms work in degrading the organic material on the biogas digester used (based on observations in the first experiment ). The addition of EM4 to water hyacinth influences the activity of microorganisms. Giving with a dose of between 10% to 15%, gives effect to the process of decomposition faster, so that on the first day of biogas has been produced. So it can be concluded that the more doses given do not have an impact on the efficiency of the microorganism's activity in degrading organic materials, only the most efficient optimized doses. REFERENCES Adekunle, Kayode Feyisetan, dan Jude Awele Okolie. 2015. “A Review of Biochemical Process of.” Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 205-212. Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association (ADBA). 2014. “the practical guide to ad.” in The practical guide to ad, oleh Kirsty Sharpe, 60. London: Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association (ADBA). Higa, Dr. Teruo, dan Dr. James F. Parr. 1994. Beneficial and Effective Microorganisms for a Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. Atami: International Nature Farming Research Center. Njogu, Paul, Robert Kinyua, Purity Muthoni, dan Yusuyuki Nemoto. 2015. “Biogas production Using Water Hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes) for Electricity Generation in Kenya.” Energy and Power Engineering 209-216. Serna, Emmanuel. 2009. Anaerobic Digestion Process. http://www.wtert.eu/default.asp?Menue=13&ShowDok=12. Todar, Kenneth. 2002. “Growth of Bacterial Populations.” In Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology, oleh Kenneth Todar, 69. Madison: Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin. Verma, Shefali. 2002. Anaerobic Digestion of Biodegradable Organics in Unicipal Solid Waste. New York: Department of Earth & Environmental Engineering, Columbia University.