Emergency Management Conference Student ... - FEMA Training

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Mar 6, 2017 - assignments and will be expect to perform general conference duties. The reports will .... regarding your
19th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium Student Volunteer Intern Position JUNE 5-8, 2017 Emergency Management Institute, National Emergency Training Center Emmitsburg, Maryland Students currently enrolled in a college/university emergency management program are needed as student volunteer interns for the 19th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education (Hi Ed) Symposium. Students may be assigned one or more breakout sessions for reporting assignments and will be expect to perform general conference duties. The reports will be incorporated into the post-symposium proceedings posted to the FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Program website. Generally graduate students are assigned to take detailed notes during the concurrent breakout sessions and to write summaries of those breakout sessions, which will be posted to the postsymposium “proceedings.” Reports will be 3-4 pages per session and will highlight the most significant aspects of the session. Graduate students will be assigned at least one breakout session to report, but may be assigned up to three reports during the conference. Generally undergraduate students are assigned various administrative duties i.e., passing out microphones during plenary sessions, assisting with symposium registration, passing out symposium folders, taking hard copies of presentation materials to classrooms, posting breakout session classroom assignments and various other duties. In addition, one or more students will be assigned to assist the Hi Ed Program Manager and Hi Ed Program Assistant throughout the week. Student volunteer interns are required to attend 100% of the symposium beginning with Monday workshops and ending on Thursday afternoon with the last breakout sessions. The typical volunteer obligations comprise about 20% of the symposium. When not acting in a volunteer capacity students are free to attend breakout sessions at their leisure. Student volunteer interns are encouraged to participate in all symposium activities.


Student Volunteer Intern Criteria: Student must be enrolled in a collegiate Emergency Management or Homeland Security program listed in the Emergency Management section of "The College List" on the FEMA EM Hi Ed Program website -- http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/collegelist/ •

Student must have the recommendation of a faculty member or department chair.

Student must be at least 18 years of age.

Student is responsible for paying his/her own transportation costs to and from the symposium.

Student must purchase a meal ticket if staying on the NETC campus. Meal tickets are $121.00 for the week and includes 3 meals a day and all coffee breaks.

Student must be able to participate in the entire four day symposium.

Student must submit a conference application by April 24, 2017 to ensure a no-cost oncampus dorm room. Please complete the FEMA General Admissions Application (FEMA Form 119-25-1) provided in the invitation package. Applications received after April 24, 2017 will not be accepted. Send completed application(s) to: Admissions Office, Room I-216 National Emergency Training Center 16825 South Seton Avenue Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727-8998 Phone: (301) 447 - 1035 Fax: (301) 447 - 1658 Email: [email protected] Applications must be returned to the NETC Office of Admissions for processing. All non-U.S. citizens attending the symposium must have a security clearance conducted and completed before they are accepted. A security clearance takes 8-12 weeks to complete. Non-U.S. applicants must submit a completed application by March 6, 2017. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.


International students will be required to pay $40.00 per night for a dorm room and must go through an 8-12 week security clearance. International applications are due NLT March 6, 2017.

Individuals applying to the symposium will be required to register using the FEMA Student Identification (SID) number. This number will be used in place of the Social Security Number (SSN) on your application form. If your symposium application does not contain a SID number it will not be processed by the Admissions office. Non-U.S. applicants are also required to have a SID number on the application. Obtaining a FEMA SID number? To register, go to https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid

Student should be capable of taking detailed notes.

Student will need to prepare a comprehensive report based on the notes from the assigned breakout session(s). This report will be incorporated into the Higher Education Program symposium proceedings.

In the event that there are not enough graduate volunteer interns, undergraduate students may be asked to participate in additional breakout sessions.

Student will be contacted by Brent Cox, Arkansas State University, with their respective assigned break out session(s) and to collect the final reports.

Student will be asked to complete and sign a gift form. The form states the student is donating services during the symposium and does not expect to be reimbursed for those services.

If you have questions about the Hi Ed Symposium Student Volunteer Intern program please contact Dr. Brent Cox, at [email protected] or 860-680-8286 or the Hi Ed Program Support Assistant, Barbara Johnson, at [email protected] or (301) 447-1452.


If selected as a volunteer:

Student Volunteer Intern Responsibility/Requirements: Pre Symposium • Students are responsible for submitting a symposium application form no later than April, 24, 2017. International applications must be sent by March 6, 2017. Applications will not be accepted after this date. • Students are responsible for arranging their own travel to and from the symposium. Note: There is a free shuttle from BWI airport to campus on Sunday evening and from NETC campus to BWI airport on Friday morning. • Students are responsible for providing their own note taking material. • Prior to the symposium, students are responsible for contacting the moderator of their assigned session to introduce themselves and gather any available data that may assist in the process. Note: The Higher Education staff will provide contact information. • NETC has instituted a new process for purchasing meal tickets. You must now purchase your meal ticket within two weeks prior to your arrival on the campus. You should go to www.netcmealtickets.com to order your meal ticket. The selection should be based on the length of the course (using the travel dates listed in the letter). If you have questions regarding your meal ticket, please call 301-447-1551. • Everyone staying on campus, regardless of the length of stay, must purchase a meal ticket for the week. Participants staying off campus will have the option of purchasing a meal ticket or individual meals. Everyone staying off campus sharing in the breaks must purchase a break ticket payable in the cafeteria. • Full week - $121.00 • 4 lunches - $27.56 • 4 breaks - $16.96 In Attendance: • Immediately upon arriving at NETC you are required to sign in at C West. You need only show up and sign in to receive your campus identification badge and room key. • Students are required to meet with the Higher Education staff as directed. A short, mandatory meeting will be planned and all students will be notified in advance. • Students are required to be on time and in attendance at all of the morning plenary sessions, their assigned breakout session and for all other assignments. • Students are required to take notes during their assigned breakout session. Students need to ensure they have their own recording supplies (notepad, pen, laptop, etc), as no supplies will be provided. • Students are required to take notes during the entire assigned session. Often sessions will consist of more than one topic and have multiple presenters. 4

Students are responsible for completing other assigned duties, as directed by the Higher Education Program Assistant and Dr. Cox. Note: Extra duties are light and may include helping pass around microphones, attendee sign-in, etc. Students are required to follow all rules and regulations of the NETC campus.

Post Symposium • All student reporters will meet in M building computer lab on Thursday, June 8, 1:00 p.m. to write the first draft of your report. • Students are required to complete their reports per the provided guidelines. Dr. Cox and Program Assistant will provide guidelines. • Student reports will be reviewed by Dr Brent Cox and the Higher Education program staff. Incomplete reports or reports in need of revision will be returned for correction. • Students are required to submit their final 3-4 page project to Dr. Brent Cox.

If you have questions about the Hi Ed Symposium Student Volunteer Intern program please contact Dr. Brent Cox, at [email protected] or 860-680-8286 or the Hi Ed Program Support Assistant, Barbara Johnson, at [email protected] or (301) 447-1452.