Community Engagement, 416.537.2455 ext. 310
. Nancy, 416.537.8222 ext. 310
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam
EMERGENCY PARKDALE COMMUNITY MEETING to welcome up to 200 government-sponsored Syrian refugees coming to Parkdale. ALL ARE WELCOME: Community residents, organizations and faith communities
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27TH , 2015 3:30 - 5:30 PM Toronto Public Library - Parkdale 1303 Queen Street West - Basement (West of Dufferin, at Cowan Avenue)
Hosted by:
Call if you need further information; otherwise come to the meeting. Julia Barnett, Director of Population Health and Community Engagement, 416.537.2455 ext. 310
[email protected] Nancy, 416.537.8222 ext. 310
[email protected]
Meeting space provided by: