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Emergency Communication and Preparedness Information At Sherwood School District, we know you entrust your children to us each day, and we do not take that responsibility lightly. The District has worked diligently over the years to establish comprehensive safety protocols and emergency procedures in order to help keep our students and staff safe -- on a daily basis, and in the unlikely event of a disaster. Please take a moment to review this page carefully, as we have included a host of information important for our parents and community members to know.
HOW CAN I BE PREPARED? In the event of an emergency, the District will communicate with parents using one or more of the following methods: ● District-generated call/email system – Your enrollment as a parent/guardian automatically updates this database with your contact information. (This is the same system from which you receive absence notifications.) ● FlashAlert – Free subscription service that alerts subscribers via cellular phone or app. ● District Home Page – Inclement weather information and other urgent notifications will be listed on an emergency alert scroll on the District home page, ● Social Media – Sherwood School District can be found on Facebook and Twitter: o o Parents can be sure they are prepared to receive prompt communication from the District by doing two things: ● ●
Ensure that parent phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contacts are up to date with school office staff and in our student information system, Synergy.
Prepare to receive information directly from FlashAlert: ○ Sign up to receive free FlashAlert messages: h ttps:// ○ Bookmark the FlashAlert newswire: ○ Download the FlashAlert Messenger app for your smart phone. It is recommended that you download the FlashAlert Messenger app if you have a smartphone, which will ensure you receive full text of emergency notifications, as some cellular providers limit characters or may delay delivery of alerts due to service area limitations.
Remember that the District will only release students to a parent, guardian or an emergency contact listed in our student information system. That adult will need to present photo ID in order to pick-up a student. DISTRICT CLOSURES Sherwood School District posts all school closure and delay information via FlashAlert Newswire. To receive the most current information, visit the FlashAlert Newswire site and register to receive these alerts. The District also uses the above-listed methods to communicate closures or delays, including the home page for the Sherwood School District, social media, and direct email/calls. PARENT-STUDENT REUNIFICATION In the event that we need to evacuate a campus and reunite students with their parents at an alternate site, we will follow a specific parent-student reunification procedure. Parents would be notified of the location and instructions for picking up their student via FlashAlert and/or our automated calling system. Revised: 11/28/17
When a parent arrives at the reunification site, they will need to present photo identification in order to pick up their child. Parents, guardians and those listed as emergency contacts in our student information system are the only adults who will be allowed to pick-up a student. Our staff will remain with and care for all students until one of these authorized adults arrives to collect them. SAFE PLACE Many of our parents of secondary students also designate an alternate, personal, safe location with their child; this might be a neighbor’s home, the library, etc., within a half-mile of the school, where their student would have access to a phone. While we never anticipate students being separated from our staff in an emergency, we know that some families take comfort in having a second location identified in advance with their student. STANDARD RESPONSE PROTOCOL (SRP) Sherwood School District, in partnership with Sherwood Police, utilizes the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for its emergency response procedure. The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) has four actions that can be performed during weather, fire and other threats to student safety, and they are: lockout, lockdown, evacuate, or shelter. The SRP vocabulary and visual icons can be quickly understood and recognized by students, staff, law enforcement, and parents. The SRP informational flyer can be found at your school office or on the District web site. All students and staff in the Sherwood School District will be trained and will drill these actions over the course of the school year. Teaching students what to do in an emergency is an important step. Sherwood School District practices this step on a regular basis through fire, earthquake, and lock-down drills. FIRE DRILLS Our schools practice evacuating the building on a monthly basis. In the event of a real fire at one of our campuses, students would be relocated to an alternate site and we would reunite parents and children through the parent-student reunification process. EARTHQUAKE DRILLS The District will conduct one district-wide drill each year, and schools will conduct additional, site-specific drills on a regular basis. In the event of a real earthquake, we would reunite parents and children through the parent-student reunification process. Our schools are equipped with supplies to care for students for an extended period of time, should that be necessary. LOCK-DOWN DRILLS Lock-down (formerly referred to as “lock-in”) is the response protocol where all students and staff are instructed to be locked down, secured within individual classrooms/offices, and there is to be no movement throughout the building. The District will conduct two district-wide drills each year, and schools will conduct additional, site-specific drills on a regular basis. During a l ock-down drill, no one is allowed to enter or exit the campus until the drill has been completed. In the event of a real lock-down emergency, parents would receive updates and instructions for reuniting with their students via FlashAlert and/or our automated calling system. Our goal is to be trained and equipped to handle any situation. We hope this information is reassuring to our families, who can be confident that we are doing everything we can to protect each and every child in our care.
Revised: 11/28/17