Mar 14, 2017 - The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace ...
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
& Article
Primordial Technology Theta
Applied for
! Strategic Business Management
Scientific Research
& Technology Innovation
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Emotional Intelligence, Perception. ! Strategic Business Management Skills ! Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation!
Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied The 9 Elements & The Heart, The 9+ Stages of Development, The Matrix 9+ Quantification of Value Tool, The 9 Families, The 9 Fields of Impact (Risk Management)
The following article has been created as a guide for the purpose of facilitating presentations on Primordial Technology Theta Methods, and Trainings. How the methods developed (utilized already for strategic business management, leadership, self-management and governance) can be as well utilized for scientific research.! The author along the article describes briefly cases in which emotional intelligence and perception are necessary. Suggests the need of a method for assessment, but as well of skills in the individuals (unless naturally present or culture/family legacy) need to be learned or trained.!
After describing some examples on how “The 9 Elements & The Heart” “The 9 Levels of Impact, 9+ Stages of Development” & “The Matrix 9+ Quantification of Human Value Tool” can be applied for strategic business; suggests the importance of the application of these methods as for the purpose of scientific research and technology innovation.! The author suggests as well a training program - similar to the one provided to coaches, and business managers, leaders (at the LDMF Foundation) - to be provided for scientists, educators, researchers, in which the principles of strategic management are applied (integrated into the Primordial Technology Theta Methods suggested: See Publications on “Methods" by the researcher).! ! FIELD: Emotional Intelligence, Perception, Strategic Thinking, Decision Making, Epistemology, Strategic Management, Matrix Thinking!
! LOCATION: Presentations are provided online and at the location The Netherlands.! ! PRESENTATION GUIDELINE! ! • • • • • • • • •
Perception, emotional intelligence, decision making! Instinct and strategic risk management! The 9 Elements & The Heart Method! The 9 Families & The Primordial Art of Risk Management! The Matrix 9+ Tool for Assessment: Quantification of the Human Value! The 9+ Stages of Development! Case study. Example of research project, how the methods has been utilized, by the researcher.! References to strategic Business Management! Introduction to the Training Program
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
"Perception. If a “rejection” response has been learned, as well the ability to perceive something new in the field of study will be blocked, cancelled, influenced, damaged or limited."!
“"Our emotional ability to deal, face, experience, a particular phenomena, is essential, for research."!
“ When i did request to one of my students to describe all experiences he/she/i” had “n relation to the menstruation cycle and the emotions, value and perceptions associated to them, one of the first responses i have received were: “a disgusting” feeling, added to a series of associations, from mother, sister to girlfriend/boyfriend, fluids, moods, and terrifying states of emotions and moods; which left such a shocking experience that as a result of the memory he/she/it were not able to focus for the purpose of research, even his/her future, happiness, would depend on his/her ability to learn on the impact hormones has along the menstrual cycle on his/her love relationship” ! < ‘ Golden Pillars " creative writing by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken >!
! !
Facing the request of utilizing the senses for the purpose of study of the menstrual cycle.The text above describes a not uncommon experience, observed in male as in female, men and women.! How this brief story is related to emotional intelligence, perception, strategic management, emotional self-management and epistemology, scientific research?!
Perception has been condition by a previous experience, now the individual learned to add a precise value, meaning, by association, to an experience. After some years, the condition becomes subconscious. Later on, it will influence communication and collaboration within (for the purpose of this example) gender and relationship field of experience, male-female relationship, love relationship, parenting, collaborative working, project management, business process development. !
A general idea is that “to perceive, sense, or notice a woman is menstruating, is something most of male will not try to do”. Unless have a positive experience with all of that the menstruation implies. Or have learned about it as a natural organic experience of human females. Eventually individuals with for example the male has learned in the field of research new associations related to medicine, therapy or biology studies, for example. But not in all cases. If an individual has already, as in this example, learned to associate a “disgusting-feeling” to the experience of menstruation (even if not mentioned along training, research or reading) the ability to learn about menstruation, to study it, will be influenced.!
This is a very simple example. A pre set condition can induce a positive relationship, useful for research, satisfaction and curiosity, or the contrary. For example. In the same case: Menstrual cycle. I have students that learned on how “a kind of primal instinct” is being triggered in their bodies, when they open themselves to sense, with all 5 senses, the menstruation of a woman. By observing what takes place within own-self, the individual (responses that vary from case to case) may realize that he experience with the senses "is stimulating". Then the suggestion of a task on research study on hormonal changes and menstrual cycle, seems to give to them the contrary effect, instead of “disgusting", an “stimulating-feeling” combined with curiosity and interest.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
For both cases, the ability of the individuals to learn, discover, appreciate, study a particular topic has been condition by information given or experienced on advanced, value and meaning learned. ! Perception: If a “rejection"has been learned, as well the ability to perceive something new in the field of study will be blocked, cancelled, influenced, damaged or limited. Our emotional ability to deal, face, experience, a particular phenomena, is essential, for research, as well as for the purpose of study, assessment, communication, collaboration, quantification, value, strategic thinking, decision making, self-management, leadership, management, governance.!
A common test to students in medicine, is their ability to stand blood, and to sense the organs of a body that has been opened for the purpose of surgery.!
According to my experience and studies: a phenomena that is not appreciated or induces a response of “rejection" can not be integrated as part of a professional or labor task, as research, management or communication topic efficiently. !
But on the contrary, if given the case, information has been given on advanced about it, assigning a level of meaning, relevance or importance to the task, in relation to a structure or frame of reference, which makes the individual able to make a choice: to choose something that dislikes, as for the purpose of achieving a goal of a greater value than the comfortable and harmonious state of one-self.!
The case of a menstruation perceived with 5 senses, may be an experience every one may relate to. But what if there is something less familiar, but still enough important, in terms of how much the perception of an individual would be influenced, with a pre set condition, and thanks to a particular level of emotional ability to interact with such phenomena (emotional intelligence) a decision, choice will be made and meaning, value, will be given?!
Lets try one more example, related to known cases in universal history: Consider for example, the assessment of the enemy capacity to destroy own country. Individuals in charge of national defense will need to engage in such type of assessment. If fear or a learned arrogant nationalism, lead the assessment, a blind spot, a perception deficiency will be integrated to the assessment process, the lack of objectivity may end in a terrible outcome for a nation.!
Cases in history, have been documented. When the image that sustained the spirit of a military troop had to be forced to work, even under impossible conditions, that will end up destroying own military force or the country failing in self-defense. The lack of ability of the leadership, to predict such kind of event, is a matter of emotional intelligence, perception and strategic thinking, influenced by the pre set condition of a learned belief, that hold the spirit of the militia: “our nation is superior” for example. The russian winter, may have been part of those stories several times; as well the middle east desserts, or the higher peaks of the alps, or the powerful waters and winds of “tierra de fuego”, or the rainforest in Viet-Nam. And those are just examples given by nature, in which military forces decided to do not perceive nor predict a risk and instead of, decided to set an strategy designed actually to fail. !
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
In some cases, the contrary took place. Here another story: The Inka empire in south America may have surrounded a valley, played drums and pipes, for weeks, control water and food, with the intention to create fear and disempowerment in the leadership and people of communities, small cultures, living in such of a valley. Later on the valley will surrender. The local culture will decide to give away their leadership family (All royal family, and leaders, wise people, will be brought to another region of the Inka Empire), accept new beliefs, forbidden own language and costumes, and take new laws and leadership as theirs. Few laws: Not to kill, not to steal, not to lie. Three laws that appear simple but enough strong and capable of creating ("culture-generation engine”, research study by the researcher) a new culture. !
Under a system of oppression, where all property that was before of own parents belongs now to the Inka, a rebellious attitude may have rises naturally. Hunger, working on the field, collecting fruits of a land that was their own a generation ago, and now being forced to eat only when the Inka and as much the Inka, will let them eat. A story as follows, will have repeat itself several times : “ the youngest brother steal a fruit. A military Inka Guard noticed. The older brother, by knowing the law, realized the little brother will be killed. The military Guard asks the older brother if the youngest one did steal the fruit. The older brother will lie, both of them will be condemned to death. So both fight and kill the guard,” and escape. Not to lie, not to steal and not to kill laws have been broken so easily. Both brothers will be hunted down.!
What is the emotional capacity of the individual to predict such of an event to take place, master own instinct, desire of food, even when deeply hungry, by knowing (having the information) that to steal, will lead to lie, will lead to self-defense. Just the act of self-defense would be considered as an intent to kill (a representative of the Inka). How the Inkas knew, how to design 3 simples laws, that will bring all their enemies within the empire to fail?!
The Inkas knew how instinct can be pre-condition, with such a powerful setting (Inkas own all the land and wealth of the empire, every citizen is enforced to work for the Inkas and accept their laws, language and culture, and give all production to the inka, (not even a fruit could be taken, before the dates the Inkas would normally decide the % of the property, wealth, crops, left for the local community). With such a setting, a hungry passioned individual will be naturally enforced to fail. Daily life designed by the Inkas, as well a structure based on oppression. Laws that seems to be healthy for a community, end up becoming tools for domination.!
! Laws that may be appreciated otherwise, can be also the reason of great suffering and trauma.! !
Another example: At the hills of Ireland villages, the highlander families received the visit of a military troop, mercenary, willing to take property, wealth, women, by force. Families had few minutes to set a strategy for survival. Women realized immediately that the hunter-farmer force of the local male was not strong enough for protecting the village. The following question rises in the women: how to protect my husband, how to protect my children, how to survive? following strategic decisions were made: a couple hide and escape. Within another family, the women offered herself to the bandits asking them to dominate the man but not to kill him. In another family, both man and women take swords and decide to fight together (and to die together in ". In another family, the intent of negotiation with the bandits failed. In another family, the children were sent away, while the parents burned the house and crops, and distracted the bandits.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
How many possibilities there are available to the individual, couple, under such kind of dramatic survival condition? will the woman follow the command and directions given by the man, or will she take over and make a choice, wishing to save all that can be saved? In which point communication, collaboration, do not work any more, under high pressure, survival conditions and decision making needs on strategic risk management ?!
Even if the families would have trained on decision making and strategy, predicting a possible future, would have them all react according to the training ? is training enough for emotional self-management (emotional intelligence, perception, decision making and ability of response) ?!
Would all women and men, have reached the same type of ideal choice, ideal strategy (thanks to their training) ? Would have their emotional ability for assessment be advanced and clear enough, facing the fact that in few minutes will have a powerful man-warrior force invading, intrusively dominating their villages?!
I would like to give you another example: Plato described 5 elements in his study of nature. In modern times, scientific studies intent to be as objective as possible, there for focussed on validation of theories that can be confirmed through mechanical science, or otherwise the nature of phenomena perceived by the senses. As earth, water, fire and wind, were known by every one as natural “forces”, but the fifth element “ether" was of “unknown" nature then most of the reflections of Plato would have been considered as of a philosophical nature, and not referring the tangible reality, but as abstractions.!
Within that context and background: the within the task of a question that rises when a modern scientist research on how the 4 natural elements can be combined for the purpose of design of an engine, the idea of including ether in the design, will not be perceived as necessary. For an engine, water, fire and wood (wind) will be enough. Then Metal (earth originated material) will be necessary as material for the vessel that gives form to the engine. So the first vapor engine was made. According to a modern scientist, ether never played a role. As no one can see ether being utilized at all. Ether is in their terms not existent.!
In the book “The 9 Elements & The Heart Book 01” (by the same author, researcher) i describe how ether plays an important role. Every design, blue print, is associated to the element ether. As design takes place only within the field of cognition, emotion, perception, activity, of the class: ether. !
In that sense, ether was present, in the design of the engine, along the process of its design, and in the creation of the design, the graphic, technical, engineering design of it. Ether in this sense is not perceived as a substance similar to water, but as a field. !
Now, consider that water, may be vapor and in that phase of matter will be also not perceived. Yet, every one agree that water exist. Under certain circumstances will not be noticed by common senses. But by theory one assumes water is there. Even can not be seen.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
If there is a substance not yet discovered, that facilitates the necessary “material/substance for cognition, or design process, or blue print creation" we will one day know. We have no evidence of that substance. But as a field of activities, a class, that offers a unique set of phenomena, cognitive, emotional, thinking experiences, the process of design, exist. We will call it ether, for the purpose of this example, and describe it as a field, in which design activities take place.!
With “The 9 Elements & The Heart” field of study, the method, classes, that organize together a series of phenomena (cognitive, emotional, perception, function, purpose, thinking, decision making, management activities) will be utilized and the assessment of a whole situation, will be facilitated, through a method, that is able to bring together the subconscious self, consciously, the subjective world of an individual, to be managed objectively. This is the main aim of "the 9 elements and the heart method” to create a mirror and a tool for self-management, which operates with the subconscious mind, self, consciously.!
The 9 fields of the 9 elements, give also insight into 9 fields of emotions, decision making and risk management. Unique skills, perception, cognitive, decision making and emotional intelligence is necessary for activities organized in each field.!
Ether, may be as a substance, not yet perceivable, but the field of it, and all that it implies, can be understood and managed with the method described in the book: “The 9 Elements & The Heart”.!
The question arises: Which type of emotional intelligence is necessary for the purpose of strategic management at each of the 9 fields?!
In the book, by the same author: “The 9 Families, The Primordial Art or Risk Management” 9 stages of development of the human individual are suggested. It means 9 possible modalities of making a choice, design of strategy, management, at each of the 9 fields. While in the same book, as well 9 fields of impact has been described. It means 9 levels of impact a decision may have (Individual, couple, team/family, organization, culture/location, several locations, multiculture/multilocations, global sustainable development management, global culture and civilization development)!
Which conditions, skills, abilities, need to have an individual, in order to impact reality at as many levels as possible simultaneously, and in the 9 fields of the elements, with a great holistic balanced life caring, life sustaining value ? which stages of development would be those that are correlated with such of an ability, and how could those stages of human development be represented or identified?!
"The Matrix 9+ Quantification of value Tool", by the researcher, author, offers a multidimensional matrix for assessment, and a graph based representation, pattern, to be observed along a time line, for the purpose of identification or finding of a set of skills and foundation, bottom line, of capacity or abilities, how these sets of abilities evolve or get perfected in time, and which is the foundation, stable, set of skills and individuals has, as well as the individual ability of learning, evolving.!
An individual that scores high, in this complex matrix, should be able to develop more complex processes, with high efficient, simple, less energy invested performance, that reach with a high level impact several fields.! Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
This type of complex matrix type of human individual can be found, mostly at high level of management (business, governance, leadership), but as well in complex multi dimensional research, decision making, or strategic management roles.!
For the perception of the author, researcher, emotional intelligence (and emotional self-management skills) play an essential role, for strategic management in the fields of business, governance, military, (seems to be clear, obvious). Less obvious but tangible: in the field of family, community, even personal development and life path. It is still easy to notice that in the field of self-management, would be as well important. !
In this article we intent to suggest that for the purpose of research, emotional intelligence, perception, emotional self-management, will be as well extremely important. Notice how many times a researcher needs to make a choice, do an interpretation of data, describe a theory, find a theory, assign value (meaning, content) to numbers, agree on results of findings, assessment, conclusions, implications, correlations, impact, ….!
Every little choice, has a great level of impact: for example: technology, decisions associated to the use of technology and application of it in the industry or in private lives, value of events associated or studies, will be in close or later future, judged based on the result of a scientific study. Then: How the study has been utilized, perceived, is important and responsibility of the scientific community. !
Then, it is important to notice that the process of scientific research, would need of several of those decisions. Perception and emotional intelligence will be necessary!
In the search of a method, that ensures a scientist to have the opportunity to consider / integrate several perceptions (Structure of classes, the 9 elements) along the same study, “the 9 Elements & the Heart “ “The 9 Families & The Primordial Art or Risk Management” will give a frame of classes, fields, and within them: perception, emotional intelligence will be applied, decisions will be made (registered) , and eventually a whole process of research and study will find a more holistic, objective, conscious and balanced, towards life care, results.!
For example: The author, researcher, is now active organizing study circles, dedicated to the study of hormonal changes influences along the menstrual cycle on abilities of communication, collaboration, decision making, cocreation, within the 1.) love relationship, 2.) parenting, 3.) business management, 4.) self-management, and 5.) professional development fields.!
The impact the hormonal changes has in women, for the purpose of this study, is registered through a series of questions and answers, that belongs to activities of the 9 fields of the 9 elements. As well suggested are questions on decision making with impact at the 9 levels of impact.!
Along the study, a set of score lines, give to the study group members, an indirect reference, regarding to their modality, how do they solve problems. Giving indirect reference to 9 stages of development they can perceive in themselves and the next stage they wish to achieve or reach.!
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
The process of online assessment, by utilizing the 9 elements and the heart tool, the risk management guidelines (fields of impact) and the 9 stages of development has been successful. !
We have now a lot more insight into how the hormonal changes can create an impact in a global scale, but as well in a family house hold scale. Thanks to the use of the 9 elements, we can identify the fields in which women, love relationship, find the greater challenges and as well how those challenges suggest a track in which an innovative solution, that compensates, is feasible to be discovered or created. We can also notice how professional life and strategic management skills are influenced.!
Since the charts and methods have been made available to the scientific community, the author and researcher, will be very glad to know, scientists to utilize the methods, for the review of their own research and applications of it. !
The 9 Elements & The Heart method has been created in principle as a tool for strategic business management. Here the question: How research is related to strategic management ?!
As briefly described above, for the purpose of strategic risk management, the 9 elements, the 9 fields of impact of decision making, the 9 stages of development, will be observed in each individual member of a team with decision making ability: emotional intelligence, perception, decision making skills under challenging conditions, cultural deficiencies, pre-conditions, will be observed.!
For the purpose of strategic management, leadership, self-management, governance skills training, the author will choose gamification as the most direct path for training. At the LDMF Foundation, for example, projects, roles as volunteer, intern, team member, have been gamified and the role players need to complete training that will be later utilized for accomplishing tasks in those games, that serves as process track, for a project to be developed. In general, a learning by doing, program, that develop skills on the field, through a gamified environment (process), and training.!
The team members will also learn the art of self-assessment, and how to utilize Primordial Technology Theta Methods, tools, for their work. Self-Management, leadership, strategic management, project management, risk management, team communication, collaboration, cocreation, strategy design, process management, decision making skills will be challenged. !
In particular, in the field of research, the Primordial Technology theta Tools will be utilized in order to refine and adjust the purpose of research, but mostly its applications (with commercial value, for example) , development of solutions, or identification of challenges, weaknesses strength, opportunities, at each of the 9 fields of the elements, the 9 levels of impact or the 9 stages of development.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
In the field of project management and strategic business management, for example, will be observed that first the project need to reach a stability in the triad of the first 3 elements: earth, water and fire (The under-world triad) ; before it starts design and planning of the impact on the additional 3 elements, the triad of the earth ground: heart, ether and wind. The third triad of the elements will be considered as a third stage.!
As well, the modality of operation of the project, will color the strategic management and decision making of the project: If the path to solve challenges will be of levels 1,2,3 or 4 (9+ Stages of development), solving challenges based on conflict resolution, agreements and laws, application of universal and natural principles, laws, or power based manipulative strategies or a more profound knowledge of reality and human nature origin.!
According to the choices of a team, the game will be designed, and the training will follow. For those that wishes to develop ability of problem solving by conflict resolution, strategic management skills, will be challenged with a 9 levels of impact cases, in which they need to deal with conflict against powerful forces or counter parts. !
At level 2 on the contrary, the challenge would be more of social management, or policy design, or collaboration agreements.!
For those with interest into training on level 4 and 5, more advanced complexity will be suggested, as for example to deal with culture-generation A.I. engines or belief and high level of emotional intelligence, culture complexity, perception, integrated to the project. As for example would be to deal with religious or cultural issues, or sustainable global development projects context. !
How these type of games, can serve a researcher that would like to advance own ability for scientific study ?!
Every time a new element is being utilized as a reference for perception, a new stage of development or level of impact, the researcher must shift perception and adjust emotional intelligence, decision making ability, value, strategy, and thinking, to the new reality presented, or the new sight of the reality of the research study presented. this type of mind, perception and emotional training, expand the ability of the researcher: thinking, perceiving, feeling, making choices, designing strategy out of the box. Every choice made has an impact, which can be registered as well in the Matrix 9+, every process, takes place in the field of a challenge that serves as track for the development of a skills, to its next stage of development; every condition is an opportunity for evolving, learning, amplifying benefits, advancing own stage of development, culture and civilization.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Consider a solid studied through geometric description of the sides of the solid, perceived from different standing, view, points. The reality of the solid must be perceived again.!
This type of mind, perception and emotional training, expand the ability of the researcher: thinking, perceiving, feeling, making choices, designing strategy out of the box. Every choice made has an impact, which can be registered as well in the Matrix 9+, every process, takes place in the field of a challenge that serves as track for the development of a skills, to its next stage of development; every condition is an opportunity for evolving, learning, amplifying benefits, advancing own stage of development, culture and civilization.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
For the purpose of research, to organize data, conclusions and implications according to the 9 fields (9 elements), 9 levels of impact and 9 stages of development, would give to the researcher as well a broad perspective of own research and give to him/her/it the possibility to identify new decisions to be made, on how to develop the research process, and following research projects associated to the same field of research.! For the purpose of development of innovative technology, solutions, know how, based on a research project, the use of Primordial Technology Theta as a frame for perception, and emotional intelligence applied, will bring clarity to the researcher, on interrelations, correlations, influences and implications that fields of study (9 elements) have with each other. ! Solutions will be developed with more precision, and greater holistic impact.!
It is the purpose of the researcher and author, to collaborate with scientific research studies, by providing training, coaching on the use of these methods, as well strategic management insight. Key training programs on perception, emotional intelligence, decision making are priority of the author, for their experiential nature. With a first benefit in the field of self-management and leadership.While it is the main intention of the author and researcher to collaborate with scientists and entrepreneurs.!
Since 2017, the author, researcher, and the LDMF Foundation, provide training, consultancy and support to researchers and technology innovators, as to entrepreneurs in technology innovation field, in strategic business management and as well in research, by utilizing the tools described in this presentation. Our focus is on perception and emotional intelligence, emotional self-management and decision making. !
The training programs are gamified, provided along 1 full day or weekend. Coaching and training is as well provided online, e-learning trainings and e-forums for e-group coaching are available, Ensuring they possibility of researchers and entrepreneurs world wide to receive support provided by the LDM Foundation for the use of these methods.!
2700 pages of publications has been made available by the LDMF Foundation since 2016, giving a background that is technical, strategic, methodological and examples on application of methods, to every organization, entrepreneur and scientist interested.!
e- Learning programs, useful for practice of the methods described in this document, are already available at UDEMY: emotional time management, "and “decision making”, and soon one will be published on the influence hormonal changes that take place along the menstrual cycle have on men and women, in the fields of entrepreneurship, and scientific research.! ! The LDMF Foundation wishes with these presentations to reach the scientific community and inspire them to consider the use of these tools for their scientific research and entrepreneurial challenges (strategic management). My wish as author and researcher, is of collaboration with the development of a global culture and civilization that engages into peace and life care, care for culture, family, heritage, able to create innovative technology, generate wealth, create a new future for humanity, legacy. I wish these methods will be used world wide, at universities and research organizations.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
About Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken!
! Complete profile at:! ! • •
• •
Business Consultant, Coach and Trainer. With Multidisciplinary studies: Science & Math for engineering, I.T., Business, Education & Personal Development. ! He has been dedicated to Business Know How Development since 1993, through the study of laws, cycles, rhythms and principles of nature, biohacking, personal development and human potential. His know how has been upgraded since 2000 several times, now known as Prime Tech Theta, includes assessment tools, strategy and decision making tools, methods for the quantification of value, score card, as well as Training programs for self-management, coaching, team building and personal development.! He provides holistic training programs, in which personal development and self-management is integrated to practical daily life business needs and the complex multidimensional matrix type of analysis a modern company needs for a global market.! With experience in business consultancy, and business entrepreneurship, since the year 2000, in countries like Chile, Peru, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Finland and The Netherlands; as well have provided coaching and training services online since 2007.! He is dedicated to research in the field of human potential since 1996 and multidisciplinary and multicultural team building since 1987, applied to business, and in the last few years applied to peace and culture. Since 2015 has been dedicated to the gamification of own training programs.! As Founder and Chairman of the LDMF Foundation is dedicated to research and technology innovation, since 2016. ! Since 2012 he is dedicated to work on social issues, related to peace, human rights, non violence, ethics, economy, family. Already engaged into sustainable development projects, street children programs, since 1995. Developed communication for development, and empowering community, through culture exchange and technology transfer, global citizenship, since 2002.! Through the LDMF Foundation, he has integrated his business and human potential know how, into projects and products dedicated to community, culture and family care. Integrating his know how into a training program for coaches, and trainers, with a futurist approach.! Main Trainer and designer of the content of the training programs provided at the “Futurist Coach School”, of the LDMF Foundation, creator of the Matrix 9+ Multidimensional Strategy Board Game and the designer of the Strategic Leadership Training Program.! Mr Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is also an author, published more than 100 e-books dedicated to innovation in the field of business management, peace & personal development since 2007. Futurist, visionary in business, technology innovation and social entrepreneurship, design and suggests new strategies necessary for the development and advancement of a global culture and civilization.
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken
The LDMF Foundation Presentation: Strategic Business Management Skills Applied for Scientific Research & Technology Innovation. Emotional Intelligence, Perception. Primordial Technology Theta Methods Applied.
2017.03.14. The Netherlands 19 pages
by The LDMF Foundation
Stichting (Foundation) Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
! !
The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights.
In the research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures.
In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups.
We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors.
As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care.
As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy. Register & Postal Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, c/o KIK Accountants, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
Stichting Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken The LDMF Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to 3 fields of work: Research (Innovation Technology), Business, Peace & Human Rights. In the Research field we focus on biohacking, study of principles, laws, rhythms and cycles of nature for the development of new technologies, business management know how; A.I. Human Potential Studies, Human Genome, Longevity & Ancient Cultures. In the field of business we provide Business Consultancy, Futurism, Coaching & Training services, as well an incubation program for start ups. We provide education, coaching and consultancy services for public and private sectors. As well we do design and develop projects dedicated to peace, human rights, culture and family care. As a not for profit organization, our i am is to design strategies & technology for the development of an advanced global culture & civilization in peace, where human rights are observed, non violence and ethics are practiced, family, life sustainability and heritage are priority.
RSIN: 856450923 KvK-nummer 66225345 SBI-code: 94996 - Overige ideële organisaties Research, innovation, technology en consultancy Address: Groenekanseweg 246 A, 3737AL Groenekan, Utrecht Region, The Netherlands
copyright by The LDMF Foundation stichting luis daniel maldonado fonken