Jan 6, 2011 - certificate from the President of the. College. In addition, a parking space is reserved for ... Richard L
Empire Writes Back
Volume 11, Issue 1, Spring 2011
Leading the Way ... Students of the M onth Month Jesus Solorio and Eldridge Gardner The Student of the Month Award recognizes
outstanding achievement in five categories:
Known as a bit of a
attitude, attendance, grades, participation, and
“trickster,” Eldridge
significant accomplishments.
can be counted
The Student of the Month’s photo-
upon to contribute
graph is added to the “Wall of Fame,” and
in a positive manner
he/she receives a recognition letter and
to any classroom
certificate from the President of the
discussion. He is
College. In addition, a parking space is
always supportive
reserved for the student during the month
and encouraging of
of the award.
other students.
JANUARY— Jesus is characterized by his
Commuting from Pittsburg in the East Bay each
teachers as patient, mature, compassionate
day, Eldridge has maintained Dean’s Honors and
and professional.” Quiet but focused, with
high attendance. His goal is to work in the hotel
his goals clearly in front of him, he is not
industry, and he is well on his way through an
afraid to ask questions and find out
internship with Marriott hotels.
“why.” He cares about doing his best and has been an outstanding inspiration to others.
EMPIRE COLLEGE 3035 Cleveland Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Tel: 707.546.4000 Fax: 707.546.4058
[email protected] www .empcol.edu www.empcol.edu
Accounting and Bookkeeping
Information TTechnology echnology
Tammy Bebeau is a house manager for Redwood Gospel Mission. Jeaneil Dunlap is employed with Lewis Mechanical Services in administrative support. Natasha James is a bookkeeper for Sonoma Travel Service. Brianna McBride is a bookkeeper for Christopher’s Inn in Calistoga. Kristine McIntyre is employed with Bareis MLS as an accounting clerk. Heidie Nicholes is an accountant/office manager for H & R Block.
Richard Lyon is an IT network technician for Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County. Sean McDonnell is employed with ICON Computers. Scott McPherson is working as a PC technician for Summit State Bank. Jon Nussbaum, a 2008 graduate, is now employed with Walt Disney Studios as a technical support engineer. Ross Petersen is an IT technician with Endsight. Job News Continued... Page 9
The School of Law
In Brief
Tell a Friend...Informational Law Seminar The next Law School Informational Seminar is planned for Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. The guest speakers are Gail Flatt, Attorney at Law, Empire Class of 1982; and criminal defense attorney, Steven Spiegelman, Empire Class of 1993. Gail Flatt is a partner in the firm of Provencher & Flatt LLP. She has practiced in Santa Rosa for nearly 30 years. Her practice emphasizes employment law, business and real estate litigation, and disability rights. She is also a trained mediator. Steve Spiegelman worked for the Sonoma County Public Defender’s Office from 19941996. In 1996, he opened his private practice. In 2001 Mr. Spiegelman obtained an acquittal on the first medical marijuana case in Sonoma County in the legendary case, People vs. MacFarlane.
Law School Graduation The Law School Class of 2011 graduation will be held on Sunday, June 5, 2011 at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts. The ceremony begins at 3:00 p.m. and will be followed by a reception. The commencement speaker will be the Honorable Patrick M. Broderick, former Dean of the Law School. Professor Carr will speak on behalf of the faculty. Steve Spiegelman, Esq.
New Administrative Staff and Faculty in the Law School
Gail Flatt, Esq.
The Law School Welcomes: William A. Robertson, Dean. After seven years on the faculty, Professor Robertson was appointed Dean in January, 2011. Russell B. Hildreth, Esq. is a Deputy California Attorney General in the Natural Resources Law Section in Sacramento. He is a UC Davis Law graduate and member of the Order of the Coif and will be teaching Environmental Law. Joel R. Rubin, Esq., a local attorney and certified family law practitioner will teach a newly designed elective: Contemplative Practices and Legal Practice. Debbie Tansey, Admissions Officer and Empire Business School graduate, who comes to us from Agilent. Bert Terreri, Esq. will partner with Professor Aiona in offering a Discovery Workshop elective this summer.
Moot Court Team Selected Congratulations to Beki Berrey and Lisa Cortina for being selected to represent the Law School in the 2011 Roger J. Traynor Moot Court Competition. Student Abigail Bridgman has assisted the team with extensive preparations. The team is being coached by Professor Connie Burnett and recently submitted their brief for judging. They are now practicing for the oral argument competition that will be held in San Francisco this April. We wish the team and their coach the best of luck!!
Small Claims Clinic Hits Another Milestone Empire College’s Small Claims Advisory Clinic claims another milestone by serving over 13,000 people since its inception in December of 2005. Congratulations to Professors Kadin Blonski and Greg Schrader and all the students supporting the community needs through the Small Claims Clinic.
Dean’s Council
Retro Kadee Gilliland proudly represents the Law School’s 60s bulletin board celebrating some of the amazing laws that still impact us today as we celebrate Empire College’s 50th Golden Jubilee.
Ten law students have volunteered to be the charter members of the newly established Dean’s Council which kicked off with their first meeting at the end of March. The Council will meet regularly to discuss matters other than discipline, curriculum, and faculty recruitment. The purpose of this council is to discuss issues pertaining to student life and success at the law school.
1961 Flashback Bulletin Boards Kudos to Kadee Gilliland, Joann Cleckner, and a somewhat reluctant helper Bill Seubert for their prize-winning representation of 1961 law and The Supremes. Empire College departments presented the past via bulletin boards. The second place prize winnings of $200 will be donated to a local, legal non-profit agency.
Paralegal Department News Certified Legal Assistant/Paralegal Workshop On February 26th, the Redwood Empire Association of Paralegals (REAP) held a workshop at Empire College to prepare paralegals and paralegal students to take the CLA/ CP (Certified Legal Assistant/Certified Paralegal) Exam. The 18 paralegals and paralegal students at the workshop spent the day learning about the various substantive and procedural parts of this challenging two-day exam for certification given by the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA). On May 13 and 14, the exam will be proctored at Empire College. This is the first time that the CLA/CP Exam will be offered this side of San Francisco and many paralegals are taking advantage of this close proximity to further their careers with this certification.
Legal Research Class Tours the New Sonoma County Law Library On January 6, 2011, the day Legal Research class was able to take a tour of the newly reopened Sonoma County Law Library at its new location on Ventura Avenue. They were given the tour by the director of the law library, Kim Tucker.
ELSA Volunteers Assist Lawyers with a Heart Legal Aid’s annual February fundraiser, Lawyers With Heart, was a great success. Our ELSA (Empire Legal Student Association) student volunteers were wonderful. They were helpful and professional. Legal Aid estimates that it made $56,000 gross for this event. The attorneys and judges were very generous and spent around 30 percent more this year than last year on the silent and live auctions and the raffle. The funds will go towards Legal Aid’s Child Abuse Prevention Program.
ELSA Officers Honored On February 16th, ELSA handed out awards for excellence to the outgoing ELSA Board members: Vice President Danielle Beasley, President Deanna Martin, and Treasurer Brenda Cunningham. Congratulations are in order, as well, for the outgoing evening ELSA Board members: Susan Demers, President, and Kristen Bauer, Vice President.
Top L-R: Carmen Hobbs, Brenda Cunningham, Sunny Grechko, Anastasia McCrary (Brenda and Anastasia each won scholarships for $275 to cover the cost of the examination fee for the CLA Exam. Sunny won two CLA prep books. Carmen and Brenda both won copies of the California Paralegal, a resource book for paralegals in California, published by Cengage) Bottom L-R: Laura Rosenthal, JD (Asst. Legal Dept. Head, Empire), Grace de la Torre, CLA (Paralegal for Anderson, Zeigler, Disharoon, Gallagher & Grey, Instructor at Empire), Monica Lehre, CLA (Legal Dept. Head, Empire), Trudy McQuiddy (Paralegal for Senneff, Freeman, & Bluestone)
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Semi-annual graduation a Celebration of Success Semiannual Commencement Exercises were held for 150 graduates of the Business School at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts on Monday evening, January 17, 2011. Keith Woods, CEO of North Coast Builders Exchange, delivered the commencement address; Cindy Hanna offered remarks on behalf of the faculty; and accounting major Hayley Dailey represented the graduates. Six students were presented awards from Empire College, and another twelve graduates received awards from publishers and professional organizations. In addition, award winners received certificates of recognition from the State Assembly Member who represents their district and from State Senator Noreen Evans.
You are never too old; it is never too late; and education never stops. ~Cindy Hanna (based on the book “Live, Learn & Pass It On”) Sure-Fire Secrets to Success : 1. Become a quick-change artist.
4. Manage your own morale.
2. Commit fully to your job.
5. Practice kaizen.
3. Add value.
6. Stay in school.
7. Develop the greatest work ethic that you can.
~ Keith Woods (from “New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World”) EMPIRE COLLEGE OUTSTANDING GRADUATE AWARDS Accounting Hayley Dailey Infor mation Technolog nformation echnologyy John Mills Legal Megan Cromwell Medical Theresa Revei Tour ism, H ospitality and Wine ourism, Hospitality Kent Stewart Enlightened Hospitality Staci Sheets
PUBLISHER AND ORGANIZATION AWARDS Califor nia M edical Assistants Association A war d for M edical Assisting alifornia Medical Awar ward Medical Blanca Castaneda Cengage Lear ning A ccounting A war d Learning Accounting Awar ward Jenni Garloff d Cengage Lear ning IInfor nfor mation Technolog war echnologyy A Awar ward Learning nformation Ronald Murray Cengage Lear ning Legal A war d Learning Awar ward Danielle Beasley Kaiser P er manente M edical SStudent tudent A chiev ement A war d Per ermanente Medical Achiev chievement Awar ward Jesus Solorio Institute of M anagement A ccountants A war d Management Accountants Awar ward Kristopher Hood Lippincott H ealth Sciences A war d Health Awar ward Angelina Harmon and Charity Wells McG raw-H ill P ublishing Company O utstanding SStudent tudent A war d McGraw-H raw-Hill Publishing Outstanding Awar ward Stacey Washington Pearson E ducation SSpir pir it A war d Education pirit Awar ward Michael Peace Redwood E mpir aralegals A war d Empir mpiree Association of P Paralegals Awar ward Deborah Cain
NEXT GRADUATION: Monday, July 25 – 7 p.m. @ Wells Fargo Center ELIGIBLE GRADUATES: 4 2
Students completing their programs between February 1 and July 29, 2011, as well as medical majors who will be completing their externships by September 9, 2011.
Accounting students learn by doing...taxes Advanced accounting students at Empire College are honing their skills by assisting United Way of the Wine Country and Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County in delivering free income tax clinics to low-income residents. In order to participate in this unique, hands-on opportunity, each student became IRS certified in tax preparation. “V.I.T.A. is a tax preparation program, through the IRS, which allows people who are in certain income brackets to have their taxes prepared at no cost,” says Hayley Dailey, who is president of Empire’s student chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). “It provides extra training for accounting students and volunteers. It also allows us to have hands-on experience and gives us a chance to give back to our community.” Sally Hansen, Financial Services Program Manager for Community Action Partnership, appreciates the dedication of their volunteers. “Empire College students are an invaluable asset to the Earn It! Keep It! $ave It! Coalition,” says Sally. “They volunteered their time as tax preparers helping to prepare over 700 returns last year. After tax season they raised funds to support this valuable service.” Adds Sally, “This year Empire College students along with one of their professors proposed that they open an additional site in Santa Rosa to serve additional taxpayers. They show a true commitment to using their skills to serve the local community.”
Advanced accounting students at Empire College help lowincome residents with their taxes.
VITA Kick-Off Event Accounting students’ VITA kick-off event on January 29 was a great success! Lots of people showed up for appointments, and they had a good number of volunteers come help. There was a little “glitch” ... the TaxWise server went down for a little over an hour, but the volunteers still got about 20 returns done for clients! It was a great experience for the newcomers to watch the more experienced volunteers move through the process with the clients. The money raised with Empire’s fundraisers paid for the snacks for the clients and volunteers, so no one was hungry! Student volunteers met several of the people who work with United Way for VITA. All in all, it was a great day and we’re looking forward to more successful VITA days!
Accounting Students Hone Their Public Speaking Skills Good job to Spencer Simons, Melissa Gudino, and Angela Zevon! They went to Petaluma and Rancho Cotati High Schools to do a presentation to ROP students about income taxes. The presentation included a PowerPoint slideshow and completing a 1040EZ.
Student Mentors Lyndasue Christensen – My background is primarily in the financial industry, most recently as a mortgage originator. When the last three offices I worked for all closed, I decided it was time to move on to something more stable. I made myself a promise several years ago that I would have my Associates Degree before my first child turned 18 years old...I graduate with my degree in September 2011and my son turns 18 in October 2011! I am honored to be your student mentor and support you in achieving your goals also!
Melissa Gudino – I started here at Empire in June of 2010, and I have never been happier with a decision before. I graduated high school in 2008 and worked almost full-time at a deadend job while taking some classes here and there at the junior college, but I was never really fully dedicated and I felt I was going nowhere. I have always known Empire had a great reputation, but when I found out there was a degree program in accounting, I decided to enroll. I now love coming to school everyday because I finally hit a point in my life where I know exactly what it is I want to do and what I must do to get there. I love feeling challenged in class and enjoy participating in the IMA student chapter here at Empire as the Vice President.
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Golden Jubilee 2011 Q1 event honors students Following 50 days of blog and Facebook postings, in which students had an opportunity to win daily $50 cash prizes, Empire College students were honored and celebrated at a 60s themed party. Complete with music (remember the twist?), crazy hairstyles and false eyelashes, and office equipment that looks super-sized and clunky by today’s standards, the Student Lounge was transformed into the “Rumpus Room.” The menu included all things 60s: hot dogs, Coca Cola, Fritos (they came out in 1961, the year Empire College was founded), Lemonheads, DumDums, Hershey kisses (colored wrappers were launched in 1961), and cupcakes. Which is to say that the 60s were not known for healthy food, but it was definitely fun food! Drawings were held for $1550 worth of prizes, including gas and grocery cards, as well as the 40" Sony flatscreen television to paralegal student Meghan Hunt. Congratulations to all of the winners from Empire College’s 50th Anniversary Party. We are pleased and proud to have honored you, our fabulous students! Meghan reports that she is enjoying her new TV very much!
Above: The IT Department won the bulletin board contest. They are donating their $300 prize to Autism Speaks.
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Medical D epar tment N ews Depar epartment News A number of Empire’s students, faculty and staff went Red for Women with the national American Heart Association campaign on Friday, February 4. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in women, and people across the nation raised awareness by wearing red.
Meet Our Mentors RaeLeene Adams – I started the Medical Associate Degree program in November of 2009, and it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The program is great and the teachers are fun and make it easy to learn, after returning back to school after so many years. We experimented with moving to another state to try and make a better living for our family of five, but when I realized I couldn’t support my family with a high school education in a state that is supposedly known for easy living, we high tailed it back to California (after three months) and the day I returned I was on the phone to an Empire College Admissions Officer. We missed the weather, family, friends and of course the beaches. Currently I am a full-time student and a “Domestic Engineer” of three of the most amazing, supportive, beautiful children, and don’t even get me started on my husband of 15 years. Without their support and inspiration, my educational experience would be really difficult. Jessica Berringer – I have been attending Empire College since December 2009, and I have been enjoying every minute of it. After being laid-off from my job in August, I couldn’t seem to find any work, so I decided to go back to school. I have lived in Sonoma County for most of my life and knew what a great reputation Empire College has, so when I was deciding what school I would attend, I knew that Empire College would be a great fit for me. I have to say that coming here has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I started out in a modified Administrative Medical Assistant program and would have graduated in June of 2010. After being here for six months and learning all that I could learn, I decided that I would continue and go for the Clinical Medical Assistant Degree program, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. Everyone here at Empire is extremely supportive in any decision you may make in life or your new career.
Medical Skills Certifications Congratulations to medical majors who have earned skills certifications during the past quarter: Barbara Abbay: Phlebotomy Kelly Adams: Injections Brianna Alvarez: Venipuncture Maria Anorga: Phlebotomy, Injections Mariah Avina: Venipuncture, Injections James Barker: Venipuncture Cherielle Beloud: Injections, Venipuncture LeAnne Chisham Katlyn Clark: Venipuncture Danielle Conte: Injections Jennifer Curtis: Venipuncture Kimberly Daniels: Venipuncture, Injections Robin De La Fuente: Phlebotomy, Injections Sonia Diosdado: Phlebotomy, Injections Patty Drips: Injections
Mylyn Estiqueta: Venipuncture Maria Fernandez: Venipuncture Karina Flores: Venipuncture Megan Franceschi: Phlebotomy, Injections Kimberley Galvano: Venipuncture Jaimie Gardner: Injections Amery Gingerich: Phlebotomy Alicia Ginochio: Venipuncture Amanda Gomez: Venipuncture Maura Gomez: Phlebotomy Melissa Zaragoza Herrera: Phlebotomy, Injections Gina Jacino: Injections Tiara Jensen: Venipuncture Kayla Johnson: Venipuncture Gabrielle Jokinen: Venipuncture, Injections Samantha Knoles: Venipuncture, Injections Jennifer Laden: Venipuncture
Kristi Lawrence: Venipuncture Brad Ledbetter: Venipuncture Isabel Leos: Venipuncture Olympia Lopez: Injections Julia Magee: Phlebotomy Irene Molina: Phlebotomy Melissa Ogle: Phlebotomy Jennifer Orison: Venipuncture Carla Ortiz: Injections MIchael Pinola: Injections Eden Relota: Phlebotomy Lindsey Rudd: Venipuncture Laura Shea: Venipuncture Annette Smith: Phlebotomy Jesus Solorio: Venipuncture Meretse Tesfa: Venipuncture Anayeli Torres: Venipuncture Virginia Valente-Russo: Injections Elizabeth Williams: Venipuncture Myra Reyes Zuniga: Injections
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IT students attend annual security conference The Empire College IT department went on a field trip to the annual RSA Security Conference at the Moscone Center on February 15. This was the 20th anniversary for the most prestigious IT security conference in the world. The theme of this year’s event was “The Adventures of Alice and Bob” which signified the fictitious names used to explain the RSA encryption method by founder Ron Rivest in 1977. Empire students got to learn and demo some of the latest IT security products from companies such as RSA, Cisco, Microsoft, MacAfee, Symantec, SOPHOS and many more. Not only was this a great learning experience but also many students received plenty of great gifts from their favorite companies. Bill Davis won a Cisco Flip Cam and IT instructor Scott Wilcox won a Playstation 3. Other students, such as Josh Begley, had fun fighting viruses inside the VirtuSphere at The Computer Associates booth. Keynote speakers included American physicist Dr. Michio Kaku and former President Bill Clinton.
Guest speaker Augie Schwer from Sonic.net shares industry insight On March 10, 2011, the Empire College IT department had a guest speaker come in to speak to students about the IT industry and obtaining employment. Augie Schwer is a Linux administrator for Sonic.net, a local ISP in Santa Rosa. Augie gave interviewing tips and expressed how important communication and people skills are to Sonic and how interaction and “being a good person” play a huge role in a person’s career. Augie’s favorite part of his job is helping other people and teaching others. Networking also played a huge role in Augie’s career. Not just technical networking (routers, switches, ports , etc.), but people networking. He volunteered at The North Bay Linux Users group and met many contacts that led to his employment. He stressed that students should get involved, volunteer, constantly update their skills and meet as many people as they can. He also passed out his business card to students and offered to review resumes and give them tips. Thank you, Augie!
IT alumni certification update Congratulations to the following Information Technology majors who passed certification exams from January through February:
Core Essentials
Seth Ahm William Davis Jeffrey Ruggles Richard Safreno Adam Stanley
Operating Systems
8 2
William Davis Chris Esperon Guillermo Martinez Jeffrey Ruggles Richard Safreno Adam Stanley
Seth Ahm Gary DeMarco Gabe Doherty Justin Ewing David Galiata Davis Jordan Edward Letasi, MCSA Zack Paige Maglaya Pajar, MCSA Logan Peterson, MCSA Curtis Plumley Jon Rathjen Jeffrey Ruggles Richard Safreno James Sanders Adam Stanley
Chris Esperon Joshua Hicks Richard Leads
Office Administration/IAAP News Updates IAAP raises funds for Fall Conference The IAAP will be hosting two fundraisers during the month of April. The money will be used for the registration fees for the Administrative Assistant students to attend the Fall Conference in San Diego. This 2½ day conference provides opportunities to network, share ideas, and attend educational seminars. Yankee Candle Sales through April 8. Tuesday, April 19, Taco Salad Luncheon during both lunches.
Administrative Professionals Week The 2011 theme for Administrative Professionals Day is: Celebrate All Office Professionals. For Administrative Professionals Day 2011, we’re veering away from the traditional celebration of the day which is centered on administrative professionals. The recession has hit everyone in the office. Downsizing has forced all of us to pull together and work harder, not just the administrative professionals in the workplace. IAAP recognizes the hard work and sacrifice from everyone. This year, celebrate all office professionals. The Administrative Assistant students will be holding a week-long celebration during the week of April 18-22.
Meet Our Mentor Anthony Greene – I have been a student here at Empire College since December 7, 2009, I am majoring in the Administrative Assistant Degree Program, and I will graduate on June 17, 2011. I decided to attend Empire College because I felt I would be more successful and have more opportunities available to me here. While attending Empire College, I have been able to stay focused on what needs to get accomplished, and also feel comfortable to ask for help from the great instructors who have all been a great deal of assistance to me. I thank you and all Empire College students in advance for letting me be of service to you.
WE GOT THE JOB! Legal Office Administration Alicia Cardenas is working as a dispatcher for Language People. Jean Coyston is a legal office assistant for Omar Figueroa, Attorney at Law. Megan Cromwell is an office administrator/paralegal at the McOmber Law Firm. Wendy Cromwell is now employed with the Animal Legal Defense Fund as a paralegal. Caitlin McAllister is a paralegal for Stephen Turer, Attorney at Law. Carrie Kozubal is a rules enforcement administrative assistant for Bay Area Real Estate Information Services. Chelsie Runnings is a legal office assistant for Friedemann Goldberg LLP.
Medical Careers Jason Arnold is a phlebotomy lab technician at Healdsburg District Hospital.
Alicia Brophy is employed with James Leoni, MD as a medical assistant. Sabrina DiTomaso is a clinical medical assistant for Jennifer Hubert, MD. Craig Fountain is employed as a phlebotomist for Blood Bank of the Redwoods. Eden Relota is a residential care provider for Sunset Gardens. Cynthia Kowalski is employed with Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices as a medical assistant in the OB/GYN Department. Ben Rosales is a phlebotomist at Healdsburg District Hospital. Devin Todd is employed with Springcreek Primary Care Associates as a clinical medical assistant. Keri Van Rees is a cardiovascular technician with Fountaingrove Cardiology Group.
Office Administration Jeannie Bartholdy is an administrative assistant with American AgCredit. Lori Hendricks is employed through Personnel Perspective in
customer service. Peuchenda Meas is an administrative assistant for The Noodle Bowl. Monica Villalobos is employed with Mead Clark Lumber as an administrative assistant.
Tourism/Hospitality/W ine ourism/Hospitality/Wine Kong Eav is the proud owner of The Noodle Bowl. Kristina Haynes is employed at the Napa Valley Marriott Hotel as a front desk clerk. Kent Stewart is tasting room manager at Timber Cove.
I got the job!
The attorney I interned with
called me into his office and said a lot of really nice things about me. He is going to have me doing research and even writing simple motions for him. This is pretty much exactly what I wanted and I am completely thrilled. ~ Caitlin
Hospitality students showcase skills to benefit the community Q: What do the Press Democrat Bite Club, Kaz Winery, and Empire College have in common? A: They all volunteered their time at an event to raise funds for Forget Me Not Farms, a haven located on the grounds of the Sonoma Humane Society for children and animals to bond and break the cycle of abuse. The venue was the 4th Annual Potluck Chef Showdown, the latest in a series of service-based learning projects in the Event Planning class at Empire College. Featuring celebrity judges and some of the North Bay’s top amateur chefs, the event showcased students’ creativity, marketing, and planning skills. “I have participated as a judge each year since the event’s inception and am always impressed with the amateur chefs and the quality of the event,” says Marty Paradise, author and wine educator. This year he was joined by fellow judges Heather Irwin of The Press Democrat’s BiteClub, Richard Kasmier of Kaz Winery, and Herlinda Heras, a marketing specialist and wine events coordinator.
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Students listed below have achieved President’s or Dean’s Honors of March 21, 2011. PRESIDENT’S HONORS: 3.85-4.0 cumulativ A & no Incomplete or F grades cumulativee GP GPA DEAN’S HONORS: 3.45-3.84 cumulativ A, no I or F grades cumulativee GP GPA,
Dean’ Dean’ss Honors
President’ President’ss Honors Adams, Raeleene Ahm, Seth Akerlund, Paul Anderson, Jane Andrus, Taylor Arendt, Chris Arrow, Ryan Ballachey, Luann Barajas, Jacklyn Barnhart, Maia Barone, Kristin Bauer, Kristen Baumgarten, Stephanie Beasley, Danielle Berringer, Jessica Blakely-Pulido, Mary Blasi, Tiffany Boling, Lynette Bowling, Danielle Burke, Bailey Burton-Smith, Ashley Cimino, Lauren Commendador, Chenoa Conte, Danielle Contreras Camacho, Melissa Croft, Teena Crowley, Shelly Cunningham, Brenda Curtis, Katie De Paz, Steve Demers, Susan Dlugokenski, Edwin Eads II, Richard Emery-Flynn, Mandi Fackrell, David Fiddler, Kristy Fisher, Courtney Foley, Kevin Fox, Kelly Galvano, Kimberley Garcia, Raquel Garrison, Stacey Gentile, Melanie Gibson, Jordanna Glanton, Jane Godinez, Paulina Grant, Gala Guiliano, Nadine Hamlin, Morgan Heath, Rebecca Heredia, Ana Hofstetter, Tracie Holler, Derek Horton, Rebecca Hough, Justin Howard, Betty Hyde, Robin Jones, Shannon Jordan, Davis Kahler, Lynn Kilner, Elizabeth
Kinney, Andrea Kirtley, Charli Kuhlman, Brendan Laden, Jennifer Lean, Ivenn Ledson, Terri Lespade, Lanette Linder, Amanda Lindsey, Jacqueline Litchfield, Victoria Manion, Erin Marinas, Matthew Martinez-Rodriguez, Anabel McIntosh, Suzanne Monteon, Angelica Moran-Cortez, Kathleen Munoz, Tanya Myers-Santos, Hannah Pena, Rocio Perlas, Andrew Peterson, Logan Plumley, Curtis Prasad, Sharmila Raitano, Jessica Ramirez, Priscilla Ridley, Olga Rohrbach, Ken Rosales, Dominic Rosarioereys, Julianna Ross, Amber Ruggles, Jeffrey Ryan, Daniel Safreno, Richard Samaniego, Nicole Sanders, James Schneider, Vicky Simons, Spencer Sisavath, Khankeo Sizemore, Valerie Smith, Eva Soto, Michael Stafford, Meghan Stanley, Adam Steele, Joye Suarez, Isis Sullivan, Mary Ten Broeck, Derek Treis, Chelsea Valdivia, Mariela Verdias, Monica Waldner, Faith Ward, Tawnya Washington, Stacey Waters, James Wells, Charity Wilhoyte, Catherine Williams, Elizabeth Wimsett, Ronald Wingett, Lisa Wynne, Julie Zeranski, Amy
Acevedo, Ronna Aguilar, Christine Alonzo, Desiree Alvarado, Eleanor Andrade, Jose Annear, Ryan Barajas, Olivia Barker, James Barney, Lauren Bigon, Sara Blair, Paloma Brunsvik, Tatyana Burbage, Lisa Busse, Carly Cardenas, Alicia Carter, Elizabeth Castaneda, Venancio Martin Chavez, Tatiana Christensen, Lyndasue Christian, Paul Cilenti, Jenna Clausen, Michael Conover, Kathleen Curtis, Jennifer Dana, Annette Davenport, Shavon Dewey, Meaghan Ewing, Justin Fernandez, Daneca Fernandez, Maria Foley, Eden Garcia, Stephanie Gardner, Eldridge Ginochio, Alicia Gomez, Amanda Gonzalez, Michele Graniss, Emily Gray, Danelle Gray, Rebeka Harmon, Angelina Hartsock, Heather Hatcher, Jake Hernandez, Yesenia Horn, Kimberly Hutchins, Kylie Jacino, Gina Jackson, Dane Jacobs, Caitlin Johnson, Rosemary Junior, Ariahna Kesecker, Michelle Klingbeil, Melanie Knoles, Samantha Lawson, Lila Leon, Veronica Lewis, Sara Jane Maher, Jonathan Martinez, Carla Masklyne, Kimberly McCown, Amanda McElroy, Sara McIntyre, Kristine
Honor Roll Mejia, Jennifer Meyer, Josh Monico, Efrain Moore, Cheryl Morse, Ethan Muir, Susan Nash, Victoria Nelson, Kendra Nelson, Wendy Ontiveros, Jill Orozco, Ivette Paige, Zack Parker, Terri Prater, Tracy Ramirez, Cynthia Rangel, Melissa Richards, Samantha Roberts, Kaylee Roberts, Shelby Rodriguez, Javier Romero, Miguel Santibanez, Elizabeth Settles, Nancy Sharp, Jacyln Slack, Shirley Solorzano, Jennifer Stillman, Joshua Strauser, Phillip Teahen, Thomas Valmonte, Maria Van der Beek, Holland Vaughn, Christina Vaughn, Linda Velasquez, Candice Villavicencio, Jocelyn Wilcox, William York, Kathrine Zevon, Angela
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In this issue... Law School Informational Seminar features alumni Gail Flatt and Steve Spiegelman ______________ page 2 REAP/Empire hold Certified Legal Assistant/Certified Paralegal Exam Workshop ________________ page 3 Graduates honored at January Commencement Exercises ___________________________________ page 4 Accounting students volunteer for VITA/United Way’s Earn It, Keep It, $ave It program _________ page 5 Golden Jubilee 2011 Q1 event honors students ___________________________________________ page 6 Medical students join the American Heart Association’s “Go Red” campaign ____________________ page 7 Augie Schwer from Sonic.net shares industry insight with IT students _________________________ page 8
Above: The first “Golden Jubilee” graduates walked the stage in January... page 4. Right: Hospitality students showcased local chefs and celebrity judges in their 4th Annual Potluck Showdown... page 10.
EMPIRE COLLEGE 3035 Cleveland Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Tel: 707 546 4000 Fax: 707 546 4058
[email protected]
Office Administration students raise funds for Fall Conference/Administrative Professionals Week ___ page 9 Hospitality students showcase skills to benefit Forget Me Not Farms __________________________ page 10