Aims: The aim of this investigation was to develop an empirical model for the autotrophic biodegradation of thiocyanate using an activated sludge reactor.
Letters in Applied Microbiology 2001, 32, 103±107
Empirical model for the autotrophic biodegradation of thiocyanate in an activated sludge reactor C.A. du Plessis, P. Barnard, R.M. Muhlbauer and K. Naldrett Billiton Process Research, Randburg, South Africa 261/00: received 25 July 2000, revised 26 October 2000 and accepted 1 November 2000
C . A . D U P L E S S I S , P . B A R N A R D , R . M . M U H L B A U E R A N D K . N A L D R E T T . 2001.
Aims: The aim of this investigation was to develop an empirical model for the autotrophic biodegradation of thiocyanate using an activated sludge reactor. Methods and Results: The methods used for this purpose included the use of a laboratory scale activated sludge reactor unit using thiocyante feed concentrations from 200 to 550 mg l)1. Reactor ef¯uent concentrations of