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62601 Berck sur Mer. E : [email protected] www.opale-sud.com. Map of Montreuil-sur-Mer. Montreuil sur Mer Tourist Office. 21, rue Carnot - BP ...
Map of Berck-sur-Mer


Map of Montreuil-sur-Mer


IN AND AROUND BERCK-SUR-MER AND MONTREUIL-SUR-MER Berck-sur-Mer in a few words Berck-sur-Mer is a bracing encounter with the sea. With seven and a half miles of fine sand, it is a haven of peace. From the Bay of Authie and its belt of preserved sand dunes, to the ever-green countryside, the choice is yours.

Montreuil-sur-Mer in a few words The pretty walled town of Montreuil – sur Mer is rich in an eventful history. The cobbled streets, contain a wealth of heritage : the 3 kms of ramparts protect churches, chapels, town-houses and picturesques streets. Little wonder, that this town inspired Victor Hugo to write “Les Miserables”

What to do ? Places of interest and attractions : La Citadelle de Montreuil-sur-Mer

Montreuil sur Mer Tourist Office 21, rue Carnot - BP 13 - 62170 Montreuil sur Mer E: [email protected] www.tourisme-montreuil.com

The Citadel of Montreuil sur Mer started to be erected in 1567 on the site of the royal castle of King Philippe Auguste - the two towers at the entrance to the castle still remain. The citadel is representative of seven centuries of military architecture. There is a medieval tower with arrow slits, 19th century blockhouses and finally a reinforced structure from modern times.

Esplanade Vauban 62170 Montreuil-sur-Mer Phone : (0)3 21 06 10 83 Contact Mme Frédérique LEROY

Hôtel Acary de la Rivière – Montreuil-sur-Mer

Berck sur Mer Tourist Office 5 Avenue Francis Tattegrain - BP 31 62601 Berck sur Mer E : [email protected] www.opale-sud.com

Pas de Calais Tourist Board : La Trésorerie - Wimille - BP 79 - 62930 Wimereux. Phone :(0) - Fax : (0) E : [email protected] - www.pas-de-calais.com

This residence is the work of Field Marshal Acary de la Rivière. It was built in 1810 at N°1 Parvis Saint-Firmin. It was bequeathed to the town in 1978 by its final private owner Mrs. Marie Wooster. Today, the visitor can admire a collection of furniture dating from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Discover the interior

design of this beautiful 19th century masterpiece that became a listed building in 1947. Parvis Saint-Firmin 62170 Montreuil-sur-Mer. Phone : (0)3 21 06 04 27 E : [email protected] www.montreuilpatrimoine.org

Musée de Berck sur Mer

The museum houses an extremely rich collection of paintings, a result of an enthusiastic group of 19th century artists who were inspired by the most important marine stranding in France. The archaeological collections are the only objects in the region that are part of sub-aquatic excavations. They date from the Gallic period to the 17th century including an exceptional series of Merovingian jewellery. 60 Rue de

l'impératrice 62600 Berck-sur-Mer. Phone : (0)3 21 84 07 80. www.berck-sur-mer.com E: [email protected] Contact : Me Georges DILLY

Le Succès Berckois – Berck-sur-Mer

Traditional confectionery, where you will discover how « Berlingots » were made in the past.

31 rue Carnot 62600 Berck- sur-Mer. Phone : (0) E : [email protected] www.succesberkois.com

Chocolaterie de Beussent

A visit to the chocolate factory in Beussent will take you to Africa and in South America to discover the origin of cocoa beans and how chocolate is made.

66 route de Desvres, 62170 Beussent. Phone : (0)3 21 86 17 62. E : [email protected] - www.choco-france.com

Jardin du Manoir d’Henocq – Bréxent-Enocq th

A stately manor dating from the 16 century built on the site of a former feudal castle. The gardens, created in 2001, have a medieval influence and reunite chestnut trees, medicinal and condiment plants as well as tinctorial and textile plants that were used in the Middle Ages.

7 rue de la Creuse, 62170 Brexent-Enocq. Phone : (0)3 21 06 08 55. E : [email protected] Contact : Mr Jean DEBLOCK

Where to Shop ?

The markets :

Berck Town Center : On Tuesday, Friday and Sunday mornings. Berck-Beach : On Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

In Montreuil : On Saturday mornings Place Général De Gaulles. During the summer there are late afternoon markets called “Marchés nocturnes paysans”, after the beach, discover the villages of the Valley of the Course every Friday from 17.30pm to 20.30pm


Menus from : €18 - €29

Vallée de la Course – 62170 Estrée. Phone : (0)321 06 18 04

Le Lignier

Warm welcoming in a rustic set and with regional food. Menus from : €20 - €35

4 Place de la Mairie, 62170 Beussent. Phone : (0)3 21 90 71 65


Antique fair : On the 14 of July, the Bastille Day, in Montreuil-sur-Mer, you will find a lot of pieces of furniture and valuables. This is one of the largest antique fairs in Pas-de-Calais, with more than 500 exhibiters.

Where to eat ?

Chez Mireille

Warm and friendly atmosphere. Menus from : €6.10 - €37.35



Bagatelle lies amidst the wide open spaces of the Côte d’Opale between the seaside resorts of Berck-sur-Mer and Le Touquet. Enjoy its 44 attractions, shows and animal park. A wonderful day’s outing for all the family!

RD 940 – 62155 Merlimont. Phone : (0)826 30 20 30 E: [email protected] www.parcbagatelle.fr

Nautical Centre: Club nautique de Merlimont:

Chemin Genty – 62600 Berck-sur-Mer. Phone : (0)3 21 09 80 40 www.chezmireille.fr

Boulevard de la Manche. 62155 Merlimont Phone : (0)3 21 09 08 22

Excellent good value for money cuisine. Le Clos is situated on the main square. Menus from : €10 - €37

Club de Berck :

Le Clos des Capucins

46 place de Général de De Gaulle, 62170 Montreuil-sur-Mer Phone : (0)3 21 06 08 65. E: [email protected]

Le Relais du Roi

A surprising blue restaurant ! Very good food. Menus from : €13 - €32

Rue Pierre Ledent 62170 Montreuil-sur-Mer. Phone : (0)3 21 81 53 44. E : [email protected]

Le Relais Saint Josse

In the Heart of the village, Pascale and Louis-Michel will welcome you in their café-restaurant and will serve you inventive cuisine. Menus from : €23 - €36.50

17 rue Grande Place, 62170 Saint-Josse. Phone : (0)3 21 94 61 75 E: www.restaurants-hotels.net/lerelaisdesaintjosse/

Auberge de la Canche

Warm welcoming former inn offering traditional food. Menus from : €14 - €34.50

3 route Nationale 39, 62170 Beutin. Phone : (0)3 21 06 59 98 E : [email protected] www.aubergedelacanche.com

Le Relais de la Course

Original cuisine with spices and herbs.

Canoë – Kayak

1, Avenue de la Plaine Randon - 62600 Berck-sur-Mer Phone : (0)3 21 09 41 37 or (0)6 03 57 66 71

Club Canoë – Kayak :

Rue du Moulin des Orphelins - 62170 Montreuil-sur-Mer Phone : (0)3 21 06 20 16. E : [email protected]

Fly surfing : Agora Plein Air

This indoor sport and recreation park is composed of a swimming-pool, a bowling, a restaurant… The outdoor part also offers different activities such as the sandsailing, kiting, and horse riding….

Esplanade Parmentier – BP 9 – 62601 Berck-surMer Phone : (0)3 21 89 87 9

Sand Sailing : Eole Club

Esplanade Parmentier - BP 5 - 62601 Berck-sur-Mer Phone : (0)3 21 09 04 55 E : [email protected] www.eoleclub.com

International Kite Festival

A gigantic gathering of kite enthusiast from all over the world. It happens every year in April in Berck-sur-Mer.