Employers Numeracy Tests - Loughborough University

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Oct 21, 2011 ... Loughborough University has information on psychometric tests including, ... tests you can practice are numerical reasoning and verbal ...
Employers Numeracy Tests As well as the Mathematics Learning Support Centre, the Careers service at Loughborough University has information on psychometric tests including, what they are, what sorts of test are used, why employers use them, how to tackle the tests and other resources. The Careers service also has practice leaflets that you can buy form them. For more information on what the careers service offers on employers numeracy tests see their website at: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/careers/advice/applying/psychometrictests.html

Other Useful Websites http://www.jobtestprep.co.uk Established in 1992, JobTestPrep is the first and biggest institute world wide in the field of preparation for psychometric tests. Tests include: Online Psychometric Test Preparation, Online preparation for psychometric tests for jobseekers - including aptitude tests (numerical, verbal, diagrammatic and abstract reasoning tests), personality tests, interview preparation and assessment centre preparation.

http://www.shldirect.com/ This website shows examples of the types of question you may encounter. The example tests are split into three skill sets (1) Verbal (2) Numerical and (3) Diagrammatic. You can also see what a personality questionnaire would involve. SHL Direct also gives you the chance to practice real tests, timed and with feedback on your skills and how you compare to other applicants. The two tests you can practice are numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning

Created by Clare Wright: Updated 21st October 2011


ASE is one of the UK’s leading specialist providers of psychometric tests and business psychology consultancy solutions.

http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/tests/mathstest.htm Numerical Reasoning Test. This online practice test has 27 questions and you have 30 minutes to do them. At the end of the test you will be given a score (and what your score means).

http://www.derby.ac.uk/careers/applying-for-jobs/psychometric-tests This website (from the University of Derby) has online psychometric tests that you can take. The tests are very similar in style to those used by many employers in recruitment and include tests of Numerical, Verbal and Abstract Reasoning. After submitting your answers to each test you will immediately be sent an e-mail which will give you your scores for that test and a range of other feedback on your performance.

http://practicetests.cubiks.com/ Cubiks online assessment information and practice site has free numerical and verbal practice tests.

http://www.graduatewings.co.uk/try-free-tests/ This offers FREE Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning & Logical Reasoning practice tests. There are also more advanced ones available for you to buy. Created by Clare Wright: Updated 21st October 2011

http://www.psl.co.uk/ As experts in psychometric testing PSL deliver online recruitment services to leading organizations. Occupational psychologists develop and publish a wide range of psychometric tests, aptitude tests and personality questionnaires that are practical and convenient to use during the recruitment process. Psychometric Testing has many applications such as job-specific tests, sifting efficiently through thousands of applicants or internal promotion of staff.

http://www.lumosity.com/personal-training-plan This helps to train your brain e.g. for performance on IQ tests or for calculating figures in your head.

http://www.practiceaptitudetests.com/numerical-reasoning-tests.htm This website offers 7 different tests on Numerical Reasoning. These numerical reasoning tests contain questions that test your knowledge of Ratios, Percentage Increase/Decrease, Cost and Sales Analysis, Rates and Trends, and Currency Conversions.

Created by Clare Wright: Updated 21st October 2011