Places go fast for this eventâ¦so make sure you book today! Warner Goodman Employment Team invites you to: YOUR EMPLOYM
employment seminar 2017
Warner Goodman Employment Team invites you to:
YOUR EMPLOYMENT LAW MOT Our Employment Law MOT seminar has grown in popularity over the years as we review a variety of changes to employment law and bring you updates on key cases…and this year will be no different! Over the next few years, apprenticeships will become more common in the workplace with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, and so during the first part of the seminar we will review apprenticeship agreements and contracts of apprenticeship…and if you don’t know the difference between these, don’t worry, this is one of the many things we will consider in the seminar, together with recent case law regarding apprenticeships. As the seminar will run a few weeks after the general election, we hope to be able to bring you an update on how the result may impact employment law. We will also explain the latest position on important cases involving equal pay and race discrimination, and outline some upcoming statutory changes. Places go fast for this event…so make sure you book today!
Join the Warner Goodman Employment Team at: The Ageas Suite, Ageas Bowl, Botley Road, West End, Hampshire, SO30 3XH
From 9am until 11.30am on Tuesday 27th June 2017
To book your place email:
[email protected] Name: Company Name: Email Address: Phone Number:
Did you know? • Two months ahead of the launch of the Apprenticeship Levy, a City & Guilds report found that one third of employers due to pay the levy were not aware of its existence, and 28% were not sure whether it would affect their business. • In 2013-14, UK employers faced 3,064 racial discrimination claims from disgruntled workers, with payouts averaging at £11,203. The largest amount paid out in 2013-14 was £162,593, MoJ records show.
[email protected] to book your place. Please note: We will always confirm your booking, if you have not had a response within 48 hours phone Karen Clarkson or Gina Spampinato on 02380 639311.