Susan W. Agger. Jesse Arbogast and Rochelle Rosenfeld. Colonel and Johnnie Mae Armstrong ... Jean Robbins. John M. Robin
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Empowering People with Psychiatric Disabilities to Live Independently
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Housing Unlimited, Inc. (HUI) addresses the housing crisis for adults with psychiatric disabilities who reside in Montgomery County, Maryland. HUI:
President Russell Phillips, CPA Reznick Group Vice President Stephen F. Sullivan Forrester Construction Co.
• empowers people to live independently
Treasurer Johnnie Mae Armstrong
• helps people move from the homes of their aging parents • provides public education, advocacy and community linkage • brings people who need housing together in partnerships
President Emerita Carmela Boncore-Singer Nancy Y. Cohen Rosemary Dircks
• provides affordable, permanent housing opportunities
• helps people move from substandard housing
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Secretary Jonathan S. Cohen Christopher Hatcher Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC David Lublin Town of Chevy Chase N. Leslie Olson The Chevy Chase Land Company Robyn S. Raysor U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Lynne Iadarola, RA Archeus Studio Mary Kundrat Alliance on Mental Illness of Montgomery County Senator Laurence Levitan Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC Edward L. Lublin Blank Rome LLP Brian M. McLaughlin Bank of America Adele B. McQueen, Ph.D Howard University Rita Mhley Mhley/Davis & Associates Inc. John R. Orrick, Jr., Esq. Linowes and Blocher LLP Judy Ratner
STAFF Abe M. Schuchman, Esq. Executive Director LeyAna Crumpton Senior Associate Director Marjorie Goldman, CFRE Director of Development Lisa Cook Associate Director Shayna Tivona Associate Director Elise Bryant Program Associate Roger L. Crutchfield, Jr. Program Associate Kathleen Gleason Program Associate Diane Nowak Program Associate Leon Young Bookkeeper
Elias Rizkallah Capital One Bank
Daniel Sachs, Esq.
Catherine F. Scott Professor Emerita, Montgomery College
Maria Salter BB&T Bank
Lauren Spiro, M.A. National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery Miriam Yarmolinsky Affiliated Santé Group, Silver Spring Wellness & Recovery Center Corporate Affiliations Are for Purposes of Identification Only
On the cover: Regina Prophet (HUI Tenant) speaks at HUI’s Welcome Home Celebration, May 2011. Inset photos feature Emcee Debbi Jarvis and HUI Tenants Council Treasurer Jonathan Pine. PHOTOS COURTESY OF Ellie Van Houtte/
President’s Report
t is my pleasure to report to you that Housing Unlimited has made enormous progress over the past 12 months. With generous assistance from our public and private sector partners, Housing Unlimited purchased an additional two new homes this year in Germantown and Wheaton. Both are conveniently located close to public transportation, neighborhood retail shops, restaurants and employment opportunities. With the addition of these new homes, Housing Unlimited now owns a total of 47 homes that serve 138 very low income adults with psychiatric disabilities.
This year, our “Welcome Home Celebration” special event recognized our strong relationships with key government stakeholders and honored U.S. Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown and Montgomery County Housing Director Richard Nelson. As testimony to the work that we do, we have received a commitment of $1.6 million in State/County property acquisition grants and loans so that we can purchase an additional eight homes over the next several years. I would like to thank my event co-chair, Maria Salter of BB&T Bank, and members of the Event Committee (Jon Cohen, David Lublin, Rita Mhley, Leslie Olson, Dan Sachs, Catherine Scott and Steve Sullivan) for their outstanding leadership and boundless energy and humor. I also want to thank our Executive Director Abe Schuchman, Director of Development Marjorie Goldman and the entire Housing Unlimited staff for their hard work on this event and throughout the year. This year’s event exceeded all expectations both in terms of attendance and revenue.
Housing Unlimited is proud to be named “one of the best small charities in the Greater Washington region” by Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington. Each year some 250 organizations apply to be featured in the Catalogue and undergo a rigorous vetting process. This year a panel of 100 experts from area foundations, corporate giving programs, giving circles and peer nonprofits reviewed this year’s applicants and selected 70 nonprofits. Profiles of the selected organizations (including ours!) can be viewed online at the Catalogue’s website, – where donations can also be made.
I am also proud of our award-winning efforts to “green” our operations over the course of the year. In our daily actions, Housing Unlimited and its residents have committed to conserve energy and water, reduce our carbon footprint and recycle more to help Housing Unlimited has been part of the Catalogue family since 2007. the community transition to a more sustainable future. We are reducing our electricity bills by participating in the Nonprofit Please help us spread the word about Montgomery coalition to purchase wind energy to power all Housing Unlimited homes. With financial support from the State and the Catalogue so that together we can deepen the culture of giving in our County, we also conducted energy audits of our homes and made the necessary weatherization repairs to reduce our energy use. Nation’s Capital. I am excited by our accomplishments but I am also keenly aware that we must do more. With over 250 people on our waiting list, we have a great amount of work still to do. We are committed to aggressively expanding our housing program because there remains an acute shortage of affordable, independent housing for adults with psychiatric disabilities in Montgomery County. In partnership with you, our supporters, our goals will be met.
Russ Phillips, President
HUI Tenant Profile REGINA PROPHET Speaking at the Welcome Home Celebration, May 24, 2011 Good evening everyone. My name is Regina Prophet and I am a Housing Unlimited tenant. I have been in my house for 1 year and 4 months. I have also lived with a mental disorder since I was 19 and
“I am thankful to Housing Unlimited for giving me a new lease on life.” Regina Prophet, HUI Tenant
I have been in and out of hospitals. But, I have been stable in the last 20 years. This has been hard on my family and a very expensive illness. Before moving with Housing Unlimited, I lived in the basement of my parents’ house. I always wanted to live on my own. I was on the waiting list for over a year. I got a call from Housing Unlimited about a home in Germantown. I thought that was too far from my parents, so I asked to be put back on the waiting list. It took about 8 more months, but then I got a call about a vacancy in Silver Spring. That was the place for me! I was so excited about getting out on my own, living independently, and my parents were excited also. I had some lessons to learn about living on my own. First, I had to learn a lot about managing my finances. I opened a checking account and made a budget so I could pay my bills.
Regina Prophet Next I had to learn to live with roommates. That has been a challenge. I know that you don’t have to be friends with your roommates, but you have to respect each other – and show courtesy, too. The staff stops by once a week and checks in to see if our house is well maintained and how we are doing. It’s great to have that connection. Today, I enjoy going to visit my parents and staying over from time to time, but it’s good to know that now I have my own home. My house is close to transportation so I can get to my doctors’ appointments and grocery shopping. Since I have been living independently, I have completed my Bachelors degree in Biblical Counseling. I am thankful to Housing Unlimited for giving me a new lease on life. Thank you, Housing Unlimited.
Regina receives an ovation. Regina’s HUI townhouse in White Oak
Celebration H U I W elcome H ome
HUI Board Member and Celebration Co-Chair Maria Salter, BB&T Bank
HUI Tenants Council Treasurer Jonathan Pine
Emcee Debbi Jarvis, Vice President, Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsibility, Pepco Holdings, Inc.
Honoree Richard Y. Nelson, Jr., Director, Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) Above: Director Nelson with Rodney Harrell of AARP and Alisa Wilson of DHCA
Honoree United States Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
HUI Executive Director Abe Schuchman with HUI Board President and Celebration Co-Chair Russ Phillips, CPA, Reznick Group
Honoree Anthony G. Brown, Maryland Lieutenant Governor, and presenter Richard Madaleno (2nd l.), Maryland State Senator
Congressman Van Hollen and presenter Robyn Raysor (l.), HUI Board Member and Deputy Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Photos courtesy of Ellie Van Houtte/
You can help!
2010 Donors
s a nonprofit organization, Housing Unlimited depends on the generosity of our community to fulfill our mission. There are many ways that you can help to ensure that we can continue to provide affordable permanent housing for people with psychiatric disabilities: • You can donate lightly used living room or bedroom furniture, kitchen tools and accessories, and even pictures and decorative items so that new Housing Unlimited properties become warm and comfortable homes for the people that we serve. • You can support Housing Unlimited financially with a tax-deductable gift. We will work with you to design a planned gift of appreciated stock, real estate or other assets to ensure that your gift will span generations. You can make a contribution to Housing Unlimited to honor or memorialize a special person or event. Or, you can support the mission of Housing Unlimited with a designation through the United Way (#8898) or Combined Federal Campaign (#16225) or Maryland Charity Campaign (#5279). • You can set aside a few hours to volunteer to help Housing Unlimited. We have short-term projects for corporate teams, church groups and individuals. You and your team make a significant difference in the lives of people in our community. To make a donation – or to get involved – please contact us at 301-592-9314 or information@ Thank You!
American Reprographics, Inc.
GEICO Philanthropic Foundation
Baker DC, LLC The Inter-Faith Chapel, Inc. Bank of America Foundation Jackie Simon Homes, LLC Bernitt Builders, Inc.
J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
BNY Mellon Trust John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP Linowes and Blocher LLP Builders’ Ball/WBC Foundation
Maryland State Government
Capital One
Meridian Group, LLC
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Montgomery County Community Foundation Chevy Chase Trust Montgomery County Government Clark CARES Foundation Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Clark-Winchcole Foundation Office Paper Systems Clean Currents, LLC
The Phase Foundation
Commercial Hardware, Inc. PNC Bank, Community Development Banking Comprehensive Neuroscience, Inc.
Potomac Basin Group Associates, LLC
Corstone Capital
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Denchfield Landscaping, Inc.
Reznick Group
Dr. Mathew and Cynthia Hertz Charitable Foundation
United Way, National Capital Region
Fabrangen Cheder Tzedakah Committee
Universal Builders Supply, Inc.
Fannie Mae Foundation
Village Settlements, Inc.
Ford Foundation Matching Gift Program
The Wells Fargo Foundation
Gaithersburg Air Conditoning & Heating, Inc.
William S. Abell Foundation, Inc.
2010 Donors LEADERS $10,000 or more The Hon. Ann W. and Donald A. Brown Nancy Y. and Martin Cohen
Leonard and Celia Schuchman Catherine F. Scott Gina Vitale and Richard Ridge Russell and Phyllis Weber
GOLD $5,000-$9,999 Doris Buffett (Sunshine Lady Foundation) Ellen and Bernard Young
$500-$999 Susan W. Agger Jesse Arbogast and Rochelle Rosenfeld Colonel and Johnnie Mae Armstrong Anne Bakstad and Ed Cohen Stanley M. Besen
PLATINUM $1,000-$4,999 Alexander and Elizabeth Boyle Sally K. Cohen Virginia and Lowell Denning Myriam De Ritis-Cherney Rosemary and William Dircks Sy and Lorraine Grabel Albert and Kelley Hawk Leslie Olson and Scott Goode Russell and Leila Phillips Brian and Catherine Porto Anonymous Judy and Victor Ratner
$250-$499 Michele Adato and Steven J. Horowitz Donald and Janet Boardman Anonymous
Edward and Janet Lublin
Amy Brown Frances and Leonard Burka James E. Cafritz Helen and Earl Colson Paula Freiburger Karen A. Krugman Andrew and Mary Kundrat Fred and Diane McGoldrick Lois and Larry Movshin Elaine and Bob Parks Rosalind Ratner B. Michael Rauh, Esq. Robyn Raysor Steve Sullivan Anonymous Marjorie Shannon Ann Wild
Richard Budson Bob and Betty Carlin Dera and David Cooper Melissa Crow and Victor Katz Jo Ellen and Alan Fishman Carl and Nancy Gewirz George Gleason Nancy and John Harris Rob Hopkin Ms. Lynne Iadarola Dorothy and Sidney Kaplan Carol and Michael Leahy Phyllis and Gerald LeBoff Laurence Levitan Jerry and Sara-Mae Lewis David Lublin Robert M. Minkoff Mary Nagelhout Tillman Neuner Mary B. Nowak Ira Polon Bill Schaefer Joyce and Phil Schneider Janice and Victor Rosenberg
2010 Donors BRONZE
Mr. Alvin J. Englert
Lyn Krejci
John M. Robinson
Michael C. Finnegan
Sandra Kubalak
David and Barbara Ronis
Dustin Finney Edward G. Fitzgerald
Brian D. Kux and Kimberly N. Bayard
Daniel Sachs
Dennis and Lea Allen William T. Amatruda
Gary and Margy Lawrence
Dr. S. Ruth Schulman
Harvey Applebaum
John R. Forrester
Leon and Caroline Levenson
Randi and Paul Schweitzer Anonymous
Morton Schomer
James and Charnene Freeny
Val A. Lubbers
Frank Bell
Paul and Patricia Gaskin
Soraya Madani
Lenore Shniderman
Karen F. Berman, MD
Michael Gildenhorn
Jennifer Maloney
Dr. Margaret H. Sickels Nathan and Guila Siegel
Laurel Glassman
Paul and Karen Mannes
Rick and Elaine Braun
Ann Gooch
Maurice M. Margulies
Marilynn P. Smith
Sherri and Larry Cafritz
Lorraine Marsh
Anne Snyder Lauren J. Spiro
Davi-Ellen Chabner
Alice and John Goodman
Lila T. McConnell
Goong Chang
Myron and Margaret Grizio
Brian M. and Alison M. McLaughlin
Paul Staub
Bei Chen
Doreen Guttenberg
Sheila E. McKee
Neda and Mohammad Tahbaz
Carl and Nicole Halbreiner
Phyllis Meyers
Ken Tecler
Jonathan S. Cohen
Frank Hardesty
Carol and Thomas Moran
Anonymous Marilyn and Stefan Tucker
Marie E. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. David Moses
Morton and Carol Corwin
Dr. Sonja Hess
Stanley B. Namovicz
David and Connie Weiss
Melissa Crow and Victor Katz
Edith Holleman
Nancy W. Newkirk
Raymond J. White Rebecca and John White
Miriam J. Cutler
Josephine W. Holliday
Ginger Newmyer
Susan Cutler
Louis Hyatt
Annette Nicholson
Louis B. Williams
Mary Ann Deak
Sherry and Gregg Johnson
Bill and Karen O’Brien
C. Lawrence Wiser
Evelyn Joray
Gail and David Paulson
Sydelle Wolfin
Bernard and Susan Katz
Nancy Pendery and Howard Schwartz
Victoria W. Wood
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb and Minna Scherlinder Morse Norma Dugger Kevin P. Dwyer and Eileen Weiner-Dwyer Therese Edlin
Pamela E. King Audrey S. Koch Mary Kralj
Eugene and Barbara Ridberg Rachel Z. Ritvo, M.D. Jean Robbins
Shu-Fen Wu Miriam Yarmolinsky
2010 Donors Friends Under $100 Grace Alessi Louise and Elliott Allentuck Joseph R. Amato Julianne Beall Mary and Tom Beck Joanne Bell Terry Bendel Pamela B. Benoit and Terrence Williams Elsie Bergamini Carol Blimline, Ph.D. Frank D. Boncore Anonymous Elaine Brothers, M.D. Anonymous Boone and Nan Changramai Joe and Mary Charters Fran Corso Anonymous Betty Jane Croft Diana Daniels Sanford Dawsey John J. Delaney Tracey Denning Albert and Karen Diaz
Debra Dillon
William A. and Anna Marie Kane
Delphia Dirks
Esther Katzman and Mary C. Spring
Roslie Sanchez
Charles Edson
Carolyn C. Knight
Gerald and Ziva Schuchman
Harriet Eichler
Marilyn Kresky-Wolff
Joan H. Searby
Marjorie Eldridge
Hyman Lewis Krieger
Katherine Simpson
Elaine Feidelman
Judy Kulick
Don and Tina Slater
Joe and Roz Fenton
Janet L. Lado
Bruce S. and Ann Lane
Anil Sood
Mary and Edward Love
John and Elizabeth Spencer
Dennis and Peggy Frank
Nessa Spitzer
Gloria H. Franklin
Evelyn Manley
Allan and Carrie Stein
Martin and Susan Fullenbaum
Grace A. Stover
Debbie Goelman
Justine McClarrin
Theresa E. Sugrue
Antonietta C. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Usborne
Lewis Gold
John Miers
Jack and Stephanie Ventura
Al and Zelda Goldberg
Mrs. Eunice W. Moe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Verfuerth
Amanda C. Gross
Margaret B. Webster
Sharon and Jonathan Gruber
Ingrid Monaghan
Bernard and Doris Wortman
Tamara Halle and Aron Krasnopoler
Amy Muir
Helenfae Zatcoff
Jane Harrah
Jeanne and W. Haven North
Marilyn Hathaway
Rabbi Mark Raphael
Barbara and Mary Healy
Victoria Raskin
Arthur J. Herbig
Mildred Reynolds
Janet Herman
Edward Rhodes
Julia M. Hershfield
Gillian Carty Roper and Carl Roper
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hewitt
Dave and Kathy Rossmeisl
Doreen and David Hommet
2010 In Honor/Memory In Memory of Y.A., A.F. Cherney, E.M. Smith and R.J. De Ritis Myriam De Ritis-Cherney In Honor of Johnnie Mae Armstrong Boone Changramai In Honor of Michael Boncore Annette Bozinko Frank D. Boncore In Honor of Carrie Chaikin’s Birthday Renee Chaikin In Honor of Susan Bei Chen Virginia and Lowell Denning In Memory of Harry and Jackie Cohen Sally K. Cohen In Honor of Nancy Y. Cohen The Hon. Ann and Donald A. Brown Richard Budson Helen Colson Diana Daniels Dennis Frank Sy Grabel Nancy Harris Phyllis LeBoff Sydelle Wolfin In Honor of Susan A. Cutler Virginia Denning In Memory of Romulo De Ritis Myriam De Ritis-Cherney In Honor of Rosemary Dircks Norma Dugger
In Honor of Iris Eichler Harriet Eichler In Memory of Blair Ewing Kevin P. Dwyer In Memory of Wayne S. Fenton Kevin P. Dwyer Joe and Roz Fenton In Honor of Jane Harrah Virginia and Lowell Denning In Honor of Bud Hawk Neda Tahbaz In Memory of Helen E. Herbig Arthur J. Herbig In Memory of Theresa Christine Kummer Kilbourne Jane Harrah Virginia and Lowell Denning In Memory of Barry Killeen Rosemary and William Dircks Josephine Holliday Judy and Victor Ratner In Memory of Daniel Kraft Jo Ellen Fishman In Memory of Ross Lawrence Gary Lawrence In Honor of Edward L. Lublin Michael Gildenhorn Doreen Guttenberg David Lublin Ira Polon Michael B. Rauh, Esq. Ruth Seif
In Honor of David Marshall Al Goldberg In Honor of Lynn McClarrin Elaine Brothers, M.D. In Memory of Otto McClarrin Justine McClarrin In Honor of Brian M. McLaughlin Joe Charters Mary Love In Memory of Arthur McQueen Gillian Carty Roper In Honor of Adele McQueen Rochelle Follender In Memory of Albert Nowak Mary B. Nowak In Honor of Judith A. Nowak, M.D. Judy Kulick In Memory of Elizabeth Ratner Rosemary and William Dircks Nancy W. Newkirk Judy and Victor Ratner In Honor of Judy Ratner and In Memory of Elizabeth Ratner Anonymous Rosalind Ratner In Memory of Geraldine Ronis David Ronis
In Honor of Abe Schuchman Jonathan and Sharon Gruber Marilyn Kresky-Wolff David Moses Eugene Ridberg In Honor of Ellie and Abe Schuchman Dr. S. Ruth Schulman In Honor of Leonard and Celia Schuchman Joe and Roz Fenton In Honor of Catherine F. Scott Davi-Ellen Chabner Esther Katzman In Honor of Christa Shannon Marjorie Shannon In Memory of Marie F. Staub Paul Staub In Memory of Charles M. Stover Grace A. Stover In Honor of Steve Sullivan Jennifer Maloney In Memory of Jeanne K. Weber Russell Weber In Honor of Ellen and Bernard Young Paula Freiburger
2010 Donors IN KIND GOODS
Alisa J. Levy Professional Organizing Services
BlackRock Center for the Arts
Stan Levin
Colonel Armstrong
Sherri and Larry Cafritz
Donna Lewis
Corporate Press, Inc.
Charles R. Cherry, Jr.
Fabrangen Cheder
Leo Cole
Heyman Mailing Services
Marguerite Connor
Brenda Miller
Linowes and Blocher LLP
Melissa Crow and Victor Katz
Roger L. Crutchfield, Jr.
Mary June Morrison
Susan Cutler
Amy Muir
Eileen DiGiorgio
Leslie Olson
Russ Phillips
The Family Support Telephone Network
Robyn Raysor
Fancy Cakes by Leslie
Kenneth Rorke
Ms. Patricia Gaffke
Bernard Silverstein
Gold Star Bakers
Mark Simon, Esq.
Marjorie Goldman and Mitchell Stabbe
Ms. Bernice Gordon
Stephen Sullivan
Lottie Traunfeld
Kerry M. Harris
Shirley Ziecheck
Mhley/Davis & Associates Inc. Personal Training by Laura Levengard Pro-Tec Inspection Services Reznick Group The Bean Bag Deli and Catering Company Village Settlements, Inc. Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
Shawnte Jenkins
You can make a financial gift to Housing Unlimited and receive a substantial tax benefit. Through the Maryland Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) program, businesses and individuals with Maryland tax liabilities can make a charitable donation to HUI and write off half of the donation using the CITC credit – above and beyond your normal federal charitable tax deduction. For more information, contact Abe Schuchman at 301-592-9314.
Statement of Activities For the Year Ended September 30, 2009
For the year ended September 30, 2010 Information derived from the independent audit of financial statements of Housing Unlimited, Inc. as of September 30, 2010, performed by Hertzbach & Company, P.A. of Owings Mills, Maryland. A complete copy of the 2010 audit is available from HUI upon request.
Support and Revenue Rental Income
Tenants County Subsidies
Total Rental Income
Corporations and Foundations Individuals Government Grants
174,486 110,430 615,590
Total Contributions
Other Revenue
Interest Income Miscellaneous Revenue/Expenses
2,143 1,997
Total Other Revenue
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services General and Administrative Fundraising
838,489 188,494 87,027
Total Expenses
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets, Beginning Unrestricted Net Assets, Ending
425,390 250,816
3,279,273 $
HOUSING UNLIMITED, INC. For the year ended September 30, 2010
Statement of Financial Position
Assets Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents Grants receivable Accounts receivable – other Investments
260,321 694 520,605
Total Current Assets
Restricted Cash and Reserves Tenant security deposits Reserve for replacements
39,948 149,764
Total Restricted Cash and Reserves
Property and Equipment, Net of Accumulated Depreciation of $1,382,885 Other Assets
6,857,172 1,293
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities
Current maturities of long-term debt Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued interest expense
104,153 16,262 17,424
Total Current Liabilities
Other Liabilities
Deferred County Subsidies Revenue Tenant security deposits Loan payable – Montgomery County Long-term debt, net of current maturities
32,371 500,000 3,413,472
Total Other Liabilities
Net Assets Unrestricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets
3,746,115 $
Information derived from the independent audit of financial statements of Housing Unlimited, Inc. as of September 30, 2010, performed by Hertzbach & Company, P.A. of Owings Mills, Maryland. A complete copy of the 2010 audit is available from HUI upon request.
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Housing Unlimited, Inc. 1398 Lamberton Drive Suite G1
HUI Tenants Council Treasurer Jonathan Pine Welcome Home Celebration Speaker, May 2011
Silver Spring, Maryland 20902-3414 301.592.9314 Fax: 301.592.9318 E-mail:
[email protected] website:
Photos courtesy of Ellie Van Houtte/