Mountain View Elementary Automatic Sprinkler System. Completed Projects. Mountain View Irrigation Supply. Jefferson Fire
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BOISE CITY Monday, August 8, 2016 5:30 P.M. Regular Board Meeting Edward L. Davis District Services Center 8169 W. Victory Road - Boise, Idaho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGULAR SESSION At 5:33 p.m. Trustee President Nancy Gregory called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Trustees Nancy Gregory, AJ Balukoff, Doug Park, Maria Greeley, Troy Rohn, Brian Conin and Dave Wagers. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly; Deputy Superintendent Coby Dennis; Clerk Jennette Clark; Directors Dr. Ann Farris, Lisa Roberts and Amy Kohnmeier; Administrators Debbie Donovan, Nick Smith, Dr. Betty Olson, Nancy Landon and Tamara Fredrickson; Public Affairs Specialist Dan Hollar and Communications Specialist Ryan Hill; Principals Ted Hettinga, Heather Scott, Jeff Hultberg, Erin Kubena and Jennifer Weske; Assistant Principals Jean Lovelace, Ted Totorica, Tim Ellinghouse and Abram Lines. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance led by Trustee President Nancy Gregory. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Upon a motion by Trustee Balukoff with a second by Trustee Park the Board unanimously approved Enclosures 1 through 15. 1. Minutes of previous meetings: a. Enc 1 – July 11, 2016 Board Meeting 2. Business and Financial Items: a. Enc 2 - Regular Bills – Report reflected total checks written in July 2016 of $55,426,877.89. b. Enc 3 - Treasurer’s Report – Report reflected a balance on the books as of July 31, 2016 of $7,264,953.31. c. Enc 4 - Capital Outlay Projects in progress: New Operations & Maintenance Facility Maple Grove Elementary Roof Longfellow Elementary Portable #96 Maple Grove Elementary Parking Lot JFK Building at Garfield Elementary Capital High School Planetarium RTU Replacement Mountain View Elementary Automatic Sprinkler System Completed Projects Mountain View Irrigation Supply Jefferson Fire Alarm Longfellow Multi-purpose Building Roof Frank Church Ceramics Room Exhaust d. Bid Awards: Enc 5 – Food & Nutrition Service – Kitchen Paper & Serving Supplies 2016-17, Bids were awarded on a line item basis with totals per bidder as follows: Gem State Paper - $68,554.98; Nicholas and Company - $30,789.05; Sysco - $10,283.00; Wallace Packaging - $3,264.00. Food &
Nutrition Service – Small Equipment 2016-17, Bids were awarded on a line item basis with totals per bidder as follows: Standard Restaurant Supply $35,502.20; Bargreen Elligson - $17,743.11; Bar Store Restaurant Supply - $8,433.63; Pueblo Hotel - $427.78; Gem State Paper - $142.32. Projectors: The low responsive bid from Tek-Hut in the amount of $942,660.00 has been accepted. Projector Instalation: The low responsive bid from Troxell Communications in the amount of $239,868.00 has been accepted. e. Final Pays: Enc 6 - Well #5 Whitney Elementary: The final contract amount was $121,402.64 including change orders totaling $2,052.64. Previous payments of $115,332.51 have been issued on this project. It is recommended that the project be approved and final payment in the amount of $6,070.13 be made to Stevens & Sons Well Drilling, Inc. 3. Personnel Items: a. Enc 7 Personnel Report – The Board approved the Personnel Report for August 2016. New Hire Employee Location Certified Fulleton, Callie Monroe Elem Facilities & Operations Burkett, Kevin Borah High Fisher, Tyler Timberline High Godby, Tracey White Pine Food Service Anderson, Amanda 8/24/2016 Berwick, Lisa Taft Elem Dillon, Desiree Garfield Elem Haynes, Emilie Horizon Elem Leaving the District Employee Location Certified Baumann, Elsieanne 6/2/2016 Calkins, Bradley Timberline High Ekberg, Amy Garfield Elem Mahler, Margaret Frank Church Mertz, Derek Borah High Nickel, Susan Capital High Owens, Jeff Timberline High Shumway, Amy East Jr. Classified Barsten, Breanna 6/2/2016 Bryant, Gail Garfield Elem Dialina, Elaine DSC Dialina, Veronica Pierce Park Hettinga, Wendy Fort Boise Munger, Michael DSC Murray Leonard Boise High Nye, Brent DSC Titmus, Kelly Capital High Zarkos, Debra PTC Food Service Inman, Michele West Jr. Nicholson, Charlene Longfellow Elem
Vacancy Reason
One Year Only Position 8/18/2016
Custodian Custodian Custodian
Resignation Resignation Transfer
Hawthorne Elem
Food Service Worker New Position
Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Food Service Asst. Mgr
New Position Transfer Transfer
Riverglen Jr.
Teacher-Sec. Speech/Lang Path. Teacher-Sec. Teacher-Special Ed. Teacher Librarian Teacher-Sec. Counselor-Sec.
Work for School Dist Personal Work for School Dist Leave Ed. Prof. Retirement Retirement Work for School Dist
Lowell Elem
Spec. Ed. Asst. Work for School Dist
Spec. Ed. Asst. Clerk-Department School Support Asst. Trainer Security Specialist Security Officer Manager, Benefits Spec. Ed. Asst. Admin. Asst. Sec.
Work for School Dist Spouse Transfer Personal Retirement Personal Personal Retirement Personal Retirement
6/2/2016 7/22/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 7/15/2016 6/2/2016 8/31/2016 6/2/2016 10/31/2016
Food Service Worker Jr Personal Food Service Manager Work for School Dist
6/2/2016 6/2/2016
8/15/2016 8/1/2016 8/15/2016
8/24/2016 8/24/2016 8/24/2016
6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/10/2016
Just for Kids Beale, Jaclyn Just For Kids Coleman, Harmony Amity Elem Leave of Absence Employee Location Certified Calvert, Hannah Lowell Elem Chase, Candace Capital High Hull, Warren South Jr.
Child Care Provider Child Care Provider
Work for School Dist Personal
Type of Leave
Teacher-Elem. Teacher-Special Ed. Teacher-Sec. PTC
Parental Parental Personal
8/12/2016 8/19/2016 Effective
8/18/16-6/2/17 8/18/16-6/2/17 8/18/16-6/2/17
4. Other Business a. Enc 8 Bus Routes: were presented as requested. The complete routes may be viewed in either the Clerk’s office or the Transportation office. b. Enc 9 Non Transportation Zones: were presented as requested. The complete routes may be viewed in either the Clerk’s office or the Transportation office. c. Enc 10 Bus Backing Locations: were presented as requested. The complete routes may be viewed in either the Clerk’s office or the Transportation office. d. Enc 11 Transportation Handbook: The following changes were made to the handbook that was approved in August 2015: Reflected any District policy updates; added new form for ineligible rider application and revised motor coach procedures. The complete handbook may be viewed in the Clerk’s office or the Transportation office. e. Enc 12 Quarterly Maintenance Report: were presented as requested. f. Enc 13 Quarterly Leasing Report: were presented as requested. g. Enc 14 Revision to Certified Employee Handbook: were presented as requested. h. Enc 15 Revision to Classified Employee Handbook: were presented as requested. ANNUAL TAX CERTIFICATION Upon a motion by Trustee Balukoff with a second by Trustee Park, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following resolution: BOARD OF ADA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF BOISE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioners: In accordance with Section 9(17) of the Charter of the Independent School District of Boise City, Boise, Idaho, and Section 63-624, Idaho Code, the Board of Trustees, in a Regular Meeting held August 8, 2016, adopted the following resolution with respect to the tax levy for the Independent School District of Boise City for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the amount of money required to be raised by special tax on the property in this District for the purpose of maintaining and supporting the schools of the District, paying its obligations, including interest on its bonded indebtedness, and providing a fund for the retirement thereof, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017, has been ascertained and determined to be the sum of $90,249,227. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that for the purpose above mentioned, a tax levy in the amount of $90,249,227 required from a property tax on property within the District to raise the amount of money fixed by the District budget as previously prepared and approved and a judgment levy as authorized by Idaho Code Section 63-1305 for taxes that were refunded by order of court. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Boise County and Ada County, Idaho, be advised that under the terms of the Charter of the Independent School District of
Boise City, there are no limitations upon the maximum levies that such District may make for any of its school purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this District shall spread this resolution upon the minutes and certify the above amounts to the County Commissioners for each county wherein any property to the District may lie, to-wit: Boise County and Ada County, Idaho. Sincerely,
Jennette Clark, Clerk-Treasurer Board of Trustees HARD TO FILL SPECIAL EDUCATION POSITIONS Upon a motion by Trustee Greeley with a second by Trustee Balukoff the Board unanimously voted to approve the Hard to Fill Special Education Positions. There is a shortage of candidates in the special education department. Per Idaho Statute 33-1004 the School Board must approve these positions as hard-tofill in order to offer a leadership premium in the event we need to incentivize a candidate to accept a job with the Boise School District. TRUSTEE ELECTION UPDATE Clerk Jennette Clark reported to the Trustees regarding the tasks that have been completed for the 2016 Trustee Election. The election will be held on September 6, 2016. Training for the Chief Judge and the poll workers for each location will be held on August 15, 18 or 19, 2016. DATA PRESENTATION Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly presented a report on the Boise School District Advanced Placement Exams, ABID Enrollment and College Going and Degrees. ISBA RESOLUTION PROCESS Trustee President, Nancy Gregory, suggested that the Trustees work on the ISBA Resolution Process earlier in the year. Trustee Dr. Troy Rohn suggested that a workshop, be dedicated to the process, possibly in April. BOARD/SUPERINTENDENTS COMMENTS Trustee Dr. Troy Rohn ask about the new SBOE Board. Dr. Coberly told the Board that the new Board member, Andy Scoggin, is very positive and open. He feels that they are going in a good direction. Dr. Coberly is worried about where the Career Ladder is headed. Other Districts are using it as a pay scale. Committee structure will be developed after the 2016 Trustee election. Committee meetings for August and September will be held, at the discretion of the chairman, of each committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Rohn made a motion with a second by Trustee Balukoff to adjourn the Board meeting. The Board unanimously agreed at 6:56 pm _________________________________________ PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES ATTEST: _____________________________ August 8, 2016