MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BOISE CITY Monday, September 11, 2017, 6:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting Edward L. Davis District Services Center 8169 W. Victory Road - Boise, Idaho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGULAR SESSION At 5:58 p.m. President Nancy Gregory called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Trustees Nancy Gregory, Maria Greeley, AJ Balukoff, Troy Rohn, Doug Park, Dave Wagers and Beth Oppenheimer. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly and Deputy Superintendent Coby Dennis; Board Clerk Jennette Clark; Directors Lisa Roberts, Amy Kohlmeier, Brian Walker, Debbie Donovan and Nick Smith; Administrator Stacy Roth; Principals Chris Ryan, Nate Dennis and Quane Kenyon, Public Affairs Specialist Dan Hollar and BEA President Stephanie Myers. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance led by Pierce Park Elementary “Panther Pacers”. Principal Chris Ryan. RED APPLE AWARD It is our pleasure this evening to recognize an individual who has served the children of the Boise School District for 7 years. It is very seldom that you come across an educator like this person. This person has spent her Boise School District career at Hillside Jr. High, building the Spanish program into one of the largest elective classes at the school and one of the best programs in the Treasure Valley. Her Spanish class has become a sought-after elective, so much so that another full time teacher has been hired! This person is now focusing on the creation of the French program at Hillside, which is already blossoming, and in year one is nearly at capacity. Master teachers are a rarity; the combination of skill and excellence in the classroom as well as quality and authenticity in the faculty room is very uncommon. One of this person’s greatest strengths is her pure unselfish decision making at Hillside. It is extremely rare to see a veteran teacher give up their room to help a new teacher make the transition easier, but that is just what this person did this year. She gave up her room to help a new teacher settle in and thrive. This is just one example of the many altruistic characteristics of this person; listing them all is simply an impossibility. Lastly, this person is a wonderful human being, a kids-first educator, and a committed instructor. Her ability to see beyond herself demonstrates levels of self-actualization that few people achieve in a lifetime. It is an honor to work side-by-side with her and Hillside is incredibly lucky to have her. Tonight it is our distinct honor to present the Red Apple Award for September 11, 2017 to Laurie McNamara, Spanish teacher, Hillside Jr. High School, for outstanding service to education and for educating today for a better tomorrow. GOLDEN APPLE AWARD It is our pleasure this evening to recognize an individual who has served the children of the Boise School District for 23 years. This person is the “go-to” person for all of Fairmont Jr. High School. This person began her career at Fairmont as a parent volunteer and moved into the attendance secretary position when the job became available over 20 years ago. She has served as a vital part of the school’s operation ever since. In fact, many believe that without her, the school would fall apart!
As hectic as things can get in a school office, this person always stays calm and does whatever needs to be done in order to help students, parents, staff and administrators. This involves consistent and continual multi-tasking. She is not only knowledgeable but also kind, considerate, and professional toward students, parents, and staff. Many new programs and systems have been implemented since this person began working at Fairmont, and she has always been willing to learn and adapt to change. She considers extra duties part of her job and is always ready to help with anything from stuffing report cards to making copies to cleaning up after a staff lunch. The administration at Fairmont depends on her, and her peers all agree that she is one-of-a-kind. Tonight it is our distinct honor to present the Golden Apple Award for September 11, 2017 to Jo Castleman, administrative assistant, Fairmont Jr. High School, for outstanding service to education and for educating today for a better tomorrow. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Upon a motion by Trustee Balukoff with a second by Trustee Greeley the Board unanimously approved Enclosures 1 through 16. 1. Minutes of previous meetings: a. Enc 1 – August 14, 2017 Board Meeting 2. Business and Financial Items: a. Enc 2 - Regular Bills – Report reflected total checks written in August 2017 of $60,793,824.79. b. Enc 3 - Treasurer’s Report – Report reflected a balance on the books as of August 31, 2017 of $188,892,826.41. c. Enc 4 - Capital Outlay Projects in progress: Brave Athletic Fields Amity Elementary Timberline High School Whittier Elementary Boise High School Dennis Technical Education Center North Jr High School Office Remodel Completed Projects White Pine Reroof Horizon Reroof and HVAC Replacement Riverside Reroof and HVAC Replacement Riverside Repaint Horizon New Flooring Jefferson New Flooring Jefferson Repaint Cynthia Mann Repaint Cynthia Mann New Flooring Adams New Flooring Adams Repaint
BEG. BAL. 352,373.29 191,862.94 193,792.77 33,957.36 41,766.62 463,018.94 43,647.74 50,213.21 30,869.45 30,591.71 82,242.36 28,012.23 83,784.66 53,252.51
INCOME 149,837.14 177,013.11 1,988.00 4,316.58 223,905.44 35,408.65 25,552.50 18,252.43 24,988.22 46,112.88 24,808.98 22,661.24 5,888.20
EXPENSE 27,561.88 71,144.15 76,422.53 3,328.99 2,418.35 106,894.13 15,392.03 3,091.93 773.58 20,496.32 9,775.71 8,307.44 3,410.97 9,264.28
BALANCE 324,811.41 270,556.03 294,383.35 32,616.37 43,664.85 580,030.25 63,664.36 72,673.78 48,348.30 35,083.61 118,579.53 44,513.77 103,034.93 49,876.43
e. Enc 6 – Elementary Financial Reports: Reports were approved as presented f. Bid Awards: No Bids g. Final Pays: Enc 7 – Interior Painting – Cynthia Mann Elementary The final contract amount was $86,777.00. There were no change orders. Previous payments totaling $82,438.15 have been issued on this project. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be approved and final payment in the amount of $4,338.85 be made to All Colors, Inc. Floor Covering Replacement – Horizon Elementary The final contract amount was amount was $161,401.00 There were no change orders. Previous payments totaling $153,330.95 have been issued on this project. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be approved and final payment in the amount of $8,070.05 be made to Town & Country Flooring. Floor Covering Replacement – Adams Elementary The final contract amount was $84,177.00 including change orders totaling $2,430.00. Previous payments totaling $79,968.15 have been issued on this project. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be approved and final payment in the amount of $4,208.85 be made to Great Floors. Floor Covering Replacement – Jefferson Elementary The final contract amount was $144,530.00. There were no change orders. Previous payments totaling $137, 303.50 have been issued on this project. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be approved and final payment in the amount of $7,226.50 be made to Town & Country Flooring. 3. Personnel Items: a. Enc 8 Personnel Report – The Board approved the Personnel Report for September 2017. New Hire Employee Certified Alexander, Leona
Vacancy Reason
Trail Wind
New Position
Effective 8/16/2017
Altree, Darcie Morley Nelson Amburgey, Merissa East Amster, Judy PTC Arteaga, Oscar East Atwood, Shannon East Barry, Katie Lowell Barsten, Breanna Taft Bastow, Carrie Grace Jordan Baumann, Blair South Beck, Emily Owyhee Beck, Melissa Whitney Bellomy, Corareine Whitney Blick Choate, Geianne Boise School Botkin, Travis Frank Church Brigham, Richard Morley Nelson Bunn, Jeffrey Adams Cabrera, Heidi East Canas, Kassandra Trail Wind Cho, Jennifer TVMSC Cotner, Theresa Jefferson Cox, Kylie Horizon Croft, Lisa West Curl, Tara Whittier Davey, Chesney Les Bois Davis, Rebecca North Demers, Steve Borah Dodds, Jeannette Lowell Draney, Jason Borah Edwards, Vanessa ASCENT Faddick, Elizabeth Monroe Felt, Jacquelyn Cynthia Mann Fiddler, Justin Hillside Flory, Andrew Maple Grove Flynn, Christopher Grace Jordan Folkner, Lauren South Fornander, Stephanie Boise Forsyth, Chelsey White Pine Gadient, Raven Whitney Gallup, Emily Morley Nelson Gehrig, Brittney West Gonzales, Jennifer Horizon Goodan, Tobin Morley Nelson Goughnour, Kelly Riverglen Green, Gina Jefferson Green, Natalie Whittier Griffin, Erika Highlands Hadley, Brad Frank Church Hadley, Kristin Frank Church Haley, Hughes Capital Hans, Mark North Hanson, Amberlynn Whittier
School Nurse Retirement Teacher-Sec New Position Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-Sec Resignation School Nurse Resignation Teacher-Elem Resignation Teacher-SpEd Transfer Teacher-SpEd Resignation Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-Elem Transfer Counselor-Sec Leave Teacher-Elem Other Counselor-Sec Transfer Teacher-PE Resignation Teacher-PE Transfer Teacher-Music Transfer Teacher-Sec New Position Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-SpEd Transfer Teacher-Elem Resignation Teacher Librarian Retirement Teacher-SpEd Transfer Teacher-Sec New Position Teacher-Sec New Position Teacher-Sec Retirement Teacher-Elem Resignation Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-SpEd Other Teacher-Elem Resignation School Psych New Position Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-Music Transfer School Nurse Transfer Teacher-Music Leave Teacher_PE Transfer Teacher-Elem New Position Teacher-SpEd Resignation Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Transfer School Nurse Resignation Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-SpEd Leave Teacher-Elem Resignation Teacher-Elem Leave Counselor-Sec Retirement Teacher-Sec Retirement Teacher-SpEd Retirement Teacher-Sec New Position Teacher-Elem Resignation
8/21/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 8/2/2017 8/16/2017 8/21/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/11/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/17/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/2/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017
Harder, Carrie Hauri, Alison Haylett, Todd Hill, Heidi Holt, Ashley James, Cory Jensen, Colleen Johanson, Adam Johnson, Alexis Johnson, Madeleine Johnson, Nalisha Kafka, Eric Kaminsky, Christin Kettner, Stacia Kimball, Jenni Koberg, Amber Kovach, Deborah Kramis, John Krigbaum, Blair Larsen, Sierra Lawson, Rebecca Loftis, Michele Lovitt, Cyndie Ludwig, Kathryn Manley, Christopher Mares, Olivia Martyn, Charles Mcabee, Kathryn Mccarthy, Kevin Mccarty, Debra Mccoy, Julia Mcdougal, Lynette Mcfarland, Joncee Mcintosh, Rachel Mcreynolds, Kylie Mesplay, Lindsay Mileski, Jaime Miller, Dana Morrison, Paul Nelson, Jeremy Noyce, Erik Oakes, Jessica O’donnell, Shannon Olsson, Katherine Ontiveros, Brennan Pederson, Stannon Perrin, Mckenzie Peterson, Jacob Pfiester, Joshua Poe, Julianna Poulson, Kimberly
Timberline Fairmont PTC East Riverglen Lowell Whittier East North Washington Timberline Trail Wind East Timberline Borah West Capital Capital Fairmont South West Timberline North Borah Whittier South Hillside Fairmont Borah West Whittier Frank Church Cynthia Mann Borah Riverglen Horizon Frank Church Morley Nelson South East Lowell Hillside Cynthia Mann Borah Hillside Borah Riverglen South East Horizon Hillcrest
Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Elem School Nurse Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Elem Teacher-Sec Counselor-Elem Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Counselor-Career Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec PTC Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Counselor-Elem Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Elem Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Sec School Nurse Counselor-Elem Teacher-Sec Teacher-Elem Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Music Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Sec Teacher-Music Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Sec Teacher-Music School Nurse
New Position Transfer New Position Resignation New Position Retirement Resignation Transfer Leave Transfer Retirement Transfer Retirement Transfer Transfer Resignation Resignation Leave Transfer Transfer Leave Transfer Transfer Retirement Retirement Resignation Resignation Retirement Retirement One Year Only Transfer Resignation Transfer Retirement Resignation Retirement Retirement Transfer Leave New Position Resignation New Position Resignation New Position Transfer Retirement Retirement Transfer Resignation Transfer Transfer
8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 9/6/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/21/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 9/5/2017 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017
Rasulo, Abigail Mountain View Reader, Robert Boise Rehwalt, Leisha Owyhee Rendon, Martha Jefferson Rodriguez, Eden Whitney Sanchez Forrono, Irene Whittier Schams, Lauren South Schisel, John Borah Schmitt, Alesha Hillside Schulz, Melinda Boise Sherrill, Cory Garfield Skinner, Christopher Les Bois Slichter, Savannah Horizon Smart, Ian Timberline Smith, Jessica Hawthorne Smith, Richard Whittier Stadtlander, Jonathan Hillside Strawhun, Beatriz Whitney Sullivan, Sean East Swartley, William Timberline Thach, Tabitha Fairmont Thomason, Lalania Hawthorne Thompson, Jenna Frank Church Thorpe, Audra Jefferson Upham, Zachary North Urquidi, Kathryn Timberline Vasquez, Macey Riverside Vitulli, Stephanie Lowell Wallinger, David Capital Wickman, Kathryn Lowell Wickmark, Davianna Grace Jordan Wilkinson, Adam Hillside Woodrick, Katie Hillside Zander, Elliot Capital Zimmermann, Cirstin West Zweifel, Aara Capital Classified Alves Fortes, Donald Riverside Arana, Cassandra Boise Babner, Sarah Riverglen Bennett, Amber Whitney Bevill, Riley East Bowman, Nancy Hidden Springs Boyer, Marian Horizon Brian, Joseph West Brown, Karla Pierce Park Bryant, Gail Koelsch Buffington, Phil Pierce Park Cadena, Garcia Whittier Chandler, Natalie Frank Church Clark, Saraya Boise
Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-SpEd Retirement Teacher-Elem Other Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Elem Leave Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-Sec Retirement Teacher-SpEd Transfer Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Resignation Teacher-SpEd Transfer Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-Elem Resignation Teacher-Sec Retirement Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-SpEd Transfer Counselor-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Resignation Reading Specialist Transfer Teacher-Sec New Position Teacher-Sec Involuntary Term Teacher-Elem Leave Teacher-Elem Resignation JROTC Retirement Teacher-Elem Resignation Teacher-Elem Transfer Teacher-Sec Transfer Teacher-Sec Other Teacher-Sec Resignation School Psych Transfer Teacher-Sec Leave
8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 9/5/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 8/11/2017 8/16/2017
Behavior Sup Spec Transfer Library Profess Retirement SpEd Asst New Position SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Transfer School Support Resignation Title 1 Tutor Retirement Library Profess Transfer Occ Phys Therap Leave Title 1 Tutor Resignation School Support Resignation Title 1 Tutor Transfer Admin Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation
8/21/2017 8/20/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/17/2017 8/17/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/7/2017 8/21/2017
Coate, Lori Conti, Jason Cox, Olivia Davis, Gail Deckard, Careen Dildine, Kayla Dilulo, Kyle Donnell, Erin Dorius, Dawn Dougherty, Christina Duell-myler, Amanda Ellinghouse, Gina Ford, Tyler Franco, Kelsey Friday, Luci Gallegos, Martin Godsill, Madeline Goellner, Michaela Gold, Chandra Goode, Missy Gowdy, Taylor Graham, Nancy Gunning, Jessica Gustavel, Leanne Hansen, John Harling, Megan Harris, Tracy Harwood, Tauna Hayley, Joshua Heffner, Marisa Herker, Danielle Hodge, Sarah Horn, Vickie Horrocks, Katy Hough, Sharri Huey, Lisa Humpherys, Lindsey Hyde, Eric Idol, Leslie James, Robin Johnson, Larry Jones, Tammy Kautzsch, Kelsey Kepler, Jennifer Kerns, Anthony Klein, Matt Lewis, Dana Lewis, Vanessa Liese, Robin Llamas, Andrea Mair, Caroline
Grace Jordan Fort Boise Whitney West Whittier Mountain View Hillside Timberline Whitney White Pine White Pine Timberline Frank Church Whitney Capital Lowell Horizon Timberline Valley View DSC Hillside Hillcrest Lowell Washington Jefferson Mountain View Frank Church South ASCENT Garfield Jefferson Garfield Boise East Frank Church Whitney South Timberline Garfield Grace Jordan Lowell Riverglen Highlands East Borah Taft Hidden Springs Hillcrest Mountain View Morley Nelson Adams
Title 1 Tutor Resignation Site Support Spec Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation Reading Tutor New Position Title 1 Tutor Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation School Support Involuntary Term SpEd Asst Transfer School Support Transfer School Support New Position Security Officer Resignation School Support Involuntary Term SpEd Asst Resignation Behavior Sup Spec New Position SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Transfer Library Profess Resignation Strategic Coord New Position Behavior Sup Spec Resignation Title 1 Tutor New Position SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Retirement Reading Tutor New Position Title 1 Tutor Transfer Comm School Co New Position SpEd Asst New Position Behavior Sup Spec Resignation SpEd Asst Transfer Behavior Sup Spec Resignation Title 1 Tutor New Position SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation Academic Interv Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst New Position SpEd Asst New Position Title 1 Tutor Resignation SpEd Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Transfer Educational Tutor New Position Admin Asst Sec Retirement ELL Tutor Involuntary Term SpEd Asst Resignation School Support Transfer SpEd Asst Involuntary Term SpEd Asst Involuntary Term Reading Tutor New Position School Support Resignation
8/21/2017 7/3/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/28/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/17/2017 7/19/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/7/2017 8/22/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/28/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/2/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 9/18/2017
Malek, Leah Riverside Maloney, Angela Cynthia Mann Manley, Alison STEP Mares, Olivia Capital Maupin, Brenda Hillcrest Mcdaniel, Paiden Whillier McKinney, Cambron ESC Mendiola, Alyssa White Pine Meyer, Holly Timberline Moreno, Gabriel Hillside Mulcahy, Ryan East Murnighan, Anita Liberty Nickerson, Tyson South Norman, Kristin Garfield Norton, Christie Jefferson Ouellette, Nicole Borah Prasch, Marcia Liberty Pudelko, Shannon East Riggs, Carrie Hillcrest Rutherford, Brett Taft Ryabokon, Larisa Mountain View Schultz, Tracy Monroe See, Theresa Hawthorne Sloan, Eron South Smith, Amber Whitney Smith, Kimberly Valley View Spence, Jaime Grace Jordan Spencer, Heather Hillcrest Sperling, Seana Taft Staley, Jessica Jefferson Steiner, Amber Jefferson Stephens, Spencer Timberline Strong, Keegan ESC Waldrop, Keriden Jefferson Wann, Trent Fairmont Weber, Logan South Williams, Kyla Whitney Youngblood, Kirsten Horizon Facilities & Operations Dietz, Kimberly North Howard, Rhiannon Cynthia Mann Stillwell, Dianne Timberline Sumtsov, Nikolay Liberty Food Service Ferree, Marilyn Hillcrest Johnson, Renee Koelsch Peek, Sheila Horizon Wittek, Claudia Garfield Worthington, Bonnie Whittier Just for Kids Kofoed, Breahna Just For Kids
SpEd Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation Educational Inter Resignation SpEd Asst New Position Title 1 Tutor New Position Behavior Sup Spec Transfer Behavior Sup Spec Resignation SpEd Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation Educational Tutor Resignation SpEd Asst New Position SpEd Asst Retirement Educational Inter Resignation ELL Tutor Resignation SpEd Asst Transfer SpEd Asst Transfer School Support Resignation Reading Tutor New Position School Support Resignation SpEd Asst Resignation Title 1 Tutor Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation Educational Tutor Resignation SpEd Asst Involuntary Term Behavior Sup Spec Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation School Support Retirement Behavior Sup Spec Transfer School Support Transfer SpEd Asst Resignation Behavior Sup Spec Resignation Health Tech Resignation SpEd Asst New Position SpEd Asst New Position Reading Tutor New Position Reading Tutor New Position
8/25/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/25/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/31/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 9/18/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/25/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 8/21/2017
Custodian Custodian Custodian Custodian
Transfer Involuntary Term Involuntary Term Transfer
8/28/2017 8/28/2017 8/22/2017 9/5/2017
Assistant Mgr Service Worker Service Worker Service Worker Service Worker
Resignation Transfer Transfer New Position Resignation
8/22/2017 8/22/2017 8/22/2017 9/5/2017 8/22/2017
JFK Site Coord
New Position
Megis, Laci Just For Kids Pearson, Mary Just For Kids Leave the District Employee Certified Gilderhus, Jamie Capital Ilett, Jordan Boise Martin, Erin Riverside Morrison, Paul South Olson, Deborah Owyhee Rowe, Jacob West Classified Bergersen, Roberto Frank Church Carroll, Julina Hawthorne Golden, Taro ESC Hall, Summer Adams Hersom, Leah Hillcrest Macdonald, Pamela Capital Milligan, Timothy Garfield Reinhard, Beau Hillside Rutherford, Wendy Jefferson Snow, Leanne Mountain View Facilities & Operations Garten, Shawna F&O Ludwig, Darla Longfellow Putnam, Braden Grace Jordan Wingo, Wayne Amity Food Service Kent, Lerslie Cynthia Mann Pharr, Tiffany Whitney Warner, Heidi West Leave of Absence Certified Crotty, Joseph Borah Stewart, Jennifer Roosevelt Classified Shaw, Christina West Facilities & Operations Bristol-McCord F&O
Child Care Child Care
New Position New Position
9/1/2017 9/6/2017
Teacher-Sec Teacher-Sec Teacher-Elem Teacher-Sec Teacher-SpEd Teacher-Sec
Personal Work for School Dist Personal Personal Retirement Personal
6/2/2017 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 9/1/2017 7/25/2017 6/2/2017
Security Officer Personal Health Tech Personal Behavior Sup Spec Personal School Support Personal School Support Personal SpEd Asst Personal Title 1 Tutor Work for School Dist SpEd Asst Personal Title 1 Tutor Work for School Dist School Support Personal
6/2/2017 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 9/15/2017 6/1/2017 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 6/2/2017
Clerk-Department Personal Custodian Personal Custodian Return to School Head Custodian Terminated
8/8/2017 8/15/2017 9/22/2017 8/30/2017
Service Worker Manager Service Worker
Personal Personal Personal
6/2/2017 6/2/2017 9/8/2017
Teacher-Sec Teacher-Elem
Medical FMLA
11/16/17-6/1/18 9/29/17-10-13/17
SpEd Asst
b. Enc 9 Alternative Authorization: Under Idaho State Board Rule § Initial Qualifications, we request the Board of Trustees declare a hiring emergency for the purpose of employing less than fully certified teachers. The District requests approval to seek a 2017-18 Alternative Authorization - Teacher to New Certificate/Endorsement for the following individuals: Heidi A. Cabrera
Art 6/12 and English 6/12
4. Other Business a. Enc 10 Application for a Cooperative Program: Application for a cooperative program, Timberline High School is the primary sponsoring school; other school involved in this application is
Riverstone International School. Activity covered by this application is swimming and is for the school years 2017/18 and 2018/19. b. Enc 11 2017-18 Authorized Signatures: Authorized bank account signatures for each elementary school plus each secondary ASB account were approved as presented. 5. Committee Reports a. Enc 12 – Communications: Trustee Doug Park presented the following report from September 7, 2017. Attendees: AJ Balukoff, Beth Oppenheimer, Amy Kohlmeier, Ryan Hill, Dan Hollar, Coby Dennis and Doug Park Communication Oversight Committee Purpose A brief history of the committee, which was established in 2012, was reviewed and the committee began a discussion to update the committee purpose. A number of related principles were quickly discussed and tabled for further discussion at an upcoming meeting. The results of these discussions of communication principles will drive the update of the committee purpose. Status of the Calendar Committee Recommendation Process The administration discussed the feedback they are receiving from students, parents, and patrons and the impact of these important listening processes on the development of a final recommendation that will be presented to the Board for consideration. Administrators reported the feedback they heard at the two public forums they facilitated earlier this week. The Administrators also reported the process will continue throughout September resulting in the committee producing a final recommendation consensus that will be presented to the Board. Trustees reinforced the value of the process being used to produce the Administrations consensus decision. Update on the Statesman’s Relationship with the Boise School District Dan Hollar reported on steps the District plans to take on scheduling an upcoming meeting with the Idaho Statesman regarding the newspaper’s new direction in covering education. Details of the meeting with the Statesman are being finalized. Recently, veteran Education Reporter Bill Roberts announced his retirement and the Statesman has indicated that, in the future, a number of reporters will be used to cover education. With this new direction, the District felt it would be a good time to meet with Idaho Statesman leadership to discuss a number of topics: • Idaho Statesman’s education coverage: o What’s the future focus/direction? o Who are the new Statesman education reporters? • How Boise District can assist Statesman in future education coverage and what is the District’s media relations process: o Contact Public Affairs - Dan Hollar o District’s overarching media relations principles: Responsive, Approachable, Available, Community/Neighborhood Focused while hold various media outlets accountable for accuracy, thoroughness, balanced, fair, etc. • District initiatives warranting news coverage which are detailed in our Strategic Plan: o Community Schools o Preparing students for success in College & Career o AVID o K-6 Report Card Re-Design o Facilities Master Plan Implementation - Bond Projects o New Grading Philosophy/Focus Update from the Boise Public Schools Foundation We will again be hosting a Patron Tour which will feature Dennis Pro Tech and Frank Church. The Tour will be at the end of October. We will have more details in the October meeting. The Foundation is hosting a parent group (PTO/PTA/Booster) meeting on September 27th. The meeting will have a District update and best practices for parent groups working with schools, volunteers and money. In closing, we appreciate the great beginning of the 2017-2018 school year. The communication process continues to improve and is much appreciated.
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b. Enc 13 – Facilities: Trustee Dave Wagers presented the following report from September 7, 2017. Attendees: Lisa Roberts, Dave Wagers, Doug Park, Coby Dennis, Tom Willis and Stephanie Myers Follow Up Topics: Summer progress on maintenance and capital projects There will be a report to the Board on 9/11/17 with updates on the summer projects We are currently over budget for the Amity project. This summer’s deferred maintenance projects came in under budget. There have not been a lot of change orders. Discussions with architects are starting on Fairmont and Hillside gym builds. Maple Grove and Taft project discussions with architects will start in the next few months. Update on considerations for furniture Scott Engum is interviewing furniture vendors to share new ideas in classroom furniture that fits Leasing Committee update Leasing Committee will present to the Board at a future meeting or workshop. New Business: 1. Review Committee Purpose & Roles: Purpose: The work of Growth and Development Facilities Committee is to: a) Systematically review and support the administration with the annual report on the condition of all facilities to the Board prior to the development and approval of the annual budget (9300). b) Systematically review and support the administration in the annual review of the Facilities Master Plan prior to the development and approval of the annual budget (9100). c) Provide a forum for Strategic thinking regarding the changing demographics within our boundaries that might require new land/facilities and/or closure/sale of current land/facilities. d) Based upon the changing demographics, provide a forum for planning regarding potential adjustments in school boundaries and/or transportation needs. e) Provide for planning for capital funding and operational funding for facilities. Roles: 1) Trustee Co-Chair has the responsibility of ensuring the meeting topics are well defined with adequate preparation that utilizes meeting time effectively and accomplishes the work of the committee. 2) Administrative Co-Chair has the responsibility of contributing to the agenda and proper preparation along with recommending who should be invited as a subject matter expert or the individual accountable regarding a specific topic on the agenda. 3) Both Co-Chairs are responsible for facilitating the committee purpose, ensuring the meeting is conducted consistent with our values and goals, as well as reinforcing progress and task accomplishment. 4) Following each meeting, the Trustee Co-Chair has the responsibility for providing a summary update to the President, Vice-President, for review to the Clerk and committee members. The Trustee Co-Chair will also provide the reviewed summary to the entire board clerk for the inclusion in its the regular monthly meeting. 5) For tasks that are delegated, the Administrative Co-Chair or representative will present detailed briefings to the Board deemed necessary. Relevant Trustee Reference: 1) 9100 – Facilities Master Plan – Annual Review (9100 policy link) 2) 9200 – Policies relating to Construction, Modification or Closure of Facilities a) Including Site Acquisition (9210 policy link)
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b) Selection of Architect and other resources needed for construction, modification and repairs (9221 policy link) c) Educational Specifications (9222 policy link) d) Naming of New Facilities (9250 policy link) e) Sale of Real and Personal Property (7211 policy link) 3) 9300 – Policies relating to Operation and Maintenance a) Annual Review (9300 policy link) Tom Willis will provide an annual update to the Board. He considering software to help track cost, projects, etc. b) Sale of Surplus Equipment and Material (7210 policy link) c) Use of District Property (4320 policy link) 2. South of Boise Development Road from Lake Hazel to Orchard will go in during the 17/18 school year. Homes will start building the fall of 2018. Future Business: 1. Strategic Plan review pertaining to facilities 2. Budget update 3. Boundary Discussion update Board Meeting/Workshop Topics: 1. Clarification on Brave Fields 2. Leasing Presentation for a workshop - Dave to comment, Lisa to put it on a workshop agenda c. Enc 14 – Governance: Trustee Beth Oppenheimer presented the following report from September 5, 2017. Attendees: Brian Walker, Beth Oppenheimer, Troy Rohn, Maria Greeley, Coby Dennis and Jennette Clark Director Brian Walker reviewed the Governance Committee purpose and procedure as an overview to the beginning of the new year. 2016-17 Follow Up Policies 3577 Non-Sanctioned Sports - Remove “swimming”. Recommend Dan Skinner review the club usage of District property and use of mascot’s name, etc. Director Brian Walker and Coby Dennis will review language of policy and bring back to committee. 2231 Homeless Education, Rights and Services - Discussed changes recommend for this policy and found the language to be procedural rather than policy. Will return to administration for further review. 4320 - Use of District Property - Trustees Beth Oppenheimer and Dave Wagers will join the Facilities Leasing Program Committee to review this policy. 5231 Self-Disclosure on Alcohol - Recommend Dan Skinner review policy to include a self-disclosure clause that would pertain to District employees and bring back to committee. 3231 Bullying and Harassment - Replace first reading version of section “Insufficient Evidence” with recommendation from Dan Skinner 6/29/17. Recommend to move to second reading. 4321 Religious Organizations and Use of Facilities - There was a request by a community member to review this policy. Committee decided to leave policy as is. 6120 Superintendent's Duties - Reviewed the policy and confirmed that it aligned with the current Superintendent evaluation. 8116 Safety Bussing - Committee will review when we review the 8000’s policies later this year. d. Enc 15 – Legislative: Trustee Troy Rohn presented the following report from September 7, 2017. Attendees: Ryan Hill, Cody Dennis, Troy Rohn, Doug Park, Debbie Donovan, Nick Smith 1. Governmental/Community Involvement Update: a. Grant and Proposal Committee Overview - Debbie Donovan. Debbie gave the committee an overview and purpose of their committee, which has a primary role in vetting requests for surveys and
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presentations that would involve our students. The overall objective of the committee is to make sure those requests are aligned with our strategic plan, complement what we are doing in the schools, and do not take away from valuable instructional time. 2.Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee - Purpose and Role Document: The committee discussed the purpose and role of our committee with an emphasis on who reports are disseminated for review. In this regard it was agreed the Trustee Co-Chair would make sure the report is sent to the President and Vice President in addition to members of the committee and the clerk. 3. The Administrative Rule process and State Board/State Department Rule Changes: Nick shared background on the issues that we had with the State Board and State Department last year regarding transparency and not communicating with Districts on rule changes. He shared that this document is an overview of the rulemaking process, which can serve as a reference for the committee in the coming months. 4. August Administrative Bulletin: Included language for the SDE's proposed change to college entrance exam requirements for students on IEP (pg 14). The committee went over two pending rules that will be up for approval during the next legislative session. The committee had some minor concerns with this rule and will be forwarding the rule to the appropriate administrator in DSC. 5. State Board of Education Meetings: August 10th Board Meeting Summary: a. The committee talked about the Master Teacher Premium program and how it works. We also talked about the legislation that would limit advanced opportunities courses that are related to degrees. Ryan brought up the need to push more CTE courses that would qualify for Advanced Opportunities funding. Coby talked about the CTE initiative being one of our most impactful initiatives in the strategic plan this year. Coby stressed the significant undertaking that this initiative is and how it touches all of our committees. Doug talked about a need for two levels in CTE. The higher level is the state certified programs. The lower level is the non-bureaucratic approach that is designed to help provide local employers with those employees they are seeking. Those lower level courses could lead to the certificates but don’t involve the bureaucratic processes. b. August 31st, Special State Board Agenda (Warning - 614 pages): Pg. 38 Background Checks Pg. 413 Administrator Recertification Requirements (Pg. 425), Evaluations (Pg. 431). The committee talked about the need to address the Administration Recertification Requirements. We talked about the issues that this requirement causes. Coby shared that Dr. Coberly is going to be looking into this further. 6. Feedback and Public Comments provided by the Boise School District to State Department on ESSA a. Nick shared the purpose of this document and why we put it together. 7. Legislator and Stakeholder Meetings at the DSC: a. Scheduling Dates and Times: b. Topics: i. How growth is calculated on the IRI and adding the mobility factor back in: 1. Data Points: Why Considering Mobility is Important for Every Accountability Measure 2. Data Points: IRI Indicator Growth in Cohort Percentage of Grade Level Readers ii. Pupil Personnel Staff being eligible for National Board Certification Stipend. 1. 33-1004E Agenda Items For Next meeting: • Division of Building Safety, Safe Schools Audit Rules • ISBA Resolutions • Agenda Items for Legislative and Stakeholder Meeting • State Board rules from most recent bulletin. Action Items: Propose dates for Legislative Stakeholders Meeting
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e. Enc 16 – Strategy: Trustee AJ Balukoff presented the following report from September 7, 2017. Attendees: Debbie Donovan, AJ Balukoff, Coby Dennis, Dave Wagers, Maria Greeley, Mark Jones, Teri Thaemert and Stephanie Myers. Grading Policy and Report Card Redesign Mark Jones reported on the status of the report card redesign and the new grading procedures. Mark and his team have provided teachers with a summary of best practices. The District uses Sound Grading Practices, which include: Ensuring that students’ grades accurately reflects student achievement. Separating student behaviors from achievement. Being purposeful on how teachers assess student progress and recording that progress accurately. Repurposing homework. The District requires Equal Increment Grading Scales (if using a 100 point scale, the lowest score is a 50%). Our policy allows for a 4 or 5 point grading scales. We accept late work. We reassess tests and assignments. Math Cohort Process Dr. Thaemert reported on the math cohort process to help teachers teach math more effectively. This is the third year of the program. Teachers attend orientation and cadre hubs. The first year gives teachers strategies to teach math more effectively. During the second year, teachers build collaborative teams, called community building, to become better teachers. The goal is to build math team leaders in every school. iReady Dr. Thaemert demonstrated one of the iReady books that teachers use for feedback on student achievement. The book identifies where a student is in achievement and the areas where the student needs additional help. The book also identifies where the teacher can go for resources for remediation. Air Quality Discussion Coby reviewed what the District is doing in response to the extremely poor air quality. This is a new situation for the District because we have never experienced air quality that is this poor. The District is consulting with agencies and other school districts to discuss options. We do not intend to cancel school, however athletic events have been canceled, and the District purchased N95 masks that will be used for any students or staff that experience distress because of the poor air quality. Committee Purpose The Committee reviewed the statement of purpose of this committee. The committee members suggested several wording changes it felt better describes what the committee should be doing. Calendar Discussion Committee members shared their reactions to the comments they have been receiving from patrons regarding the proposed calendar change. BOND/MAINTENANCE PROJECTS The Area Directors reported on the Bond Maintenance Projects. Borah Quad: Hawthorne – AC in kitchen; Hillcrest – Fire Safety System; Frank Church – replace boilers; Jefferson – carpet and paint; Amity – new building in progress. Capital Quad: Horizon – paint, carpet, roof, AC and clocks/bells. Timberline Quad: Adams – floor and paint; Timberline High – addition; Dennis Tech – addition; Boise Quad: Taft – water main/update fixtures; Boise High – renovate gym/music building; Boise High – Brave Athletic Complex; Cynthia Mann – paint and flooring; North Jr High – main office renovation; Whittier – currently out to bid. Trustee Troy Rohn thanked the patrons for supporting the bond so these projects could take place. Update information and pictures are posted on the school district website at under Bond 2017.
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COMMUNITY SCHOOLS UPDATE Administrator Stacy Roth presented an update on the Community Schools. The mission is: Engaged communities, Increased Opportunities, Successful Students and Families. The vision is: Community Schools foster partnerships by focusing shared resources that enhance pathways to learing in a welcoming culture of high expectations. A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources dedicated to improving student learning, building stronger families and creating healthier communities. Four primary focus areas: Academics; Health and social services; Youth and community development; Family engagement. There are five Community Schools: Frank Church – Tracy Harris; Garfield – Katharine Cross; Morley Nelson – L’Tanya Self; Whitney – Susan Dennis; Whittier – Maritza Romero and Strategic Partnership Coordinator – Missy Goode. POLICY CHANGES – SECOND READING Director Brian Walker presented the following policy for Second Reading: 3231 Bullying, Hazing and Harassment. Upon a motion by Trustee Greely with a second by Trustee Park the Board unanimously voted to approve the policy effective immediately – September 11, 2017. BOARD/SUPERINTENDENTS COMMENTS Trustee President Nancy Gregory spoke about the resolution for K-12 Funding Principles. Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly reported on the concerns of the 2018/19 calendar. The administration has requested that the calendar committee revisit the calendar with a focus on the District’s priorities to end the first semester prior to the Winter Holiday break and increase instructional time in the second semester while honoring the community’s desire to start school later in August. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Balukoff made a motion with a second by Trustee Wagers to adjourn the Board meeting. The Board unanimously agreed at 7:18 p.m.
_________________________________________ PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES
ATTEST: _____________________________ September 11, 2017
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