How old is Ender when Colonel Hyrum Graff asks him to go to Battle School? Wednesday's Prize: Win one of the two posters
Library Fun to Celebrate the November 1 Movie Release of Ender’s Game November 4 - 8, stop by the library any (or all) of the days to submit your answer to the daily trivia question. Listen to the announcements at the end of each day for daily winners. You may use any resource of your choice (Internet, book, person) to acquire your answers. Prizes will be delivered during FLIGHT the week of November 11.
Monday’s Question: Who is the author of Ender’s Game and what year was Ender’s Game published? Monday’s Prize: Win one of the 8 smaller pictures hanging in the display case. (The first 8 correct answers drawn will be the winners.) Wednesday’s Question: How old is Ender when Colonel Hyrum Graff asks him to go to Battle School? Wednesday’s Prize: Win one of the two posters hanging on the bulletin board outside of the library. [movie trailer poster or READ poster] (The first 2 correct answers drawn will be the winners.) Thursday’s Question: Ender is eventually made commander of Dragon Army. Describe the challenges Ender faces as commander of the Dragon Army. Thursday’s Prize: Win one of the four metal 8x12 designs. (The best 4 answers will be the winners.) Friday’s Question: How does Ender defeat the buggers, and how does he feel about defeating the buggers? Friday’s Prize: Win one of the two posters hanging inside the display case by the library. [scenes from the movie] (The best 2 answers will be the winners.)