Ender's Game Week.pdf - Google Drive

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How old is Ender when Colonel Hyrum Graff asks him to go to Battle School? Wednesday's Prize: Win one of the two posters
Library Fun to Celebrate the November 1 Movie Release of Ender’s Game  November 4 - 8, stop by the library any (or all) of the days to submit your answer to the daily trivia question.  Listen to the announcements at the end of each day for daily winners.  You may use any resource of your choice (Internet, book, person) to acquire your answers.  Prizes will be delivered during FLIGHT the week of November 11.

Monday’s Question: Who is the author of Ender’s Game and what year was Ender’s Game published? Monday’s Prize: Win one of the 8 smaller pictures hanging in the display case. (The first 8 correct answers drawn will be the winners.) Wednesday’s Question: How old is Ender when Colonel Hyrum Graff asks him to go to Battle School? Wednesday’s Prize: Win one of the two posters hanging on the bulletin board outside of the library. [movie trailer poster or READ poster] (The first 2 correct answers drawn will be the winners.) Thursday’s Question: Ender is eventually made commander of Dragon Army. Describe the challenges Ender faces as commander of the Dragon Army. Thursday’s Prize: Win one of the four metal 8x12 designs. (The best 4 answers will be the winners.) Friday’s Question: How does Ender defeat the buggers, and how does he feel about defeating the buggers? Friday’s Prize: Win one of the two posters hanging inside the display case by the library. [scenes from the movie] (The best 2 answers will be the winners.)

Develop a Strategic Mind: READ