Environ Biol Fish DOI 10.1007/s10641-007-9215-8
Endocrinological investigation into the reproductive cycles of two sympatric skate species, Malacoraja senta and Amblyraja radiata, in the western Gulf of Maine Jeff Kneebone Æ Darren E. Ferguson Æ James A. Sulikowski Æ Paul C. W. Tsang
Received: 9 August 2006 / Accepted: 28 December 2006 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract The smooth skate, Malacoraja senta, and thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata, are two commercially exploited batoids found within the Gulf of Maine. During the past five years, we conducted a large study to accurately describe important biological life history parameters previously lacking for these species. As part of that project, the current study reports our findings on the hormonal profiles associated with the reproductive cycles of M. senta and A. radiata. Blood samples were obtained from mature M. senta and A. radiata of both sexes from all months of the year, and plasma testosterone (T), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) concentrations were determined using radioimmunoassay (RIA). In female M. senta and A. radiata, monthly T concentrations ranged from 4,522 pg ml–1 to 1,373 pg ml–1 and 31,940 pg ml–1 to 14,428 pg ml–1, E2 concentrations from 831 pg ml–1 to 60 pg ml–1 and 8,515 pg ml–1 to 2,902 pg ml–1, and P4 concentrations from 3,027 pg ml–1 to 20 pg ml–1 and
J. Kneebone (&) D. E. Ferguson P. C. W. Tsang Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA e-mail:
[email protected] J. A. Sulikowski Marine Science Center, University of New England, Biddeford, ME 04005, USA
3,264 pg ml–1 to 331 pg ml–1, respectively. No statistical differences were detected between any months for any hormone. Estradiol concentrations were not correlated with ovary weight, shell gland weight, or diameter of the largest follicles in either species. Monthly T concentrations in male M. senta and A. radiata ranged from 23,146 to 12,660 pg ml–1 and from 57,500pg ml–1 to 24,737 pg ml–1, while E2 concentrations ranged from 7.5 pg ml–1 to undetectable and 103 to 30 pg ml–1, respectively. No statistical differences were observed between months for either steroid. Testosterone concentrations were weakly correlated with testes weight and percent of stage VI spermatocysts in A. radiata, however, no correlation was detected between T and stage VI spermatocysts in M. senta. Collectively, these data support the previous conclusion that M. senta and A. radiata of both sexes are capable of reproducing year round in the western Gulf of Maine. Keywords Malacoraja senta Amblyraja radiata Radioimmunoassay Testosterone Estradiol Progesterone
Introduction Traditionally, investigations into the reproductive biology of elasmobranch fish were accomplished
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through visual observations of reproductive organs during necropsy. Currently, as increasing fishing pressure continues to cause declines in many elasmobranch populations, the need for extensive data on reproductive biology is crucial for the development of proper management plans. To complicate matters, these data are greatly lacking for many of the exploited species. The reproductive endocrinology of elasmobranchs has received increasing attention in recent years. Several studies have successfully correlated plasma steroid hormone concentrations with visual observations of gonadal status for both viviparous and oviparous species. For example, in females, elevated estradiol (E2) concentrations are associated with egg development during the follicular phase in the oviparous species: Scyliorhinus canicula, (Sumpter and Dodd 1979), Leucoraja erinacea (Koob et al. 1986), Raja eglanteria (Rasmussen et al. 1999), Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Heupel et al. 1999), and Leucoraja ocellata (Sulikowski et al. 2004). Similarly, E2 titers are correlated with ovarian follicle development in the viviparous species, Squalus acanthias (Tsang and Callard 1987), Sphyrna tiburo (Manire et al. 1995), and Dasyatis sabina (Tricas et al. 2000). In males, testosterone (T) concentrations are correlated with the presence of mature spermatocysts in the H. ocellatum (Heupel et al. 1999), D. sabina (Tricas et al. 2000), and L. ocellata (Sulikowski et al. 2004). As a result of these observations, it appears as though the reproductive status of an individual could potentially be assessed simply by measuring blood steroid hormone concentrations over time. Such a non-lethal approach avoids the need to collect valuable information on reproduction through necropsy, especially from heavily exploited species. The smooth, Malacoraja senta, and thorny, Amblyraja radiata, skates are two sympatric oviparous species commonly found within the Gulf of Maine. Currently, both species are listed as overfished, with A. radiata recently being identified as a prohibited species (NEFMC 2005). Fortunately, some life history information is now available for these species, based on several timely studies by Sulikowski et al. (2005a, b, 2007) and Natanson et al. (this volume). Monthly morphological assessments of mature M. senta and
A. radiata reproductive tracts revealed no distinct annual patterns, suggesting that both species are capable of reproducing year round in the western Gulf of Maine (Sulikowski et al. 2005b, 2007). These conclusions were based upon the persistence of large shell glands (also known as oviducal or nidamental gland) and ovary weights as well as the presence of pre-ovulatory follicles in females throughout the year. Further, the persistence of mature stage VI spermatocysts, mature sperm that are organized into packets around the inner periphery of the spermatocysts (Maruska et al. 1996), suggested that males are capable of producing sperm year round. In the present study, the biochemical assessment of plasma T, E2 and P4 profiles was conducted to determine their association with these known morphological reproductive parameters in M. senta and A. radiata.
Materials and methods Sampling techniques Malacoraja senta and A. radiata specimens were captured by otter trawl in a 2300 km2 area centered at 4250¢ N and 7015¢ W in the Gulf of Maine. These locations varied from 30 km to 40 km off the coast of New Hampshire, USA. Approximate depths at these locations ranged from 100 m to 120 m. Collection of skates occurred between the 10th and 20th of each month, beginning in May 2001 and ending in May 2003. Immediately after capture, a 5–10 ml aliquot of blood was collected by cardiac puncture. Samples were centrifuged at 1,300 · g for 5 min, and the separated plasma placed in a shipboard cooler (4C) for 4–8 h before storage at –20C in the laboratory. The dissection and processing of skates followed protocols previously described in Sulikowski et al. (2005b). All specimens utilized in this study were deemed to be mature based on morphological criteria described in Sulikowski et al. (2005b) for A. radiata and Sulikowski et al. (2007) for M. senta. A subset of the morphological reproductive parameters from these studies was used in the data analysis of the present study.
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Analysis of steroid hormones Thin layer chromatography Stock solutions of radiolabeled testosterone and estradiol (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, New Jersey) but not progesterone (Perkin Elmer Life Sciences, Boston, MA) were purified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) on silica gel plates (HLF, scored 20 · 20 cm, 250 lm; Analtech, Inc., Newark, Delaware). The solvent systems and specific procedures for TLC were identical to those described in Sulikowski et al. (2004). Plasma steroid hormone extraction Approximately 1,000 counts min–1 (cpm) of an appropriate radiolabeled steroid were added to plasma samples to account for procedural losses. Each sample was extracted twice with 10 volumes of diethyl ether (testosterone and estradiol), or petroleum ether (progesterone) before snap freezing in an acetone/dry ice bath. The ether was then decanted into a fresh test tube, evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen and reconstituted in phosphate-buffered saline with 0.1% gelatin (PBSG). Buffer blanks, charcoal stripped-plasma, and plasma spiked with steroids were processed in an identical manner. They were stored at –20C until assay. The overall mean recoveries for T, E2 and P4, were 74%, 76% and 68%, respectively for A. radiata, and 79%, 88%, 77%, respectively for M. senta. Each sample was corrected for recovery. Radioimmunoassay Plasma concentrations of testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone were determined by radioimmunoassay modified from procedures of Tsang and Callard (1987) and Goldberg et al. (1996). All nonradioactive steroids were obtained from Steraloids, Inc. (Wilton, New Hampshire). The specifics of the radiolabeled steroids, the antibody characteristics and titers, and scintillation counting are found in Sulikowski et al. (2004). The intra-assay coefficients of variance were 6.6% for T, 8.1% for E2, and 10.4% for P4. The inter-assay coefficients of variance were 10.0% for T, 11.0%
for E2, and 10.2% for P4. Detection limits for RIA’s were 5.0 pg for E2 and 12.5 pg for T and P4. Statistics Monthly hormone concentrations are presented as mean standard error of the mean (SEM) and evaluated by Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a Dunn’s post-hoc test. Statistical significance was accepted at P < 0.05. To determine whether a relationship exists between plasma steroid concentrations and measured morphological reproductive parameters, a Pearson correlation analysis was performed. Progesterone concentrations in females containing no egg cases, or egg cases at all stages of development, were compared by a two-tailed t test.
Results Malacoraja senta Mature female skates (n = 70) ranged in size from 508 to 630 mm total length (570 ± 1.8; mean ± SEM) and from 0.6 to 1.2 kg (0.8 ± 0.05) in total body mass. Mature male skates (n = 54) ranged from 550 mm to 660 mm total length (607.6 ± 3.6) and from 0.7 to 1.3 kg (1.1 ± 0.02) in total body mass. In females, T, E2 and P4 concentrations remained relatively constant throughout the year and no differences were observed between months (P > 0.05; Fig. 1). In addition, no correlations were found between E2 concentrations and shell gland weight, gonadosomatic index (GSI), ovary weight or diameter of the largest follicles or between T concentrations and diameter of the largest follicles. Of note, E2 concentrations remained high, in comparison with immature specimens (Sulikowski, unpublished observation), throughout the year along with the presence of large pre-ovulatory follicles within the ovaries (Fig. 1). Females containing no egg cases had higher P4 concentrations than females containing egg cases in various stages of development (P = 0.02; Table 1).
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Testosterone (pg/mL)
a 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
Estradiol (pg/mL)
1600 1400
b 50
1200 1000
800 600
400 200
Progesterone (pg/mL)
c 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 4
In males, T concentrations remained consistent throughout the year, and no differences were observed between months (P > 0.05; Fig. 2). Estradiol concentrations were low, and undetectable in many samples (Fig. 2). Testes weight was weakly correlated with T concentrations (r = 0.266) and GSI (r = 0.233), and no association was found between T and percent of stage VI spermatocysts. Average T concentrations remained relatively high throughout the year in comparison with immature specimens (Sulikowski, unpublished observation), in the presence of a high percentage of mature stage VI spermatocysts within the testes (Fig. 2).
Diameter of the two largest follicles (mm)
Fig. 1 Mean plasma steroid hormone concentrations in female Malacoraja senta. Testosterone (a), estradiol (b) and progesterone (c) concentrations expressed in picograms per milliliter ± standard error of the mean (pg ml–1 ± SEM). Average diameters of the largest follicles are presented along with the estradiol profile, demonstrating the presence of high estradiol concentrations and mature follicles year round. The number of skates for each month is indicated above the x-axis
April May June July
Aug Sept
Amblyraja radiata Mature female skates (n = 47) ranged from 820 to 1050 mm TL (922.8 ± 7.8) and from 4.4 kg to 10.2 kg (7.7 ± 0.2) in total mass. Mature male skates (n = 52) ranged from 800 to 1040 mm TL (945.9 ± 8.3) and from 5.4 kg to 10.8 kg (8.4 ± 0.3). In females, average T, E2 and P4 concentrations were robust throughout the year but no differences were observed (P > 0.05; Fig. 3). No correlations were found between E2 concentrations and shell gland weight, GSI, ovary weight or diameter of the largest follicles or between T and
Environ Biol Fish Table 1 Progesterone concentrations (pg ml–1 ± SEM) and egg case dynamics in females skates Developinga M. senta Number of skates Mean P4 concentration A. radiata Number of skates Mean P4 concentration
2 262
All stagesb
5 41 ± 17
5 4,183 ± 1594
11 1,853 ± 404
No egg casea
7 104 ± 71
62 1,075 ± 255
16 2,581 ± 604
29 2,021 ± 546
Upon necropsy, uteri were instpected for the presence or absence of developing (partially formed) or fully formed egg cases All stages of egg case development are combined
25000 60 20000 50 15000 40 10000 30 5000
AVG % stage VI spermatocysts
Fig. 2 Mean plasma steroid hormone concentrations in male Malacoraja senta. Testosterone (a) and estradiol (b) concentrations expressed in picograms per milliliter ± standard error of the mean (pg ml–1 ± SEM). Males persistently exhibit stage VI spermatocysts within the testes coupled with high testosterone concentrations. The number of skates for each month is indicated above the x-axis
Testosterone (pg/mL)
0 12
b Estradiol (pg/mL)
0 5
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
diameter of the largest follicles. However, high E2 concentrations, in comparison with immature specimens (Sulikowski, unpublished observation), persist throughout the year along with the pres-
ence of large pre-ovulatory follicles within the ovaries (Fig. 3). Progesterone concentrations were no different for females with and without egg cases (P > 0.05; Table 1).
Environ Biol Fish
Testosterone (pg/mL)
40000 30000 20000 10000 0 4
Estradiol (pg/mL)
b 10000 65 8000 55
6000 4000
2000 35 0 4
Progesterone (pg/mL)
7000 6000
Diameter of the two largest follicles (mm)
Fig. 3 Mean plasma steroid hormone concentrations in female Amblyraja radiata. Testosterone (a), estradiol (b) and progesterone (c) concentrations expressed in picograms per milliliter ± standard error of the mean (pg ml–1 ± SEM). Average diameters of the largest follicles are presented along with the estradiol profile, demonstrating the presence of high estradiol concentrations and mature follicles year round. The number of skates for each month is indicated above the x-axis
5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 4
In males, T and E2 did not differ throughout the year (P > 0.05; Fig. 4). Testosterone concentrations were weakly correlated with testes weight (r = 0.342), GSI (r = 0.133) and percent of stage VI spermatocysts (r = 0.163). Average T concentrations remained relatively high throughout the year in comparison with immature specimens (Sulikowski, unpublished observation), while a high percentage of mature stage VI spermatocysts was also present within the testes (Fig. 4). Discussion The results from the present study support and strengthen our previous conclusion that M. senta
May June July Aug Sept Oct
Nov Dec
and A. radiata are capable of reproducing year round. In both species, no distinct patterns were revealed for any hormone in either sex. While visual inspection of T, E2 and P4 profiles for female M. senta suggest that two peaks may exist during May–July and again in October–December, the lack of sample homogeneity preclude any statistical significance. Such variations between samples within each month may represent individuals of widely different reproductive status and steroid producing potential, further supporting the presence of reproductively capable skates at all times of the year. The overall hormone concentrations were much lower in M. senta than A. radiata. While
Environ Biol Fish 100000
Testosterone (pg/mL)
80000 80
60000 60 40000
40 20000
AVG % stage VI spermatocysts
Fig. 4 Mean plasma steroid hormone concentrations in male Amblyraja radiata. Testosterone (a) and estradiol (b) concentrations expressed in picograms per milliliter ± standard error of the mean (pg ml–1 ± SEM). Males persistently exhibit stage VI spermatocysts within the testes coupled with high testosterone concentrations. The number of skates for each month is indicated above the x-axis
b Estradiol (pg/mL)
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 3
such a large difference may be attributable to the size discrepancy between the species, their steroid hormone concentrations were comparable to other oviparous elasmobranchs of similar size (Koob et al. 1986; Rasmussen et al. 1999; Tricas et al. 2000; Sulikowski et al. 2004), with the exception of E2 in male M. senta. In these skates, E2 concentrations did not reach above 20 pg ml–1, with a majority of the specimens having no detectable E2 levels. However, E2 concentrations have typically been reported to be relatively low in males of oviparous species (Heupel et al. 1999; Rasmussen et al. 1999; Sulikowski et al. 2004). The lack of correlation between E2 concentrations and various morphological reproductive parameters in female M. senta and A. radiata is likely a consequence of the year round reproduc-
May June July Aug Sept Oct
Nov Dec
tive capability in these species. Previous studies on female L. erinacea and L. ocellata skates have demonstrated strong correlations between E2 concentration and shell gland weight, GSI, ovary weight and diameter of the largest follicle (Koob et al.1986; Tsang and Callard 1987; Sulikowski et al. 2004). Elevated T concentrations have also been documented during the egg-laying stages of the reproductive cycle in the R. eglanteria (Rasmussen et al. 1999) and L. ocellata (Sulikowski et al. 2004). Several studies have also associated elevated E2 concentrations with egg development during the follicular phase (Sumpter and Dodd 1979; Rasmussen and Gruber 1993; Manire et al. 1995; Snelson et al. 1997; Heupel et al. 1999; Tricas et al. 2000), while Tsang and Callard (1982) demonstrated that follicular cells synthe-
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size E2. Collectively, these findings suggest that correlations should have been detected in M. senta and A. radiata, however, closer examination of the reproductive biology of these sympatric species may provide insight into the apparent lack of association between hormone concentrations and gonadal/reproductive tract status. Since female M. senta and A. radiata are capable of reproducing year round, we would therefore expect to catch mature females in various stages of one single reproductive event (e.g. one egglaying cycle) at any one time. Such a high degree of variability among individuals, coupled with the overall lack of synchrony within the M. senta and A. radiata populations, will likely preclude the ability to detect correlations between hormone concentrations and gonadal/reproductive tract status in species lacking a defined reproductive cycle. Interestingly, in studies where a strong correlation was identified for an oviparous female elasmobranch, these associations were observed during a single egg-laying cycle or for a species with a more defined annual reproductive cycle (Sumpter and Dodd 1979; Koob et al. 1986; Heupel et al. 1999; Rasmussen et al. 1999; Sulikowski et al. 2004). Thus, the lack of statistical correlation between gonadal/reproductive tract status and hormone concentrations in the present study is likely due to the reproductive asynchrony within the two skate populations, and does not suggest that steroid hormones are not associated with various events in the female reproductive cycle. The persistence of high T concentrations throughout the year suggests that male M. senta and A. radiata are capable of producing sperm year round. Several studies have suggested a close link between T concentration and stages of spermatogenesis (Heupel et al. 1999; Tricas et al. 2000; Sulikowski et al. 2004), with heightened T production typically associated with increasing numbers of mature spermatocysts. Although weak correlations were found between T and percent of stage VI spermatocysts in A. radiata, none existed in M. senta males. In addition, T concentrations were also found to be weakly correlated with testes weight and GSI in both species. Thus, these data, at best, suggest a tenuous association between T and male
reproductive readiness for both M. senta and A. radiata. However, as with females, the present findings may be indicative of the individual variability that accompanies the lack of synchrony within the population of reproductively capable males. The role of P4 in oviparous species is somewhat of an enigma, but its function has been speculated in several oviparous species. Koob et al. (1986) and Sulikowski et al. (2004) reported a strong relationship between elevated P4 concentrations and egg retention and oviposition in L. erinacea and L. ocellata, respectively, while P4 concentrations are elevated immediately after oviposition in H. ocellatum and R. eglanteria (Heupel et al. 1999; Rasmussen et al. 1999). In the present study, no statistical differences in P4 concentration were found between female A. radiata bearing developing, fully formed or no egg cases (Table 1). As a result of the relatively few M. senta bearing developing egg cases, a similar analysis, as performed for A. radiata, was not feasible. However, when the data were reconfigured by combining females at all stages of egg case development into one group and compared to those without egg cases, an unexpected outcome was revealed. Contrary to what has been found in A. radiata, L. ocellata and L. erinacea, M. senta females without any egg cases had higher P4 concentrations than those carrying egg cases of any developmental stage. A more detailed analysis is needed before we can conclude whether or not P4 is associated with egg case development and dynamics. For example, an in-depth study on P4 concentrations during a single egg-laying cycle should be conducted in order to draw any conclusions about the roles of P4 in these two skate species. In summary, the present data on hormonal profiles in M. senta and A. radiata reinforce our previous data on gross reproductive morphology (Sulikowski et al. 2005b, 2007) that both species are capable of reproducing year round in the western Gulf of Maine. In female M. senta and A. radiata, T, E2 and P4 concentrations remained relatively constant throughout the year, with no differences found between any months. Estradiol concentrations were not correlated with shell gland weight, GSI, ovary weight or diameter of
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the largest follicles in either species. In male M. senta and A. radiata, monthly T concentrations remained high, with no differences detected between any months of the year. Testosterone concentrations were weakly correlated with testes weight and percent of stage VI spermatocysts in A. radiata, although no correlation between T and stage VI spermatocysts was present in M. senta. Collectively, these data suggest that the maintenance of high hormone concentrations year round most likely indicate continuous reproductive capability in these two skate species. In the future, a detailed study monitoring hormone concentrations during a single egglaying cycle is necessary in order to decipher the particular role that each steroid hormone plays in coordinating specific reproductive events in these species. Acknowledgements We thank Joe Jurek of the F/V Mystique Lady for all skate collections. Further thanks are extended to Scott Elzey and Suzie Biron (UNH Department of Zoology) for their help in processing of skates. This project was supported by a grant from the Northeast Consortium (NA16FL1324) to PCWT and JAS.
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