Jan 1, 2010 - Key Words: angiofibroma, middle turbinate, extranasopharyngeal, embolization. ï¼Corresponding ... During the operation, a soft, gray-pinkish colored mass ... fibrocollagenous tissue with interspersed vascular channels.
Case Report
Endoscopic removal of a silent middle turbinate angiofibroma -A Case Report Ping-Hung Shen1, William Lin Ho2, and Jen-Tsung Lai1* Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery1 and Pathology2, Kuang-Tien General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Abstract A 42-year-old male was found a right-side middle turbinate tumor incidentally during a routine sino-nasal surgery for hypertrophic rhinitis. Pathologist confirmed extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Due to its rarity of pathology and presentation, we report this case to remind otolaryngologists to be more careful about these highly vascular intranasal tumors, and this tumor can be excised under endoscope and without preoperative embolization. Key Words: angiofibroma, middle turbinate, extranasopharyngeal, embolization.
*Corresponding author Received:19 Nov 2009;Accepted:01 Jan 2010
光田醫學雜誌 第 5卷 第 9期
Ping-Hung Shen William Lin Ho and Jen-Tsung Lai1
explained to the patient.
Angiofibroma is a rare nasopharyngeal tumor that primarily occurs in adolescent males . Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma is relatively rare, and the most affected site is the maxillary sinus reported in the literature. We present an extremely rare case of extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma in a 42-year-old man arising from the right middle turbinate. The tumor was incidentally found during an operation for endoscopic inferior turbinoplasty. We report this case of an extranasopharyngeal
Figure 1. Axial CT scan showed that the tumor is fed from sphenopalatine area
angiofibroma and discuss the possibility of endoscopic resection of this tumor without preoperative embolization.
Case report A 42-year-old male of Tawainese, presented to our department due to nasal obstruction and postnasal dripping. Nasocopy revealed deviated nasal septum and bilateral hypertrophic inferior turbinates. Under the impression of nasal allergy and chronic
Figure 2.Coronal CT scan showed a limited lesion in the nasal cavity
hypertrophic rhinitis, endoscopic septoplasty and inferior turbinoplasty were suggested and then
The bleeding control for this operation was
performed. During the operation, a soft, gray-pinkish
under a hypotensive anesthesia via intravenous
colored mass originated from right middle turbinate
beta-blocker infusion, the mean arterial pressure is
was found incidentally and the tumor was incised for
maintained around 55 mmHg. The Wormald 17 cm
biopsy. The pathological report was an angiofiboma.
suction-bipolar is extensively used throughout the
There was no an episode of epistaxis during his
surgery, especially before each step of dissection to
lifetime, so it presented a silent tumor. After careful
ensure homeostasis. The tumor was found anterior-
preoperative endoscopic examination, CT scan and
medially from the inferior part of right middle
MRI study, the tumor showed to confine to the nasal
turbinate (Figure 3), extending laterally and attached
cavity, measuring 2 cm in diameter (Figures 1 and
to the posterior part of posterior maxillary fontanel,
2) .The possibility of endoscopic resection of this
posteriorly to the anterior ethmoid cell. During
tumor without preoperative embolization was well
carefully dissection from the maxillary fontanel,
Kuang Tien Medical Journal
Vol.5 No.9 2010
Endoscopic removal of a silent middle turbinate angiofibroma
the tumor seemed involved in the sphenopalatine fossa and partially in the pterygopalatine fossa. The
majority of blood loss was seen in the manipulation
Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas account
of the pterygopalatine fossa. The pterygopalatine
for less than 0.5% of all head and neck tumors.
fossa was then packed with gelform, and no further
They are benign, highly vascular tumor but locally
nasal packing was needed after the surgery.
aggressive. They are most commonly found in young adolescent males, age range 7-19 yrs and rarely seen beyond 25 yrs(1). They usually arise from pterygopalatine fossa in the recess behind the sphenopalatine ganglion at the exit aperture of the pterygoid canal(2). The tumor then spreads mainly into nasal cavity and nasopharynx , or becoming large to adjacent areas, such as imfratemporal fossa, sphenoid sinus or middle cranial fossa. Primary extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas are rare, but have been reported sporadically in the literature and recently reviewed by Windfuhr et al(3). He
Figure 3. Endoscopic view of this tumor before excision Tumor can clearly seen laterally to the middle turbinate and attach to it. (NP: neuropatties, MT: middle turbinate, AF: angiofibroma, IT: inferior turbinate, S: nasal septum)
reviewed total of 65 patients ( 48males and 17 females) , the oldest patient being 78 years of age (mean 22.9 years). The maxilla was the most commonly affected site, only two cases from middle turbinate were reported(4,5); the top 3 symptoms of extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas were epistaxis alone (n=6) or combined with nasal obstruction (n=12) or painless facial swelling (n=3). In our case, despite of his nasal obstruction and postnasal dripping caused by nasal allergy, no any other specific symptoms was complained. If he did not receive the operation for inferior turbinoplasty, the tumor will not be found. Endoscopic removal of angiofibromas is becoming a main-stream treatment in nowadays.
Figure 4. T he tumor was composed primarily of dense fibrocollagenous tissue with interspersed vascular
Small nasal cavity tumors or with extension into the sinuses and pterygopalatine fossa and with limited
channels. The vascular channels were thin-walled
extension into the infratemporal fossa, can be
and lined by a single layer of endothelial cells.
removed endoscopically with a good success rate(6).
光田醫學雜誌 第 5卷 第 9期
Ping-Hung Shen William Lin Ho and Jen-Tsung Lai1
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3. Windfuhr .IP, Remmert S. Extranasopharyngeal
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involvement of the cavernous sinus(7-9).
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the feeding arteries seemed to be of value in the
Calcaterra TC. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
endocopic surgery but some complications may
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2000; 56:59-64
occur, such as blindness and brain ischemia(10).
5. P eloquin L, Klossek JM, Vasso-Brusa F. A rare
Considering our case, due to its small size and
case of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in a pregnant
good surgical visualization, we try to manage it
woman. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1997; 117:
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compared to the minimal blood loss described by
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To a c h i e v e t h i s g o o d b l e e d i n g c o n t r o l , t h e
Nicolai P, Berlucchi M, Tomenzoli D, Cappiello J,
instrumentation is essential. A good suction-bipolar is
Trimarchi M, Maroldi R, Battaglia G, Antonelli AR.
undoubtedly helpful.
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and how. Laryngoscope. 2003; 113: 775-782.
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Kuang Tien Medical Journal
Vol.5 No.9 2010
以鼻竇內視鏡切除潛藏的中鼻甲血管纖維瘤 病例報告 沈炳宏1 何霖2 賴仁淙1* 光田醫療社團法人光田綜合醫院 耳鼻喉科1 病理科2
鼻咽血管纖維瘤是很罕見的腫瘤,且大部份發生於年輕男性。鼻咽外血管纖維瘤 更為少見,大部份的文獻報告中,發生的位置以上頜竇較為常見。本篇報告一位42歲 成年男性病患,患有慢性肥厚性鼻炎接受下鼻甲部份切除手術時,意外發現右側中鼻 甲有一異常的腫塊,經切片證實為血管纖維瘤。文中會針對此一罕見的鼻咽外血管纖 維瘤,討論以鼻竇內視鏡手術的可能性,並說明如何在不用術前血管栓塞的方法,也 可以順利的完成此手術。 關鍵字:血管纖維瘤, 中鼻甲,鼻咽外,血管栓塞
*通訊作者 收件日期:2009年11月19日;接受日期:2010年02月01日
光田醫學雜誌 第 5卷 第 9期
Kuang Tien Medical Journal
Vol.5 No.9 2010