order to realize energy conservation in developing countries. ... of energy
conservation such as building the international framework in accordance with the
JICA Thematic Guidelines on
Energy Conservation
February 2005
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
JICA has issued the “JICA Thematic Guidelines,” which has systematically summarized its accumulated experience and knowledge on development issues, its basic concept, its cooperation policies and points to remember upon implementation of projects. The guidelines of “Energy Conservation” propose the JICA’ s basic concept, including cooperation approaches and methods in order to realize energy conservation in developing countries. At present, energy consumption in the world has been increasing and fossil fuels comprise large proportion to the overall energy use. In addition to the concerned issue on future exhaustion of resources, global warming is also becoming a serious concern due to higher concentration of CO2 emissions in the air through the use of these resources. In regards to effective countermeasures against these global issues, the international community has actively made efforts on the promotion of energy conservation such as building the international framework in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol. On the other hand, countries still tend to focus on economic development rather than environmental countermeasures.
Especially in developing countries, demand for energy has
continuously increased due to the population growth and industrialization. It is expected that the world energy consumption will significantly increase, mainly in developing countries in the 21st century. It is necessary for both developed and developing countries to promote energy conservation in order to resolve the global issues for the future. In the guidelines, Chapter 1, “Overview of Energy Conservation”, will explain the definition of energy conservation , review current situations and problems of energy conservation in Japan based on an understanding of global issues, and summarize the assistance trends of Japan and the rest of the world. In Chapter 2, the relationship between purposes (energy security, global environmental measures, income increase), means and targets (industrial, household, and transportation sectors) of energy conservation are analyzed. In addition, effective approaches in response to these issues are classified into three as follows: structuring of energy conservation systems, implementation of administrative services on energy conservation, and the promotion of the energy conservation market. Moreover, Chapter 3 introduced JICA’s ffective approaches to carry out its cooperation in the area of energy conservation, and its overall cooperation policy is identified based on successful examples of cooperation projects. The agenda for the future is also proposed, including priority issues by countries, conventional rules in counterpart countries, issue-based approaches, program approaches, environmental issues, and the partnership with other organizations, with
identifying points to be taken into consideration in projects. Energy conservation is an important tool to deal with global issues such as the future exhaustion of resources and global warming. JICA hopes that the guidelines will be not only some supports for cooperation on energy conservation but also reference for other development issues. In the meantime, as mentioned in the Guidelines, the issue of global warming is comprised of both the energy and environmental sector. Therefore, the Guidelines are to be flexibly reviewed and revised in accordance with the guidelines of global environmental issues. In this way, the group II of Economic Development Department of JICA, in charge of natural resources and energy, will continue its endeavors to obtain and analyze the latest information on a regular basis. Lastly, we very much appreciate relevant actors inside and outside JICA, who made great efforts on the publication of the Guidelines. We also sincerely appreciate the efforts of task force members who have been devoted to the formulation of the guidelines. February 2005
Table of Abbreviations
Clean Development Mechanism
Abbreviation of Cogeneration. A group based on European countries.
Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development
Energy Service Company
Energy Conservation Center Japan
Feasibility Study
Green Aid Plan
Global Environmental Facility
The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
Turkey National Ministry Energy Center
Predecessor of EIE/NECC
Basic unit of energy consumption
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Japan External Trade Organization
Joint Implementation
Japan Industrial Standard
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
Quality Control
Total Productive Maintenance
Total Quality Management
United Nations Development Program
United Nations Environment Program
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
JICA Thematic Guidelines on Energy Conservation Index Preface
Table of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Overview of Energy Conservation 1-1
Definition of Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation
Electric and Heat Energy
Current Situation of Energy Conservation
Overview of International Energy Conservation
Overview of Energy Conservation in Japan
Assistance Trends of Japan
9 10 19
JICA’s Cooperation on Energy Conservation
JICA’s Achievements in Assistance
Energy Conservation Projects in Developing Countries by Organizations in Japan other than JICA
International Assistance Trends
24 29
International Assistance Trends towards Global Warming
Other Assistance Trends towards Energy Conservation
Chapter 2
Approaches to Energy Conservation
Purposes of Energy Conservation
Effective Policy Approaches to Energy Conservation
Chapter 3 3-1
Cooperation Policies of JICA
Focused Cooperation Activities of JICA and Points to Note
JICA’s Effective Cooperation on Energy Conservation (Concept of Projects)
JICA’s Effective Cooperation on Energy Conservation (Concept of Programs)
Countries with Assistance Priority
Points to Note upon Cooperation
Future Top-Priority Issues
Formulation of New Projects and Programs by Utilizing the Thematic Guidelines
Promotion of Partnerships in the Related Fields
Responses to Assistance for Business-Based Energy Conservation
Establishment of Performance Measurement for Programs and Projects
Attached Materials Appendix 1 Major Cooperation Project
Cooperation Activities of Major Donors in the Field of Energy Conservation
Quotations, References, and Web Sites
Chapter 1
Overview of Energy Conservation
Definition of Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation
Energy conservation means energy prevention from being wasted more than its purpose of use such as turning off lights on a frequent basis and not extremely cooling rooms with air-conditioners, and improvement of efficiency of energy use through technological improvement. Generally, “Shoene (in Japanese)” (a translated term in English is “energy efficiency” or “energy conservation”) is a common term and is familiar to us in daily lives. As a broader definition in development assistance, “energy conservation” means enhancing efficiency of energy consumption throughout a society.
In general, “energy” can be classified as
in Figure 1-1, and it would be easier to understand if “energy conservation” is classified in the same manner. In addition, in Figure 1-1, turning off lights on a frequent basis, which is quite familiar in daily life, is categorized as energy conservation in the household sector.
Demand side
Supply side
Exhaustible sources
Non exhaustible resources
Figure 1-1 Classification of “demand side” and “supply side” of energy <Details of “energy” sectors > ・Industrial sector: factories〔manufacturing industry(iron manufacture, nonferrous manufacture, machinery, chemical industry, ceramic industry, textile industry, paper and pulp industry, food industry, etc.), power generation industry, city gas, petroleum products, and heat supply, etc.) ・Household sector: buildings(offices, shopping malls, hospitals, and hotels, etc.)and home etc. ・Transportation sector: vehicles, boats and vessels, aircrafts, transportation systems, and physical
distribution systems, etc. ・Non- renewable resources: oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power, etc. ・Renewable resources: hydraulic, geothermal and wind power, solar energy, and biomass, etc. Energy conservation means enhancing “efficiency of energy consumption (≒ demand), ” which is, thus, compatible with the enhancement in the industrial, household, and transportation sectors on the “demand side, ” according to Figure 1-1. In the issue of energy conservation, the energy suppliers of electric power, city gas and others are included in the demand side of factories as one of energy consumers since they use resources (primary energy) to create products (secondary energy). Enhancing efficiency of energy consumption for private power generation and of energy production process (e.g., efficiency of power generation and improvement of power transmission in power plants) is also the target of energy conservation. However, energy conservation on electric power is presented in the “Thematic Guidelines on Energy Supply” and it is not the main subject in this Guidelines. The term of energy conservation has various definitions. The term is often defined as “to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources”.
In Japan, since energy conservation has been
promoted in its history based on unique background, the so-called “oil shock,” it is often defined as “to reduce oil consumption” among non-renewable resources in particular.
In this definition, the
efficient use of other energy such as coal and natural gas is not included in energy conservation. However, technologies that lead to oil-use reduction without influence upon energy use efficiency are called “energy conservation technologies,” including the use of new energy, for example.
the other hand, demand in many developing countries is not only reducing the use of non-renewable resources but also enhancing efficiency of energy use in the entire society.
Thus, the term of
“energy conservation” treated in the Guidelines means enhancing efficiency of energy consumption including coal, natural gas, and other energy as well as oil. 1−1−2
Electric and Heat Energy
Upon actual consumption, energy is used either in the form of heat energy or electric energy. Heat energy means the energy that can be obtained through burning of resources such as oil, coal, and charcoal. Heat energy becomes the motive energy in the engine of a vehicle or vessel, or steam locomotive via air or steam. Electric energy means the “electricity” that is produced in a power plant, transmitted by transmission lines, and can be obtained by paying for utilities. Generally, electricity can be obtained through an outlet or battery and can be used as motive power for electrical products such as televisions and refrigerators. Heat energy and electric energy are used in a variety of ways, depending upon equipmentor facilities in use. Normally, they cannot be used at 100% of full efficiency, and some losses occur. For instance, at offices, if personal computers are operated only while users look at their screens, the best efficiency will take place. However, in fact, while users are on the telephone, or serving customers,
screens are still displayed. Electric energy is wasted during such time. Although more computers have function of energy conservation automatically becoming standby mode when untouched after a certain period of time, it is impossible to turn power on only while users look at screens. The same type of energy losses occurs to many aspects of energy consumption in larger size such as power plants in factories throughout society. Energy conservation is expected to reduce these kinds of losses of energy in the entire society as much as possible and aim to raise the efficiency of energy use as close to 100% of the full rate. 1−2
Current Situation of Energy Conservation
Overview of International Energy Conservation
The amount of energy consumption in the entire world has been increased, accompanied by economic development of each country. It is expected that such amounts will continue to increase by 30% from 1997 to 2030.
The increase of energy consumption is remarkable particularly in
developing countries centered on Asian countries and the Asian region excluding Japan, which will accounts for almost half of future increase of the world’s energy consumption. While the share of the world’s energy demand in OECD countries will decline, that of Asian region will expand (Figure 1-2). Million tons (equivalent in oil)
Middle East Africa Central and South America Asia (excluding China) China Former Soviet Union
Source: IEA/World Energy Outlook 2000
Figure 1-2 Transition and outlook of world energy demand by region
Many energy resources used throughout the world today are still fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. If energy consumption continues to increase at the same rate as today, exhaustion of resources would occur in the near future. A reserve-production ratio that has been currently confirmed by exploration, as of 2004 would be approximately 40 years for oil, 61 years for natural gas, and 204 years for coal.
Although this ratio fluctuates due to excavation of new oil fields, oil
and natural gas as basic resources would be exhausted within about 60 years in calculation. Additionally, as a result of mass consumption of fossil fuels, global warming caused by an increasing amount of CO2 emissions in the air has been occurring at rapid speed, which is one of the most crucial global issues.
According to the report by the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC)” announced in 2001, the global average temperature has increased by 0.6℃ over the 100 years of the 20th century. It is forecasted that increase in the global average temperature of 5.8℃ at maximum and the rising water level of 88 cm will occur by 2100.
In addition, if the rising water
level in Japan goes over 30 cm, it is estimated that 60% of sandy beaches would be lost. As effective countermeasures against global issues such as future exhaustion of resources and global warming, the necessity for the promotion of energy conservation in the international level has been increasingly emphasized. In recent years, various policies of energy conservation have been implemented in many countries. Also, the international framework based on the Kyoto Protocol was established and it has promoted activities towards tackling global warming along with the ratification by Russia. At the same time, many countries still have a strong tendency to focus on economic development rather than environmental measures. It cannot be said that energy conservation is the issue that society wants first and most. This tendency is seen in some developed countries such as the U.S., but especially in developing countries, policy priority is not given to energy conservation. Moreover, based on previous statistics, it is clear that elasticity of GDP to energy demand becomes “1” on a long-term basis. This value means
the amount of energy consumption will
increase at the same percentage as that of economic growth in the long run. That is to say, unless countries achieve reduction of the amount of energy consumption (energy conservation) at the same percentage as that of economic growth every year, it will be impossible to even maintain the current situation. In this context, the increasing amount of energy consumption due to economic development of each country largely exceeds targets of energy conservation. As a result, the amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions accompanied by energy consumption has increased year after year throughout the world according to Figure 1-2. 1−2−2
Overview of Energy Conservation in Japan
(1)Energy Conservation Level and Total Final Energy Consumption (TFC) in Japan Japan has achieved the highest level of energy conservation in the world at present as a result of the fact that each sector throughout the society cooperated to promote energy conservation and
efficient energy use due to the “oil shocks” experienced twice in 1970s. Therefore, if energy conservation is considered as development assistance Japan has a highly comparative advantage technically and institutionally in this sector. The ratio of energy consumption to GDP for 10 years after the first “oil shock” in 1973 has been improved at the rate of about 30%. In particular, in the industrial sector that occupies the highest rate of energy consumption such as iron and steel, petrochemistry, cement, and paper pulp industries, the ratio of energy consumption to production has been improved over the same time period of 10 years at the average rate of more than 40% (Refer to Figure 1-3.) In reflection of the facts that energy conservation policies on the industrial sector have been successful and that the amount of energy consumption from the household sector has been increased, the ratio between each sector (industry: household: transportation) has changed to 2:1.5:1 in 2001 from 4:1:1 at the “oil shock” period. As well as the energy conservation rate is lower than the economic growth rate. However, accompanied by economic development, the total amount of energy consumption has been consistently increased except for a period after two “oil shocks” and a period of recession in recent years.
Million kl (crude oil equivalent) Transportation sector Household sector Industrial sector
Source: comprehensive energy statistics (preliminary figures applies in 2000)
Figure 1-3 Transition of final energy consumption
(2)Transition of Energy Intensity Energy intensity is the index that indicates energy consumption level (energy efficiency level). It is calculated by the formula of “the amount of energy consumption / amount of production,” and it indicates the amount of energy consumption per unit of production. On the national unit basis, computation is made through the formula of “the total amount of domestic energy consumption/ real GDP.” According to Figure 1-4, which shows a transition of energy intensity in our country, the base number of 100 in the “oil shock” year goes down to 67 in 1999. This indicates that the amount of energy consumption per unit of production has greatly decreased after the “oil shock” in the 1970s.
(Year 1973=100)
Source: Created through comprehensive energy statistics
Figure 1-4 Transition of final energy consumption per GDP
(3)History of Energy Conservation in Japan <Time chart relating to energy conservation in Japan> November 1947
Rules on heat management were established for the purpose of coal management.
Heat Management Law was established.
Domestic energy policies were converted from coal to oil.
Japan Heat Energy Technical Association was established.
First oil shock
The Energy Conservation Center was established.
The Energy Conservation Law was enforced. Second oil shock
The first meeting of IPCC (Geneva) was held.
The Earth Summit was held (Rio De Janeiro). The Kyoto Protocol was executed at the Parties to the U.N. Framework
Convention on Climate Change (COP3). Japan made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6%.
Outline for Promotion Effects to prevent Global Warming was established. The Energy Conservation Law was revised (1st time).
Type 1 and Type 2 of designated energy management factories is appinted. The Top Runner approach was adopted.
June 2001
Document of” Regarding the future energy conservation” was established.
Energy conservation of the “Outline for Promotion Effects to prevent March 2002
Global Warming “ became one of the main countermeasures of global warming. Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol was approved.
June 2002
The Energy Conservation Law was revised (2nd time). Countermeasures concerning office buildings, etc. were strengthened.
Source: Energy Conservation Center
The history of technologies and countermeasures on energy conservation implemented mainly in the industrial sector in Japan after the first “oil shock” was as follows. 1)1973 - 1978 Immediately after the first “oil shock” in 1973, business management and operation were reviewed and improved with investment for highly profitable energy conservation, which involved the entire industrial sector, for reducing energy consumption as the first step of the countermeasures for energy conservation.
2)1979 - 1990 The Energy Conservation Law was enacted and financial support system were established. Thus, the improvement of facilities and installation of additional equipment in facilities (adoption of highly efficient equipments for energy conservation) for improvement of energy consumption efficiency were positively implemented as the second step for energy conservation countermeasures in the industry that consumes large amounts of energy.
The third steps
followed, improving production process for its cost reduction and productivity enhancement, including improvement of energy use efficiency. 3)After 1990 Since improvement of facilities for energy conservation in the industrial sector had mostly been achieved, the weight of energy conservation shifted from the industrial sector to the household and transportation sectors. Additionally, global warming became a new important issue with the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions. As a result, the development of technologies, and utilization of facilities and products for energy conservation that are effective for reducing CO2 emissions have been promoted. (4)Outline of policies on energy conservation in Japan In the process of acquiring the optimum level of energy conservation in the world, Japan has adopted multiple energy conservation policies, such as strengthening regulations, promoting the dissemination of technologies, and improving financial and subsidy systems in accordance with circumstances in a comprehensive manner. The followings are characteristics: 1)”Decrease of oil use” has been the main goal of energy conservation policies in Japan after the experienced “oil shocks”. 2)Responding to the national crisis, the government undertook policy measures with high priority by establishing laws and subsidies to promote self-help efforts of energy conservation especially in enterprises, since it was considered as high policy priority. 3)Targets were classified into three sectors: industry, household, and transportation. Energy conservation was promoted especially in the industrial sector, as a result of the concentration on the energy consumption sector. . These characteristics are unique to
other countries, especially the US and European countries.
For instance, in the U.S and the U.K there exists no energy conservation law that imposes substantial regulations on energy consumers (factories, enterprises, etc.) so far. Instead, the size of the business market for energy conservation is large such as the Energy Service Company (ESCO). Therefore these companies mainly target the household sector rather than the industrial sector. . The main policies from each policy menu are as follows (partially quoted from “Energy 2004”
edited by the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy). In addition, the details of energy conservation policies currently implemented in Japan are described on the web page of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy and the reference of Appendix 3 in details. [Formulation of overall policies] ・Establishment of the basic law on energy policy ・Establishment of the Energy Conservation Law and its reinforcement through revision ・Establishment of the Outline of Promotion to prevent Global Warming [Measures and policies concerning the industrial sector] ・ENEGY MANAGER system based on the Energy Conservation Law, which includes qualification of Energy Manager, a person in charge of energy management, and training for persons in energy management. ・Voluntary Action Plan on Environment by the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations and the follow-up thereof ・Subsidy system for adoption and dissemination of technologies and facilities that contributes to energy conservation (low interest loans, preferential tax treatments, and subsidy systems) ・Subsidy system for ESCO in the industrial sector (low interest loans, preferential tax treatments, and subsidy systems) ・ Activities for promotion, awareness, and dissemination of energy conservation (supply of information, technical support, and issuance of publications, such as the Handbook of Energy through the Energy Conservation Center) [Measures and policies concerning the household sector] ・Improvement of efficiency of equipment through the Top Runner approach ・Improvement of performance concerning energy conservation of housings and buildings in accordance with the Energy Conservation Law ・Subsidy system for adoption and dissemination of technologies and facilities that contribute to energy conservation (low interest loans, preferential tax treatments, and subsidy systems) ・Subsidy system concerning ESCO in the household sector (low interest loans, preferential tax treatments, and subsidy systems) ・Radical reform of lifestyle of citizens (energy conservation labeling system, promotion of a smart life and advertisement based on the determination of the Liaison Conference for Agencies of Conference for Promotion of Countermeasures against Energy Conservation and Resource Saving) ・Activities for promotion, awareness, and dissemination of energy conservation (catalog for performance of energy conservation, International Energy Star Program, etc.)
[Measures and policies concerning the transportation sector] ・Improvement of gas mileage for vehicles through the Top Runner approach based on the Energy Conservation Law ・Energy conservation by stopping “idling“ of vehicles ・Promotion of dissemination of clean energy vehicles ・Improvement of energy consumption of individual transportation equipment ・Technical development by the government ・Enhancement of efficiency in logistics and transportation ・Promotion of telework Among policies mentioned above, the main contributing factor to efficient use of energy in Japan, which functions as a basic system, is “the ENERGY MANAGER system” in the industrial sector, underlined above”. Outlines of the ENERGY MANAGER system is described below.
【ENERGY MANAGER System】 ENERGY MANAGER system means “the framework to allocate energy conservation engineers with excellent knowledge and skills under the responsibilities of enterprises (especially in plants and factories), and to promote energy conservation in the entire industry through planning, implementation, and evaluation on energy conservation conducted by the engineers in enterprises.” “Energy conservation engineers with excellent knowledge and skills ” are Energy Managers. The framework would not function if energy conservation is totally subject to the self-efforts endeavors of each enterprise and if enterprises do not have the relevant technologies, since the enterprise tends to prioritize improvement of productivity rather than energy conservation.
policies need to encourage enterprises’ commitment to the assignment of personnel responsible for energy management in each factory. (1) Regulations by Laws In Japan, the Energy Manager system is considered as a law with penalties in accordance with the Energy Conservation Law. The regulation has been reinforced by timely revision. The current Energy Conservation Law adopts three regulations: (1) “the obligation to realize efficient energy utilization by criteria the government establishes”.
(2) “the obligation to appoint Energy
Managers in a factory,” and (3) “the obligation to submit periodic reports and make medium-and long-term plans.(3 to 5 years)”. At present, the followings are obligations for designated factories in Japan. [Type 1 designated energy management factories] Item Target
Content All types of industry: Fuel consumption ; more than 3,000 kl/year (crude oil equivalent) Electricity consumption; more than 12,000,000 kWh/year About 5,200 (as of the end of March 2004) factories and plants
(1) Obligations to make efforts for rational operation, in line with the government-formulated standards for factories to make operational judgments, (2) Obligations to appoint nationally-qualified Energy Managers (3) Obligation to submit periodic reports (4) Obligation to make medium-and long-term plans (3 – 5 years)
In the case where the engagement of rational energy use is remarkably insufficient in light of standards of judgments of factories, the following measures will be
exercised: instructions of issuance for the rational utilization plan, public announcement, order, and penalty (fine) in case of no compliance with the instructions.
[Type 2 designated energy management factories] Item Target
Content All types of industry: Fuel consumption; more than 1,500 kl/year (crude oil equivalent) Electricity consumption; more than 6,000,000
About 6,400 (as of the end of March 2004) factories and plants Obligation
(1) Obligations to make efforts for rational operation, in line with the government-formulated standards for factories to make operational judgments, (2) Obligations to appoint the Energy Officer (an energy managing staff with a one-day training program) (3) Obligation to undertake a course for qualification improvement as an Energy Officer (one-day training) (4) Obligation to submit periodic reports
In the case where the engagement of rationalization for energy use is remarkably insufficient in light of standards of judgments of factories, the following measure will be exercised: recommendations.
(2)System of National Qualification National qualification is required for energy management in the two types of designated energy management factories: Energy Managers (heat and electricity) for Type 1 factories and Energy Officers for Type 2. been established.
Over the former qualification, examination system and certification body have
The creation of examination questions and establishment of a committee are also
conducted. For the latter qualification, training courses are provided. They are all under control of the Energy Conservation Center in an integrated manner. (3)Evaluation System Establishment of the system allows governmental agencies to receive a report about the energy management in factories under the supervision of Energy Managers, and the creation of evaluation criteria has been performed. Additionally, since 2001, local studies based on the submitted reports have been conducted in designated factories of type-1 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(4)System of Promoting Energy Conservation The established measures promote energy conservation by enterprises in different ways: the subsidies for promoting investment including low interest loans, preferential tax treatments and grants, the development of technologies, and the promotion and publication of activities for raising awareness. These support Energy Managers upon their energy conservation activities.
Assistance Trends of Japan
JICA’s Cooperation on Energy Conservation
JICA’s cooperation on energy conservation has continued for more than 20 years since it started through a Development Study in Thailand in 1982. In many of the cooperation activities, the agency has implemented making master plans in development studies to promote energy conservation, training personnel, and establish the Energy Conservation Center for technical assistance in technical cooperation projects.
In addition, the training in Japan for persons in charge of energy conservation
policies from various countries has been performed. The target was mainly industrial sectors, with many participants from Asian and Eastern European regions. Before transformed into an independent administrative institution (October 1, 2003), JICA had implemented development study projects at the Mining and Industrial Development Study Department, technical cooperation projects at the Mining and Industrial Development Cooperation Department, and training in Japan at the domestic institutions. The two departments shared some projects (projects in Argentina, Thailand, Turkey, Iran, and Poland, etc.), but, basically, they were grouped by a project type.
After the organizational reformation, the transformation into an
independent administrative institution, the Economic Development Department has been created and in charge of all types of projects. At present, the department can select project types based on the needs from the counterpart countries. Domestic institutions are continuously in charge of training in Japan. The performances of the projects are as follows. (1)Technical Cooperation Projects Seven technical cooperation projects, which were relatively large, have been implemented, from the first project in China in 1992 to an ongoing project in Poland, (the iron and steel project in China is excluded here because of difference in its basic project design) (refer to Appendix 1-1). The contents of the projects were, in principle, to establish new centers with the function of training, Energy Audits (EA) and public relations relating energy conservation operated by governments, training, and to enhance the function of existing centers. The outlines of the training, EAs, and public relations, three main pillars of transferred technologies, are as follows.
Training is held for Energy Managers, which utilize “mini-plant,” small-sized equipments and machines including combustion furnaces, boilers, open burners, fans, pumps, and compressors. Co.,Ltd.).
There is a prototype thereof at Sumikin Management
This training is composed of practical training and classroom lectures,
providing two types of courses: heat and electricity. In some countries, trainees can even choose their courses depending on their needs, which, for example, targets for management executives and managers and for particular equipment such as boiler. 2
Energy Audit
The same type of audit as the general energy audit implemented in Japan. In principle, the production process is not the subject of the audit. The EA covers only utilities (facilities). The EA is implemented by visiting each factory and auditing energy use of target factories in order to prepare reports including recommendations and provide these factories with instructions.
3 Public Relation
Activities to publicize the necessity, methods, and examples of good practices of energy conservation through web pages and seminars. In Japan, the Energy Conservation Center implements the activities..
The common characteristics of previous technical cooperation projects relatively in large size are their project structure based on these three pillars and the provision of “mini-plant” with the training equipments.
The “mini-plant” has been developed in light of the experiences of each project.
The provided “mini-plants” were in large size in the initial training projects of China and Argentina, but were improved in the projects of Thailand, Turkey, and Iran with smaller-sized and elaborated equipment corresponding their training contents. Furthermore, in the case of the project in Poland, procurement was localized , and its contract became almost full-turnkey services. (2)Development Study The nine development studies were implemented from 1982 in Thailand to 1998 in China, (refer to Appendix 1-3). Among these studies, some technical cooperation projects have contentiously been implemented after the implementation of the development studies. Major contents of the development studies included preparing national master plans for energy efficiency strategies and the technology transfer such as EA. (3)Training in Japan (Group Training, Eastern Europe training, and Country Focused Training ) Group training and Eastern Europe Training were implemented every year for 19 years from 1986 to 2004 (refer to Appendix 1-4). Trainees were composed of the relevant parties of energy conservation from various countries (especially, persons in charge of policies). Through these trainings, they visited the governmental agencies relating to energy conservation and factories possessing excellent systems and technologies of energy conservation in Japan in order to learn the
Japan’s advanced systems and technologies. These trainings are different from those implemented in Japan for counterparts as one of elements of input in technical cooperation projects. So far, the group training and Eastern Europe training are mainly conducted in the Energy Conservation Center. Until 2003 the group training in which programs on technologies and policies are mixed
and the Eastern Europe training mainly on policies were separately implemented.
However, these training are practically integrated since the Eastern Europe training was abolished in 2004 and participants from Eastern Europe joined the general group training.
JICA Kyushu
(former Kyushu International Center) has also implemented Turkey country focused training.
JICA’s Achievements in Assistance
(1) Cooperation Projects and Development Study Projects Name
Project Type
1 Study on master plan for project on energy conservation / Kingdom of Thailand 2 Study on maser plan for industrial energy conservation in People's Republic of China 3 Study on master plan for energy conservation for factory / Argentine Republic 4 Study on master plan for energy conservation in Republic of Hungary 5 Study on master plan for energy conservation in Republic of Bulgaria 6 China energy conservation training center in Dalian, People's Republic of China 7 Industrial energy conservation project in Argentine Republic 8 Study on master plan for optimum use of energy in Islamic Republic of Iran 9 Study on master plan for rational use of energy in Republic of Turkey 10 Energy efficiency center project in republic of Bulgaria
Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Technical Cooperation Technical Cooperation Development Study Development Study Technical Cooperation Development Study Development Study Technical Cooperation Technical Cooperation Technical Cooperation
11 Study on master plan for energy conservation in Republic of Poland 12 Study on master plan for promotion of energy conservation in Malaysia 13 Project of energy conservation in Republic of Turkey 14 Project on the practical energy management training center in Thailand 15 Improvement of technologies for environment protection concerning the steel industry in People’s Republic of China 16 Project on energy management production in Islamic Republic of Iran 17 Poland and Japan Energy Conservation Technical Center in Republic of Poland
Cooperation Period 1982 -1984 1985.10-1986.9 1987.12-1989.1 1991.7 -1992.8 1992.2 -1994.1 1992.7 -1997.7 1995.7 -2000.6 1995.9 -1997.9 1995.11-1997.2 1995.11-2000.10 1997.3 -1999.1 1998.1 -1999.2 2000.8 -2005.7 2002.4 -2005.4 2002.9 -2007.8
Technical 2003.3 -2007.3 Cooperation Technical 2004.7 -2008.6 Cooperation : In operation as of 2004
(2) Technical Cooperation Projects (individual cases) Name
Period of cooperation
Energy management in Thailand (energy conservation)
Dispatch of
experts 2
Energy conservation of industrial fields in Republic of
Turkey 3
Dispatch of
experts Dispatch of
Energy conservation in Poland
experts 4
Training in energy conservation in Saudi Arabia
of trainees 5
Training of people engaging in management of energy in
Third -
Republic of Turkey
Training : In operation as of 2004 (3)Training in Japan (Group Training and Eastern Europe Training) 1)Group Training Group training has been implemented for 241 persons from 49 countries from 1986 to 2004. See the details as per Appendix 1. The countries that have participated in such training are as follows: Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chili, China, Columbia, Cote d'Ivore, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Lithonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongol, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Serbia and Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, and Vietnam, 49 countries in total. 2)Regional focused training for Eastern Europe Regional focused training for Eastern Europe training has been implemented for 112 persons from 14 countries from 1994 to 2003. See the details as per Appendix.
The countries that
have participated in such training are as follows: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and Serbia and Montenegro, 14 countries in total (4)Related Projects In addition to the projects mentioned above, JICA has implemented related projects in the
following sectors.
Although their main purposes are not directly connected to energy conservation
as they belong to the issues of other sectors, they have ultimately contributed to energy conservation. 1)Projects related to renewable energy and efficiency of transmitted distribution of electric power (managed by the Economic Development Department) 2)Projects related to preservation of natural environment and air pollution (managed by the Global Environment Department) 3 ) Projects related to transportation and traffic (managed by the Social Development Department) 1−3−3
Energy Conservation Projects in Developing Countries by Organizations in
Japan other than JICA (1)Green Aid Plan (GAP): Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry The purpose of the Green Aid Plan (GAP) is to cooperate with each country through the transfer and dissemination of technologies related to the environment and energy fields based on experiences in Japan. The plan targets (1) prevention of air pollution, (2) prevention of water pollution, (3) disposal of and recycling of waste, and (4) energy conservation and alternative energy (contributing to the policies of reduction of CO2 emissions). GAP is performed in the process of two stages: a “policy dialogue ” stage that determines the directions of cooperation and projects through studies and exchanges of opinions, and a “project” stage of actual implementation. 1)Policy Dialogue The purpose of GAP is basically to assist ownership in developing countries.
Therefore, in
order to implement cooperation in an effective and efficient manner, it is important for GAP to; (2) recognize the current situation sufficiently, (2) consider the necessity and priority order in counterpart countries, (3) identify whether Japan’s technologies and experiences are able to solve a problem, (4) ensure effective results are expected from a project, (5) consider sustainability of the project after the completion of the GAP project, and (6) diffuse transferred technologies over corresponding local areas. Therefore, in policy dialogue, new projects starting in the next fiscal year and the direction of future assistance (cooperation) would be formally determined based on not only exchange of perspective in terms of problems in recipient countries and Japan’s experience but also results of previous projects and research. 2)Project (1) Development Study: Research on feasibility of energy/environment policies is conducted in recipient countries and the master plan for environmental improvement in focused target areas or industries is created. (2) Human Resource Development Cooperation: Trainees who have capacity to formulate the energy/environment policy are accepted in Japan, and as technical assistance Japanese experts
are dispatched to recipient countries in order to raise engineers and Energy Managers’ awareness on energy conservation and prevention of industrial pollution, as well as to improve technical skills in factories and contribute environmental improvement. (3) Research Cooperation: Japan and recipient countries jointly conduct research and development in regards to technical issues, in order to provide technologies and abilities accumulated in Japan. (4) Investigation of Technical Verification: Proper technologies are developed and verified and investigation of technical verification is performed for the purpose of dissemination of such technologies in recipient countries. Related organizations are as follows. ・Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) ・Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship(AOTS) ・Japan Overseas Development Corporation(JODC) ・New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO) ・Electric
Power Development Co., Ltd.
(Source: Web page of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry excerpt from http://www.meti.go.jp/report/downloadfiles/g11026g31j.pdf)
(2)International Project for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy: NEDO The outline is as follows (quoted from web page of NEDO: http://www.nedo.go.jp/english/activities/3_kokusaikanren/1/P99034e.html)
1)The seven targeted countries are China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Philippine. 2)The project has been implemented since 1993. 3)Project expenses in 2004 were 7.6 billion yen. In the developing economies of the Asia-Pacific region, energy demand is predicted to continue rising dramatically along with economic growth. These economies are now becoming highly interested in energy conservation technologies that are already commercially available in industrialized economies. To respond to the rising demand, NEDO is implementing various projects to disseminate these technologies, including international fundamental research projects, to increase the efficient use of energy. The model projects, once implemented as part of the Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) - a pilot phase project under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - were launched in Kazakhstan in FY2002 as part of the Joint Implementation (JI) of the Kyoto Protocol. The projects contribute to the accumulation of useful information for the concrete development of other forthcoming JI and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. (1) Fundamental Research Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy a)
Basic Survey Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy
Develop and suggest efficient energy use policies for countries involved by collecting and analyzing information on the countries' energy policies and energy consumption trends. b) CDM/JI Feasibility Studies Program Feasibility Studies (F/S) are conducted with the aim of ascertaining the viability of introducing technology for the efficient use of energy by Japanese companies as Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project activities. (2) Model Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy In model projects, technologies already in practical use in Japan are introduced into energy-intensive industries in countries with developing economies to demonstrate the effectiveness of such technologies and the dissemination thereof. (3) Technology Dissemination Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy These projects involve the dispatch of technical experts to implementation sites of model projects or to other plants of the same industry in order to disseminate the technologies.
(1) Fundamental Research Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy
(a) Basic Research Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy
(2) Model Projects for Increasing the Efficient Use of Energy Feasibility Studies for Model Projects Survey
Installati on (b) Basic Survey Project for Joint Implementation, etc.
(3) Technologies Disemination Projects for Increasing Efficient use of Energy
Model projects
Basic Design
Equipment Manufact uring
Testl operation
Demonstra tive operation
Transpo rtation
Green Helmet Project
Disseminatio n seminar
Commercially- based projects by the private sector
Model project for effective use of energy (ongoing) Name of project
Host Country
Term of Project
Implementation Site
The Ministry of industry /
Andra Pradesh
Implementation Model
1999 - 2004
Utilization of Waste
Industrial Estate Authority of
Heat from Incineration
of Industrial Waste at Industrial Estate Model
2001 - 2004
The Department of Economic
Jharkhand State
Waste Heat Recovery System
Finance / The Ministry of Trade
Plant Model
The Ministry of
and Industry project
2002 - 2004
The State Development and
Guangxi Zhuang
Unilization of Waste
Planning Commission / National
Autonomous Region
heat from a Cement
Development Reform
Plant Model
Commision Project
2002 - 2004
Ministry of Electric Power
2002 - 2004
Ministry of
Barikbaban City
Turbine Technology Model
Energy. and Mineral Resources/Directorate General of
Oil and Natural Gas
Refinery Model
Increasing Efficient
2002 - 2005
Resources/West Kazakhstan
Province/Ministry of Ecology
Energy Model
Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Uralsk City
and Natural Resources project
2003 - 2005
Ministry of Industry/Ministry of
Renovation to Increase
Natural Resources and
the Efficient Use of
Thanh-hoa City
Energy in Brewery Model project for high
2003 - 2005
performance industrial
Ministry of
Bekasi City
Industry and Trade
※ Project completed: 17 in China, 3 in Indonesia, 2 in Thailand, 1 in Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, and India. In addition, NEDO has performed ODA projects concerning China, Thailand, and Vietnam, etc. since 1993. Project expenses in 2004 were 1.81 billion yen. And the outline of the projects is as follows (quotation from web page of NEDO: (http://www.nedo.go.jp/english/activities/3_kokusaikanren/1/t-oda_e.html)
The purpose of research cooperation projects is to study issues of technical development (technical needs) that would be difficult to resolve only through the research and development abilities of developing countries, and to use the technical, research, and development abilities of Japan, to jointly implement research and development with research institutions of developing countries, to resolve such issues on technical development, and to improve the research and development abilities of developing countries. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Subsidary
Memorandum of understanding
NEDO Dispatching technicians
Acceptance of researcher Equipment and facilities supply
Private companies, etc.
Management institute of host country
Research institute of host country
(Project Organizaion Basic Scheme) The scheme is subject to vary in accordance with research themes. (1) Research Cooperation on environmental technology (2) Cooperative research project on the development of environmentally friendly industrial waste water reuse technology (3) Cooperative research project on development of technologies to recover valuable metals from, and to decontaminate, smelter flue dust
(4) Cooperative research programs for development support ・Cooperative research program for Asian economic structural reformation support ・Cooperative research program for fundamental R&D support (5) Support project for enhancement of R&D capability of research institute (6) Cooperative research project on development of multimedia information system (7) Cooperative research project on practical use of locally adaptable photovoltaic power generation system (8) Cooperative research project on processing and inspection technology for plastic (9) Cooperative research project on treatment technology for exhaust gas and waste water from smelteries (3)Other Projects 1)Yen loan(energy sectors): Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) In regards to yen loans implemented by JBIC, there are not many projects that specialize in energy conservation. However, JBIC has offered loans for the purpose of construction of power stations and reconstruction of facilities, thus, has experienced projects that indirectly contribute to energy conservation. In addition, a plan for two-step loan that mainly targets energy
conservation is currently being reviewed in Sri Lanka 2)Model Project on a Structuring Energy Conservation System in East Asia :JETRO Entrusted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a model project of a structuring energy conservation system in East Asia has been implemented as a JETRO project. On the other hand, in developing countries centered in the Asian region, JETRO has implemented cooperation programs as development assistance on supporting industries, which contribute procurement of Japanese enterprises. 3)Study by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry prioritizes the promotion of efficient use of energy in Asian countries such as China where energy consumption has been rapidly increasing with high economic growth in its policy issue. Thus, the Ministry regularly or irregularly holds relevant workshops and study groups. Outcomes of sthese meetings may become projects through budgetary approvals in some cases. 1−4
International Assistance Trends
International Assistance Trends towards Global Warming
(1)Global Environment Facility (GEF) GEF is the major financial mechanism for developing countries in the area of preservation of the global environment. GEF, in which UNDP, UNEP and WB are implementing agencies, was officially established in 1994 after a pilot program had started in 19991 and the Earth Summit had been held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Targeted fields are: (1) Prevention of global warming, (2) Protection of biodiversity, (3) Prevention of degradation of international waters, and (4) Prevention of ozone depletion. Furthermore, land degradation and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were added in October 2002. The member countries as of September 2002 included 171 countries. 4.2 billion dollars of GEF foundation have been granted to more than 1,000 projects of 160 countries. In regards to the climate change filed, the cumulative amount of approval from 1991 to 2000 was 1.14 billion dollars, which is 35.5% of the total. The main goals are (1) removal of barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency, (2) promoting the adaptation of renewable energy, and (3) reducing the long-term costs of low greenhouse gas-emitting energy technology. (http://gefweb.org/). (2)Prototype Carbon Fund: PCF The Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) was an approach to creating a market for reduction of greenhouse gas based on flexibility determined under the Kyoto Protocol. PCF was permitted to be established within the World Bank in July 1999. Then, full-fledged operations started with accepting
investments from governments and private sectors in April 2000. While GEF’s main operation is to provide grant aid, PCF focuses on the use of market mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol and dissemination of knowledge and experience. Advantages of the PCF for developing countries are to gain profits through sales of the amount of reduced greenhouse gas and to gain access to technologies dealing with global warming. Investors can obtain the amount of reduction of greenhouse gas at a lower cost. Therefore, the World Bank points out that PCF can be useful for achievement of goals based on the Kyoto Protocol (http://www.prototypecarbonfund.org). Specific projects are mentioned as follows. 1)Uganda: Project concerning compact hydraulic power generation for rural electrification (off-grid hydropower development) 2)Honduras: wind power generation 3)Czechoslovakia: energy efficiency project 4)Poland: geothermal power generation 5)Rumania : afforestation project Additionally, in response to the raise of expectation for profits to developing countries through the implementation of CDM, the World Bank created the “Community Development Carbon Fund,” which specialized in small-size CDM projects for rural areas in smaller countries and developing counties in 2002. The World Bank aims to contribute to sustainable development at a community level through projects on renewable energy, energy conservation, methane recovery, and agro forestry. (3)Trends of International Assistance Organizations International organizations also participate in assistance for energy conservation. In addition to PCF, the World Bank implements capacity building projects in developing countries through the establishment of
“NSS (National Strategy Study)” including the survey on the potential of
reducing greenhouse gas in developing countries, studies on CDM/JI projects, and the creation of plans for structuring related systems and activities, with funding from donor countries. Furthermore, Asian Development Bank also implements capacity building projects relating to global warming in PREGA (Promoting Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Abatement). As well as UNEP and UNDP provide cooperation to improve policies, organizations, and systems mainly through seminars. Moreover, even other institutes that had not positively implemented countermeasures against global warming have started activities for the global issue, as a result of analysis of the linkages between global warming and their original projects such as development, environmental protection, health, hygiene, and food. This trend is called the “mainstream” of global warming policies and is gradually spread.
(4)Bilateral Cooperation According to OECD, achievement of cooperation in the global warming field by 19 DAC member countries form 1998 to 2000 accounted for 4,819 cases with 7.6 billion dollars. 89% of the total amount was donated from Japan, Germany, and the U.S., and 15.3% of the total ODA is from Japan.
Table 1-1
Climate-change-related aid by DAC donor 1998-2000
Annual average 1998-2000
% of total
Number of
ODA Australia
New Zealand
Germany Ireland Japan
Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States Total
Other Assistance Trends towards Energy Conservation
The followings are the cases of international assistance trends towards energy conservation. (1)The EU Committee requires the EU member nations to reduce energy consumption by 1% a year and gives instruction of promoting energy conservation. In addition, the committee implements projects of assistance for improving legislation to enable the energy act in each member state to comply with priorities set by the committee, such as countermeasures against global warming. (2)German Agency for Technical Cooperation, GTZ, has a multitude of experience in energy conservation-related projects as bilateral assistance including a project in Thailand. In addition,
assistance agencies in the Netherlands and Denmark (COGEN, DANCED, etc.) implement various assistance projects in developing countries.
Chapter 2
Approaches to Energy Conservation
Purposes of Energy Conservation
The overview of the current situation of energy conservation was addressed in the Chapter 1. Accordingly, Chapter 2 reviews the purposes of implementation of energy conservation and practical means that have countries achieve energy conservation Firstly, three significant goals to implement energy conservation are outlined as follows. (1) Reduction of energy consumption (2) Reduction of greenhouse gases (CO2) (3) Reduction of energy costs Furthermore, three
overall goals of energy conservation are set as follows.
(1)Energy Security Energy security is to ensure a constant and stable supply of energy.
In order to maintain the
supply, it is necessary for countries to increase the domestic energy self-sufficiency ratio and to undertake diplomatic endeavors to secure stable energy suppliers. Especially, increasing the energy self-sufficiency ratio is a direct means to achieve the goal. As the food self-sufficiency ratio, the domestic energy self-sufficiency ratio is the core elements of the national security, and thus is a politically prioritized issue.
Moreover, energy security has become a considerable global issue
outside the framework of state. For instance, the EU put emphasis on the EU regional energy security as an important policy issue. In order to increase the energy self-sufficiency ratio, it is necessary to develop and promote the use of domestic untapped energy such as nuclear, wind and solar energy, and to enhance effective utilization of existing energies (energy conservation). Energy conservation contributes to solution to the global issues such as energy security and possible future exhaustion of oil.
As outlined in the previous Chapter, oil is primarily demanded
resources in the world, and countries need to effectively utilize the limited energy resources *Related issues of JICA: “Energy supply”
(2)Measures of the Global Environment As mentioned in Chapter 1, global warming has been one of the globally concerned issues. International frameworks to deal with such issue have been established. Under this circumstance, concrete measures are required these days to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, with efforts by governments and private sectors.
Since energy conservation limits greenhouse gas emissions (CO2,
in particular), which lead to global warming, the measures for energy conservation functions as those for elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. Energy conservation was conventionally implemented for the purpose of raising income and ensuring energy security in many cases. However, in recent years, the effect of CO2 reduction has been receiving attention, and in many cases, energy conservation has been implemented for preventing global warming. Additionally, the restriction on the use of oil and natural gas through energy conservation contributes not only to global warming, but also to air pollution and environmental destruction due to earth excavation. * Related issues of JICA: “Measures of global warming” and “preservation of the natural environment” (3)Income Increase Income increase by reducing costs for energy utilities is a direct purpose and incentive of energy conservation. Through the implementation of energy conservation, we can reduce the expenses for wasteful energy consumption, and income will increase equivalent to the amount of the reduction. Through energy conservation, payments for the utility of electricity and gas will decrease and these savings will be utilized for other expenditures at the household level. At the business and factory levels, the decrease of energy consumption per unit of production (cost reduction of production) will enhance their competitiveness. Increasing income and enhancing business competitiveness at the national level contribute to economic growth. If the emission-trading scheme for greenhouse gas, based on the Kyoto Mechanism, can be effectively utilized, the reduced gas through energy conservation can be sold as assets. It allows not only reducing costs but also increasing income concurrently. *Related issues of JICA : “Private Sector Development” 2−2
Effective Policy Approaches to Energy Conservation
Based on the experiences of Japan and other countries, this section outlines the effective policy approaches in order to achieve energy conservation in general. In addition, approaches this section deal with is defined as “approaches by policies,” which is positively
implemented by
governments, and energy conservation approaches mainly by the self-help efforts of private sectors are excluded here, unless they are controlled by the policies. The main three points of effective policy approaches concerning energy conservation are as follows. (1) Establishing energy conservation systems
Establishing a system to take advantage of human resources inside factories and a system to utilize outsourcing services . (2) Implementation of administrative services relating to energy conservation Implementation of training courses, EA for factories, and activities of publicity, awareness, and dissemination (3) Promoting the energy conservation business market Promotion of ESCO business and improvement of business environment of the market In regards to the aforementioned relationship, the matter in (1) is a framework, and the matters in (2) and (3) are the individual measures that are positioned in the framework. It should be noted that the methods in (2) and (3) will be fundamentally differentiated depending upon the form of the matter in (1). The systems are roughly divided into two types: the system based on laws and regulations and on market principles. The former is well adopted in Japan and the tendency of the latter is strong in Europe and the U.S.. The frameworks of promotion of energy conservation differ depending on countries. Thus, when it comes to a concept of effective policy approaches, the structure of framework for promotion of energy conservation ((1) above) should be conceived first. And then, each measure ((2) and (3) above) concerning implementation of energy conservation services by governments and promotion of activities of enterprises and markets for energy conservation should be reviewed. This particular “order” is important.
The system of purposes for energy conservation above is organized as per Figure 2-1. Measures
Energy security
Income increase
Energy conservation
energy conservation
Implementation services
Activation of market of
energy conservation
Figure2-1Strucuture of Energy Conservation The matters relating to effective policy approaches concerning energy conservation ((1) – (3)) are outlined as below. (1)Policy approach 1: Establishing a System For Energy Conservation The most fundamental step for energy conservation is to establish a system to promote energy conservation, so that the government policies are disseminated to all implementing institutions of energy conservation through the system. . The experience of Japan tells us that an energy conservation system functions well when its contents are continuously revised in accordance with the changes in the society. Energy conservation has a close relationship with various elements in society, also. Thus, it cannot be achieved only by adopting a single measure (for example, just introducing subsidies for energy conservation investment). It is important to implement mixed measures so that the system of energy conservation for the entire society may function. The most suitable system for a country varies depending on conditions of each country. In Japan, improving equipment efficiency by ENERGY MANAGER system or by Top Runners, have proved to be highly effective. However, these are not globally common methods. As for ENERGY MANAGER system, many countries have adopted similar systems, but in a significant number of countries, those systems are not functioning well. That is because some of the systems sometimes have defects such as poor contents or poor management. However, major reasons may be found in different attitude towards regulations imposed by governments (for example, in China, the regulations tend to be considered not as rules people must comply, but as a model or good examples). In U.S. and Europe, people do not like to impose regulations on energy conservation, since there is a strong tendency to believe that “energy conservation is profitable and should be promoted on a
commercial basis.”
There are no law that imposes specific regulations upon energy consumers in
the U.S., and U.K. When a country tries to establish a energy conservation system, lifestyles or cultures of the country and existing energy conservation conditions should be taken into consideration.
( 2 ) Policy Approach 2: Implementation of Administrative Services Relating to Energy Conservation In order to seek an effective operation of the energy conservation system, what private sectors cannot achieve should be supplemented by public services.
The following are some of such
examples; 1)Development of Human Resources in the Area of Energy Conservation Training courses for engineers who have expertise of energy conservation are implemented. Many technical colleges and big companies teach technical knowledge on energy conservation to their students or employees. However, there are virtually no special courses for energy conservation engineers open to public in training institutes. Therefore, in most of the cases, it is necessary to establish new institutions. Since running such courses for energy conservation engineers does not make profit and it is rather difficult for private sectors to run such course, it is desirable that the government run such courses as part of public services. For reference, the training implemented by the initiative of the government of Japan are as follows. The technical cooperation of
training courses with a “mini-plant,” which JICA
implemented many times, were launched in developing countries, with a reference of courses by Sumikin Management Co., Ltd. in the column of “Others” below.
Title of training course Practical training courses of energy conservation (5 courses) Technical courses of energy conservation Workshops on technologies for energy management Correspondence courses of Energy Manger Long term courses for examination preparation Short term courses for examination preparation Symposiums for Energy Manager Symposiums for Energy Manager Presentations of dissemination and promotion of superior cases Lecture meetings on energy (branch divisions) Others
Target and training menu Training for beginners to mid-level engineers Person in charge of practices of energy management/classroom lectures, practical training, and tour courses Energy Manager/training on the latest technologies of energy management Applicants of Energy Manager / teaching of specialized knowledge Applicants of Energy Manager / teaching of specialized knowledge Applicants of Energy Manager / teaching of specialized knowledge Type 1 designation/teaching of technologies of energy conservation Type 2 designation/teaching of technologies of energy conservation Type 1 and 2 designation and ESCO business conductor /Presentation of superior cases Lecturing on energy conservation Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (QC,TQM), Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance(TPM),Japan Electric Association(training courses for licensed electrician tests), Japan Productivity Center ( practical skills for energy conservation), Sumikin Management Co.,Ltd.(practical skills for energy conservation),TLV CO., LTD.(facilities relating to steams)and the like
2)Energy Audit (EA) EA is a service offered to factories to clarify the actual amount of energy consumption and to give advise on consumption practices. The steps to achieve energy conservation are shown in Figure 2-2. (1)Finding points to improve
(2) F/S study →
(3) Implementation of improvement
(4) Continuation
Figure 2-2 Steps to implement energy conservation One of the points to be improved in (1) can be an appointment of Energy Manager. When a factory is well managed by an Energy Manager, it is not difficult to find out points to be improved. When an employer wants to cut the cost for personnel and did not hire an Energy Manager, and when the factory does not have suitable technology, nor properly manages, then it will be difficult to find improvement points.
In such a case, an effective approach for promoting energy conservation is to invite energy auditors. Energy auditors will assess ongoing energy management and define points to be improved. After the factory is visited by an energy auditor, the procedure will be as follows. (2) feasibility study, a study for financial viability (3) implementation, and (4) continuation. Implementing procedures of EA are generally as follows. Table 2-1
Implementing procedures of a diagnosis of energy conservation
Item of implementation
Prior information collection
Necessary information including monthly utilities of electricity and gas, the energy use for the production process and facilities, and ongoing energy management, should be obtained as much as possible.
Measurement on the site
Experts on energy conservation (thermometers, air meters, etc.) bring measuring equipments and visit factories. And they measure what they could not obtain in step 1, and collect necessary information for analysis.
Analysis and evaluation
Computation and processing of the data of energy use collected in 1 and 2 (JIS in Japan) are performed. Comparison of such data with the ideal and average values, identification of the wasteful departments, and analysis and evaluation of such causes are performed.
The results of 3 are announced, and appropriate measures
for the clarified problems and concrete methods of their
implementation are proposed. The contents of audit is
improvement (creation of a
summarized in a report, and explanations are given to the
audit report)
factory that receives the audit.
EA in Japan has been performed free of charge by the government (Energy Conservation Center). However, giant companies have already achieved high levels of energy conservation and there are few potential left for energy conservation. Thus, at present, EA has been implemented on small and medium-sized enterprises that have poor technologies and on large-sized buildings whose energy consumption has been rapidly increased. For a country which has lots of potential for energy saving, proposal by an EA lead to a big cost reduction (for example, in steel making industry, the cost saved is likely to exceed 100 million yen a year). Therefore, EA is deemed to be a beneficial service worth paying for, and some private
companies that specialize in energy conservation offer EAs as business project. Those private companies are called “ESCO”(Energy Service Company), and ESCO has formed a large market in Europe and the U.S. where regulations on energy conservation by governments are not so tight. Although ESCO has various forms of EA, in general, all of the processes from (1) through (3) in Figure 2-2 are implemented first. Then, the service fees are collected only after satisfying result of energy conservation benefits companies in the process of (4).
In this type of ESCO business,
ESCO undertakes a series of tasks in EA, from making a proposal for improvement points to its implementation including the collection of service fee. Therefore, there is no difficulty for factories to receive the service due to the low cost. On the other hand, unless satisfying result of energy conservation is gained, ESCO cannot collect the fees, and therefore, payout time is long. Unless ESCO wins the confidence of the factories receiving the services, or have and strong supports from government such as soft loans, it is difficult to run such a business. In many cases, ESCO plays the active role in the household sector most, and then, in industrial sector. This is because there is a great deal of energy consumption in the household sectors (specially, in buildings) in general, where there is commonality and simplicity in the technical contents.
industrial sector use varieties of facilities and production processes in different business. Therefore, they use different methods of energy conservation for each type of industry. Furthermore, in order to implement detailed EA that covers the production processes, a highly technical level of expertise is required for energy auditors.
Also, normally, the production process of the factory involves a trade
secret that should not be disclosed externally. Thus, it is difficult for private sector to gain enough profit only from ESCO business for their survival. Therefore, initially, it would be more effective for the government to initiatively provide such services at low costs. It should be noted that ESCO’s advice specializes in effective energy conservation for the company to make profits in a short run, not in a long run like advice from the government.
important problems to be tackled in mid-to-long term remain unsolved, making the company’s policy rather unbalanced. Approaches where EA is implemented by a private sector through market mechanism are stated in (3) Policy approach 3 as below. 3)Publicizing and Disseminating Information about Energy Conservation In order to promote energy conservation, it is effective to establish an energy saving activities’ framework. At the same time, it is also important to ensure a change in the attitude of energy consumers and to promote voluntary activities of energy conservation through performing the activities of publicity, awareness, and dissemination of energy conservation. Especially, publicity such as creation of a web page enables broad promotion of energy conservation to the public at substantially less cost. Therefore, this is highly cost effective approach There are various methods of publicity, awareness, and dissemination, such as creation of a web
page, issuance of subscribed magazines and books, sales of goods, or television commercial messages. The activities of publicity, awareness, and dissemination can be seen everywhere in a society other than in energy conservation, and effective methods of implementation have been introduced via books, etc. The main purpose of the activities of publicity, awareness, and dissemination is to improve understanding of energy conservation (Why energy conservation should be performed?) and to introduce know-how of energy conservation (How?). In the former activity, in particular, it is important and effective to raise people’s consciousness and social awareness for energy conservation.
In Japan, the new concept of “smart life” where people are expected to have
awareness of energy conservation in their daily lives is established, and the inspiring activities aiming at reforming people’s lifestyle itself is being in progress. In regards to the latter activity of introduction of know-how of energy conservation, the following information are available in Japan. [For industry and enterprise] ・Laws and regulations, policies, and systems relating to energy conservation ・Systems of qualification for Energy Manger ・Knowledge for examination of a Energy Manger ・Know-how applied to energy conservation technologies and factories ・Latest technologies of energy conservation ・Good practices of energy conservation [For household sectors] ・Checklists of a lifestyle ・Dictionaries of energy conservation at home ・Smart fashion ・Handbooks for smart life ・Catalogues for energy conservation products of home electric appliances ・Energy conservation contests In addition, awarding of model cases of energy saving and systems to recruit supporting members for energy conservation are also part of public relations activities. (3)Policy Approach 3: Vitalizing Energy Conservation Market The government extends support to promote the energy conservation activities mainly undertaken by private sectors. Especially, it is important to enable EA to be disseminated through the use of the market mechanism in the private services, with provision of supports from the available policy measures.
That is to say, promotion of ESCO business and creation of support for the market are
necessary. In order to establish and continue the ESCO market, continuous policy measures are required through the following procedures. The experience of policy adoption for the introduction of the ESCO business into Japan’s market has allowed us to review the promotion methods of the business so far. There is more room to cultivate further effective approaches by reviewing the projects of ESCO leading countries in Europe and the U.S. as well as GEF’s assistance programs of ESCO, which has been successful in Malaysia and China, etc. 1)Formulation of Policies, Research on Past Cases, Market Survey A country may study the cases of other countries where ESCO business has already been established (U.S., Germany, and Japan), and conduct studies for the possibility and potential of the business in the country. At the same time, a country may conduct market survey for demand and supply.
As a result, when the government considers that a market would properly function for
business, the announcement of policy guidelines may be given to the private sectors . 2)Introduction of ESCO Business as Model Projects, Research and Survey A model project of ESCO business should be implemented initiatively by the government through subsidies for the first step of creating the market. The result of such project should be surveyed and researched, and the policy measures should be improved. The government can implement a model project in several methods as employing experts and providing trial EA services free of charge or at small expense, or entrusting its implementation to cooperative enterprises. As for the latter case, it is effective if the government itself becomes a customer and if the services are implemented in the governmental buildings. 3)Establishment of Association At the stage where private sector demanded ESCO services to a certain extent, ESCO association may be established and it enables people to provide and exchange information and opinions over energy policies. At the early stage after ESCO’s establishment, it is assumed that private consulting companies, power companies, and gas companies, etc., start such projects as sub-businesses. At the initial stage where ESCO business can be implemented on a private-sector basis, it is desirable for the government to be a continuous customer. In such a case, granting of some qualifications to the registered ESCO enterprises is also effective.
In Poland, there exists a system of qualification so as to implement a audit of
buildings, and such system has been effectively operated. 4)Establishment of Low Interest Loans, Preferential Tax Treatments, and Subsidy In order to supplement the weak points of ESCO investment, which is a long payout period, low interest loans, preferential tax treatments, and subsidy may be available at an early stage of introducing ESCO business, thus supporting the market to be established and continued.
Chapter 3 Cooperation Policies of JICA
Focused Cooperation Activities of JICA and Points to Note
In Chapter 1 and 2, the current situations, purposes, and means of performing energy conservation have been reviewed. Chapter 3 will present JICA’s policies on energy conservation and answer the questions of “What JICA can achieve?” and “What is the most appropriate cooperation by JICA?” in the midst of the existing conditions of energy conservation. 3−1−1
JICA’s Effective Cooperation on Energy Conservation (Concept of Projects)
This section will overview how JICA’s projects can cooperate for the three effective policy approaches presented in Chapter 2 (institution, public services, and market), in order to analyze the effective ways of cooperation. (1)Establishing Energy Conservation System 1)Development Study for Master Plan on Energy Conservation System In development studies, JICA will perform comprehensive survey of the current situations, backgrounds, and potential of energy conservation in developing countries and formulate a master plans the countries can utilize as guidelines for their development policies.
governmental agencies such as Energy Conservation Center in the developing countries are dealing with energy conservation, it would be effective to provide the agencies with machines and equipments for Energy Audit, since it would enable the agencies to visit and provide EA for the plants of high energy consumption.
Performing EA would generate the following three
advantages: (1) The contents of a master plan become more realistic. (2) EA technologies are transferred, (3) the audited institution can save energy as a result of EA. Upon the creation of a master plan, JICA dispatches a group of Japanese experts and consultants to development countries, and counterpart members of a recipient country and the Japanese members work together on drafting a master plan.
It should be remembered upon
development studies that JICA needs to make sufficient consultations with the counterparts, fully understand the country’s existing situation in surveys, and formulate a master plan corresponding to their needs rather than ours. 2)Dispatching Advisors to Establish Energy System (dispatch of 1 or 2 expert (s))
The purpose is to formulate a master plan as well as in 1). With minimum inputs, 1 or 2 policy adviser (s) is allocated at the ministry of the government in charge of energy conservation (usually Ministry of Energy) for about 2 years (reviewed if necessary). Unlike a development study in which a master plan is made by Japanese experts, the purpose is to allocate personnel to provide advice regarding Japan’s experiences when a counterpart country makes a master plan.
This is the method that international organizations such as in
Europe and the U.S. frequently adopt concerning the energy sector. The size of inputs is small, compared with the development study, and a long term allocation of advisors is possible.
Thus, there are advantages that enable spending much of time for
collecting information, making discussions and establishing trustworthy relationships with counterparts. Meanwhile, special efforts are required to recruit advisors who have familiarity with energy conservation policies of Japan, flexibility to introduce the policies in the form adaptable to corresponding developing countries, and excellent communication ability to make coordination and negotiation with the governmental agencies and international donor organizations in developing countries. 3)Training in Japan for Person in Charge of Energy Conservation (1 through 4 trainee (s)) People in charge of promotion of energy conservation in developing countries are invited to Japan and trained for energy conservation policies. Based on the experiences of past cases, institutions expected to accept trainees and contents of such training courses are as follows:
Training Location
Training menu
・Training orientation and assessment meeting ・Overview of energy conservation activities of JICA
Energy Conservation Center, Japan(ECCJ)
・Overview of energy conservation in Japan ・Policies of energy conservation in Japan ・Overview of activities of ECCJ
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
・Policies of energy conservation in Japan
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
・ Overview of the activities of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
・ Development
Development Organization(NEDO)
・Overview of activities of NEDO Power plants
・ Good practices of energy conservation on power generation
Factories (iron making, metal machineries, and
・Good practices of of energy conservation on
ceramic industry, etc.)
industrial sector
・ Good practices of energy conservation on household sector
In accordance with the demands of trainees, training locations and the acceptance period of all or each training(s) are adjusted. Training in Japan can play a vital role for promotion of energy conservation in developing countries, and thus the selection of trainees is important. It is necessary to clarify the problems and needs of trainee side and to prepare the training programs and system to solve such problems. (2)Energy Conservation Services by Government Capacity development should be performed for institutions implementing governmental energy conservation services as outlined in Chapter 2 (Energy Center or a part of departments or divisions of ministry of energy apply normally). The technical issues are outlined as follows. Upon implementation, it is important to create a comprehensive system, which covers not only technology transfer but also the fields of finance and/or human resources, so that the recipient institutions can acquire and develop the required abilities in a sustainable manner. 1)Transfer of Technologies for Energy Audit (EA) (Dispatch of Experts, Provision of Machinery Equipments, and Training in Japan, etc)
Technologies for EA outlined in Chapter 2 are transferred to developing countries. JICA has conducted technology transfer in six counties so far, such as Bulgaria, Turkey, etc. First, in procedures, the equipment materials for EA (measurement equipment concerning temperature, air mass flow, and steam flow, etc., mainly apply, and the total amount of such equipments cost about 20 million yen through procurement in Japan) and the vehicles that carry such equipments (called “Shoene Bus [energy conservation bus])” which costs about 3 million yen through the local procurement) are provided. After the selection of factories which will receive EA, a group including 5 -6 counterparts, 1 or 2 short-term expert(s), and 1 long-term expert visit the selected plants and provide the services.
EA is implemented as a part of administrative services by
counterparts. The selected short-term experts are personnel who have experienced to provide EA in Japan and also have sufficient knowledge of corresponding sector necessary for EA in developing countries (iron making, metal machineries, and ceramic industry, etc.). All members of long-term experts, short-term experts, and counterparts jointly implement all processes of EA. The short-term experts perform energy audit as well as technology transfer to the counterparts. The long-term experts supervise the project and conduct follow-up for the short-term experts. The counterparts perform measurement and computation of the allocated portions and receive lectures from the short-term experts about series of process including summarization of results and proposals. The past projects of technology transfer in EA have demonstrated the strong ownership and self help development of recipient countries generated during the cooperation.
The technical
advantage of our country based on much of experience in this sector has been also recognized. Therefore, it can be said that implementing the projects is of high relevance. Items to remember upon the implementation are as follows. (1) Although EA is performed by the counterparts as a part of administrative services, audited factory must pay a certain amount of service fee. Thus, a factory receiving EA expects to have good advice in return. At the same time, factories tend to be reluctant to spend their time on activities for transfer of technologies. (2) The result of transfer of technologies depends very much on the selection of short-term experts. The utmost endeavors must be undertaken to understand the demands of the local parties and report the result to Japan so that an appropriate person can be selected. (3) In EA training for counterparts, instructions regarding an energy conservation measures of
“no or low cost,”a measure without investment for plants and equipments, should be given as a basic step. In addition, it is also necessary to give the measures of large-scale energy conservation investments. (4) EA on production process is commonly performed in Japan. Upon JICA’s transfer of technology, however, cooperation performs EA on utilities (facilities) as a primary work. Inspection of the production process may enable a more detailed audit and should be implemented positively if possible. However, it is expected that some items required in the
audit on production process can be implemented only when the audit is continued for several decades. Therefore, it is impossible for the audit to cover all processes of the all kinds of industries within five-year period of transfer of technologies.
However, there are some
industries where the production process can be thoroughly inspected as in the textile industry in Turkey. Thus, upon the consideration of the menu of technology transfer of EA, it is necessary for the experts to review which industries and items should be audited. 2)Establishing a System of Qualification for Energy Conservation (Dispatch of Experts, Training in Japan, etc.) After legislation on energy conservation has been enacted, those who implement energy conservation are normally appointed, and then, the establishment of qualification systems follows. The type of qualification systems varies in accordance with the legislation of energy conservation. For example, the qualifications for energy conservation are as follows. (1) Qualification for energy management at factories (2) Qualification for EA (3) Qualification for the creation of an energy management report In Japan, qualification systems of energy conservation based on the Energy Conservation Law have been established and applied. The experience in Japan would be useful for developing countries that will start such systems. The personnel who is familiar with the qualification systems of energy conservation in Japan are dispatched as advisors to establish in developing countries the system of the qualifications and also to make questions for examinations. 3)Establishing Training Courses on Energy Conservation (Dispatch of Experts, Provision of machinery equipments, and Training in Japan, etc) The establishment of training courses for energy conservation has been achieved in six countries including Turkey, Thailand, and etc.
JICA has formulated practical training courses
utilizing “mini-plants,” which is based on the courses provided in Japan by Sumikin Management Co., Ltd as an entrusted business from the Energy Conservation Center. In order to establish the training courses, the following cooperation is required. (1) Creation of curriculums and textbooks by long-term experts of heat and electricity and short-term experts from each field, provision of training for counterparts to be training instructors, and assistance for entire operation and management of the courses and the acceptance of trainees (2) Installation and start-up of the provided equipments (mini-plant and peripheral machinery equipments) (3) Installation and start-up of locally procured components of a mini-plant (4) Education of training instructors (counterparts) in training in Japan The contents of training-course curriculums differ in accordance with demands of developing countries. Before establishment, the curriculums have to be carefully examined and discussed in
a preparatory study.
Since it is difficult for energy conservation training course to achieve
sustainable development after the end of projects, which was recognized in the past project experiences, the number of trainees and reasons for them to take the courses have to be clarified at the stages of preparatory study. After such process, the necessity of cooperation should be deliberately reviewed. The past projects did not always provide training courses that corresponded with the demands of a recipient country.
Some training held after the
completion of projects found only small number of applicants. 4)Publicity of Energy Conservation (expert dispatch, provision of equipments, and training in Japan, etc) In regards to the contents and the efficient methods of publicity for energy conservation implemented by the counterparts, technical advice should be performed based on the knowledge of Japan.
In addition to the basic inputs of advisory expert dispatches, the equipment provision
(such as HP software) can be implemented in combination with training in Japan. (3)Promoting Energy Conservation Market The cooperation for promoting energy conservation market needs examination on its implementation by reviewing successful projects of GEF and the U.S. and European countries.
cooperation by dispatch of experts, provision of equipments, and training in Japan can cover the following items presented as the effective approaches in Chapter 2. 1)Survey for the precedent and market of energy conservation business 2)Assistance for introduction of model projects and for research and study 3)Establishment of ESCO association
JICA’s Effective Cooperation on Energy Conservation (Concept of Programs)
(1)General Outline In 3-1-1, the methods to effectively implement individual projects have been outlined. At the same time, the successful cases of an individual project do not necessarily lead to a promotion of energy conservation for the entire nation, only with contribution to a part of it.
In order to support the
promotion of energy conservation for the entire nation, it is essential to have a view (view of program) as to how individual cooperation methods are combined to form entire cooperation. Here, how JICA looks at the programs in the field of energy conservation will be explained. Basic concepts are as follows.
Developing countries will not be changed by the cooperation of JICA. The power of willingness of developing countries that intend to change themselves shall be utilized to the utmost extent, which shall lead the countries to a proper direction through the cooperation of JICA.
The energy conservation that targets a nation means a macro level of engagement that influences all patterns of energy consumption in industrial, household, and transportation sectors. In Japan, for instance, about 10,000 factories that are relatively large in the industrial sector only (Type 1 and 2 of designated energy management factories) are working on energy conservation.
In order to
implement such large-scale reforms, the large-scale of policies, budgets, and systems and a log time period are necessary for governmental administrative departments, and also self-help efforts from private sectors are essential. Only JICA’s small-scale input, several hundred million yen for five years at most, is not sufficient in reality to build new system that would generate the positive effect of energy conservation at national level.
The ultimate goal of development assistance is to enhance
entire efficiency of energy use in recipient countries. This is the difficulty of implementing energy conservation. The only way for JICA’s small-scale projects to achieve the goal is to implement them strategically. If cooperation is performed in a strategic manner based on the past experiences, it is possible for JICA’s projects to be a part of contributions to realizing the promotion of energy conservation in developing countries. “Being strategic” means full-scale selection and concentration, and to have a long term view.
In other words, it is to “strike only a pin-point target repeatedly.” In
this case, a “pin-point target” have two aspects: the willingness of recipient countries and the timing of assistance. The“willingness of recipient countries” corresponds with previous terms of “The power of willingness of developing countries that intend to change themselves shall be utilized to the utmost extent.”
This means the necessity of providing assistance that meets the needs of developing
countries: what they intend to perform next and what they demand in order to establish systems and organizations.
That is to say, 80% of assistance efforts are devoted to what the developing
countries can achieve with their willingness, and the rest of 20% to the creation of additional values
which they cannot perform by themselves. Comparatively superior technologies are strongly demanded in this type of cooperation, and energy conservation is one of assistance field suitable for it. Some may take it for granted that assistance to promote self-help efforts of developing countries to the utmost and then go along with them work well.
However, in the past there had been failure
cases because we tried to introduce systems which worked well in Japan to developing countries believing they are superior to the systems they have. On the other hand, it is also important to judge whether or not what a developing country intends to perform next is correct . When policies that go in the wrong direction are assisted, there is a danger of policy change on a unilateral basis. A typical example of incorrect policies is to “sow seeds in bad soil.” First, a system (soil) must be created, and then an organizations that is positioned on such system is created.
Such order must be kept. Requests from developing countries that desire
to “sow the seeds” but have no soil must be discussed and examined with them through development studies, and JICA has to restructure the contents of cooperation with responsibilities as necessary. “The timing of assistance”, the other concept of pin-points, is to start assistances after figuring out when developing countries intend to change themselves.
The pin-point target must be“struck
repeatedly,” with continuous inputs in the long run. In technical cooperation projects, inputs are usually intensively implemented in five years , and it may be more effective in some cases to divide the five-year project period into two: two and three years of separately implemented projects, for example, when the projects have sufficient inputs for five years. In the first two years, a master plan on energy conservation system is made, and the next two years have no inputs, waiting until the legislation of the master plan is established.
Once the Energy Conservation Law is established, the
qualification system of Energy Managers and training courses would be introduced in the cooperation projects in the following three years. When the initially formulated master plan is not legislated, it is possible not to continue any additional inputs. In order to implement such actions, it is necessary to consider program.
In the long run, a project is considered as a part of a program,
and this view enables us to continue assistance in different circumstances of recipient countries. (2)Successful Case of Program Cooperation It is said that the project in Turkey is the most successful case of all previously implemented projects in cooperation of the energy conservation sector of JICA.
In the technical cooperation
project, which is being implemented as of 2004, the counterpart members of the National Energy Conservation Center in Turkey (EIE/UETM) have shown excellent performances of managing both training courses and EA services, which are core parts of the technology transfer.
In addition, they
also have played important roles in promoting energy conservation in the country. As a result of proper contents of several inputs performed at proper timings, the JICA’s project has contributed to the promotion of energy conservation in Turkey.
The main factor of the success
is continuous endeavors of the Turkish government, and the supports from Japan have not
fundamentally changed the system of Turkey.
The proper supports have been performed at a proper
timing by JICA, and Turkish government took advantage of the opportunity and has made the present achievements. The factors of success in Turkey are outlined as below. <Background of Energy Conservation in Turkey>
1 . Assistance for establishing governmental organization of energy conservation and strengthening the organization’s function by different approaches 1981: A role of promotion of energy conservation is provided to EIE/ETKB( General Administration of Development of Investigation for Electricity and Resources/Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources) After the second oil shock, in Turkey , research has been promoted in order to perform the activities of energy conservation in public and industrial sectors. In 1981, EIE (General Administration of Development of Investigation for Electricity and Resources), a research institution, plays a role of performing rationalization of energy use . 1980: The transfer of EA technologies by UNIDO 1982-1984: The transfer of EA technologies phase 1 by the World Bank 1989: Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ)implemented energy conservation seminars in Ankara 1988-1991: The transfer of EA technologies phase 2 by the World Bank 2. Commencement of assistance from JICA and creation of draft for Energy Conservation Law in Turkey 1990: First participation of EIE in a group training of JICA March 1992: Participation in a group training for the persons of EIE in charge of energy conservation policies When the Turkish government is reviewing the entire regulations relating to energy conservation, the persons of EIE in charge of energy conservation policies were invited to Japan and received training for energy conservation policies. The trainee created a draft of regulations on energy conservation (ministerial ordinances) in Turkey after returning to the country. Additionally, the idea of requesting JICA for implementing energy conservation projects (including training facilities) was also formulated. 3. Establishment of Energy Center in Turkey December 1992: The Department of Investigation of Energy and Resources of EIE was recognized as the UETM (National Energy Conservation Center). UETM has played a central role of promotion of energy conservation in Turkey. 4. Establishment of Ministerial Ordinance of Energy Conservation 1995: Establishment of “Rules for Measures on Promoting Rationalization of Energy Consumption by Industrial Institutions” Based on an original draft created by the trainees of JICA’s group training held in 1990, the Ministerial Ordinance of the Energy Conservation Law was established. 5.Substantial supports from JICA
1995-1997: JICA’s expert dispatch 1995-1997: Implementation of JICA’s development study NECC performed promotional activities of energy conservation such as EA, training, and publicity. However, the Energy Conservation Law was not established and the quality level of energy conservation technologies was not high. In such circumstances, the development study on the master plan, provision of EA for trial, and a study and survey on industrial sectors were performed in order to promote energy conservation activities of UETM.. 1997-2000: JICA’s expert dispatches JICA’s follow-up development studies and studies for the possibility of further cooperation required expert dispatches from the energy conservation sector. 2000-2005: Implementation of JICA’s technical cooperation projects For enhancement of energy conservation activities by EIE/UETM, EA, training, and publicity, were implemented. 2004-2005: Implementation of JICA’s third-country training programs At the stage where the result of JICA’s technical cooperation projects was partially obtained, third-country training programs were performed. The programs prepare EIE/UETM to manage projects by themselves while it also aimed to benefit neighboring countries from dissemination of technology. 6. Future outlook 2005- Senior overseas volunteers (scheduled) Establishment of the Energy Conservation Law has become realistic within Turkey. Thus, more cross-cutting activities for energy conservation among ministerial agencies have been seen. Also, the abilities of EIE/UETM are sufficient to promote energy conservation within Turkey. Therefore, it is judged that Turkey can independently promote energy conservation in the industrial sector without assistance from other countries in the future, and therefore, senior overseas volunteers are to be dispatched for follow-up. 2005- Technical cooperation projects (scheduled) In Turkey, a great amount of energy is consumed in industrial and power generation sectors. The system of promoting energy in industrial sectors conservations has been established by assistance from donors. Thus, the next target of cooperation on the energy conservation is power generation sectors. The factors of the successful case in Turkey quoted from above are the followings: 1)The training in Japan introduced Japan’s experience on energy conservation to the trainee of a Turkish policy maker. Turkey at that time.
The trainee was working on a proposal for energy conservation laws in
2)The creation of a master plan was completed in development studies when EIE started reviewing an overall picture of energy conservation policies 3)After EIE/UETM learned and acquired simple EA technologies from assistance provide by the World Bank and UNIDO, JICA performed the transfer of advanced technology of EA, which targeted for factories. 4)Practical training courses utilizing mini-plants were established by technical cooperation project by JICA when EIE/UETM was providing factories with classroom lectures for Energy Managers
All of cooperation above was performed with proper contents at proper timings. (3)Timing of Inputs at Each Stage The lessons from the cooperation in Turkey allow us to group countries into three categories by their promotion level of energy conservation. 1)Level 1: Stage of Assistance for Establishing a System Countries that needs assistance for establishing fundamental systems on energy conservation. Dispatches of policy advisor, training in Japan for policy makers, and development studies are expected as in“(1) Establishing of energy conservation systems” of 3-1-1. 2)Level 2: Stage of Assistance for Individual Measures Countries that have established fundamental system on energy conservation to some extent (Since completely established system is hardly seen even in developed countries, only necessary is to find out whether the country has decent environment where assistance can be implemented. This has to be confirmed in preparatory studies.). Assistance for those countries shall be establishment of organizations and provision of support for energy conservation activities as in method presented in “(2) Implementation of services of energy conservation by the government” and “(3) Promotion of the energy conservation market” in 3-1-1. 3)Level 3: Stage of Assistance for Self-Help Development Countries beyond the stage of level 2, where systems of promoting energy conservation have been reinforced and positive results of energy conservation have been obtained to some extent. The small input of follow up assistance, including third country training, and dispatch of senior oversea volunteers, is available to promote self-help development, benefit neighboring countries, perform troubleshooting, and transfer knowledge for further development of the countries.
Countries with Assistance Priority
The methods of effective cooperation in energy conservation sectors of JICA have been presented. At the same time, assistance policies also require priorities regarding which countries to be assisted. The way the decisions on such priorities are made will be briefly mentioned in this section. Energy conservation has overall goal of making contribution to global environment measures. Thus, all countries whose energy use is predicted to grow in the future will find this concept highly applicable. Among those, especially, countries which meet the following conditions are likely to receive high priority for foreign assistance in energy conservation sector. Few countries seem to meet all of the following conditions, and energy conservation can be still achieved without the conditions sufficiently met. a tool for making a priority order.
The conditions are only shown as a “criteria,”
Thus, not all recipient countries have to meet it sufficiently.
(1)High Potential of Energy Conservation The countries with great deal of energy consumption but little progress in energy conservation have high potential of energy conservation. Therefore, it is highly significant to promote energy conservation in countries such as China and India, for countermeasures against global environmental issues. The potential of energy conservation can be identified from statistical numbers of the amount of consumed energy and energy intensity. (2)High Incentives for Energy Cost Reduction Promoting energy conservation policies would raise highly positive effects of energy conservation in the countries where people have a strong incentive for energy cost reduction due to high energy prices and the awareness of eco-friendly economic growth necessary in industrial sectors (For example, many corporations make efforts to acquire an environmental management standard such as ISO14000). Those counties have potential to effectively achieve energy conservation, and cooperation with those countries would be highly significant.
The incentives are measured by
statistical data of the growth rate of demands for commercially used primary energy and electricity, and electricity prices. (3)High Policy Priority on Energy Conservation. In countries placing a high policy priority on energy conservation, counterparts are generally well organized and have good ability for operation.
The environment would enable the country to
successfully achieve energy conservation, and thus cooperation in those countries is significant. The policy priority is not necessarily measurable from statistical data, influenced by other factors, and it is necessary to observe and understand the bureaus and counterparts in charge of energy conservation.
In general, the countries with energy conservation laws and governmental
organization working for its promotion place a high policy priority on energy conservation.
Points to Note upon Cooperation
Lastly, points to be remembered upon JICA’s future cooperation on energy conservation will be listed as lessons from its past cooperation experience. (1)The concept of target on energy conservation (giant enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises) The requests for promoting energy conservation in small and medium-sized enterprises are sometimes raised by developing countries.
In many cases, giant corporations in developing
countries are foreign affiliates, and they own technologies and experts on energy conservation. However, about 80% of energy consumption in developing countries is generated from those giant corporations, and the effect of cooperation for the small and medium-sized enterprises would not give much influence to the national level of energy conservation. Moreover, the significance of energy conservation is poorly recognized in small and medium-sized enterprises, and they invest in other necessities prior to energy conservation.
In order to improve this situation, education of
engineers and publicizing energy conservation are simply not enough. There must be policy incentives such as laws and regulations ensuring subsidies for investing in energy conservation. The governments of developing countries tend to think that establishing no subsidy system and policies still allow medium-sized enterprises to voluntarily tackle energy conservation if the enterprises learn the potential of energy conservation to reduce business costs. However, many small and medium-sized enterprises suffering from limited financial sources cannot afford even making investments prior to energy conservation, although their improvement points are clearly identified. When the cooperation targets only small and medium-sized enterprises, it is important to find out if the country extends political assistance such as subsidies and legislations. Also, it is necessary to target the entire society, and thus the cooperation should involve giant corporations as well as small and medium sized enterprises. (2)Differences in Basic Understandings of Energy Conservation among Countries (between Japan, Europe and the United States) “Utilizing the knowledge of Japan” does not mean “faithful copy of Japanese model in developing counties” but “transforming corresponding portions into the form adoptable to the utilization of recipient countries.”
There are two different approaches to promoting energy
conservation between Japan, and Europe and the United States: the former through its legal regulations and latter through the use of market mechanisms.
system, which was a driving force of Japan to reach the highest global standard, is not commonly undertaken in Europe and the U.S., in which the countries tend to place a priority on encouraging businesses such as ESCO rather than exercising regulations.
It is generally recognized that energy
conservation should be promoted through the use of the market mechanisms.
This is accepted in
the society where familiarity with the principle of “what the private sector can do should be performed by the private sector” is common. Therefore, governments are afraid of the backlash from the private sector when exercising new regulations. It is necessary to note that cooperation should be always reviewed over whether or not the introduction of Japan’s experience on energy conservation is suitable for the circumstances of countries adopting the approaches of Europe and the United States, and there is no need to stick to Japan’s approach. (3)Provision of “Mini-Plants” Many of technical cooperation projects on energy conservation have provided mini-plants and training courses utilizing the training facilities.
The mini-plant, equipped with machinery
commonly used in factories across all industrial sectors, is a facility designed for effectively providing trainees with practical training courses on energy conservation.
It has contributed to
publicity of promoting energy conservation in recipient countries. However, utilization of a min-plant also needs some improvements.
It is necessary to adequately
review the appropriateness of introducing a mini-plant, and upon the determination of its introduction, sufficient preparation is necessary. What has been mainly pointed out thus far is as follows. 1The mini-plant aims to provide opportunities to acquire basic technologies on energy conservation, and trainees are expected to acquire skills of manually operating its equipments.
On the other
hand, the training level is sometimes not high enough for trainees from giant corporations, especially when they have automatic operation in their factories.
Prior to the provision, therefore,
it is necessary to accurately understand the demands of the counterpart countries. 2)It is necessary for recipient countries to prepare facilities for installing equipments to them.
facility needs enough space for practical training classrooms, and building construction work including interior parts are normally necessary before the installation to a mini-plant. The constructions must be completed by the recipient countries with no delay. 3)Since equipments such as boilers, furnaces, and open burners generate high temperature of heat, restrictions in accordance with the Fire Defense Law may apply. 4)For the effective utilization of a mini-plant, a specially designed facility, the expertise of mini-plant training is required at each stage of formulating specifications, installation, trial operations, and training. 5)For sustainability of energy conservation , the counterparts need to acquire the maintenance skills of the mini-plant as well as its operation skills.
Thus, it is necessary for JICA to recruit a
short-term expert (or a long-term expert) who sufficiently understand the structure of mini-plant facilities.
Future Top-Priority Issues
Formulation of New Projects and Programs by Utilizing the Thematic
Guidelines After drafted and publicized, the Thematic Guidelines, presenting us lessons and analysis of effective approaches over promoting energy conservation, shall play its primary role when JICA makes decision upon formulating new projects in energy conservation sector.
Most significantly,
the Guidelines is expected to be a fundamental knowledge source effectively utilized by JICA’s oversea offices as well as by corresponding sector departments of the headquarters. It is also important for JICA to accumulate the knowledge of energy conservation through the acquisition of new insight and knowledge from terminal evaluations as well as occasional addition and revision. 3−2−2
Promotion of Partnerships in the Related Fields
(1)Countermeasures against Global Warming The momentum against global warming has been rapidly enhanced in recent years.
Since the
adoption of Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, international frameworks have been steadily established. The promotion of energy conservation is directly linked with CO2 reduction, one of the greenhouse gases.
However, the governments of
Japan as well as of developing countries have separated energy conservation from global environment issues, dealing with each of them in different bureaus.
In JICA, the linkage of
projects on energy conservation to global environment projects has been hardly discussed. . From now on, it is necessary to consider not only how trend of global warming works as an incentive of promoting energy conservation, but also how energy conservation contributes to the global issue.
For example, the possibility of gaining certified emission reduction (CER) from EA is
considered. It is important to have partnerships with organization working on the global warming issue. (2)Other relating fields of energy conservation The information of energy conservation projects has not been sufficiently exchanged between JICA and other organizations such as NEDO, the World Bank, and others presented in Chapter 1. is expected to have partnerships with them.
The weak relationship between donor organizations is
sometimes seen even in countries where similar types of projects are implemented for the same counterparts (example case is in Thailand).
In the future, especially in Asian countries where
various types of projects are mixed, building a strong partnership would lead to future success of projects. 3−2−3
Responses to Assistance for Business-Based Energy Conservation
Japan has a history in which the energy conservation was promoted by self-help efforts from
enterprises (enhancement of competition), regulation by legal systems, and subsidies from government. On the other hand, countries in Europe and the U.S. tend to promote energy conservation on business-basis such as ESCO business, and it is originated from the notion that what the private sector can do should be performed by the private sector. The foundation of the two types of approaches differs from each other, and many countries where JICA operates projects adopt the approaches of Europe and the U.S., as their basic policies. JICA has proposed those countries to consider Japan’s approach as more effective, which is, for example, the establishment of legal systems on energy conservation. However, it is not easy to place new type of regulations only upon the energy conservation sector in those countries where the different type of approaches is undertaken for their policies. From now on, JICA should promote energy conservation on business basis in those countries adopting the Europe and the U.S. type of approach.
It is, for example, encouraging ESCO
business by formulating projects adaptable to the circumstances of the countries.
JICA does not
have sufficient experiences of the business-based approaches, and it is necessary to accumulate knowledge and skills of the new type of approaches in JICA through analysis of successful cases of international organizations such as GEF. 3−2−4
Establishment of Performance Measurement for Programs and Projects
In the past technical cooperation on energy conservation, the evaluation of projects was based on the number of inputs, such as “the number of trainees taking courses and of factories receiving EA.”
In recent years, however, the Result-Based-Management is being introduced in JICA, and
thus, it is necessary to establish performance measurement for evaluating energy conservation, which, for instance, indicates the unit(s) of energy conserved in a country.
The measurement can
be applied to programs, which is possibly operated in the long run, while its introduction to projects seems more difficult due to its relatively limited operation period.
Appendix 1 Major Cooperation Projects
1.Technical Cooperation Projects Name
Project type
Period of cooperation
China Energy Conservation Training Center in Dalian /
People's Republic of China
1992.7 -1997.7
technical cooperation
Argentine Republic
1995.7 -2000.6
technical cooperation
Energy Efficiency Center Project / the Republic of Bulgaria
technical cooperation
Project of Energy Conservation / the Republic of
2000.8 -2005.7
cooperation (5)
The Project on the Practical Energy Management Training Center / Kingdom of Thailand
2002.4 -2005.4
technical cooperation
The Project for Improvement of Environment
Protection Technology Metallurgical Combustion /
People’s Republic of China (7)
2002.9 -2007.8
The Project on Energy Management Promotion / Islamic Republic of Iran
2003.3 -2007.2
cooperation project
The Project on Poland and Japan Energy Conservation Technical Center / Republic of Poland
2004.7 -2008.6
cooperation project : In operation as of 2004
Name of project 1. Background project
2. Project goal
3. Project period
China Energy Conservation Training Center in Dalian / People's Republic of China September 1984: Request from the Chinese government for a study on the energy conservation plan of factories (under the prerequisites where Dalian City is to be a specific study site) November 1985-February 1986: Implementation of the study November 2, 1990: (No. 6863 Gaimu Koshin) July 22, 1991: (No. 3460 Gaimu Koshin) An intension to establish “Energy Conservation Training Center in Dalian City was presented and a request for cooperation from Japan was made. October 1991: Dispatch of a preparatory study team April 1992: Dispatch of long-term experts (no making report required) July 1992: Making a consultation for implementation and signing on R&D. To promote energy conservation technologies to expand over China, through the establishment of Energy Conservation Training Center in Dalian, China and training for future energy conservation experts in all regions of the country. -Training courses for energy conservation
The Industrial Energy Conservation Project / Argentine Republic August 1982: Request from the Argentine government for a study on the possibility of transfer of specific technologies relating to energy conservation to the enterprises in the country July 1988-1989: the Development Study July 1991: Request from the government for cooperation on “the Establishment of Training Center for Energy Auditor on Energy Conservation” February 1992: Dispatch of experts for the background study April 1994: Dispatch of a preparatory study team August-September 1994: Dispatch of long-term experts March 1995: Making a consultation for implementation and signing on R&D. To train energy managers through CPs and diffuse energy conservation among industrial sectors after the CPs are trained to be able to instruct and promote energy conservation.
Energy Efficiency Center Project / the Republic of Bulgaria July 1991: Request from the Bulgarian government for a study on the possibility of energy conservation February 1992-January 1994: Development Study September 1993: Request from the government for cooperation on “the Establishment of Energy Efficiency Center” January 1994: Dispatch of a Basic Study team for cooperation in energy conservation in Eastern Europe November 1994: Dispatch of a preparatory study team May 1995: Dispatch of long-term experts August 1995: Making a consultation for implementation and signing on R&D.
-Training courses for energy conservation -EA in factories -Consultation -Information management -Publicity -Proposal of measures
5 years (July 1992 – July 1997) Extension of 1.5 years (July 1997 – January 1999)
5 years (July 1995 – June 2000)
-EA in factories -Improvement for technologies -Economic evaluation -Information management -Publicity -Proposal of measures -Environmental evaluation by energy conservation 5 years (November 1995 –October 2000)
To strengthen the capacity and function of the energy center to propose energy conservation measures by themselves and instruct industrial sectors for energy conservation
4. Counterpart
5. Inputs from Japan Expert dispatch Long-term expert (2 years at local site)
Short-term expert (total number, the number of months/frequency)
Acceptance of trainee (1-2 month(s)/frequency)
Provision equipment
Dalian Economic Committee/ Energy Conservation Training Center in Dalian
National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)/Research and Development Center for Energy Conservation CIPURE)
Energy Efficient Center of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (EEC)
Leader: Fujio Yoshida → Koichi Yamanashi→return to post Coordinator: Katsuki Takei →return to post Long-term expert (management): Kazunari Furugaki→Fumio Oohashi →return to post Long-term expertt (heat):Toshio Sakaguchi → Koji Iwata→return to post Long-term expert (electricity):Hiroaki Jindai →Yuichi Shiraoka→return to post Establishment of a practical training plant: 16 persons Method of use and calibration of measuring equipment: 5 persons Lecture of technologies for energy conservation: 8 persons Energy audit on processes: 12 persons Total: 41 persons
Leader: Susumu Horiguchi → Kiyoshi Yoshimoto Coordinator: Mitsuo Yoshida → Yoshinobu Kariya Long-term experts (heat): Hiroshi Murata→Hiroshi Mizuta Long-term expers (electricity):Tadayuki Komada → Tetsuomi Nawa
Leader: Hirozou Ezaki →Shosei Ikeuchi Coordinator: Reiko Oguro Long-term experts (heat):Hiroshi Fukayama → Kazuro Toyota Long-term experts (electricity): Shosei Ikeuchi (concurrent position)
Establishment of a practical training plant : 7 persons Method of use and calibration of measuring equipment: 2 persons Lecture of technologies for energy conservation: 7 persons Energy audit on processes: 5 persons Total: 21 persons
Method of use and calibration of measuring equipments: 4 persons Energy Audit (some cases include processes ) : 28 persons Proposal of energy conservation policies: 1 person Total: 33 persons
1993FY: 4 (observation type) 1994Y: 4 (observation type) 1995FY: 4 (observation type) 1996FY: 4 (obervation type) 1997FY: 3 (observation type) Total: 19 persons
1995FY: 4 persons (observation type) 1996FY: 3 persons (observation type) 1997FY: 2 persons (practical training type) 1998FY: 2 persons (practical training type) 1999FY: 3 persons (2 persons for practical training type and 1 person for observation type) 2000FY: 1 person (practical training type) Total 16 persons
1995FY: 2 persons (observation type) 1996FY: 2 persons (observation type) 1997FY: 2 persons (practical training type) 1998FY: 1 person (practical training type) 1999FY: 2 persons (1 person for practical training type and 1 person for visitation type) 2000FY: none Total (up to 1999FY): 9 persons
A practical training plant: boiler, furnace, steam
Measuring machinery equipments for EA:
persons persons persons persons persons
A practical training plant: boiler, furnace, absorption
Domestic assistance activity
6. Activity transfer technology
for of
7. Activities of long-term experts at local sites Establishment of practical training plant
Training for CP
cooling machine, electric furnace, steam system, cooling tower, etc. (completed in April 1998) Measuring machinery equipments for EA: analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipments, office automation equipments such as personal computers, and books Creation of basic specifications of practical training plants, supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, and holding domestic committees.
(1)Initial plan includes only training. For elimination of shortage of funds and self-reliance, the EA in a factory was conducted in a period of follow-up (1.5 years).
Acceptance, inspection, and troubleshooting on equipments Guidance of test operation and operating technologies Creation of training text books for a practical training plant Transfer of technologies to CPs (plant management, heat, and electricity management) Training courses for instructing the method of use for measuring machinery equipments Creation of teaching materials for training and guidance of implementation
system, cooling tower, pump and fan facilities, and flow detector, etc. (completed in May 1998) Measuring machinery equipments for EA: analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipments, office automation equipments such as personal computers, and books Creation of basic specifications of practical training plants for supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, planning and implementation of training programs in Japan, and holding domestic committees, etc. (1) Training and EA
Acceptance, inspection, and troubleshooting on equipments Guidance of test operation and operating technologies Creation of training text books for a practical training plant Transfer of technologies to CPs (plant management, heat, and electricity management) Guidance for the method of use for measuring machinery equipments Creation of teaching materials for training and guidance for implementation
simple measurement equipments (Keyence System), such as analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipmenst, office automation equipments such as personal computers, and books Supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, planning and implementation of training programs in Japan, and holding domestic committees, etc. (1) EA, not including a practical training plant (mini-plant) (2) Selection and assistance of a model factory, designed for the diffusion of energy conservation from EA-recipient factories
Transfer of technologies to CPs (plant management, heat, and electricity management) Guidance for the method of use for measuring machinery equipments Structural improvement of EEC
Creation of handbooks for implementation of the EA and clarification of possible items of the audit Reinforcement of CIPURE for its organizational self-help development
Guidance of the Energy Audit in factory
Transfer of EA technologies Implementation of EA and guidance for its improvement
Improvement of information system
Guidance for training and publicity activity
8. Energy Conservation Law, etc.
Visitations to factories Training, seminars, lecture meetings, etc. Many classroom-lecture type training were already held. Implementation of training for using practical training devices in December, 1997 including videos, brochures, and news letters, ect for public relation.
January 1998: Energy Conservation Law was enacted (bylaws were not enacted). Factories in a certain scale or more appoint a Energy Managers from among the
Transfer of EA technologies Implementation of EA and guidance for its improvement
Energy conservation database of (factory data, cases of energy conservation, etc) Database by sector and customer Improvement of updating/management of technical information Visitation to factories Training (including practical training at plants), seminars, lecture meetings, etc. Seminars by long-term/short-term experts, etc. CP training courses (Energy Managers, and boiler operators) Brochures for sales for soliciting of training and EA Videos, brochures, and news letters for public relation Establishment of partnership with domestic relative organizations The quality of CPs has reached a considerably Satisfactory level, but there are no heat control system. The energy policies target the suppliers, and the energy
for its self-help development (promoting discussions with undersecretary of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Energy Secretary, and officers of embassies and making efforts for receiving fund sources through cooperation of NEDOs’ study and of ESCO establishment Transfer of EA technologies: OJT through a model factory (designated 5 factories) Implementation of EA and guidance for its improvement Energy conservation database of (factory data, cases of energy conservation, etc) Database by sector and customer
Visitation to factories Seminars and lecture meetings, etc. Seminars by long-term/short-term experts, etc. CP’s participation in an academic conference to report the case study of EA, holding EEC seminars. Creation of brochures, ball pens with a logo mark, and wall-hung clock for public relations Introduction of EEC to foreign countries through the domestic radio programs July 1999: Energy Conservation Law was enacted. However, bylaws were not yet. No obligation for EA is required. Transfer of technologies to CP is
persons who experienced such field for 7 years or longer and who also belong within the framework of university (framework of subjects relating to energy), and the transactions of energy conservation are performed.
conservation for consumers (industrial sectors) is dependent upon their self-help efforts. Training and appropriate allocation of personnel are required.
almost completed.
Project of Energy Conservation / The Republic of Turkey September 1997: Request from Turkish government for “The establishment of training courses for future Energy Managers. April 1999: Dispatch of a preparatory study team October 1999: of a short-term team
Dispatch advisory
March 2000: Making a consultation for implementation and signing on R&D.
The Project on the Practical Energy Management Training Center / Kingdom of Thailand November 2001: Request for cooperation based on GAP consultation; treated as a project for positive preservation of environment (METI/JETRO) February 2001: 1st study
December study
Project on Energy Management Promotion / Islamic Republic of Iran
March 1999: Study
June 2001: short-term study
1997-March Development
May-August 1999: Dispatch of short-term experts
June 2001: 2nd study September 2001: 3 study
Project on Poland and Japan Energy Conservation Technical Center/ Republic of Poland (Date unknown): Request for “study on energy conservation possibility”
July 1992: Making a consultation for implementation and signing on R&D (by Thai office representative)
October 2000: Dispatch of a preparatory study team May 2001: short-term study
July 2001: short-term study
December 2001: 3rd short-term study February 2002: 4th short-term study (only machinery equipments)
To raise the efficiency of domestic energy use by promoting the use to be more rational.
To improve educational system of a person responsible for energy (Energy Managers) with advanced technologies and abilities Transfer of training projects/system of qualified person for heat management
Training project
Establishment of Energy Manager support system
EA on factories
November 2000: Request for “establishment of Energy Conservation Center” 1st
February 2001: 2nd short-term study July 2002: 3rd short-term study September 2002: 4th short-term study (including local study of machinery equipments) November 2002: Making a consultation for implementation and signing on R&D Dispatch of a project consultation team twice thereafter.
March 2002: 5th short-term study The governmental system where industrial sectors of Poland can promote energy conservation measures is improved by ECTC.
The Practical Energy Training Center contributes to the energy conservation of the industrial sectors
Transfer of training projects/system of qualified person for heat management
Transfer of training projects/system of qualified person for heat management
Information and supply
EA for factories Publicity
Information management
Proposal of measures
5 years (August 2000 – July 2005) General Administration of Development of Investigation for Electricity and Resources (EIE)/National Energy Conservation Center in Turkey
3 years (April 2002 – April 2005) Department of Energy Development and Promotion (DEDP), Thailand, Ministry of Science Technology and Environment →Department of Alternative Energy Development. and Efficiency(DEDE.)
Leader: Ryoichi Yoshida
Leader: Akitoshi Narita
Coordinator: Kimiko Maki →Koji Omura
Coordinator: Iwasa
Long-term experts (technology): Iwao Asada
Long-term experts Jyunichi Naeka
Long-term (training): Kawase
Long-term experts: Hidetaka Urakubo
experts Taichiro
About 5 persons a year About 4 persons a year Practice training plant: boiler, furnace, trap facilities, pump and fan facilities, pneumatic facilities, and exhibition room Measuring machinery equipments for EA: analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipment, office automation
Proposal of measures
Proposal of measures
Establishment of support system of energy conservation
support member system 4 years (July 2004 – June 2008) Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE)
4 years (March 2003 – February 2007) Azarbaijan Higher Education and Research Complex
Leader: Iwanami
Ryosuke Coordinator: Yoshinori Terazaki : Long-term experts (heat):Masataka Morita Long-term (electricity): Takahashi
experts Susumu
About 4 persons a year About 5 persons a year Practical training plant: boiler, furnace, trap facilities, and pump and fan facilities
About 5 persons a year About 4 persons a year Practical training plant : boiler, trap facilities, and pump and fan facilities
Measuring machinery equipments for EA: analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipments, and office automation equipments such as personal computers
Measuring machinery equipments for EA: analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipments, and office automation
Leader: Takeho Sakata Coordinator: Harima
Long-term experts (heat):Yaufumi Serizawa Long-term (electricity): Kamiya
experts Kiyoshi
Long-term experts (policy): Mitsuo Ninomiya About 5 persons a year About 4 persons a year Plant of practice training: boiler, furnace, trap facilities, and pump and fan facilities Measuring machinery equipments for EA: analyzer of gas emissions, thermometer, and flowmeter, etc. Equipments for education: audio-visual equipments, and office
equipments such as personal computer, and books Creation of basic specifications of a practical training plant, supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, and holding domestic committees, etc.
equipments such as personal computer Creation of basic specifications of practical training plants, supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, and holding domestic committees, etc. (1) Transfer of a system of qualified person for heat management in Japan (2) The facilities for practical training (mini-plant) are provided for the purpose of training personnel to be able to conduct EA for energy conservation within factories of each enterprise.
Creation of basic specifications of practical training plants, supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, and holding domestic committees, etc. (1) Transfer of a system of qualified person for heat management in Japan (2) EA for factory (3) Adoption of a system of assistance member
Acceptance, inspection, and troubleshooting of equipments
Acceptance, inspection, and troubleshooting of equipments
Acceptance, inspection, troubleshooting equipments
Guidance of test operation and operating technologies
Guidance of trial operation and operating technologies
(1) Training (2) E A (3) Publicity and proposal of policies
Creation of training text books for a practical training plant Transfer of technologies to CP (plant, heat, and electricity management)
Creation of training text books for a practical training plant Transfer of technologies relating to a system of qualified person for heat management in Japan
Creation of teaching materials for training course and guidance of implementation Guidance of the method of use for measuring machinery equipments Transfer of technologies of
Transfer of technologies
and of
automation equipment such as personal computers Creation of basic specifications of practical training plants, supply of technical information, recruitment of experts, and holding domestic committees, etc. (1) Transfer of a system of qualified person for heat management in Japan (slightly lower level) (2) Dispatch of experts for supporting policies (3)SABA as a cooperative group implements understanding of effect of energy conservation at factories, transfer of and guidance of technologies to factories. The guidance and advice to SABA is conducted by Japan. Acceptance, inspection, troubleshooting equipments
and of
Guidance of test operation and operating technologies
Guidance of trial operation and operating technologies
Creation of training text for a practical training plant Transfer of technologies relating to a system of qualified person for heat management in Japan
Creation of training text books for a practical training plant Transfer of technologies relating to a system of qualified person for heat management in Japan
Assistance of creation of teaching materials for training
Guidance and advice relating to energy conservation policies
Guidance, advice, and
EA for factories (focus on processes)
through using the machinery equipments for practical training
Implementation of EA and guidance for its improvement Assistance for issuance of energy conservation technology handbooks Assistance of structuring energy conservation database Introduction of standards for judgment of energy conservation Assistance for enhancing publicity systems for energy conservation Regulations in accordance with Ministerial Ordinances exist.
technologies of EA for factories Implementation and guidance of improvement concerning an audit for factory Assistance for creation of information system
None in principle
Supply of information
supply of information to the cooperative agencies of Iran
Guidance, advice, and supply of information to the cooperative agencies of Iran
Advice and guidance relating to publicity
Guidance and advice relating to structuring of publicity systems
Guidance and advice relating to publicity
The Energy Conservation Law exists.
The Energy Law exists, but no Energy Conservation Law exists.
The policies relating to energy conservation are included in the third 5-year plan (2000-2004).
The establishment of Energy Conservation Law is awaiting a decision making at Cabinet meetings concerning.
2.Technical Cooperation Projects (Projects except TCP) Name (1)
Energy management in Thailand (energy conservation)
(2) Energy conservation in industrial sectors in Republic of Turkey (3) Energy conservation in Poland (4)
Energy conservation training in Saudi Arabia
Energy Manager training in Republic of Turkey
Period of cooperation 1997.1-2000.1
Dispatch of experts Dispatch of 1997.1-2000.1 experts Dispatch of 1999 experts Acceptance 2004.9-2004.10 of trainees Third-country 2004.11-2004.12 training : In operation as of 2004
3. Development Study Projects Name
(1) Study on master plan for project on energy conservation / Kingdom of Thailand (2) Study on maser plan for industrial energy conservation in People's Republic of China (3) Study on master plan for energy conservation for factory / Argentine Republic (4) Study on master plan for energy conservation in Republic of Hungary (5) Study on master plan for energy conservation in Republic of Bulgaria (6) Study on master plan for optimum use of energy in Islamic Republic of Iran (7) Study on master plan for rational use of energy in Republic of Turkey (8) Study on master plan for energy conservation in Republic of Poland (9) Study on master plan for promotion of energy conservation in Malaysia
Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study Development Study
Period of cooperation 1982 -1984 1985.10-1986.9 1987.12-1989.1 1991.7 -1992.8 1992.2 -1994.1 1995.9 -1997.9 1995.11-1997.2 1997.3 -1999.1 1998.1 -1999.2
4.Training in Japan (group training and Eastern Europe training) (1)Group Training Training have been implemented for 241 trainees from 49 countries from 1986 until 2004. 49 countries that participated in the training were as follows. Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia ,Chili ,China, Columbia, Cote d'Ivore, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia,Iran,Jordan,Kenya,Korea,Lithonia,Malaysia,Mexico,Moldva,Mongol,Morocco,Oman,Paki stan,Palestine,Paraguay,Peru,Philippines,Serbia and Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka,Syria,Tanzania,Thailand,Tunisia,Turkey,Uruguay,Vanuatu,Venezuela,and Vietnam
(2)Eastern Europe Training Training was implemented for 112 trainees from 14 countries from 1994 until 2003. 14 countries that participated in the training were as follows. Albania, Bulgaria, Croatian, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia、 Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and Serbia and Montenegro Name of country
Serbia and
Montenegro Total
5. Related projects In addition to the aforementioned projects, JICA has implemented the following projects in other sectors as related projects.
They belong to other sectors, and thus,the main purpose of these
projects is not to directly perform energy conservation,
However, they result in contribution to
energy conservation . ・Related projects of renewable energy and efficiency of power transmission and distribution (managed by Economic Development Department) ・Related projects of environmental protection and air pollution (managed by Global Environment Department) ・Related projects of transportation and traffic (managed by Social Development Department)
Appendix 2 Cooperation Activities of Major Donors on Energy Conservation
1.World Bank Project Name
Product Line
Coutry/ Area
Approval Date
Global Environment Project
Global Environment Project
Energy Efficiency Project
Global Environment Project
Serbia Energy Efficiency Project
Serbia and Montenegro
The Czech PCF Umbrella Project - Energy Efficiency
Carbon Offset
Czech Republic
Global Environment Project
Demand-Side Management & Energy Efficiency Project
Global Environment Project
System Efficiency Improvement, Equitization & Renewables Project System Efficiency Improvement, Equitization & Renewables Project (GEF Renewable Component) KRAKOW ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT
Global Environment Project
Energy Efficiency Project
Global Environment Project
Kiev Public Buildings Energy Efficiency Project
2.Asian Development Bank Project Name Energy Efficiency Enhancement
Initial Listing
Most Recent Update
Appendix 3 Quotations, References, and Web Sites
1.Statistics and basic materials relating to energy conservation -
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (2004) “Energy White Paper/2004 version” published by GYOSEI Corporation ion
Committee of Editing of Almanac for Resources and Energies (2003) “2003/2004 Almanac for Resources and Energies” published by Industry Data Publishing Company
Committee of Editing an Overview for Energy Conservation (2004) “Overview of Energy Conservation in 2004 and 2005” published by Industry Data Publishing Company
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (2004) “Energy 2004” published by Energy-forum
Energy Conservation Measures of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (2003) “Enlarged Edition of Statute Book of “Energy Conservation Law” revised in 2003” published by Energy Conservation Center
Energy Conservation Center (2004) “Manual of Facilities and Equipment for Energy Conservation in 2004” published by Energy Conservation Center
Department of Quantitative Analysis of Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (2004) 『2004 EDMC HANDBOOK of ENERGY & ECONOMIC STATISTICS in JAPAN』 published by Energy Conservation Center
Energy Conservation Center (2004) “Handbook of Energy Conservation in 2004” published by Energy Conservation Center
Energy Conservation Center (2004) “Manual of Energy Conservation in 2004” (published by
Energy Conservation Center
Department of Quantitative Analysis of Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (2004) “Digest of Statistic of Energy and Economy in 2004”(Edition of Energy Conservation Center
Unit for Analysis of Economy of Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (2004) “Illustrated Introduction of How to Read Energy and Economy Data (revised version) ” Energy Conservation Center
2. Books relating to energy conservation technologies -
Mitsuo Iguchi
(1997) “Introduction of Heat Management, New Edition” Energy
Conservation Center
Kazuo Usui
(1996) “Introduction of Electricity Management, New Edition” published by
Energy Conservation Center -
Kiyoshi Kamiya and Shiro Suzuki (2003) “Energy Conservation of Buildings” published by Denkishoin co.,ltd.
3.Web sites Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
http://www.eccj.or.jp/ Energy Conservation Center
http://www.jaesco.gr.jp/ JAESCO: Japan Association of Energy Service Company
http://www.naesco.org/ NAESCO: National Association of Energy Service Company
http://www.eccj.or.jp/esco/esco_list/index.html list of ESCO operators (based on the web
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
page of Energy Conservation Center) -
Collection of links relating to conservation energy
(based on the web page of Energy Conservation Center)