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Energy Emergency Alert Communications Matrix Oct 2010

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Feb 1, 2011 - Triggering Event. System Operations. Actions. PUC Powerful Advice. Web Site. Legal / Corporate. Communicat
Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) External Communications Matrix

Level / Event

System Operations Actions

Triggering Event

PUC Powerful Advice Web Site

Legal / Corporate Communications Actions

Media Notification (after PUC & others notified) None


< 3000 MW adjusted reserves

Note on "PUCT Daily Report" None email (distribution: PUC, ROS Conservation Encouraged listserv [open list]) - Normal Conditions


< 2500 MW adjusted reserves

Start RMR units; Instruct Notify GridAlert list* if potential QSEs to suspend generation for emergency situation. Conservation Encouraged testing; Deploy non-spin - Normal Conditions reserves; Dispatch quick start capacity


Peak demand expectation

Demand exceeding current records

Firm load shed

Grid operations requesting utility to drop load

Notify Corporate Communications of high demand expectations Notify Corporate Communications of firm load shed via emergency notification system Use capacity available from DC ties; Dispatch uncommitted units Deploy interruptible loads (LAARs); Begin block-load transfers of load to neighboring grids Deploy Emergency Interruptible Loads (EILS) if available

Release to media, if appropriate Release to media, if appropriate

EEA Level 1

< 2300 MW adjusted reserves

EEA Level 2A -- < 1750 MW adjusted MEDIUM potential reserves for firm load shed EEA Level 2B -- To maintain system HIGH potential for frequency at 60 Hz or adjusted reserves trending firm load shed downward or not available EEA Level 3

Cancellation of EEA Level 3 Cancellation of EEA

To maintain system frequency at 59.8 Hz or greater Frequency restoration

Instruct transmission operators to shed firm load via rotating outages in blocks of 100 MW n/a

Grid conditions normal


Conservation Needed Power Watch (optional) Conservation Needed Power Watch (optional) Conservation Needed Power Watch

Notify GridAlert list* if potential for emergency situation. Notify GridAlert list* with summary of situation

Notify GridAlert list* with summary of situation Notify GridEmergency list **

Conservation Needed Power Watch

Conservation Critical Power Warning

Release to media, if appropriate Release to media, if appropriate

Notify GridEmergency list** plus State Operations Center (SOC) with "High Priority"

Release to media, if not already done

Notify GridEmergency list**

Release to media

Notify GridEmergency list**

Release to media

Notify GridAlert list**

Update media as needed

Power Emergency Rotating Outages Conservation Needed Power Watch Conservation Encouraged - Normal Conditions

* [email protected] : PUC, Texas RE; OPC, IMM, and ERCOT Board leadership ** [email protected] : Above plus SOC; Lege/Govmt leadership; ERCOT Board; MPs (GridNotification list); MP PIO's
