Energy Literacy and Energy Citizenship in Canada: Questionnaire Citation: Comeau, Louise; Beckley, Thomas; Parkins, John; Stedman, Richard, 2014, "Energy Literacy Survey: Questionnaire", V1 [Version]
Updated September 2015 Contact Information John Parkins University of Alberta 780-492-3610
[email protected]
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Survey Invitation:
Hi XXXXX, We have a new survey available for you to take. If you qualify and complete the survey you will receive XXXXXXX rewards. A team of university researchers is studying Canada’s energy future, and requires your input. Completing the survey will contribute to Canada-wide research that will increase understanding of energy issues. We appreciate you taking 20 minutes out of your day to help us with this important research.
Please note, the survey is hosted by one of our partners and may look a little different from our usual surveys. You will not be asked for any personally identifiable information during the survey. If you have any difficulties, please contact me at the email address below and include this survey invitation in your email for a quick response. PLEASE NOTE: If you have problems accessing the survey, please paste the entire Survey Link, including the z=XXX. You can find the survey link below. Thank you for participating.
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Survey Landing Page CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE IN UNIVERSITY RESEARCH We are a team of university researchers studying Canada’s energy future. The project is called Re-Imagining Canada’s Energy Landscape and part of this project involves a national survey of citizen perspectives on energy issues. Completing the survey contributes to Canada-wide research to increase understanding of how people like you understand energy issues and how you would like to participate in public decisions about energy options. We are asking you to take about 20 minutes out of your busy day to complete this survey. Even if you don’t have strong views about energy issues, we would appreciate your input so that our results accurately reflect everyone’s thoughts. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: Thomas Beckley, University of New Brunswick,
[email protected] or John Parkins, University of Alberta,
[email protected]. Please click here to view the full consent form for this study.
Link to additional information: Our research team is surveying 2000 to 3000 people representative of the Canadian population for age, gender, language, and region. We are gathering our sample from an online panel. Corporate Research Associates (CRA) has been retained by the University of New Brunswick to design and execute our survey. You have already consented to participate in the online panel, and CRA is the firm that coordinated the email invitation you received asking you to participate in this online survey. Any personal identifying information, including your name, address or email is not provided to CRA. Completed surveys will be converted into an electronic file that summarizes the responses questions into a database. Each participant in the database will be identified only by a number. You will not benefit personally by completing the survey, other than any small incentive that is provided from the panel (e.g. rewards points). Your contribution, however, is critically important to our research. Completing the survey contributes to Canada-wide research to increase understanding of how people like you understand energy issues, how you would like to participate in energy decisions and energy choice options. The survey is designed to explore what you know, believe and feel about energy and different supply and use options. We also want to understand your interest in participating in public and private discussions and decisions about these energy options, as well as your views on your role as a consumer in the energy system. We will also ask you to answer some questions about yourself like age, gender, region, postal code, education, and income which will helps us put the results into demographic categories. Results will contribute to our research, which in turn, will be published in academic journals and in graduate students thesis or dissertations. Our aim through our publications, papers, and conference presentations is to improve engagement on energy issues. Your participation is voluntary. If you complete the survey, you have consented to allowing our research team to the information you provide to conduct our research. After completing the survey, you will have 30 days to withdraw your responses from the study by contacting a member of the research team (Thomas Beckley, University of New Brunswick,
[email protected] or John Parkins, University of Alberta,
[email protected]). If Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
survey responses are quoted in journals, papers or presentations, there is no risk of you being identified. Only members of the research team and graduate students working with the team will have access to the survey data in electronic form. Survey data is saved on password protected university-based computers and any written materials are stored in locked offices. This survey was reviewed by university research ethics boards and approved (University of New Brunswick, File Number: 2014-037; University of Alberta, File Number: Pro00047742). Should you wish to speak to someone outside the research team you can contact Steve Turner, Research Ethics Board, University of New Brunswick,
[email protected]. Thank you very much for participating.
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
PROGRAMMER NOTES - Programming notes appear above the question to which they are referring - All questions are mandatory unless otherwise stated
Section A. ENERGY PERCEPTION 1. Your gender. 1- Male
2- Female
Q35 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Single response only
2. Your age. Select one only 1- 18 to 24 2- 25 to 34 3- 35 to 44 4- 45 to 54 5- 55 to 64 6- 65 to 74 7- 75 or older
3. In what province or territory do you reside? Drop down list of provinces/territory
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
To start, we have a few questions about what you believe you know about energy. Q5 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order.
5. Compared to your friends and family, how much do you believe you know about how energy is used in Canada? Select only one 1- Nothing
2- Not much
3- A medium amount
4- Quite a bit
5- A lot
Q6 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order.
6. Compared to your friends and family, when it comes to how you use energy, do you believe you are a … Select only one 1- Low energy user
2- Medium energy user
3- High energy user
4. IS DELETED Q7 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements keeping “other” last. - Single response per statement
7. How much do you believe you know about the following energy sources in Canada? 1Nothing
2-Not much
3-A medium amount
4-Quite a bit
5-A lot
a- Oil from Oil sands/ Tar sands
b- Wind
c- Hydroelectric
d- Shale gas
e- Geothermal
f- Nuclear
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
g- Coal
h- Solar
i- Bioenergy (from wood, waste, plants, alcohol fuels)
j- Oil from sources other than oil sands/tar sands k Natural gas from sources other than shale gas
Section B: Views on Energy Supply Options Q8 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements keeping “other” last. - Single response per statement
And now a few questions that explore your views on energy supply options. 8. In general, to what extent do you support or oppose further development of the following energy sources in Canada. 1-Strongly oppose
3-Neither support nor oppose
5-Strongly support
a- Oil from Oil sands/ Tar sands
b- Wind
c- Hydroelectric
d- Shale gas
e- Geothermal
f- Nuclear
g- Coal
h- Solar
i- Bioenergy (from wood, waste, plants, alcohol fuels)
j- Oil from sources other than oil sands/tar sands
k –Natural gas from sources other than shale gas
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q46 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Only ask if any of Q8a-k is 4 or 5. ONLY ASK IF MORE THAN ONE SOURCE RECEIVES TOP RESPONSE. Show variable(s) that received top support score - Single response
46. [ONLY SHOW Q46 IF THERE IS A TIE FOR TOP SUPPORT RESPONSE IN Q.8. ONLY SHOW OPTIONS FOR TIE IN SUPPORT]. And of the following energy sources, which do you support the most in terms of further development in Canada?
a- Oil from Oil sands/ Tar sands
b- Wind
c- Hydroelectric
d- Shale gas
e- Geothermal
f- Nuclear
g- Coal
h- Solar
i- Bioenergy (from wood, waste, plants, alcohol fuels)
j- Oil from sources other than oil sands/tar sands
k –Natural gas from sources other than shale gas
Q47 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Only ask if any of Q8a-k is 1 or2. ONLY ASK IF MORE THAN ONE SOURCE RECEIVES LOWEST RESPONSE. Show variable(s) that received lowest oppose score Single response
47. [ONLY SHOW Q47 IF THERE IS A TIE FOR TOP OPPOSE RESPONSE IN Q.8. ONLY SHOW OPTIONS FOR TIE IN OPPOSE] And of the following energy sources, which do you oppose the most in terms of further development in Canada?
a- Oil from Oil sands/ Tar sands
b- Wind
c- Hydroelectric
d- Shale gas
e- Geothermal
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
f- Nuclear
g- Coal
h- Solar
i- Bioenergy (from wood, waste, plants, alcohol fuels)
j- Oil from sources other than oil sands/tar sands
k –Natural gas from sources other than shale gas
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Q9 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Only ask if any of Q8a-h is 4 or 5 Show variable that received top support score. - Single response per statement
9. You mentioned you support further development of [INSERT TOP SUPPORT RESPONSE FROM Q8/OR CHOICE FROM Q46] Please indicate how important the following were in influencing your answer? 1-Not very important
2Somewhat important
3Moderately important
5Extremely important
a- Impact on the environment
b- Costs (to the province/territory, economy and/or consumers) to develop or maintain
c- Risk to human and health safety
d- Impact on the landscape
e- Benefits (to the province/territory, economy and/or consumers)
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q10 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Only ask if Q8 (1-2) Show variable that received top oppose score - Single response per statement
10. You mentioned you oppose further development of [INSERT TOP OPPOSE RESPONSE FROM Q.8/OR CHOICE FROM Q47]. Please indicate how important the following were in influencing your answer? 1Not very important
2Somewhat important
3Moderately important
5Extremely important
a- Impact on the environment
b- Costs (to the province/territory, economy and/or consumers) to develop or maintain
c- Risk to human and health safety
d- Impact on the landscape
e- Benefits (to the province/territory, economy and/or consumers)
Q11 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Keep “Don’t know” exclusive Q11 is required
11. From your perspective, what is the most important energy-related issue in your province/territory? Please be as specific as possible:
Q12 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Keep “Don’t know” exclusive Q12 is required
12. All things considered, why is this energy issue important to you personally? Please be as specific as possible:
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Section C: Views on Current and Future Energy Use The next few questions explore your experience and views about your own current or future energy use. 13. IS DELETED Q14 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements. - Single response per statement
14. How much do you know about the following home and transportation energy use options? 1Nothing
2-Not much
3-A medium amount
4-Quite a bit
5-A lot
a- Ways to conserve energy in my home (that is, use less energy overall)
b- Ways to use the energy that you do use more efficiently (in the home, vehicle or equipment; e.g. air conditioning, heating)
c- Energy reducing options for transportation (bus, train, car-sharing)
d- Renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar panels to heat water or generate electricity, wind turbines, bioenergy)
e- Smart Meters (digital meters that allow you and the utility to track and manage electricity use
Q15 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements. - Single response per statement
15. Please indicate how likely or unlikely it is that you would do the following in the next three years. 1Definitely not
2Probably not
3- Probably
7 Not Applicable
a- Install rooftop solar panels to heat water and/or generate electricity
b- Adjust the timing of day-to-day chores to match lower electricity prices (i.e., time-ofuse electricity rates)
c- Allow the utility that supplies your electricity to remotely lower the temperature in your home or hot water tank a degree or two
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q16 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Allow multiple responses keeping “none” exclusive
16. Which of the following do you regularly see, hear, or smell? Select all that apply 1- Hydroelectric dam
2- Wind turbines
3- Nuclear plant
4- Coal-fired plant
5- Coal mine
6- Incinerator
7- Oil refinery
8- Oil or gas pipeline
9- Well heads, pads or pump jacks
10- Solar panels
11- Transmission towers
12- Biomass plant
99- None of the above
Q16b PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show on same page as Q16 Q16b is not required
Are there any others that you regularly see, hear or smell?
Please be as specific as possible:
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
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Section D: Participation in Energy Discussion Q17 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Single response only
The next few questions explore how you like to participate in energy discussions. 17. In the last three years, are you aware of any meetings, public hearings, surveys (other than this one), rallies, or other public or formal opportunities to communicate with energy decision-makers in your province/territory? Select only one 1- No, none
2- Yes, one or two
3- Yes, three or more
Q18 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
18. Have you engaged in any of the following, with a specific focus on energy issues, in the last three years? 1- Have done it
2- Haven’t, but willing
3- Haven’t, unwilling
a- Attended either an information meeting or hearing that approves projects or sets prices
b- Attended a rally
c- Joined either a group or became a member of an advisory committee
d- Done any of the following: Shared information with family and friends, made a post on Facebook/Twitter, and/or started paying more attention to media reports
e- Voted for a particular politician
f- Done any of the following: Written to a politician, written a Letter to the Editor, posted online comments in response to media stories, signed a petition, and/or used a toll-free telephone number to register your point of view
g- Completed public surveys like this one
h- Gave a presentation in formal public meetings
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q19 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
19. How much do you trust or distrust the following as sources of information on energy issues? 1Strongly distrust
2- Distrust
3- Neither trust nor distrust
4- Trust
5Strongly trust
a- Consumer associations
b- Environmental groups
c- Energy industry associations
d- Academics/schools, scientific institutions
e- Energy regulators
f- Government departments/ministry of energy
g- Utilities/electricity providers
h- Retailers of electronics, lighting and appliances
i- Friends and family
Q20 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
20. Please indicate whether any of the following are barriers to you participating in energy discussions? 1-Not a barrier
2Somewhat a barrier
3- Very much a barrier
a- My level of knowledge about energy policy, laws, regulations or energy technologies.
b- The negative tone of energy debates.
c- I don’t have time to participate in meetings.
d- I am uncomfortable with public speaking
f- I don’t have strong views on energy issues.
g- I can’t participate because of rules set by my employer (i.e., federal or provincial government,
e- I don’t know enough about how energy decisions are made to participate.
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
energy-related company). h- Compared to other issues I’m involved in, I don’t think energy is as important.
i- I don’t think that my input will make any difference because decision-makers won’t listen to what I have to say.
Q21 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
21. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements? 1- Strongly disagree
3-Neither disagree nor agree
4- Agree
5- Strongly agree
a- My provincial government has the necessary expertise to manage energy development effectively.
b- My provincial government’s information about energy development tends to be biased and one-sided.
c- In managing energy development, my provincial government considers all relevant points of view.
d- My provincial government is too influenced by the energy industry regarding energy development.
e- My provincial government is open to new ideas and alternative points of view on energy development.
f- There is no other option but to accept my provincial government’s plans for energy development.
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Section E. Values related to Energy Q22 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
The next few questions explore the values that are important to you when thinking about energy. 22. To what extent do you believe each of the following considerations is important for decision-making about energy development? 1-Not at all important
2- Not very important
3Moderately important
5- Very important
a- Using caution in light of uncertainty
b- Weighing all risks and benefits
c- Distribution of risks & benefits (who benefits, who is harmed)
d- A fair and transparent process
e- Citizens having a say in decision-making
f- People’s rights to use their property as they want to
Q23 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Allow two responses only
23. In your opinion, which of the following are the two most important considerations for decision-making about energy development? Select two only a- Using caution in light of uncertainty
b- Weighing all risks and benefits
c- Distribution of risks & benefits (who benefits, who is harmed)
d- A fair and transparent process
e- Citizens having a say in decision-making
f- People’s rights to use their property as they want to
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q24 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
24. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. 1- Strongly disagree
3-Neither disagree nor agree
4- Agree
5- Strongly agree
a- I believe that humans are members of the earth’s community of life along with all other living things.
b- A first consideration of any good political system is the protection of private property rights.
c- I believe that humans, along with all other species, are dependent on the environment and one another to live well.
d- We attach too much importance to economic measures of well-being in our society.
e- When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences.
f- I believe that all life should have a chance to pursue its own good in its own way.
g- I believe that humans are inherently superior to other living things.
h- We are approaching the limit to the number of people the earth can support.
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q25 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
25. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
a- Companies must take responsibility and pay for the pollution they produce. c- Nature will be fine no matter what humans do; it is a robust, self-correcting system. d- Only the world’s poorest people will suffer from climate change. e- Climate change poses a grave and urgent threat to our planet. g- Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions are justified because they are tiny compared to other countries.
1- Strongly disagree
3-Neither disagree nor agree
5- Strongly agree
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q26 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement
26. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about energy. 1- Strongly disagree
3-Neither disagree nor agree
5- Strongly agree
democracy makes it an ethical supplier of energy.
f- All forms of energy should be more expensive.
g- The local community should decide on the energy systems that are best for them.
h- Consuming too much energy is immoral.
consumption is part of the good life.
k- Canadians have a duty to be global leaders by reducing our
a- We need to find ways to
develop untapped resources for renewable energy. b- Most Canadians are well
aware of the environmental impacts of energy development. c- Current trends in energy
consumption are clearly unsustainable and must be reduced immediately. d- Small and distributed
energy sources are more resilient than centralized production. e- Canada’s commitment to
i- The current fad for going
green will accomplish nothing. j A high level of energy
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
own energy consumption. l- Market forces, not incentives or taxes, drive development and conservation of energy. m- Growth in energy production is key to Canada’s economic progress.
Section F. Facts about Energy Q27 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order keeping “don’t know” last
The next few questions explore what facts you know about energy. 27. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of the total electrical supply does hydroelectricity provide to your province/territory? Select one only 1- Less than 20%
2- Between 21 and 40% 3- Between 41 and 60% 4- Between 61 and 80% 5- Between 81 and 100% 8- Don’t know Q28 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Don’t ask Q28 if “Don’t know” in Q27 - Single response only
28. How sure are you about your responses in Q27? 1- Not at all sure
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2- Somewhat sure
3- Sure
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q29 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements keeping “don’t know” last
29. To the best of your knowledge, which of the following requires the LEAST ENERGY in the average Canadian home in one year? Select one only 1- Refrigerating food and beverages
2- Cooking food and beverages 3- Heating and cooling rooms 4- Heating and cooling water 5- Lighting the home 8- Don’t know Q30 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Don’t ask Q30 if “Don’t know” in Q29 - Single response only
30. How sure are you about your responses in Q29? 1- Not at all sure
2- Somewhat sure
3- Sure
Q31 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Single response only - Rotate options, show don’t know last
31. To the best of your knowledge, it is impossible to… Select one only 1- Build a machine that produces more energy than it uses
2- Convert chemical energy to heat energy
3- Measure the amount of energy in foods 4- Use ethanol to power an automobile 5- Save energy by reducing, refusing, and recycling products 8- Don’t know
Q32 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Don’t ask Q32 if “Don’t know” in Q31 - Single response only
How sure are you about your responses in Q31?
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001) 1- Not at all sure
2- Somewhat sure
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3- Sure
Q33 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements keeping “don’t know” last
Which one of the following statements best describes “renewable energy resources” to you?
Select one only 1- Resources that are free and convenient to use
2- Resources that can be converted directly into heat and electricity 3- Resources that do not produce air pollution 4- Resources that are very efficient to use for producing energy 5- Resources that are in continuous supply or can be replenished by nature in a short period of time
8- Don’t know
Q34 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Don’t ask Q34 if “Don’t know/no answer” in Q30, Show on same page as Q33 -Single response only
How sure are you about your response in Q33? 1- Not at all sure
2- Somewhat sure
3- Sure
Q35 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements keeping “don’t know” last
To the best of your knowledge, what does it mean to you if an electric power plant is 35% efficient?
Select one only 1- For every $100 invested in the production of energy, $35 is made into profit
2- For every $35 invested in the production of energy, $100 is made into profit
3- For every 100 units of energy that go into the plant, 35 units are lost during energy transformation
4- For every 100 units of energy that go into the plant, 35 units are converted
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
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into electrical energy 5- For every 35 units of energy that go into the plant, 100 units of electrical energy are produced
8- Don’t know
Q36 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Don’t ask Q33 if “Don’t know” in Q36. Show on same page as Q35 - Single response only
How sure are you about your response in Q35? 1- Not at all sure
2- Somewhat sure
3- Sure
Section G. New Brunswick Specific Questions NB1 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order
The next few questions are specifically about energy and New Brunswick. NB1. Four years ago, the province of New Brunswick proposed selling NB Power to Hydro Quebec. The proposal was abandoned. Do you believe that if the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec had gone forward that you, as an energy consumer, would be… Select one only 1- Better off 2- Worse off 3- No difference
NB2 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order
NB2. Do you believe that if the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec had gone forward that New Brunswick, as a province, would be… Select one only 1- Better off 2- Worse off 3- No difference
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
NB3 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order.
How much do you know about the discussions regarding the future of the Mactaquac hydroelectric generating station? Select only one 1- Nothing
2- Not much
3- A medium amount
4- Quite a bit
5- A lot
NB4 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order keeping “Don’t know” last
NB4. The province needs to make a decision regarding the future of the Mactaquac hydroelectric generating station in the next four to five years. The dam is located 20km upstream from the City of Fredericton. Currently, this 660 MW facility generates about 12 percent of New Brunswick’s power. Three options are currently being considered. Please indicate which of these three options you would prefer. Select only one 1- Rebuild the dam with the same or more electrical generation capacity
2- Retain the dam and the reservoir (head pond) behind it, without electricity generation capacity
3 - Remove the dam
4- Don’t Know
NB5 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate order of statements - Single response per statement -NB5f and NB5g are not forced response
NB5. In thinking about the province’s options for the Mactaquac hydroelectric generating station, please indicate how important the following were in influencing your answer. 1-Not very important
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2Somewhat important
3Moderately important
5Extremely important 24
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a - Impact on the environment
b - Costs (to the province, economy and/or consumers) to develop or maintain
c - Risk to human health and safety
d - Impact on the landscape
e - Benefits (to the province, economy and/or consumers)
f- Other factor- Please specify
g- Other factor- Please specify
NB5f PROGRAMMER NOTES - Keep “No other comments” exclusive QNB5f is not required
NB5f. Please provide any other comments you wish to make about the province’s options for the Mactaquac hydroelectric generating station. Please be as specific as possible:
Section H. Information about Respondent Finally, a few questions about yourself to help us analyze the results. All responses will be kept anonymous. Q37 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Keep “Don’t know” exclusive
What is your postal code?: ___ ___ Don’t know
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University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
- Show responses in order
In what type of community do you live? Select one only 1- Within a city or large urban area
2- Within a suburb, adjacent to a large urban area
3- In a smaller, regional city 4- In a small town 5- In a rural area 6- In a remote area
Q39 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Show responses in order
39. Please indicate your highest level of education attained. Select one only 1- Elementary/ some high school 2- High school graduate/ GED 3- Some college 4- College graduate 7- Trade-apprenticeship 5- Some university 6- Undergraduate completed 8- Graduate degree
Q40 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate the order of statement keeping “none” last - Allow multiple responses
40. Do you personally work for any of the following energy related industries? Select all that apply 1- Electric utility 2- Oil and/or gas 3- Coal Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
4- Wind
5- Solar 6- Bioenergy 7- Energy Regulator 8- Federal, Provincial or Municipal Department or Ministry
99- None of the above
Q41 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Rotate the order of statement keeping “none” last - Allow multiple responses
41. Does anyone in your household or immediate family work for any of the following energy related industries?
Select all that apply 1- Electric utility
2- Oil and/or gas 3- Coal 4- Wind 5- Solar 6- Bioenergy 7- Energy Regulator 8- Federal, Provincial or Municipal Department or Ministry 99- None of the above
Q42 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Keep “other” last - Single response only
Of the languages you understand, which did you learn first? Select one only 1- English 2- French 98- Other- Please specify
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014
University of New Brunswick (UNB002-1001)
September 10, 2014
Q43 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Single Response only
How would you describe your political views?
Political views
1 Very liberal
7 Very conservative
Q44 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Single Response only
Please indicate your total household income before taxes in 2013. Select one only
1- less than $26,000
2- $26,000 to $50,999
3- $51,000 to $75,999
4- $76,000 to $99,999
5- $100,000 or more
Prefer not to answer
Q45 PROGRAMMER NOTES - Single Response only
And finally, do you own or rent your home? 1- Rent
2- Own
Thank you for your time and effort. Is there anything you would like to add? To follow results from this research visit our Re-Imagining Canada’s Energy Landscapes Facebook page Click here for survey consent form and contact information.
Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2014