Energy recovery from exhaust gases using Heat Pipe ... - Spirax Sarco

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The faulty pipe can just be replaced during the next scheduled maintenance period. Low Operating Costs. • The payback period on an initial investment is often ...
Energy recovery from exhaust gases using Heat Pipe technology Energy recovery from industrial flue and exhaust gases can provide large amounts of valuable energy savings, together with significant reductions in CO2 and Carbon emissions. However, in the past this opportunity has been largely unexploited due to technological barriers and the lack of a simple, reliable solution capable of recovering this wasted heat, which would provide a realistic return on investment. Industrial exhaust gases can be dirty and corrosive, and can contain particles that are abrasive or will build up and coat the surfaces of an exhaust gas system. In this type of application traditional heat exchangers can easily become clogged or damaged due to the high thermal stresses generated. Breakthrough developments in the design of heat pipes and the techniques used to manufacture them mean that heat pipes can now be used as the core heat exchange component for exhaust gas energy recovery heat exchangers in industrial applications. The use of heat pipes will overcome the problems previously associated with traditional heat exchanger designs.

Long Service Life • Robust construction, manufactured from a variety of sturdy materials to suite the application. • Flexible heat exchanger design allows for the free thermal expansion and contraction of individual components. • The heat pipes operate at a constant and uniform temperature across their length. This avoids thermal stress and avoids cold spots where gas condensation could occur.

Flexibility • The simple, sturdy heat pipe based heat exchanger construction allows units to be applied in difficult or even hostile environments, where traditional heat exchanger designs could not be considered. • The ability to add or remove individual heat pipes from a heat exchanger allows for precise optimisation of a system.

Reliability • Each heat pipe within a heat exchanger operates independently of the others. Therefore if there is a fault with an individual pipe, it will have little effect on the overall performance of the heat exchanger. The faulty pipe can just be replaced during the next scheduled maintenance period.

This unit is saving 2.4mW per year from recovered exhaust heat

Low Operating Costs • The payback period on an initial investment is often very short. And the solution will continue to reduce energy costs and emissions long after the initial investment is recovered. • Pressure drop through the heat exchanger is low, so extra fan power is rarely required. • Individual heat pipes in a heat exchanger are very easy to access and clean. If required, heat exchangers can be designed with self-cleaning mechanisms.

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What is a heat pipe? Construction A heat pipe is a metal tube, sealed at both

Heat pipes

ends with a vacuum inside, filled with a small quantity of fluid. The fluid used depends upon

Cool fluid in

Heated fluid out

the required working temperature range of the heat pipe. The working temperature range with a water fill is 80ºC to 320ºC which will meet

Exhaust out

Separator plate

over 90% of application requirements.

Heat pipe area in fluid

Other temperature ranges can be addressed by a variety of other liquid fills upon request.

Seal Exhaust in

The metal used for the heat pipe construction

Heat pipe area in exhaust

depends upon the application needs. In industrial applications the most common materials used are:

Heat pipe heat exchanger construction

• Copper • Carbon steel • Stainless steel (AISI 304 and AISI 316) • Aluminium Many other construction materials are also available to meet the needs of a wide range of applications.

Thermal features As a result of the high quality construction of the heat pipe and in particular its high integrity vacuum, heat transfer between the

Air at 60°C

hot stream and the cold stream is virtually instantaneous. For example, where water is used as the working fluid, it will

Separation plate

Isothermal temperature along heat pipe 190°C

boil at 0ºC and will transfer energy very rapidly to the cold end of the heat pipe. Another very important thermal characteristic of the heat pipe is its isothermal operation; operating with a uniform temperature along its whole length:

Exhaust at 320°C

• Very little thermal stress along the length of the pipe. • No cold spots occur where condensation could take place, eliminating the risk of any corrosion.

Heat pipe

Isothermal operation

Heat pipe heat exchangers

Operation The lower end of the heat pipe is installed in a hot stream and the top end is fitted into a colder stream. The hot and the cold streams are separated by a separation plate, into which the heat pipe is fitted, with a seal between the hot and the cold

The mechanical and thermal properties of heat pipes with their many advantages make them particularly suitable as the heat conductors in heat exchangers suitable for energy recovery


applications that can’t be addressed by traditional heat

The part of the heat pipe immersed in the hot stream absorbs

temperature, corrosive or contaminated exhaust streams.

exchanger designs. In particular, energy recovery from high

heat, causing the liquid inside the pipe to evaporate. The evaporated liquid (steam) then travels to the top of the heat pipe. When this steam reaches the top of the heat pipe it gives up its enthalpy of evaporation to the cold stream, heating up

Heat pipe based energy recovery heat exchangers can be designed for most heating applications, with the majority addressing one of the following: Exhaust Gas

 Air Heating

liquid. The liquid then flows back to the bottom of the heat pipe

Exhaust Gas

Water Heating

and the cycle will continue as long as there is a temperature

Exhaust Gas

Steam Generation

the cold stream and causing the steam to condense back into a

difference between the hot stream and the cold stream. Many application demands can be met from a modularised Due to the difference in density of the working fluid in its

standard range of heat pipe heat exchangers, where standard

liquid and vapour phases a natural circulation cycle operates

‘cartridges’ of heat pipes are installed into a standard heat

inside the heat pipe. It is not necessary for the heat pipe to be

exchanger casing, suitable for a particular application.

mounted vertically for this cycle to operate effectively. It will operate perfectly, even when the heat pipe is installed as little

Where it is necessary, individual designs can be made to suite

as 4º from the horizontal.

the individual needs of a particular application. Exhaust gas energy recovery installations will usually have one or more of three elements. Vacuum tube

Heat exchanger

Heat out

This where the energy is extracted from the hot exhaust gas Condensation

Separation plate Steam

Heat in

Heat pipe operation

and transferred to the cold stream (water, air etc.) to heat it up.

Diverter System

Control systems

A system of by-pass duct work around the heat

Controls are required to ensure the heated fluid or gas

exchanger together with diverter valves.

is heated to the required temperature. They will be

• To facilitate maintenance or cleaning of the heat pipe

required to ensure the system operates safely and will

heat exchanger. • As part of the overall thermal design of the system where some of the exhaust gas flow is diverted around the heat exchanger during normal operation. • To divert exhaust flow around the heat exchanger

also shut down safely if there is a problem. If a diverter system is incorporated into the system design, control logic will be required to operate the diverter valves, ensuring they open and close when needed and in the correct sequence.

in the event of there being a problem with the heat exchanger.

The control system can also incorporate

This will ensure that a process can continue to operate safely.

• Alarms • Communications • Self-diagnostics

Heat pipe cartridge


Heat exchanger casing

Standard modularised gas to liquid HPHE unit

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Case studies The following are examples of where heat pipe based energy recovery systems have been used to recover energy.

Heat source


Energy recovered

Payback period

Steel casting company in the Czech Republic

Exhaust at 450ºC from melting furnaces

Heating HVAC services water


6 months

Ceramic tile manufacturing company in India

Exhaust at 316ºC from tile kilns

Pre-heating the air entering the tile kilns

610 kW

16 months

Automotive parts

Exhaust at

Pre-heating the

manufacturer in the USA

400ºC from an aluminium furnace

air entering the aluminium furnace


16 months

Portable power provider in Botswana

Exhaust at 325ºC from heavy fuel oil boilers

Pre-heating heavy fuel oil


3 months

Oil & gas well head thermal oxidiser manufacturer in Canada

Exhaust gas at 350ºC from a diesel oil fuelled burner

Pre-heating burner combustion air


5 months


Applications Heat pipe based energy recovery systems can be used wherever there is a source of heat available in the exhaust from a combustion process, and there is a use for the energy recovered. They are particularly suited to ‘difficult’ applications where traditional designs of heat exchanger would not be suitable.


Typical heat sources


Melting and holding furnaces Smelters Sintering machines

Pre-heat combustion air Process hot water Heating & sanitary use

Cooking ovens Vacuum pumps Incinerators

Pre-heat combustion air Process hot water Heating & sanitary use Absorption cooling


Crackers Thermal oxidisers Fertiliser plants

Pre-heat combustion air Process hot water Heating & sanitary use Absorption cooling

Construction materials

Cement plants Glass furnaces Ceramics furnaces Brick works

Pre-heat combustion air Process hot water Heating & sanitary use


Turbines Boilers Diesel generators

Pre-heat combustion air Pre-heat boiler feed water Heating & sanitary use Pre-heat fuel oils


Pre-heat combustion air Heating & sanitary use



Waste processing



Pre-heat combustion air Pre-heat boiler feed water Heating & sanitary use Absorption cooling

Contaminated exhaust streams Heat pipe heat exchangers are really the only choice when an exhaust contains particulates or suspensions that could settle onto the heat exchange surface. The construction of the heat exchanger allows the heat pipe surfaces to be cleaned easily and quickly with very little system down-time. The heat pipes can be constructed from a wide variety of materials, resistant to the majority of corrosive elements often found in industrial exhaust streams

Pressure drop Compared to other heat recovery solutions available, heat pipe based solutions have extremely low pressure drops across them. This is particularly significant where size or weight is a consideration, as this low pressure drop is achieved with systems that are also much smaller and lighter than traditional systems.

Built in redundancy Within the heat exchanger each heat pipe is an individual heat exchange unit. The heat pipes are very robust, designed to operate in aggressive industrial environments. However, even if one or two heat pipes fail, this will have a very small effect on the overall performance of the heat exchanger.

Increased reliability Heat pipes do not rely upon thin metal surfaces for effective heat transfer and therefore can be constructed from robust materials that offer increased resistance to erosion. In the heat exchanger, heat pipes are free to expand and contract within the heat exchanger casing, causing minimal thermal stresses in the overall construction. The isothermal operation of the heat pipe ensures that cold condensation spots do not form, eliminating the possibility of low temperature corrosion.

SB-P211-01 CH Issue 1