energy & utilities - Redeem Systems

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Grids, IoT technology addresses some of the key ... green energy by deploying IoT solutions. ... Deploy Smart Solutions


Focusing on energy grids and Smart Grids, IoT technology addresses some of the key issues like grid security, failure in distribution network, line losses, and overloading. As the energy resources deplete day by day, the worldwide focus has shifted towards achieving energy conservation and green energy by deploying IoT solutions. IoT applications have enabled power utilities to control assets from anywhere, and at any time. For the renewable energy sector IoT technology brings sophisticated solutions for some of the key issues facing the renewable energy installations, plant monitoring, fault management, and performance monitoring.

Challenges Securing the system from cyber-attacks and hackers This requires a comprehensive security approach from the boundaries of the Internet to the device level. Security needs to be built into every device starting at the base of the software stack. Protecting the Consumers data The data generated from smart metering has the potential to expose sensitive customer information. Loss less connectivity The devices should have memory to store the data for certain time whenever the internet connectivity is not there Accuracy The network and sensor data should be very accurate as there the condition based decision has to be taken while controlling the system.

Our solution offerings for Energy and utilities:

Our end to end solution provides the rapid delivery of solutions to energy and utilities industry which includes from device enablement to data handling with any combination of the following on a single technology infrastructure: • Deploy Smart Solutions using very reliable and scalable platform • We develop new IoT solutions that connect assets, break down information silos & meet unique needs of industry • Deliver the IoT solution to serve as the IoT foundation for the industry.

Copyright © 2017 Redeem systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights Reserved.


ENERGY & UTILITIES Use Cases: Real-time diversion detection Diversion detection or theft is determined by real-time, continuous and localized analysis of changes in electricity current flows and voltage levels in the distribution network to distinguish legitimate metered loads from theft. Outage detection and analysis By combining locational awareness on the grid with peer-to-peer communications at the edge of the network, smart meters systematically and continuously evaluate the status of nearby meters and devices to quickly model and localize outage events and report reliable and actionable information back to the utility in near real time. Identification of high-impedance connections High-impedance connections (HIC) or “hot spots” on the low-voltage distribution system are a safety risk and can cause customer voltage problems and utility energy losses. Continuously calculating and monitoring impedance throughout the lower voltage system provides a practical and cost-effective solution for utilities to identify these losses, voltage anomalies and potential safety issues before they become a safety hazard or a costly liability. Transformer load management overloading of distribution transformers is an increasingly common problem caused by growing loads and the emergence of distributed generation. The load of individual distribution transformers can be analyzed continuously and managed at the meter level to avoid overloaded conditions in real time.

Why Redeem:

Effective applications are essential for our smart city success. At redeem, we creates the applications and activities to make the city Smart, Safe and Sustainable • Smart: Redeem creates the applications to improve the quality of life for citizens, bolstering innovation, as well as social and economic development. At Redeem our focus is on making the cities more attractive to live, visit and do business. • Safe: Applications which prevent or minimize the risks of adverse events, including crime, accidents and natural disasters. • Sustainable: Applications minimize the environmental impact of the municipality’s own operations and the activities of its businesses and citizens. “Sustainable” also means selecting the right bus

Copyright © 2017 Redeem systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights Reserved.