Eng Tech Application.pdf - Google Drive

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Columbia High School – Mrs. Celena Crews (Room 812 or box in front office). • Lake City Middle School – Mrs. Brade
Applied Engineering Technology Program Application Columbia High School Mrs. Celena Crews The Applied Engineering Technology (AET) program is a three year sequence of courses which follows a hands-on, real-world problem-solving approach to learning. Throughout AET, you will learn and apply the engineering design cycle, acquire strong teamwork and communication proficiency, and develop organizational, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills. You will discover answers to questions about how are things made and what processes go into creating products. You will learn what different engineering disciplines actually do in the real world and will use the same industry-leading 3D design and programming software used by companies like Intel and NASA. You will design, test, construct and evaluate projects such as trebuchets, mousetrap powered vehicles, LEGO Mindstorms and Tetrix robots, and LED circuits. You can earn industry certifications in AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and LabVIEW by the time you graduate high school, making you ready to enter the workforce. If this sounds interesting to you and you meet the criteria listed below, fill out this application and return it to the designated place at your school (see bottom of next page) no later than Friday March 27th. Make sure to tell your guidance counselor you plan to sign up for AET when you meet with them to sign up for classes for next school year. Criteria for Engineering Technology: • • • • •

Successful completion of Algebra I or above by the end of the 2014-2015 school year Motivation and self-discipline to learn in a project-based setting Interested in the course description above, including earning industry certifications Initiative required to keep yourself moving through self-paced computer-based lessons Willingness to work in groups

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________

Current School: ___________________________

Current Grade Level: _________ Cumulative GPA (if known): _________ Current Math Class (check one):

___Algebra I

___ Algebra I Honors

___Geometry I

___Geometry I Honors ___Other Math (please specify): ______________ Please provide the name and email address of a teacher who can be contacted for reference purposes: Name: _________________________ School: ______________________ Email: ____________________________

(continued on back)

Why do you want to enroll in Applied Engineering Technology? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Teamwork is an integral part of this program. How do you feel about working in groups? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe your experience working with computers, if any. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you attended any engineering or robotics camps or workshops? If yes, please list. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please use the following space to explain why you are a good candidate to be accepted to this program. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return completed application to one of the following teachers or places no later than April 30th: • • •

Columbia High School – Mrs. Celena Crews (Room 812 or box in front office) Lake City Middle School – Mrs. Braden (Portable – Building 16) Richardson Middle School – Mr. Mesnard (Room 717)

If you have questions or would like more information, please email Mrs. Crews at [email protected].