Engage Summer 2018 - City of Plano

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anatomy for animal characters and self-portraits you create. Harrington Sat Jun 9 ..... of the orchestra as well as Star





Summer Learning – Expand Your Mind

Geek Out – Fanworthy Celebrations

2 0 1 8

Pop-up Author – Jennifer Egan

D I R E C T O R ’ S N O T E


Learn All Summer at the Library


elloooo, summer! School’s out and the pace of life slows just a bit…or maybe not? This summer, keep the whole family learning at Plano Public Library. Find opportunities galore to explore, consider, wonder and engage. For classes, programs, creativity and more, the library is the place for you! Spark curiosity by checking out a STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) kit or attend a robotics program. Explore a new language with bilingual backpacks, our Pronunciator app, or at a session of Storytime Around the World. Keep up with the digital age in our Digital Creation Space, or with 3D printing. We make learning fun! Plano Public Library is Thinking Money! What’s in your future? Prepare financially to turn your dreams into reality. Haggard Library hosts the nationally-touring Thinking Money exhibition throughout June. Find a variety of financial education programs going on in June, and Math Mania provides fun with numbers all summer for increased brain activity. Download the library mobile app and take learning with you on vacation! Find eBooks and eMagazines, Kanopy movie streaming, and language learning all through your phone or tablet. No WiFi? No problem! Check out a Playaway or Launchpad to bring audio books and learning games with you on the go. Rolling out this summer, #morethanbooks (our new Friends funded outreach van) will be traveling all summer delivering classes, library resources, materials and training throughout the City of Plano. We can roll up to almost any location and create new library cards, demonstrate learning tools and deliver classes and programs. Equipped with WiFi, a television and a variety of technology tools, #morethanbooks brings you learning programs on the go. From local festivals and events to nonprofit and City functions, visits from #morethanbooks extend service excellence to the community. We can’t wait to spend our summer days with you learning about art, science, technology and enhancing literacy skills at the library! Libby Holtmann Director of Libraries Brochure printing fully funded by Friends of the Plano Public Library


Table of Contents Director’s Note


18st AIRSpace – Artist in Residence 3 Thinking Money


Summer Learning


Tour de France


Reading Readiness Storytimes


Early Learning / Preschool




Wonder Café


Movies & Puppet Shows


Just for Kids


Be Project


Art Exhibits


Tweens 16 Teens 17 Book Clubs


Living & Learning


Genealogy 21 Technology Training


Library Services


Hours & Locations 24


Plano Public Library provides a welcoming, supportive environment for engaging our community, enriching lives and educating minds.


Plano Public Library is a dynamic community partner relevant and vital to the diverse neighborhoods we serve. We are a destination that facilitates learning and offers cultural and recreational experiences to enhance the quality of life. Persons who, because of a special need or condition, need accommodation to enjoy library sponsored programs should contact Library Administration (972-769-4208) 48 hours in advance so that the library may make reasonable accommodations

18st A I R S pace –




The 18st AIRSpace at Harrington Library is a place to learn, share, and create! Engage with artists as they work in the space; spark your creativity and make something wonderful at a workshop; or go free-form with make & take materials! Artists rotate monthly and dates/times in residence are featured on the library website. Workshops are offered twice a month on a first-come, first-served basis. Make & Take projects are available to create based on the artistic style of the current artist in residence.

June Artist

August Artist

Stephanie Nordlund


Stephanie is an artist, illustrator, and art educator who grew up in Plano and is an art facilitator at Plano ISD Academy High School. When she’s not teaching, Stephanie loves to work in her home studio creating light-hearted quirky art prints and greeting cards

VET incorporates environmental recycling awareness in her artwork. She creates and shares innovative ways to re-think, re-purpose, and re-design discarded items. VET is also an accomplished muralist and published illustrator

Workshop: Watercolor - Characters

Use watercolors to learn about color mixing and painting basic anatomy for animal characters and self-portraits you create Harrington Sat Jun 9 2pm

Workshop: Watercolor - Greeting Cards

Use watercolors to learn line, pressure, color mixing, textures, and gradations. Create your own watercolor greeting card by painting with symbols Harrington Sat Jun 23 2pm

July Artist Christine Smith-Atkins Christine started her career as a professional artist straight out of the Art Institute of Dallas, into the Interactive Entertainment industry where she created 3D art/animation for video games. She has come back to her fine art roots and works full time on her art with acrylic paint, resin and various mixed media mediums

Workshop: Mini Art Quilts

Design and create small fabric collages using fusible web and various adhesive techniques along with cutting, drawing, writing, embellishments of button, lace, flat gems, trimming and beads. Take home a mini- art quilt that expresses a personal story Harrington Sat Aug 11 2pm

Workshop: Fabric Postcards

Create a postcard size fabric collage. Choose from a selection of postcard images and then make a fabric collage that reflects the colors and style of the postcard Harrington Sat Aug 25 2pm

Make & Take

More info at planolibrary.org Harrington Daily During Library Hours

June: Postcard Lettering July: Hand-Painted Kindness Rocks August: Freedom Quilt Codes

Workshop: Hand-Painted Artist Sketchbooks

Create a bound sketchbook with a painted front cover using acrylic paint/fluid or traditional paints Harrington Sat Jul 14 2pm

Workshop: Abstract Painting with Texture

Learn to paint with acrylic using textural elements such as yarn, eggshells, tissue paper, dried leaves, flowers and sand to create an abstract composition Harrington Sat Jul 28 2pm VET returns this summer with a series of workshops on innovative ways to re-think, re-purpose, and re-design discarded items. Visit VET in the 18st AIRSpace and learn how to create make & take Freedom Quilt Codes

Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 3




See the Interactive Exhibit - Come to the Money Sense Programs Go beyond the Thinking Money exhibit by attending these programs that support the themes presented in the exhibit. We have programming for families, teens and adults. Our family program, Funding your Fido, helps you learn about the costs and responsibilities of owning a pet

Art of Money (all ages)

Design Your Future: Financial Resource Fair (adults)

Get ready for money making mania as we explore what money looks like around the world and then create our own currency designs. Who will you put on your dollar bills? Haggard Wed Jun 6 2pm

Connect with local agencies and community organizations to explore the financial resources and services available to you. Learn about housing, transportation, fraud protection, college aid, planning for the future and more. Come and go Haggard Sat Jun 9 10am-1pm

Recycling Money (all ages) Decorate a piggy bank with actual shredded money from the US Treasury! Learn how to Save, Spend and Share while you’re at it! Haggard Mon Jun 11 3pm

Funding Your Fido (all ages) Join Plano Animal Services and some of their furry friends for an afternoon of animal-themed activities and a conversation about the real costs and responsibilities of owning a pet. Animal Adoption will be available as well! Haggard Wed Jun 13 2-5pm

Game of Life (grades 6-12) Buying a home, paying for college, your first paycheck and much more! Join us in playing the Game of Life and see how far your paycheck can take you. Learn how your future career can impact your financial life and decision making. Presented by college students from the University of North Texas Student Money Management Center Haggard Thu Jun 21 3pm

Understanding Social Security Benefits (adults) What does “retirement” mean? Do you know how your social security benefit is calculated? What’s the best age to start receiving retirement benefits? Get answers from Angie Hoquang of the Social Security Administration Schimelpfenig Thu Jun 21 6:30pm

Programas de pensar sobre el dinero Diseñar tu futuro: feria de recursos financieros (adultos) Conectar con agencias locales y organizaciones en la comunidad para explorar recursos y servicios finacieros disponibles Haggard sáb 9 jun 10am-1pm

Cómo crear riqueza (adultos) Harrington jue 14 jun 6:30-8 pm

Cómo asegurar su futuro económico (adultos) Harrington jue 21 jun 6:30-8 pm En ambos programas aprenderá la importancia de conocer los activos, pasivos, el valor neto, y como escribir presupuestos. Aprender la relación entre el riesgo y la ganancia esperada, las herramientas de inversión y la manera de establecer y controlar sus deudas. Presentado por Wanda Martinez-Fuster, profesora, North Central Texas College

Watch Our Real World Personal Stories planolibrary.org

A grant from FINRA Investor Education Foundation and American Library Association is enhancing Thinking Money programs at the Plano libraries! Thinking Money was developed by the American Library Association Public Programs Office in collaboration with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, whose support made this exhibition possible. 4 PLANOLIBRARY.ORG

Personal Stories




Thinking Money Exhibit

Photo by Ean Perkins

Haggard May 18 – June 27

Thinking Money exhibit at Salem Public Library

Money Affects All Americans Learn how to make smart financial choices that will prepare you for whatever the future brings

$$ Wants vs. needs $$ Earning and paying interest $$ Preparing for rainy/sunny days

$$ Imagining your future self $$ Avoiding financial fraud $$ Thinking money

Photo by Ean Perkins

Learn Money Smarts

Hands-on activities let you engage with Thinking Money

Come to the Screening – Or Check Out the DVD Thinking Money: The Psychology Behind Our Best and Worst Financial Decisions (NR, 56 min - 2014) all ages

Thinking Money explores ways behavioral biases affect your financial decisions; why too many choices can be paralyzing; how a good “nudge” can help you achieve your financial goals; how technology can be embraced to help you save money; and steps you can take to achieve greater financial security Haggard Wednesdays Jun 6 • 13 • 20 2 & 4pm Saturdays Jun 9 • 16 • 23 2 & 4pm

Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 5




Summer Learning Kickoff – Saturday June 2 Get your Summer Learning started at Plano Public Library. Visit a library (or all five!) and spark your curiosity. Plan how you’re going to expand your mind this summer. Come and go


Face painting and balloon artists at all Libraries

Haggard Musician Willy Welch and animal adoptions with Plano Animal Services 10am-12pm

Harrington The Que Pastas music and DART buses, canine unit and more! 10am-12pm

Davis Activities outside by the pond and more 12-2pm

Parr Musician Willy Welch and more 2-4pm

Summer Learning At Your Library

Are you ready to rock it with your library this summer? Wild animals, mad science, explosive art, dance parties and tinker days - the learning opportunities are endless. Fight the summer slide by reading and learning at your Plano Public Library. Weekly events will help build your knowledge, your vocabulary, and your imagination with reading, STEAM, performers and more!

Set Your Reading Goal

Schimelpfenig The Que Pastas music and a Plano Fire-Rescue truck 2-4pm

Sign up online or at the library and set your own reading goal. When you meet your goal come add your name to our wall of fame and take a special photo June 1 - August 15

2018 Bookmark Contest Winners Look for large banners of each winning design at the libraries

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Funded by Friends of the Plano Public Library



2018 Bookmark Contest winners show off their winning art. More photos online: planolibrary.org

n o i t a l u t a r Cong

Age 5-7

Age 8-10

Age 11-13

Age 14-18


1st Aadya Kumar 2nd Chloe Ni 3rd Dhrithi Nudurupati on display at Parr

1st Kaitlynn Idichandy 2nd Puneeth Kolla 3rd Shivani Nathan on display at Harrington

1st Leena Popal 2nd Catherine Zou 3rd Olivia Fan on display at Davis

1st Krista Caparas 2nd Akie Kasai 3rd Renee Li on display at Haggard

1st Santos Lozano 2nd Ako Cole 3rd Shardae White on display at Schimelpfenig





Animal Adoption

Plano Symphony Orchestra: Princesses & Pirates

Looking for a pet? Or just want to pet a dog or snuggle with a cat? Plano Animal Services will be at the library with pets available for adoption Haggard Sat Jun 2 10am-12pm Haggard Wed Jun 13 2-5pm Harrington Sat Jul 28 2-4pm

Come dressed as a scalawag, a pirate or your favorite princess! Musical selections from Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, and many more will be performed by musicians from the Plano Symphony Orchestra Schimelpfenig Mon Jun 11 1pm & 3pm Parr Wed Jul 11 7pm


Gregg Kazam Magic Show

Join Critterman for another WILD and entertaining program featuring a variety of creatures Parr Mon Jun 4 3pm Harrington Tue Jun 19 3pm

Wow - How did he do that?!! Gregg Kazam has been entertaining children for 25 years all over the world. You will be astounded by his magic Haggard Tue Jun 12 1:30pm & 3pm

Bubbles with Bernadette

Wildlife on the Move Amazing Adaptations

This high energy, visual show includes big bubbles, tiny bubbles, dancing bubbles, and putting people inside a giant bubble force field! Davis Mon Jun 4 5pm & 7pm

See and learn about some unusual structural and behavioral adaptations that make it possible for critters to survive Harrington Tue Jun 12 7pm Davis Wed Jul 18 3pm

Sci-Tech Wow Explore the wonders of science with a mix of chemical concoctions, extreme temperature experiments, and amazing physics demos. Get blown away by Bernoulli’s Principle of air pressure and more Davis Wed Jun 13 1:30 & 3pm

Giant Games 2.0 Do you love games in a BIG way? You might have played our giant versions of classics like checkers, chess, and Jenga, but can you handle a life-sized game of Sorry! or Battleship? Haggard Thu Jun 14 3pm Harrington Wed Aug 1 3pm

Meet Storybook Faves

Mad Science Make waves and some noise in this fun and funky science show! The Mad Scientist will create crazy cacophony with a garbage can, a swinging sound tube and a metal pipe! Children will cheer as pickles glow and potatoes pop! What are all the kids talking about? Sounds like science! Harrington Tue Jun 5 3pm Schimelpfenig Mon Jul 16 3pm

Found Underground

Paddington Storytime, activities, and more with Paddington the bear Davis Sat Jun 16 11am Davis Mon Jun 18 7pm Schimelpfenig Wed Jun 20 3pm

Calling all archaeologists and geologists, young and old! Come explore the world below and find treasures from ancient civilizations, fossils, rocks and precious gems. What will you discover? Schimelpfenig Wed Jun 6 3pm Haggard Thu Aug 2 3pm

Curious George Storytime, activities, and more with the loveable monkey, Curious George Harrington Mon Jul 16 10:30am Parr Tue Jul 17 7pm Haggard Sat Jul 21 3pm

Let’s Make Mosaics Learn about mosaics and have fun making some of your own with foam, paper, glue, and recycled materials Harrington Thu Jun 7 3pm

Blackland Prairie Raptors Blackland Prairie Raptor Center brings live hawks, owls, and falcons. Learn what makes them a top predator and why they are so important to our environment Davis Sat Jun 9 1:30pm & 3pm Haggard Tue Jun 26 5pm & 7pm

Bring your camera!

Programs on the Connecting Families pages may fill to capacity. Arrive 30 minutes prior for best chance at seating Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 7




Trains! Trains! Trains!

Cultures Around the World

Bring your favorite train lover to see the Narrow Gauge model train exhibit provided by Spring Creek Model Railroad Club. The club models many eras from the 1880’s to the present, and operates steam, diesel, freight and passenger equipment Harrington Sat Jun 16 10am-5:30pm Harrington Sun Jun 17 1-4:30pm

Learn about different cultures around the world. See traditional dress and create a craft from more than 8 different countries Davis Thu Jun 28 3pm Davis Thu Aug 9 3pm

Perot Museum It’s a bird, it’s a plane - no, it’s Superhero Science! Discover the science behind superheroes and their amazing powers. as we explore matter and energy, smart materials, magnetism, levitation and properties of light Haggard Sat Jun 16 1:30pm & 3pm

Rob Holladay Magic Balloon Show Rob Holladay, the Magical Balloon Guy, has a wild and wacky mix of side splitting comedy, mind boggling magic, and the most amazing balloon twisting you have ever seen Parr Mon Jun 18 3pm

David Slick Slick will astound everyone with juggling skill that has broken multiple Guinness World Records. The comedy variety show also features magic tricks, escapes, unicycling, and spectacles you have to see for yourself. Come laugh at a show that is full of surprising feats! Parr Sat Jun 30 3pm

History of Henna Learn about the fascinating history of henna and the many different ways to apply it. Try applying some henna designs on yourself, a friend, or a piece of paper and have fun! Schimelpfenig Mon Jul 2 3pm

Summer Carnival It’s the first day of summer! Get out of the heat and enjoy fun crafts, games, and more Parr Thu Jun 21 3pm

Dallas Zoo Things will get wild when the Dallas Zoo presents this interactive program featuring a variety of birds, mammals, and reptiles! Schimelpfenig Sat Jun 23 1:30pm & 3pm Parr Mon Jul 23 3pm

Professor Pop’s Bubble Show Join Brett Roberts as Professor Pop as he presents a show full of bubble tricks. There will be bubbles inside of bubbles, square bubbles, giant bubbles, bubble themed magic tricks, and more Schimelpfenig Mon Jun 25 1:30pm & 3pm

Plano Symphony Orchestra: Video Games Join the Plano Symphony Orchestra to experience some of the music from your favorite video games and movies! Great game themes such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda will be performed by members of the orchestra as well as Star Wars and much more. Kids are encouraged to dress up as their favorite characters! Davis Wed Jun 27 3pm

Sand Painting Make summery, sandy artwork with us using colored sand, glue and your imagination Parr Tue Jul 3 3pm

Let’s Make Music Together Make homemade musical instruments like drums, harmonicas, tambourines, and kazoos using supplies you might find around the house! Harrington Thu Jul 5 3pm Schimelpfenig Thu Jul 12 3pm

All About Animals - Rockin’ it Wild Style Music is all around us, from the hiss of a cockroach to the croak of a frog. Let’s get to know the musical creatures that live around the world Harrington Sat Jul 7 3pm

Fort Worth Museum of Science & History Get hands-on with the Fort Worth Museum of Science & History! Dig into slime, explore bird beaks and adaptations, and then get ready for jolts and volts with hair-raising fun with the Van de Graff generator! Come and go Parr Mon Jul 9 3-4pm

Music with Dano Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program 8 PLANOLIBRARY.ORG

Dano entertains family audiences with original songs that blend folk, jazz, rock and roll, and electric music. His lyrics are fun, silly, and quirky Harrington Tue Jul 10 3pm




Secret Agent Magic Show Your mission-should you choose to accept it- is to help James Wand on an exciting mission of magic and mystery! Help solve clues and secret codes on an exciting mission that takes you around the world Davis Sat Jul 14 1:30pm & 3pm

Willy Welch

Library Campout Join us for an indoor campout! We’ll sing songs, hear stories, and hang out around the campfire. Enjoy crafts and camping-themed activities Haggard Wed Jul 25 3pm

Happy Birthday Davis Library!

Watercolor Works!

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Davis Library with some of our favorite crafts and activities we have done throughout the years. We’ll have prize drawings at the end to give away Davis’s birthday presents! Davis Sat Aug 4 2pm

Express your artistic genes with some fun and creative watercolor painting Davis Thu Jul 19 3pm Schimelpfenig Sat Aug 4 3pm

Coloring Games for Families Join the fun and color to your heart’s content. We provide the supplies, you bring the creativity! Parr Wed Aug 8 3pm

Landon Stark Magic

Plano Who? – ...Street or Library

Stories, songs and silliness from Mr. Willy and his friends - we invite you to sing along! Haggard Tue Jul 17 3pm

Stark’s stand-up comedy combines a fresh blend of unique wit and eye popping magic! International Award winning Magician and Host of Australia’s “The Best Of” Comedy Show Harrington Tue Jul 24 3pm

Learn about places to visit, and fun activities that tell the story of Plano in this event hosted by the Plano Public Library Genealogy Center with special guests from Heritage Farms and the Interurban Railway Haggard Sat Aug 18 3pm

Celebrate the Tour de France in July - With French and Cycling-inspired Events! Complete your own Tour de Plano by attending events at all five Plano Library locations

Spark Space de France (all ages)

Bastille Day Art (all ages)

Visit the Spark Space at Haggard for a French-themed activity that you can do at your own pace whenever you stop by Haggard July 1-31

Learn about this important French national holiday, and create your own “fireworks” using explosive art. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty! Parr Sat Jul 14 2pm

Art Start à la Française (ages 3-6) Stories to inspire your little artist followed by a different hands-on activity each week. July activities focus on French artists and styles. Things may get messy! Smocks and materials provided Haggard Fridays Jul 6 • 13 • 20 • 27 11am

Pointillism Family Art (all ages)

Tour de France Kickoff (all ages)

In July, Cook the Book focuses on all kinds of French cuisine. Stop by Davis Library to browse the selected cookbooks and choose a recipe. Bring your prepared dish to the meeting to share and eat! Davis Tue Jul 17 1pm

Celebrate the start of the Tour de France with games and activities inside the library. Join Plano Parks staff on the Chisholm Trail next to Schimelpfenig Library to talk about Plano trails and bike maintenance Schimelpfenig Sat Jul 7 10am-12pm

French Bilingual Storytime (all ages) Listen to stories and learn some basic French vocabulary with us. No language skills necessary to have fun here! Davis Tue Jul 10 • 17 • 24 2pm

Create a work of art using a unique technique developed by the French impressionists Harrington Sun Jul 15 2pm

Cook the Book - Cooking French (adults) Details page 18

Painting Party: Pointillism (adults) A special summer Tour de Plano edition of Painting Party, just for grown-ups! Create art inspired by Pointillism, a technique made famous by French artists Schimelpfenig Tue Jul 31 7pm

The Sun King: Louis XIV and the New World – Exhibit His presence and power are traced through photographs, posters, and texts Schimelpfenig July 1-31 Details page 16 Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 9

E A R LY L E A R N I N G / P R E S C H O O L



Sensory Storytime

Family Place Parent/Child Playgroup (ages 0-3)

(ages 3 & up)

An interactive, inclusive storytime ideal for children with special needs such as autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration challenges, or short attention spans. Activities are designed to stimulate the senses and promote learning - read books, sing songs, move around and have fun! Visit the children’s desk or email [email protected] for more info and to check availability Registration required in person at Davis and Haggard Registration opens May 30

Davis Wednesdays Jun 13-Aug 1 4pm Haggard Thursdays Jun 14-Aug 2 9:15am Harrington Library is a Family Place Library. Family Place libraries redesign the library environment to be welcoming and appropriate for children beginning at birth; connect parents with the resources, programs and services offered at

Sensory Saturday

the library and other family service agencies; and reach out to non-traditional library users. This creates the network families need to nurture their children’s development during the critical first years of life and helps ensure all children enter school ready and able to learn.

Spend time together, play, make friends, and talk one-on-one with child development specialists Registration required in person at Harrington Registration opens May 29

Harrington Thursdays Jun 14-Jul 12 9-10:15am

(all ages)

Join us for art, music, and other sensory learning activities geared toward children with special needs, such as autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration challenges, or short attention spans Parr Sat Jul 7 10am

Bilingual Backpacks Featuring books, CDs, puppets, in American Sign Language, Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish and Korean — available for check out. Details at planolibrary.org




Babes in Arms (ages 0-9 months) – Rhymes, music and movement for the youngest babies. Bring a blanket for baby. Pre-walkers and parent/caregiver only please! Schimelpfenig Mon 9:30am

Davis Tue 10am

Haggard Wed 11am

Parr Thu 11am

Rhyme Time (ages 0-24 months) – Songs, nursery rhymes and books provide a language-rich experience for the youngest child. Active parent/ caregiver participation is a must! Haggard Tue 9:30am Harrington Tue 9:30am

Parr Tue 10am Schimelpfenig Wed 9:30am

Schimelpfenig Thu 10:30am Haggard Fri 10am

Davis Fri 10am Davis Fri 11am

Toddler Time (ages 18-36 months) – Age-appropriate books, flannel stories, rhymes and puppets encourage interaction, introduction to words and their sounds, and simple concepts for the active toddler. Parent/caregiver participation is required Haggard Mon 10am Parr Mon 10am Davis Mon 10am

Schimelpfenig Tue 9:30am Harrington Tue 10:30am Haggard Wed 10am

Harrington Wed 10:30am Davis Thu 10am Parr Thu 10am

Davis Thu 11am Parr Fri 10am

Preschool Storytime (ages 3-5) – Age-appropriate books, flannel stories, rhymes, puppets, and storytelling reinforce early literacy skills such as letter sounds, vocabulary, narrative skills, and a love of books and reading for the pre-reading child. Parent/caregiver participation encouraged Schimelpfenig Mon 10:30am Harrington Mon 10:30am Haggard Tue 10:30am

Davis Tue 11am Parr Tue 11am Schimelpfenig Wed 10:30am

Haggard Thu 10:30am Harrington Thu 10:30am Parr Fri 11am

Family Storytime (all ages) – An interactive program for all ages with books, flannel stories, rhymes, puppets and songs to encourage a love of reading and the library. Parent/caregiver participation required Haggard Mon 6:30pm Parr Tue 7pm 10 PLANOLIBRARY.ORG

Davis Wed 10am Davis Wed 7pm

Harrington Wed 7pm Davis Sat 11am

Asking your child to identify things in a story, strengthens literacy skills

E A R LY L E A R N I N G / P R E S C H O O L



Play & Learn (ages 18-36 months)

Morning Mindstretchers (ages 3-5)

Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Parent/Caregiver participation is required Parr Mondays Jun 4-Aug 27 11am Haggard Mondays Jun 4-Aug 27 11am Davis Mondays Jun 4-Aug 27 11am Schimelpfenig Tuesdays Jul 3 • Aug 7-28 10:30am

Play educational games with your child, including simple math, science, and early literacy activities. Come and go Parr Wednesdays Jun 27-Jul 18 11am (no meeting Jul 4)

Art Start (ages 3-6) Stories to inspire your little artist followed by a different hands-on activity each week. Things may get messy! Smocks and materials provided Haggard Fridays Jun 8-Aug 3 11am Parr Wednesdays Aug 15-29 11am

Library MAKE! (ages 3-5) Early Learning File Folder games are simple to create and have endless learning opportunities. Create your own math, sight words, alphabet, colors, shapes, or counting games to take home Davis Wed Jul 11 2pm

Read! Build! Play! (ages 0-5) Bringing play to storytime with LEGO Duplo bricks Parr Wednesdays Jul 25-Aug 8 11am

Mini Maestros (ages 3-6) Learn basic musical concepts like pitch and rhythm with books, songs, and interactive activities enhanced with live music during this musical storytime experience Davis Wednesdays Jul 25-Aug 8 11am

Dance Party (ages 2-6) Music helps with early literacy! Move to the music, listen to books with beat, and have lots of fun Schimelpfenig Tuesdays Jun 5 • Jul 10 10:30am

Discovery Time (ages 3-5) Stories and hands-on activities introduce simple STEAM concepts just right for preschoolers Schimelpfenig Tuesdays Jun 12 • Jul 17 10:30am

Storytime Around the World (all ages) Listen to stories and learn some basic vocabulary in several languages during these bilingual storytimes. No language skills needed! Spanish Harrington Thursdays Jun 14-28 10:30am Chinese Davis Thursdays Jun 14-28 2pm French Davis Tuesdays Jul 10-24 2pm

Sign Language Storytime (all ages) Sign language is a great way to communicate with very young children. Listen to stories and get an introduction to sign language or increase your sign vocabulary Davis Wednesdays Jun 27-Jul 18 11am (no meeting Jul 4)

Tiny Techies (ages 3-6) Introduce your preschooler to technology concepts in this special storytime series. Books, flannels, and activities will be used in each session to explore a new concept Parr Wednesdays Jun 6-20 11am Davis Wednesdays Aug 15-29 11am

Math-y Time (ages 3-6) It’s not just a storytime, it’s Math-y Time! Featuring easy math concepts for preschoolers using books and math manipulatives Davis Wednesdays Jun 6-20 11am Schimelpfenig Tuesdays Jun 26 • Jul 31 10:30am

Registration required. Registration opens two weeks prior to each session. A Plano Library Card is required to register Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program

Parachute Party (ages 2-6) Up, down, and round and round - join us for rhymes and songs using giant parachutes Schimelpfenig Tuesdays Jun 19 • Jul 24 10:30am

Tape Town (ages 2-5) Explore a mini town made of tape with toy cards, blocks, and more! Parr Mon Jun 25 3pm

Kindergarten, Here We Come! (ages 5-6) Celebrate starting kindergarten with a special storytime full of stories to inspire your child Parr Sat Aug 4 11am

1000 Books Before Kindergarten The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless! Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, and/or toddler. The goal is to read 1,000 books (yes, you can repeat books) before your child starts kindergarten. Reading regularly with young children stimulates development and strengthens parent-child relationships to build language, literacy and social-emotional skills that last a lifetime

Read 1000 Books – Receive a Prize Track your books any way you want – pick up a paper log at the library or use the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten app. When your child reaches a milestone (100, 200, 300 books, etc.) come to the library to get a sticker and take a photo with us. At 1000 books, your child receives a certificate and special recognition on our wall of fame Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 11


S C I E N C E • T E C H N O LO G Y • E N G I N E E R I N G • A R TS • M AT H

3-D Printing 3-D Intro Learn the basics of 3D printing! We will demo the printer and answer questions. Each demo will last approximately 30 minutes Davis Sundays Jun 10 • 24 2pm & 2:30pm Davis Sundays Jul 8 • 15 • 22 2pm & 2:30pm Davis Sundays Aug 5 2pm & 2:30pm

3-D Printing Class (grades 3 & up) Learn the basics of 3D printing and get an introduction to 3D design. Students under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the class Davis Wed Jun 20 2-4pm Davis Wed Jul 25 2-4pm Davis Sat Jul 7 10-12pm Davis Sat Aug 11 10-12pm



Sew Electric Hand sew and decorate a bookmark that lights up using felt, LEDs, and conductive thread Harrington Wed Jun 20 3pm

Comm(you)nity Art Learn about different artists and the styles they used from Impressionist to Modern art. Work with people from your community to help create a group project and something for yourself Harrington Sun Jun 24 2pm Haggard Sun Jul 8 2pm Parr Sun Jul 22 2pm

Explosive Art Create your own abstract masterpieces and learn about chemical reactions using explosive art. Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty! Haggard Sat Jun 30 3pm

Makey Makey Music Madness Create a play-dough piano or decorate your own cardboard guitar and get ready to jam with Makey Makey technology Parr Sat Aug 11 3pm

Experiment Super Science Experiment and learn together as a family. Different subjects introduced each week Davis Tuesdays Jun 5-Jul 31 3pm


Coding & Technology Math Mania Stop by and play with math! Explore games and activities that will make numbers fun for all ages and help you learn as you play. Thanks to our corporate volunteers from Bank of America, Capital One and United Health Care for facilitating these programs. Come and go Schimelpfenig Thu Jun 7 1-2pm Davis Thu Jun 14 1-2pm Haggard Thu Jun 21 1-2pm Parr Thu Jun 28 1-2pm Harrington Wed Jul 11 1-2pm Haggard Thu Jul 19 1-2pm Schimelpfenig Thu Jul 26 1-2pm Davis Thu Aug 2 1-2pm

Stop by and learn a little bit about all things STEAM! Complete experiments, play with circuits, build things, and sharpen math skills with games. Come and go Parr Sat Jun 16 3-5pm Schimelpfenig Thu Jul 12 1-3pm

Create Stop Motion Learn to create stop motion animation using Lego, action figures, and other small toys. Recreate a scene from your favorite book or movie or write your own original script Parr Sat Jun 9 3pm

Tinker Day Can you build a fence to keep a garden safe from pests or fashion a protective shelter? Listen to a story and then tinker away to help solve everyday design challenges Parr Wed Jun 13 3pm Schimelpfenig Wed Aug 8 3pm 12 PLANOLIBRARY.ORG

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere Ever want to hold a bubble in your hand? How about trying to make a square bubble or a bouncing bubble? See the magic behind different types of bubbles and how to make them Davis Sat Jun 23 2pm Haggard Sat Jul 7 2pm Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program




Davis Library Beach Party!

Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them… in Texas!

Learn about the science behind kinetic sand as you make your own. A sensory experience for all ages mixing science and art Davis Sat Jul 21 3pm

Magizoologist Newt Scamander travels through the wizarding world tracking down fantastic magical beasts. Did you know that Texas has its own fantastic beasts? Learn about horned toad lizards, ocelots, jauarundi, and more! Davis Sun Jul 29 2pm Harrington Thu Aug 9 1pm

Balloon Science Hands-on activities that introduce simple balloon science concepts to all ages Davis Sat Aug 18 2pm

Make & Build

Robotics WeDo Family Freestyle

Maker Mania Join us for an afternoon of making! Each week we will have a different project. What will you make? Come and go Davis Fridays Jun 8-Aug 3 2-4pm

Family Build Bring the whole family and work together to build Water Cannons and Sponge Bombs that you can take home and use to create a lifetime of summer memories Schimelpfenig Wed Jun 27 2pm

Pick the robot you want to build! We’ll provide WeDo kits for families to challenge themselves! Davis Sun Jun 17 1:30pm & 3pm Davis Thu Jul 5 11am & 3pm Harrington Wed Jul 18 1pm Parr Wed Jul 25 1pm & 3pm Haggard Wed Aug 1 1:30pm & 3pm Schimelpfenig Sat Aug 11 1:30pm & 3pm

The Science of Sound Create recycled instruments while discovering the science behind the music Parr Sat Jul 28 11am

Think and W nder • onde Wo

Wonder Café

Wonder Café “Think and wonder, wonder and think.” – Dr. Seuss Keep the wonder alive at monthly Wonder Café programs. Join experts for a kid-friendly discussion of science, technology, design, biology and engineering behind everyday wonders and participate in a related hands-on activity

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Eye of the Storm Have you ever wondered how weather forecasters know what’s coming? Learn about a career in forecasting and the science behind the weather with Pete Delkus, Meteorologist with WFAA Dallas Parr Thu Jun 14 11am

What’s Inside Have you ever wondered what makes a cell phone or other device work? See how the pieces fit together with Barbara Peninger and team from Samsung Davis Sat Jul 28 3pm

With the Touch of a Button Have you ever wondered how one person could easily do the work of seven? Explore factory automation in the digital age with Mona Joseph of Texas Instruments Schimelpfenig Sat Aug 25 3pm Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 13





Paddington 2 (PG, 104 min)

A Bug’s Life (G, 95 min)

Peter Rabbit (PG, 95 min)

Bring a pillow, blanket, and snack and escape the summer heat with a family-friendly movie Davis Mon Jun 18 2pm

Beauty and the Beast (2017) (PG, 129 min) Schimelpfenig Tue Jul 10 2pm

Big Hero 6 (PG, 102 min) Parr Fri Aug 3 2pm

Cars (G, 117 min) Davis Mon Jul 9 2pm

Coco (PG 105 min) Parr Fri Jun 15 2pm Schimelpfenig Tue Jul 31 2pm

Ferdinand (PG, 108 min) Parr Fri Jun 29 2pm

Finding Dory (PG, 97 min) Parr Fri Jul 6 2pm

Finding Nemo (G, 100 min) Davis Mon Jul 2 2pm

LEGO Batman Movie (PG, 104 min) Parr Fri Jul 13 2pm

Moana (PG, 107 min) Schimelpfenig Tue Jun 12 2pm Parr Fri Jul 20 2pm

Monsters, Inc. (G, 92 min) Davis Mon Jun 25 2pm

Parr Fri Jun 22 2pm Schimelpfenig Tue Jul 17 2pm Davis Mon Aug 6 2pm Schimelpfenig Tue Jul 24 2pm Parr Fri Aug 10 2pm

Queen of Katwe (PG, 124 min) Schimelpfenig Tue Aug 7 2pm

Ratatouille (G, 111 min) Davis Mon Jul 16 2pm

Rock Dog (PG, 90 min) Schimelpfenig Tue Jun 5 2pm

The Incredibles (PG, 116 min) Davis Mon Jun 11 2pm

The LEGO Ninjago Movie (PG, 90 min) Schimelpfenig Tue Jun 19 2pm

Toy Story (G, 81 min) Davis Mon Jun 4 2pm

Up (PG, 96 min) Davis Mon Jul 30 2pm

WALL-E (G, 98 min) Davis Mon Jul 23 2pm

Wonder (PG, 113 min) Schimelpfenig Tue Jun 26 2pm

Wreck-It Ralph (PG, 101 min) Parr Fri Jul 27 2pm

My Little Pony: The Movie (PG, 99 min) Parr Fri Jun 8 2pm Schimelpfenig Tue Jul 3 2pm

Puppet Shows

Little Red Hen

Three Little Pigs

A bold little girl named Goldilocks finds the house of the bears and barges in before being discovered by the three bears Schimelpfenig Mon Aug 20 10:30am Schimelpfenig Wed Aug 22 10:30am

When Little Red Hen finds that none of her friends are willing to help her make bread, but all are willing to eat the bread, will she share? Haggard Tue Jul 10 10:30am Haggard Thu Jul 12 10:30am Parr Tue Aug 7 7pm Parr Fri Aug 10 11am

Three little pigs try to build sturdy houses to keep out a hungry wolf Haggard Tue Jun 5 10:30am Haggard Thu Jun 7 10:30am Harrington Mon Jul 23 10:30am Harrington Wed Jul 25 10:30am


Mañana Iguana

A little girl who ventures too far into the forest meets the jungle Gunniwolf! Davis Tue Jun 26 11am Davis Wed Jun 27 10am Davis Wed Jun 27 7pm Davis Sat Jun 30 11am

In this Latin-inspired re-telling of The Little Red Hen, five friends are excited about having a fiesta, but only Iguana is willing to do the work Schimelpfenig Mon Jun 11 10:30am Schimelpfenig Wed Jun 13 10:30am

Goldilocks and the Three Bears


J U S T F O R K I D S |


Bluebonnet Bash (grades 3-5) Get a head start on your Texas Bluebonnet reading. Listen to a current Bluebonnet nominee and do a related craft Schimelpfenig Mon Jun 4 3pm

Kindness Rocks Project

Readers and Waggers Bring your favorite book from home or choose one from the library and read it to a Heart of Texas Therapy Dog Schimelpfenig Sundays Jun 10 • Jul 8 2pm Haggard Sundays Jun 24 • Jul 22 2pm

Make someone’s life a little bit brighter by painting some rocks with inspiring messages. Share them along the path of life with a friend, leave around your community, or keep for yourself! Davis Wed Jun 6 2pm Parr Mon Jun 11 3pm Harrington Tue Jun 26 3pm Schimelpfenig Mon Jul 9 3pm Haggard Mon Jul 16 3pm

Wild at Art

STEAM Camp (grades 3-5)

Make a masterpiece with black light paint and tape. Then, we will turn off the lights, and turn on the black lights to see your art glow Harrington Tue Jun 12 3pm Schimelpfenig Mon Jul 23 3pm

Are you ready to explore the world of STEAM? Join us for two days of STEAM related challenges and activities. Attendance both days is strongly recommended Parr Wed & Thu Jun 6-7 2-4pm Harrington Mon & Tue Jul 30-31 2-4pm

Are you wild at heart? Then unleash your creativity with new expressive art projects while learning how animals and wildlife have been depicted by other artists. We’ll have fun beyond your wildest dreams! Schimelpfenig Mon Jun 18 3pm Haggard Tue Jul 24 3pm

Black Light Painting

Who Is? Biography Explore Who Is? Biographies of famous people. Create miniature versions of your own Who Is? Biography. What have you accomplished and what are your goals? Parr Tue Jul 17 3pm

Fun With Numbers – Boost your

math skills with games and activities! Math Mania is held at a different library each week. Details page 12 Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program

B E P R O J E C T | AGES 6-9 / 10-13

Be Project

The Be Project is focused on primary prevention, and addresses topics such as healthy relationships, violence in the media, dating violence, healthy communication, bullying and cyberbullying. Presented by the Family Place of Dallas Haggard Mondays & Wednesdays Jul 23 • 25 • 30 Aug 1 • 6 • 8

Jul 23 Safe Communities Learn the importance of helping, sharing, and comforting ourselves and people in our community ages 6-9 10am | ages 10-13 1pm

Aug 1 Effective Communication

Jul 25 Boundaries

Aug 6 Take a Stand and Be a Friend

What makes you important and what can you do to show your friends and loved ones that YOU matter? ages 6-9 10am | ages 10-13 1pm

Be strong enough! Show others that you are strong enough to say that hurting others is “NOT OKAY” ages 6-9 10am | ages 10-13 1pm

Jul 30 Caring People

Aug 8 Equality

How do you define a caring relationship? Learn how we can take care of one another ages 6-9 10am | ages 10-13 1pm

It’s ok to be yourself. We are all unique, and your differences are what make you valuable ages 6-9 10am | ages 10-13 1pm

Smiley faces, sad faces, angry faces, crazy faces! Which emoji are you? ages 6-9 10am | ages 10-13 1pm

Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 15




Geek Out at the Library This Summer!

Let your geek flag fly high this summer as we celebrate all things fanworthy Harry Potter Fan Faire (grades 4 & up) Celebrate your love for all things Harry Potter with activities, crafts and magic! Davis Thu Jul 12 3pm

Costuming & Cosplay (grades 6-12) Learn how to use basic tools in creating armor, props and more in a hands-on tutorial Harrington Thu Jul 19 3pm

FanFest (grades 4 & up) Dress up as your favorite character and cheer for your favorite fandom. Learn the basics of comic book art, play games, make crafts and take pictures with other fans! Haggard Thu Jul 26 3pm

Dystopian Escape! (grades 4 & up) See if you can beat those in power and escape this dystopian nightmare! Parr Thu Aug 2 3pm




8-Bit Pop Up Card

Movie Magic with the Green Screen

Make your own pop-up card inspired by 8-bit video games. Light it up with LED circuitry! Harrington Thu Jun 14 3pm



Are you ready to snag the award for best director? Create your own movie with our iPads; learn how you can take a green screen with you Schimelpfenig Thu Aug 9 3pm


Art Exhibits in the Libraries

Courtesy Humanities Texas

The Sun King: Louis XIV and the New World Ruling in splendor, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, created the most powerful nation in seventeenth century Europe. For three decades, he was also monarch of vast areas of North America. This man, his court, his impact on French and European society and culture, and his ties to the New World are the subjects of The Sun King: Louis XIV and the New World. His presence and power are traced through photographs, posters, and texts. Provided by the Humanities Texas exhibition program Schimelpfenig July 1 - 31 Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre, ca. 1675. Musee National du Chateau de Versailles

Miguel Covarrubias: Caricaturista Courtesy of the Miguel Covarrubias Estate

Miguel Covarrubias (1904–1957) was one of the foremost Mexican artists of the twentieth century. A quintessential humanist, he made important contributions in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, theater, and dance. This exhibit focuses on the sophisticated caricatures that made Covarrubias famous, and provides a unique window into the cultural and community, state, and nation. Provided by the Humanities Texas exhibition program Haggard August 1 - 31 “Radio Talent”, by Miguel Covarrubias, 1938. Original illustration for Fortune, May 1938 16 PLANOLIBRARY.ORG




Sketchbook Art Ready, set, ART! Sketch with us and talk about all things art. We’ll explore different media, look at various artists, and get rid of art block once and for all Davis Thu Jun 7 3pm

DIY Smart Phone Accessories Make your own smart phone accessories like a stand, acoustic amplifier and projector out of everyday materials Schimelpfenig Thu Jul 5 3pm

STEAM Tech Camp Explore robotics, video-making, and other technology and artistic fun Haggard Mon-Fri Jul 9-13 2-4pm

Teens Write Now Join fellow teens to share your work, exchange ideas, and discuss the ins-and-outs of being a writer Parr Wednesdays June 6-August 1 3pm

Digital Creativity

(grades 6-12) All classes are held in the Haggard Teen Digital Creation Space. No registration required, space is first come-first-served. Classes beyond “level 101” require experience with the software

DCS Open House See what the Digital Creation Space has for Plano teens. View some amazing digital projects created by the DCS Interns. Haggard Library DCS Interns will show you how you can be a creative genius Haggard Sat Jun 2 10am-12pm

Illustrator 101 Learn basic Adobe Illustrator features and create your own dynamic illustrations Haggard Mon Jun 11 2pm

Illustrator: The Pen Tool Learn and master the most powerful and versatile tool in Illustrator to create the most precise drawings possible Haggard Sat Jul 14 11am

Photoshop 101 Learn how to use Photoshop to manipulate your photos and create better images Haggard Sun Jun 3 2pm Haggard Tue Jul 24 6pm

Learn the basics of using lighting equipment to create dynamic photos Haggard Tue Jun 5 2pm

Photoshop GIFs Learn how to use Photoshop to create the perfect reaction GIF for every situation Haggard Mon Jun 25 2pm

Premiere: Intro to Video Editing Learn the basics of video editing using Adobe Premiere Haggard Tue Jun 19 6pm Haggard Sat Jul 28 11am

Photoshop Green Screen

Audio Editing and Podcasting Learn to record and edit sound and create your own podcast Haggard Sat Jun 30 11am Haggard Tue Jul 31 6pm

A $67,250 “Art Spark” grant from the U. S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and Texas State Library and Archives Commission under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (2018) is enhancing art at the Plano libraries! Funding from Art Spark expands artistic and cultural experiences at the library through programs, exhibits, and performances. The grant supports the 18st AIRSpace Artist in Residence program at Harrington Library. As a place for lifelong learning, the library strives provide local opportunities for exploration of arts and culture.

Intro to Studio Lighting


Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program

Learn how to master the green screen with Photoshop and seamlessly insert yourself into a variety of backgrounds Haggard Wed Jul 18 2pm

Explore Virtual Reality in the Digital Creation Space! As shown on the cover The HTC Vive virtual reality headset lets you move and interact within a virtual, three dimensional space. Paired with Google’s Tilt Brush software, the virtual world is your canvas as you paint in three dimensions. Reserve the HTC Vive at Parr Library (972-769-4300). Or schedule a 30-minute, 1-on-1 intro to the Vive and Tilt Brush via Book-a-Librarian Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 17




Book Clubs Brown Bag Book Club Parr Thursdays 12-1:30pm Jun 28 Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton Jul 26 Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann Aug 23 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Chinese Book Talk 中文书谈论会 Read and discuss great Chinese books you’ve read 分享一本您读过的 中文好书。 Haggard Thursdays 7-8:30pm Jun 14 • Jul 12 • Aug 9

Cook the Book Love to browse cookbooks and try new recipes? Stop by the library to see each month’s cookbook and choose a recipe. Bring your prepared dish to the meeting to share and eat! Davis Tuesdays 1-2pm Jun 19 Share a Recipe Jul 17 Cooking French Aug 21 Celebrity Chef Ina Garten

Mystery Book Club Davis Thursdays 7-8:30pm Jun 21 True Crime Non-Fiction Jul 19 What Mystery Are You Reading Now? Aug 16 Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz

Second Tuesday Book Club Schimelpfenig Tuesdays 7:15-8:30pm Jun 12 A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles Jul 10 Blame by Jeff Abbott Aug 14 The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley by Hannah Tinti

What Are You Reading Now? Read and discuss great books you’ve read Haggard Mondays 1-2:30pm Jun 4 • Jul 2 • Aug 6

Career & Business Preparing a Competitive Resume More seasoned workers commonly find searching for employment today much different than earlier in their career. Resume content and style have changed a lot, too. Learn how to create a resume that highlights your skills and strengths and impresses potential employers. Program presented by an HR professional with the Elder Financial Safety Center Harrington Wed Jun 20 10am-12pm

Job Interviews that Wow Getting hired in today’s economy isn’t easy, and for more mature workers it can be even more of a challenge. One of the key elements of a successful job search is a great interview. You CAN make a great first impression and show that your age and experience are assets to an employer. Learn how to highlight your skills and strengths and impress potential employers. Program presented by an HR professional with the Elder Financial Safety Center Harrington Wed Jul 18 10am-12pm

Job Search Seminar Get tips on creating your resume and preparing for a successful interview. Learn about our online Job Center that will help you research business, find a job online, improve your e-skills and more! Davis Sat Aug 18 10am

Pop-Up Authors Check our website and social media for best-selling and nationally known author events as they pop-up!

Free Event – Author Visit with Jennifer Egan Best-selling author Jennifer Egan will talk about her novel Manhattan Beach. Book signing immediately following with books available for purchase Haggard Mon Jun 11 7pm

Ticketed Reception – Jennifer Egan Super-fans can meet and chat with Jennifer Egan in this intimate reception. Tickets include a copy of Manhattan Beach and front-row seating at the free event following the reception. Purchase tickets at friendsofplanolibrary.org. Ticket sales open one month prior. Reception sponsored by Friends of the Plano Public Library Haggard Mon Jun 11 6pm By Pieter M. Van Hattem





Cultural Chinese for Beginners Learn basic Chinese; greetings, asking directions, numbers, shopping, food, time and dates Haggard Thursdays Jun 14-Jul 19 7-8:30pm

Intermediate Chinese Build on basic Chinese skills. Topics include colors, food, asking directions, seeing the doctor, and going to stores, the library, and post office Haggard Thursdays Jul 26-Aug 30 7-8:30pm

Citizenship Classes US citizenship classes are designed to help legal residents prepare for their naturalization exam. Learn civics, history, government, vocabulary, reading, and writing necessary for the exam. English and Spanish speakers are welcome. Presented by Light of Hope Immigration Law Center Schimelpfenig Mondays Jun 4-Aug 27 6:30-8:30pm

English as a Second Language Classes It is never too late to start and no documents are required. Workbooks are included in the course. Presented by Literacy Instruction for Texas (LIFT) Materials fee $25 paid to LIFT

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Registration required in person at Harrington Library Registration May 7 & 9 6:30-8:30pm

as & Wednesdays hMondays Harrington s i l g n 1 6:30-8:30pm MayE14-Aug

Clases de Inglés como Segundo Idioma Clases de inglés. Nunca es demasiado tarde para comenzar y no se requieren documentos. Los cuadernos de ejercicio están incluidos en el costo del curso

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Cargo por materiales es $25 Se requiere registrarse en persona en Biblioteca Harrington Inscripciónes: 7 y 9 de may 6:30-8:30pm

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Harrington lunes y miércoles 14 de may al 1 de ago 6:30-8:30pm

Small Talk A conversational program for adults who speak English as a second language. Each week participants discuss practical everyday topics in a casual group setting to become more confident speakers. Have fun, meet people from all over the world and learn about American culture while practicing your spoken English. Limited to those who can speak and read English Haggard Saturdays Jun 9-Jul 28 2-4pm Registration required. Registration opens two weeks prior to each session. A Plano Library Card is required to register Limited supplies or space – free tickets required; distributed 30 minutes before the program

Bring a project and meet other crafters. Share knit/crochet tips, or learn to knit Haggard Mondays 7-8:30pm Jun 4 & 18 • Jul 2 & 16 • Aug 6 & 20 Learn new skills, meet new friends, share your love of crafts Schimelpfenig Tuesdays 7pm Hanging Sun Catcher Jun 5 Masking Tape Decoupage Jul 3 Macramé Plant Holder Aug 7

Las clases de ciudadania están diseñadas para ayudar a residentes legales a prepararse para su examen de naturalización. Aprenderán civismo, historia, gobierno, vocabulario, lectura y escritura. Serán impartidas los lunes en inglés y español. Presentado por Light of Hope Immigration Law Center Schimelpfenig lunes 4 de jun al 27 de ago 6:30-8:30pm


Novel Knitters

Cool Crafts

Clases de Ciudadania


Get Creative

Glass Wind Chimes Create an etched glass wind chime out of recycled materials Davis Wed Jun 13 7-8:30pm

Make it in Metal – Bookmarks (ages 13+) Design and create a bookmark in metal using basic metals skills including: sawing, piercing, and metal stamps Parr Mon Jun 18 7pm Haggard Wed Jun 27 7pm Davis Wed Jul 18 7pm Harrington Thu Jul 26 7pm Schimelpfenig Sat Aug 18 3pm

Bullet Journaling (ages 16+) A great tool to bring order to your life! Learn how to create, organize, and decorate a bullet journal during this 3-week series Schimelpfenig Tuesdays 7pm Bullet Journal Basics Jun 19 Lettering Love Jul 17 Decorations and Flair Aug 21

Game Night Play Scrabble, chess, Life, and more! Or bring your own game to share with friends Schimelpfenig Tuesdays Jun 26 • Jul 24 • Aug 28 7pm

3D Printing Class (ages 13+) Delve a little deeper into 3D design with this class designed for teens and adults Davis Sat Jul 28 10-12pm

Get Crafty with a Loom Learn weaving techniques to make a one-of-a-kind weaving to add pizazz to any room! Haggard Thu Aug 23 7pm

Taste of Mah Jong Meet new friends and play Mah Jong! Both American and Chinese sets will be provided, and you are welcome to bring your own set to share. No scoring or gambling! Come and go Haggard Sundays 1-4:30pm Year Round Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 19




Healthy Living For Your Brain and Body

Physical health and exercise, diet and nutrition, cognitive activity, and social engagement can all help keep your body and brain healthy and potentially reduce your risk of cognitive decline

Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association

Todo lo que debemos saber sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer Se a preguntado qué es la enfermedad de Alzheimer? Cuales son los síntomas y otros factores de riesgo? Se puede prevenir? Para respuestas a estas y más preguntas atienda nuestra presentación informativa y educativa de la Asociación de Alzheimer Harrington Sáb 16 de jun 11am

Your Brain Matters: Know the 10 Signs Learn the warning signs that may be symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Understand the importance of visiting your doctor early to rule out treatable conditions that may be the cause of these symptoms. Early diagnosis helps with the planning, treatment, opportunity to participate in clinical trials, and access to support. Presenter speaks Chinese, Cantonese and English Davis Sat Jun 23 11am

Tips from the Latest Alzheimer’s Research For centuries, we have known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. Now science is able to provide insights into how to optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Haggard Sat Aug 4 11am

Expand Your Mind Thoughtful Entertainment with Kanopy Video Streaming View Great Smoky Mountains and Hot Springs (30 min), an episode from The Great Courses series Wonders of the National Parks, using our Kanopy streaming service. Afterwards, learn how you can enjoy free Kanopy streaming at home Harrington Sat Jun 30 3pm

More than Books! Learn how to get the most from your Plano Public Library card. See the wonderful resources available for you. We’re more than books! A short tour will follow the program Davis Thu Jul 26 7pm

Warrior Training This interactive brain training program helps you enhance cognitive performance and put into practice habits that can help exploit your brain’s untapped potential. More than a decade of clinical trials have demonstrated that the strategies taught in this workshop strengthen the brain’s frontal networks – regions that support attention, planning, judgment and emotional management. Presented by UTD Center for Brain Health in collaboration with BIND (Brain Injury Network of Dallas). The training is open to all veterans and active duty service members. Registration required: bit.ly/2Kfu1sb Harrington Tue & Wed Aug 28 & 29 9:30am-12:30pm

Parenting Communicate With Your Baby From Day One



From the beginning, your child learns from you. Learn the stages of communication, motor imitation, sound imitation and the use of baby signs to communicate. Lay a foundation for early literacy skills Parr Wed Jun 6 7pm Schimelpfenig Sat Jul 21 11am




Digital Creativity

(ages 13 & up) All classes are held in the Parr Digital Creation Space. No registration required, space is first come-first-served

Ableton Basics

Genealogy Genealogy 101

Learn about making digital music, from symphonies to modern day beats Parr Thu Jul 19 3pm

How to get started in genealogy research Haggard Tue Jun 5 9:30-11am Haggard Tue Aug 14 9:30-11am

Photoshop: Creating Headshots

DNA Interest Group

Digital Painting

Learn about headshot photography and editing using Photoshop Parr Mon Aug 20 7pm

Discuss and explore the use of DNA in genealogy research Haggard Tuesdays Jun 5 • Jul 3 • Aug 14 7-8pm

Paint a digital masterpiece using Photoshop and Wacom tablets Parr Mon Jul 2 3pm

Genealogy 201

Premiere: Video Editing

How to find Vital Records Haggard Tue Jun 12 9:30-11am Haggard Tue Aug 21 9:30-11am

Learn how to turn raw footage into professional videos Parr Tue Jun 5 3pm

Microsoft OneNote for Genealogy User Group

Learn about the Photoshop interface, navigation, and layers Parr Mon Jun 25 7pm Parr Sat Aug 4 3pm

The group will focus on how to use Microsoft OneNote electronic notebooks to organize all aspects of Genealogy Haggard Mondays Jun 18 • Jul 16 • Aug 20 7-8:30pm

U.S. Census Records Learn how to search the U.S. Census, 1790-1940, to find information about your ancestor Haggard Tue Jun 19 9:30-11am

Legacy Research Join the Legacy Users Group for information sharing, research tips, webinars, and one-on-one help Haggard Tuesdays Jun 26 • Jul 24 • Aug 28 1:30-5pm

Locating Native Americans Who Served in the United States Military How to find ancestors who served in the military from The American Revolution to World War II Haggard Thu Jun 28 9:30-11am

Locating African Americans Who Served in the United States Military How to find ancestors who served in the military from The American Revolution to World War II Haggard Thu Jul 12 9:30-11am

Finding Ancestors Who Served in the United States Military in Lesser Known Conflicts How to find ancestors who served in the military during lesser known conflicts Haggard Thu Jul 19 9:30-11am

FOLD3 and Archives.gov How to search, find records, and print Haggard Thu Jul 26 9:30-11am

Brick Walls Bring your “brick wall” and let us help you break it down Haggard Thu Aug 2 9am-9pm

Obituaries, Society Columns, and News How to locate & use newspapers to find your family Haggard Tue Aug 28 9:30-11am

Photoshop Basics

Audition: Music Recording Learn how to record instruments and vocals to create musical masterpieces Parr Sat Jun 16 11am

Technology Training


Drop in eBooks and eAudiobooks Learn how to access the library’s free eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines. Get help downloading the easy apps. Bring your reader, tablet, or smart phone and go home ready to read! Schimelpfenig Saturdays Jun 9 & Jul 14 10am

Learn to speak, read, and write 80 languages. Free apps for Android, Apple, and Kindle Fire devices. More info at planolibrary.org

Battle of the Badges Blood Drive

The Plano Police Department will go head to head against Plano FireRescue to see who can collect the most blood. Join us in the important effort to give back to the community…no matter which side you’re on. When people donate blood, everyone wins! Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Plano. Details: planobattleofthebadges.org Schimelpfenig Mon Jul 2 1-5pm Parr Tue Jul 3 1-5pm Davis Thu Jul 5 12:30-6:30pm Harrington Sat Jul 7 1-5pm Haggard Sun Jul 8 1-5pm Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 21



Most services require a Plano Library card; please refer to the “Services” page on the library website for complete information. All services are free unless otherwise indicated

3D Printing


Objects are printed in ABS thermoplastic in a single color with a PolyPrinter. Size limit is 8.75” x 8.75” x 8.75” and cost $.20/gram Davis

Ancestry.com offers indexes to US, Canada, and UK census; birth, death, marriage records; immigration and passenger lists, and naturalization records Genealogy Center

Book a Librarian Provides one-on-one assistance from a professional librarian. Appointments are scheduled in advance and tailored to specific requests such as computer assistance, reading suggestions, in-depth research, help with eReaders, Skype interview setup or other new technology All libraries

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) ILL is for Plano residents only

Business/Marketing Research

Investment Research

ReferenceUSA provides business directory information to assist with sales leads, market research, job search and more Online

Morningstar Investment Research Center offers news, fund information, tutorials, annual reports, and more Online



Learning Express Library provides citizenship test preparation and practice Online

Limited to acknowledgments; no business documents accepted. Fees are $5 first signature and $1 each additional signature Schimelpfenig (by appointment)

Computer Skills

Online Access/WiFi

Lynda.com provides online training courses that cover a variety of topics (including business, design, web development, and multimedia skills) and software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and open source applications) Online

Computers with Internet access are available on a first-come, firstserved basis; free public WiFi available 7am to 9pm All libraries

Digital Creation Spaces Access to digital media technologies and equipment to accommodate individual or group multimedia projects. Equipment includes PC workstations equipped with Adobe Creative Suite 6 and Microsoft Office Suite, headphones, USB microphone, SD card reader, digital camera/SLR, tripod, pen tablet, color image scanner, and green screen Haggard (grades 6-12) Parr (ages 13 & up)

eBooks & More OverDrive and RB Digital provide eBooks, eAudiobooks and digital magazines Online

ESL Pronunciator provides English language learning for native speakers of many different languages Online

Foreign Language Pronunciator provides language learning in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Brazilian Portuguese, and many more Online

GED Preparation Learning Express Library and Tutor.com provide GED skill building and test preparation Online


Loan of books, audios, videos, and photocopies of articles from magazines and newspapers which are not owned by Plano Public Library System. Provided through a partnership with the Texas State Library using the Texas Group Catalog Online

Oversized Book Scanner Scan books, maps, large photos, and documents up to 17”x28”. Save scans to a flash drive for free or print b/w at $.15/page or color at $.60/ page Genealogy Center

Rent a Room Program and conference rooms are available for rent at all five Plano libraries with a two hour minimum rental. Fees range from $15 to $25 per hour for Plano residents, and $60 to $75 per hour for nonresidents All libraries

Test Preparation/Study Guides Learning Express Library and Tutor.com provide practice for SAT, ACT, GRE and other tests, college prep, software tutorials, career advancement, and other learning tools Online

Tutoring/Homework Help Tutor.com provides one-on-one help from a live tutor for students in math, science, English, history and other subjects Online

Wireless Printing Use your email address to print wirelessly from your personal device; no library card needed All libraries



F R I E N D S O F P L A N O L I B R A R Y. O R G

Book Sale 2018

Friends of the Plano Public Library 35th Annual

Best Selection!

Best Hours!

Best Price!

4-6pm Friends members 6-10pm General public


$10 / bag 11am-3pm

August 3 (Fri)

August 4 (Sat) Free Admission

First Night Sale

August 5 (Sun) Free Admission

Admission $5/individuals - $10/families Free for Friends members

Most Items $2 or less! Hardbacks • Paperbacks DVDs • CDs • Records • Audiobooks

Plano Event Center 2000 E. Spring Creek Pkwy Last year’s Book Sale was a big success! We raised nearly $60,000 to support family and education programs, as well as additional materials like eBooks and STEAM Kits, at the Plano libraries. Shoppers went home with stacks of ‘new’ treasures, and the Plano libraries are benefiting!

Join Friends and Receive:

Support the Library:

• Discounts and free entry to the first night of the annual Book Sale

• Shop in the library lobbies and at the annual Book Sale

• Early notice of Pop-Up Author events and front row seating with your ticket

• Donate your gently used books, magazines, CDs & DVDs

Membership starts at only $20

• Volunteer your time • Sponsor a STEAM kit or family program with a gift to Friends

friendsofplanolibrary . org Engage – JUNE ‌| JULY ‌| AUGUST 2018 23

Hours Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 LIBRARY • 5 LOCATIONS Maribelle M. Davis Library 7501-B Independence Pkwy Plano, TX 75025 972-208-8000 W.O. Haggard, Jr. Library 2501 Coit Road Plano, TX 75075 972-769-4250 Gladys Harrington Library 1501 18th Street Plano, TX 75074 972-941-7175 Christopher A. Parr Library 6200 Windhaven Pkwy Plano, TX 75093 972-769-4300 L.E.R. Schimelpfenig Library 5024 Custer Road Plano, TX 75023 972-769-4200

Stay Connected With Our App

18st AIRSpace (Artist in Residence) Harrington Library 972-941-7175 Genealogy Center Haggard Library (basement level) 972-769-4240 Digital Creation Space Haggard Library (grades 6-12) 972-769-4250 Parr Library (ages 13 & up) 972-769-4300 Family Place Library Harrington Library (children’s area) 972-941-7175

Library Closings 9am – 9pm 9am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 1pm – 5pm

Bookdrops will also be closed

July 4

Independence Day

planolibrary.org Looking for events at a specific library? Check our online calendar


#MoreThanBooks Coming This Summer!