Engine Maintenance Services - Delta TechOps

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Delta TechOps to maintain the engines on your turn times and lower overall ... DeltaTechOps.com or call ... Center, you'
Engine Maintenance Services

safely and on schedule, we’ve not only mastered physics and engineering, but also the element of time. Because we understand how downtime

Delta TechOps to maintain the engines on your turn times and lower overall operational costs.

maintenance and propulsion engineering. Today, we have the capabilities to service the following engines and APUs:

Engines CF34-3A CF34-3B CF34-8C CF6-80A CF6-80A2 CF6-80C2B1/B1F*

APUs CF6-80C2B2/B2F* CF6-80C2B4/B4F* CF6-80C2B6/B6F* CF6-80C2B7F CF6-80C2B8F CF6-80C2D1F

CFM56-5 CFM56-7 JT8D-219 PW2000 PW4000-94


In addition to major overhaul, repair, inspection and test capabilities, to best meet your individual needs: • Cleaning • Plating/Machining • Plasma Spray • HVOF • FPI/MPI – • Immersion State-of-the-Art Ultrasonic NDT

Complete Fleet™ Services

• Heat Treat • DanoBat Hi Speed Grinding • RF & Eddy Current NDT

GTCP 131-9B GTCP 331-200

Engine Maintenance Services

From the shop floor to the wing. And everything in-between. The moment your aircraft arrives at our Technical Operations Center, you’ll begin to see the Delta TechOps commitment. Our expansive assembly shop offers maximum flexibility for production planning, with specialized technicians taking ownership of each engine from

time of induction through final test. A borescope inspection provides an inside look to help determine the most efficient maintenance procedures. A multi-million dollar Nondestructive Testing (NDT) facility utilizes high-tech methods to inspect or detect cracks, flaws or imperfections in engine parts.

And before an engine goes back in service, it’s put through the rigors of one of our engine test cells. Annually, more than 650 engines and 350 APUs are tested in one of our five test cells. The largest cells are capable of testing engines providing up to 100,000 pounds of thrust.

Let us overhaul your engines. And your expectations. As the maintenance division of the world’s largest fleet, we understand your operational requirements. And whether we’re working on our engines or yours, we exceed your expectations with a highquality product at the lowest possible cost per flight hour. Our expertise, combined with our immense resources and flexible workforce, allows

us to minimize turn times, effectively limiting the need for engine spares and reducing your overall maintenance costs. In addition, we offer competitive leasing and exchange agreements for power plant, APU and rotable requirements, with a comprehensive inventory available to supply your needs.

To see what sets Delta TechOps apart, visit www.DeltaTechOps.com or call +1-404-773-5192.

Complete Fleet™ Services