Engineering Management Electrical Engineering

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CONCENTRATION: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2013-2014. Year 1. Semester 1. Cr. Status Semester 2. Cr. Status. ENGR 002 - Grphcl. Comm. (SolidWorks).




Year 1 Semester 1 ENGR 002 - Grphcl. Comm. (SolidWorks) CHEM 031 - General Chemistry I1 ENGS 001 - Written Expression MATH 021 - Calculus I1 EC 011 - Macroeconomics

Cr 2 4 3 4 3

Total credits


Status Semester 2 PHYS 031 - Physics for Engineers I1 PHYS 030 - Prob. Solv. Session I [opt] CS 020 - Programming for Engineers1 MATH 022 - Calculus II1 EE 001 - First Year Design Experience HSS Elective2 Total credits

Cr 4 [1] 3 4 2 3 16/17


1. ***STUDENTS MUST SATISFY PRE-ENGINEERING TECHNICAL COURSES WITH C- OR HIGHER AND HAVE A CUMULATIVE GPA OF AT LEAST 2.3 BEFORE TAKING SOPHOMORE LEVEL ENGINEERING COURSES*** Year 2 Semester 1 EE 003 - Linear Circuit Analysis I EC 012 - Microeconomics MATH 121 - Calculus III BSAD 060 - Financial Accounting EE 081 - Linear Circuits Lab I

Cr 3 3 4 3 2

Total credits


Year 3 Semester 1 EE 120 - Electronics I EE 131 - Digital Design BSAD 141 - Mgmt. Information Systems HSS Elective2 STAT 143 - Statistics for Engineers or STAT 211 - Statistical Methods Total credits Year 4 Semester 1 BSAD 120 - Mgmt. & Org. Behavior BSAD 178 - Quality Control or STAT 224 - Statistics for Quality & Prod. EE 163 - Solid State Physics or EE 171 - Signals and Systems HSS Elective2 EMG 185 - Senior Project Total credits

Cr 3 3 3 3 3 15 Cr 3 3

Status Semester 2 EE 004 - Linear Circuit Analysis II BSAD 061 - Managerial Accounting MATH 271 - Appl. Math. for Engr. & Sci. PHYS 125 - Physics for Engineers II PHYS 123 - Prob. Solv. Session II [opt] EE 082 - Linear Circuits Lab II Total credits

Cr 3 3 3 3 [1] 2 14/15


Status Semester 2 EE 121 - Electronics II EE 134 - Microcomputer Based Systems BSAD 173 - Prod. & Operations Analysis HSS Elective2 BSAD 180 - Managerial Finance

Cr 3 4 3 3 3


Total credits


Status Semester 2 BSAD 270 - Quantitative Analysis EE 231 - Digital Computer Design 4

4 3 3 16

Cr 3 3

Engineering Management Elective Engineering Management Elective4 Electrical Engineering Elective3

3 3 3

Total credits


2. Humanities/Social Science: Students must select five (fifteen credits) from the approved courses listed in the catalogue, two (six credits) of which must also be approved Diversity courses (Category One and Category Two) listed in the catalogue and two (six credits) must be from the same department. 3. EE Concentration electives: EE 113, 141, 163 (if not used to fulfill another requirement), 164, (163 prerequisite), 171 (if not used to fulfill another requirement), 174 (171 is prerequisite), EE 183-184 (both courses are needed to meet this requirement), 210, 228, 250, 251, and 295. 4. Engineering management electives: BSAD 143, 144, 145, 170, 192, 268; and STAT 221, 224, 225, 229, 231, 233, 237, 253; EMGT 175.
