D E M O T I K A ( 1 s t - 2 n d - 3 r d g r a d e s ) ... EnGlISh AdvEnTURE. lEvEl 1. (
FoR 3Rd GRAdE PRImARy). ✓ A pproved by the Greek ... Level 1 Class CD.
( Pre - A
- B )
D E M O T I K A ( 1 st - 2 nd - 3 rd g r a d e s ) Extra support for pupils learning English in Greek State schools!
English Adventure
NEW ACTIVE TEACH IWB software for Junior A and B!
My First English Adventure (for 1st Grade Primary)
✔ A total of 18 Resource sections, organised by topic and grammar point
✔ S pecially designed to meet the needs of pupils learning English in Kindergarten or 1st Grade
✔ S tories and songs with students’ favourite Disney characters
✔ 2 levels covering Grade 1, offer teachers flexibility depending on the amount of hours pupils need to be taught in the year
✔ E xtra Interactive activities to practise grammar and vocabulary ✔ Interactive flashcards to be used in class ✔ V ideo section with material from the Wonderland series
✔ D isney illustrations capture pupils’ attention
English Adventure Starter B (for 2nd Grade Primary)
Screen shot from Active Teach software for Junior A and B!
✔ Includes clear Instructions and Unit correlation chart to enable smooth usage
✔ S pecially designed to meet the needs of pupils learning English in 2nd Grade ✔ M otivate young pupils with their favourite Disney heroes
✔ O riginal songs and chants that are easy to sing and remember
✔ D isney characters will motivate young Pre-Juniors
Motivate to educate!
✔ C ompletely integrated with Wonderland Pre-Junior ✔ Interactive songs and games at the touch of your IWB screen
✔ A pproved by the Greek Ministry of Education for use in State Schools’ 3rd Grade classes
Screen shot from Active Teach software for Pre-Juniors!
✔ E nhanced use of pictures and flashcards ✔ Includes DVD clips from Wonderland Pre-Junior video
English Adventure Level 1 (for 3rd Grade Primary)
✔ E xtensive range of activities that cater to different learning styles and contexts
Special FREE website for Teachers and Students on www.pearsonlongman.gr/juniorplace
✔ G ently-paced and wellstructured syllabus with strong recycling and revision ✔ Interactive Whiteboard software
✔ Extra class activities
Wonderland online! For extra practice exercises and interactive games, join WONDERLAND on www.clubEFL.gr
✔ F REE downloadable flashcards
✔ Fun games ✔ Guides to Disney films
Demotika 1st Grade: My First English Adventure Level 1
Level 1 Pupils’ Book Level 1 Activity Book Level 1 Teacher’s Book Level 1 Class CD Level 1 Songs CD Level 1 DVD
Demotika 1st Grade: My First English Adventure Level 2
Starter Level B Pupils’ Book Starter Level B Activity Book Starter Level B Teacher’s Book Starter Level B Class CD Starter Level B Songs CD Starter Level B DVD