Oxford American Dictionary and Language Guide. Ref PE 1628 .O8616 1999.
Oxford English Dictionary. Online. Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Arabic.
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ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE BOOKS Click on Books & More on the SCC Library Web page. You may search by author, title, subject, or keyword. The Request Item link will allow you to request any available title be sent from another Maricopa Community College Library to SCC for your use. Be sure you have a valid SCC library card.
Sample topics for a subject, keyword, or keyword phrase search include: adjectives folktales idioms literacy pronunciation spelling words
dictionary grammar language skills nouns reading TOEFL writing
ESL homonyms listening phrases slang verbs
The following are some of the available ESL resources from the SCC Library: ABC Pronunciary (VHS) American Heritage English as a Second Language Dictionary Aprenda Ingles Fàcil y Ràpido BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations English for New Americans. Health, home, and community English for the Real World (CD) Garner’s Modern American Usage Ingles. Nivel uno (CD) Longman Dictionary of American English Mathematics for ESL Learners Ologies and Isms: Dictionary of Word Beginnings and Endings Oxford American Dictionary and Language Guide Oxford English Dictionary Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Arabic Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Chinese Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Japanese Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Russian Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Spanish Oxford Picture Dictionary: Intermediate Workbook The New Oxford American Dictionary Word Parts Dictionary
ESL PE 2815 .A23 1998 ESL PE 1628 .A6235 1998 ESL PE 1128 .A76 2004 Ref PE 1689 .B46 1997 ESL PE 1121.7 .E5465 2005 ESL PE 1131 .E57 2004 Ref PE 2827 .G37 2003 ESL PE 1129 .S8 R39 2003 ESL PE 2835 .L6 2002 ESL QA 11.2 .A77 2004 Ref PE 1175 .Q46 2002 Ref PE 1628 .O8616 1999 Online ESL PJ 6640 .S485 1999 ESL PL 1455 .S415 1998 ESL PL 676 .S53 1998 ESL PG 2640 .S45 1998 ESL PC 4629 .S53 1998 ESL PE 1629 .F823 1999 Ref PE 1628 .N429 2005 Ref PE 1175 .S45 2000
IDIOMS American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms
ESL PE 2839 .C36 2003
Idiom Adventure: Fluency in Speaking and Listening
ESL PE 1128 .W367 2001
Let's Speak Business English
ESL PE 1128 .A2 C97 1999
NTC's American Idioms Dictionary
ESL PE 2839 .S64 2000
NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases
ESL PE 1628 .S5827 2002
Ya Gotta Know It!
ESL PE 2846 .H37 2000 GRAMMAR
501 English Verbs English Simplified Exercises for English Simplified Keys for Writers The Little, Brown Handbook, Brief Version Nitty-Gritty Grammar: A Not So Serious Guide to Clear Communication Woe is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English
ESL PE 1273 .B49 1998 ESL PE 1112 .E43 2004 ESL PE 1112 .E433 2002 ESL PE 1408 .R16 2002 On Reserve ESL PE 1112 .F53 1998 PE 1112 .O28 2003
WRITING GUIDES Writing American Style: An ESL/EFL Handbook Writing a Research Paper
ESL PE 1128 .L3378 1999 ESL PE 1478 .M4 1997
PRONUNCIATION/LANGUAGE SKILLS Basics in Pronunciation: Intermediate Practice for Clear Communication Tapestry Listening and Speaking 1 Targeting Pronunciation: Intonation, Sounds, and Rhythm of American English
ESL PE 1128 .L3376 1997 ESL PE 1128 .B455 2000 ESL PE 1128 .M58 2000
TEST PREPARATION How to Prepare for the TOEFL Test: Test of English as A Foreign Language
ESL PE 1128 .S5 2004
WEB RESOURCES Activities for ESL Students Dave's ESL Cafe English as a Second Language Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
http://www.scottsdalecc.edu/library/ Last update: 2/2008