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English II for ELL INDEPENDENT READING PROJECT OPTIONS SHEET and. DIRECTIONS: “Sold” by Patricia McCormick. Option #1: Book TV Commercial.
English II for ELL INDEPENDENT READING PROJECT OPTIONS SHEET and DIRECTIONS: “Sold” by Patricia McCormick Directions:

You can also refer to the “Summer Reading” link on the Reavis website to find these


After you have read your summer reading book (Sold by Patricia McCormick), choose a project from below to demonstrate your understanding of the story and/or characters.

This project is due on the first full day of school (August 21st). You will be expected to PRESENT this project in your English class. Remember, there are 2 options to choose from, so pick a project you will actually enjoy doing!

In addition, you will have a QUIZ about your summer reading book on the 1st full day of school: Wednesday, August 21st, 2013.

Option #1: Book TV Commercial 

Summary: In the first 30 seconds to one minute (5 sentences) the audience about your book.

Recommendation: Then in one minute (5 sentences) tell what is good about the book.

Favorite Part: The next minute (5 sentences) should include a favorite part from the book-a part that would motivate others to want to read the book.

Quote: Then include at least one important “quote” from the book. Tell why this quote is important and what it means. (5sentences)

 Make sure you include persuasive and descriptive words (at least 4) like “highly recommend”, “a must read book”, “go out and buy this now!”, etc.   Example:    Do you find that you have nothing to do when you get home from school?  Are you often  bored?  Well, you need to get off the couch and go buy the book “A Child Called It”.        Imagine going through your childhood with no one saying “I love you.”  Imagine being burned,  stabbed, and hit as a young child.  In the book “A Child Called It” David Pelzer gets abused multiple  times ………………….(continued)    A must  Read!! 

Couldn’t put the  book down! 

Option #2: MOVIE SCENE

Option #2: Movie Scene Script It! Type a movie script for a favorite scene (2-3 chapters) in the book you just read. At the top of the script, you can assign real-life TV or movie stars to play each role. Make sure to:  include stage direction (what they’re supposed to do and how they say their lines) for the characters  Type it as a script not in paragraph form  include a character description box at the top of the page  must have a minimum of 20 spoken lines  at the end write a minimum 10 sentence paragraph about the scene (describe it, what’s going on in the scene, why this scene is important and why you chose it) Example: Movie: “A Child Called It” Directed and produced by: Mrs. Steinmetz (your name) David Pelzer, boy 4 years old    Christie Pelzer, David’s mom    Ronald Pelzer, David’s dad    Mrs. Bloom, teacher 

Stan, David’s younger brother    Frank, David’s older brother    Nurse 

Setting: It is the end of the school year in 1974. David Pelzer has just been called down to the nurse’s office to discuss the bruises on his body.

Act IV. Scene 3 David (nervously): I’m not sure why I’m here today. Mrs. Bloom (calmly, taking David’s hand): Don’t worry David. We’re here to help you. Nurse: Is there anything else you want to tell us today David? Explanation of favorite part of book (minimum 10 sentences): This scene is my favorite part of the book because _____________ 

REMINDERS:  All summer Reading work is due on the first day of school: Wednesday, August 21st  Summer Reading Late Policy: Summer Reading worked may be turned in for 50% of the earned grade, up until Friday, August 23rd. No Summer Reading work will be accepted after that date.  All Summer Reading grades will be weighted at 15% of the student’s six week grade.

Name:_________________________________________________________Period:_______ ELL LEVEL II Summer Reading Project Grade I ___________________ read the book title below and all thought and work on the project are my own and not copied from another student or other source. Student Signature: X_________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Book Title: Sold by Patricia McCormick ELL Level II Summer Reading Grading Rubric: 5 25% or less of the requirements were met

6 50% of the requirements were met

8 75% of the requirements were met

Effort/Neatness X2

Project shows little neatness and little effort

Project is somewhat neat with some effort placed in the project

Project is mostly neat and there was mostly effort placed in the project


Project shows little creativity

Project is somewhat creative

Project is mostly creative


Project is mostly copied from other sources

Project displays somewhat original work

Project displays mostly original work

Content X2

10 100%-All of the requirements are met from the choices page Project is colorful, readable and one can tell great effort was placed in completing the project A lot of creativity was placed in the project All of the project is of the student’s thoughts and ideas are not copied from other sources.

Total Points: _________________/ 60 points Teacher Comments:

 All Summer Reading Grades will be weighted at 15% of the student’s six week grade! *Don’t forget to turn this page in with your projects!

Summer Reading Study Guide This study guide is optional and will not be collected. However, you will take a test on your assigned summer reading book during your first week of school. You can use this study guide to help remember important details for the test. Character’s Name:

Description/Role in Story:

Where and when does the story take place?

What problem does the main character(s) face in the story?

In the end, how is the problem solved?

What is a lesson that a reader might learn about life after reading this story?

How does the cover of the book relate to the story?

Describe 10 important events from the story. 1.










Explain why the event is important.