English Language Arts

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the supervisors' responses on the student teaching midterm evaluation form for teacher education students in the English/Language Arts program. The purpose ...
TEACHER EDUCATION MIDTERM EVALUATION RESULTS-THE ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS NOVEMBER 2013 During the fall semester of the 2013-2014 school year, teacher education students in the English/Language Arts program participated in their student teaching clinic experiences. This midterm evaluation was administered to the clinical supervisors of these students for the fall 2013 semester. An on-line online application system (i.e., Checkbox) was used to facilitate the administration of the midterm evaluation to provide feedback to supervisors, advisors, and students. Results aggregated across 20 individuals were obtained through analyzing the supervisors’ responses on the student teaching midterm evaluation form for teacher education students in the English/Language Arts program. The purpose of this report is to display the overall results. The quantitative results have been analyzed and the qualitative responses are reproduced verbatim (except for names and/or locations which are omitted). Detailed demographics on respondents can be found at the end of this form.  Almost all students were rated as making either “Outstanding” or “Satisfactory” progress regarding each NCATE standard.  For the following 5 “Planning Instructing, Assessing, and Adjusting” standards, at least 80% (n=16) of the students made “outstanding progress:” o Plans and implements instruction based on ELA national and state curriculum frameworks and classroom curricular goals. o Seeks out and uses resources from a variety of sources to create meaningful and challenging curriculum to support students’ learning in ELA. o Creates positive and supportive interactions with students by using respectful, appropriate, and effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. o Implements effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration among students and responses to varied forms of media, print, and nonprint text. o Articulates using acceptable and appropriate oral and written expressions.  For the following “Professional Responsibility through Professional and Ethical Practice, Reflection and Continuous Learning, Leadership, and Collaboration” standard, 85% (n=17) of the students made “outstanding progress:” o Reflects critically on his/her own practice and uses reflection to grow and change practice; is willing to ask probing questions and draw upon ELA research and theory in an effort to inform and shape practice.

Please indicate the program component in which the student is enrolled: Answer TCPCG Harford TCPCG Waterbury

Count 14 6

Percent 70.00% 30.00%

Please indicate your year of the student's entrance to the Teacher Education Program: Answer 2013-2014

Count 20

Percent 100.00%

Count 3 1 6 6 10 6 2

Percent 8.82% 2.94% 17.65% 17.65% 29.41% 17.65% 5.88%

Grade Level Placement (Check all that apply) Answer 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade unspecified Planning, Instructing, Assessing, and Adjusting

Plans and implements instruction based on knowledge of the academic principles, essential concepts, respect for language diversity and learning strategies appropriate to the discipline of English Language Arts (ELA). (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.4, 3.1.6) Responds to the group or individual student’s levels of ELA understanding while teaching. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.1) Plans and implements ELA instruction based on knowledge of the community context and of students as a group and as individuals. (NCTE/NCATE 2.5, 4.4) Constructs ELA lessons that are adapted to diverse student needs based on understanding of students’ different developmental levels and approaches to learning. (NCTE/NCATE 2.1) Connects interdisciplinary concepts, procedures, and applications to build understanding and to help students apply ELA knowledge and skills to real world problems. (NCTE/NCATE 2.5, 2.6, 4.3)

Outstanding Progress

Satisfactory Progress

Not Making Progress


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Plans and implements instruction based on ELA national and state curriculum frameworks and classroom curricular goals. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.2) Activates students’ prior ELA knowledge and experience. (NCTE/NCATE 3.3.2) Asks questions and implements methods that encourage students to think critically. (NCTE/NCATE 2.4) Provides opportunities for students to solve problems, explain their thinking, and evaluate their own performance. (NCTE/NCATE 2.4) Seeks out and uses resources from a variety of sources to create meaningful and challenging curriculum to support students’ learning in ELA. (NCTE/NCATE 3.3.3, 4.1) Creates a respectful, supportive, and challenging environment that supports individual student’s development, construction of ELA knowledge, and motivation to learn; in doing so, demonstrates considerable knowledge of child and/or adolescent development and understanding of the multiple interacting influences on ELA learning. (NCTE/NCATE 2.1) Uses informal and formal assessment data to modify ELA instruction and to plan appropriate lessons, including purposeful choices regarding group formations. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.2, 3.7.1 4.10) Sequences learning tasks into coherent units of instruction derived from the ELA curriculum in an effort to effectively scaffold student learning. (NCTE/NCATE 4.2) Creates positive and supportive interactions with students by using respectful, appropriate, and effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. (NCTE/NCATE 2.1, 4.2) Documents student ELA learning in both ongoing and summative ways and provides students with this feedback. (NCTE/NCATE 4.2, 4.10) Implements effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration among students and responses to varied forms of media, print and non-print text. (NCTE/NCATE 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3, 4.6)

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Uses literary works representing a broad spectrum of historical and contemporary US, British, World and young adult literature. (NCTE/NCATE 2.2, 3.1.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3) Draws upon a range of works of literary criticism to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of print and nonprint text, the relationship between symbols and meaning, and their effects on reading. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.3, 3.2.5, 3.3.1, 3.5.4) Articulates using acceptable and appropriate oral and written expressions. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.7) Draws on composing processes to enable students to create various forms of oral, visual and written literacy for a variety of audiences and purposes. (NCTE/NCATE 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2) Teaches students a variety of strategies to comprehend, interpret, appreciate and respond to written and visual texts, including personal response. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.2, 3.3.3, 4.9) Demonstrates the interrelation of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and thinking in learning ELA. (NCTE/NCATE 3.1.2, 3.2.2, 4.7) Exhibits an understanding of the influence of language and visual images on thinking and composing. (NCTE/NCATE 3.2.1, 4.8)

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Professional Responsibility through Professional and Ethical Practice, Reflection, and Continuous Learning, Leadership, and Collaboration 1=Not 3=Making 2=Making Making Outstanding Satisfactory Satisfactory Progress Progress Progress Creates opportunities to communicate with families in supportive and empowering ways, establishes respectful and collaborative relationships with families, and involves families in students’ ELA learning. (NCTE/NCATE 4.10) Collaborates with a variety of faculty members in the school community to support students’ ELA learning and well-being. (NCTE/NCATE 3.7.2, 4.5) Reflects critically on his/her own practice and uses reflection to grow and change practice; is willing to ask probing questions and draw upon ELA research


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and theory in an effort to inform and shape practice. (NCTE/NCATE 2.3, 3.7.1) Seeks out and participates in opportunities to grow professionally. (NCTE/NCATE 2.3, 3.7.2)

11 (55.00%)

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Teachers have Knowledge of Students, Content, and Pedagogy Regarding the Planning, Instructing, Assessing, and Adjusting What 2-4 strengths did the student teacher candidate possess? 1. exhibits flexibility within lessons based on student needs. 2. develops rapport with students creating a positive learning environment. 3. helps students make connections to their life experiences. 1. adapting and altering instruction based on time and student needs. 2. reflecting on his own progress and adjusting based on self evaluation. 3. careful, detailed lesson and unit planning. 1. effective classroom management. 2.detailed lesson development. 3. gives students positive and productive feedback 1. possesses a wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics to enhance instruction. 2. promotes critical thinking skills. 3. effectively conferences with students. 1. effective use of technology and other teaching tools. 2.strong desire to teach beyond the text and make real-world connections. 3. effective one-on-one communication with students. Cassie clearly demonstrates knowledge of students Planning and instruction are always appropriate Created many interesting and fun lessons. A willingness to learn, grow and change when lessons did not go as anticipated. ___works hard to take students' need into account. She is able to make connections to the curriculum. ___'s biggest strength in this area is reflecting on her teaching and adjusting to meet her students' needs. She is constantly evaluating the effectiveness of her lessons, seeking feedback from the students on which activities are most helpful and on what still has them confused, and tweaking lessons and adjusting when the students show they need it. Her other great strength is in planning creative, rigorous lessons that challenge the students, encourage cooperative learning, and meet a variety of learning needs. ___ also builds a positive rapport with students and excels at creating a learning environment that is mutually respectful and encourages engagement from every student. ___ is excellent with classroom management. He makes an effort to keep all students interested and engaged. ___ has a very good rapport with his students. He smiles and makes them feel comfortable. He spends a great deal of time assessing students' writing and giving feedback on what students have done well and how they can improve their writing. ___ researches a wide range of classroom materials and plans interesting, creative lessons. He provides multiple opportunities for students to learn and to show what they have learned. He is enthusiastic, warm and concerned which makes students react positively in the classroom. ___ knows the IEP as well as family situation that can impact student learning . Self-reflection and one to -one student conferencing are two strengths. - excellent lesson planning, execution and integration of technology; - rapport with students mutually respectful and caring - excellent lesson planning and execution; - directions clear and direct; safe, invitational classroom tone; - excellent work with multicultural students - excellent ability to draw upon many resources to create fine lessons and to hold students' attention; able to "think well on his feet" in order to monitor and adjust with ease and composure - outstanding creativity and authorship of lessons which are then shared with experienced faculty; use of a variety of resources to enhance instruction

- strong content knowledge; - well-constructed lesson plans; - reflection in action, monitoring and adjusting well - strong rapport with students; - very good lesson plan development - excellent lesson planning; - gift of creativity; -excellent knowledge of Common Core; - always wellprepared ___'s biggest strength in this area is reflecting on her teaching and adjusting to meet her students' needs. She is constantly evaluating the effectiveness of her lessons, seeking feedback from students on which activities are most helpful and what still has them confused, and tweaking lessons and adjusting when the students show they need it. Her other great strength is in planning creative, rigorous lessons that challenge the students, encourage cooperative learning, and meet a variety of learning needs. ___ also builds a positive rapport with students and excels at creating a learning environment that is mutually respectful and encourages engagement from every student. asking for help from teacher , not just cooperating teachers, reflects on daily lessons , strives daily to improce What are 2-4 areas for improvement for the student teacher candidate? 1. organizing efficiently within the lesson to juggle the many tasks of an English teacher. 2. proving multi modal experiences. 3. encouraging total engagement of students. 4. strengthening closure activities. 1. more focused and planned individual differentiation to particular students. 2. include more proactive implementation in planning to reduce wasted time in class. 3. more emphasis on explaining to students why activities are done and why they are important. 1. pacing and time management. 2.offering opportunities for all students to find their own answers. 3. providing explicit instruction - especially with directions. 1. improve organization through more detailed and structured planning to include big picture plan. 2. improve classroom management with more thought to follow through on student behaviors and structured planning to deal with wide range of student abilities. 1. exhibit active listening skills with large group instruction. 2. give more thought to purposeful lesson planning to make sure activities always have a purpose. ___ needs to use regular assessment data to drive future instruction More frequent formal assessments are needed ___ needs to be more consistent with classroom management. Needs to be more organized with warmup activities and with collection of students' work and materials. Needs to be more aware of time limits. Needs to visualize the class as a whole so as not to miss anyone who needs attention. Now that ___ has excelled at adjusting whole-class instruction, she should focus on providing more differentiation for individual students. Recognize which students require more assistance in organizing their writing, for example, and provide them with outlines or other support. ___ can also use the remainder of time to increase the student-driven portion of lessons, as this is a large focus in the district this year. ___will be working on developing a spiraling curriculum based around themes. He will continue to add more vocabulary development to lessons and plan more specific writing instruction which will include vocabulary. ___ will work more on creating assessments using a variety of assessment tools. He will continue to work on questioning skills, levels of questioning and wait times. ___ will improve on validating all student responses. Continue learning about scaffolding assignment and focusing instruction on narrow topis/skills - more explicit directions to students; - time management and pacing - continue to work to engage all students in the content and in class discussions / small group work

- further investigation of SPED and ELL best practices - attend PPT's; - continue to investigate parent communications - further investigation of ELL and SPED best practices, attend PPT's; - further growth in student selfassessment practices - further growth with ELL and SPED best practices, attend PPT's; - growth in classroom command - investigate and create new ways to share information with students; -growth in classroom management to address side conversations - growth in classroom management strategies; - differentiation of instruction Now that ___ has excelled at adjusting whole-class instruction, she should focus on providing more differentiation for individual students. Recognize which students require more assistance in organizing their writing, for example, and provide them with outlines or other support. ___can also use the remainder of time to increase the student-driven portion of lessons, as this is a large focus in the district this year. dealing with some minor behavioral issues, relating material to inner city students., alternate form of assessment Teachers have Knowledge of Students, Content, and Pedagogy Regarding the Professional and Ethical Practice, Reflection and Continuous Learning, Leadership and Collaboration What 2-4 strengths did the student teacher candidate possess? 1. dresses and acts professionally. 2. uses appropriate language with students and faculty. 3. helps with student activities after hours. 4. reflects seriously on his performance and adjusts accordingly. 1. providing additional support to students outside of class, including AP reading group. 2. ties content to relevant stories, tv, and other media to garner interest and show universal themes. 3.students consistently encouraged to reflect on content and to share their reflections. 1. observation and collaboration with cooperating teacher. 2. setting and maintaining ethical/professional boundaries. 3. focus on practices of equity. effective collaboration with cooperating teachers and other co-workers. 1. involved with extra curricular activity. 2. consistently reflects and adjusts lessons based on student needs. 3. took an active role in recent school professional development activity. ___ is a reflective practitioner who demonstrates an innate ability to monitor student progress and adjust her teaching accordingly. ___ is a consummate professional. ___demonstrates a strong understanding and knowledge of content ___ is professional and wants to do well. She works hard planning and implementing her lessons. She willingly listens to constructive criticism and acts on suggestions. She is self-reflective. ___'s strength is seeking feedback and collaboration with her cooperating teacher. She is constantly evaluating her lessons and progress as a teacher and asks questions and seeks help when she needs to in order to improve her teaching practice. ___ is also a professional; she always meets the professional requirements of a teacher, attending meetings, spending a lot of time after school with students who need her help, and working with fellow team members and members of her department. ___ is very professional in his classroom demeanor and his relationships with his cooperating teacher and students. ___ has attended all professional meetings and contributes to the school community by volunteering to coach basketball. He will begin around Thanksgiving. ___actively sought out other teachers to observe how they deal with classroom management. He is excellent at accepting constructive criticism and acting on it. ___ was tapped by the school community to help organize and advise a student intramural group of Ultimate Frisbee. - excellent knowledge of Common Core; - connection with current culture; - sense of humor - very professional in appearance and conduct; - collaborates well with other teachers; - superior content knowledge and rigor of teaching; - excellent assessment practices

- receives guidance very productively and extends his learning; - active role in team meetings and PD - safe, invitational classroom tone; - excellent rapport with students and other faculty - creates safe and invitational classroom tone; "thinks well on his feet", adjusting for individuals and groups - contacting parents for various reasons; - good collaboration with classroom teacher in development of long-term planning - professional behavior and appearance; - observing other classes to expand reflection on different teaching/learning styles; - respectful of students ___'s strength is seeking feedback and collaboration with her cooperating teacher. She is consistently evaluating her lessons and progress as a teacher and asks questions and seeks help when she needs to in order to improve her teaching practice. ___ is also a professional; she always meets the professional requirements of a teacher, attending meetings, spending a lot of time after school with students who need her help. and working with fellow team members and members of the department. knows content standards What are 2-4 areas for improvement for the student teacher candidate? 1. seek out collaborative opportunities with other teachers. 2. look for opportunities to work with students performing at other levels than those in his present classes. 1. needs more consistency with rule enforcement. 2. needs to provide more opportunity for students to affect the curriculum. 1. involvement in enrichment activities. 2. involvement in writing lab. follow up reflection with structured plans to improve student learning take initiative to make parent contact when necessary. ___ needs to utilize more frequent formal assessments. ___needs to work on her scaffolding for struggling students ___ needs to think about and adjust time limits for some lessons, including homework correction. Julie should become more involved in the school community, attending sports activities or volunteering to assist with an after school activity. For the last weeks of her student teaching, ___ should spend time contacting parents and building a relationship with them. Parent conferences on October 17 will be an important part of this; calling home for both concerns about students and positive feedback is also important. I would also like to see ___ take a more participatory role in the team and department meetings during the rest of her experience. ___will make more of an effort to understand students' family backgrounds and effectively communicate with families. ___ will improve communication with students' families. He will, also, begin attending weekly Data Team meetings. - overall supervision before and after class; - communication with parents and attendance at PPT's to advance familiarity with SPED - continue to pursue opportunities for professional development; - continue to seek communications with parents; - continue to become familiar with ELL and SPED practices and procedures - attend PPT's - learn about the complexity of urban students and the complexity of an urban district - growth in interactions with parents/families; - investigate further opportunities for PD - further opportunities for PD and growth beyond instructional duties; - further growth in long-term planning -growth in collaboration with teachers beyond cooperating teachers; - growth in collecting data on student progress and adjusting instruction based on individual needs - growth in consistency of approach among classes; - growth in communication and collaboration with

other teachers in department For the last weeks of her student teaching,___ should spend time contacting parents and building a relationship with them. Parent conferences on October 17 will be an important part of this; calling home for both concerns about students and positive feedback is also important. I would also like to see ___ take a more participatory role in the team and department meetings during the rest of her experience. working on managing difficult or new issues Demographic Information University Supervisor Gender Answer Female Male

Count 15 5

Percent 75.00% 25.00%

Count 20

Percent 100.00%

Count 5 15

Percent 25.00% 75.00%

Count 10 15 10 15

Percent 20.00% 30.00% 20.00% 30.00%

Count 10 5

Percent 66.67% 33.33%

Count 15

Percent 100.00%

Race/Ethnicity Answer Caucasian/White Years K-12 Teaching Experience Answer 26-30 More than 30 Setting(s) of Teaching Experience (Check all that apply) Answer Urban Suburban Rural Mixed

Cooperating Teacher Gender Answer Female Male Race/Ethnicity Answer Caucasian/White

Years K-12 Teaching Experience Answer 6-10 11-15 21-25 More than 30

Count 7 3 3 2

Percent 46.67% 20.00% 20.00% 13.33%

Count 9 8 3 5

Percent 36.00% 32.00% 12.00% 20.00%

Setting(s) of Teaching Experience (Check all that apply) Answer Urban Suburban Rural Mixed

If there is something else that you would like to share, please do so.