English session Mandarin session

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If possible, please turn off phones and laptops. Toastmaster. Runs the meeting. Responsible for the agenda and confirmin
http://sf-met.wikispaces.com/ San Francisco Mandarin English Toastmasters


Agenda for Wednesday, January 4, 2012

English session

Mandarin session

Open the meeting

Tiffany Fung


Rita Barber


Byung Sa Speech title: What drives me forward? 演讲员 Manual: competent communicator time: 4 to 6 minutes


Jeremy Barber

即兴演讲 Dawei Dai 主持人


Ken Boyer


Huiling Song


Tiffany Fung


Tiffany Fung


Marshika Szabo


Brian Xie

QA session

Rita Barber

会议主持 Jenny Cai 人 Elliotte Mao, Humorous Speech Champion of Division H Speech title: 培养小孩的双语能力 (Raising Children Bilingually) Manual: competent communicator time: 5 to 7 minutes

All members and guests Participate! Learn by doing! Volunteer to speak during the Table Topics section. Develop evaluation skills by completing mini-evaluation form. Guests will be asked to introduce themselves at the end of the meeting. If possible, please turn off phones and laptops. Toastmaster Runs the meeting. Responsible for the agenda and confirming all meeting roles in advance. Speaker(s) Prepares a speech using guidelines in one of the exercises in the Basic/Advanced manuals, and delivers the speech to meet the speech objectives. Confirms speech delivery with the Toastmaster by e-mail. Table Topics Master Responsible for Table Topics segment of the meeting: prepares 3-10 topics for attendees to address in an exercise of impromptu speaking. Encourages those who don’t have speaking roles to speak up. General Evaluator Responsible for evaluators, grammarian, ah counter, and timer. Gives overall evaluation of the meeting. Evaluator Evaluate one of the prepared speeches according to the criteria for that speech. Looks for: did the speech meet its objectives? Was the delivery effective? Any suggestions for improving the speech/delivery? Grammarian Listens to all speeches and roles, and makes note of exemplary use of grammar, or areas where usage can be improved. Reports on the ‘word of the day’ usage. Timer Gives Timing signal to Speakers and Evaluators: Green=met minimum required time, Yellow=time to start wrapping up, Red=met maximum required time. Ah Counter Listens to all speeches and roles, and makes note of the use of filler words that detract from the message content, e.g. Ah, Umm, you know, like, so etc.

所有会员和嘉宾们:参与!通过参与来学习!志愿做一到两分钟的即兴演讲。填写简短的评估表 格来提高自己的评估技巧。 会议主持人:主持会议。会议前将所有角色安排好。 演讲员:跟据演讲手册准备演讲。 即兴演讲主持人:准备三个话题。 即兴演讲员:讲一到两分钟。 总评估员:邀请评估员,时间官,哼哈官,文法官发言。对整个会议做评论。 评估员:评论演讲员的演讲,有哪些优点,有哪些地方可以提高。 时间官:记录所有发言人用的时间并用绿牌,黄牌,红牌提示发言人。 哼哈官:记录所有发言人用的不必要的词, 比如说,嗯,这个,你知道。。。 文法官:记录不准确的说法和非常好的用法。