Enhanced light emission in blue light-emitting ... - OSA Publishing

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Young Jae Park,1 Ji Hye Kang,1 Hee Yun Kim,1 Volodymyr V. Lysak,1. S. Chandramohan,1 Jae Hyoung Ryu,1 Hyun Kyu Kim,1 Nam Han,1 Hyun Jeong,1.
Enhanced light emission in blue light-emitting diodes by multiple Mie scattering from embedded silica nanosphere stacking layers Young Jae Park,1 Ji Hye Kang,1 Hee Yun Kim,1 Volodymyr V. Lysak,1 S. Chandramohan,1 Jae Hyoung Ryu,1 Hyun Kyu Kim,1 Nam Han,1 Hyun Jeong,1 Mun Seok Jeong,2 and Chang-Hee Hong1,* 1

School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, South Korea 2 Advanced Photonics Research Institute, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju 500-712, South Korea *[email protected]

Abstract: We demonstrate enhanced light emission in blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) by multiple Mie scattering from embedded silica nanosphere stacking layers (SNSL). A honeycomb cone structure is introduced in the GaN epilayer to confine a maximum number of silica nanospheres (SNs). We found that the light is predominantly directed vertically by scattering and geometrical effect in SNSL embedded LEDs. Consequently, the light output power is enhanced by 2.7 times, which we attribute to the improvement in light extraction efficiency due to the multiple Mie scattering of light from the embedded SNSL. The experimental results are verified by simulation using finite difference time domain method (FDTD). ©2011 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (250.0250) Optoelectronics; (290.0290) Scattering.

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#153998 - $15.00 USD (C) 2011 OSA

Received 2 Sep 2011; revised 20 Oct 2011; accepted 20 Oct 2011; published 2 Nov 2011 7 November 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 23 / OPTICS EXPRESS 23429

1. Introduction The high output power GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have attracted astonishing attention for various illumination applications such as back light units for liquid crystal displays and solid state lightings [1]. However, the commercial LEDs require further improvements in optical output power. In this context, many techniques have been developed for improving the light output power, such as surface texturing [2,3], use of patterned sapphire substrate [4], photonic crystal structure [5], embedded SiO2 pattern [6], and insertion of distributed Bragg reflector [7], etc. Recently, our group has reported the use of embedded silica nanospheres (SNs) to enhance the performance of GaN-based blue LEDs [8]. The embedded SNs were found to boost the optical output power as a result of light scattering. In addition, the light emission was observed to increase with increasing amount of SNs embedded in the LED. However, the amount of SNs that can be embedded in a device is limited due to the availability of small space offered by the hexagonal etch pits. In this letter, we demonstrate the advantages of inverted hexagonal pyramid structure (hereafter referred to as honeycomb cone) in which a large amount of SNs can be stacked as multiple layers to enhance the light output power. The improvement of light output power is discussed on the basis of Mie scattering theory [9,10] and light refraction at the interface between GaN and embedded honeycomb cone. The multiple scattering invoked at the silica nanosphere stacking layers (SNSL) promised a significant enhancement in the optical performance of LEDs. 2. Experiments Figure 1 shows the schematic illustration of key steps for fabricating SNSL embedded LED. Firstly, a SiO2 layer of 100 nm thickness was deposited onto sapphire substrate by plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition. The SiO2 film was then patterned for hexagonal dot patterns of 4 μm in diameter with a periodicity of 2 μm along the sapphire direction by using photolithography and wet etching by buffer oxide etch solution, as shown in Fig. 1(a).

Fig. 1. (Color online) Schematic illustration of key steps for fabricating SNSL embedded LED: (a) SiO2 dot patterns on sapphire substrate. (b) formation of honeycomb-cone-shaped GaN by selective area growth. (c) self-assembled silica nanospheres on honeycomb cones. (d) the epilayer structure after the re-growth step.

The SiO2 mask-patterned sapphire substrate (SMPSS) was set into the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) chamber for the growth of GaN honeycomb cone structures. GaN nucleation layer was first deposited at 560°C, followed by un-doped GaN layer at 1020°C for 90 min. During this growth stage, well-aligned honeycomb cones with {10-1-1} facets were formed on the SMPSS, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Then, SNs of 500 nm in diameter were spin coated onto the honeycomb cones under optimized conditions [Fig. 1(c)]. A re-growth of un-doped GaN layer was conducted at 1120°C for 120 min, which results in the formation of embedded structures, as shown in Fig. 1(d). Subsequently, a Si-doped n-type GaN was grown at 1120°C for 60 min. After completing the growth of n-type GaN, five

#153998 - $15.00 USD (C) 2011 OSA

Received 2 Sep 2011; revised 20 Oct 2011; accepted 20 Oct 2011; published 2 Nov 2011 7 November 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 23 / OPTICS EXPRESS 23430

period multi-quantum wells (MQWs) of InGaN/GaN pairs for a 460 nm emission were grown at 780°C, and finally a 110 nm thick Mg-doped p-type GaN was grown at 1000°C. After the growth of the LED epitaxial layers, general fabrication and package processes were performed. For comparison, similar device structures without SNSL were also fabricated on planar and SiO2 mask-patterned sapphire substrates (referred to as conventional flat and SMPSS LEDs, respectively). 3. Results and discussion Figure 2(a) shows top view scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of well-aligned periodic honeycomb cones. The honeycomb cones have an opening of about 6 μm in diameter and a depth of 5.5 μm. In addition, the honeycomb cone contains six {10-1-1} facets. We were able to control the size and depth of the honeycomb cones by varying the growth conditions or the size and distribution of SiO2 dot patterns. These honeycomb cones acted as a basket to confine the SNs. Figure 2(b) shows the cross-section of honeycomb cones that are filled with SNs. It is worth to note that the SNs are stacked as multiple layers in honeycomb cones by employing a simple spin coating method. Figure 2(c) shows top-view SEM image of the re-grown GaN. The re-growth is originated from the top regions of {10-1-1} facets that do not contain any SNs. Moreover, the growth is restricted at the inclined facets of {10-1-1} that are shrouded by the SNs, resulting in the embedded SNSL in honeycomb cones. It can be understood from the inset of Fig. 2(c) that SNs are filled only in the honeycomb cones and the surface of the re-grown GaN layer is highly smooth, signifying the complete coalescence of the layers.

Fig. 2. (Color online) SEM images at different stages of SNSL embedded LED growth (a-c): (a) Top view image of the honeycomb cones. (b) cross-sectional view image of SNs stacked in honeycomb cone. (c) top view image of the surface of re-grown GaN. Inset is the crosssectional view image. (d) I-V characteristics of three different LEDs studied.

The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the LEDs were measured in order to understand the effect of embedded SNs on the device electrical properties. Figure 2(d) shows the typical I-V curves obtained from three different LEDs studied. All the devices had a similar forward voltage (defined at an injection current of 20 mA) of ~3.4 V. This indicates that the introduction of honeycomb cones with SNSL did not adversely affect the electrical performance of the device. It has been reported that the leakage current in the reverse voltage region could increase due to introduction of threading dislocations (TDs) during the epilayer growth [11]. The leakage currents measured at −10 V for conventional, SMPSS, and SNSL

#153998 - $15.00 USD (C) 2011 OSA

Received 2 Sep 2011; revised 20 Oct 2011; accepted 20 Oct 2011; published 2 Nov 2011 7 November 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 23 / OPTICS EXPRESS 23431

embedded LEDs are 5200, 390, and 42 nA, respectively. The low leakage current of SMPSS LED compared with the conventional one could be attributed to the bending of TDs by lateral growth during re-growth stage. However, some TDs can still propagate to the top surface. On the other hand, the leakage current of SNSL embedded LED is nearly 10 times and two orders smaller than the values observed for SMPSS and conventional LEDs, respectively. This result signifies substantial blocking of TDs by the SNSL. Using a confocal scanning electroluminescence microscopy (CSEM) the microscopic electroluminescence characteristics and the light propagation at SNSL have been investigated. CSEM is an effective experimental tool for analyzing the optical characteristics such as light propagation and local light output. We employed CSEM with a spatial resolution of 200 nm at an injection current of 1 mA to obtain the images. One of the most significant findings of our study is the distribution of light emission from the SNSL. Figure 3(a) shows the threedimensional CSEM image obtained from the SNSL embedded LED. The spatial distribution of the light emission can be clearly visualized from the variations in color contrast. The image also signifies strong light emission at regions where the SNSL is embedded. A cross-sectional view (x-z axis) of the CSEM image in Fig. 3(b) demonstrates the effect of light scattering and refraction from the SNSL. We observe intense light emission towards the upward direction and a relatively weak light emission in the regions between adjacent honeycomb cones along the x-direction. To verify measurement data, simulation model using Opti-finite difference time domain method (FDTD) software package is provided. Three structures with period of 5.52 μm are simulated. The first structure is the conventional flat LED, the second one is formed by uniform SiO2 dot pattern on sapphire substrate and in the third one, SNSL is embedded in LED structure. The inset of Fig. 3(c) shows the simulation structure of SNSL embedded LED. To deal with finite-size effect and the reduced size of our simulation, we considered two different types of boundary conditions for the simulations. The top and bottom sides of the LEDs are directly attached to a numerically absorbing boundary known as the perfect matched layer. This absorbing boundary is not physical and is introduced only for suppressing the reflection at the unphysical boundary of a computational space. Physically, this corresponds more or less to the case of a LED with a light source confined in this region. Outside of this LED, once again, we introduce a perfect matched layer to block numerical reflections. We can also apply a periodic boundary condition to the left and right sides of LED. This corresponds to an infinite size LED, but with the light sources also periodically identified. This periodic case, however, neglects completely the finite-size effect. Thus, our simulations with two different boundary conditions should reveal complementary features in the study of LED. The calculation of the extracted light is done by computing the normal component of the Poynting vector at the half-wavelength surface away from the GaN/air surface and presented in Fig. 3(c). The Poynting vector of the SMPSS LED is slightly higher than that of the conventional LED due to the embedded SiO2. On the other hand, the Poynting vector of the SNSL embedded LED is much higher than those of the other LEDs. The relaxation of SNSL also creates relatively lower peaks closer to center and higher at the edge of honeycomb cone as a result of relaxation from neighboring honeycomb cones. As a result, the optical power calculation on the output shows 24% enhancement for the embedded SNSL LED. Diffuse reflectance spectra were recorded using a UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer (JASCO V-570), where the samples were illuminated from the front side and the reflected light was detected under diffuse reflection geometry in order to understand the light scattering effect of embedded SNs. Figure 3(d) shows the reflectance spectra of all the three samples. The spectra reveal an abrupt cutoff at the wavelength of 460 nm, i.e. around the absorption edge of the MQWs in the GaN. In case of SMPSS LED, the reflectance is slightly improved compared with that of conventional LED, whereas for the SNSL embedded LED, a 14% higher reflectance is observed at 460 nm. Also, the reflectance spectra and the simulation

#153998 - $15.00 USD (C) 2011 OSA

Received 2 Sep 2011; revised 20 Oct 2011; accepted 20 Oct 2011; published 2 Nov 2011 7 November 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 23 / OPTICS EXPRESS 23432

results both showed a similar tendency, demonstrating that the embedded SNSL resulted in the enhancement of reflection by changing the direction of the light path. These results envisage that the embedded SNSL might improve the light output power by scattering the emitted photons at SNs.

Fig. 3. (Color online) (a) CSEM image showing spatial three-dimensional EL light emission from embedded SNSL. (b) cross-sectional view (x-z axis scan) of the CSEM image. (c) Poynting vector distribution at the half-wavelength surface away from the GaN/air interface. (d) diffuse reflectance spectra of the LEDs.

From the microscopic point of view, Mie scattering theory was applied to explain the scattering mechanism at SNs, because the average size of SNs employed in this study was ~500 nm, which is close to the emission wavelength of the LED. The emitted light can be efficiently scattered from 500 nm silica particles embedded in GaN. The Rayleigh regime is applied at a size parameter of x = 2πrpn1/λ