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Corrigendum: Enhanced photocurrent in thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells via shape controlled three-dimensional nanostructures
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Nanotechnology 24 (2013) 379502 (1pp)
Corrigendum: Enhanced photocurrent in thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells via shape controlled three-dimensional nanostructures 2012 Nanotechnology 23 405203 Mohamed M Hilali1 , Shuqiang Yang2 , Mike Miller2 , Frank Xu2 , Sanjay Banerjee1 and S V Sreenivasan1,2 1
Microelectronics Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin, J J Pickle Research Campus, 10100 Burnet Road, Building #160, Austin, TX 78758, USA 2 Molecular Imprints Incorporated, 1807 West Braker Lane, Building C-100 Austin, TX 78708, USA E-mail:
[email protected]
Received 16 July 2013 Published 21 August 2013 Online at stacks.iop.org/Nano/24/379502 only have a feature height of about 380 nm compared with 1–2 µm for the nano-pillars/nano-coax solar cells reported in [29, 30]. The very thin a-Si of ∼140 nm deposited on the nano-pyramids is much thinner than the typical 500 nm thickness used for planar a-Si solar cells, which should mitigate the SWE that degrades the a-Si TFSC performance. We have also achieved conversion efficiencies approaching 6% for these nanopyramid wrapped a-Si solar cells, which is also comparable to the result reported in [36], and which also shows a ∼50% enhancement in relative conversion efficiency compared with their planar a-Si solar cell counterparts. Further process improvements are needed, particularly for the a-Si and TCO deposition parameters and conditions to improve solar cell performance.’ The author wishes to apologize for this error.
The following correction should be made. On page 8, in the first paragraph of the left column below figure 9 references [35, 36] should be changed to [29, 30] in both sentences of the paragraph where they are both mentioned referring to journal publications by Naughton et al and Paudel et al, respectively. The text below shows the correct referencing. ‘The highest measured Jsc was 13:8 mA cm−2 for these nano-pyramid thin-film a-Si solar cells. We have repeated this experiment several times and this photocurrent enhancement is consistently achieved. This photocurrent enhancement is similar to that recently obtained in the literature [29, 30] for nano-coax-based solar cells for a similar a-Si thickness deposited on the sides of the nano-pyramids. However, in addition to the scalable manufacturability of the fabrication process used in this study our nano-pyramids
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